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Hearne ISDDr. Adrain Johnson, Superintendent

Formal Review May 17, 2017

President’s Perspective

Mr. James Taylor, Hearne ISD President of the Board of Trustees

Student outcomes don’t change

until adult behaviors



Dr. Adrain Johnson, Hearne ISD Superintendent

Systems Analysis of Hearne ISD• Governance Progress

Team of 8 Training

Lone Star Governance Training

• Financial Systems

• Instructional Systems

Curriculum Director/ Instructional Specialists

Systems Training

Region 6 Service Center

• Data Systems

Data 101

Ongoing review

• Student Progress/Outcomes

Governance Progress

Board of Trustees Lone Star Governance Progress

Board Members (BOT) attended the Lone Star Governance Training in December 2016

BOT Completed Self Evaluations and Board consensus each quarter

BOT reviewed, revised, approved and adopted the Hearne ISD Vision, Mission, and Motto

BOT approved Goals, Progress Measures, and Constraints

BOT approved Board Monitoring Calendar

BOT reviewed Goal 1 per the Board Monitoring Calendar

BOT approved Board Progress Tracker by vote on consent agenda at the Board Meeting following the Board Workshop

Goal 1 (Index 1)

The STAAR/EOC percentage of students who will meet or master progress in all grades in all subjects will increase from 41% to 70% by 2022.

PM 1 – The percentage of students who will meet or master progress in readingwill increase from 51% to 65% by 2018.

PM 2 - The percentage of students who will meet or master progress in math will increase from 32% to 65% by 2019.

PM 3 – The percentage of students who will meet or master progress in reading and math combined will increase from 65% - 70% by 2022.

Goal 1 Constraints and Constraint Progress Measures

The Superintendent will not allow a lack of supports for students and teachers that impede instruction and professional growth during the school day in reading and math.

• CPM Do not allow the Superintendent to schedule more than 25% of required student intervention time outside of the regular school day at any campus in reading and math.

• CPM Do not allow the Superintendent to create a district master calendar or school day schedule that prohibits job imbedded professional development for all teachers in reading and math.

• CPM Do not allow the Superintendent to decrease learning time in reading and math as compared to all other subjects.

Goal 2 (Index 2 and 3)

Percentage of students who meet grade level mastery or above in reading on a TEKS aligned district assessment using a balanced literacy plan will increase from 48% to 70% by 2022.

PM 1 – 100% percent of students will receive reading instruction using the balanced literacy plan.

PM2 – The percentage of students who meet the progress measure in reading on a TEKS aligned district assessment using a balanced literacy plan will increase from 30% to 60% by 2020.

PM3 – The percentage of students who meet their grade level proficiency in reading on a TEKS aligned district assessment using a balanced literacy plan will increase from 0% to 70% by 2022.

Goal 2 Constraints and Constraint Progress Measures

The Superintendent will not allow students to receive instruction from non-qualified staff.

• CPM Do not allow the Superintendent to hire principals of schools with less than 1 year principal experience.

• CPM Do not allow the Superintendent to hire more than 5% of reading teachers who are in their induction (1st) year without Board approval.

• CPM Do not allow the Superintendent to retain teachers that lack evidence of research based instructional practices without requiring a professional learning plan for their development.

Goal 3 (Index 4 and 5)

Student outcomes for post secondary readiness including CTE coherent sequence and advanced course/dual credit course completion will increase from 26% to 50% by 2022.

PM 1- The percentage of students who achieve mastery scores on the Texas Success Initiative Assessment in math and reading and complete a dual credit or Advanced Placement course will increase from 1.8% to 5% in 2018.

PM2 – The percentage of students who complete a CTE course coherent sequence will increase from 19.6% to 50% by 2020.

PM 3 – The percentage of students and parents who indicate through survey that they are aware of post secondary readiness opportunities will increase from 0% to 100% by 2022.

Goal 3 Constraints and Constraint Progress Measures

The Superintendent will not allow the district curriculum to lack access to post secondary readiness components.

• CPM Do not allow the Superintendent to decrease the number of CTE, Dual credit or AP course offerings

• CPM Do not allow the Superintendent to reduce student opportunities to complete a CTE coherent sequence including the use of virtual learning.

• CPM Do not allow the Superintendent to reduce the amount of materials, training, and resources allotted for CTE, Dual credit or AP courses.

Financial Systems

• New Auditing Firm

• Budget Process

• Administrative Procedure Manual

• Operational Manual

Instructional Systems

• Director of Curriculum

• Instructional Specialists

• Region 6 Service Center

• Systems Training

Pacing Calendars

TEKS Deconstruction

Backward Design Planning

Instructional Data Focus Meetings

Weekly Instructional Meetings

Students own their data

• Parent and Community Engagement

Parent University

State of District Community Event

Parent Academic Fairs

Parent Newsletters

Parent Surveys

Informative Parent Meetings

Data Systems

• Accountability 101

• Data Talks at campus level each grading period

• Formative and Summative Assessments each grading period

• District-wide DMAC quintile reports used each grading period to inform instruction

• Instructional Specialists support campus progress monitoring

• Data reviewed weekly in PLC on each campus

• Document support through Lead4Ward Accountability Connect with PSP

STAAR Progress Measure – 5th Grade

5th Gr. Students Meeting Reading

Progress Measure

# Students Tested

# NotEligible

for Progress Measure

#Progress not Met

# Met ProgressMeasure

# ExceededProgress Measure

73 20 23 19 11

% 43% 36% 21%

5th Gr. Students Meeting Math

Progress Measure

# of Students Tested

# NotEligible

for Progress Measure

#Progress not Met

# Met Progress Measure

# ExceededProgress Measure

74 20 15 26 13

% 28% 48% 24%

Progress Precedes Performance

STAAR Progress Measure – 8th Grade

8th Gr. Students Meeting Reading

Progress Measure

# Students Tested

# NotEligible for Progress Measure

#Progress not Met

# Met Progress Measure

# Exceeding Progress Measure

58 5 20 24 9

% 38% 45% 17%

8th Gr. Students Meeting Math

Progress Measure

# Students Tested

# NotEligible

for Progress Measure

#Progress not Met

# Met Progress Measure

# Exceeding Progress Measure

58 5 14 32 7

% 26% 60% 13%

Progress Precedes Performance

5th Grade Cohort Reading Progress

2016 3rd to 4th Grade

Reading Progress


13%Progress not met



2017 4th to 5th Grade

Reading Progress




Progress not met



5th Grade Cohort Math Progress

2016 3rd to 4th Grade

Math Progress


8% Progress not met



2017 4th to 5th Grade

Math Progress




Progress not met



8th Grade Cohort Reading Progress2016 6th to 7th Grade

Reading Progress




Progress not




2017 7th to 8th Grade

Reading Progress




Progress not met



8th Grade Cohort Math Progress

2016 6th to 7th Grade Math Progress



Progress not met



2017 7th to 8th Grade Math Progress



13% Progress not met



Post-secondary readiness opportunities include dual credit, college visits, and scholarship opportunities in specific

partnerships with colleges and universities for Hearne ISD students.

Student Voice – Student ChoiceStudents have a voice and a choice in their educational opportunities

whether that is choice in assignment , experience, or reward. Students are encouraged to create real world experiences that extend their

learning. The opinions and efforts of students are valued and celebrated in

Hearne ISD.

Recruiting, Retaining, Sustaining

2017 Recruiting, Retaining, Sustaining• Star Teacher Recognition

• Teacher of the Year

Secondary and Elementary

Submitting for Regional Consideration

• Teacher Appreciation Activities

• Intent to Return Talks

• Summer Staff Development


DMAC Academy

Avid Training

College Board (AP)

• May 2017

Retirements + Resignations = 10

Program and Staffing Evaluations for 2017-2018 based on enrollment and student need

Master Schedules and course assignments completed by June 2017

Leadership Summit planned for August

New Teacher Institute to be implemented in August 2017

Recruiting, Retaining, Sustaining

As We Move Forward………….• Pilot Program w/ Region 6 for school improvement

• Turnaround Plan

• Literacy Plan

• Numeracy Plan

• Continue Governance Training

Thank you for the opportunity to address you today.

• Dr. Adrain Johnson – Superintendent

• Mr. James Taylor – Board President

• Dr. Delic Loyde – Governance Facilitator

• Ms. Lucinda McDaniel – District Testing and Accountability

• Mr. Travis Weatherspoon – Director of Curriculum and Instruction

• Ms. Nelda Calhoun – Board Vice-President

• Ms. Mary Jane Ramirez – Board Member

• Ms. Joslyn Pierce – High School Principal

• Ms. Latishia Crockett – Elementary Principal

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