maundy thurday 2016

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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  • 8/16/2019 Maundy Thurday 2016


    Maundy-Thursday 3/21/2016

    We gather today to celebrate Maundy-Thursday, the “Holy

     Thursday” observance n the !cottsh "te cha#ter o$ "ose %ro&'

     Ty#cally observed on Thursday, s also called the “The day o$ the

    !u##er o$ the (ord” and “The )ay o$ Mysteres”' Ths observance

    #recedes the ty#cal *aster !unday and *aster s the +rst !undaya$ter the $ull oon hch ha##ens on the vernal on or

    a$ter March 21st'

    or the observance o$ Maundy-Thursday, the "ose %ro& has a

    ban.uet as a eoral servce to the nghts o$ the "ose %ro&

    ho has #assed durng the #recedng year, ths s our Mystc

    an.uet' ur observance o$ these nghts strengthens the tes o$

    our brotherly love, #ast and #resent' We celebrate the lves o$ our

    de#arted and #roote our rotherly love th our rethren andannd' The “Holy Thursday” s celebrated across any d4erent

    relgons, ncludng both %hrstans and 5es durng the vernal, hether t be the observaton o$ the Holy Thursday,

    assover, or arsee' *ach havng ther on rtual, close to the


    %ha#ters o$ "ose %ro& nghts should hold ths reebrance to

    coeorate the lves o$ those ho or to #rove all o$

    annd' reeasonry s a duty to annd and a #ractce, hch

    o$ten re.ures a lot o$ #ersonal sacr+ces, dedcaton and should

    bene+t the good o$ huanty

     The !cottsh "te holds ths annual reebrance every year, as

    e gather throughout the orld to rea7r our $ath n the

    $raternty o$ annd' The cereony ncludes a $east, $olloed by

    the e&tngushng o$ the candles and the relghtng o$ the candles

    on *aster !unday' “8 ne coandent 9 gve unto you, That ye

    love one another” :5ohn 13;3a?areth as he broe bread th hs dsc#les at the lastsu##er' Tonght, e gathered to share a eal together, to brea

    bread, observe ths reebrance, and the suble truth that all

    en are brothers' We gathered to brea bread, drn the ne o$

    re$reshent, and to reconcle th those that e ay have

    o4ended' We reeber our dedcaton to all annd, our

  • 8/16/2019 Maundy Thurday 2016


    Maundy-Thursday 3/21/2016

    rethren and to celebrate the rebrth o$ the earth, as s#rng

    coes u#on us'

    "eeber our #ast nghts and coeorate ther lves' May

    e or to #rove all o$ annd and rea7r $ath n the

    $raternty o$ annd' We ho#e you en@oyed the reebrance

    dnner ths evenng' >e&t e ll do a seres o$ toasts and then

    there ll be an e&tngushng o$ the candles, on *aster !unday at

    A 8M e ll relght the candles'

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