media evaulation for a2

Post on 24-May-2015






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Conventions – Use I feel my media product uses many typical conventions of a

Channel 4 documentary. For example I have used simple but relating cutaways that are used when either the main character or another character is speaking to the camera. This evidently links real life with what the characters are saying in their interviews. It keeps my target audience interested and supports with evidence what is being said. This is something that is repeatedly done by Channel 4 and therefore I decided to use that convention in making sure my documentary is realistic and authentic to my target audience and institution. One more convention in which I have

chosen to use is the idea that channel 4 have in expanding there footage and showing related footage to the major subject of the documentary in order to show for example another part of the main characters life. So for example in my documentary towards the end of the 5 minutes I show a different side to the characters life and her other interests away from horses. Linking with the reception theory I want my audience over time to build a positive opinion on the main character and feel inspired in attempting to be successful.

Another convention that is typically used throughout Channel 4 documentaries is moments of silence throughout the duration of the documentary. These moments are for the audience in particular to reflect on what has previously happened so therefore understand the preferred reading. In terms of mode of address, this refers to the way that a text speaks to us in a style that encourages us to identify with the text because it is 'our' kind of text. My text appeals to an audience such as 16-25 as a result of the main character and theme of a combination of young people and showjumping. An example of this is at 40 seconds into the five minutes there is a period of 5 seconds of silence of the main character going over a practice fence in the warm up.

Conventions – challenge Throughout the 5 minutes I have heavily relied on the main character,

her relatives and friends to tell the story and create the narrative in order for my audience to follow and understand the relevance of the documentary. This is not a normality of a Channel 4 documentary, although I feel it works well and in a way creates more of a sense of reality. It immediately allows the audience to secure identity for each character and there role. I followed a quote said by Buckingham in 2008 which said “A focus on identity requires us to pay close attention to the diverse ways in which media and technologies are used in everyday life”. This quote helped me to use the characters and the positive way in which they come across as the overall theme of he documentary is ‘Success’.

I also think this way of promoting young people will help and head towards more of a positive view on young people due to the documentary supporting talented individuals to do well and become triumphant within their livelihood. The documentary shows that the media piece I have created proves that the media shows the collective group of young people in a positive light that will add to the idea that a balance is being formed. One way to describe this would be ‘Burden of representation’, and how I have tried to relate British TV with collective identity on young females. This also links with micropolitics and how small significant decisions can have an impact on peoples lives and this is directly what I was aiming to achieve, making the correct decisions can lead to success and happiness.

Combination Looking back at my ancillary tasks, I have done exactly what I

advertised. My overall plan was to show Channel 4 watchers the life of somebody who has worked hard for success and her busy lifestyle she follows in order to intrigue and inspire other young people into following there dreams and not giving up. As I feel strongly that the younger generation is next in line to lead the country.

Most definitely both ancillary tasks and the main production relate to one another hugely with direct similarity that is easily noticeable. Both ancillary tasks reference clearly the documentary showing the relationship between them. I feel in terms of mode of address all pieces are clear and direct in what they are saying and wanting to achieve.

Feminism is a huge philosophy in today’s society and the view that women and men have are unequal through different media texts. Through these media texts I feel a sense that women are not respected through the way they are represented. I feel that the combination of all three pieces including my production objects this idea and proves how women should be represented equally as men throughout all media platforms. I feel that my documentary challenges the idea that men are the main focal point and seen as the gender to be the most successful as the main character is a female and the documentary tells us how she has become extremely successful in the showjumping industry. I feel my documentary shows the competitive side of a female and how a female can become eager to get to the top.

Combination I feel that on the whole the three pieces together link with purpose

and show there relevance with one another, the form of each one is clear and easy to understand, all three pieces have deconstructed and challenged ‘Laura Mulveys’ male gaze theory and proved women are not objects used by men but worthy human beings with talent that emphasises Britain as a country. I think that my documentary challenges this theory due to the main focal theme is directed upon a female and you do not see this everyday as normality would focus and choose to represent a male. I wanted to get the message across to Channel 4 viewers that females are as important as males and that they have many qualities that make them unique and worthy to society.

I also feel that all three pieces I have produced challenge the Classic Marxist theory which states that the capitalist class dominates and exploits the working class, whilst the mass media, being owned by the capitalists, circulate ideas that will keep them in power. I believe that my documentary tests this theory as the main character in the documentary is from a working class background that has made herself well known through hard work and determination. As she proves to be Britain's number one it shows the upper class has not dominated the showjumping world but somebody from a lower background has proven to be the best.

I would like to hope that my documentary would cause behavioural change to some people, as it will make my audience change there existing perception (if negative) as they may feel a sense of excitement which will therefore cause enthusiasm.

Technologies I used mainly the internet so therefore a virtual way when

researching for my production. I predominantly used YouTube and

‘4on Demand’. This meant I was able to watch real life documentaries in order to make mine as realistic as possible.

YouTube has dominated the world with a global interest. YouTube allows individuals to upload footage onto the internet for free for others to be entertained. Therefore using YouTube was an easy and free way to research for my documentary. YouTube gives people the opportunity to explore with technology and get instant feedback on their work.

Technologies I also used print based media in order to plan for my

ancillary tasks due to both the tasks being print based from the possibilities I had a choice of. When constructing the ancillary tasks I used Photoshop as it was easy accessible and moderately ok to understand and use.

During the construction of the production I used a handheld video recorder made by Panasonic which I bought especially for the making of the production. In order to make my shots are still and accurate as possible sometimes I used a tri-pod, this gave me the opportunity to get quality shots.

Lastly when constructing this evaluation I have used my laptop using powerpoint in order to produce this evaluation.

Throughout the whole production I used editing suite to upload and edit the footage I took on the camera a real mix of forms of technology, and it shows just how on the course we have relied on technology in order for us to complete the task we got set to do, it shows over time the skills I have developed and are able to take these skills into using in the future.

Stills from Final Production

As you can see some shots are better than others in terms of quality, due mainly to lighting and the position I was in when I took the footage. Therefore these still shots of the documentary show some of the aspects of the 5 minutes of the footage and the standard of which it is at.

Audience Feedback Audience feedback is the key to improvement, it allows for small or large changes to occur in order to produce generally a higher quality piece of work. As the audience has been one of my main focal points throughout my time I have spent producing the 5 minutes of documentary, it is hugely important that I took on board advice from others due to the audience being the people who will watch my documentary. I especially wanted to know from my audience if they felt it fitted in with uses and gratifications as this is one major theory I used as part of Channel 4’s values was to inform and educate their audiences. Due to my documentary being contemporary, it therefore has to demonstrate accurate, up to date footage and information and as a result from audience feedback I able to make sure this happened as they emphasised the importance of it. “I feel I have learnt alot

about your life”

“On screen titles need to be longer”


“Some shots areBetter quality than


Audience Feedback Looking at my work objectively I feel there are still

improvements that need to be made, or should have been made and that is honestly why choosing the theme I have of ‘Showjumping’ has been particularly difficult at times in terms of re-filming essential shots and therefore I feel some of the shots are not up to some other shots quality. This is something that was also picked up by others.

I also think from hearing from others choosing a linear narrative could have been a wrong decision as I likely should of used flashbacks and old sources to show a younger side to the character to add to again making it look as real and close to a Channel 4 production as possible.

“Transitions need to

be simple to be conventional”

“music is needed to

again be conventional”

Audience Feedback I feel I did not take on board every minor detail that

could have been improved as sometimes I did not agree with what was being suggested. I should have considered and trialled the suggestions before dismissing them.

Feedback from others included- Shots need re shooting as some of them are shaky. One interview needs to be re- shot due to the

background doesn’t reflect where they conventionally should be taken.

The on screen tittles need to last for longer so the audience have time to read and process the information.

There is on shot of the main character and her mother in the kitchen the position of the shot is not clear and shows poor quality that will lower marks.

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