maths in eyfs - plympton st mary c of e infant...

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Maths in the EYFS 15.10.14


• Overview of what mathematics looks like in the EYFS statutory framework.

• Targets.

• How we teach maths in the EYFS at St. Mary’s.

• Photographs of maths activities.

• Ideas for maths at home.

• Useful links (this PowerPoint will be uploaded onto our website).

Maths curriculum for EYFS

• The mathematics curriculum in Reception (EYFS) is split into two categories; numbers….. and shape, space and measure.

• Maths will be taught in a purposeful, practical way and children will use play and exploration to acquire mathematical skills. A large majority of mathematical work is practical and learning will happen in many different contexts around the classroom and outside.

In the statutory framework for the EYFS it says….

• Numbers: children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number.

• Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer.

• They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.

• This is our ELG (early learning goal) and we would hope that by the end of the year, the majority of children will be able to do this or most of this (this is classed as age expected).

You can help at home by…

• Singing songs that take away or add things e.g. 10 green bottles, 1 man went to mow, 5 current buns.

• Exploit all counting opportunities – count stairs, count buttons, count lampposts on a walk, count ‘red’ cars on a journey etc.

• Commercial games such as snakes and ladders - these help with the counting on strategy.

• Throwing beanbags/balls at numbered targets and adding up scores – who scored the most? The least?

• Practice counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

• Look for numbers whilst walking or on a journey.

• Ask questions like ‘if I took one away how many would I have left? ‘ or if I add one how many have I got now?

• Use magnetic numbers. Put them in order. Miss one out of a sequence – do they know which one is missing?

Shape, space and measure

The Early Learning Goal for the end of the EYFS year for shape, space and measure is:

• Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems.

• They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.

You can help at home by….

• Looking for and name shapes at home and in the environment.

• Talk about 3D (solid) shape names - packaging on food items is an excellent way.

• Junk model with 2D and 3D shapes – can you name them all?

• Make pictures with different shapes.

• Involve children in cooking. Look at numbers on scales and measuring jugs.

• Measure and compare feet sizes and height of other family members.

• Shopping activities – real or pretend – use real money to help identify coins and weight.

How do we try and ensure that each child achieves the ELG by the end of reception?

• We collect evidence from numeracy activities and observations (children applying their own skills during their ‘choosing’ time) as well as ongoing assessments.

• We differentiate work accordingly.

• Numeracy interventions to help children in specific areas.


Mathematics Curricular Target for Autumn 2014 – EYFS

I must I can work with numbers from 0 to 5.

I should I can work with numbers from 0 to 10.

I could I can work with numbers from 0 to 20.

To achieve their target, children will be able to:

Recite numbers in order;

Count out a given number of objects;

Match quantities to numerals;

Recognise and record numerals using fingers, marks on paper or pictures.

• We set targets once a term to try to make achieving an ELG more manageable (these will be up to date in your child’s books).

• These are our targets for this autumn term. We will have another set of targets in the spring and summer terms in relation to what the children need more work with.

How maths works in EYFS at St. Mary’s

• 1 teacher led activity-differentiated to each group. Working on class targets or children’s specific needs (to help them achieve the ELG).

• 1 TA led activity-differentiated to each group. Working on class targets or children’s specific needs (to help them achieve the ELG).

• 3 independent activities-manageable for the children, exploratory, opportunities to apply new skills.

Independent activities

Adult led and outdoor activities

What can you do at home?

• Make maths fun!

• Spotting numbers on houses..buses.. In your everyday environment.

• Writing numbers in glitter, mud etc. (different textures)…

• Number sequencing in the bath…wherever the opportunity arises.

• Anything that is fun and informal..

• See attached sheets for more ideas.


• Skills in maths and number formation.

• More ideas for applying maths skills at home.

Useful links


A really useful website with opportunities to apply skills in different areas of mathematics. Areas on the site for different age ranges.


Games in all areas which are suitable for EYFS. Not maths specific.


Literacy and maths games aimed at Year 1 and above. More appropriate for the end of the year.

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