media and the_brain

Post on 12-May-2015



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Media and the BrainIvy Renschler

Media defined… People all over the

world use the media everyday. Whether it's using a computer, watching TV or movies, reading a newspaper, talking on the phone, listening to the radio or keeping in touch via social networking, media is a way to communicate with those around us and across the world.

Is it all good?

Like anything else, there can be consequences to too much media stimuli on the brain, especially the brains of the developing child and adolescent.

Our brains need a socially interactive environment that stimulates curiosity and exploration. Media limits this by inhibiting the development of social interactions in a young child.

Children’s minds need close interaction with loving caregivers, an enriched, interactive, human language environment, hands-on play opportunities and age-appropriate academic stimulation in order to enhance brain development.

Too much media stimulation during the young developmental age can negatively affect children by lowering their academic performance. Reading is hampered because the visual images are blocking the development of left/right hemispherical language circuitry. Also, the viewing acts as a substitute for reading time.

Programs aimed at young viewers are intentionally made to be fast, bright and loud in order to grab the child’s attention. In doing so, the child is not developing appropriate neurons that could be developed during actual playtime. They also exhibit attention problems and can suffer from the “two minute mind”.

Healy, Jane. (2001). Today. International child and youth care network.

The developing mind

The fast pace of TV and gaming systems use bizarre, violent and often sexual images to trigger the fight or flight response from our amygdala. In most cases, we don’t need to actually run from the room so our bodies are primed and we have nothing to do with this excess energy. Inappropriate outbursts or behaviors can result.

Also, its been reported that mass media distorts long term memory in that it presents itself in short bursts that “chunk” into our memory more than if we are listening to a story told at length. Therefore a child hears a snippet from a radio or television ad that states “you’ve got to get one before it’s too late”, that is what they will remember. Do this over and over and long term memory cannot develop properly because there is no access to procedural memory; only declarative.

Most young children watch television and movies, play gaming systems and enjoy doing so. The key is to know how much and when to allow for such a distraction from normal play that can develop motor, sensory and relational neurons.

Sylwester, Robert. (2011). The effects of electronic media on a developing brain,

The developing mind…cont.

Some tips to encourage proper growth and enjoyment from media sources in young children:

Set a schedule for television viewing or game time. The television should be on only when a show is being watched, not as a background noise.Homework or housework should come before any media viewing.Any child with a television in their room is bound be exposed to more hours and to more inappropriate images. Consider only having a television or gaming system in common areas.If a child shows signs of attention difficulties, remove media stimulus for a designated amount of time to see if symptoms improve. Re-establishing limits and guidelines would be key at this point in order to maintain any positive response.Watch programming with your child as family time.

Healy, Jane. (2001). Today. International child and youth care network.

What to do…

Teenage minds…

Teenage minds…

According to Thio, violence in media may not cause violence among the majority of young men but to those that are susceptible or violent prone, it acts as a catalyst for such behaviors.

Watching violent movies or cartoons, playing violent video games and listening to music with aggressive lyrics have been linked to increased aggression among individuals as noted by Krahe, et al. The study has shown that desensitization to violence limits the amount of physiological arousal and anxiety that violence normally elicits in the mind. This lack of reaction can result in more violent actions and behaviors.

Thio, Alex. (2007). Deviant Behavior. Pearson Publishing. Boston.

Teenage minds…

What occurs anywhere is immediately available everywhere via cellphones, reporters, podcast, ect. Adults spend hours in front of the television or computer each day and that time could be spent with family or friends.As found in Brain, The Complete Mind, a significant increase in media time for the average adult lead to less face to face time. In turn this has been linked to health risks. These include but are not limited to: high blood pressure, stroke, narrowing of the arteries, a decline in immune health, dementia. Also, fewer instances in physical contact, such as touching or hugging, has been shown to reduce the levels of oxytocin in the brain. This is the hormone that is released during orgasm as well as childbirth and has been linked to a healthy heart.

Adult minds…

As we have learned, the media age has brought about significant changes in the way we communicate, work, relax or play.

Things like educational videos, fun movies, social networking sites and such can be beneficial to the developing mind if they are used properly.

Adults need to be aware that they are creating possible health risks to their brains and bodies by repeated exposure to electronics. Exercise and face to face contact are also important.

Parents of children and teens need to make sure that media sources are used properly. Limiting the amount of time spent doing these activities is critical.

Good or Bad??

Consumer Affairs. (2009). Experts worry about the Web’s impact on teens. article talks about the hazard that social networking sites can have on teenagers and how the internet can become an addiction.

Healy, Jane. (2001). Today. International child and youth care network. Jane is an educational psychologist and author who works closely with the American Academy of Pediatrics. This article outlines the how too much television can hinder child development.

Krahé, B., Möller, I., Huesmann, L., Kirwil, L., Felber, J., & Berger, A. (2011). Desensitization to Media Violence: Links With Habitual Media Violence Exposure, Aggressive Cognitions, and Aggressive Behavior. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 100(4), 630- 646. doi:10.1037/a0021711This study examined the links between desensitization to violent media stimuli and habitual media violence exposure. 303 undergraduate students were the test subjects and were given a lexical decision task after exposure to violence.


Sweeney, Michael. (2009). Brain, The Complete Mind. National Geographic Publishing. Washington, D.C. This textbook explores the functions of the human brain.

Sylwester, Robert. (2011). The effects of electronic media on a developing

brain. Information Age Education. University of Oregon. Eugene.This paper offered a look at the so-called “screenagers” and how electronic media has shaped not only their minds but their immediate actions concerning events due to social media and images being captured live at the time it happens.

Thio, Alex. (2007). Deviant Behavior. Pearson Publishing. Boston.This textbook outlines current theories in deviance including how it impacts youth, adults and different cultures. Things like cyberspace, drinking and drug use, interpersonal violence and mental disorders are explored.


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