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Post on 03-Jul-2015






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Mareen's EDU740


How to Incorporate Independent Reading

Into The Classroom

While students have much control over what they choose to read, teachers need to

encourage them to choose from different genres. One of the goals of independent

reading is to help students feel confident with their ability. This is accomplished by

reading on a level they feel comfortable with. And when given the opportunities and the

right environment, students are much more likely to develop a love for reading. That’s

why independent reading is more than just letting students pick a book and read while

the teacher does something else. Teachers have a responsibility in this as well. They’re

the ones that need to provide the tools students need to be independent, lifelong

readers. That leads to the four essential elements of independent reading:

Element #1 – Choice

Element #2 – Strategies

Element #3 – Time

Element #4 – Goals

Children are thrilled when they’re given a choice of what to read. They’re much more motivated. Who wouldn’t be? However, since students must make a selection that’s on their reading level, teachers need to have an exceptional classroom library. That means books on many different levels, topics, as well as genres. And like any library, classroom books need to be organized so students can easily make a selection.

Before students can become proficient independent readers, they must have the tools they need to be successful. Inside the toolbox are two basic strategies; decoding strategies and comprehension strategies. Decoding strategies help children move forward when they stumble upon a word they don’t know. They know what to do to figure it out. Comprehension strategies guide students to think about what they’re reading – to make connections, use visualization, ask questions, and make inferences… all to synthesize the words they read into something they comprehend.

How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice! How do you get to be a proficient (even prolific) reader? Practice, practice, practice! As all musicians and athletes know, practice takes time. That’s why time should be set aside to practice reading as well. Also, by dedicating long blocks of time to independent reading, students quickly get the idea that reading is important.

Encourage students to set reading goals but teachers do need to specify what kind of goal. Otherwise, a student’s goal could be to get to the end of the book. Because there is already a long period of time set aside for independent reading, the teacher can use this time to conference with the students. Listen to their reading and see how they apply the strategies. Then help students set a reading goal based on the strategy they need to strengthen.

Element #1 – Choice

Element #2 – Strategies

Element #3 – Time

Element #4 – Goals

How do students learn these strategies? The teacher models them. Independent reading time is when the students apply them.

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