measuring agent productivity - the easy way!

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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Copyright Business Systems UK Limited 2010

One of the biggest challenges a contact centre faces is the ability to measure agent productivity. Why? – Because there are different parameters to take into consideration when calculating this...

You are relying on consolidating stats and data from a number of different systems and sources to provide a single view of productivity.

Copyright Business Systems UK Limited 2010

Different contact centres may use different stats to measure agent productivity - there is no one size fits all approach which can be applied.

The key - focus not just on the measurements you can track most easily, but ensuring your metrics are valuable, provide insight and fit in with your organisations strategic goals.

Copyright Business Systems UK Limited 2010

In terms of service you might look at areas such as abandoned call rate and average speed of answer. For quality you may focus on phone etiquette and product knowledge. For efficiency you may focus on measures like customer on hold times and agent occupancy.

Regardless of the areas you agree to track to calculate productivity, if you are manually using information gathered from multiple data sources, it can get pretty confusing and labour intensive - with a chance of errors slipping in along the way potentially skewing the data.

Copyright Business Systems UK Limited 2010

Sound familiar? The good news is there are others out there who have managed to simplify this task by implementing performance dashboard technology automating a lot of the laborious manual processes..

This technology gathers the data you need instantly from a variety of sources including ACD’s, switches, WFM systems, CRM systems and more, to create real-time charts and performance dashboards enabling key stakeholders to make decisions more quickly and efficiently than ever before.

Copyright Business Systems UK Limited 2010

Gone are the days of having a single resource spending countless hours collating data. Picture this instead - data streaming in on a dashboard tailored specifically to what you want to see constantly updating as new stats are captured in real-time.

The importance of agent productivity cannot be underestimated - it is a true measure of how much value your agents bring to the organisation.

Copyright Business Systems UK Limited 2010

Don’t you owe it to your agents and your business to be able to truly show them the value they add and in a way that allows you to take instant action from real-time insights?

for more information on how our Vocal Insight tool

can help.

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