· created date: 10/1/2015 12:36:42 pm

Post on 01-Jun-2020






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Time bound / RTI MATTERNo. Q/Pen/ssll2Llzots

Ministry of External AffairsAdministration Division

(Pension Section)

Date: 9th October, 2015.


ShriAnil Kumar,No.7, Mansingh Road,

Darbhanga Palace,

New Delhi.


Please refer to your RTI application daled 21/9/2ALS received by undersigned ontransfer under Section 6(3) of the RTI Act on 6110/2015.

2. With regard to point (i) of your RTI application, it is stated that Shri Rambir, Cook has

retired on superannuation on 3L/512O14. As regards point (ii) of the application, a copy of theRTI application has already been endorsed to Directorate of Estates, Ministry of UrbanDevelopment who would be providing information directly to you.

3. lf you are aggrieved with this reply, you may file an appeal with Shri B Vanlalvawna,Director(ADP) & Appellate Authority, Ministry of External Affairs, Room No. 4095, 'B' Wing,Jawaharlal Nehru Bhavan, 23-D, Janpath, New Delhi - 110011 within 30 days of receipt of thisletter.

Under Secretary (Pension) & CPIO

Copy for information to:

t. Shri B Vanlalvawna, Director (ADP & RTI), MEA, New Delhi..

2. Smt. Meera Sisodia, Under Secretary (RTl), MEA, New Delhi.

3. Under Secretary (DD)with a copy of the RTI application (by e-mail) @ dsdd@meaindia.ln


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ffizWpRrME MINISTER,s oFFrcE Tleleots'

South BIock1

No. RTI/1 0388i20 I 5-PMR


Subject : Application under Right to lnformation Act, 2005.

New Delhi-l10 0I I

Dated: &4 tlgtZOts


An application dated 2110912015 received on2l/0912015 from Shri Anil Kumar onthe above noted subject is transferred under section 6(3) (iD of the Right to Information Act,2005, for action as appropriate.

Application fee has been received.


.Foreign Secretary

,r,/ nzlinistry of External AffairsSouth Block, New Delhi - I l0 001

Copy by Registered AD to:

Shri Anil KumarNo. - 7, Mansingh RoadDarbhanga Palace, New Delhi


You are advised to approach the above publicauthority for further information regarding thematter and for any grievance regardingnon-receipt of information from above citedtransferee public authority.

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(P. K. Sharma)Under Secretary and




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ToThe SO/PMO (RTl),New Delhi

Subj: Request for lnformation under Right to lnformation Act -2005


With regards, I would like to seek the following information underRTI Act 2005 in respect of Shri Ramvir (r/o Q,NO- -95, Type-1, Teen MurtiPolice Compound under GHO),

" g:]_"ry9_!.!_.9ot:-ployed at PMO La "

qi) lt is learnt that Shri Ramvir was retired from the governmentservice in June- July 2014. lf yes, kindly let me know the date

ii) Shri Ramvir has been still residing at the above-mentioned addresstill date. Kindly let me know the grounds under which he has still beenresiding there?

2. lt may be mentioned that Shri Ramvir has made illegal constructionin front of his residence and has also been creating a nuisance to hisneighbours.

3. An lndian Postal Order (No 32F 058279) dated 17-A9-2015 worthRs. 10/-, is also enclosed herewith,


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Yours fqithfully,i /l

ffi"qlrfAnil Kumar,

No-7, Mansingh Road,Darbhanga Palace,

New Delhi


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