may 8th 2016

Post on 29-Jul-2016






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West York Church 10 am Worship Service




PRELUDE Wonderful Peace Janet Jones


How Great is Our God Now Thank We All Our God #788

He Knows My Name

Children dismissed for Children’s Church



What Hallmark Forgot Romans 2:28-29


*CLOSING HYMN We Are Called to Be God’s People #415


*Please stand as you feel comfortable.

West York Church of the Brethren Pastor: Gregory L. Jones 5101 Darlington Road, York, PA 17408 Phone: (717)792-8816; Prayer Line: (717)792-1701 Pastor: 717-308-7499

E-mail: Web Site: Find us on Facebook:

Morning Worship May 8, 2016

Mother’s Day

Loving, Building, and Nurturing the Community of Christ

For your children

Crib and Toddler Nursery Service is available up to age 3.

Special children’s bulletins are available in the foyer.

This Week’s Calendar


Bible Study - 9 am

Care and Share Women’s Group - 7 pm


AA meeting - 8 pm Thursday

Choir Rehearsal - 6:30 pm

Praise Team Rehearsal - 7:30 pm


Sisters in Christ Banquet - 6:00 pm

Welcome to all who are visiting with us today. Please sign the sheet on the table in the narthex.

Thank you.


June Newsletter

Deadline for articles for the June Newsletter is

May 16, 2016

Thank you.

The Leadership Tea is seeki g appro al for i ter al iri g o stru io for our Telepho e a d I ter et

Upgrade Willis Co suli g of Do er at a total ost ot to e eed $ ,0 .00.

A short Busi ess eei g regardi g this appro al ill e held follo i g the orship ser i e toda .

Opportunities to Serve

Special Announcements


You can be part of making a

great first impression. Join the

Parking Lot Greeter Team– a

new ministry opportunity at the

West York Church. There is a

sign-up sheet in the narthex for

those interested in helping with

this ministry. For more

information, contact Ken Miller.

GROCERY CART MINISTRY Starting in May, each month we will be collecting certain items for our Food Pantry. For the month of May we are collecting PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY. You can place your donation in the shopping cart that is in the narthex. THE ITEMS WE ARE REQUESTING ARE THE ONLY ITEMS WE NEED THIS MONTH. This will help to keep expenses down for the Food Pantry. Thanks for your help!!


Prayerline - 717-792-1701

Due to the telephone and internet problems we have experienced the last two weeks, please use the above TEMPORARY phone numbers. We will be getting our old numbers back sometime in the near future. We will let you know when the old numbers are back in service. Thanks for your patience during this time.

Today’s Important Reminders

May 16 - June Newsletter Deadline

May 18 - Day of Prayer for Children and Youth

May 21 - Men’s Breakfast May 22 - Family Game Day

May 25 - CEC Last Day M/W 3’s & 4&5’s May 26 - CEC Last Day T/Th 3’s & 4&5’s

STATISTICAL INFORMATION for May 1, 2016 Attendance: Giving Sunday School: 30 General Fund: $4,048.00 Worship: 92 Received to Date: $61,571.67 106.9% of Budgeted Giving


May Special Offerings Our special offerings for May are

“Stewards” This oferi g ill go to the

Propert & Grou ds Mi istr Tea . a d

“Child Education Center” This oferi g supports our

pres hool progra .

Please use the ro e elopes that are a aila le o the arthe ta le.

Thank you to all of the youth who participated in leading our worship service last Sunday. What a wonderful job you did!


Sisters in Christ Banquet May 14, 2016 6:00 pm

Meat and drink will be provided. Each family/group is asked to bring a side dish or dessert.

If your last name begins with A-R, please bring a side dish, such as a vegetable or salad.

If your last name begins with S-Z, please bring a dessert. Leah Hileman will be our entertainment.

Ladies of the church invite your mothers, sisters, daughters, friends or any women that are special to you. Join us as we

come together to celebrate our sisterhood in Christ. Sign up forms are on the narthex table.

Deadline for sign-up is TODAY.

We are in need of volunteers

for Children’s Church for June through August.

If you are willing to take one or two Sundays,

please see Linda Zumbrum. Thank You!!!


Saturday, May 21 at 8 am (We will NOT be meeting in the banquet room)

Join us for All You Can Eat breakfast at the Old Country Buffet.

Ham, bacon, eggs, French toast, sausage, biscuits-n-gravy, pancakes, donuts and fruit. Only $7.99! Be sure to invite a friend.

Old Country Buffet 905 Loucks Rd, York PA 17404

Sponsored by West York Church of the Brethren


Family Game Day. One of the goals you gave the Leadership Team was to provide ways that we might spend time together as a church family. We are planning a family game day on Sunday, May 22nd. It will begin with a carry-in meal right after church. Each family should bring something to share – something hot, or something cold, or both – and we will gather for a meal together. After the meal, we will start with a simple game that helps us get to know one another a little better. Following this, we will have board games to play, a couple of video games set up, games for the children, and perhaps even a table set up for Dutch Blitz (we’ll stick that over in the corner somewhere☺). We really hope you can come. Stay as long as you can, but come and be part of our church family. We love it when you are here!


We are looking for any high school

or college graduates, as we wish to

honor them on June 5th. Please

give the names to Linda Zumbrum

if you know of anyone graduating.


There will be no hospitality table during the summer months. If anyone would like to make a donation for the

hospitality table, please see Ted Schmittel.



Adult Sunday School class - NEW! A Guide For Biblical Studies: The Gift of Faith - Exploring themes of faith in the Gospels of Mark

and Luke. (Tom Whitcraft)

“Seeking Amazing Grace” Adult class - Study of Hebrews (Larry Marshall)


Monday Morning Bible Study - Book of Matthew

Care and Share Women’s Group - Meets Mondays at 7 pm. “Bless These Lips: 40 Days of Spiritual Renewal”

Through the Eyes of John

A study on the gospel of John

Join us for this continuing sermon series.


VBS July 10th thru 14th, 2016

“Finding Truth Below the Surface”

As kids submerge themselves in God’s Word, they will discover that Jesus didn’t just see what’s on

the outside of people. He looked deep down on the inside. So

grab your goggles, step into your flippers, and dive in to find

truth below the surface!

If you are interested in helping at VBS this year, please

contact Linda Fulmele or Nicole Grove

We are running the announcements on a power point pri-or to the worship service and after. If you have an an-nouncement you would like to add to the power point, please contact the church office no later than Thursday each week. If you have an announcement you would like to make in church during the worship service, please talk to the Worship Leader prior to the service.


LAST PERSON TO LEAVE THE CHURCH: Please make sure ALL DOORS ARE CLOSED. This includes the narthex, sanctuary and hallway doors. Any questions, see Pennie Jacobs.

Friends of Cross Keys Village - The Brethren Home Community

Annual memberships are now being collected for the Friends of Cross Keys Village. Show our church’s support for The Friends.

See Nancy Ausherman. ******

Butterfly Release

Saturday, May 14 - 10:00 am


Spring Grove Alumni Chorus

Saturday, May 21, 2016 - 7:00 pm

(Nicarry Meetinghouse) ******

Cardboard Boat Regatta

Friday, June 3, 2016 - 1:30 pm

In the Pond


Silver, Wood & Ivory

Saturday, June 18, 2016 - 7:00 pm

(Nicarry Meetinghouse) ******

The Friends of Cross Keys Village are collecting unused coupons (new or expired) as a project for the Adult Day Care program. There is a box in the narthex to put these unused coupons. Thank you for your help!


Giant gift cards for CAS will be sold in the

narthex Sunday, June 5th between 9:30

and 10:00. If you are unable to be at church

that day, please call Nancy Anthony. ******

The Board of Directors for Children’s Aid Society have selected Eric M. Chase as the new Executive Director for the

agency. Eric will begin his new position on May 15.

Please keep Eric and CAS in your prayers during this transitional time.


5th Annual Franklin County CAS Golf Benefit

Thursday, June 30, 2016 12:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Chambersburg Country Club

3646 Scotland Road - Chambersburg

Individual Golfer - $85; Foursome - $320

Registration Deadline: June 17, 2016

Registration Forms on narthex table ******

20th Annual FORE Children Golf Outing

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hanover Country Club ******

CAS is once again in need of paper goods - paper towels, Kleen-ex, wipes, toilet paper, paper plates, copying paper and con-struction paper. Articles can be placed in the CAS box in the Narthex. Donations of these items mean that CAS will have more money to spend on services for the children.

Thank you for your continued support for CAS.


Dementia Care Support Group (Providence Place - Dover) Veterans’ Memorial Garden (Spring Grove High School) Healing Hearts Support Group (3rd Thursday of the month)


The Newsletter can now be viewed on our church website. Check it out! Let Barb know if you no longer need a printed

copy of the newsletter.

The Wellspa Spiritual Care a d Edu aio Depart e t a ts to let our hur h k o he a e er is i the hospital. PLEASE ide if our hur h at registraio a d ad ita e i to the hospital. A ordi g to HIPAA regulaio s, if ou pro ide this i for aio to the hospital, our hur h a e oiied of the ad issio .

Annual Camp Eder Golf Outing Saturday, May 14

Briarwood East Golf Course - 4775 West Market Street, York

$75 per person, $300 per four-person team See the poster in the narthex for the day’s schedule.

Registration forms are on the narthex table. ***********

Caving Adventure Weekend May 27-29, 2016

Spend the weekend with Camp Eder in the wild underground of Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

Activities include: campfire, devotions, 2-3 caves, night hike Cost: $35 per person (if registered by April 28th)

$45 per person (if registered after April 28th) Transportation to and from caves, meals and lodging

are included. All ages welcome! To Register: Call Camp:717-642-8256

Online: Email:


2016 Summer Camp Applications for Staff & Counselor in Training Positions

available on the narthex table. ***********

Copies of the 2016 Activities Booklet & Summer Camp Schedule are on the narthex table.

Prayer Requests Praise: The children and youth of our church Connie & Willie Emory: safely returned from vacation The wonderful job by our Youth leading our worship service last Sunday All the wonderful mothers at West York COB

New Concerns: Gary Henson (Judith Wallace): serious health issues Frances Mowrer: surgery May 9 to have pacemaker replaced Family of Ron Horn Sr: upon his death Dean Gross (Pennie Jacobs): stage 3 colon cancer John (Pennie Jacobs): had a stroke Karen Poist’s nephew: hurt after jump from helicopter(in military) Bryan Bricker (Cindy Heist): recovering from fall Donna Hamm (Joann Rohrbaugh): health concerns Kayla Swope & family: death of her uncle Becky Gardner (Sue Smith): diagnosed with breast cancer Randy Senft (Karen Poist): COPD, mass on kidney Carley McDowell: still having headaches from a concussion Merle Senft: surgery June 8 for cancerous polyp

Ongoing prayer concerns: Romaine Andrews: back pain, Tom Ausherman: health issues, Melinda Avey: multiple sclerosis, Bob Breeden: health issues, Jean Brown: recovering from surgery, Tim Coonan: recovering from glaucoma surgery, Lillian Grove: recovery from spine surgery, Lois Hinson: recovery from knee procedure, Dan Lehigh: cancer, Cindy Lepley: cancer, Kathleen Lloyd: health concerns, Charleigh McDowell: tumor in abdomen, Merl & Sue Messinger: health concerns, Arlene Miller: cancer, Scott Miller: health concerns, Nancy Patterson: health concerns, Joe Smith: health concerns, Nancy Smith: recovering from surgery, Sherril Smith: health concerns, Lorene Trimmer: recovering from heart surgery, Bob & Mary Wildasin: health concerns, Carol Woolcock: cancer, Lorraine Yohe: recovering from fall. Kume Mutah and the other Chibok girls & their families: abducted from school in Nigeria The Church of the Brethren in Nigeria Ted & Julie Smoker & family: doing mission work in Guatemala


Numerous individuals who are grieving the loss of loved ones The Leadership Team

SERVING TODAY: Pastor: Gregory Jones Worship Leader: Pastor Greg Music Coordinator: Beth Marshall Organist: Janet Jones Pianist: Judith Wallace Guitarists: Brendan Malloy & Mike King Acolyte: Ben Grove Greeter: Ron Horn, Jr. Power Point: Landon Eshbach Sound Board: Sean Grove Head Usher: Dave Miller Children’s Worship: Linda Fulmele; Genie & Shawna Grove Nursery: Wanda Keefer Hospitality: Joyce Whitcraft & Marge Shue

SERVING NEXT WEEK: Pastor: Gregory Jones Worship Leader: Bill McDowell Music Coordinator: Beth Marshall Organist: Janet Jones Pianist: Linda Zumbrum Guitarists: Brendan Malloy & Mike King Acolyte: Carley McDowell Greeters: Deona & Mariah Schmittel Power Point: Nathan Keefer Sound Board: Merl Keefer Head Usher: Dave Miller Children’s Worship: Linda Fulmele; Genie & Shawna Grove Nursery: Anna McMonigle Children’s Story: Pastor Greg Hospitality: Ted Schmittel



If you have a prayer request you would like to share with the church, please fill out a prayer card (found in the narthex)

and give it to Pastor Greg or the Worship Leader.

Thank you for the prayers for: - Rachel Good ...she is home and doing well! - Sue Dorney is still dealing with health issues

Thank you again for the prayers for my friends. “God Bless” Tara Hoover

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