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Post on 06-Jul-2020






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Hons & cokeAttorsevs at Law


Tiic (lennanla Mfv tuinraiieitt.. Tlio Hrernwlch Fire luuruucu Co



AlTottSliY. W-


John richaudsonAttousta- - at Lac


Antonio tavaresAttorney at Law.





at Law,

OftCd OccMtftttM U,l', rorner or Klug nmlAiiiUeuHi roots.



Attorney at Law


Atkinson & .tuddA. I.. ATKINSON, 4T.IIT r. JUIW, Jit.

Attorneys at LXw

Offlocovrr lltisnnn tV hank) onr. Merchantaim Kiianumunu nircuix.


Davis & gearAttorneys Counsellors at Law

i .tn.. 1,1 .ill UA S,iiit.,f 1 1u

Torrltnrt of llair.iU and Itt tliu Courts.

ROOMS :t0 2d2 20:1 JudJ MuUiin6



John wbddick, m. d



PilVstcrAN & SVHMfcuK



Physician & SiMokuK


!f$R J. McGfiTTlGAN, 1. D

1? y s r.i-v-N & SU no eon

RANA. v v MA&r


Physician- - ScuoEoif



W. RUSSECit ttOOTfy&.D S

DentistOffletf-.Mf- t axo MxKbt

Wailuku v v Maui

SttRvKYUH vt ClVlli fe)i'olSEUh


Am. SUi.ViB.

SOti Wad Rlcoe!; fiSHoittlwltt






ORIcti Itoomi 2 nml J. Arlington Annex.Ti l. WJ; IN O. Hox 7T8.

Honolulu, - h.i.furnished at short uoilct;.

Howard & trainAhciiitects

Suite T, Mndrl Dlock, Fort StreetTeleiiliono WW





Tr.i.Ei'imNh No. 20.o


Carpenter & Builder

Estimates FurnishedWAILUKU, i MAUI.


Huctioncetl'iR TMk District )V

Laluilnn MuuJ, T. H.

Green & crowell

Gentractcrs & BisUders

Estumitea vurmshetl on

all Cltisses nt Builidngs.



ivcry, Feed A Sale Stable

Wji. GOODMESS, Pro).

Hacks, Cawlaes,Busies




Hacks and Saddle Horses


fh.cyarrt Street, Wu'Av,'


HacksCarrlaS Ssstes Sadllk ftorses



Opp. Itto Saloon, WuilukU) MttWl

MiReHANT TailorMurUel Street, Opii. Sa'rdfeto--,


tout t V.ttWntfctvi

CHING HOURestntfflllt S Coffee Saloon

BbM)) feVPV bAV

wAtlukh MAt'l


wrtif For sample of our NEWfFsdUand Winter Wear &e

Sutin PcrsicnnoOrgandies .Organdies .

White Donntiusf White DimitiesFZephers'GinghamsGinghams Prints

Calicos15 yds


k- -



bRESS GOODS. tho4 latest designs direct forp0i j.TirillLrfllifA.- -



: ;


Calico20 yd

Foreign INjewsbAgainst Reform.

London, Otlobcr Tlra Shanghai corix'Snilont or the Times wiringyesterday euys.



"The TaoTai has apj Uwl to tlic consuls to arrest over oUO Chinese whoreside in the foreign setthments on s clioVcu of conspiraej'. Those namedinclude several well known Chinamen whoso only crime is that theyposesses progressive ideas.

"This demand is .significant of the growing influence of the unti-foreig- n

party. The fact that u tribute of rice is regularly shipped up' thu YangTse Kiang, proves that the viceroysDowager,"


Manifesto By Rebel Leadors,

New York, October lit. The Chinese are strongly establishedwith headquarters at Wai Cltu Mj'a a Hontr Kvmg dispatch to the Herald.Their leaders, whouro apiucently dW.tlpWs f Kaug Yu Wei, have issueda manifesto pruvlaUnlng that China is cctuhtetely tit the mercy of her foes,for which the umwittrins are entirely re pvuMble. Every thing i ((uicton the DriUfih tronller. The rebels have yvme nortli toward Canton.

New Youk, Out, 10. In a lone dispulch from Yalta, Rus-iia- , ncurwhich plneo the Czar l staying, a eorrespondont of the Herald quotes uhigh Rusfciun oHleial, who sees the Czar dally, and is fully eonv rsimt withthe Emperor's views un the Chinese situation. This oHIcial asked that hisname be uel sent, but the tone of the dispatch leaves littlo doubt it wasCount Lanwdorlf, the newly created minister of foreign affairs of RUssiu.The ofikkil sttld of the Rus.iian policy toward Chlnat

"I defy nni'one to show that Russia had deviated Its any respect fromthe policy which has been announced, and which is ftiven quite openly (n

tho Russian press. What Russia undertook to do site did. Her pulleyhas been openly and perfectly simple from tho tirst.

"So far from having designs upon Manchuria Russia's frontier in thatpart was not properly protected. Wo wore so unprepared that we hadto submit to being attacked and bombarded. Does UtUl look like ourbeing prepared to annex Manchuria?

"Just look at our cwuuuiry.


the Empress

nuyono unow country

i.iv.l,.,. Their attaekrs

IVWvty SWH Vofral

liftutt bviu'ss twm Sma ysWin Aktek. s

imagine a'nvoUeut that Kitetla l in want of additional territory? Howcan any thinking peVavn entertain such a viow? Russia Is quite contentwith what site has gut What has she wishes time In develop.

Krucfct" Gtmf5 Holland.

LouKNZtt NlAltQ)a'P., October t'J.Ml Kruegor taken fettrotly onboard the Dutch cruiser GcVderUMrtl Ut o o'clock' this morning. Vesselwill takte Mr. Kruegttl lo Hollaiah

The reason given Mi Krueget's cret embarkation Was that hefeared the Boers here Would ivtUieU hUn. The fouling uf the lVfuycesagainst Krvrcgor flcethig cunnlry is very strong The partydrove hl1lJ1 custom houso and embarked from the custom plvM' insteadof from t'ne puai'g01 ietty It is ropnrteU that thetomorrow. -

London, Otttuber T;9.i'd Rol!er,ts ropeOts Pretorin, Water daleof October 18th, 'as follows:

"A party f Boers gwt into MUU;m the night of OeybBr lUth

a fight ensued the morning. V?U' wte t'leven killett. The Boers

lest their commandant and twenty killvidispatched a coliinm wWvh slASVild

reached Jagcrsfontelu today"PtVLToluA Oelnber lft.-Th- lk)ers am dhllv W'i" piiV-Uu- VX

,AMvh.v m KuttiiiU-- tho U.i..iri ii,ih



Uan wno tins









arc intotel-ahb- . Thtt tviyaUine lineineh Witawl hAiV t?! '4istil ftu-t- s

SvlthoutetiufcMttrablottsKttrts. The




''Kolly.Kenny UlidvM-H"110- .

burghttrs Wmi them us alUfvnlly WVStttt be VtsRyUbettes NoUny.

tieoMX ettthtf UK thtt hlmttvthttt m,WS in goW uAtet slttltwWTU"ehousio on ShlWnwr lith.







lho miAt


OctxsbVi- - UV. desilHWkM5 WltVvW lV. olirt vl the KWPaht&tJftti at Jvmv mWte tfghWt SU'tttnber , ftatl whileheW liii Mahagnl-- VtlVtirinttn, tht tfthW U'A CaWVld Uie A!fo lUW Vhl'

street aM Voc frVAft It W&U in 6ash








fctato M0KVJS- - YoWv-- , 0ca U---i- ftlraWasldmplett4 a poll ot UvttWly WMV-seiltaViV-- tt

WhW.V district. VA Manhattan ftiWr ckWets Va BnooUynTire VftA tAtoWfc VlAldnhaVnW will g Br.n hy fa&pifor i' fey 'J4,000-- .

16 "t- - "IVIV- tt "Tfc- - --Vk


AB3 ( Jllti yanir


83 .. A



13 .:: )

io, fi

Calicos?$i.OO 4

C7.N1 1 P. O. DDX 100(

"tV. Ifj. Jj, Q



Kruegcr wny visit America.

The Pope, favors American rule inthe Philiptnes.

The torpedo boat Holland lias gonfInto commission.

Regular troops will he transferredi'roin PoOtw- Sieo to Malillu

Dr. .Ionian of Stanford will go 1oJapan to classify the fishes.

Yellow (ever promises to Increase. HaViinA.JChcn the streets are op.cued.

Nothing will be done for severalweeks towards iUllrtg Huntingtonplace.

Engineer Abbott says tin (.'annumeanal will be built under any circum-stances. 1

Enclbh ttuttuclers itro watchingthe American market for pointers onthe election,

Charles T. Yerkes considers hitLondon underground dealhis ntasterpeice.

A cable from Paris to the New YorkTribune says the Worlds Fair iswithin measurable distance of theend.

A punitive expedition of 200 meneither French or English, is believedto have been massacred on the Abys-sinian border.

Simmons a millionaire hardwaretiiiiu of St, Louis, outbid tho Shah ofIVrsia Tor the fatuous Tilfany pearlund emerald brooch.

The Wall Street betting odds uponvMcKinley aru new sqtiuroly 4 to 1.

A bet was made thatMcKinley wouldc.trry New Yortc by 100,000 plurality.

London Yunity frNiirsuvs it is bo'iev.wd that Loil Cure.on will resign asViceroy to India, owing to the illnej'Bof his-- wife, who was formerly Miss

Viitcr of Chiea.'

Long stretches 'of the Japanesecoast havebven devastated by tyboons. At Numudeu 100 fishermen

blown out to hen and prUbablytUMWlicd. Hundreds of dWvlllngwuru destroyed in Tokyo.

'I'l anthacrite coalstrllitt demand letter tettHs. The

t condiUunally, thw Wt per centMVUtWe. liVtl WtUt tho sliding scatealwllslittxh I'hVytdsn insist that hifchtflay Wust be guaranteed fttr Urtwnthsv li thn stvl'-rt- ) will bt prn- -

AfittoVJrwill ho tVaUWiWl atiVulMrii, Nnw Yorr iit;' ho rtfcw

f rV-.- WiVctefttraticAi pries', 'this new.klttvss Was discovered hy Shennah

tters of Newcastle and E. Yv

' tit Boston 'ThVifruAt Is toAV--

VVtxA in idrcut tho ra'to ots, W

Sv-U'miti- its flfiVMr m VvVhKxwMii

Hoffman & Yctlcsoii



Abi& stock of geedall kinds personally m

" j I 1 . a PiMtfCicu .our mi'Vetlesen.Come and sec oupSteet Rentes, Blue

Flame 'Stoves,Sewing

Machines,Bath Tube,Hammocks

Etc., Etc., Etc.TELIiPHONC rs'o. T S

Goods will lH'tVlivei-e- l at V'nikapnMonday. Wednesday and Friday: atAVaihce Tuesdtty, ThV.)day and "Saturday; and at all hours in Wtiiluku.

A. J. liliESGeneral

MerchandiseLAtrnis nnEfis coops





OwkWpUvori'il In Wnlliii', Nhf Tl:tfiitny nlii S.ihuiliiy; in WfclluUi i.M Wull.aiV.lully.

ti:li:ihonI: m s wu

PaiaPlantation Sto 'ft

GOODSRetail At

Whoiesak Prices

Freight Peid on nilOrders tOatid

Photographs- -L CHASE

hrtimtt wA baAmpi vhotagraici


WEndoi HotelWMtAiKV) MfV(

Tt:V.iVWi: Ntv. IfA

Lodging HouetonWrtly WXWij Kiiv

Alt RH LWrtttw



Omen. HA I LEV 15LOCK, .Vain Sr.WA'.LUKl. MALI, T. H.

SUH.SCUIPTIOX( )nu year, (in ajvauc )Six iii iitii. '

(MlUIUIlH O. Ift ll'l t Hi

OI" Of p;4,twill ! Ii ! l n "

S i!




.'!i:iit ((inimii'ila-Wrti- t

ouK oh,'Ui- wiiti-i- i

G. B. ROBERTSON. Ed. and Prop.MRS. G. B. ROBERTSON, Bus. Mgr.

SaturdayNOVEMBER 3,



Tlon. .T. W. Clrrnlt .lu,ltf. Wiilliiiiu.1. K. X. CIitK lllicuit t'ourt, WuilultuJ mm OH Doli.MtwuUlnl. MiiKlsirutt), Wiillnkvi

" Kiilmpuuluim, " Mukitniui" Kill"illrlli. " " l,:lh;lti:u" Kiililimu, " " Hoinmulu

JiM-pu- " " Hnim" " " -- KIpnlHilul'tttiiiinn," MiiIi.h', " " . Sliiliilml" KitiiitililuHiili, " ' ' l.imiit

I,. M. HuWwIu, 8!'.irllt, WiilltilmA. X. Ilnvwlilcn, O.'imtv ShnrliT Wnlltiliii(V. It. Kin. " " MnkBWiuiC. II. I.linlsav, " " Lnlmlim

" " IliumV. Wiilnvk,U. Tnnilih'. " " Mold! it

V. 1'.. S:HTitv, 0.n:iiln Pnllort, Wnl'lilnS. K.vliimu. ' Mulmni.u

" " Llllln'.llllM. K;:l'v;tu-.l- ,

Mtl.l:i"V, " " HlillllP. .1. " " MiilolmlC. It. , Tux HuiliuW. T. l!oMniu. IVputv As.ismr Wiillu'mW. O. Alki-n- , " " Pain(1. D.iuii, " " LntmliniJ. Uro.w, " " Hnim

It is ;i serious r.iistake to think tliiit tlio native llawaiians ofi, the cl.iss g;iorally indicated by the term "ignorant Hawaii- -

ans." will not Ihink and act for themselves at the approachingelection. Woru there a rational hope for the restoration of the

ueen. tbwre is no doubt but that the majority of them would workand vote to that end. Hut the Hawaiian of Maui have abandonedall such hope, and are now thinking their way into one or the otherof the two loading political parties. This was well illustrated atone of Hob Wilcox's meetings in La bain a, the other day. Bob waswaxing eloquent at the loss of the taro patches, and suggestedthat the time would come whei tho cane have to go, and tarowould take its place as of old. No sooner did his native audiencegrasp his meaning, than they revolted at his proposd step back-ward toward their former condition, and they absolutely hootedhim oil the rostrum.

O 0 oThe Supreme Court of the Territory of Hawaii has only itself

io thank for t'.ie Ltd that all confidence in its decisions has beepshaken in the minds of honest, right thinking men. A courf whichwould stultify itself us our Supreme Court has dno in theKd wards and Marshall cases, needs a radical revision. If some oiHie individual members of tho Court were governed by high prin-ciples rather than by their personal prejudices, the cases abovementioned are not startling demonstrations of that fact. To whomcan we look, if not to our Supreme Court, for wise and uniforminterpretations of the Ijws of the land? And when two such antag-onistic decisions are handed down from the same Court, as wasthe case with El wards and Marshall, which way shall the peopleturn to know what is law and what is not law.

9 9H The linal solution f the Chinese question is too profound a

problem for o;uy solution, Two or three of the results may easilybe guessed, however. One is that the Mtinchu dynasty will beswept away. Another result probably will be hat th,e reformerswill become masters of southern China, or China proper. Anotherwill be that China will bq soundly thrashed by the Qermans, whowill take enough of Chinese territory to pay the expenses of thewar. Another is that when the war cloud which now overshadowsRussia and Germany is swept away, Russia will bo discovered tohave acquired

'a largo portion of northern China, and "tljere are

others." "

oWill the president of the society for q prevention of cruelty

to animals b,e kind enough to send an officer qver here to investi-gate the manner in which some of the igncrant Japanese and otherinexperienced farriers maiuj and carve up the feet of horses inalleged attends to shoo. ,heui? o olie should bo allowed to torture horses by such binurlinsr as is said to be uracr.ieed in some i fthe shops here, and it would not be a bad idea to require horseshoers to take out a graduate's license before engaging in suchwork.


H) It is, after all, to the Planters' Association that the Islandsmust look for a rehabilitation of our forests. Tfye gpyorninpnt ofthe territory must press the button, but the potepj; forpp in the ac-

complishment of any substantial benefit in djrectipn will comefrom the Association. Tq psprpss Hq jda differently, and per-haps, more forcibly, jf tho Planters' Association do not take theinitiative in the matter and push forest culture to a successful issue, nothing worth the name will be accomplished in this direction.

gj The often claimod hatred of tho native for the haolo is almostentirely a mythical claim, as a matter of fact. Now that the nativeshave become Ampriaan citizens with all the rights that belong toAmerican citjgonship, a new fueling has sprung up in tlinjr hearts,and thq haoles and natives of Maui are coming clqsp together inkusillPS.S. social and xoliticuJ relations. In a few years, if all goeswell, such claimod antagonism will become a fqrgqften. tradition.

9 9 9g? S5ncp initial nunjber of tho NEWS was issued, a little overeight months agp, an even dozen of new residences and. businessbuildings- - have been sprung up in Wailuku, spine of which havebeen completed and occupied, and the others are well under way.The explanation is simple enough. The psychqlogical moment forgrowth arrived, and the town grow, Nor is it done growing yet,nor will bo till we have a bakery ivnd a bank,

9The creditors of tho Wailuku water works, some of whom

have been waiting for their, just dues since June, for labor per-formed, are to wonder what has become of the surpluson hand at the completion of tho work, How about this, Mr.Rowell?

.999While it is impossible to predict with any certainty as yet the

trend of the bulk of the Hawaiian vote on Maui, yet this much is J

twruuuy assureu mat, ma voio is not oiinuiy toiiowing the lead ojrany one man or party, and that it will bo more or less scattering

g?U WeoncemorotakootTourhut.andhumblyand respectfullyasit lie government vhy the dickens it dont at once put tire hydrantsin our city w.'.ter mains on the prominent business eoms'j

gi Carefully examine the Maui News ticket before you iote nextTuesday, and then. Vote for the beat meu.


Maui i.s tho second island in size

of the Hawaiian group, with an areaof 700 . miles or 400,000 acres, andhas between 15,000 and 30,000 popula-

tion, including Chinese and Japanese.The island consists of two circularvolcanic groups of mountains, connected by a long, low, sar.dy isthmusabout three miles wide. The westerngroup is the smaller of the two, thehighest peaks of which are but 5,830

feet. On east Maui stands Haleakala,au extinct volcano 10,033 ft. high,on the summit of which i.s the largestcrater on the globe, having an areaof 1(1 miles.

Around the bases of these nioun.tains, and sweeping down to the seaare eleven sugar plantations, .someof which are tho the largest and mostproductive on tho Islands, and othersof which are as yet but "infant in

dnstries". Classified according totheir relative size and producingcapacity, they are the H. C. & S. Co.

plantation, Pioneer plantation, WuU

luku Suirar Co. plantation, Puiuplantation, Hamakuapokq, IJana,.lipahulu, Hamoa, Kihei, Nahikuand Huelo. The H. C. & S. Co. produced this season over 18,000 tons of

sugar, and will exceed that yieldnext season. The sugar making seasou begins about the first of Decernber and lasts for six or eight months

Beside sugar, there is annuallyproduced on Maui lartro crops ofrice, taro and potatoes, the Kulavariety of the latter, grown on thesides of Haleakala, being as finepotato as is grown anywhere. Theprincipal fruits grown on Maui aretho mango, pineapple, lime, guavapapaya, avocado pear, rigs, grapeand orange. There are severalcoffee plantations on the Island, andtho coffee produced i.s pronounced byimpartial and competent judges tobe quite as good as any raised in theIslands.

Much of tho natural scenery ofMaui is beautiful beyond descriptionmany points of which arc annuallyvisited by large numbers of tourjstsThe chief attraction of Maui is a yisitto the summit of Haleakala, whichis reached by a long, sinuous, horsetrail winding up the northeasternsidp. The view from the edge of theprater at sunrise of a clear morningis most marvellous, and the beautyis enhanced when the trailing cloudslazily float up the mountain side andlend their varying effects to thescene. The entire horizon is boundedby a vast circle of blue water, andby a singular optical delusion, thoocean seems to stand far above the1 uid which it surrounds, making thespectator feel somewhat as if hewere standing in the bottom of a vastblue China tea cup. Rivalling Haleakala, is Iao Valley, the "Yoscmiteqf the Islands. This stream has cuta dpep gorge in the 'mountains ofyest Maui, emerging into beautifulq Valley a c.qijpip qf milps frqm thpea, A horseback ridp four- five miles

up vhe cannou of the vajlpy . revealsthe most beautiful and tj'Pipal sceneryon tho Inilands. Dtfpg qn thp wind'ward side of tho Island, tllP tradewinds are condenspd by the chill ofthe mountains, and r'll are of almost daily oppyrrpnoe, The ternperature is mjkl and equable, and astho foliage is, helterpd from roughbreezes, it grows dense and greento tlio very summits of tho steep:nountam sides that rise abrupt!thousands of feet high oh eitherside. Standing far up the Valleythe "needle" pointing its slim spirolike dome . far up into the sky amproducing a wierdly beautiful effectiiesiue tnese, many minor scerosalong tl)P entire windward ooatappeal to tho eye for approoiajveadmiration.

Most of the animal life su the islandis of imported origin. Vv'Ud peacocks,turkeys and goats --

AYe numerous onportions of Hie slauciSi au(1 doveswild geese, du.,, and piOVt.r) indiginous, perl;iipSi are moro or jeS9common. Cattle and horse raising isquite but is confined tolimited arcaS) and dairying on a limit-e(lscal- e

is oao of the Island industries.Kahului is tho seaport of the Is- -

land, from which point most of theimport and export trade is carriedon, although con.sidcrublc trade iscarriod on between Honolulu and,Maui at the ports of Lahaina andIvihei. Last reason, over $4, (100,000worth of sugar was shiuped fromthe Island and ovor a million dollarsof imports were received. This ofcourse gives Kahului much importance a snipping port.

Wailuku, situated at a point wherelio river emerge from tho canon.

Situated on au easy slope facing theand with for a back

ground, it is an ideal site for a city.Protected by the foot-hill- s from thefull sweep of the trade winds, itatches just enough breezo to make

tho air delightfully cool and refreshing. With annexation has como agrowing impulse, and Wailuku is agrowing town. Within the presentear, a fine water system has been

put m by tlio government, bringingan abundant supply of sweet freshwater to tho town roservoir from far

p Iao Valley. During the year, aprosperous newspaper lias boontartod, new lunlmngs ate going up

on every street, new business enterprises are being successfully launched and plans for lighting the townwith uleetric lights have been perfected and will be in operation early in1001. Wailuku has three hotels, Hio

principal one of which is "Tho Wind'sor,"a charming little hostolrie, headquarters for tourist excursions toHaleakala and Iao Vallev. Anotherirge building is now in course ofrectum, which will bo used partly

ns a hotel.Kahului and Lahaina have also felt

ytc impulse of growth. A fine newh.itel is in course of erection at Ka-

hului, and the power plant for theectric light of Wailuku will be es

tablished at Kahului, so that bothtowns will be lighted with electricty.In Kahului is also located tho centraloffice of the Kahi lui Railway connecting Kahului, Wailuku, Sprecklesvillo, and Paia. This is a serviceable,narrow guage, passenger and freightroad, which is to be extended toto Haiku Plantation, preliminarysurvevs for that purpose having already been made.

Lahaina, at one time the capital ofthe Tsljnds, and a favorite rendezvous for the whaling fleets, lies pnthe west side of the Island, shut offfrom tho rains of Eat Maui, It oxtends for miles i.long a beautiful sandbeach, nestling under mango troesand coacoanut palms, and awaitingthe magic kiss of Prince Progross. Witli a water supply, longpromis?d, and quite available, LahainaShould awako and swing into lino withthe towns on East Maui. Hana," atthe cast end of the Island, hassmall landlocked harbor from whichis shipped the sugar of the HanaPlantation At present the only communication with Hana is by steameror over a rough saddle trail. A roadhas however been built from Hana toNahiku, and will eventually be pxtended westward lo connect with h

roads on central Maui.Tha cane lands on Maui are an

roded volcanic red dust with but littie sand, no mineral, qnd very porousvv ater is the ate oi tn land, andsupplied largely by jmmpnso pumpswhich raise milliqnsj pf gallons dailyfrom near sea level, AU the naturalwater supply available has been utilized by immense ditches, and thesupply is being largoly augmentedby tunnels which are being run underthe streams to catclvthe lower strataof waters which now escapo to thesea underground.

Britain Qetq Another IslandGroup,

The king of tho Tonga group habeen ablp to boast for some timethat he was the only Independentsovereign on the Pacific islands) hecaunot iiiaku that boast now. TheTonga group is not on any of thebig trade routes but it is very fertile, has vast groves of coco7tpalms, and produces jj JgTOat dealof copra, whicif is 'very useful forsoap-inaVi'n- g and come other pur-P5e-

The Germans, frequentlyvisiting tho islands in small vessels,have practically monopolized thistrade. In March last, under anagreement between Germany, and tho United States, theGerman flag was hoisted over all ofthe Samoa n group except Tutuilaand some neighboring islets that fellto tho United States. Germany hadto make various eonoessions to Eng-land as compensation fur her claimsin Samoa and among these sopsthrown to tho British lion was theTonga group.

Mr Basil Thompson, tho Britishcommissioner, has just concluded atreaty with the Tongans, which willprevent any other power from enter-ing into relations with Tonga. Itbrings all foreigners under thejurisdiction of the British court andgives England coaling and repairingstations in tho two best harbors inthe group. But the sovereignty oftho king is not disturbed and notan acre of land is to be held .by

Tho leading, .town of the islaud U whites except upon louse.

PolestrAn Invoice of ReallyExcellent Spars from30 to 60 feet lon.

Straight; free from Knots.




IMPORTERSAnd Di'iili'rx in



S. S.Terminals at Wailuku,Spreckelsville andPaia. . . .


Kahului, Maui.TELEPHONE No. 1




Constantly on Hand

IceSoda Water

Ginger AqRqp,t fjper

ti0;. Stationery


Strawberry qd,


Fruit Syrups.Delivery wagon will .visit

Wailuku. Mondays, Wednesdaysand Saturdays; Tuesdaysand Fridays; Kihei, Mondaysand Thursdays; Kahului, Mpndays and Saturdays; SpreckolsviUo, Wednesdays and Thursdays.Post Office Adress:

Celery Iron


Jttaui Soda & Ijq H'orksKahului, Maui, T. H



Honolulu. H,TRANSACT A

i n i n .1. ! (


Wilder Ce. Island News

Maui Soda


Exchange Business

Commercial and Traveler's

Letters of Credit Issuedavailablojjin all tho principlecities of the world.

Special attention givento the business entrusted to uby our friends of tho othoislands, either as deposits, cc I

lections, insurancu or requestfor exchange.

Read the IAUI NEWS


can bo had at tho office of tho


Foreign and

Wc-- also have a complete and up- -

lino of Job Type and arc prepared to do



PRINTLetter Heads

Bill Heads





j Cards



Etc., Etc,

All vovk executed" hi a

NF.AT nd


(Then in need of Printingof any kind


THEMaui New s


Wailuku Is enjoying u spoil of realweb-foo- t woatlst--

Tho fiwno work or the two storydrug store building is all up ami Dip,root and sides will :r.m bo 0:1,

Manager C. 11. "Wells of the Wni-lnl;- u

Plantation is expected homo

either today or next Wednesday.

An ela'viratq s.' of b.ilhhniuosis in eontemplation at Kaliului in

connection with the new hotel to beerected.

Mr. Homer Xihwil;s has acceptedthe position of understudy to thoNkws 11111:1, with the viji.v of learningjiow to edit.

(If v. "W. Ault returned from Hono-

lulu (jU Tuesday, and will hold ser-

vices ut Wailuku tomorrow morning"a, eleven.

Marshal Ray paid v. brief visit toMaui tliis wee';, c iming over on

"Wednesday and returning to Hono-

lulu on Thursday night.

Tho post office department hasshipped to th.e L ihaina post oflicc alafge, tine fireproof safe. It reached

.ahajmi per Wednesday's Maui.

There is a little friendly rivalry be-

tween Wailuku a.i.l as towhich shall have the now electricand ice plant. Talk fast Mr. Filler,or we may get it yet.

We ijtrongly advise our Hawaiianfrhjnds not to make a mistake, andvote for Hob W ileox, because it will

be a mistake on your part, even ifyou vote for him intentionally.

vMr. J. N. K. Keola lias been ap-

pointed deputy tax assessor to suc-

ceed Mr. W. T. .Robinson, whose ap-

pointment to succeed 0. IT. DickeyEsq. is gazetted in this issue of theijEWS.

Superintendent Hal of the waterworks has secured some remarkablylarge, fine specimens of gold fishand put them in the reservoir, wherethey will bo both useful and ornamen-tal.

"W. II. Fh'ld and Mr. Grimwoodfame over on Tuesday's Kinau tqpush their several enterprises inMaui. Mr, Field says ''tlTey nevertqijhed him" while he was in thometropqlis.

The attention ofourkdy readeisis specially invited to the new at'. ( ftho White House, on the first pageof this issue. You will find just 'hatyou have been wanting qvoted there,at low prices,

A dyspeptic, corrospon lent airshie vipws tliis week on tho breadquestion. Just wait. We've got thedrugstore now, and it is only a ques-tion of a. short time till we get thebakery and the bank.

Mrs. C. D. Stone, representingWal. Nichols Co. is organizing anilnoyelopnedia dub on Maui. Sheorganized one Up ge club on Hawaii,and then to supply the demand, hadj;o organize another one.

Mr," Wadswarth, of tho M iu'i S ida& loo Works, wh.ho.s to impress itemphatically upon his oorrpfcpondents.that his post office address in Kaiiuimti, Malt, and not; Wailuku, Par.ties writing him will please make, ap,otc of this and save delay

VI on, Samuel . Parker, PrinceDavid und D. H. MeCluiiahan are in.

town, doing politics t )day. Mn,McClanahan speaks at tho fish lnarrkct, at 2 P. M. this afternoon, tpdif Mack is in his usual fottlo it will

he ju&t fun a drop round and watchthe political fur fly.

Today is a gala day with theJapanese, the event being tho cele-

bration of the birthday of the Mikado.The skuting rink has been hired bythorn for the day, und will bo thescene of rar-- j revelry r.iuong theJittle brown men, who will unlver.sally observo the day.

Mr. William Kahnlemauna, hasaccepted the position of foreman ofthe mechanical department of thoNews Mr. Kahalemauna has hadconsiderable experience in the newsund job departments of the Hono-lulu dailies, and is well qualified totill the position which he has uc;ceptcd.

Mr. John Tavares, youngest broth,er of Attorney Tavares of Makawao,passed through Wailuku on Wednes-- .

day on his way to Lahaina to attendLabainaluna School. This school isJioculiarly well adapted to fit youngmen for the active duties of life, andMr. Tavares is to be congratulatedMV his chQiqe of an aluta iflater. '

Death of Mm. J, IN. K. Keola.

It is our sad duty to announce thepassing awny of Mrs. Lily Keola,wife of J. N. K. Keola, of Wailuku,last Sunday morning. For the pasttwo years she has been gradually de-

clining with consumption and hadbeen under the professional care ofDr. Armitnge who did all that couldbe done to make her last hours easy.

Mrs. Keola was the daughter ofMr. and Mrs. A. P Paehaole ofMolokni, and was 20 years of age atthe time of her death. She leaves twoinfant daughters. Her girlhood wasspent in Honolulu, at school. Shewas educated at St. Andrew's Prioryand at the Fort St. School, underProf. Scott, and her home was withthe family of Dr. Burgess diHngher school days.

On last, Sunday afternoon, her re-

mains were interred in Iao cemeteryin tho presence of a host of sorrowingfriends. The pallbearers were JudgeJona, Hon. A. N. Kopoikai, J, K.Kehookcle, Hon. T. H. Lyons, JohnAluli and Mr.W. T. Robinson. Funeralservices were held first at tho lesi-denc-

an 1 concluded at the ceme-tery. Rev. O. Nawahine of Waiheoofficiating. A choir was in attendanceled by Mr. Moses Kahumahu, andthere wus an abundance of beautifulfloral offerings.

Mrs. Keola possessed a sweet,womanly character, which madeher much beloved by all who knewher, and she was a devout und sin-

cere Christian. Her loss will be a sadbereavement to her husband and hertwo little ones, as well as to hirmany friends in Wailuku.

Child Drowned.

Thij community was startled andshocked to learn on Thursday aftir:noon, that Elaine, tho little fouryear old daughter of our townsman,Hon. T. H. Lyons, had accidentlyfallen into a large bathtub full ofwater and was drowned.

Mr. and Mis. Lyons were tem-porarily stopping with Judge andMrs. Kepoikai pending the com-

pletion of the'r own new residence,and it was there that tho affairhappened. The mother missed the childfor a few minutes, and she and Mrs.Kepoikai began to search for her.On approaching j;'.io bathtub, Mrs.Kepoikai saw Ela"n3s hut floating ontho water. Further search discover-ed the b( dy of the child at the bot-

tom of tho tub.Dr. Weddick and Dr. Armitage

were at once summoned, and forover three hours they employedtheir utmost skill to resusitato thechild, without avail.

On yesterday aftornoon at two,funeral services were hold at thoCatholic Mission. Elaine was an exrquisitely beautiful child, with bright,winning ways that endeared her toall hearts. Merp words are notadequate to express tho tender andheartfelt sympathy of the whple com-

munity for the parents in theirbereavement.

Fa'nful Accident.

On tho 21st, Mr. P. McLane,manager of Kamalo plantation onMoloUai met with a very pain'ul ac-

cident. He was returning fromKawela, a distant portion of theplantation and was overtaken bynight, On tho road is a washout caus-ed by the late rains, aud it wasquite dark. Ho was mounted on aspirited horse, and not seeing thowashout ho plungo 1 into it some fif-

teen foot. In falling Mr, McLanewas unseats 1 and thrown forwardagainst rooky bank. Ho was stunnedbut soon recovered sufficiently tocrawl out of the washout. Ho thentried to walk but found himself un.abie- - to do so, so ho crept home, somethree miles, on his hands and knees.It was of course slow progress, andby the tinio he reached homo ho wasso exhausted that he could not reachthe gate latch.

His efforts to open tho gate at-

tracted the attention of tho servantswho came out with his now anxiouswife, and Mr. MoLano was found helpless in front of tho gateand was curried into tho house.

Fortunataly no bones were brokenand Mr, McLane will soon bo outagain.


Mr. J. N. Iv. Keola extends hissjneero thanks to to Mr. and Mrs.Kepoika', Judge and Mrs. Kuluu,Mrs. Sarah Kalama, Miss Malone,Miss Turner and all other kindfriends whose assistance and sym-- I

pathy were so kindly extended tohim ia Iris receui bereavement.

Good Brend.

Edikou Mait News.

Your recent editorial of tho sub-

ject of "Wanted! a Hakery" givesvoice to tho most Jirgent and press-ing fjf all the wants you have fromtime to time enumerated.

I myself have boon in this countryfor nearly ten years, and have nottasted a real first class loaf of breadin all that time.

Once in a while, at a private hoiwemay be, one will come across whatis an approach to good bread, butthe A. 1. article such as can be pur-chased at the San Francl co bakeriescannot bo got here. I have heardvarious reasons for thii, alleged, suchas the climate, the absence of brew-eries, and therefore of fresh beer,yeast, etc., but I think if tho rightmen were here, the' loaf of bread"like mother used to make" could heattained to. (to to the averageChinese bakery, tho best one youknow of, pick up a loaf and smell atit. Why it is half-sou- r to begin with,half baked, though may be the crust is

burned, halt dough, and wholly indi-


No wonder every second personyou meet has dyspepsia, whet, thevery staff of life itself, is convertedby premature fermentation into apoison, instead of a nourishment.

There is an abundant opening for abakery of the right sort at "vTuiluku,

because communication from thatpoint is so good, that a real genuinegood loaf would be sought after bythe whole of Moui. May tho good daysoon come !

Daily Bread.


Half Price Rates.

The enterprising firm of V.'r.ll,

Nichols Co., of Honolulu, anticipatingtho wishe? and needs of Maui, havesecured tho Services of Mrs. C. D.Stone of Chicago to represent themin introducing the EncyclopaediaBritannica. Mrs. Stone has repre-sented tho Werner Company ofChicago for the pant twelve years,and is up to dato in her line of work.She will not make a house-to-- h usecanvass, as she is rot, in tho ordhnarjf sense of the term, a book agent,but will call on a ow of our lendingcitizens and afford them the oppor-tuni- tf

to join the Encyclopaediaclub, which entitles each member ofthe club to one set of tho Encyclo-

paedias at just one-hal- f the regularprice, payable in monthly instal-

ments. The complete set of 31 volumesup to 1!)()0, in a handsome, polishedoak case will be placed in ycur home son receipt qf the cost of thp freight,giving members of the club one yearto pay tho balance.

Should Mrs. Stone nvprlook you,send your name and address to Wai-

luku, care of the News ojlice, andshe will gladly call and show j'ousamples of tho binding and flj30 san --

pies of the complete work,.

To fie 24 xo'umcs of the originalEdinburg edition, seven volumes havebeen added, making the Americanedition. Tho Encyclopedia Britan-nica is too wdl known tp need anycommendation, and with thp AmerUcan supplemental volumos. it formsa work that th ,uu Du found ia everyAmerican houuehol l. This Encyclo-pedia contains an epitome of thp sumtotal of tho world's knowledge, upto date, and is so indexed that theyouth tho student, the mechanic, thoprofessional man, in short all classesof people can at once find and turnto just what they want. Join thoClub,

The Salvation Army


Meetings will be conducted asfollows:

Wailuku, Sat. Eve. Nov. 3, Streetmeeting 7, P. M. & indoor meetingsat 7.4o P. M.Wailuku, Sun. 4, Open air meetingat 7, P. M. & indoor meeting at 7.45P. M.

(Jail meeting at 11 A. il. & Juniormeeting at 3 P. M.)

Wailuku. Mon. .1th at 2:15 P. M.(Baud of Love.)

Haniakuapoko, Tues, t, at 7:30P. M.

Sprecklesville, Wei. 7, at 7:3(1

P. M.Lahaina, Wed. 7, at 7:30 P. M.Kaliului, Thurs. tt, ut 7:30 P. M.

Kihei, Fri. 9, atS:00 P. M.





For Eeleguto to CV.igrers


For Senators, Secmd iSemitotJ i1.



For Reprosontativos, Thir.l Re-

presentative District


Colonel John Riohardoii in Idsspopch n,t the Orphrum tho othernight, when a Democrat ie meetingwas held, used n strong aruniontagainst the "haolc haters" who flockunder the Wilcox banner. Richard-son is a Hawaiian of tho finest type.Well educated, a lawyer of promin-ence on the Island of Maui, and a mantrained in politics here mid abroadhe knows of what he is talking. Hetold his fellow countrymen that ifthey, in this important campaign,declared war against the "haole."they would he the sufferer? In theend, He reminded ho audience ofthe fact that he certainly had noreason to love the har-le- , but thathe plainly saw that for the goodof all the race question tnnst be dropped forever and all good citizens wQri;hand in hand, irrespective of colorand races. Colonel Richardson tln.nsaid, "Remember, my countrymen,that the Territorial Act under whichwe now must conduct our puhllolife, provides, that no m in hhallserve as a juror, without bein nbhr!to read aud write the English lan-

guage understundingly. Flow many ofour country men can'er thatqualification? A:.d In tV coiue ofkiwents every man hero may bo

brought into Court a id have civil orcriminal proceedings before a jury,selected according to the Act. Ifyou to-da- y declare war against aman be?ause he has a whito skin, doyou suppose that the man will notretaliate when he has you, the huole-ha'te- r,

at his mercy as a juror? Youmay turn down tho haolo ut the bal-

lot bps, even If the hnole had beenyour bist friend during your life,but romcrnhcr tl at there may someday be a chance for thp luifdn toturn you down In a very sf.rlousmanner in thejirr bo.. The nie,iwho started and who urge yet thehaolQhatlng business shoul I be turn-

ed down now for good and foreve r.No intelligent Hawaiian Ls lookingfor a polipy which will ant as aboonuranpf." Colonol Richardsonwas loudly applauded by the tnnnvHawaiian pnosent from whom Hie

Word "pololei" was fn quent'y heard(luring his addnpss. "Pololiij" is theHawaiian word fan "rhiht yau areMoses !" Independent.

Pithy Points,

The dt nvx-rat- s have nr persistent!ly ointod.out the propriety of downng Sam Parker, and the republicans

have so eloquently urg d the defeatof Prince David t.iat we unsophisticated voters may take tho-t- htthoir word and elect Hob,

With 450 voter to be oast at Wai-

luku next Tuesday, on the Australianplan, unti only t: reo booths allowedby law, each voter to prepare andvote four different tickets, from 8

a.m. to 5 p. m., tho query arises,how can it be done?

McClauahan says that the demo-

cratic purty is the party of the manand that the 'republican party is theparty of thedollar. We venture the'

prediction that tho approaching elec-

tion on the mainland will demontratethat the republican party Is both theparty of tho dollar and of the man.

Municipal government is as neces-sary for the advaneemert of Hono-lulu as healthy food is for the growthof an Infant.-- - Repnblican.

Tho same is quite as true of countymunicipal government for ouch of

the Isla-nds-.



fof Delsnte to Corses:)


Po fl inntons, Second Senat-"i- ol

DistrictII. P. BALDWIN,



prcsoniatSv; DistrictJ. Iv, NAKILA




philip pal;d. ii. kahaulelio



Fo' Delegate to Congress


For Senator, Scconi Suratorlt-.- l

DistrictW. IT. CORN WELL,



Fop Rcprcpcntativcf:, ThirdDistrict-







Rr.iurui.iCAN P.uiTf Xpmixek


BY AUTHORITTreasurer's Oflice,

Hono'ulu, Oahu,October '.;.

Notice is htrp'iy &ivon thatWilliam T. Hobinsoii V.a . thiday been appointed Assessor f"r theSecond Taxniion Division viz. I.s'.iindiof Man'. Mo!ok:;i, und Lanai, viceC, IT. Dickey Esq.. resigned.

Til EO. F.LANSING.Tir.iAsrttsu 'f'!uiT()iiv or- - jiaw.mi.

NOTICE TO SHIPPERS.On September 1st, tho following

regulations In regard to freighthandled by tho Kaliului RailroadPunipany, wil go into effect.

1, No freight will be received atany of the depots unions accompaniedby u Shipping receipt, stmnipod asthe law directs. Blanks may bo ob-

tained of any of the Station Agents.2. No freight will be received un-

less, delivered at d'Pt 30 minutesbefore departure of trains.

!5, Freight for shipment per S S.

1!Claudlne" to Honolulu or way portsmust be delivered at Kalmlui beforenoon of day of sailing, and freight forEast Maui ports must be deliveredat Kaliului before 9 tt, fn. of sailingtiny.

Kaliului Railroad Company.R. W. FILLER.

Managur.Kahuhil, Maui. August 2:ird l!Mlil,

For Sale,

Ku!a Corn Land.

A tract of tine corn kind in Kul;

consisting f 101 ncns, now

owned hy L. Von Tmnsky undLoo Tut Sun.

A vory low prieo will bo askedto avoid expense of Court parti-tion find sale. Inquire 0"

DAVIS & GEAR.Attorneys at Law.

Judd Huildinjy, Honolulu , V. T

AdvertiseY;mr business in t b


W. H. KINOCorner Main & Market Street?.


T?ians and estiir.!;,. furnished.



First Cki:;s Material 011 Ila'v1.

Cabinet Work n Spcj,plt ,


Kinder i Bescli

Plumbeps Pipe-Fitte- r

Male-ria- l furnished foj

Ponnoct'011 with Cit.y

yut,qr iff'1'1?!5:

Wnjliiln, VI out, H. I4


Saloonji. MACFARLANE& Co., Ltd.


Pure Anisricari amScotch Whiskeys

Deer & lAinesCPld Drinks

Qvip' yijiluku Depot



Beer, AlQ AND Wins- -Ice Cc-l-d Drinks.

Lahaina, Kiu (). I,

C Peacock S Co;




Marie Brlrard & RqsrFpenoh Erai-Jc- i ie--a einctLlquqraStandord O - e it-- pngnev

and Takile vItifsfAlt L,ttlin Brands



1. ,

Liquor Dealers

AGENTS FORRainier Bottled Beer, of SeattleC. Carpy & o Uncle Sam Win$

Cellars and Distillery, Napa, Ca!

Jesse Moore WhiskeyCream ure Rye WhiskeyLong Life WhiskeyLexington Club Old Bourbon Whiske;WalnutineJ F Cutter's WhiskeyMoetffChandon White Seal Cham

pagnesA. G. DICKINS,

Manager .


they took chances.fcU WERE WILLING TO RISK THE CIR-


fill I'btUlnut tii Jvrtrlin l'nntmnn.kcr, 'lVllH Uie Artiniii?n Tlint

Vi-- c t'ncil, the PMnta Tlint WoreMitdc taVi Itow the Dectiilun Cnmc. I

Icopyrlcht, 19U0, by C. 11. Iowls.lIt was Moses Harper who begun It.

one told him that a circuswagon was nlowly but mii-el-

approaching tlio town of Jericho, andhe let It bo kuown that ho would showlip at the postoillco lu the evenlu andhave sunthln to say to Interest the hullUnited States. Nobody could guesswhether Moses had found a new wayof glttln n hired man up at 4 o'clock InIho inornlu or was Roln to experiment

n ttroWIn broomsticks, uhd the crowdVnS holdlu Its breath When he showedup. Moses didn't lose no valuable timetry In to find out whether I'orto HlcohcloiiRcd to the United States or to atobacco lrU3t, but put ou lils spectaclesmid said:

'Citizens ot Jericho Tha tocsin h.-v-s

"sounded, and wo arc here tonight toCounsel together lu "the cause ot moral-ity. Last year, aa most of you know,

T"rnn Aritrnt.s roinatoy vicb aj.t decuu-DAT105J."

Wias Tcachotlt, whoso barn faces thelilghwny it mllo outside of this town,Allowed the circus wngon to paste uppictures on three sides ot the buildtil,How many tickets tut the cUcus hetzot In exchange 1 Ha not know, ttnd Ithas nuthlu to ilo with the questionAVh.1t i'm Kayiu Iti that them pictures,in my solemrt belief, Bhocked the inorftU ot' this community fur worse than

tf tvrt saloons had been opened Inthe town. The circus wagon Is ng'lnnpproachln. It Is creepla along lu Itssly. InslduoiiH way, leavlu the blight'of destruction lu ha path, and It sun'thin ain't done Jonas Tcachout'a barnwill ng'ln bo enwrapped hi the allurlncolors of Vice and degradation. I movethat tt Is the Beuse of this tnectln, andtof the community In glncral, that Jo- -

Has bo struggled With.""It ripnenrs to mo," saya Deacon

Spooher as Moses sat down, "that aVint lifts bin made When "Moses talksof allurln colors of vice nud degrada-tion. I seem to ego before me them pictures of Wlmen Jumpln through paperhoops. However, I'd like to hear fromSilas Laphoui. I reckoz. hea Interested lu tins tUOlttl welfare of this comhi unity."

'"I ain't blaniln Jonas 'tall," says Silas. "He got 12 deadhead tickets furthe V1SO ot his barn, and I don't bellevohiiybody was the wickeder, fur It. If atunu can't gaze at circus pictures withtnit goln away and stealln a bar'l ofooft soap, then he nlnt no man. Didflyflf- Vtfc VuU ttwny train her husbandSi'eenuso Of them pictures? Did anyhusband elope yvlth the hired gal because of them?"

"That's tt p'Int. and I says It's ntvlttt!" th'e deacon as ho busties ttbOut. "Them circus pictures wastifc that burn fur two months, bnt whatfa'itfly vts busted Up through their

It's fur Moses to specifyvhar Vlco got 1 toohold.""I ttltft 'Bayln that any tamlles was

busted tip." continues Moses, "but I'mtalkln 'bout Rie glncral lnUuoncc onglWifil tnorallty. A circus picture Isuuthln but 'fi pletuh?. but It suggeststomohlVdo hud peanuts and whisky andpoker and belli out late nights. TheyUre like plzcu Ivy. "ou come across Itin thO Woods. ttnd it is Mir to look Up-

ton, nud It seems to be tooted In luno-Vcuc- v

hh'd UiWvih In morality. Youhandle It, hiuL you begin to Itch andSernVett tittd youtsolf blzencd. Llko

hydrit beadt Sarplut, i lays hi waitto work destruction to thO Viiiwary. Iiiopi Mils ineetfti and this Communityfcir with me n'mt that it vll bo decidedto Wrassle vltu Johns Teachou't.'

"Moses tlldn't seem to make A p'Int'M the pVauutH and lemonade," says-th-

deacOn as bo scriAches lils ear,vvbUt be was ptwvrtul tetrong 6h thatpT5;eh Ivy Win footed In InnWObce. Ikin fclnYoSt seO vllAr Wrcu picturesHnlght Ihilucnco me to go home andWund my old cow with a ele'd stake If

Vhe didn't keep her tall Still while 1

Was mllklii, but I'm wllllft to hear moro'XrgylnCn'ts. IJiiob vAlfitt1s, ytfA drtVby tlrat Imrn Uvfec ft. vSfAV W tUtei'M--.

litfivtfld thein WcturosiaffWt you?""Svot touch Ui'ffe'rottt ifrtmi ia huskln

bee." says Enos. ' didn't teel noVoolfti'8 of wickedness fetenll'n '6'er me.

"iiut tttd sort )t ttVn 4 VootTdWld a soft snot In th bartyard and

tried to turn ti and furVi'lWut two IVjuV t'lVV tliou'ght Vny netl:

tested. I'Vn thl'nkrn tnat hard elderban 1'rfori' glnerai Vnuuetfce 'on glneralVnoillty In this V6imty tlrirt Clr-Wi-

jilctinvs," ,

IfS a ri'mtf" tiUtWVH the ai'hW- tiIT 'caile on high: 'Mt's A

Wf-- ftohodv Viln Ht 'oVerl l's Irard--fhA- WrM VTcV Vifl 'dVer this

f iVi'u'fy .T:!d h'lstffi Inndcenco over liV

!(v'tftV.'K,1Sc'i'iiH,-- Ylu'y meet "

have their Inflneac. fctoicd, hare yongot any mora anrjit8"

"Of what uscf Moses as litheaves a sigh and tur awsy. "Wasn'tSudani warned Did Sodam heed ItWhen vlco tdalko- - rampant through ev-

ery household In Jericho and Innocenci- -

Is drlv' to the JJelOf to alt under ablackberry bush and weep, then remember what I bavn mid hero tonight.

uln't denylu that hard cider Is blunt--

In our morality, but wueu you ndd clrtils pictures to 'hard cider what do toyou doi"

"les, Sodam was warned, and Boikam leu, says me ucacon as ue snniieahis head, "but I'd llko to hear fromLlsh Hillings on thJs matter."

"It's purty late," says Llsh."How purty late?""Why. Jonas bu runted his barn

ng'ln and got L'l dcadhnnd tlckyts. nnd I

hcre a one lie glvo me. How a tliat mr cua p'lntV"

The nieetln stood appalled fur n mluIt. nud then Doncon Spooncr looksnround and says:

"Jonas has got 80 tickets left, andthat means ho has JO more to glvo U-

nwny outside his famy. Fellow coun- -

trymen, do you tak ft that this meetinhas pledged hcrohT

"No, no, no!" sMtowo Um crowd."Is it tho opinion o tbto mUnht

Johns Tonchout tmcM o wtniawlthV

"Xo. uo, uol""Then I'm nppealla directly to Moses

llarner. Moses. Will you withdrawthem remarks about the blight of destruction, tho allurln colors ot viceand Innocence wccpln under a black-

berry bush?"'I might," says Moses after a little

rctlectlon, "but I want to be let downeasy."

"It shall be done. I'm offerln tho foblowln resolution to bo voted on: 'Ue--

solved, That circus pictures on a barnmay or may not ooet the moralstandard of a community, but we areWlllln to chance ft this yenr.' All In

favor or ng'ln will manifest It la theusual way."

The resolution wm carried With awheop. and the crowd plied over itselfto get outdoors and look around forJonas Teachout and bog rur ueauiioautickets, and Moses Harper wasn't ouoof the last. M. Quad.


Once upon u. time there em Into tJacity from the eouatiy a girt. Tlie girlWandered from bcr bppy borne to secure employiuout amouf the wealthyfamilies of the ctty, and when airemade known the fact that she wasWilling to work many persons soughther nwd Implored her to cDgago withthem lu domestic pursuits. The girlwas overwhelmed with offera, but Unal- -

Iv made a selection aud settled In A

family that valued her service Veryhighly. The girl was happy until ouw

day her employer met a neighbor, avery lenr friend, and told her of herttood fortune 1 Kndlng the countryfeirl. And this neighbor met anothervery dear friend ttd told uer or tierother friend's good luck, and thus uiuU become genemlly known that thereWas a good "hired girl" 111 the neighbot'hood

Aud from that time on the mistressnnd the girl wore unhappy until oneday the very dear frleud gave the girlS1.50 more a week than she was earnUig in hoc llrst place, ami In this man-tie-

did tho girl become happy againwhile her mlstrwis aiid the very dearfriend leased to be on speaking terms.Aud then the gtrf became unhappyagain until Uie otScr very er friendengaged her at au ftAVance Ot $1, andthe othef dear friend and the first dearfriend ceased to talk over the backfence. And then the good girl woreline dresses and fine hats, nnd one day.ft dashing young matt led her to thoUltar. nnd now the three friends andtho mt country girt aro all Vryhappy.

Moral. Dont talk good about yourUIiMU. gl. Detroit Free Tress,

"Stunlcr'a celiac button" tolled UdIho bureau.

"Ves.""Ahd hti 'Steacd Uli dachshund after

"Go ton.""Tho bureau 1b keiavy hud stands

close to the floor.""Proceed."wriio dachshund Ib th thinnest

dachshund that ev breathed, and btfcould justSVluveee Umlct the bureau."

"YeN. tho dAchsfcund reached t!icollar button and t once swallowed It.

it stuck half wAlown and thickenedtho dog so that b wouldn't pull hlhim-l- f

past the lump, fto fctimler hifl to cnllIn Uie janitor of k flat and they ttfr

d Iho bureau off ls uof.""Nvhat about U button!""Stlmler said be'd lot the dog keep

tho button. Ke uHgW Mdl It.""Need ItV"Yes, In cawsoavebody oollarod hlra,Cleveland PialU DwOer.

iarU boiuU Unit K has the lotigcfitizhtulhg conauctar tt world. Itrises some yivrds tson tbe top of themeteorologleal rtioVn ea the 7.usspltze. tlte lUgkart tttf is thecinnlre, and raw 4u the sMe ofthe mountain to Mm tMMsxu iliv Uollenthal. whem Me Is Vunalftfr Wlrall the year rooa. Hi lough 'ot krod Is live and h UjJT kilometers. WSArty

M& mWrtiMaV half...... .........IL - tk...

A philosopher that vvrry rawwreT 4 step 'towoVd VWWo's. Thin vx- -

alhs why soW meu V6YAY' Vlehrevery tft Vhey rnli.-fe'6- M4 NvvXi.

ft tfatorAiuuifo tiiiVt every (iiu--

moiiiory Is best la retaining thins ttvul1H VH'h- -




It In n Luna. Slronir Pwprd, thEyco Oc Comlint, irntl With HiVer the OombBlnii So Inrllnct,

Berlnnn Injnrlpn Conlft lis Inflicted,

Tersons oOier than French aro wontmaintain In uplto of tlie occnslonnl

pin pricks Hint tha 1'rcnch duelistson one another thut French duel-

ing U n French farce. Hut Frenchmenand sometimes other persons In sytu-natb- y

with them Insist upon being tak-- n

seriously. They Insist that duelingwith sworda, which la the renl thing In

French duels, Is not child's play andtlint compared with It the old fnahlou- -

Anglo-Baxo- n resort to n "pair oiUvea" la brutality not to bo thought ofby the scraping smlrker of, the boulc-Kurd- s.

The French hnblt ot settling disputesbv resort to duels with swords has do-

eloped a national dueling weapon, them)ee d combat, a long nnd strongblade with three triangular groovestapering to a keen point, with edgesthat avrvr srv nsed mw for defenmi.n,. hmrti R protected with brand,round irunnV shaped like tho gong uponho alarm clock. The handle Is straight,Mth no other Incumbrance, and balanted by a heavy pommel which' projects beyond the root of the thumbwhen the weapon la held ready for athrust

It Is a modern development of therapier with which C'yrnno de Hergeracfought the bullies of Tarls. It showstraces of Its descent through the ele-

gant court sword which was comingInto being when D'Artngnan became ttfield marshal In the "Due de Brage-lonno.- "

Hut Its hilt mnkes It Impossi-

ble for ordinary wear In Its presentshape, and the epee de combat Is theWvnpon of the French duelist and ofdim nloiK-- .

In 1SS3 (ieneral Doulanger ahd M.

Floouvt round It necessary to settletheir tllffureiiccs at the sword's point.The critics had not much dltllculty inpicking tile winner between a clvllinnpresident of the chamber of deputiesVeil advanced In years who had limited bis practice to sparrow shootingwith a pistol nnd n "brav genernl" In

the full ardor of bis life whose swordWas the srmbol of bis ptvfcsskm. Vettb?T wer utterly mistaken.

If M. Ftoqtwt ws no swordmuan, bewas fun of quiet pluck and common

nml he prnctlecii ouo stroke onlythe night before the light A dozentimes, though not too humy to makebis old limbs stiff th next day, hetaRnt iavo twra seen In a well knownB strolchtonliur bis nrmnud raising his wrist until he couldOnly Just see the point of his swordalHve nnd beyond the bull of histhumb. The next day Boulanger madea furious attack, with many stampsand flourishes. The little presidentstiffened his bnck, threw out his point.nnd the unlucky general Impaled hisneck upon the blade. Doulanger recovered, to die by his own hand after"uoulnnglsm bad been discredited. i

"Harry Alls" of the Debnta sufferedmuch more quickly from the effects ofthe epee. Ills real home wns IllppolytoPcrcher, and In lighting n captain ofInfantry on the He de la Craude .Inlteabout certain scnndals connected withthe French Kongo be wns hit la theright armpit nnd bled-t- death.

The duel .fought by Cntullc MendesIn May of 1809 was almost as serious,and It wns caused while Bernhardtwas playing "Hamlet" by some fatuous quarrel over the physical development of the prince of Denmark. M,Vanor, Mendes' opponent was n tineswordsman and, sportsmanlike enoughto recognize' the double advantages heenjoyed, contented himself with parry.Ing correctly. Catulle Mendes threwhimself ou his adversary's polht nndwas severely wounded In the stomachon almost the same ground ' wherePercher bnd been killed several yearsbefore

It often Is urged outside of Francethat French dueling conslstH In merelypricking yotu mnn In the hand or fore- -

nrm, as the least disablement is held to"untlsfy the honor" of tbe combatants.But the hand nnd nan of nn ttdvertrttryare those parts of him which art' near.est to yon and which you can reachwith tlie least exposure of your ownperson.

The WoUnd that Is produced by trans.llxlng a hand, which may Ih protectedtoWy by the ordinary kid glove of socialcustom, Is not only totally' disabling.lit also 'Holdh'-r- s

who have Im'hu shot in the palm lava- -

rinbly collapw for U time with theacnVe agony produced by the ruptureOf so many delicate nerve renters. Athrust In the forearm Is eg mil I y effective, for It disables all tlie munch andligaments that enable a man to holdand manipulate his sword.

nut thoiv:h a tine oticltM Is alwaysrpabU of these particular thrustsand they far h.oVv various than

Ik-- ItuftKtnrtl ttt ttWt Wg!it-h- OtiWs Uy no twvaUH vklMimhAt l' trol;VViWefi these IrtW m pnrfW, Attacks m Nvhat HtUsl tlM- - "hi wer line"Hre frvqiWWtly so'ccx-ssfu- l ami Itiynrln-Wy frWduc ait awkward wouml whuthy WCW"d. Tie throt U ns VUlner- -

amV awl as oftee aHaeked sa U thechMt. aWit It must Vh- - remembered tlrt'tVttv Wttrv IkhIj-- ot eoeh'tleW to Wttaek rtnd Vib vlciisly to VaJWV

V.'tVtVilfe tft ttw-.

'''Whoiv have you Ivceii itntd tbfBYihauiiJit'Aiy lV'

ltwn xlitliii: iVi h wnlthft r my nMV IValr ift

--Vi'VeMWit t'laln PertW-- .

'rto'l in'Trti m tlfe Wort WfteultIMet'i'i; 'old turaitmV Vo tla'A. tierVM'eA'i Voider fiVV WiAV other p'leet


The Autlnpc will load coat nt Oyster Hurbor, and the U. P. Cheneyco:l nt Tnconin, for Kuliulut,

Tho tratif-por-t ConcnmtiRli 18 dnysfrom Snn Frnncdsoo, reached Hone- -

lulu on Monday afternoon.

On tiL'count of Nov. fi being election day, the Kinatl and Muni willnot Honolulu till Wednesday,reaching' Maui ono day late.

Tlio old hoodoo steamer Manauensehap been sold to the Mexican trade,and will run firm San Francisco tosome Mexican port.

In tlio nnnual report of Chief Englncer Melville, mi appropriation is

asked lor a machine shop, and foundry and smithy at Honolulu.

The U. S. Tug Iroquois anchoredlatLuhaina last Sunday utght, andhas been engaged this week survey--

W Kaanapall harbor

The "Diamond Ilend arrived atKumapnli on last Sunday fromTncomn with coal. She will loadsunr nt Knanapali for San Francisco.

The 'Waia'calo with Trineo Davidand parly aboard arrived at Kahululyesterday afternoon at one o'clockafter a very rou;li trip from Ilonolulu. Tlicv left last niuht at ten forliana,

Very roiifh veatlier lias prevailedfor the past several days at KnliululTbe Cur rolllon has been ready toleave for tho past two days, but hadto wait for the Maui to tow her outinto safe waters.


Pout Townpi-np- . Oc 17. Aftera tempestuous voyage, marked by athorough breakdown of the motivepower, and overloading of passengersand a scarcity of provisions, thestenmship Charlps D. Lane reachedPort Tovnsnr.d today, seventeen daysfrom Nome. Several times during thejourney it looked as if the end hadcome, nud passengers nnd crew agreethat they owo their salvation to tliofact that an expert boilur mukcrMr. Molander of Port Towns-en-

was aboard. Tho boilers of tho Laneleaked so badly as to extinguish thefires and make an cxplosioa immiucnt.

For three and a half dnys the ves, , ,

sei wa losseu nnout on the anirrvwave i of Bering Sea absolutely helpuess, not being provided with suiliclout nil to keep her head to thestorm, even had the wind been favorable, and unprovided with anchorto have held hor otf from any rockyshoro on which the lempeKt mighhave driven her. After a period oft rrrible anxiety among passenger;and crow Mr. Molander succeededin repairing the boilers so thatwas possible to get up steam andproceed.


Nov. 1. Am. Sell. Dora HluhmSmith for S. F; sugar.

Nov. 2. Currolton for TaeomuCapt. .Tone.-"- ,



Hk Columbia from Tacoma,Soli Mary Dodge, from Tacoma.Seh. S. T Alexander from Tacoui!!

Honolulu Podtofflcc Tlmc Table.


Nov. '2 City of Peking S. P," b China Yokohama" li Sierra San Franeieo" ! Mariposa Colonies" 1U Gavlie San Franehco" 1H DurU; Yokohama" 17 Australia Sun Franch-V-' i'U HoiifkoiiK Maru S. F." VO Nippon Yokuhnma' 21 Wurrimi-- Colonies" 24 Avrii Vlv.MutKi 15. C." 2VChinu;0i

i Si)ivAiiii &in Frativ'iwo" 30 Uto de Janeiro Yxtkvtamia

SCllj- - of lVkinp ViVvtlnaS Cnlnn SaU FtttMrfoMti k'.-r- a 0Urtw,) Iafi't tSiin FtWv.W.(I (5wU Vn;olmnUi

IKrtVM SaU FranWUvhoiif.' Marw VMVlWA

i AvMt-'all- Knwhw

7 CWtft VAMi-aV- '

aT&JWjia ColonicK

Bailey's Honolulu Cyclery Co.,



AT$40- -

Cushion FramesGhainless


The Mihvtiukco Piitcnt, Puncture Proof Tires. Solo .Aiencvand only place where the guarantee on these tires can he tilled is at:


Hey's HiloHILO, HAWAII '

AGENTSFor tJnes morgan & Wright Hack Tires.


T -S- T.u2UIS,WC. I

H. & CO., IExclusive Agents for the Territory of Hawaii.

Bon Bonspacket! in handsome boxus

You'll find themonly at- -

.& Co,


Dealer in



Incorjiorated Under the Laws oftho Kepublie of rlawan.


OFFICERS AND DIRECTORSClms. M. Cooke PresidentP. C. Jones --Viee.PrehidentC. H. Cooke Casino.F. C. Alherton. . . .Assistant Cushlei

Directors PMiry Witterhouse,Tom MUv, F. V. toMitic, E. l)vTi.nnv. J. A. MeCandless.

Solicits the Accounts of Firtt'vOovporations. Trusts, Individuals UbilWill promptlv and OaiVfullV o.ttvw twnil hu.tnw ViWtuvKxl With tittttVllttJ!;vMitrustii VolU sSeH anO. fuevVAW

Civil it-- .

SAVINGS DnPAOTMttNTW(lHWv and Term IkMfU.s re-- -

ceiVivJ.ud Interest allowedwith rules uud condition

printed hi pass books routes ofwhich kv uu mui on appwuiam..ludd MKiU'Jfr Fort

iiciflc m I kI'orl Strtt ttonoIUH


DtEFlS IN Alll.lmlc? P'.t W1

AJJ. UiW of Repair J- - & J'i-r- t


$509 MV'


alley's Honolulu Cyclery,Cyclepy


Bank Hawaii



llrewetl by 'lie Anhuusor-Iiut-c- h BrewingAsioetation, St. Louis.







Kcka idian

Hcliciiift Ho

.4 0 K.N'TR TOR

Ktltepts ludiaii SAGWAA " OIL

C01M CURCtt SALVfit tt Worm killer


Mahi oftl.W UuU HHinent adilresitViV j'Wtt alrtl Uamihon St.Now ItttWli, CWAU t

, Pov- - ait ui

mi... it l. ', t. n.hp i ijaiiuv m

AG IE NTSPdV.NoVthtrn AASWanec io.

Camui;rt AvutfuHiin rfttmmhhjl

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