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A Technical Guideline on

Implementation of Authorized Left Turn(ALT) in Malaysia

MCP 03/2012

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MCP 03/2012 A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia Alvin Poi Wai Hoong Ramizam Noor Zaman Muhammad Ramlan Jamilah Mohd Marjan, PhD Wong Shaw Voon, PhD

_______________________________________________________________________________MIROS © 2012 All Rights Reserved

Published by:

Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) Lot 125-135, Jalan TKS 1, Taman Kajang Sentral, 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

A technical guideline on implementation of authorized left turn (ALT) in Malaysia / Alvin Poi Wai Hoong ... [et al.] Bibliography: p. 18 ISBN 978-967-5967-33-7 1. Roads—Interchanges and intersections. 2. Traffic signs and signals. 3. Left-turn lanes. I. Poi, Alvin Wai Hoong. 388.3122

For citation purposes

Alvin Poi WH, Ramizam NZ, Muhammad R, Jamilah MM, & SV Wong (2012), A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia, MCP 03/2012, Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research.

Printed by: Publications Unit, MIROS

Typeface : Calibri Size : 11 pt

DISCLAIMER None of the materials provided in this report may be used, reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including recording or the use of any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from MIROS. Any conclusion and opinions in this report may be subject to reevaluation in the event of any forthcoming additional information or investigations.

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Contents Page List of Figures iv List of Tables iv Preface v Acknowledgements vi 1.0 Scope 1

2.0 Junction Selection Criteria 2

2.1 Simple Left Turn 2 2.1.1 Sight Distance 3 2.1.2 Number of Turn Lane 5 2.1.3 Turning Radius 5 2.1.4 Number of Lane on Cross Road 6 2.1.5 Pedestrian Volume 6 2.1.6 Motorcycle Waiting Zone 7 2.2 Separate Left Turn 7 2.2.1 Sight Distance 8 2.2.2 Dimension of Turn Lane 8 2.2.3 Pedestrian Volume 9 2.3 Additional criteria 9 2.3.1 Safe Gaps on Cross Road 9 2.3.2 Presence of Needy Pedestrians 10

3.0 Authorized Left Turn Sign 12

3.1 Type and Colour of ALT Sign 12 3.2 Dimension of ALT SIgn 12 3.3 Placement of ALT Advance Warning Sign 15

4.0 Traffic Signals for ALT 16

5.0 Other Considerations 17 References 18 Appendices 19 Glossary 28

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


List of figures

Figure 1 Layout of a Simple Left Turn Lane 3 Figure 2 Junction Sight Distance Criteria 5 Figure 3 Location of yellow box adjacent to the Motorcycle Waiting Area 7 Figure 4 Layout of a Separate Left Turn 8 Figure 5 Dimension of ALT sign 13 Figure 6 ALT sign on a traffic signal post 13 Figure 7 Vertical clearance of 2.0m (minimum) 14 Figure 8 Dimension of ALT advance warning sign 14 Figure 9 Flashing amber signal positioned on the left of amber light 16

List of tables

Table 1 Entering Sight Distance 4 Table 2 Critical Gap Size Selection 11

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia



Traffic congestion in the city centres is often characterized by slower speeds, longer journey times and increased vehicle queues at junctions. Besides leading to safety problems on the road, traffic congestion contributes to air pollution by means of increased fuel emission. Therefore the provision of authorized left turn at certain junctions deemed appropriate is highly regarded as an efficient move towards reducing delays, increasing fuel savings as well as protecting the environment. Authorized left turn or the ability to make a left turn at signalized junction during the red signal is not permitted in Malaysia until the recent amendment to the Road

Transport Act is passed. The new clause under the Act allows a vehicle to turn left at a signalized junction identified to be appropriate and signed with a standard traffic sign indicating such provision. The identification of junction suitable for authorized left turn is made taking into consideration of the safety of all road users. In view of the need to formalize and standardize the implementation of ALT in the country, a task force and working group were set up by the Ministry of Transport to develop a technical guideline. Representatives from the various agencies under the different ministries were involved in the development process of the guideline including legal practitioners as well as enforcement officers. The contribution from the task force committee members are vital in ensuring that practical junction selection criteria are established. This new provision of authorized left turn in the country will definitely provide the opportunities for Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research to study and explore possible improvements to its implementation from time to time, setting best practices and developing new guidelines. It is our aim that this guideline is being adopted by the road authorities during the junction selection process and thus ensuring the safety of all road users on Malaysian roads. Professor Dr. Wong Shaw Voon Director General Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia



Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) through the cooperation and support of the following agencies have produced this guideline in conjunction with the introduction of authorized left turn (ALT) in Malaysia. This guideline is produced in line with the amendment to the Road Transport Act on authorized left turn. Task Force Committee Members: Prof. Dr. Wong Shaw Voon, Chairman (MIROS) Dr. Jamilah binti Mohd Marjan, Secretary (MIROS) Dato’ Rohaini binti Mohd Yusof (Ministry of Transport) Puan Farihah binti Zambery (Ministry of Transport) Puan Zarinah binti Mat Jailani (Ministry of Transport) Cik Asyiah Mardhiah binti Khairuddin (Ministry of Transport) Puan Nor Hanna binti Ahmad Basir (Ministry of Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing) Encik Abdul Aziz bin Mohd Johdi (Ministry of Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing) Ir. Mohammad Ashari bin Muda (Ministry of Works) Encik Marzaki Faizi bin Mat Din (Ministry of Housing and Local Government) Encik Abdul Hamid bin Surip (Kuala Lumpur City Hall) Encik Amirul Ain bin Amran (Kuala Lumpur City Hall) Puan Mahiran binti Md. Isa (Putrajaya Corporation) Ir. Abdul Rahim bin Md. Junoh (Putrajaya Corporation) Ir. Marzuki bin Abdullah (Putrajaya Corporation) Puan Azura binti Saad (Putrajaya Corporation) Encik Abdul Razak bin Haji Alia (Road Transport Department) Encik Raymond Teoh Joo Han (Road Safety Department) Encik Saiful Basri bin Saadon Zubir (Road Engineering Association Malaysia) Insp. Suwaiba Mustafa (Royal Malaysian Police)

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Working Group Committee Members: Dr. Jamilah binti Mohd Marjan, Chairman (MIROS) Encik Alvin Poi Wai Hoong (MIROS) Encik Ramizam bin Noor Zaman (MIROS) Encik Muhammad bin Ramlan (MIROS) Encik Saiful Basri bin Saadon Zubir (Public Works Department) A note of appreciation goes to the representatives from the above agencies who have contributed their knowledge and effort in ensuring that this guideline is produced in accordance with other existing manuals and guidelines. Special thanks are also extended to the legal advisors from the above agencies that have helped along in the development of this guideline.

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


1.0 Scope The purpose of this guideline is to provide instruction and reference for the implementation of authorized left turn (ALT) at signalized junctions in Malaysia. This is an additional left turning practice adopted to increase junction capacity besides reducing the usage of fuel and emission of pollutants to the environment. It is intended for use by the road authorities to select appropriate junction for ALT and serves as a reference in the implementation process. This guideline specifies criteria for selection of appropriate junction, the design requirements of ALT sign and best practice with regard to the installation of the sign. The criteria are generic and are intended to be applicable to all junctions in Malaysia. Where any criteria or requirements in this guideline cannot be applied due to the nature of the road environment or traffic operation characteristics, other better or equivalent guidelines should be referred. In such case, claims of conformity to this guideline are not acceptable.

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


2.0 Junction Selection Criteria It is compulsory that all the following criteria under Item 2.1 and 2.2 are fulfilled for simple left turn and separate left turn respectively. Appendix A shows the process of selecting a suitable junction for ALT based on these criteria. Criteria for Simple Left Turn:

• Sight distance • Number of left turn lane • Turning radius • Number of lane on cross road • Pedestrian volume • Motorcycle waiting zone

Criteria for separate left turn

• Sight distance • Dimension of turn lane • Pedestrian volume

2.1 Simple Left Turn A simple left turn lane is when there is an absence of a dedicated slip lane for left turning vehicles. This simple left turn is usually provided where traffic volumes are low, where land acquisition prevents more extensive treatment, or the angle of turn prohibits the installation of an island. The configuration of this left turn lane type is a lane shared with the through traffic lane or a dedicated simple left turn lane. Figure 1 shows the layout for a single lane of a simple left turn lane.

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Figure 1 Layout of a Simple Left Turn Lane 2.1.1 Sight Distance The Entering Sight Distance (ESD) is the length where a driver or a pedestrian to observe a ‘safe gap’ during traffic flow in order to enter or cross the roadway. It is essential for the left turners to observe the through traffic vehicles and also the existence of any pedestrian close by. It is advisable for ESD to be clear from traffic signs, landscaping (Figure B1 in Appendix B) or other roadside structure. ESD is measured from the drivers eye height (1.15m) to an object height of 1.15m, (i.e to the other drivers eye height), and from specific vehicle positions in the entry or at the roadside. In some cases, the extra height for the buses and trucks may need to be considered. Table 1 shows the relevant ESD value.

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Table 1 Entering Sight Distance

Design Speed(km/h)

Entering Sight Distance (m)*

Safe Intersection Sight Distance (m)

Rural area Urban area

40 100 70 60

50 125 90 80

60 160 115 105

70 220 140 130

80 305 175 165

90 400 210 -

100 500 250 -

*Note that distances assumed the following: - level pavements - minor road vehicle stopped 7m (5m minimum) back from conflict point - measurement along the centre path of vehicle on cross road

In situation where ESD cannot be fulfilled, Safe Intersection Sight Distance (SISD) may be applied. This criteria ensures that vehicles on the cross road will have sufficient sight distance to an entering vehicle, and enable them to avoid a collision in case a left turning vehicles enter the junction with insufficient ‘gap’. This criterion provides sight distance (driver to driver’s eye height) which is equivalent to Stopping Distance for the expected 85th percentile operating speed plus the distance travelled in three (3) seconds of travel time. This sight distance is measured from the position of the vehicle waiting to enter a cross road, to a vehicle approaching the junction on the cross road. Table 1 shows the relevant SISD values.

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Figure 2 Junction Sight Distance Criteria 2.1.2 Number of Left Turn Lane The recommended number of lane for the simple left turn lane with ALT is limited to only one (1). This applies to all junctions regardless of the traffic volume. This is due to the need to minimize conflicts and thus, crashes. An application of a multiple simple left turn lane would escalate conflict risk. Any junction that is inevitably considering more than one (1) simple left turn lane is based on the discretion of the authority but must be compensated with appropriate safety measures. See Figure B2 in Appendix B and Figure C1 in Appendix C. 2.1.3 Turning Radius At urban road junction, the radius of the kerb for the left turn should be a minimum of 6m. This can allow most commercial vehicles to negotiate the turn at low speeds without encroaching either on the footway with the rear wheels or on the opposite side of the roads centre line with the front wheels. Radius larger than 10m allows higher

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


speed of turning vehicles and at the same time can reduce the safety at the pedestrian crossing. At rural road junction, where the provision for pedestrian is not a consideration; the minimum turning radius should be 8m. Radius larger than 15m should not be used without a left turn island as it can create large areas of uncontrolled pavement.

2.1.4 Number of Lane on Cross Road To implement ALT at a junction, the advisable minimum number of lanes on the cross road for both the three (3) legged junction and four (4) legged junctions are as follow:

a. if a median opening u-turn is NOT ALLOWED at a junction, a minimum of two (2) lanes are recommended on the crossroad.

b. if a median opening u-turn is ALLOWED at a junction, a minimum of three (3) lanes are recommended on the crossroad.

The guide above is to ensure that adequate space is available for the turning vehicles and to reduce interference with through traffic, since u-turning vehicles may encroach onto part or all of the adjacent lanes and sometimes reaching the roadside area. See Figure B3 in Appendix B.

2.1.5 Pedestrian Volume

Pedestrian safety is always a priority and vehicles must give way to them if there is an existence of pedestrian activity at the junction. Junction and surrounding areas are to be evaluated to identify the presence of pedestrian activities, particularly school children. A junction is considered to be high on pedestrian activity when each of any 8 hours of an average day, there are 150 or more pedestrians per hour on the highest volume of crosswalk. Such junction is therefore NOT suitable for ALT.

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Exclusive pedestrian signal phase is provided in areas where pedestrian activity is high. Exclusive pedestrian phase is often provided to assist pedestrian on crossing more than one leg within the junction. Due to difficulties faced by left turning vehicles to give way to pedestrians at more than one crossing locations, the implementation of ALT at these junctions is also NOT recommended.

2.1.6 Motorcycle Waiting Zone In areas where motorcycle waiting zone is present at the junction, it is advisable to ensure that the motorcycle waiting zone does not span across the left turn lane. The presence of motorcycles can obstruct the movement of the left turners and hinder traffic flow. For any existing motorcycle waiting zone that occupies the left turn lane, a small ‘no waiting’ yellow box or any other suitable prohibitive markings should be in place. This can inform all road users to keep clear of the said area while waiting for the green signal. Figure 3 shows the location of the yellow box adjacent to the motorcycle waiting area.

Figure 3 Location of yellow box adjacent to the Motorcycle Waiting Zone

2.2 Separate Left Turn Lane A separate left turn lane is a dedicated slip lane made for left turning vehicles. This lane will not be shared with other through traffic and allows left turn vehicles to turn without

Through Traffic Lane

Right Turning Lane

Stop Line

Motorcycle Waiting Zone

Left Turning Lane

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


entering the junction. Vehicles using the separate left turn lane must give way to vehicles on the cross road and pedestrians crossing at the lane itself (if any) before making a turn. The layout of a separate left turn lane is as per Figure 4. 2.2.1 Sight Distance Please refer to section 2.1.1.

Figure 4 Layout of a Separate Left Turn Lane

2.2.2 Dimension of Turn Lane

The length of the separate left turn lane beyond the pedestrian crossing (if any) should be able to accommodate at least a waiting vehicle. This is to ensure that the waiting vehicle does not occupy the pedestrian crossing or encroach onto the lane of the cross road. The width of the left turn lane must also be of the size where only one vehicle is allowed to turn. A wider turning lane would sometimes encourage two turning vehicles to compete for space at the merging point. Such situation is deemed unsafe as it would

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


affect the driving behaviour which in turn can cause more conflicting events at the cross road. See Figure C2 in Appendix C.

2.2.3 Pedestrian Volume

In areas where pedestrian activity is high as mentioned in section 2.1.5, the recommendation is the same as per section 2.1.5.

2.3 Additional Criteria In order to ensure maximum benefits to all road users, compliance to these additional criteria are recommended. This is especially important when one or more criteria under Item 2.1 and Item 2.2 could not be satisfied. Additional criteria:

• Safe gaps on cross road • Presence of needy pedestrians

2.3.1 Safe Gaps on Cross Road The introduction of ALT is aimed at reducing the waiting time of left turners. A vehicle turning left benefits from ALT as it does not have to wait for the green signal to enter the junction. However this can only be carried out if there are safe gaps on the cross road which is dependent on the volume and speed of vehicles. As such the implementation of ALT can only achieve its desired benefits when left turn manoeuver can be executed with ease. The selection of junction for ALT should therefore consider the availability of safe gaps at the cross road.

The critical gap for left turn to a major road should be determined. It is defined as the median time headway between two successive vehicles in the major road traffic stream that is accepted by drivers in order to cross/merge into the major road flow. The critical gap size depends on several factors which include:

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


a. the type of manoeuvre being executed

b. the type of minor road (either STOP or GIVE WAY)

c. the average running speed on the major road

d. the number of lanes on the major street

e. the geometry and environmental conditions at the junction

The value of the critical gap can be selected from Table 2 by the following two processes:

a. the basic critical gap size is selected from the first portion of the table for the type of movement, control and major road speed.

b. adjustments and modifications to the basic critical gap size are selected from the second portion of the tables for a variety of conditions.

2.3.2 Presence of Needy Pedestrians Special considerations should be given to locations where there is a high number of physically challenged pedestrians, children, the elderly or those with walking disabilities. Due to their limited walking abilities, poor peripheral vision, poor skills in judging the speed and distance of vehicles, they require special needs when crossing the road. Safety measures should be in place if ALT is implemented at these locations.

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Table 2 Critical Gap Size Selection

Average running speed on the cross road

50 km/h 90 km/h

Number of lanes on cross road

2 4 2 4

5.0 sec. 5.0 sec. 5.5 sec. 5.5 sec.

Adjustment and modification to critical gap (s)

Condition Adjustment

Kerb radius > 15m or turn angle < 600 -0.5 sec.

Acceleration lane provided -1.0 sec.

Restricted sight distance Up to +1.0 sec.

Note: - Maximum total decrease in critical gap is 1.0 sec. - Maximum critical gap is 8.5 sec. - Interpolate values for average running speed between 50 and 90 km/h. Source: Extracted from Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 11/87, Jabatan Kerja Raya

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


3.0 Authorized Left Turn Sign Authorized left turn traffic scheme has been adopted in Malaysia such as in Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. However there is no standard design for the ALT sign so far inthis country. Therefore there is a need to design and develop a standard sign based on the “Kaedah-Kaedah Pengangkutan Jalan” and references in other countries that allow such manoeuvre. Traffic sign located at junction should only contain important message and able to get the attention of driver through combination of features such as size, contrast, colours, shape, composition and lighting or reflectorization of the sign. The design should be concise in the effort to convey a clear and simple message. All these are important to ensure adequate time for response and most importantly the sign should command the respect of the road users where uniformity, legibility, reasonableness and size of the sign play an important role. The intention of the sign is to inform drivers of the rule and provide an indication that the manoeuvre is to be carried out cautiously. This requires the driver to stop, observe the traffic on the cross road and any pedestrian crossing at the junction. 3.1 Type and Colour of ALT Sign The ALT sign is categorized as a “warning sign” and the colours of the plate should follow the colour scheme of Sign No. 13F (Traffic Signal Ahead) in the “Kaedah-Kaedah Pengangkutan Jalan (or WD 22 in Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 2A/85) having symbols and borders in black and on yellow background. 3.2 Dimension of ALT Sign The ALT sign is a rectangular plate as shown in Figure 5. This is to be mounted at the traffic signal post just below the signal head (Figure 6).The minimum vertical clearance should be 2.0m (Figure 7), taking into account of the safety of pedestrians.

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Figure 5 Dimension of ALT sign (in mm)

In order to alert drivers of the ALT provision at a particular junction, an advance warning sign can be installed at a distance 200m or not less than 150m in urban areas, and 230m or not less than 180m in rural areas or high speed highways in advance of the junction (see Appendix D for the vertical and lateral clearances). The symbol of ALT sign is modified from the symbol used for Sign No.13F. An amber arrow disc is added to the symbol to indicate the permission for left turning on red. Figure 8 shows the dimension of the advance warning sign.

Figure 6 Position of ALT sign on a traffic signal post

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Figure 7 Vertical clearance of 2.0m (minimum)

Figure 8 Dimension of ALT advance warning sign

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


3.3 Placement of ALT advance warning sign Placement of the sign should ensure that it catches attention with respect to the point, object, or situation to which it applies to aid in conveying the proper message; and that its location, combined with suitable legibility, to ensure driver travelling at normal speed has adequate time to make a proper response. Traffic warning signs erected at the roadside in business and residential areas where parking, pedestrian movement, and other obstructions are likely to occur should have a minimum height of 2.2m (Figure B1 in Appendix B). On expressways or divided highways, this height shall be at least 1.8m. If however, a secondary sign has to be mounted below a major sign, the height of the secondary sign should be 0.3m less than the appropriate height specified above. Refer to Figure D2 in Appendix D. Traffic warning signs should not be placed less than 0.6m from the edge of road shoulder, or if none, 3.6m from the edge of the travelled way. Where a raised curb, guardrail, or paved shoulder is present, a sign should be placed with its nearest edge at least 0.6m outside such curb face, guardrail line, or paved shoulder edge. Nevertheless, in urban areas where sidewalk width is limited or where existing poles are close to the guardrail, a clearance of 0.3m is permissible. Refer to Figure D2 and Figure D3 in Appendix D.

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


4.0 Traffic Signal for ALT The existing traffic signal at junction with ALT will be modified to include the flashing amber signal. The size of the disc follows the same dimension of the existing traffic signal and will be positioned on the left side of the amber signal as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 Flashing amber signal positioned on the left of amber light

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


5.0 Other Considerations In the development of this guideline, best practices have been adopted. In the case of inadequate information, other relevant guidelines should be referred. Besides the points given in this guideline, there are other factors that should be considered attention in order to ensure the safety level at the junction remains high, such as:

a) The road authorities should take into consideration of the safety measure to cater for illegal and unexpected traffic manoeuvres such as illegal U-turn.

b) Any physical alteration to the junction to accommodate ALT must not jeopardize the safety of other road user especially pedestrians, and more care should be taken for the handicapped.

c) Maintenance of devices should be of high standards to ensure that legibility and visibility are maintained. These devices should be removed if no longer needed. Clean, legible and properly mounted devices which are in good working condition command the respect of road users.

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


References JKR MALAYSIA : Road Safety Audit, Guideline For The Safety Audit Of Roads And Road Projects In Malaysia, PWD Malaysia, Road Branch JKR MALAYSIA : ArahanTeknik (Jalan) 11/87 : A Guide To The Design Of At-Grade Junctions, 1987 JKR MALAYSIA : ArahanTeknik (Jalan) 13/87 : A Guide To The Design Of Traffic Signals, 1987 JKR MALAYSIA : ArahanTeknik (Jalan) 2A/85 : Manual On Traffic Control Devices Standard Traffic Sign, 1985 JKR MALAYSIA : ArahanTeknik (Jalan) 2B/85 : Manual On Traffic Control Devices Traffic Sign Applications, 1985 ROAD ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF MALAYSIA : GL 2/2002 : A Guide On Geometric Design Of Roads, 2002

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Appendix A Junction Selection Process Flow

Meet Pedestrian volume?


Need / demand for ALT

Simple Left Turn Separate Left Turn

Meet No. of left turn lane?


Turning radius?

Meet No. of lane

on crossroad?

Meet Pedestrian volume?

Meet Motorcycle

waiting zone?

Meet Sight distance?

Meet Dimension of

turn lane?

Meet Sight distance? Junction not


Junction not recommended

Junction not recommended

Junction not recommended

Junction not recommended

Junction not recommended

Junction not recommended

Junction not recommended

Junction not recommended
















Junction recommended

Junction recommended


A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Appendix B Examples of Junction Layout Not Recommended for ALT

Figure B1 Junction with restricted sight distance due to obstruction by landscape

Legend: Landscape/roadside furniture

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Figure B2 Junction with more than one left turn lane

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Figure B3 Junction provision of U-Turn on the cross road

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Appendix C Examples of Junction Layout Recommended for ALT

Figure C1 Junction with single simple left turn lane

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Figure C2 Junction with adequate dimension of separate left turn lane

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Appendix D Placement of ALT Advance Warning Sign

Figure D1

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Figure D2

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Figure D3

A Technical Guideline on Implementation of Authorized Left Turn (ALT) in Malaysia


Glossary Amber signal A traffic signal in the colour halfway between yellow, orange

and red

Entering sight distance

The distance required for a driver or pedestrian to observe safe gaps on the cross road to enter the junction

Kerb The edge where a raised pavement/sidewalk/footpath, road median, or road shoulder meets an unraised roadway

Operating speed The 85th percentile of the distribution of observed speeds operating during free-flow conditions

Radius The distance from the center of a circle to its surface

Malaysian Institute of Road Safety ResearchLot 125-135, Jalan TKS 1, Taman Kajang Sentral43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, MalaysiaTel : 603 - 8924 9200 Faks : 603 - 8733 2005E-mail : :


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