media a2 evaulation

Post on 20-Jul-2015






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I have also looked into The Devils Advocate Which is about a small town lawyer which moves into New York after being offered a new job for a large Law Firm. The trailer uses a voice over to introduce the story and it’s characters. The dialogue used in the first 30 seconds shows who the main character is what he does and how large the law firm is.

At this mark, you see Al Pacino’s character looking at some women this starts to make the audience wonder when they say “I swear he can hear us, Hell he can smell us” as Pacino is too far away it gives the chance to help the audience develop who the character is, and what he is within the story.

This is continued as the voice over uses sentences like: He will make your dream come true, he will grant your fondest wish, he knows your greatest fear and he knows the price of your soul. This becomes more and more sinister as the voice over continues until the last sentence he knows the price of your soul, when dealing with souls people will usually think of trading your soul with the devil. The image underneath has been used to create an idea of Pacino’s character watching the main characters wife. After the last sentence.

The question has finally been put to rest as Reeve’s asks the question who are you and Pacino uses God in near every sentence, we see him within a church placing his finger into holy water which then boils.

Develop – I have looked into other film magazines such as Total Film, Empire and Little White Lies. Which the prices are around £29.99 for a 12 month subscription for white lies, £15 for a 6 month subscription to Empire and £25.99 for a year with Total Film. While Single Magazines cost. £1.99 with total film, £3.99 with Empire and white lies I can only find one price for an issue which includes post and packaging (disclosed price) for £7.57. by looking into this it allows me to create an educated guess in which to sell my magazine

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