media coverage-annual report 09-10

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Television coverageKate Webster presented an excellent feature for 2.5min at prime time 6pm and repeated at 10pm-covering the bus posters and leaflet distribution and interview Dr Mohammed Iqbal (President Bradford North)-15th March 2010

Radio CoverageDr Mohammed Iqbal gave a LIVE interview on BBC Radio Leeds, Andrew Edwards and Georgey Spanswick programme at 7.10am-which was repeated throughout the day

Radio Pulse ran an interview with Dr Mohammed Iqbal-throught the news sections. BCB radio ran a detailed interview with Dr Iqbal on the campaign for 10min

Sunrise Radio ran a detailed interview with Dr Mohammed Iqbal on the campaign for 10min

Newspaper Coverage

Readers comments:

Dave_Smithwell, says... 1:39pm Mon 22 Mar 10

Axees wrote:The Ahmadiyya Muslims association are not muslim, They are known as Qadiyanis Google them and see their deviated beliefs. They believe there was a prophet after Mohammed which is totally against Islamic BeliefWhy is the T&A giving this group so much coverage truely baffles me.

Even though they're not regarded as Muslims, the message they're sending out must be supported and applauded..Everyone can agree on that.

bredandbuttered, Heaton says... 12:54pm Mon 22 Mar 10

dan155 wrote:I feel sorry for Ahmadiyya's because they are a minority who are persecuted by mainstream Muslims as heretics. They seem to be persecuted in whatever majority Muslim country they find themselves in, and that's reason enough for me to like them.

Well said Dan, lets give out some love at least.The moderates are always persecuted by the fanatics, because you can't control someone who carries a message of peace, because you cannot sow the seeds of mistrust and hatred in their hearts.

Muslimvoice, Bradford says... 10:59pm Mon 22 Mar 10

Aren't some comments missing the point? Does it matter if some Muslims consider Ahmadiyyas Muslim or not? Let's appreciate the message being promoted - with which hardly any Muslim can disagree. ‘Muslims for loyalty, freedom & peace’ sends assurance to the wider community that we are serious about tackling extremism in our midst. It's also a message for any of us thinking otherwise, we are Muslims AND British. Let’s try to be a good Muslims ourselves, rather than declaring decent Muslims as non-Muslims

Comments from prominent peopleBelow are the messages that we have received from prominent citizens of Bradford District including Tony Reeves, Chief Executive of Bradford Council, Philip Davies MP for Shipley and Terry Rooney MP for Bradford North.

‘Thank you for your letter regarding the Ahmadiyya Peace Campaign. A key strength of Bradford District lies within our diverse communities. The vibrancy of our District is seen in all forms of race, culture, religion, faiths, economic background and geography. We strive progressively towards building strong links with all communities, promoting understanding and respect between communities and supporting good community relations. I welcome your campaign and see it as a positive contribution towards promoting peace and harmony within the District. I wish you and the campaign every success’ (Tony Reeves-CE Bradford MDC).

“The initiative will bring communities closer together”. He also said that “by condemning Islamic extremism in a peaceful way the campaign will promote a better understanding of Islam and help with community cohesion” (Philip Davies MP-Shipley).

‘I am delighted to lend my support to this valuable initiative. It is vital for all communities that these types of misconceptions are challenged and rebutted. It comes as no surprise to me that the Ahmadiyya community is at the forefront of this campaign as I know from personal experience over many years of their absolute commitment to peace, social justice and harmonious relationships. My heartiest congratulations to yourselves for once again being in the vanguard of positive action and positive thoughts’ (Terry Rooney MP-Bradford North).

Comments from readers to Telegraph & Argus Feature on Peace Campaign

Comments from readers (to above feature in Telegraph & Argus:

bredandbuttered, Heaton says... 8:56am Mon 22 Mar 10

Ahmadiyya (Urdu: احمِدیہ) is a religious movement founded towards the end of the 19th century and originating with the life and teachings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835–1908). Ghulam Ahmad was an important religious figure who claimed to have fulfilled the prophecies about the world reformer of the end times, who was to herald the Eschaton as predicted in the traditions of various world religions and bring about the final triumph of Islam as per Islamic prophecy. He claimed that he was the Mujaddid (divine reformer) of the 14th Islamic century, the promised Messiah (“Second Coming of Christ”) and Mahdi awaited by Muslims. Ahmadi emphasis lay in the belief that Islam is the final law for humanity as revealed to Muhammad and the necessity of restoring to it its true essence and pristine form, which had been lost through the centuries. Thus, Ahmadis view themselves as leading the revival and peaceful propagation of Islam. The Ahmadis were among the earliest Muslim communities to arrive in Britain and other Western countries.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad founded the movement on 23 March 1889 and termed it the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at (community), envisioning it to be a revitalisation of Islam. Ahmadis consider themselves Muslims and claim to practice Islam in its pristine form; however, Ahmadiyya views on certain beliefs in Islam have been controversial to mainstream Muslims since the movement’s birth. Many mainstream Muslims do not consider Ahmadis to be Muslims, citing in particular the Ahmadiyya viewpoint on the death and return of Jesus (see Jesus in Islam), the Ahmadiyya concept of Jihad and the community’s view of the finality of prophethood with particular reference to the interpretation of Qur'an 33:40. In many Islamic countries today Ahmadis have been marginalised by the majority religious community; severe persecution and often systematic oppression have led many Ahmadis to emigrate and settle elsewhere.

Pakistan has 4 million Ahmadis and is the only state to have officially declared the Ahmadis to be non-Muslims;

That from Wikipedia.

We should welcome any message of peace, but will it be effective, coming from this tiny marginalised Muslim sect, that others consider non-believers?They sound like considerate people to me, but I also believe in tolerance, peace and respect, and don't need convertingFingers crossed.

Dave_Smithwell, says... 1:39pm Mon 22 Mar 10

Axees wrote:The Ahmadiyya Muslims association are not muslim, They are known as Qadiyanis Google them and see their deviated beliefs. They believe there was a prophet after Mohammed which is totally against Islamic BeliefWhy is the T&A giving this group so much coverage truely baffles me.

Even though they're not regarded as Muslims, the message they're sending out must be supported and applauded..Everyone can agree on that.

bredandbuttered, Heaton says... 12:54pm Mon 22 Mar 10

dan155 wrote:I feel sorry for Ahmadiyya's because they are a minority who are persecuted by mainstream Muslims as heretics. They seem to be persecuted in whatever majority Muslim country they find themselves in, and that's reason enough for me to like them.

Well said Dan, lets give out some love at least.The moderates are always persecuted by the fanatics, because you can't control someone who carries a message of peace, because you cannot sow the seeds of mistrust and hatred in their hearts.

Muslimvoice, Bradford says... 10:59pm Mon 22 Mar 10

Aren't some comments missing the point? Does it matter if some Muslims consider Ahmadiyyas Muslim or not?

Let's appreciate the message being promoted - with which hardly any Muslim can disagree. ‘Muslims for loyalty, freedom & peace’ sends assurance to the wider community that we are serious about tackling extremism in our midst. It's also a message for any of us thinking otherwise, we are Muslims AND British. Let’s try to be a good Muslims ourselves, rather than declaring decent Muslims as non-Muslims.

Lee, Bradford says... 3:18pm Thu 25 Mar 10

denounce the unbelievers rather than support the message of peace, it seems many of Bradfords "supposed" Muslims posting here need a quick lesson in irony, a protected minority persecuting a minority... same old same old, hypocrites the lot of you and shame on all your families.

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