may 2011

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Qubee Lounge's May 2011 edition


Qubee Lounge Live Qubeefied

May 2011

May – the month of Liberation & Freedom:

We get to read about various months on different occasions but trust me when I say that you will find the month of May to have the most interesting of characteristics & traits associated with it.

May is a month of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere and spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Therefore May in the Southern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent of November in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa.

The month May has been named for the Greek goddess Maia, who was identified with the Roman era goddess of fertility, Bona Dea, whose festival was held in May. Conversely, the Roman poet Ovid provides a second etymology, in which he says that the month of May is named for the “maiores”; Latin for "elders” and that the following month (June) is named for the “iuniores”, or "young people".

In both common Western calendrical systems, no other month begins on the same day of the week as May. This month and June are the only two months that have this trait, though the first day of August in a common year and the first day of October in a leap year are also unique. No other month ends on the same day of the week as May.

Important & interesting dates/events in May:

May 1 is May Day in many countries. This is also celebrated as Labor Day in many countries

May 3 happens to celebrate both the Japanese Constitution Day (Japan) and the Polish Constitution Day (Poland)

May 5 is Liberation Day in the Netherlands, celebrating the ending of the German occupation

May 9 is Europe Day in the European Union

May 17 is Norwegian Constitution Day

May 24 is when Eritrea celebrates its Independence Day (Independence from Ethiopia).

May 28 is Armenia's first independence, from the Ottoman Empire;- May 28, 1918

Under the French Ancient Régime, it was of habit to "plant a May" or a "tree of May" in the honor of somebody. The County of Nice saw girls and boys "turn the May" with the sound of fife and drum, i.e. to dance rounds of May around the tree of May planted on the place of the village

Inside this issue

1. May –The Month of

Liberation & Freedom P-1 2. Important & interesting

dates/events in May P-1 3. Innovation at Qubee P-2 4. Jokes Corner P-2 5. Trip to Larkana P-3 6. May Farewell & Birthdays P-4

7. 10 Commandments of Human Relations P-4

8. Effective Manager P-5 9. Marketing Campaign P-6 10. Talent Management

Concepts P-7 11. Colors of Life P-7

The internet has become so entwined with many people's

lives that a disruption in service or a downed connection can

cause major anxiety. Being market leader in Pakistan for

broadband wireless internet Qubee customer care feared this

disruption and to cater and provide uninterrupted and

seamless internet to its customers the contact center genius

came up with an IDEA , an idea so powerful that it worked like

magic –This little brain child was named, Qubee Virtual

Assistant .It may be just another technology at hand but it

breaths life, to its users by teaching the agent to better

analyze and manage customers. Now with QVA we can have

customers who leave with a smile at contact center. It’s a

comprehensive Decision support system which guides the

agent how to maneuver the customer with his/her problem.

Its inception was, just a month back and yet it steadily grows

stronger and stable by every passing minute due to the

dedicated personal feeding its mind – All thanks to Syed Imran

Arif from Customer Services L2.It has the capability to

troubleshoot in real-time quite smartly while the customer is

on call –thus while providing assistance to the agents it also

ensures the agent learn the steps in appropriate manner and

learn effective & smart troubleshooting from it in a very

sequential manner

HATS OFF QVA We here at Contact Center mother QVA and

nourish it with all our thoughts, experience and love and hope

to see it grow as a massive tool in Qubee that day will soon

come when we will look up high and know that our QVA is

there for us no matter what the problem is.

Innovation at Qubee the Champions

Jokes Corner

We try to bring the most exciting Mirch Masala with underground jokes happening @ Qubee share with us by sending your contribution

Will be

Trip to Larkana & Mohenjo-Daro

Please read on your own I will not be held

responsible if you laugh off from your seats –

There are some censored stories not specified

here for that you need to contact the people in

the picture …

So it was a sudden plan, Customer care south

needed a break so it was decided to go and visit

the ancients. Special thanks to Shakeel Haq Store

Manager Flagship Tariq Road arranged the trip

and kulfi which was enjoyed alot by our beloved

Faizan Ullah.

The trip started well and enjoyed alot however

the adventure started when we crossed

Hyderabad the AC of the VAN tripped- so it was

heat, sweat and Faizan. Somehow we reached

Larkana and it was a blessing to get out of the

van, and walk, feel the wind making our sweat

working as a conditioner cooling us. We

immediately had lots of Lassi and Faizanullah

insisted for kulfi * ;-the story of kulfi will continue

later on however our main objective was to go

sightseeing Mohenjodaro.But Larkana was its

own beauty ,is the fourth largest city in the

north-western part of Sindh Province, Pakistan,

and is located within Larkana District. In August

2000 Larkana celebrated its hundred years of

existence. It is located on the south bank of the

Ghar canal, 40 miles south of Shikarpur town,

and 36 miles north-east of Mehar.

Coming from a big city this place seemed small.

The town contains a dispensary, an Anglo-

vernacular school attended by 80 pupils, and a

vernacular school with three branches, attended

altogether by 379 pupils. The chief local object of

interest is the tomb of Shāh Bahārah.We did visit

that place and had the luxury to see Faizanullah

eat more Kulfis ,while we enjoyed the luxury of

Coke it did taste weird only to know it was a local

coke but it was cold and a blessing in the

scorching heat no we didn’t got drunk at all.

The area is famous throughout Pakistan for its

association with the Bhutto Family Soomra is

greate also in all over the world.We visted the

shrine of Muthramma Benazir Bhutto and did

fateha and then decided to move to our target

Mohen Jo Daro

A tour to Mohenjo Daro is not only about the

past of the Indus Valley Civilization but is also

about many tireless workers, historians and

archaeologists, who painstakingly unearthed the

layers of mystery that shrouded these sites. It is

their hard work and analysis of the past that has

helped us to get a clear picture of the era gone

by. The Dancing girl found in Mohenjo Daro is an

interesting artefact that is some 4500-year old.

The 10.8 cm long bronze statue of the dancing

girl was found in 1926 from a house in Mohenjo

Dar Oh I did forget to mention that ASAD SHAFIQ

from CRU stole an ancient stone bad boy Asad

!!!! and Faizanullah was craving for more Kulfi’s

while we enjoyed our drinks.

It was a return home knowing the AC of the VAN

is not working and prayed that we reach home as

quick as possible unfortunately this was not the

case we had to use towels dipped in cold ice as

hats to cool us off and we reached back and felt

the city lights it was a relief –A relief indeed with

all the Kulfi’s Faizanullah ate

Kulfi or….



Guess the





Contributed from Bearded Man at Mohenjo-Daro

May; birthday & farewell parties

“The old believe everything; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything” – Oscar Wilde Our birthdays are the feathers on the broad wings of time. Each year in our lives is filled with so many happenings; births, funerals, weddings, functions, movie nights, drama shows, and so much, much more to do. But regardless of all that might be happening in our lives @ any given time, we never miss the date we first arrived into this world.

Sure – if we were to be honest – we end up forgetting our wives’, our friends’, our colleagues’, our relatives’ birthdays in the fury of the hustle bustle that every day brings with itself. A wise man once cracked said, “The best way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once” – H. V. Prochnow; I’m sure he definitely learnt a lesson to come up with that formula

Never the less, no matter how busy our days might get or how crunched we are on time with assignment deadlines, we never forget our family members’ birthday @ Qubee. We endeavor to go the extra mile in making birthdays memorable for all of our family members. Here we share some memories of Qubee birthdays celebrated during the month of May; the Taurians & the Geminis had it all going their way!

And while birthdays were being celebrated on one hand, few of our

Qubee family members were getting ready to move away due to marriages & education during the month of May. We will always miss our very own Michelle from Karachi & Anum Khan from the Lahore Flagship store. But before these family members left us, all of their colleagues ensured their last day at Qubee ends on a high.

Combining birthday festivities and farewell parties, everyone had a great time. Below are words inked by the very talented Usman Zulqernain (our valued CCR from the Lahore Flagship) expressing his sentiments on the departure of his fellow colleague Anum Khan

The 10 Commandments of Human Relations

1. Speak to people

2. Smile at people

3. Call people by name

4. Be friendly and helpful

5. Be cordial

6. Have genuine interest in


7. Be generous with praise

8. Be considerate of the

feelings of others

9. Be thoughtful of the opinions

of others

10. Be alert to give service

Effective Manager Learn Shop Globalization and rapidly developing technology shows we are in a period of intense competition. Proper management is vital in these complex environments. The quality of manager and effective management styles can determine the culture of the organization, the productivity of its staff, and, ultimately, success or failure. A manager should have the ability to direct, supervise, encourage, inspire, and co-ordinate, and in doing so facilitate action and guide change. Managers develop their own leadership qualities and those of others. Management utilizes planning, organizational and communications skills. These skills are important in leadership also, but even more so are qualities such as integrity, honesty, courage, commitment, sincerity, passion, determination, compassion and sensitivity.

In-line with these thoughts, the “Effective Manager” learnshop was executed in Karachi @ the Augere Guesthouse on May 27th. And boy oh boy, what an amazing experience it was for all the participants. Forget the old school concept of trainings where you sit in a half-lightened room glaring lost at slide after slide on a PowerPoint presentation. Oh no, no, no; we at Qubee are trend setters and we were sure to make the “Effective Manager” learnshop experience a positive memory for all participants. With loads of interactive exercises and team-based activities, the images below speak of the learning experience for themselves.

Effective Manager

Only a few weeks back we got good news &

praise from our CEO – honorable Mubashir

Naqvi Sb – about the Qubee customer base

having expanded to a 100,000 active users.

Indeed this was a historic moment in the life

of our young company that is still budding in

many ways & at many fronts. Yes those

figures make us really proud of the effort &

endeavor that our sales people – from top to

bottom – put in towards bringing both fresh

& former customers onboard with Qubee;

hats off to all these fine soldiers of

ours!But at the same time, while the

Sales force is preoccupied with selling Qubee

services to prospective customers, our

dedicated & committed family members from

the Marketing team were doing one hell of a

job at providing the best possible support

function to the Sales team. The whole month

of May and a major part of June witnessed

extreme & enthusiastic Marketing campaigns

being executed in different parts of both the

city that never sleeps – Lahore – and the city

of pleasant evenings – Karachi – in various

manners. Streamers were lined up on major

& heavily trafficked roads of Lahore &

Karachi, Billboards were raised at popular

junctions of the cities, the print media did not

go unnoticed either as Qubee advertisements

kept appearing in numerous newspapers on a

frequent note, live concerts from both local &

international musicians kept the crowds

engaged, comfortably air-conditioned

‘Experience Area’ where they could check out

the performance of Qubee’s networks and

the various devices options we offer to

accommodate customers of all nature &

need, e-advertisement with banners placed

on various popular websites and lastly, but

definitely not the least, an extreme road

show with a Volkswagen Foxy and a Mazda

RX-8 being escorted by rollerbladers ensured

exactly the kind of brand awareness that the

Lahori populace needed in order to know that

“Qubee has finally arrived and it is here to

stay for good after winning over all other


Yes! Xtreme it was for sure; with a DJ seated atop the Volkswagen Foxy playing

smashing mixes, the Qubee roller blade teams put up an eye-popping & enthralling

stunt show as Jessie Singh busted his rhymes live on the stage decorated above the

Qubee float. One gig after another made certain that not only did the Qubee Marketing

& Sales force collaboration capture everyone’s attention but also compel the masses to

come forward and inquire more & more about our brand and services. Yes my friends,

with Lahore & Karachi having done a commendable job at creating brand awareness for

Qubee, it is only a matter of time before the Qubee Empire expands into newer

territories and also makes a grand entrance into Islamabad with the same enthusiasm,

charisma, enchantment & a BANG!! Check out these photographs from the Marketing

teams multi-tiered campaigns that lit up the streets of Lahore and Karachi day after day

with parallel running executions; hats off to the great Qubee Marketeers!


The Colors of Life

Blue is the sadness dwelled inside, A troubled soul that has been

denied, Of love and friendship in this world, When hate and envy are unfurled.

Grey is the color of the falling rain,

Weeping with insanity that was never explained

It's the mourning and the sadness formed inside,

Our worried selves, filled with pride.

Black is as deep as emotions can

go, Revealing everything it can possibly

show. This is when we all break down, And in our emotions we seem to


Yellow is the happiness we all possess,

That allows us laughter we can all express.

Through all our times of sadness and woe,

Yellow is the color we all need to know.

Colors are rather precisely unique, All containing their own physique.

But in order to live every day of our lives,

We've got to make sure every color survives.

By Shelina Dsouza.


Time is Money

Time and Tide wait for no one

Take care of minutes, hours will take care of them by


Do important tasks now before they become urgent

If you ruin time, time will ruin you

Organize yourself well to have more time to do the things you

love to do

Manage your time as you manage your money

Procrastination is the thief of time

Time is neither repeatable nor refundable

Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can to today, because if

you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow

It takes time to save time

Today is the future you created yesterday

YESTERDAY is a cancelled cheque, TOMORROW is a promissory note

and TODAY is ready cash; use it!

Use the TNT formula i.e. ‘Today, Not Tomorrow’ rule

By Bilal Afridi

A special thanks to Shelina Dsouza ,Bilal Afridi

and Usman Zuilqernain for contributions. We

encourage all other Qubee family members to

come forth with their contribution and send

them to


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