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The Shepherd’s Scroll May 2013


2101 S. Prospect Avenue, Champaign, IL 61820 Phone: 217-352-1732 Fax: 217-352-4807

Celebrating 50 Years of Faith, Service and Community

Volume 46, No. 5 May 2013

Pastor’s Perspective…

I want to begin with a quick note, a reflection; call it what you will. I’ve been thinking and praying a lot

these last few weeks, perhaps more than usual. One thing that has become incredibly clear to me is how blessed I have been to be called to serve as your pastor. Yes, the days are often long, but we do good work and we do it together.

I am grateful to serve a wonderful congregation that continues to seek new ways to serve in Jesus’ name. I am thankful to be a pastor in the ELCA, where the slogan “God’s Work Our Hands” is more than words on a piece of paper. I am thankful for the support of a strong lead-ership team that listens to all voices before making a de-cision and I am thankful for staff that often goes above and beyond.

No doubt, there is no perfect church and in the days ahead we will face many challenges, but I am blessed to have been called to serve Good Shepherd. And now on with the show or the article as the case may be.

The other day while driving home I was stopped at a red light and I noticed an interesting license plate frame. It said, “Happiness is biting your parrot back.” Really? A few days later, stopped at another stop light, I noticed another license plate frame. This one said, “Failure is not an option.” Interesting. But what if failure is an option?

What if the licenses plate holder said, “Risk is an asset” or “I’ve failed and I’ve learned.” What if we gave our-selves permission do something different risking failure and knowing if we do fail, it’s all right.

Anyway, all of this got me thinking about a blog I read almost daily. The blog, titled “In the Meantime”, is written by Professor David J. Lose, Luther Seminary.

Professor Lose writes:

For most of us it’s more comfortable to keep pushing a system that doesn’t work than admit that we’re in over our heads and start to build a new system.

Ultimately, however, that’s our only choice. Because try as we might, we can’t stop time or move the world back-ward. We therefore need to move from a system of es-tablished rules and practices to one of constant experi-mentation and innovation.

But experimentation inevitably invites failure – some-thing that terrifies most of us.

No one likes the thought of failure; fact is, we have been taught from a young age to be a success, to succeed. But what if we gave ourselves permission to experiment and allow failure to be an option.

Inaction is not an option. Inaction won’t solve a prob-lem; in fact, inaction comes with its own risk.

What might you risk changing in your personal life? What might we risk changing in the life of our congrega-tion, knowing failure is always an option?

In God’s grace,

2 The Shepherd’s Scroll May 2013

The Pentecost Fire of Fascination

L ast month I talked about Dwight, or Rainn Wilson as he is known in real life, and how he started a website a few years

back with the goal of getting people to think about art, humor, spirituality, science, culture, and philosophy in ways that are not mutually exclusive. This month I wanted to think about Pentecost and moments of Awe. Rainn has a desire for people to search out those things that are inspiring and life changing. One of the chal-lenges on his website was to list 5 things that give you a sense of awe. It was interesting to me how almost every post contained at least one reference to something in nature.

What places fill you with a sense of Awe? I recently participated in a webinar titled, “The Power of Awe,” were one of my former Youth Ministry Professors argued that church needs to be more like camp. His logic flowed out of how most people experience “Awe” and “Wonder,” when they are in a camp setting. He said even adults who have never been to camp before begin to hear God’s voice and call.

How is Good Shepherd a place of Wonder? Sometimes we can get so caught up in finding holy places, or creating and maintaining sacred spaces that we forget how the early church grew out of buildings. Early converts to Christianity were amazed by the works God was doing through these ordinary people OUTSIDE of where God was expected to act. I love that the early disciples, who were on fire for God after that Pentecost moment, began doing things in Jesus’ name that no one could just pass by without noticing. The “Awe & Wonder” moments are those places in time when God says, “Pay Atten-tion, I am doing something here.” What God was doing through the Holy Spirit with the disciples caught people’s attention be-cause it was changing lives. AWE IS NOT ABOUT US, BUT IN-CLUDES US! Shane Claiborne who lives with the poor in Philadel-phia shared with 34,000 Lutheran Youth in New Orleans that,

“God’s Kingdom spreads better through fascination than force.” May God mold Good Shepherd Lutheran Church to be a place of fascination, and may God create us to be fasci-nating people so that others are drawn into the life of Christ Jesus. Amen.

Jason Fisher

Youth & Family Guy

3 The Shepherd’s Scroll May 2013


AGAPE Music Festival Greenville, IL

Fri., May 3, 4 pm till Sat., May 4, midnight

This event is open to all our High School youth for $40. This will get you in to see over 20 Christian bands! We will camp out in the fairgrounds in Greenville, IL, where the concert is held both nights to keep costs down. We will leave Friday at 4 pm from Good Shepherd and ar-rive back by midnight on Saturday. Things to pack:

Blanket, tarp, jacket, umbrella or raincoat, your Bi-ble, camera, sunscreen, lawn chair, cash for CD’s or t-shirts, and a tent.

There are funds available to cover the costs of 4 youth to attend this event so contact Jason if interested.

Graduation Dinner Cinco De Mayo-Style

Sunday, May 5, 5:30—7 pm

All High School Seniors and their families are invited to enjoy a catered meal served by El Toro Restaurant in the Fellowship Hall at Good Shepherd.

Youth will have a chance to reflect on the past few years, share plans for the future, and receive a gift from your Good Shepherd family.

Parents Night Out Friday, May 10, 5—8 pm

High School students will be providing a meal and games for kids in 5th grade and younger so parents can

have a night to themselves. Donations are accepted.

2nd Sunday Shepherds Indoor and Outdoor Putt-Putt

Sunday, May 12, 1—4 pm

K-5th grade youth and their families are invited to join us for a day of Putt-Putt indoors at Arrowhead Lanes (1401 N Mckinley Ave, Champaign) AND THEN outdoors at Putt Zone (815 Dennison Drive, Champaign). See Ja-son with any questions.

Confirmation Camp June 28—30

This trip is open to ALL students who are entering 6th, 7th, or 8th grade this fall. The cost is only $70, which is due May 19th along with the health form. (Extras are in the Sunday School Hallway along with more info.)

We plan on leaving Good Shepherd around 11 am on Friday, June 28 (this departure time is flexible depend-ing on families’ schedules), and returning Sunday after-noon around 2 pm. Contact Jason with questions.

Leadership Lab deposit of $185 & form due June 2.

Set Your Face

Luke 9:57

Someone said to Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go.”

4 The Shepherd’s Scroll May 2013

WELCA BOOK CLUB May 9, 9:30 am

May book: The Chaperone by Laura Mo-riarty. A few years before becoming a famous actress, in 1920’s, fifteen year old Louise Brooks leaves Wichita to make it big in New York. Much to her annoyance she is accompanied by Cora, a thirty-six year old chaperone. Cora has a mission of her own in New York and

what she finds liberates her. The five weeks they spend together will change their lives forever.


Anna Circle will meet Wednesday, May 1, at 12:00 pm, to celebrate spring at their semi-annual “60-Something Luncheon.” Please bring a dish to share if you’re plan-ning to attend. Rachael Circle will be meeting on May 20 at 5:30 pm. Nadine Neal will lead the lesson from the May issue of Gather magazine. This meeting is one week early due to Memorial Day falling on the fourth Monday of the month. Ruth Circle will meet at 9:30 am on Tuesday, May 21, in the Choir Room to study Session 9 from Gather maga-zine titled “Time to Go”. Copies of the study are availa-ble on the WELCA bulletin board. An invitation to join us is extended to all women of Good Shepherd.


We are excited to announce that VBS this year will be from June 17 to 21 with a theme of Kingdom Rock. This year's theme will be similar to last years, with some fun and exciting science projects in addition to the usual games, crafts, and stories. We are looking for teens and adults to help us for the week. No experience neces-sary—just come ready for fun! If you are interested in assisting or have questions, please contact Jenelle Keene at We will also be asking for dona-tions of food and supplies as the date draws closer.


A congregational meeting to elect new council members will be held on Sunday, June 16, following the 9:00 am worship service. The following members of the congregation have agreed to run for two-year terms as new members of Council:

Sean McKendall

Kristine Scheu

Tim Smith

Completing the slate of candidates are those current members of Council eligible to run for a second term. They are:

Joe Chamley

John Hart

Debby Rehn

John Todd

Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the Con-gregational Meeting. These members will join Linnea DiBerardino, Jim Hack, Bob Olson, and Jennifer Byers-York who will be com-pleting their second year of their term. Submitting by the 2012-2013 Nominating Committee:

Joe Chamley

Susan Hinrichs

Debby Rehn

John Hart

Bob Clark

Orlo Austin

Pastor Tom

Thank you to the Nominating Committee for its hard work!


5 The Shepherd’s Scroll May 2013


Thank you, Good Shepherd Fami-ly, for each message of sympathy received upon the death of my mother, Josephine Novak. We are grateful for the way Mother

was welcomed as a sister in Christ whenever she could visit our church over the years. Your caring thoughts and prayers help support Jim and me so much

— Carol Manley


On Wednesday, July 24, Good Shepherd will be hosting the Swing Choir from the Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Center (LOMC). Around 20 high schoolers from all over

the state will be performing a concert for us and the communi-ty. We will provide them with an evening meal at church and housing for the choir and their group leaders on Wednesday. So we are looking for volunteers who can host 2 – 4 people in

their home that evening. You would be asked to provide them with an evening snack, a warm bed (not a blanket on the floor, please), and breakfast on Thursday morn-ing. You would also be responsible for getting them back to church at the specified time so that they can head on to their next destination. Speaking from experience, the Swing Choir is a lot of fun and provides a great experi-ence for the young people involved. Please help to make sure their experience at Good Shepherd is a posi-tive one! If you would like to help with the dinner and/or host some of the kids in your home, please contact Kara Greer at or 355-1377, or con-tact the church office at


Thank you to everyone who submitted pledges and time and talent (T&T) sheets for the upcoming church year. If you haven't sent yours in yet, it's not too late! Please drop them in the offering at church, or mail them to the office at your earliest convenience. Last year’s T&T in-formation will be deleted from our records, so please take a few minutes to submit your form. If you need ad-ditional pledge cards or T&T forms, they are available on the table in the narthex or you may download them from the church website at www.gslc/


Signups are now available for Summer Worship Teams! Please sign up on the large poster in the narthex to serve during the 9 am service in June, July, or August. Team members serve as ushers, greeters, communion as-sistants and lay readers, and are asked to be availa-ble for most of the Sun-days during their chosen month. If you have never served on a Worship Team, don't worry--training is available, and experienced Team Captains have already volunteered for the summer months. We'll make sure you know everything you need to know. Thank you!


The Coverdill family has chosen to assign funds given in Becky’s memory to the music ministries of Good Shep-herd Lutheran Church. Becky loved to hear the choir lift their voices in worship. Becky was proud that her son Bob and daughter in-law Celeste were active members of the Good Shepherds choir. The Coverdill family thanks all for their support and prayers.

Happy are those who live in your house, ever singing your praise. Psalm 84.4



Portrait Sessions:

May 1, 2, 3, & 4

6 The Shepherd’s Scroll May 2013


Special Olympics Illinois

GSLC Volunteer: Lynnsey Brownfield

Organization Contact: Jackie Walk at 217-355-1750 or

Organization’s Mission: Special Olympics provides people with disabilities opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, and experience joy at the local, state, national and international levels.

How long have you volunteered for the organization? About 8 years.

Why did you get involved? I've worked with children and adults with varied disabilities since high school. Working with Champaign-Urbana Special Recreation (CUSR) opened my eyes to how many of these individuals compete at a high level lo-cally year-round.

What keeps you going back? The Olympians - hands down. There is noth-ing I've experienced that comes close to be-ing as rewarding as watching and helping these athletes compete. My first time volun-teering for an event, my job was just to stand on the sidelines and clap as each athlete passed by. After that, I was hooked!

Are there volunteer opportunities for other GSLC members? Special Olympics always needs volunteers...! There are events year-round and volunteers just have to be a minimum of 10-years old... so it's a great activity to get involved in as a family. Volunteers can be assigned to any-thing from walking athletes to their competi-tion location, recording times of runs, and even just cheering athletes on! They also provide small trainings before each session they assign you to so you are clear on what you're expected to do.

Are you willing to serve as a contact if anoth-er GSLC member is interested in learning more? ABSOLUTELY!



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7 The Shepherd’s Scroll May 2013


Pharmacy in the Sun

By Denise Hole, RN

For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. – Psalm 48:11

The sun, which is the center of our universe, is the source of earth’s light and heat. This burning fire-ball, 93,000,000 miles away, gives the precise

amount of light and heat needed to support plant and animal life on earth. Without it the world would be plunged into total darkness and subarctic cold, instantly destroying all life. Photosynthesis required for plant life, and metabolic processes necessary for animal life are both supported by the radiant energy and light of the sun. Although it appears that the sun is moving, it is actu-ally the earth which rotates around the sun, creating night and day and the variability of seasons by the orbit that it takes. Without that variation, we would not only be bored with the sameness, but agricultural capacity would be severely limited. Those areas moving closest to the sun are the tropical areas, with the temperate zones receiving less heat, and the Arctic areas least of all the earth. Even with all this necessity and variability, since it’s a part of everyday life, we often take it and what it does for us for granted. Even more amazingly, our human skin was created with the unique capacity to utilize the sun’s ultraviolet rays to synthesize Vitamin D in its deeper epidermal lay-ers. Vitamin D is then converted by the body into active hormones, which stimulate absorption of calcium from the intestine, and promote utilization of calcium in the development and maintenance of our teeth and bones. Anyone who is in the sun as much as 15 minutes per day is able to absorb sufficient Vitamin D. Those persons who have dark pigmentation have less absorption and would need to be in the sun longer for the same benefit as those with lighter complexions. In today’s world, being in the sun seems almost op-tional to some. Those persons who are not in the sun

much, and want to assure the presence of Vitamin D in their bodies, are able to ingest Vitamin D from oily fish, such as sardines, herring, tuna; eggs, and milk products fortified with Vitamin D. It is important for persons who are housebound and take calcium, to be sure to take it with Vitamin D, as they work together as a team. Of course sun exposure is not encouraged in large amounts and protection from prolonged exposure to the harmful UV rays is recommended with wearing long sleeves, hats and the use of sunscreen in order to dis-courage the development of cancerous lesions. But in small doses the sun can make a big difference in your body’s ability to maintain strong bones and teeth. When the Psalmist praised God as his “sun and shield”, he truly described the sun that God gave us to light and warms our lives.


The Bible Study meets Sundays during the education hour in the fellowship hall. The last semester session will be on May 19. Plan to join Pastor Tom again in September when the study resumes. The Daily Discipleship resource can be found at


$2,825 was collected through our Lenten special offering and will be divided among Restoration Urban Ministries, the Canteen Run and the Boys & Girls Club. These local

organizations will benefit greatly from your generosity! — The Service Committee


MAY 19

Games and special activities are

planned to celebrate a great year of

Sunday School.

8 The Shepherd’s Scroll May 2013


Education……………....Sunday, 5/5 11:30 am

Property………………...Tuesday, 5/7 6:30 pm

Evangelism..……………Tuesday, 5/7 7:00 pm

Council………….………..Tuesday, 5/14 7:00 pm

Service…………………...No meeting in May


Worship & Music…….TBD



Pastor…………………………………...Thomas Hillertz

Pastor Emeritus…………....Edward D. Schneider

Youth & Family Minister………….....Jason Fisher

Parish Assistant.………...……………....Yvona Vlach

Parish Nurses……………………....Celeste Coverdill

Elizabeth Kakoma

Organist………………………………………....Linda Pein

Choir Director………………………….…...Jill Crandall

Treasurer……………………………...Dana VanDeveer

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 7:30 am to 3:30 pm (Lunch Noon—1 pm) Fridays: 7:30 am to 12:00 pm

The deadline for the June Scroll is Wednesday, May 22, at Noon.

The deadline for bulletins/announcements is Wednesday at Noon, each week.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

2101 S. Prospect

Champaign, IL 61820






Permit #180

PRAYER REQUESTS If you have prayer requests that you want included on the prayer chain, contact Nicole Paul at 351-1032. Names to be included in the Sunday announcements can be submitted by contacting the church office at 352-1732 or

Hospitalized? Please call the church office if you or a family mem-ber is in the hospital. You or a family member need to notify us di-rectly, as hospital staffs do not normally call clergy.


8:00 am & 10:30 am weekly, with Holy Communion

9:15 am Sunday School and Adult Forum

(last day: May 19)

S t a r t i n g M a y 2 6 :


Sundays at 9:00 am Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

weekly, with Holy Communion


June 17-21

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