matawan juniors* tour of homes sunday · in each of these four categories, the brochure describes...

Post on 22-Aug-2020






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M a ta w a n Ju n io rs * T our O f H om es S u n d ay


.tlome All Week •;

IQtsi YEAR — 14ft WEEK i ' :/.:3Ur&£i.:. ........... . . Aa.*i3c,'ail2ii





.1 ‘ Matnwan Board of Health con' ■vened Monday for tlio first time since June. The board immodiala- 1

ly wns confronted with flic prob­

lem of lavatory -facilities in places where food i9 sold for oii-premlses consumption.

Charles. Short jr., health in­spector. lulmltted applying lhe

ordinance specifically as worded would appear to work a hardship on sonic placed. Ho pointed out

the 7-11 Store, near the Railroad Station, and Ryan Brothers on Main. St. were selling coffee and doughnuts to morning cnnimut- crs. He found It difficult to ask ’ iilaces doing limited on-preinlses

business lo comply.The Inspector also reported

thnt lie wns toady to credit the operator of the pizia place int i i bii./iiiC.Hj di3t-ib.t Vi i.i, iiiiiiv- inf.; an earnest effort to enforce off-premises consumption, He

lidded I. was a losing endeavor us patrons would not pay atten­tion to signs and requests not to

eat pizras on the premises.The board resolved there would

bn no temporary permits Issued for looilhandlers, such as cater­ers, carnivals nnd hot dog carts coining in from out of town. |jical fairs nnd benefit picnics also could bo affected.

John Muller, plumbing Inspec­tor, reported thcrs were diffi­

culties developing In ths sale of . houses,. not tiud into a sewer, because of the ordinance. Ho re­

called there had boon 18 houses

exempted orijjinally, but tlio numbev was down to 15. Mr. Muiler placed tt ut five or six on Edgewatcr Dr.. five on Mid­dlesex Rd. and three on Lake­side Dr.

The board members did not see whot couid lie done about making tha owners tie-in as long

as they had homes 1(H) feet or more back from where ihe sewer passed their properties and they had properly function­

ing septic tanks.Mr, Short reported he wa3

continuing to find violations with

respect to washing machines. Soma owners who were letting v.Titcr frctr. thc n:.;';h:r.'“; fl'.i"' from cellar d.-nlns into yards or streets were reported a.i resist­

ant to pumping it into sewers ut

a hifiher grade hecatisc it would wear out their pumps.

Mr, Short told the board (tat he would issue notices to vio­lators ior court appearances and he would sit In court for a couple of hours hul lhe persons given notices would not show up nnd nothing would be done to make them appear. He averred

ho would seek bench warrants for non-appearance hereafter.

Miss New Jersey In Parade

. .. M A T A W A N , N . J-. T H U ,iS f> A Y l O C T O B E R 2-s

Thmsa^d^J^arHcipaie In. Parade

i':-v;-sv T '7- ' •...

1 M u n i c i p a l , t r ;

iiv observsnca of Fire-Prevention Week, Get. 5-11. (.lift ; ^ :;Eoard.! o f'- fire bsioners of f i r e '-.District No: i . M at- .'

Go.':'Ko.: l\' Wi!i' .'-h<>ld . an; “•'•ps’n.. house’* "at'-tha-.” v-.-i*i&rsthmQre Fire.Station, lio.Vtt Rd; and 'Church--St.. Thera.....will, lks.,mcvrr.b<rc'i o( the- t.i!'“ com pany un h a n d M o n d a y

:.V;’;thiwg!j;|4i^gyv;(ro«is7:;30Lito:il0vp^;‘to,.:ifccu3S; fire--pre-"

j, v e n t io n ,. Explain: the ' .equ ipm ent used. uv EigKung. and

aniwt»v any qvtttstious cc-neti-nin" the opeyation the five distr ic t.

Ort S a tu rday , O c t 11, a t 2 p m th * five tn m p a iiy w ill

VontliR t » dem onstra tion of firc- l& hiim ; techniques-, d o -

v(.-toped ih io t ijth the iridnv dvilts coiiciuctpel th roughou t tht*

; a -: '.yW itv lSve rsrona -is. a sked i o ;-join- m th ia F ir e P reven tio n -

V /eek observance.

T he add itio n o f an all-purpose room lo the Cove Kd.

School, H a ile t , has m ade i t possible. Eor the school to

..form its ’.first Student ..Council • #n(l conduct student body-ii.. » ' i l " ■ ■ • ■ ■'■■■* • ■ ■■ • • 1 • ......... ■ •

- m-'-'tiu?'-.uoW'idctaiy--,............ :

M ayo r ' A lfre d T. Hennessy jr . said today the U n io n

B aach C o unc il w ill consider a t its next m eetim ;, O ct. i),

the restoration of $46,509 cu t from the school budget.

Newsmakers .A t the H onors C onvocation at Seton H i l l College,

G ro cn sb u rg , . Pa., lie ld 'T hursday , M iss K a th leen M ii'te r ,'

H az le t, a sophom ore, a nd M iss P am e la Basista, Holrvs-.

de l, a s e n io r ,. were elected, to n a t io n a l honors ir a te m i- ;

(iea a n d M iss M i l le r was .-/awarded - one o f the S u lliv a t i .

C lass prizes fo r ach iev ing a stra igh t A : average d u r in g ­

- he r freshm an yw uv . . . - - . - • .-• - - ,- .

,.. . .....Ti IV ' a'tii.T -X^eculca" gluUfcJ l*aa . jo liW d ill- II«LiC,t

’4-H Club with .Mr*. Sal Fiducia and Mrs. D, A. Os tin sis t h u group loader?, . ; >

, -.• >'5 ! ; . . . .--T3?-

Ml»« New Jcrsoy, Mlm Cheryl Chrltllm Cnrtor, 34 Autumn I.ano,

(4tatawnn, ivavei to the crowd aa hor auto proceed* doun Main St,

911 Saturday In Iho pnrtido, which nmrkod Iho IDOIh annivcranry ol

tti« WnshlnHton Engine Co. Tliln plmto win tnkon nfter croitlnK lh«

, tilroad trnclw from Frtucall Into Matawnu.

In celebration ol (he IMth nnnlversarv 0! Washlnsten E jic iro .to . \'n. t-«f Mrtiow.-m ri:.- I',,,

partuienf. on Saturday, 80 fire companies look part ia the celebration trum tit fir uwuv as WiUow

Grove, Pa. fhere were more than <40 links in ihe line of murch. Plitiircd a i they ma'-ched across

the new tittle St. Bridge, opened ipecUHy fnr the parade, are ths boys in blue nf.Mslnwnn lown-

tihip Flie Oepartrvi'itvt. Many uwarsls »Bte presenUd, liwludint. an aw Aid lor Hie i>est uppeatiii^

to Farinern and Merchants Bank oi Matawan.

Is Up ,On Wednesday, Maia'Aiiij -Tow^hip launched

nn advertising ami public .relations campaign

aimed or» attracting'-'new busimws und' industVy.

Tht;. PJusfacto.r Ciroup, Ud.,' 'New Vork area cte*

velopmont lirm, was eppointort in June tu handle

>11 phases of thp promotion, announced Robert G.

Tayior, chairman of thu Township's Industrial Commission.

“ While commercial and. .industrial develop*

-ment in Malawan Township has been significant

during the past five years,M m u I Mr. Taylor, "it

did not kcup pace with (he local population ex*

plosion. Wo intend to prove to the' business and

industrial communities throughout the nation that

our municipality is one'of the most affluent In the

East with an optimum climate fur eonimcra*,

Hght manufacturing nnd research nnd develop-

mo*nt. We have more than commerciul and in­

dustrial sites available in our communiiy, nnd.

each has immediate access to all utilities and

transportation facihtifs.”

Prime movers in this campaign qre Mayor

Huns H, Froehiieh, Township Manager Ceorge K.

Smith nnd Industrial Commission f.lnirrnan 'lay-

lor. Each member of the Township's unique In-

distriat Commission is a successful business nr in­

Public Meeting

In MarlboroIn addition to nieelinfcs with organization* cou-

cernin? the proposed now eh'aiciitary school in

Marlhoro lov.-nsnip, ft public hearing wii! !)*s con­

ducted this Thursday at 8 p.m. in Centra! School

lo cxphin the planning and proposed construction

At a special school election Oct. 14, the voters

will be asked to approve construction of a 30-room

kindergarten ihroufc’h sixlh grade elementary

school at a cost of 51,787,000 on the westerly sulo

01 School Rd. West, near the intersection of Vi'yn- crest Rd.

If votrrs approve plans for the school It i.s hoped

to have it open duriiiR the 1970-71 school year, with

the target dale January 11>71, tt) utilize 21 class­

rooms upon opening and 311 classrooms tlie follow­

Ing school year {if 1971-72,

The board points out that Marlboro presently

Is undt--if;oinK a period of rapid residf'ntifil p.rinvth

and this hns created the need for addilional school


(continued on pnj;e four)

D o n 1 0 Q u u l i d ' i l r s T o i W r d

I n W a s I i i n ^ U m ( h i I m i i h I s

lo c a l D '- n m r u t r < .m .h I il--, f . r M.,y.>r iiiul

Hiirouirh f ’ou n fil . K .ilph h .ii.m , li'-uMi',! S tlim u

and J iu i ; ,}ciil.n is 11-. 1’ii-sti t i i1 1 i.'-'i'm! ntt'c!it>.;

Wilh Deiwu’iaMr ( ' c n i ' i > ; i r i U ' s - ), lluw-

a id , t in ’ ( (ill!' 11' '•p. »!i (In* n,-i-i *■■, , u y

nrr.injV'UH'nlH lo r ihcm tn nu'ci in W ^shsn^inn,

l>. Will) S of I'ii* Cf-

ban Drvidnpincnt Ufpurtm^nl :nu! I t tlri ,t 1 Wn-tn Po’.lnlinn t <>h|11if < ttr'M-nn- i t din,iim f ir t

hiind Iwio’.vlt Jf'.v' at i>!uu i-i ’ 111 wiiiH is iw>i"

iiViiiijl'ic iu h'Ut'i.ii i r i t . f . n i f luiul.s !ui M'Wfi'

and st'\vi*r triMtivu'rii v.u ilitn-..

ll IS lh*» (ICSH.1 lit (lit- f .llltlli! i|i'H |() | J'll Mlt‘

this avcimo fur jHjvuhlc Imiilini: f»n nil ir

piMl <if {\\u ,s<’wvr v’v!tnv,n>n W\\K Ihmuwu i\wa and th" rff'lonrill/iifion or eKpansiin of pt /srut

SewtTiijM* tif iilm cn l f it lliiic.s. J’imm **'tnrts ol n

•Inu lar nnluro H'suUrd in w (vd«rnl

p.rnnl to l)n- Murdtii'h "f M ’llav. Mii, itci uniim ; tn

•loli n 1 iorino, j^-inoii.itic mimic I pul ( h.jlriHiUi,

Uinn}',',.‘i In (irand Union I'rlct**

In th'1 (rj iiml Union ,idvi i liM*inniil ou pajio

n , liu> foliovvlni; chunj’t':) h,ni* Ufi*n nnub*'. II*

hi.'jti'.ilcd World Kmyeloppdui, Vohmu's 2, 1, I,

3 ‘Hnd U, ||.!)!J, In.itt’ud nr Jl.fW; (iiand I'n lon

Frown f*rnpo Julci', 5 six ouuc« tans (or

not 0 Alx o tm ri cnhA.

W fp adv 10/2

dustrial executive who has volunteered iws *»f r-

vices. The Commission mdude.s mernbyi.H o* man-

ngexnent in ihe fields oi engineering, m ilities,

tran.iporta.tton, nnmufacturing, inarkeling. insur.

»nce, law; commerce, real estate and communi­


. Township management and the Industria l Com*

mission hav* pooled their efforts to form a fr^e

sitft service that wiU assist interested

companiw in Huding 'an idenl location in Mara- ’

wan. An invitation to visit Matawan Township i*

being-extended to thousand* of businessman, in-

dustriulisiA and commercial developer.*,

A il»-page brochum H <t»-»!c»ured In an nniqutf

manner. Rather than concentrating solely on Mat*

awan Towti.shi’j, it attempts to put this com m uni­

ty of in.OUfl persons in its proper perspective by

slt*.fwiu|; hnw M.'jUivv.m is a.i inn.M’ ta l part of a

growth county in a growth sM tt. The presentation

revolves aroend ihe four M s oi commercial nnd

industrial development, Material, Market. M ai>

power and Money. ■

In each of these four categories, the brochure

describes New Jersey's assets, then M i''.it'rn:h

County's advantages und finally what Malawan

Township hns io otfcr with sju'cia} ••muhusis on

hmv the Township relates to the state and tlie

county. All claims made hy the ’township un; ob­

jective and hacked by federal, sinit? und

domojjrapJ’.sc statislir'i.

Co'.er themo of the brochuro I.; “ Huild Your

New I acihty on a Solid basi^ , .in tiie Hn»ht

State, fhe Ki^ht Couniy and lhe RJj»hl Con^munl-

ty.M *i !'0 is illustrated by a pyramid of

building hlocks with th'' M.^tnwun Township block

on ;op. Tin* other blor k^ nre ial»ele*l Moitn-iv.’ li

vutnay, N'«*w Jersey, ;\,aieridi, M jrh tt . ni.i;i{vj^--

e; and Muiiey. Tliv area bindo, als<» have s ilho j.

ettes of the stale, county and community on one

(continued on page four)

First Aid Squad

To DemonstrateAt 0 p.m. on Friday, the MaUwan Dorou<'h

First A:d and Rescue Sfjuud will demim-.trate hrs!

aid techniques for members of the Matawim Min*

eia l«Kual Society, Inc., at iheir regular monthly

meeting in the Ravine Hr. Si lion!. The public

Invited to this dcmnnsir.-Miop, \'isitins, alnm', witii

mcmb'Ts, iII sec dcmoiisiiaunn* of such Ih iaj’S

.'i.s ftnH-rh I" niuij!;i rrMiscn.idon atul Jio s iu ip|>ly

bondages and splinH.

Mi-mb.T's «if the l-' Aid St|:i i<l \‘.l:.i .m!! f io duel th-se d«,in<4tsli'iitii)ii.'v aie in -,1 If. U,-. o id .Inyce: t'ajit. I-Vh-r llall'-.rU. ■,<•„■} n , , , :>.»! I.ooiM-'lf, .lom-ph lvdh*y ;io-i .!* .hs ■ n j - .

' i h l i |S I I I ' 1 |!is.5 .tf J >.>:(>>., i'| | 11 ; !.1 | | ; 1 ■> I*'.-

S m ' i " l V n l \H‘i, i l lo t n ; v.-!*h i ! ‘. p i < .;;i ,i h I-, .rn

imn<*:.iI.«;;v and pah’oiitohij.'v. in ,-i» i|n,).n' m- ini'inbiT-. and Ihe public wilh ih.t* ml«‘ ff >.:*I<*tv.

Aht*r I he s a b iy (l«-nn >n ,t : 4* :>i«, iSn-u- v. 5i ■;.>

h'clui'eM and workshops on im tv t j lo v v ;in,| l.ip ..

(lary . A m em ber who MM trd I ' r Sin ri h m:' m I -

sUlutc l i ’centty w ill t'un>n,n'nt nn ihe

in' m u tin i.v lin- m y 'iii 'iy oi I*r;itn.stjM5 .1 '‘-Hi b<*

df" in 'i >l.Anyone lntereutvd In <»lnanuni* furtn''i mb*!-

n i.itnin {•nncerninp Ibe Malawan M um .T ..n il

So'-|ri\1 Ine. ;i,w| |(;i ;k iti< n> iv tl*. -u !•, *

Iiii' M e ., vleuti ‘ luur>, niMMitM .ip dm niM - '

r> iiii- /:: in .

County Grand Jury RohiriK "No Dill"’Iho Monmouth County ( l .fuiy *:."t rrlntn

ed ‘a "no b ill" on (h a t jrs ol aliliin; iiml i'j>.• 11in,'

in hoiikmakiiiK whlrh h.ul ........ fil'*«l a;M i^‘ t l ‘n i

Oil .1. h .H ciiu , |)iopi'ie!'ir ol the I i sit of f Inn, J e>

croll. A no hill menus Ihal Ha* (irainl hiry Mund

headflelenl evldema- In le tu in an Indieitnenl fur

Ihe chatjie,

Thu Stork Himso

Ofjii , i m io i , Wed tiiij’ i, It'anqueU—7fl7 !ll)3il

J fp 10/2

Y; COVERING .M\l I S ’V-i a o a y iJC K


K n rv ja r / 'S o r


i-i'---.' j .j- rrt:-.:.,.> .Aj;,-.,--:jti.q SicgS:. Copy Ten C enV i


M''Ari To'yiishi,! Bon-.,! !a'<iLO.ri>n? prvpcwiir to pu-: wpjirN

;;rv^ ;v-r(M.' ufi Avu.,' -oyen •;

_ir vvi by the u.j;pika?-t.s :)prc-i.pciJiL'/e.. J2',C(iU.COO oViVvyvi;!'. ,

lrdy-l Fvw.-hiich riid -not teViT.bjem.get .away with* t»V_l recip'.urd,;:i:4 to...bis id?a. th*r'iJ'm town-shsp n*?pd.-'. rid a stinior -citiz i's’ hi h. risr. Tht> pro.sjiectiyd ■ jjudde-y," i,nv' 'M'Arfi'tfv'i. N^W'-irk real*

t<>r, said, ho wotilj l>e iad to have* his architect

Register For

Fall ProgramsRegistration In ba!'/n .t'-virliii for

tiun, and iJev^nth liradv. reading m MaJawan Sotcuyh, wil? bo bvM this Thui^da.y

(H"'ni!u> rtt ‘ lie Ur. Srthrx)!,- ?v}a?awari:'V/If,-

lia,;n L.awlt.r, recreation dtreci^r, unnounv;-» that,

jeuahtitiv/ii Vr j il Mdrt at-fi p.m; and c>a~s<*s

be conducted every Tuesday 'and Thursday from,6 to 8 p.n.i,.Children are requc-.tod ro ’.vear snaiik-

Oi's ui>d fyroisb their own baica's.,;

• Re^.tStraiioi) ia beiji« extended t«»r th^ vvom-.

enV physical fitness clashes which currehUy yro

beinj;. bv*id ever>' Monday and- .Thursday. niTe:'-

nwciif;at ihe'ttavinv fir. School, The?e classics in-

Ciude"various forniji ol-c'xercises and £nmos, and

wonion of.iM ajjns ate welcoiTin to ~arti.c:p*‘Sto.. :Mr, LaWeji'. furthyr stales th‘;-e are Ucketi

Available tor the bti5 trip'to ihr Ruti’Crs-hehiKh,

^ tb a li.y am e on Saturday, il«- Youo.gsters

may sjt»n tip ,’»t ib«» Jaekson SI. buddor* Saairday

mornings. Their U tv! charge that Includes bath ticket and transportation,

AMs and crafts are bein^ held every Saturday

from U) a.m. to i ‘2 o ’clock noon, at the Jackson

St. Recreation Center. ’

Junior Leaders, borough boys end girls who. donhlod their time nnd assistance helping a t . the

recreation centers during tiie summer program

will bo uwiudeit certificates at tlvj Borough Council peetin '5 Tuesday^ ■ -

Mr. Liiwior expressed appreciation for thft .

Recreation C’omjjussior, to Maazo Construction

Company for providing a flat-bed truck which . aervcnl as n float in the recent firemen’s parade.

Jit* thanked Jerry, Harold Charlseu,

Kenny Siyarto, 'l»>ny Russel), and Tay­

lor for assistance in building frame-work, letter­

ing. paintmy und other details invo.ved In help­

ing Mr. I.awjyr design and prepare the recrea*

tion floaL

In d ic te d By C o u n ty G r a n d Ju ry

Feiw HontU-y, I'i. ot WI. Van iirackle Rd., Mat­

awan. was indicted Thursday by the Monnvauth

Cotiiily Craiul Jury on t« chari»o o: :uiv>ni} niari-

juana and hushish in his possession Mar. 2!< in

Marlboro. Tho imlti'tmi'r? V'.'.r h ‘i:ui;*d up to Su­

perior Court Jiid-'e Flvin R. Sinnntll, thy assign*

ment jud;»e, who ordered filed.

\sk5’tc^ e, t» I > f i f .V vl e r ii: v.' r s ; c>S' VJ, t o j - re r - -

. aiks/on to the oyard v.i:Kt. 'A. • iivv.k?r,'K«v r iv-

.MajtfcedL.pxesvviloil--..a re»«lerio,!jt or. thi- garden':- . v \Vlt7:’. ihV

wsiw and; a totally r >ao<lsctijied:"sif&; Mr. ;;Hivfep;

b'Hrrf: ' AViUV’:

site. lid stated that v/re!•; vaster. riiigrit be avaiK;

able.. U would IwKe a lo^ .exv^sion .o f $ewor co.^;

section, very cudtly,_•(<?•’tie b; tht? nc^resv inain^

of i!v; M.iiav/on X^ivvn^hip. t/nili

; 'Otherwise Mr. Heeler found th-- .sue,;-io rexcep^i■

tlonal. cfcvvo to , L'sif -.U?-of: Cirdf'tt Par.?v\vay; two-blocks irom the Mafawa^ Railroad

SlAtioii ar.d Vi^vuif* -ar^. ennugth fo r .thodove.iop- ’

ineiu of a biyi ototicn p»V the ^

. The attorney a h-:.j aV-k fiwit iKed ''ther^ ;-r werer-,

. thp.nficiuion-j io i.iH: tit’t^i l!v iouno {Ho -

tide now inves.t.r'd in, Ante.ory Csi^po.-.Mid-J|yiowsV:'.'

fflw>ie iiwm'n’tiifj.i1; a' hOnlovor from tlj.o :d»;y5 -

v-‘btj;> M t. Cjp;V;>o wi,hed to pui a ronete^?’ mi\

plant o;r the site, Xh*;£-.wa5 turned dovn by tha : Znium> Ivtnu'i. '’.Ir, C,->n>ry> na-.v is solhOft to fh*

.VucuTtonyl r,f. .Newark, a CatRoJle-or^aoW.

' zation, Mr. ( HevKer rev*,::tled. ';V . V; ..-

. Tlils stirred Mtivor f-n;e?d'ch. He waitLed ,io --

know i? a a lo £0 tip p» the tract v/oo.hi ’

• become tat \ ^p t h£cau5V'of owherstdp^' . Uvaido i^u?;so. Newark, repr^efHiji^ f|, • \nt «•

‘ donat in^tute,--did not think dtie wouM be-invcst-i?: ed ot U;e losiim'c*lunc; oao;»»it to be-a

ter, lie declared Ih^i.Tmiituty was a bnd buyc-r, • WoiUkt Mr, .Hy5>.>0 nor Mr. Hcckev. waa va^dy'.

to.give total guarantee tlw property would b » »a\'-

able, tbr-y only iVwn^hi So. Mayt)^ t;voeMioh:foy^d >

thi'.t ?. r.'.b.ttcr fc;r \zz *" **t\idy

befote taik-i wc»:t a?iy further. r

Mr. Maiifredi was confident things would 'work

out all He tore^aw 1500 units, one bedroom •

aud efficiency, going into the high • rise. He and

Mr, Hecker both expressed misgivings that earn* ■

(continued on page four) ■

Don Quixote Imm Granted Variance For Extension

. Matawan Boroufjh Zoning Board of Adjust*

went Monday voted to grant a variance to thu

Dun Qui;:ote Inn, l-Vn'le .14, whereby, the prop;ie^.

toi'A of tliat restaurant will be able to extend bar

and lounge facilities to the east with a 20* by 45- . foot addition.

The proprietors need an exception from set­

back restrictions ia that their ie.stm:ranl is iu* '

catcd in a special basin**?* zone which requires 50-foot setbacks with a buffer aone bordering ad-*

joining rcsidenlial areas. .

Thc variance was made conditional on the ‘

firm erecting a sivf.)cu high stockU’Je fence .ahm# -

the rear, where, at one point, the restaurant -

hnildins ^ Only seven feel from the line of ad*

joining property zoned residential. Alsu, on ths

east boundary Ime. th»? res^-v.iiant prow*'c rs

must put in shielding shrubbery and maintain a

split rati fence to cut off Die view »f tho hiibm.'ss

from residential owners in tho Fierro Ave. nretu

Trophies Awarded After Parade

Attei ii pa i.'tle u l u h lasted mart- ( b in Imu hour., it lil){lili/,iil uf (lie ee ie loatian ,Saturday oi

Ihe lUDih anni\ers i i > ol W a^b in j'tia i I' rrpne Co. \n, I of M a law an I iie D i-p.unitenl, m any Irnpha'S

v. , : k .r.i ,,,-ik tl, . i l , I jii i iiiiik ui tm .ii»,ii.i-, n .MIk ( i A\iY.<i it^ n i, in tut, aim -

liiod ili l onins 1 a < ini'll'.^ A ten. lie present i il (rapines v. an hv (tie ' la t a u a n tow nsh ip I iro

D ip .o ln ie u i In, leit lo ri|;hl, W illiam M'lel'ii*., t !i llw a « if l, iimM m en in u n iiu r .n in line of m areli;

Ma(a\s>'iti Itou iN lnp Chle l ( , t-oi ■;,« Van i. ia h n , hah lin ;; set nnd place tm ,'i\ lur S- nii.j D rum anti iioj.*lo

( i n [is, aud V. ilb .iiu S m ilh , I liitMood, most um|,irni<'d men in line ut m a ie h '.will hand, 'the ftln taua il

TiMenship dep.u Mneiil was aw arded lla ee ||i)(ibies tind

'I Mill .' ! 111 ' 'i 1

‘■I'lll.-d L:.ii i :

P fi|,i A n n 1.

W.l .|'11 'Illll I

Hi* M.'t itx.m

]• ll t 1l" i!(

I hr .• a ! if*.

foHi,.\‘. Iti-'.

. r- I’i 1'

I lo: i ai- I a e I

fit!.!, ‘ • mu;i llavoti; he

p a itm e 'ii m

South AnO'i m ost umf


smO’d .• ! n-', ii'ti'

m d , l-.ur

|M»' win,- fii <• d ••

>• nt nihich. fi; . ’a'niM i' l ;rei'\ >*■ I .

(i< i-'tn'n in

VI, Iv •»t'l* l'I <i| p .

1 >i im ll.e.Mr,, I 'III,' !, Inj; I.


Hi 'li ' •it i un; In-',)

i appe.i! in,;

t l i ! | f !| . 'C , |

;.enmr I);

I t" C J.U-.

I .

apiir ii a. ;i ■I ■


U!,« 1 ‘i . ,;I:

md, I n i| "

i .m l. M i i .

! e i .!.

I ' . U e i, i !»■..

a i in , ; j i i | i " i

A i -1

i; he*a


.ni .n



i.p1' ' 1 ■ o I. I h

f a(>iti'ai inn uii'foi iiM’d fir|

'.11 (nt* III ’allies «ll\lh-UV, N’ llt-


I liue.t M 11 a 1

uni No III tl a m ih a i

u n it " . '...... I firemen

■•.an ’lownsMp, 71;

most u m fu i .r d ||!r"‘|.*n <n !in" h f ',1 ,r ;i- aiin,; pit>•-! h i o <1.

With bund, Matawan lowirdi p, I'tiem !!;1 Sonu of th-J vSlitllela^h;

I»i«* d'|».n‘ment S m m har. in lilif, j>l.nin.oii

liisvnshif), 2'), b st up|>ea r in j

First Aid Uiind,

Kulley; Im*if appeal im; f-'if.t Aid

,',|u.ul Aioddaiy, Fair ll’avou;

h'-a nppe’iritu^ am hulinee. Key*

p u l; hnd rpp< atinj^ Monmouth

(conlimicd on p»yo four)

v :

Press Previews N pw Brookdafe C o lleg e

} iQ

;f J „ „; t £ $ ri-! :■

"•■.rW****?' executive dtfiuj *t»«4emic s*rv»ce, ivhu couducfed tour* of th# prwi olhvr through MronkJali' Cum-■ HRMfiMy, CWWft£ LiAorofl Sunday irtojpm f»r i MW chal asHowitrd fikhnnofld, dJrecior »f tlw. Ic>flmiii resource > c*mer, ihuitrv s«me of Ik# muKwa*<H# tfcsuijprneet to vtjNrt*n P♦ tenlvU, Mt, au4 Mrs. Kucit D. ISminiw, <tf Th* iuvprt Wwtiv and iW MawanlanruL * '

f 7 a i t l i n t i t A l l I t t l l TT1 U 1 V U t bulbs i s

s«.A ifyotir Dutch B u lb favorites, reasonably priced.

y i r x


‘ —— C A l!— -—©AfcDtN

SUPPLIES. 264-2211

Donations To Historical


. rcco:


Thu .regular. ttietlmij . of (lie

Mariisra Tov.r,:-!i;p Hissoticnl So-

tioly was held .-Sepi,- 23. ii; the

Thomas Wariwt H b innca ! Mt!-

, scum- and Library, Rot,He 51tt.

Du(!;tli.Q;?5 fe thfi museum fur

- tbe niowfi: Included:,'A nolic«'-f»r”

..•leathers: csiiks1*la!e<J )«<8, np-

propriiiticiv ill stliijfll moiiiiy for"

und wlsr) ;;:t i Sx? a I - ■

i inaiiac frmn M « . tv Ysil-’

t;k; ;S‘j.1 .'I'd i'T/f -1

wrlisers find agents called 'The.

BOinjiZii" prinii.\l: by Howard ?.irf!V.'7>, Bp.'-wr.iiMii, Joilaleti by

. i . . . . u a l J J l : I » : i ' ; a

book I>niii!('(! tiie "Newark Con­

ference OiiU-onial History, 1*37-'



: S A T U R D A Y



•:W MERCURY H I , 8 Cyl., Auto., Whit* ...................... , . f ' g g l g

’ ‘A* JAVELIN H.Tv, 8 Cy!., Aulo., Gold /Black . . .......... . 5

*68 PLYMOUTH H.T.. 8 Cyl, Aulo, White ........................ 1 5 9 5

'64 FORD, 8 Cyl.. Auto.. Gold . 9 9 5

'63 FORD 2 Door, 0 Cyl., Auto., Beige .......................... . $ $ 5

'M MUSTANG, Red/BI?ck, 8 Cyl., Auto., Power Steering .. | "J 9 J

*65 PONTIAC Bonneville, 4 Doer, M.T., 8 Cyl., 1 5 9 5

Auto., Power Steering, Air Cond., Blue ..........................

'64 FORD XL 2 Door H.T,, Red, 8 Cyl., Auto....................... 1 3 9 5

'M FORD Galaxie 2 Door H.T., 8 Cyl., Auto,, Red /Black . . 1295

I (i 'c ........ CHEVROLET JJ 63 Sor.a 80" Diu.iel Trader equipped to tun iiio ioaci'*« 1r 1

? Sleeper.' Must See To Appreciate........................ 2 L 9 9 5 1F*¥*¥¥¥¥¥¥*¥#¥¥¥¥¥¥*¥*Y¥Al*¥¥Y¥*V¥¥¥¥,f v»»vy

67 MUSTANG H.T., Blue with Black Vinyl Top, 8 Cyl., Auto. 2195

T O M ’S F O R DH IG H W A Y 35 264-1600 KEYPORT

J837/p w ritten by \:,0. f-laniptun

i.*n {lit* M 'rt‘x'rf;.MK c f N i“'>v .h'-t'V/vy

nnd a hinged woodvn. l*>c;t j.ick,

tkw ated hy. M»;», .EUfcty IM f;- a

■pufchta'tlon of lij7l c-tTik-ft "Vol..

J l N\'w ' Tt*srar?iviu,'" ' tr.'nstercd.

out «1 cni'auial CU'-'^v L‘>; 0:c

K»?w V».*fk Atnei'ica.n Jiihle S*vj-

. hy Edwat:J Sturt. Th*

: pi5hiib?iiorJ h»5 M ill'd C»:^v.srstyi^

prcrec5 into, tiir* pa , . •-wifhuut- Ijs.r ,,y .*;:k

ia un i-urly type W -d

fvr-.thc* blind..-Thi-

Wi^ not c-ffi.cfii!?y ‘uvect ur’t;‘ ;:fr-

OC IKW.' It Oi Sliii'ijfCu in F i/nu* ■

and s p w d widely .fr;r

It was announc'd U'.u i i-

TIhkiuis IViirnc Historical Mr.-

stiiim and Libiu,*y vj»3 r<:t;isU-1‘ 'Ail/i rhc “ l:!i:?rr.-ric A:ncji l i i,wi

Lyjiv’fiiiiiks JLuivt M iy," .1 ci.-rn- pjJa'.’on (f h i ? i: • it , JI

hiviorir.Tl r*r:r! nm-

st'tims :he L'niti.-ti ^tatrs.

TciLir ntw mcinhvrs ‘.M ie oc-

’)>« Misses 9ncl

Kf!tM.?en Bur.ldoy, NVw Mi,n.

mouth; Mis IWWy i;|.;vri, Cl!:|

Bridgi.*, ar<i Robtrt Fo rm jr.,

M:td!?(»n W.wn ,h:p, ‘h<* lirst Putt­

ier lo jo in {‘it! So?

'i!n* nt-.xr nc;ard intciirt;’ ivili he

held Oct, M ai :nc h('rriG of WiN

)iam tluilinj, Sp*'<nt:hii| Hd.

Ort. 2V w;!i h« Ihe r€•<•>;K*r

nitUM itf «*»( uk-1 m usenm , Kr.ute

516. Ri'fushnionts will be served.

A pio^rani oi old record*? wiil be

presented Iry tiie m em bersh ip .

Will ( x > n s e < * r i « t e

.1 0 2 N o w S t u d e n t s

Ore hunched nnd two new stu­

dent* m Temple Shalom's RtJi-

giouH Sihool, Miitawan, will be

< ou^^crjiitfU r'r:ii;ty evtfning,

3*afh new kiutler^iirten student

will tailed to the Ht-ma and

! m-pivo a sniiili Ttirah und a

CDiiieeiaiiuu Cerii:u:at»-. AllfU'U »hL>

gradt will i^ueive their conse-

cnuion «nd smallTorahs wht-n Jh<*y attend the

lenuiar .session nf sdiw l. Tem­

ple Shalum is rhe third largtst

relipicus scl'ocl ni New .lersey

with a present enrollment of 5-8

The family services will st»rt Bt 8 p.m. In linoor *'f the Sun-

ch:tii !urah h<'!UU;yt n\\ tliildten

will rtet'ive Israeli bays uf

apples, raisins nnd ma.*?. Cnndk‘8

>v>11 Ix' li -lited hy .Mis. Nithulas lXhor^n i.

The OiU‘i» Slial'init will

.l jv»ns<M,t‘d hy Mr. nr<! Mrs.

Nirhnliis Hi't,'iorpi<> in honor uf

then' yon, Sroft, who will make

his H..i M i/'.iih ’ 'ie li'lhnMiiy (ItiV.

D a v i d l { . K a s s

I s I V o m o l < ' d

J'.Hid H. Kdss, 1(1 Awuulitlu I nt'c, li.n, (i| , j) j111>-

nn led l»v MuUm I N’i-w V»»i i fol-1 *. lit I! I S H r |»' 1'.-!,|( I't l f«*r ' h«- i*i V: :v - < ’ • 1 f1 ?\ cj*. ‘ ifiCiition ,i;\ )■. i n.

I IM* lllUHi-tfS v.ill ha

ll) I C l»il ill i I'tn l tew av • mU'S Im*

Mt);«Y t'l ) MI i * H ‘ ii.V |i,h [ ol its

i l l • IM M i l l , 1111 >; i j t < < I I •

Mi. K.i“ » jnijii d iMt.JNV’ii act*

n.i 11.«I il' p.t rh11• nl in l'l.f»i! ,i:id jd-

tiM a i >f pt<<hiw|inn3, t o ­

t ,iiiio ,ni it^sr.tnnl m t iia iv In

He 11jin?fei’t <’<I ti) ihe (Miaip

in as d m i loi oj

1*ioi111 pei'sions .m d thn v yi nrh

Irih'i v. ,e, piii|mii|i■(| (o jt'. ' ilf ;)i h iH iv fm I'm mi p

M r. Kiiss, ,i I t I I i i ’.v i>| the So-

i ii-ty o| A< huii ii s, het mne jin ndmi'M'.ii.ttiM' olfircr nf die <inn- in l'^{:, Ih i.s n rrim tlonUnivi i ,ily f .iM iin iic ,


- K /" ! ..................... . ,

. •fr-' f “ 71

i <t"F U lf t r rM X


< u U J

m ■<"! " i..;

ji i I imi-;.!?!'1’-.' • . : %V' \ f I i H ' s (

'S n r, i T r

(.♦vjvebiK. sohn.-J /.i,M yw--,. . ,• m.-; i

J n ic pal i 1 ' a \

F I ■Vanr.

f- K 11 fl I £ I ’

t I I•'iii iir

« J »t Ut’ 11 -* a « L ■■ Akiieh,. • 'vpr'fi.-, A, I 1 1 ta d S M

c tural li ts ji d n 1 i\jt. l\Ftf d) l?o

At; Monday s metn-;^

. ‘.Oi ie.spdrjiUng 5PCi''i?!i~V appointed- (.0. ft.U iht VHCtiht-.’ f.i'e- rited bv tne i;e»«!p/i;iiioo ol ?■-<■

Bjlly Price, whtch. was accepted with regret.

M .t. - n BmoosV B il im ,' I, I Tor and H««ard shoot,Jut, ft* <.-4.-4i/iciJina«f ore shown huvfog a mife uJta -.ConRressjwm Jw> ' i'o*;kt;uI p:iT«> r.<.cn iy t,t Ml\ : Df/iunV ci

caiid/dat^.v^ , , . •

J. Hov*r}.rd ‘A.;n> QftenWmL ft Anwag th« w tf t (Ix- Momnw iih County OemfrcraOo

PTA To Show Movie

14 Attend ConferenceM rs .; lack- p r^ .,d ?n t,

a t a iMiSint'Si? inectinp of the Wat* Juriie r W's Chi’.>, r^.

•ported- tha t H meirJwrs- of ..tho’

M a to w ;- , i i .n j i i iv r i .-[Uer.dtrd \\w .'"'Tjiltbhops &i~td I j tioo; * Ut the

F a ll n . i . i .n - K . j

- Ju n io r M/;inl>crsnip D e pa r tn irm

. of Kiwi- Nf-rV . J y ^ i,v ,r i-'i-dorw'•

tUin of Wrorjen's C lviU on Satvr-

(lay at Ihe M ilita ry .'jo'e?,

Newark, " • • •• :

I he M 'ltaw fin Ju iiio j «, in con­

junction with''■the 'Greater ‘ c-'M-

f i l ».*f J c ’.Vish 'A'r-Wieu, y,\j\' >pp;v

si>r a Dre-seh(V:| vkv .n « ;n >«>

i>r<»^ruRi j.r'i o iiji r -r, ? yn i. .

^ y y p ia . !a-:y i\ve, j r T-;npie Bmo

A hm , I.ioyd Rd.» U'MWiM, Nuv.

V -f), ti anti V. Mn... J .M ,

p;iuf is in char”*.1,

A m<'nd.-eiship pariv *.v:If ho

hohl if next, t_>J L‘.iuiV;'kJ on Tli«’vd.^y, (l-;l M. A,.v

vouii/: ’•vnnier. bet^/ccu rl.i: .iv is

ol Ih ;i;id 35 interested in bi'-ooni-

in ^ a >”.emh.?r nKiy 'Mrs.p r ;i n k Ci'N’c;!!, :v»«.wi>'.‘ i iJ ip

cha irnu in . 5<.i)

'I F i l t h D;-(nct FaM For-fV-r-

<!iut- '<.:!! tn' held ihe Ameri­

can H«/telf Im*.‘i:ho!d, Nov. 6,

Mrs. Warren O rlando, Mata-

wan. w.'s n putst.

Tin: Clutwooc Parent - 'ic-flch^r

Aw»ocifl:.:r.'ri avjIJ ?hov.' u CuUdrtii'ff .

• movie: Sawyd;iy. Oc.l' 26f. />* the

school, eafefonum.

At «he SjtttjOi; -tAecnt.ive boa rd

nR e iir ji conducted by Mr>. Don­

ald Lewis.' pie*iid<’nF it rin- :

eifled (hat tho penny sa leW ill be

held Th*)j'sdiiy evening, I ‘)r*c.. *1;

at 7: ’JO p.m, hi ihe sehi.-Ol. tafe*

ti'jriun’ , . • .

to Sdu'Ol Kif'ht AviSi be

k’a,t».tied (if AVcdiiejKir.y s meeting lyt iyiQ p .ja i. The bii5 i:n’5A sfss.iun

will bv.--:l?rjci to. pcwuit tr* ^ i-

CI.JS visit. t!i<r- ti«S>Tt)».MTlS. >i-

br«n-r rnysic snd art roe.^is «ntd

th t .

HV|\«' M(i. tlicp.nny '• ivi.U be apprei'iiitid;

Mrs* l ewis oRuounced. Any dona*

timers tcxiv be left at the school,

Martjjv/ DottijKty, principal,

briefly, \ ■

W ill Speak On .'Holiday Ideas; On Thursday, Oct. 9, .Miss Bttv;

to Baiter will, ipnals na "A Ms:- '

ty-Gt>-Roaml nf. Ha'iUay . Ideas!'.: ht i.he TDonihiy Ttitelinp. of ;V)s

bAeridge Cardcii Club' of MaU- - fson. Xownthip. She wil! 'liscuss

kuifcjj' jia iiuie iaiis, ot’corapons.

and gjfLs iha f can be m»nce.:

The m w tin g-will, begin at 8:3Q;.

p.m. at ijic Checsequaki-, Schof?li’ ■Route -34, Ch<,*e5eqyakt1..

A N D S A V E ! !

O c t w b s - r S p e c i a l .



REG. TRICE $20.95





W h a t t o d o n o w a b o u t

L A W N SLast spring, you wont by ttu; book . . , You put down weed, -feed . . . you spreodod, sprayed, even prayod. And now, look at your lawn. It's a sorry mess. Why? The answer is there's no such thing as universal lawn care. A lawn, like a hu­man, is a living thing. Lawn ailments, like those of humans, must be treated individually and not by some blanket black maEic.

The Auto-Lawn method works because we diag­nose what’s wrong with YOUR lawn, then we cnstom'blend an exact prescription, applied auto­

matically to euro the trouble. Result? A lush, healthy lawn (or your home, and more leisure tune for you.

If your iawn looks more like a living nightmare than a living carpel, you can go on gambling aw,iy your dollars with Ihe hopes you'll finally hit on liie ;i(;hl remedy. Or, for just a little more than the cost of (ho chemicals alone, call in The lawn Doctor NOW with the knowledge that you'll see a improvement by spring, The Lawn Doctor. They don’t call us that without a reason.

A U T O - L A W N F U L L Y E A R ' S

FAIL• si rnI? H \ Pfr H >".> vi M )Mi' Mcnen .

• 11 Mill i;i. iv o o• n mu in:?e ut io

• mow i w m ha re• powrw p(u i.• AQUMAH1

SPUING « s r r n i:’ un. pf 11-00 n tf it '1.. M o . i. iin ii i •. i ,'i r, n oII HIM 1 4 I . ■ I <; I M i l I k.<| M l.I t||I MAM e,l<A V,(.U N \ I II it

■ r.ITT .', | | (V

nowi ii a j t.Mi:fOV.’i ri };;>■ i (JHIIII I'Huni INC.


• »rni n i/i: i-j n o

• 11 hi n i.’ i: iu ur

i • i . i im i i t n u iJs u u v . i t\ w o r m I'ufvntoi

• i unc.I'm t• A OH AC A f 11

Autcm.’.lK f.,ll H.'iln llctwff



-♦(<•>> Sq ft Minirnu"\ Complete Only

V/l rn r o h i i’Ot

ri «nu i/f i« (' t*

n p i u i / i h i i r

( hin , ti ihh; v t * i ' W I h rtOIU.t (. I,'U I MCI.

n m n f .

3JOUI7Zi lbs. NilM.'GUJ

f’cr irx: iq. it. Se.xciul Xfivac I'ci


orrtRrDiitplele Only . . .


• M I O il itv !>#■ r lifti i»i. fl > bn*;. Me'ion

• ri nm i/r.4S l> Cl

• H H I II uc .:« sn iu

• I'lJrM nAl HAIL

• rowni noit« AQIJACAMItl v <jp t* tq II nil I t,iW‘l. JMC It. V4»

i f l l S E

Auto-LawnThe greatest thing growing!

Muto Uwn of Amailci, Inc. 1069

’l AWfJ |)Oi .IQH"




m w m m m

O s# b® E ^ '- l m r



I S ! , . — ., !-M J U / v a t t

; i s e o i : t D e G i ^ p g i Q - ■

.. . .D Gkirj iy be

.fr^H?;.TrtV 1‘uf e^. Ite r Viu'--

• yah-. . >>n.. SaUirdS-y • m o n ^n n a i

•(' HJs\ parents. sre'.M'*; -and ',Vjf;>.; - Nic'}ol;-/‘?v: DvQiorgjf),. ' I'Xt \vi.KiU- . ; 'frHddl^owu. Scvli '

Tv>v $ "Witter-.: ; twv, ... bn-rhor,

a id 'dM,*:r- tori and Todd; iv;?*1.!

'. Si •, ;; .

;j. •iyihurp/ Jiin'or .VX’ h .Seb*>f, *fi'.% 'ld4^^V<iU : ' . : •-.*■ ' V "

V • te fi dusker h; K'b;

■Mi'.’wii^r fh.*-;-'.; .' >Vvni..

K*rk,; oii: S^Mrdny.-; evening,

Aoumg iw hi*gjraiii3moiii^i-s. l-Vin. S'i'Siy. L'ofrow.!

Brooklyn, un-d" Mrs: ■ Amie t > ­

' <?iurg‘p, Leviiiovvn, N; Y.

| A d d ic t * T o T in e

’ L o v e L a w n . . _

PmsMyierMm, Murser^

%eko<d Mm 82: Piir? hi!? . pbh^-il a. varyfriy of t-rv ' ■ a\v. Br.-rfin

tf :Viivt w:f.itrif:oc^j5 o?fvt c*.i m u v

pre hyf.e/uii}. i-ircrviwon, thU. fell. ■ ■ • ’

•; • ’!i;

Leet Bogart

B V N F tllS OF


■ Maw-: p-'-0i>!o . fcoi tfi.-jr: tbs

t.c.w.fiv.toit-' must.-be, tii', 1 :, S.p-J- be. , o. '_-

bc;).;efe;i i;-, o'Tliis I ruts.- October Is also an i(jen!.

ir;ti sec-uln ' aiul fci Lili/.*

.-In’ji'-fii jvjiistytflrsj:.!]Sjniir,.:,- cVi in c s I.i i:;. ; in;

October iau'd^Ijfin^vHilly-niteB'.

;\y;ih .'ii-'.'l'.'y dew it rvei /!):.

HI* SJj. .UJ>»«»W IV k

s p'e <; i.l,y■'■• st'ed■.'; gerini.nar.iijii.'

Ttfopsr'c!liRvchatiee;iV:s;'d(Hrju r ^•cror nrfw’ tii!!; sCf.'d gt'f'-

' t o i^ p n t l iiiiid ,con , tha:

jilSyenMilj/Tjijyi:" to. !i'c,

■.-'. nuriflg :,.l;;)3!;VW&ilWC:

iV tey o u ^

is veryvaluable to.|V;' pf>afit.'' T h is f l? f* li '; '; t !v liTfin in fXir

:ttcvterbe^u^'sowaiiV!’i^& ''havv1 suffprw i root d am age as

il. rcEiilt <•! the h ''j» 'y ra ins .

AiioiKw benefit o£ late fer-- :i!iz:!-wa is a 1 o u.(j lastinjj'.

wintsr green. Grass' plants

fertilized Ih ! ,a t « Fa|l will usually remain green well into

December. ;.. ■ 1 ■

If s g o o d / quality slow-

release fertilltor Is used there

will still !>e some available

com?; ..early Spring and ths grass will start to benefit from

this availability of fertilizer

long before you get on the

lawn tor your Sprlnji treat­ment. . . ■ . . .

. So for ihtvie of jnti who have

not ycl made arrangements

for Fall steeling aiul fertiliza­

tion, take heart, It’# not too late! . . .


t '> ers'.. .rci.ui'(i,'rij: .is. t he. seh'Wl are Mrs. Aimbinh V/iH;.'-iv

j v l j$>uc SWl' a.,S;. I'i.cvv t*> *r3‘:•'Staff ?ir« _Mr«c; S-.tiiui'si' T^tfrft•

Mr*, ilff!eii (>:b1uf.l!. Th-:.. O*: o. fian-r, : >-ti pf.ogc;;in, \issen. ‘ :o

• .ch )K l:^ i tp r^c <>nd t'M’r y u i'r f; *(<1;

hii.s a presci.! of S.’

ch ildren,

' Tiij diHUmi irolietj - jfi th<* u u r u - r y f;ii).->sv- v

■ Swiouls AlieitdW « 'k < M w l U i ' l l ’t 'a l

O .^ r Kfiff. gotf Sroul^ and

«*rs ‘f r t»hn« ^ « »•* M r «j .

the J4trt j 1 [ ♦ ^ ,

, pQ.rtttt- -yl- fHs • 1 ronicii ■•• w - ■ On.t* bujidriid -IfuJ-ers r*epreseniod oj-moqr Cc-Ui?*

, t'll, Buy. , Scoui.s - of . Amejioa; Aim irwps reprinted \v;v:c ■ Iru i.'j^ 8 u ,. M a ruw ro ; fro np

. W allet.: and: Trocp M i - :

’ Mciriik’ rs.’.bf •: the CoHi>cil; toy'

; Con j ni Uw<* from; this ai ij a. • • w* t-'e ■;Budv', Hii i y^ccT ry, -

’£w;ij7A und Ph i! B ava ro, 11 y! ni do I =

/Idvcrtisc lor R u!?f»kdv£riisL4,rri»i?i2{;.‘5 ■. hi

• tins :ncwspapc;r b?ir. ': rc5‘jifs, ‘'Cojj.7,1-3330. by. Tuesday itt: 4

^ a^verii lt':^ for soU..■ Vscdy cap ad* -.esppciaUy kucCOtJ-sful- •': .• .• ' ■ r



I'-:.,Vf.;;i-v ,'■••• -I: .

f. Vi ;■. t’-.-

V;\n M l, ryvrthlii Ywrchak,. ut>;« ii;*'!';.;''' -- '• ! ^

i ,v ^ s .; Cvliirjv, .Th:;

I-rit'-i-Ji, ):■,■' . :

M:v. .

SlUlft'V,. *,Mi; IT'.: i .S id !;; , Till

fiv! I I.u i*. r.r-'.v (.

'y]\x\‘.‘ihy i ,

IV-'.i'.'i;:-, 1;,

j i Miicfi.' Kiji»y JV I i tPr;:r',. K;n

SluMt'.'if. i.iiu

- V-:1. B ; tV

Uotnu Kisdou. I.H'i

AiiK);- V‘. :;H,ViCV

u/'i \i.hnp-> 1 - . lr


■Suitii). Ncit aJaa- im . U. \ , R


•pher' Os-iv.- i un: i'ivir.n



Lome In and Browso




Wildman, Jouvat, Louis Lat'our,6 & G, Mommessirt. • •' •■ - •

Almaden,. Louis Martini, \S'enta, Taylor, Clirisiian Bro+hurj & Paul Masjor,,

W I M C f 566- DELIVERY W I N E S 9370



78 Hwy. 79 (opp, Poet's Inn) Matawan






FIRST with

» Bfiiymt 8»afe «y«U

© letf- ianlng lint fllttr

® f-jpso'il waiKIng

# VarJsfci* ip « t4 w l^lq a sycta

© 5Jodkon*« tensor Hrylng

0 Soft Most

® Open top Vij|-MatlG wrlngoni

• Programmlxfid auformtla washing

hy fm-

niis r cuoK i; ov.AT V IIO IU CA IN \ !vKHS











(JhiUiren Ibsf: Wiiiier.ized Poet

K,:;?!'> ryr

Ut ai' iirnb i r ^ r vs ,

,ft«)jcrf. Kuni:r.. ■ -Ujdy /.iv •

■ . .1IVjii. - Ariuu . i;nj

^ <!-'/> f ft)/ jo i « i i J > H

f-J.lylJ ivlv-Ni;j-r

Jnftf! LOO. KrimoiUl - p rrln|orHi

,TiH*ro.’5a; Timrii}>y

i. \v1if,sL;n-.. (;'hr’{s!.oi-\!Fr\Vrobcl. ,\-"i■'■■■■

dftss '/J’u*y!idiiy, mid Thur'i-

Sitf-ndiii ; Danny Lk'alxnUj .DAfijr, : ViAJidroa Lyxii/o, l-cviivy Kuki 'i Mit.-had NLr.ior, ’ V l1

tiinOlhy Uo «,h;- £/tfr>h.;?r’!V ,S;;ir- er,, Jamti y*y\i'v; J3ru<_!Oiiidv.. Wcod.'

Pr*Q*5 *r t'a

; a e l i i ■ W o » n ' i i ; ::

. A •«»



< A:n= r..-II: ui Kbio.S

1 !.ir

Uhmr. Mr.



^.irrm.a l“or j.he'Ti -v/

re-s .'Mra.'

- A;:-k Mnx iluft^r, C'Mi- ■4?’d tii.fl. at r'dii, fvTrs

J.iMtnu (lit‘ Ijivst type of \mil wyt-.r o-o a [nmivljn. Lukei ]>•>« i. tl’ef (uw Iwcn; winicrtrfd are chiftiren »h«> are rrtl itcJ t'» '

a t M a ju r Pool. kqutp iW B t. C-«rp„ m a m ila c tu m s o l AMHh-Iotk cover. They are , H i tu l ism I, Stephen B . Self M a t# „-B0.

i\ 11 il^ j in t\ O ill h e * r » > , f u n L n d t n , - L a u n w c ' l la i l io r ; l.# ar.e U eacon , O ak land ; E v a n D. S d f , M a tnw au i an,I Je r rv r>e»cun ir Oyk’

W/ilian? A. St'J, L y.MHfVix} djrt'iiior id advertising u nd Hides promoMon iur rho Otm.


W IL U /1 M B A U E R

W illiam B ituyr, .rj7 R iver*

D r ., B r ic k Tov\n. has been

ed su les reprcsentaiive o!' iho

S a lm o n P a p w Box 1 Cu,f Mata-

w an . M r . ; jtiiiucic. io rm eriy had

bctn w iih N iem and Bros., Inc.,

K fn ihu rs t, N . Y ., m a n u fa c tu re r

o l iv tb u jjr packag ing and Insula-


S a lm o n P a pe r Box Co, rnanu-

fttcturt-* custom buiK iiR id pH-

pe r boxes, and offers complete

packaR ing • design i**

lh e r ig id paper box iiv id . Boxes

arw designed to provide m ax i’

m u m sales im pac t as w«H as af­

ford pro tection for the producL

Recctu nuu:hiaery urquistiio ti'i

a llow m anufactu re of boxes

w h ich a rc beyond l!*.e ;,Ue l im i­

tations of nmsiy Dlhi r nviiiufaf-

turers outside, o f M onm outh


JHhoto.gtaplMc film boxes have

been a specia lty f.*f tho lirm for

m an y year* , and «u« supplit'd to

I. o a s t i n ' a s s t e r s ' i ’ o

^ U i e i 0 » T u e s d a y ­

. TiMSh'n;'!‘. : e / i . '-win

kivJv ui7 f iv ir f-il! iihd ' vrnH-r

ilf/i'-fii T*!?»s(I;;.v -(;r t,i

•p.ii;. jJiMntv.mii;! ’ n:5, V-).

Vi ;i. t|<!» iv.ojid

t.H i num fif'iu .. S{.''\.*ri\ \\

w Jimt'uncci- mu oc.l

. .t i .-.L’-tiOdvJv-J fo I;.'.*fii'M ui 'J (;:ird-'jnr.'sd.jys thi'oi:;.-';-

>.;U. thi; y.-ar nl; Hie M agno lia j i;:i

A l! se:»sifin>' l.m».{di at p i i ' .

. .

• -v ’ !.e Nh'tavvruj; tfrovip is u,' i^evn-'

b 'T C o f ' hucr*

.lUUiwi’.rd v-iiicfi i:? i.eud.'jlutrtt'i<,'(.[

n> A i,y f C'r*iii . • •

'J.0.|stmasi?r*;.: li;t':rp;UU>naiMs:o >

uo.'i'prolU d^.dio^/.td .

tu u .vininj; ui.;;i in ;.|v:>sm v i p Viiv ;

lie speaking .r,!ivmi/:h. a jverivr.s of

pJOt.runsiiied ’jpeoelies. M ernh^is

h;ivo tne opporrun ity of.• .panic!-

P1' 1 ,,ll ' . " '“■".'t/ .Liisuu^it ..

various speak iiig as^.iynmeiujj.

Addii.’ona l in fd rm ution cn tlve

Bpec*ch co' u r m em bersh ip

m /iy bo (ib ia ined by c a llin g 2f>4.

U)J(i or by v is iting any scheduled

Tuesday uighi, ju o c l ij^ m

nu lid Inn.

Secretaries See.:Film:us [iter of ,Tftt

l ‘.*» ' .A bSC C lctfiv f

k'.g 'nf th«

Madron i'-! M;.d ..a'Ty:vn

ihn v.b

. '- KarH.i.'/ /Uiy O NidioD.-sj Si--t;M'iano!

tl<; fjr-ji

N.SA yv-ir ;\i Mh- •'

J< '?

SrHip. The p n 'g ’/iuv.

Jlin.f1. V is H'‘‘ < * ? i * ; 7 t : :(J iu-

fiii.*. t : i » i J ,**-

Good T.ite/* snovvn ivy Duupja,'?

J^a.siin;' of B'-.-ruvn M ofie ii P ic ture


'J he rr;tieJin^ was .conducted by

the P rea id^n i, Mis:-: Tiiiyen tya'de/;

who u :u ; the :'•fiecre tavy .ef. the •

M o rub " uv.-aict, a trophy . The

.d a rk horse..was'-won by Gian-.;-

111. ‘S'ht: iu i L!id;iy j»:j*T'of the ihor.t.h.

w w Mrs; Ann t>-°Su!\te \vbo. was.

p»;esi*n!>*d Vrith :;uv address, bco ’c

and ; ii i ie r . :

T?arUan .Bay Chapter vvoiv (he.

N ew JerA0y : D iv ision aw ard foe

in M um!'(‘ ? ‘•'hi?*

year, U was presented

w ith u scro ll, w hich wai> d isp lay ­


1'he N ortheast J)is tr lc t A nnua l

Convention w ill be held In Hall- .

fax, t'w]v<j- Scotia..-CVl Tht!

New deisey Division h;>s charter,

ed il p)jj)C. Mr'S. liecr.f, .1. C-v:r

, tiiiugh a I'd . Mra, E the!;:-S.

wcie elected Kay Ch.ii>-

Uir’s d<-legate y rd iiUcrtja’G re-

.spedivviy. .

•• •jL'crefauec ■ d?;v •i,vel-codk* at ■ R a j'itjn bay Chapter's

inec iue^ lean: more and cn*

joy Uh! bi:)iefits o i N^A. .The n^’d.

meetiii^ will be held W Oct. 8

ar u:30 p.rn.,»( i.h'? Tyladison Res-,

luu tau i, Ferihe?' jnlormation may

be .obtained, by .cO‘Uacting >-lr5.'

.C-« vanmij’b, R D ,it. Box' Vt), Moi>.

ganville. de.ephone; 55»i-D.'iH ’ -V-'

r jv ri! a r°.; :Juucuu! •

on -!■?;?-ftr]

jjuji'lwtj .

Ralph j^vr.eil. Perfti Amboy;

• w m * .bank i and lnuj&e b-ws,

Mrs. San; J.liilev, T;sert)v Amboy;

tab(‘.‘C:oLh, Mrs,'Helen I'eigcviiHjn,

Shapiro : iJournul an d 4

. . Gluek•‘stncl/pj’bgt'iuixv.■.rififig,' Ma..'Mnx Hiai-jr.-; •

. Reptiits,''. were given by : f

ehairnmv. o i • sufprndr ae^vitu^v.,

Plans were made (ur ;t xh^uf^r .

parly h !.• 1 (1 ; Wcd^wi;Jay io

.'T l.a ia . .Suite’1, iii New; York. A -

■ Candy sa’e Will be held in. 0 ^ ..

bat ii nd November. Plans. \yej;a

!ilsq .’.Tiadi* f.':r 1 a Tiippet: ■ War«;.

party to be held at tho. homt. of v.

- M rs. .G iuck . .-The;. aext m ee ting •.•

w ilt held a t .th e .horn<? ofTvlra,

O Juck, 14 F s y v n " $ t,; j V r t a '

- Aoiboy. l v l o n d a y , - • • - .



SYLViA rvirtKS, R. N.

• Eleetrologist; ■' ; ' M.-Mb.'T j f '. :. -.'

Elotlrolcgivii Ail'i. cf N. J . .

: FHEE CONSULTATION ■ i d iyr V.V.T'. m a t a w a n


\ 566-8697

acv e ia l nroas.

U n ited S ta u s .


Couple Honored On Anniversary

M r aad ivlrs K m nk B anafato ,

12 Johnson Avu,, M utuw un, wore

guests of hoi’<)r nt. a 4')th nnni*

verrfury parr> hei;J S aturday al

the fl"h»»d**l Ian given by

their ch ildren. M r. nnd Mr;-*. Ua*

nnfato were m arried Sept. ‘J:f.

W29. at St. Joseph 's Church,


A ttend ing were M r. and Mrs.

Joseph B anaf.uo , M ataw an ; M r.

and M is , Su!v :nore H anafum ,

Carteret; M r. nnt.1 M js I)n»udd

Mr.QU iiiric, M a taw an and M r.

and M is . K rank B ana fa to j r ,

C liffw ood.

Mark Service At Hercules Inc.

A num ber of Hercules Inc. em ­

ployees ce lebrated servic# anni*

verf.itric-s d ur ing Sej^.ernevr.

Among those from tha bayshor*

a re.i wi th annieersu rk*s were:

Fiauels 3. Lynn, 15 Shcrmail

Av.*., Old Bridge: Francis 8,

l.asko, l-i Kdf’e.',vafr-r Dr,, Muta* wai-: John P. M jzuroski, 6-1 At-»

hsjitic St. and Sumue! Scptc», *13

Atiantlo Si,, both cf Keypoil, 30

years; Charles A Ei-erle, -IH

James f>t.. Old Kndtfe, years,

and Wayne Anltim , l-*fi VS'ttSiiing-

ton Si,, ICeypcnt, five years.

5 « M B | 0 C\




Rog. $2.29

SALE $1.773 for $3.50





2 SizesI I " a 16*/i" « M" J. 3*- It ! • " « *"


Route 34





Reg. $1.99



SALE $1.373 for $4.00



Rog. 69c

CASE STATIONERYIn Assorted Colors & Whifo

M O W 2 f o r B B C3? SlmoU ■ 14 [.M/rlopos

O p c ? n M o n . S- if. V l o - ■ T ii , ' l i ! 9


l-oM iierly R o i jc n l 5 R 10c - I/ ! ., M . i in S i . , M i i l . iw o n









Boaaui* of th« limited ipaM In National C»m»Ur!ei today,

•ipaolaily aaul* for v*f«ran» and ih»Tr famlllei, Shorilanol

Memorial ©ardens now offers on « flrit «om», flr«t wrv* baili

A limited amount of ipace In our new Veleran’l Memorial

Seaflon now under development.

DON'T MISS THIS 0FFER1For More Information Fill Out Appliaotlon Below In Pull and Mall Today

V«t«ran’l Nflrn* , . ,

Dranr.h of Survlao ..

D/ihii SetvoJ ..........

Hmn.> A,.}-J..«n . . . .

C i♦ y rta 1 .

i no>« [iwn 11 > n i ij I , (





.'iii nhil K<o'i Slf" . .1 i I iiii’t, I'd. .huloy 07/.10

$8g».';!wv.. THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J.

flJIjS; ;launui!.' ' ''J . 5 IA B E ^ K R O m - W S im i 0 jR : V ■ ,

■ ;. 1S&TZ8LI$&£<!} mb . -- ••. . .

Prem Preview s New Brookdaie

Community _ College In 'Lincroft

evif y- ThUretta* ut ^ , 'Vc'sV-U^o-'?4;v teY:.H&QjfH. SUfcLXSU^Ci; A ^ D ; C O R t * A « * .'\'

\ r ^ ^ r S 5 S ^ J % n : V . i#crwn; JMlfcf?. .• Ruth 1>. 0 «r(u<^n(>->9BljB!»r«k. JErfliwr :••■■■ ■■■ : ■• ; ' .-j;

•i nhtvttfzecr ■"«< ih*- « * ? !* *?* *.*»«; /wpl*.- aim ior jr.o Ps aim ->te to .-*err* IJis.twaA intrrcf.L% or h iw v tn find

*!'.!>'!' fhi;. fcftv?r>''*&■ Tfte -ww*. * totem inaa- oi pr«tfu&cc irt « '.>#uu% ?.M)r»?,¥f.V3Uv'« ' th#- }»i«.U»:vj5tJ*le n&!»U

; ot:aur atyS.’CJwyftb ,-niftkin* S&?At -worthy. uX th<?i* ci>»tW«*cj;__

-: P*U at .ai{ntav;«mVK»w s****?.”

«?rcr* t» Jfrnttwfc• to tha «<unsj.'^ '‘cqi.y.'^d V>* «VuXi» *-i »i*ir. ' .' ;■•' '■' 1 '■ ■ ' ’

:c*J r{- 'lo

pRyehle ic advance

•-, •. ' ;.5e6d. to H*J M’frJn St.," ,. .' .• .'AUU-^sn, N. J... Cj7Vi? .

<hvt Vear ivdthitv st V Pi.Wi

„ i& m wa*;.; Onq.Wciiv,'t.c>uij»ide. au ud ,. — ts.oo

im m s k L n e w s p a p e r


-r ,, J -mUHSDAy, OCT OBER 2. 1959

■■■■'PlattditS To . . v" '. S i»K T M a r y '.Brian, P r in c ip a l a n d S u p e r io r o f St.- Jo ­

seph's Schoo l,; Keyport, fur the jwst five years, who. was

- honored test wop); W lit. JGOvpIi'j Fujv«t-J.eiiChet-. Asso-,

e lation.

St. Jo hn ’s fjn itetl M «(hc< te t'G hu ixh . HazU-.t. -yi,i>icK

: w feb ra ie s .t|»«;;,'RoJi;..'Gall;-.o!v’-.Sun,-,...


: ;■:■'■ Pt." Aram ■ A. Caplaman, virell'known ■ surscoiK nnd s ''Kiejmber'. of the Botu’d of the: proposed Bayshore- Com­. m iuu ty Itopitalj upon his rt-oenc marriage. ..........■ : The EV«mng News for its editorial on “Of TratKa And Risks''; The News Tribune for its editorial, on “Rut­

. gers Action Improper”; The Home News lor the editor, iais, “A New Image for the GOP” and “No Words Are ’Lf-It to rVescribf Mets ”

- To « l i the newspapers! a n d orxankation-s in the state

■which «re suppo rting the b o ad issue for C lean W a te r.

To tiie Matawan Junior Woman’s Club for the ex­: cellent- pubUc relations .Job done m connection with the Tour of Homes on■ Sunday. Hope the public relations

! chairman aw the excellent features n.i The Asbury Park Press, Tl«* f o s Nows, The Daily Renister, anil ‘Ihe News Ttibune. The .luniurs wade ^pproxutuitelv $800 fin churity lost year; with the publicity this vtoj1. <•« not =h-uid over ?1JCD. t)o hope the weatherman wil co-operate!

All the volunteer fuemen in thjb area, and every­where, who do: such a great job.. Fire I’revention Wc<;k starts Sunday, and we are proud that -National Nevvspa-

: ptcr Week also, is celebrated next week, lor two of our nxostvdedicated groups of citiiena are the volunteer-fjre- . wen and first uid; men and members of the .Fourth Estate, tute. ■ •

% ; ■ T h e K e y p o r t M ayw aw l Council, who are lryim> so

h a i d . ’t o -do . .s o m e th in g to .improve , Downtown Keyport

a n d to- entice; business for the members of the Kevpui t

Chamber! of Commerce B y --working-. to g e th e r , the ijo v -

ernioff body aud the Chamber w ill m«ke ihe •b«rouj'i\ « .

bcit«ri p lm e : in wtucti to Jive. Incidentally, when the Christmas basket decorations are p u l up, they w ill be

more d ifficu lt for unknow u persons, to .- ca rt away. .The ef^eierU:’Borough nnd Township CjerVa and

Board, of Edueatibin Administrators in 'the', surest who help to make our work easier. n .

: New Trosh Containers; A brightei-, eieanar downtown 'Keyport hopefully

iKfill be the resiilv of the new trosh containers installed throughout the business section. . '

The' containers are modern In de.<dgn, silvejp, -. rec- , tangles, topped by bright m l globes. Titeve’s Just - one thyig: Those spherical globes ■ look like something from outer-! space and whenever we walk by one, we expect little spacemen to oome tumbling out and demand:“ Take m e to 'y o u r lender.” , '

ritijiv. ragE1 Tvya).. A pi't."-. fc-s of \ntM-v iciwi.ics <tt BiO'kr

d'iUr CC'iQ riU'iiiy I i’\,roir. lic’d SwjV

^ .y , tin* 'jisy fiefor?. IT12 fuH-liine a:u<k-oi:t, iuaiiy

irorv* ib is art:a, tvporu-'i fi v;;t

Ijme.. ' ' ■

v-’i.ffr-i iht' b iifd iu jr, 1 dw

rt*cii.cVt> (>t t b i c- r. vjy Px.Viii.- kv-- ;

. JatkifiG onU*riy!ned st a

r<'.cct*iws' • i.lnc«t>f1 liia,-wly.-rc th« o».^n!!>-•, vi 0^ co I!;1'1.? was !«j;; %! i*ii 1

Ai, /aci/i'uos Hi6

. h : ' lwvj v^vy lar.kje'dtinl ro.n-

voj-kvl barns. Mast of Iht; com/iw.oi the

fou rs cofjfrTf.'tJ r.m ftie? jiffcs<*fvauoi} ' ’I t}*»*

' K-.rns, U»f> Jfifs.f M-iUs, ‘tnc!UiJ}/j;> ortf-inril ht.tS Ioj conftii'ence s'ojjn:: ocf-

f.v-'eew the prijiii'ijl . .

&>».»«<} i f cut d<v,vr> I'v fht* us^"/•-[ iivovy, ^u ll

goid coiorcd A <it sp;vi;tJ is [ir»>

Mrrvc .by lilt* -iijii'- a»*ti }:•!' '£’ WiruloWJ which wiU ?r ji tne vi.?fas of ..-ihe rolling counfry-*,■

1Ti« 'i.'ids.m'own.’s are i?piin, • inSfiMc? 'of the

Kites In Caniula For Miu Nemeth

Fuacral Mrvicej wiU be- held

ptnada at ths Latime I^iocr*

i l Nome, St. Hyaciath*, on S«t-

ur<»»y lor Mra. Yyett* Nemeth.: Routt MB, Marlbom, who d M

Mond»y, Sept. » , 1989. io St.

Eltzabeth'i G fa e n l HnaHaL - EUiabetb. - ■ ■ v

Burial »U i be in Hotr* Dtiua

o f Ro*»nr Cemetery, S t Hy*-

cimht. th e Gundrum Service,

Horn* for Funerals, South Am­

boy, wa« In charge of local »r- rnrt"c;nci,l4. . .

Mr). Nemeth was the wife of

James Nemetli, dlatrfet n)e* manager In the circulation de­

partment ot The New* Tribune,

Perth Amboy.

Mrs. Nemeth vraa horn im Richmond, N, S., Canada, and - h a A moved to Marlboro 11

month* ago from Morgan^M*

She was a parlshionar ol ]K. J(y seph's Church, Keyport,

Surviving, ia addition to to r

husband, are two listers, Mra,

Inurotta Archaneault end Mrs,

Cyril Parentnau, 8r, Wyacinthej

six trothtiu , ito^e* Meant,

Acousfao, Canada) Arm ind,

Lionel, Goan Paul and Lawr­

ence, St. Hyacinth*, and . QHUv Bicard, Montreal, .

Cadettes Adopt Service Project

In the apring Catictte Troop

M l, IiktrgauviUe, adopted the

Hornets Nest marker as a ter-

vic* project The marker was

placcd am a Revolulknaiy War

historic site by the Monmouth

Court House Chapter of ih«

Daughters u l tha American Rev- ehttim.

' The pjrte in the troop have un­

dertaken the task or keeping the

Jlto weeded and groomed. There

already l>av» h•«» tws gmupa

there lo do the (ob. Tha (irtt, in

Aocuat. be iud .d Eileen Eugal,

Louise Thibodeau, Colltt'ii Tier-

« y , Jodt Scatidi and Marian


The second party o( gardeners

want Sej«. 23. They wer* Mary

Itarkt Chriily Dull, Nancy Fpx

aad Piane Fox.

Matawan*/ (c«»«ed from page one) -

side, und tht of to . 4 t>k>ck.s art! ij.iasjrajed up- - RfopfWtclyV ..'

V> nh - the, 'extension of rifted rail

..vtrvicc to.'Uie’,-COwmuiaty itud- ihe hicfion. of

» new .eiprsf-ss- M/u-on, M.-Hiiwaii TOA'aship

w in bccx?rrie « focal jx-jjU. 511 co a ito i ru if tro.ffic.

/•*wrr vf. tlif' coninMunfy’.-; inrtstiir clt.’velopnieiU plan

is (ht* L'rv'fti'jii Vil a, h u ^e com m erc ifiT “ Traati\xic- :

lotion Pla/a" avta .of thv vail-.

read slatioiK .In tdditjo*; to nuincroua retail nnd.service es-

UblijjHrnentrt. !o the pJay.fv mevnlmra uf ihe Town­

ship's i^<lusl,ri;iJ Conwyiisaion” would. like to have '

•a-Urft* office building■ erectcd,;. possibly; straddling

the siatkm,. which would accommodate’"various,

•types of busfotisses.'mcludinp: regional. he«d<juar- Ices of U rg e co rpora lio ii^ .. .. : .

Considerable’ con>mercuil dev^Iopinont tJr^ady

Is underway ii* the Town5,1*P-:-l^rge»t project 1* Ihe $1.5 mlUtoa. M«fawau Mali, which is sehfd-

uled for completion jr. the spring of 1970, it will,

occupy a 16-acre tract with 1000 fwt nf frcn‘.''.”’c.

'.*** H:;..;v. 54 «r uioyd Kd. H will ,(:ompi iso lfiQ,0Qli

square fetit of store.spuce arid have parking ja- u/itjes lor more than SWJ cars, '

Budder-owner of the Mali is SVysicrest Devtioj>

mem Corporation headed by Joseph Slender, Co)',s

Neck. The J ,i, . Kifclak .Organi7.a(ion, Newark, if?

the MaUVdevelopment ♦ tmnncing consultant, and

excfusiv^ broker, lemt.*. ne^otjattous oreunderway for about 80 per cent of the spi-ioe. ' .. ■■■;..- ' > ■;■■'.■-•■ -

Major tenant in ihe Matawrin M a l l ‘.vi!! be W,T.

Grant Company v.'Uh a unique, C!i(Qft(l. square foot,

departmeoi ‘store, ii’mpioyiiig some 25Q person}?,:

It will be the eqtiiva)ei\t cf four cumplete store.s under one roof, a faniily fashion ;»nf} /'ppu;v!

a -'liyuMjwares.- iUid home ncfeds store, a

.smailwar^s 'and cinpC.inci/ store and a hardware

store. There ulso will be a restaurant (or the. eon*

venience of Grant shoppers and customers will be

able to drive their automobiles into. Iho stoie's

four-ear automotive'sot'vfce-ceuler ami have ihuir ctirs serviced while they shop.; , .

Other tenants ia the M^il inctudu a large Stnp-

n-Shop supermarket, a Idrgc restaurant',' a huge

Mcdi-Mart pharmacy, two shoe stores, two 'a urn-

•n ’s apparel shops and a variety of other retail

and service establishments including several na­

tionally prominent chairs store organizations.

Other establishmpntK moving into various sec­

tors of the Township include a large Shoprit*

store, a Goodyear Tire store, the Economy Office

Furniture arid Equipment Company, the Culuniul Restaurant, an-l the Sr.wdnrc! Dj<? Supply Co , Inc.,

which Is moving Into Edw*rrf* Industrial Center.

Midland Glass, Company, large,*! manufacturing

facility in jMatawan with upwards of 300 emptoy-

tes, currently :s implementing a. major expansion

program which will make a considerable uddinou to the local labor force, :

CKher pUnts currently operating in Matawan

Township include the Silicone Division of Stauffer

Walker Chemical Company anil tne M & T Chem*

k a l Company, subsidiary of American Can,

**We do not anticipate any serioua difficulfitd

to obtaining workers for the new plants in our

commar.ity,” said Mr. T«ylor. “ For example, we

umsid** ih« woikers who commute from

Monmouth County lo be n potential labor force,

and MnUwan Towaship Is a net exporter of l*bojr

primarily composed of skilled workers and men*

bets of middle management. We also sitLzaat4

that some 500 engineers Jiving in Mutawan worH

elsewhere ir. the county and Nortb-m Vc* Jv»*Idy ," •

Li-ua'i L iosrd i-.RjtiVn, a n d it :js ' w r s ‘C^f.) ^ c i o l

Va ht wi\«.h probisbiy v;i< ba **[>«:•

.1,(v!i.-ik:5v 12i«rii A, i-, >ary<; IviTisre

n c‘2;t hit converts t!-i 1

T5Uim:r./U-; c»Ui'io;j.V h'-XfU^tx is library. vi-C pu l v»h:

the i-jev/tit (:F t:)rcxi'vmc icuchu<£ tqvPnr'icnt.

ArcV'nii:?*; id H r. !;.*"» i>> ' . 'p jtiuW *;!;

of the c<?!k'{:e, ther«» pr<’ Kt.W) '.’'•.-,','.r;">

' <}r:-,'-r= i/’;::; foi' a cc.’jlef..?- just opcncie.

. . Ui. Ikuir r. rJ,r , f i rtr «c rc ic:ichuv n li-fal o f 13 bc».w<‘v!i the tw o b « » id :n ^ , t!\e iVa^I

swr.vice area and » Urge «md very z.W'S*ivith fsbk-fc and chairs it'r i.!tO;»e 5i;vvUwsoiv. .iuvl.

off ?.hisc A;-um\ nre iouv st,ai.ks c^J'Vt.'rttrd i>siO

c,or.f<*rencc urt'is;., or w ^ h - ^ ?.>nd si-;:)■.!! Du

?h« s*?co»d ilr,r>r na- TuU^ktnt:';. U>i art,..y£ im-j;

end, ar.rVlV;!- ofi':c^ mitchv.^ in ih t

jnji course ul ihe ofhe-r.A .MJiiil' .on ir.t' pn'.pt:i(,y hit-? bf’ p rt-'U’n-

-ttt and orovMes-.oriiccs ir-r t!v: ^irsid^nt and the

orS<*r (•r*Ihj;-f‘ a<lmmir>tr;jW?N. Au t»!d usrn c i :i.» al*

• «> %viij be preserved a n d w ill be used as a she lter

for- Students .wrtihoy f « r

;■■■-..vThc‘bMiUI5«g» now in use ar*.- or.’y (ht_s«irt;.c f ;

jplaws for the facilities of th. new colfe^i? tin (hi.1• 2^« 'f lrre- ^s fa tr of the ‘b ite > ir s ’ S, T hv n u ^

on 'Newman' Springs -ltd.

. Oif-y oi th*.: -points wtis that the co?-

lene' proposes unusual jtradJa/c -'>>•;»>*: ni, LVir<»-y,.

Bviiuss..'admiiitsifa.Uve.'-dean, w»Sd, '“jhere nre no

failing gratis at Brookdaie. If a student does .not

do well, he simply does not get credit, for ihe

course. He may continue to.attend ?he d£sst:jj.“


M«flting Oct. 14Tupperwara w ill be teaiuted

at tha neat meeting of New Jer-

»ey Tay-Sachs anti A llied D i­

seases, Tuesday, Oct. H at 8:30

p.m , |n Madison Township High

School. Meetings are open not

rn ly tb memberg but alsa (o any­

one Interested In learning about

a worthwhile and challenging


Public Meeting, c(continued from page one)

At present the classrooms, Including the new

additions to the Central and Robertivitte Schools,

are filled to capacity, requiring the use o i f o i l

additional temporary classrooms. It la estimated

that when the currently approved development*

are completed Marlboro w ill need 30 more class­

room* to accommodate the incrsajed .school «n-

roll ment.

The construction of the proposed ichool w ill

Hll the need for classrooms through June 1.172, ac­

cording to the bcturd, upon current home

construction nnd the remaining appruvt-tl build­

ing lots. The projected enrollment 'o r 1970-71 Is

2671 and for 1971-72. .10SS.

In addition to .10 classrooms, the proposed

JChOol would have a multi-purposo room, library,

special instruction rrwrns, cafuteria, teachers’

room, nurse's room, office, lavatories and storaga

*“ — —fOtGUJLCl kS U d .^ tH* m* Jh JC y

' ’ * ■*


. (continued from iJa»ie vine) . , •

lnj;s from a senior citizens* undcriH!i»;)jt would be ;

more marginal than from a .^ fd e n apartments-' complex.

Mayor Froehlich observed that approvals for

45# units in garden apartrueiUs vvere lying idle in

the township now because’ of interest rates. He

wanted ::o r/tore such “ frozen” undertakings. Mr.

Hecker said he could assure the board that financ-

fp,|< -.v«5 ,(!.* problem for M r, Manf»edi.

Lvr.c.1, , ; T/t-.uVMV the D fic ids ' Mfttter

fanner,'-arrived vx the board took up eP '-'-KK-rtt*.

tion o f .a five-fot subdivision, {.ought by W illiam

Ayres, distriui manager of an Avis subsidiary,

Shore'Rentals <ik\,' to r.the SM>7-acre Kyle tract on

Route M . Mr. Ayses. would erect ;i t'omhined ot- fice ; btiiktini! and service center for Avis rental ’ a loi,12ft by-5iy-feet deep.

Me. Ayres wj»vi hi?-nttoniey^AlK-rt BerJch, Red

Bank, pointed out m the lK*atd lhat former Mayor

F tle r J. Water?; and the 12; other WoortbrooK own*

ers, who had pr».»te.siretl’ so vip.orotw'y against his project « l the S^pc. 3 mcetmp v.'rv<>. ?n<«l j/r^sen;,

,yj it was obVKJit.v ihr^c peopie no lOjj^er wario tl

to; oppose; the project. Mr. fJen'vh asked a v a r nf

ihn r<<. i:; •!-„»( ij.v -J.vuay limit om Plannmg

Board consuloraiion ’was up.

Mr. l.yiKh spt-kt1 up to say hi? could not itc*

onmiend appiova) as the ' applicants had over­

looked See. OUI.JS of the subdivision ordinance

which would iu ib id them to. empty drivvways for

all their five iola oata the highway. Hy ndd(.\t the

<ipp)»CH!»t vv:*\ • required'ondov the ordinanct* to

huiid H marginal .ufosj; ak>nj> ihe highway

and l\avft hll the drivRways cmf‘ty r.v* Into it to

save thy danger of interne in and out traffic on

the highway nt that point.

M r. Ayres was indignant. He declared Mr.

ly n c h bad not taken the trouble to be present at

• the Sept. 3 meeting, so he wonted to know what

business the Master P lanner had to W objecting

at this late dnte. M arv in Paris, chairman, told

h im it was the duly of M r, Lynch to speak up at.

any time as an ordinance was being viuiated He

Hated the Master Planner would be remiss in his

duty if he did not do so.

Mr. Ayres, M r. bench Hud the Lyle owners

•11 found this suspicious. They believed it was a

coverup device.

fdayor Froehlich and Mr. Paris took a ll of

them to task for misunderstanding the board's

motives. M r. Ayres did not believe this as he he.

lieved some competitor, a person of ill-design,

was nt work. M r. Berich said he would meet the

Board in Superior Courl.

Theodore Endrvsen, vice chairman, said the

board would caucus before voting, because of the

threat of leg*! action. After the caucus, member*

found i>o reason to m ak« exception on the margi­

na l road, and unanimously turned down the pa* quest.

Thi* broufh t a greater outburst, M r. A yrei

Iterated the board members fcv< i>et having

brought eht po;n< up Sept. 3. H t declared not one

owner or developer in the township ever had

been called on to meet the m arg inal road condi­

tion. H ; added he wss being discrim inated

against, because of bis great loss in money and

tim e . The Lylea declared the ir land was being

left without use. a profitlesa tax burden.

M r. Paris told M r. Ayres the turndown waa

W ithout prejudice. He ia id he could reapply nnd

snect the terms of the ordinance. Mr. Ayres re­

torted this would be impossible, as the building

o f tha m arg inal road would be a ruinous finan­

c ia l pndertflkinp.

Ph ilip Waldman, M r, Ayres’ partner, spoke up

to ask if ho and Mr. Ayres undertook iiu* cost of

building tho marginal road, could thty hp sura

(here would nol he some new hidden rlausi* t>f nn

ordinance brought up agninst them. With this, tha

meeting wa;, adjourned and thi* parties Kent into

private conference to discuss how a second applied*

tron should ix‘. y>rt’sentcd.

The bo iud svrvfd notices on bnth Unit l>n»,

and Andiew Piscatelli, South AinK'y, oponihira

oi' small ndjuinin^ plantb on County Kd., that they

should put sidewalks down and l i i i Ih In front of

their plants hy May 30, lH.O.

Receives CLU Award Trophies

A /

v Oov&my De**?#,

BK MAWw#9Af & 6 6 i 't f 0 6

C M X F * n F f r * T O f c a > r A f f ' i > t / j » t

Amcld M. Kaplan, (vt l-ordnant

Pr., Matuivun, was award«‘<l tho

coveted Charfcred Lifo Under-

T\Tifnr -ti <u i'iaoruial

CvJ’ferment fl\Lrcisos of the

American College of Mfo t'uJor-

WMfprK fn Wnshiiu;(on, on


'iho Amnrican (V.!!'-no c.f f.ifo

UnderwtUerft grants th»i (M ..U.

desi(;nation to per.sonr, i*m»nn‘d in

ftctivitieH vclatis\>; (o thv in.‘.\irinj>

of iuun.m lifo vAlwr:. and who

pass a >f pi'oh"«'ii"n,il * \

ai. ) » ’•: ;;'t* -tii.H!-

tml expenrm'i* *ui«l n iiic .tl u-

Quivemonts of tho mlloju*. 'l!iis

yr:ir :.m) mi‘n imd Aitmi'ii writ' nw .m hi! tlu* d< si/'nation, hiinj;-

iiif» to VI,4M the ij'UijIh .t ni jm-u

pin w ho hava received it since

tho co llega w as founded in P»27,

M ». u .ipK ui ic c u v K j his ihtch-

e l n r o f A i l s l)i*(;ret* f ro m I’ u t f .c f i

University, N ew B run i.w ick , in

P>Hti. H e a lso studied tow ards his

M .is Um '.h I V jv.t c in the N ew ark

Cullc[’i’ <>f Husineiis, Kutp.ers, and

cn iup lo ted a fuur-yesir s tudy pro*

j'tvtiu -tf thu u! ii'S'.n ,nce,

N fW N'vnU, Itiwuvd the C .l- 1'. 1 :-

pir«> |)Mj)'v.un.

1 i » K ' t i x e in l i j s ln U H M ' i lc l t y

III I!'1- M'- !'h .i,nt i-' .. I i ■! 'i* v

<>} Ji i'ip111 Mtalnin, Miitfiwait. |‘i'<11ii l.'Hi-l - l!i!i'/, lu> was a mem­ber pf l)|H Mutawap •’I'owiitihip Voliintt;or .Five' D ep.ii'ttnen l,

::€ iu h ;P ia m

■ Activities■- V

- Thwrs syV Zt

% ' "


L-;5:r 1

or p«n ll-

■n-; C'.V-

' M rj, ;Vi

c-f Htc v s-: l'1-

. tittr'y.1, -W-’v iV.v O *.v:e

;riew:>>K’;-s ut Ji;« j i i >!

.of r,c.d.

iv; V, ‘•1.'--:’ t ; '. jo : li^r-

Hi-;- c’n-ni'urai'.y O iv i ih . -

v;vir-« '-•rii-.Kt.T vv,;.‘: M',.;,•>>->'

pk');:''''''. Bta'icn, d sc:;-

She the rl'So's dt'i^Kur.a to

.j! V' -m

C.y\h%L'. -i-.-i .o.c>

Collc^f. -'ih e ifv;.-}rttt'enrs ar

i.iiA. eOni >1

tur[; f«'I- fie'-v yu\\\ ics met at-Ha* hom e.

~vf th. ‘: h ; i t ^ v . p s

• Ik'-iVm. ’’h:< f> ;pic f <;<tfir !ii’ Pit- ‘ 'W.' .{ki' ty Ah- ■se»nr,'Jy, .the State M ue.;t?urn- ;«>.

'I'rento.'), frtui Mo>'>»-n .

,R ‘:hoursals hvr a no.e-aci ci«nv

.. e<!v ..CniiJh-d ^r>;»;cV;-»*‘.vvryr* ' -

iiyfeaiher'1, .are. buu ig . h o h l ' rep.u*.

Jariy f,t ihe home of the Drama

Chairman-, :-Mrs.--C*two<». MakuH'. '

, i’l’h'i . Ir.i.tTi'HVij.o'aS..-. »^iat)ons _

; '. IX ja it In n v 'i i : m e t a t tno' iionv- of

the ch i'jr ^sn , "Nlrf*.. rVav.’-d V/ai-

sv.t\ ;.on- -Mw'»ouv-‘h i • 8 '-'p m .: T hfi'

.•departinf:U?.'-: i*' pli>nn5?Vg to hoid

, i»o Orji'uud iiighi tht* January

v'iub; mectin.ii nnd plans' to par-

tic ipa le in ihe.-Kxehungw; Student

•Vrogra.m and U N IC U F ,. . .

" ih e ,‘Mdslc Department W-l)

jjivc: a rhusic as-vard. .to a Xigii

school student- Tais- depaK /nuii

■met yi ib rho m e ol Lhc j;tiairotftp;

'Mrs. Walter -Vohdin, on Tuesday

a l l,. ' ' ■'- ''

ProclamationVk’tlKRKAS, the Protection of

propeily, health, .safely and v» eh

fare of the citizens aiut residents

of the Borough ol Matawan is

aided greatly by the unselfish

and continuing efforts of the Mat­

awan Buri'iiRh Vidmueer Fire f e-

pariment ’.‘ hose members serve

without compt'nsatlun twenty-four

hours a day throughout iht en­

tire year, and WHEREAS, the existence of

such a Volunteer or^ani>,\tion

within the Borough of Matawan

Is an outstanding example of the

devotion of its members to pub­

lic service; and WHEREAS, the continuation of

the service provided by the men

of the Matawan Borough Volun­

teer Fire Deportment ix primari­

ly dependent upon the monetary

contributions and donations of the

citizens and residents of the Bor­

ough of Matowsn for mainten­

ance and repairs of buildings and

ihe purchase of uniform*;NOW, THEHEFONE. I, George

W. Connor, Mayor o« the Borough

of Malawan, do hereby proclaim

(he month of October, 1969 &s

“ Volunteer Firemen’s Month*' m

the, Borough of Matawan and do hereby str< i»!y ur^e and solicit

each cuuo i and resident of the

Borough to financially support the

Matawan Uorouj;h Volunteer Fire­

men in their efforts to continue

and better it* volunteer services.

George W. Connor, Mayor

Borough nf M.itnwan

N ° T ^ S• TRY HIDING, iiu1 way h’orn ’ Keypr»rt. v^.'w Hos;-ilii) Tiit* h*j«*k v.'?.y is. Kv>yp,'.u

R-.i.. t.'. C r a v . lb r f l ’H Cvxv&r K^.'. .<•/?• W e s t .Frurjr. S t . ‘l i te

ji.ra'i b.a.:Kir-:s is j .1,u/j-.sotiag to go neross K o u t e ‘ 3;J

w h <v.i:v ’ it i:\i.eise-.'U w ith ' K e.yport-H oU r*cM H o . 'K v v ii

vw ¥/■> .li^K t - is jii'vrv.v, "r«y- ' wmw.y, irc-ru ihe

po:-;jts- diuH;t.i».'n >uc Iv Uh.> li-ft,

■ n 1 .•• v,--,1 -Vvi: ju5t elo-e yauv eyea -arH.I pray, bf»•m- U\v, s.;v?>i.t Then, thcx'v' tl»e 'UT«.nrf _ u> Cr.a'.vfurd^ Ct'i’MT Pd. - is anything <’<;.r'5U’V, ' T’he I - is ::lvarT oops, (b i'e « VoHv>'-VttL’.cn ;,u'*.n;.n/i the ..Wild .-•h*M.t*r «.v,il:'! A/tothor hrt.e<!l*.* Miiviiigt'; lo -lo Ftvip.. S-t. 7.i»l\o»i> u .ratO.h.. bur. the .first 5rtt;c;r-swtii.u is a Su?p street. W« c r» lf{\y dt;. b->.?l.ievc'-in ,SU>p.'

f>Ll ?. 'A-’ l l h I j J ■ ^ 7 W ) r , : :.!> ‘.V 'J ih i.M K v f V p t ’ r i , . y . v U ;

hav»> lo »/dj;e y« i k a o i m> yeti cati see wb'ethci-'-'-ac;<v ct.iiTiing u.

.ixiany ?imeif. ihcrv aro. hu rtn.jsl be cut ij.-r.m so thit uiiv ‘.ve made,', it. ssie.amt

F’C 'n i u l « y

r. 1 pc-re v>'j}.rj)5

>i' enforced


i,l> be ;av;'5. a r id

. * hat .rih'ftt^-ryy,

,.sve Uxe vtno.1, Firi-. .vvr;> c;; . . . . . . . .

rj i d' " . . . . . . 1 ' . : i •

'..\ Yotli';- :u*e' ;cdiTErmxted;;

( i i i e s t O t i k m o r

At P a r t y F r i t l a y

Mrs. Welter Sefoer. MorKan-

vdle. ivas the. -guest of hone*;

6 siHMvt*! i.'ivci* J riv.-ay vvtutni*

?>. ir.e home of 'Mra. <Jharlwj jr, The co-huytt-ss wa\

Mr;>. Charles l-’losky sr- .

The gifts were placed In;

around tv crib. \ ■ :

. Attending w^rc Mrs Martin

> Smith sr ( Mrs. Donald

Mrs. • *ll*oini>s SrivJh, Mrs. Jpho

Vv'ilsoo, - Mrs.; Robert ' Ovven.s -

Mrs.-•Catherine- S c h c i-Mrv. Wi}-

)t»m ,Sohor» Mis-.'

) Iu.'imsom. ! Mr*:, k o ^ r f h‘;ik,

Mr~. Thomas 'I'ahi-r. Mrs.

Paul*<ki.’ Idifi.

Miss {auKr- Ifyn.'an, Mrs.,

Cnarfos Hicks ;nid Mrs M<nt,n

Smith Jr, .

Mr. «nd Mrs. Prank South.

Mrs. Jiihn Sm ith nnd daughter,

Toni -Marie vt sited Mr. and

M is . Martin Jlmiih sr. ot*. 5>alur*

dav • ‘.aiiK!:.. ,

M r. and Mrs. .h^fpH kirchcr

wero Sun<.l»ty dinner jiur'Ms at

the home ol M r. und Mrs. Ken­

neth M iller.

w ith .^he p a rk in s siiu^i.tion.-fu the. ha^pit-3,h‘Aw}H

iner.- lhey canH- help. Vou c raw l in;.'fit a. n^l^s.' ;

per' ih.ii.u'j 1 o.> a^».i|ifsi, bop\‘..Li-,a.t a nitr^e wiji 5je: h-av- •/

io^' fiiity or ii v2:;itor;\viii tav. going : honnj to

y o u ^ vv»ii; vvhiio-n c*r»r..pulla out; T hon , thci'w 'is '^IvvavS' ;

rh».v suriiu tio tha t Kris a : <’.! 1 ° r ear . t-Hz>rv y o u t r j <1

in o l you ta titke rfi.o .<pnce in w h ich ycnt L ad p lar^

nod to pi.'j’k . B o i fjfter th roo \veek_s, o/e’ve _ learned

the tr icks nnd .W(?'-M3C»»««p*d to park' in the m a in 'av ta ^.it ■

woctktnid' W e phy' the poor people, w h o don 't k hgw t,ho

topes,, 'as v.tiioy spi;nd most cd’ the ir time r id ing O ro u n d

trying to, find a to p?.rk\ ao.d they hardly have :'

ti> visit their twrolLifts t*.hd triend.s, vvdio; avxk pwtienls ;?U \ Hivewie.v,'; :.Jlncidcn.Uilly. .tiie vohmteers at • the Ixospital;

are the jm jU m , Ran >n.i:t-a b n j;>■ tim ? i rU-?ncJ who p:,,rJ-*

ages th^ a»!fee shop - even though we hadn ’t seen lit r

in many, many yars. \ve kntvA' her ihsfanfiy*; H ave : ac-'/ri;;.

n'lore; .K*?.vpcrt- people' w o -1 ha'vf»' kiiwvvn through the- y^ars;

irt -thnt ho:?piud' tha ii' wy havo s t w u n the s tre e ts .K e y - , pore in 15 years, patients and visitors! , ;;

S i JK N T L A S T W K K K at The G re w ib r ie r in W hitt*

S u lp h u r Springs, V:» W h a i a j.'-hue!- Tna on ly p. * w-

ic-m •-.viis that'K i?n»; nnd aHcr^it.s set in and that .spoiled

th ings a lit tit; bit. T ried the? m ine ra l baths and inas^-- *

for the first, tim e and am .vpoile.d for life l The mas-*.

sense's son had been sta tioned at F o r t M onm ou th for .a ,

w h ile during- .llio K orean W a r and .has lost track of -a.<

buddy , D ick G row er, the son .of a banker,, p resum ably-

from the Ik-d -RanW.Divfa. D a v id K ra ft wrtuid lilu* t<? h e a r •

frosv. D iok and ho i? a n iu h t clerk' ;^t; T ho C reenh r io r!

W o mtlended rncetituS '?o«»st of tho day; w ined and

d in e d .a t n :j»ht.; then we re l^xod w ith f’riohd.s.- One after-

nodri in two hoor^, ;uro playe<|, .shutfl^hoarrl;- p iny po

.went sw im m m ?’ and pu tted holoH a tu l e^.tno o‘>\\ w IS

a -pl.yiupic. m ^ditl U}<; tho pU\e p ong /G uos tf the cU

touch hasn 't, hevn lo.-l fn>n« c<dlr < d:?y« -*s- -were X rurtoor-op in th e : epi’ej;e U»urnariH*tit, \Ve'r>.*. no t .luhv m any vi-ra-s a-:o; lltrvO ' C-r, whf.n yon i; • io e .

O roenbr ie r , and y.titrt >:avint» m>v, jh'o to ro[a.\ and en joy

ihe h;?auty und i’ao ilit’es. Y o u 'd have the tim e \il v c ^ r \

1k‘c! K inplovees even say*, ihau lt ynu and yes and

no m a ’am , believe it or nut! ■ ‘ : .

B i d s E ? c c e i v « * < l

On Bus Kouk-s ,

Harlet Township Boartl'of F.d*

ucutton Friday received bids on

five inis routes undet the tem­

porary financing arran^um-in

w ith the. Hsvxlet I’vA'.'n^hip Cnm-

mttteo .t ^M :C00 appropria­

tion f«»r busing crimes up hn

referendum vote on Uct. 14. If

tho proposal does not pass tlu*

loutcs entl. until the parvttt?} ot

the children ridinp elect to h-

nancc theiv contiuuanct*.

R . Hi'ifrich, West Keansburj!,

gained tho contract at SJ8.40 p**r

day io carry 36 children to St.

Joseph’s School, Keyport. If tho

$14,000 proposal parses, Mr.

Helfrieh then will gel a perman­

ent contract.

Dick's Taxi, Matawan, received

contracts for carrying )H pupils

to Sycamore O r. School a; $35

per diem and 15 pupils to Union

Ave School nt *:6 per diem.

These routes paw to Hclfrich «nd Van Morfivick W a n t,

burg, il tho referendum goes


John Murphy, Red Bank, was

awarded * contract Tor huslnp

pupils to Red Bank Catholic

Uitfh tnd Christian Brothers.

Then* will he 12 passengers

from Raritan, seven from Mata­

wan, and five from Union

Bench, jointly usiufi the bus.

Card Of Thanlrs

7 wish to thank till friends,

re luhw s and neij’hbnrs for ihcil*

Kindness during my recent Ik.*-

rpavw nm t also Rev. Pl)illi|>fi,

Dr, A. Casa^rande and the Ucdle

Funeral Home.

Bessie AndersonJ ins 10/2

Grand Opening !

(run!b iucd ('it pa^e four)

County unit, Freehold, pet ond,

Tom* ‘ ’:!'.'Crv.

Also be^t npjv itr in^ \tpp«iralul,

throe m-nuhi lo fiv».* .years,

Colonla; hrnt ftp ^n rln fl npp.iiy

atu.s, f ;v-‘ yenrs ti> 10 yc .ir^

Nutli y; l*eM o|iptMiinp npp .ira lu i

o\t‘r 10 years, ('m m m um y Vol*

unttM'r, NYnytie; oUh'1;! h'tnd

drawn, Atlanhe Jlii'hlmwh; old*

tsl hnr.'>e d tnun . Hf')rn:ir j»hh“?f

mofi*'i/rd, hM'J i h rh ; host

i vnut o'tMii At‘-»h.t\v,i Vu!imt«v<T|

b f .i .>i .|> .cun- ;:»■ o. I .n m< r.. « Mrvt'l; tt--1 ; I! :\ n k. iMW'.tu,

11 '-.I in< n f i ,i v l»-i|, W il­

low' (iiov r, Pa. and br.-t .ippear*

itiK color I'.iiiUtl, Mitlj/emea, tray*


Two cuMonui,. nr« .sreti admlrlni: Ihe new decnrallnu shop nf

Mis. Elsie rW;mnr., v.hiih in located on Uoute .1.1, Middletown, Ut

tho flip iH i'^ .Shi»|»|i|fit» Cenfer, i'he pru’td opening al tlu‘ nvw

decc-ruiin^ bnshiesrt was held last Week ami MnWHHtmn Maynr

Harold If. Faulks wan tuumtu the di|»nilarM-t anmdlit);. Mrs.

Manner fovttttltjl upwatvd bur ^ucceN.dul bubltier,-. In M'Kaw^n and


§IINo ' . : a i


William Skelton, ‘I'nletio, Ohio,

has bc*n namtd vice president-

purchasing for Midland Glas>s

Co., Cl‘ffwooiL

Mr. Skelton wa«. mf«t n»e»intly

manager of purchases of Ihe

l>luss container division of Owens*

UFnois, Inc. in Toledo.

llo be;;nn his ra»*eer wilh Su­

burban Propane Gas Corp. in

Whippany in its purchasing de­


Mr. Skelton joined Owens-Illi­

nois as a purchasing trainee in

I9ft0. He later .served as as^’M nt

purchasing at’ew in Streator and

Alton, ill., plants, .and was pur­

chasing a^eiu for the Sl. Charles,

III., plant.

Ht* became manager ot pur­

chases fur the cutnp-.^v’.s cl ; —n

division tn as eorpom e o lf in s

in lo iedu . lie wus lame d t > his

most recent p in io n in

At M idland (-);is.s. Mr, Skfdton

is responsil'Oi* for pu ich .i'inp for

the company's piiint in * it:»u.«n

Township, in Torre lliu iio , Ind.,

and m Shakopiu-, Minn

A rtjfivt* oT Phi!ijivltur;.', I ’n.,

Idr. Skelton j»r;idiKiti’d vvith a

B.A. no tice from .Sh<-|>h» nl Col­

lege, Shephenlstown. W, Va Me,

hii, wife, M aiy , and then two

children will he inovuiy. to thttf

P-TA Moofing Och 8'Yl(' f i r t nit I'lin)' i j liie K.ivmn

I)r. Parent - Tcucher A^yuciutioii

will hi* held cn Wedne'alay i e.'-

ninp In the school auditorium at

tf pm . I lie pM;:niin for Iho i ve*

tiiriK wdl bo "M od Pur Teach-

*'fis- with Kobert A, llardie, prin­

cipal, inakinR the inlroductiot^l*

foor^.c Wari’O. the new phvstenl

«dn< .tin;n inMim tor, wtll si>eak

mul <len\oH?.lratv somoni the new

Hold Tag DaysTlm 'I i ." f ' <"■ of Sr. James

A.M.i'i. ' a 1/lunch. 1IH1 Atlimtid

A 1.' . '‘ i.if.-nv.n, . i i i 1 11f• M ir,:' t.tK

d,'\s i«• ikiiio\v and .‘ iioul.jvf ftif liiu hriiclU Of tilt tUlliiinji (Mud,

. $ '

t !»•

- "(Stews'ot * s «A o 3 Vsnr Kamify.&i Apm s*W e$’Afr Say. f l a i

■•" ta i i i£r& L w ia iw .Vakj), ' fel, SW-J531

M a i . a w a & . . ; t7p,ejriM >6Al' • *H e m s

: ■ Mr. '■ Jf.'.!'

..' iififi':'Chl% efl . rv'wi.tiv' • ■»,< WiifJi;'.t. ■" she;' 'p/rtorBA-cc' . ril.’ 'T n K 6

l^or”;. :'^ c -;nc;v:VY','“!> > '3:^. .• 'j“i»e£Vixr,’-■ ■ •■...■ ■• •• ■ ■• .'v.:'-;:" " ;;•'.'.' ■ ■

■ . ./ 'M r and Mrs, jitd i/B a 'rs t vwre:-

tho: ‘i‘h!if5rf?iy 2;ie?ts f f M r. '«*-'«!

MlS, ■ ’ J-V'.-d . . r::. ^ . 1 »>./

■•>ru : ■.■■-...■■■■ . / V‘H. S.t/- S'//'.-/'- ;.■>'! tiHuniea

io Ciip’.'p t-.cji'un!*, N: 0 .. 'aft*!'-

•: «p!wfi08 a JfcJfV. jurtjjii&ti ,vts!i ' Mr/ ■iuii ixtof,Siitets. : : •■ f ‘ /■ ■ .'";'

...... i\t;>Tk Ryuu. C!//-; ftl/'i

Clirul''1* a* '.hi'.

,, :, ‘ F a th ff, 'RriiS; t.ri'i>up'’ piiyed an

. , at 'TV'.'n//! ./State

. Cqltt-'Rev on .-.Satiiidax jrvrnins/^~j';

-':' .""• Mi>V'jntf :%!'•« !<i>Vr! in'.:1-.-?

nv. - lilt pu>na.iv nurtts ill ti)‘/ r

' w ia":daugM^r.// .M”;/



/.-•: - Mrs/Atarsif. 0 Brs™. Mv. »)>d

j/O-aiisl Kichaid F i tw l i l .

Rsjiis'V.' ,t'iwr j • ;ry !ti!!. on S.iumtiy .iml «»)■'>'- et! li*" show whtih star ■

•’ ring Alua-Ktishi and Myrou Ct>-

h JtMii'i Jiwn Grltfin, Flushing.

I . I., and Mii» Ivthel Mepha*'-

1th, ViojiisiUe, L I , v.«ro llw

Wfi'kcprt gucsn nf Mr. ami Mrs

Marti!’ losetta,

. Mr. am! Mis Andrew Vasils-

ki.s and children werf tho Suji- day guestK'Of Mr. nod Nfca. NicK

•"5 > f ’cnilnrlla. SMten U a n i

Misa . Hannah. McLean and - Mrs. Lydia WallinM attended thv

New Jersey I.oslvm Star picnic

M '.?--'hr://:., Pai'i,,- J .’cw brum *

-wick..'Sunday.-Mr. Mrs. E. Charles Wel-

' /..gel..and :«iii. (.harles. utlBRdod

thc i’ fiiicetori-RiitKere Ceiueii- ulal football game on Saturday

in New Brunswick.

Mr. and Mrs, William T. Hos-

teltfr/and ./son, -Danny, / r.fted

' : Bank, and Mr.vand Nirs. Willi

Binding. West 'Berlin C-e(n'>y,

•:-5-:wew- the .Sundav' dinner guests

. . 0( Mr.: and Mrs. Jav H. Hostcl-

t(*r. who entertained to celcbtatt*

the soctind birthdaj' of their

•s-t^v Mr. ■' am i'1 -Mr*.' "Edward Klfin■ #nd children. Lnrl und Jonathan,

' ' Enfiliihtowh, were the Sunday

guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stauloy

. Seaman. . '

.... Mr. and Mrs. Camillo D. GtMi*

• . Ule wore the- Saturday evennw

■ dmn«r- guests of Pr, and Mrs.. WiiV/ini B. -Uuocco. Wyckoff. at

the Villa Caesaie, Burgen Coun-

■'■ ty'.. . The' Saints and Sinners - of

' Mataivan htild their aiim'Ul din--

ner-dance at the Hofbrau, Atiaih

'- . tic Highlands', Saturday .evening:.

■, ..Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth OgUvtoi

Octfan /(/rov«, v/er3 tlie Sunday *nd Monday guests of Mrs. Har­

ry M, Munson. . ’ .

Mr. and Mrs., Ralph W. Her-

/ rick have returned home, after

■ spending the 'summer at their

T v home In Pine Grove, Corn.

; Mrs. William Ottaway Jr. and ..--/. Mrs. I la r n ilto n /V U a H ^ rs 'th o '

ri',. it?/

. V..

.•■Me. and /Mr5.


1’ i

V.US : t / . /

■ astd Mrs; '' / '[ " I'/

■'■ .?Vir:'."■'■a-'iit

'liau il; N-.


ir' iK , ' <

M rs, T. R, Sivk’

/,d;«rt gu.»»: of M».

d-jiv',! Fr:!!'!)/- ■ ’ . '

'■ Mcii.-Wdlter'OBCainp-ha? HiCi.v--

- t:i.bsr :!nme; t i / .Gre?&

. An,!.', from. .V)£'!' ytti. rr? -Ji'1 f/.s rO-sirf .i for

t f^ five years­

... Mr^. A. Mr. arul

jy irs .’^sorgi;. ..CJiifk, -/iStc .;/ u-i‘V

Mr-. Vn.Lnr M*i

-;Cliiiiles Fivddi, M '. '«\i M :v

/'WiJ!rain :E. Simtn Jr. and i,lv! -

/4i«H;^iH;'/£ioiJ'; j lfs ii; ttw'rge.'^C. tfi.r.i',!' K'ad Mv'S.'Airr‘>d:C>l‘..!;;v;i'n

/«;*?!?-!!!«' SitOrda y1 ;■' n ■/': s 1 - of Mi anJ M n V/ L Sni ■ i sv.

'. LXT/tz'rf/.rj/M/-/

tfeioy Sirfi^ls,, (tttd/.Mrs,.. Mai- .

guerifcf f.aitd weir. ; th‘> ji'nw : winjwrs -Wiic-U: Mrs.,; W. 0 . C|ij- ..

. gin/.eiit.ijrtaiiiesl 'at/-■'■ bridce . S 'pt. :■ M. Other guests woi e Mrs. {'red-,

erick - DL-Ji'rick. Mr?,. C-.Turd

IK’.vlm, 1 ; MrH. Bertha ■ Kmry

-Scii3-pv.l<,;Mrs/FYai'lt Bliss and

M ts. lhcinas Welsiead.,

Mr. and. Mra. Everett; Carl.itm

. iand . chiidren, Susan and Rich­

ard,;'spent the. weekend- in Wor-center. M ass. .....................

Mr. and ?’u». Eu^one .V.'ardui),

Middletown, were Hid Friday

evening guests nf Mi/ and Mrs.

. t»et» »ie t.iarK,

;./Mr.'-and Mrs. .foseph Melnlctc'.

and son. Charles, Rosette, were

the Monday and Tuesday Snists

of Mr. ami. Mrs. Rudolph Fras-

bet. -, ■-/, : .... ■.■■'. , . .

•Mi. and Mrs. Donald Herr­

mann, Milltnwn, were the Satjr-

..dai'. nf Mr.. and Mrs. Wil- •,

liain I-. Smith jr. ' i. ' .

. Mr.. and Mrs.,-Robert ..Butler • wore .Thursday-..guest*, of Mrs.

./Alice.- Ferguson . and Miss Judv

■Fcrttiison.- ■ ./•Mr.-and -Mr?. Henry Kuphr.

and Mr;-and. Mra.' Fred Dleiriuft .

dliteU at Evelyn’s, Belmui, on'

Sepii ?1. '■/ • /

Mr. aiid Mrs. Donald Lewis

and son and M t . . and Mrs. E.

Charles Weigel and sou, Charles,

were the ‘Saturday evening din­ner guests, of Misa Alta Lewis..

/M r. and Mrs. Morris Hack.

Brooklyn: Mr. nnd Mrs. Manny

Arons und children, Rhtmda and

Michele, Queens, N. Y., and Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Rarst were the

Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley Seaman.

Mrs. Jap A. Cushman enter­

tained at' bridge Thursday s..'e-

ning. Hor guests wero Mrs. Ev-

eveit- Carismi, Mrs. Juim Kin­

ney, Mrs, Georgo' Bortelt. Mrs.

- August SclimelinK, Mrs. iiof/;ird

Woolley and Mrs. Rhebu Miller,

. Mrs. Kdward W. Currie, Mrs.

Leroy Sickels, and Mrs. R. L.

Cartan were the prize wiitneri

when Miss Catherine McDonald





J B ill - Diana - Pat

Lorraine - Carol


P o rm a n c n t W a v e a — F r o it in g t

— Hair f olot'!n<j —


566-9749TUES. ■ WED. - FRI.

SAT. 9 - 5

THURS. 9 - 9


*JCillUaef, -J

it•b,v<.'i . ■> ;■ -'J -v .-i'

rt?f}‘:5r .Ho*-

-On SioiJii.V • - i ; ..

Bi'irtv W.-.t.cdv ion r,:r *»«(

M r 1*. ‘ f>Wie*U.!v.. V / .H !.t'.- .J .

dvt»i af. I ' C

spont. \h? wt*eu:iiid v,i(l> Im

A’nts, • .. r'.ir-j. • I'Ah*'. .Van *b«a:ifcjrU\

Worthy-f/lM.; :' iSJra.

'ting/" Mrs. -William tn r-j-r,

Mr:., Albert ■ Ab^l);. Mrs. 'iiuilolph .

Kraebel. ,'MiS! W R- rr?■:*h :i;/J ;

Mri. V i ih W C. w-/-

?h(*/'Thifi >d^y - atM,r.''»!!OiV

g u c sU .'V !Mi-Kfv^Kiri, .■;■■■. ■

Mr; and, Mrs.; JuUu's Sarriu l;-;,

Br(«)KfV/i, vV'“i i* - • \v*.>c“k-nd

• guests of Uwi.r tmd

daughier.M r. awi-'Mri.:.Bernac-l

Vnan. :/ , . ■ ’■

'.Mr, Mrs. Ka.yrnoiiii BuS;?-

ford, Jersey City, t‘ie‘ Sar«

urdiiy guests of, Mr. am:l Mm;

Wattaca,. Spi(lu.. .. . ' .

arid MvSi Huy Lawr .wiirt

(he Sunday guests of Mt. aaU

Mrs. Louts Laser, RrooKiw.

Mr. and .Mrs. I>ou l.-i> Vi trct

havo returned homb after spenj-

-Uig.'l&st week on r *'*\Mr, und Mcy. Cha.vU's

attended « barn, danc# Jn Key­

port Saturday .dveiung.

Mr. and M wj. Jack U.irsi wery

th»j Sunduy. gy«st.s of Mr. ?t»d

Mt'H- l/>uia Soodalv Broaklyn. ,

Me. und Mrs. Mtrbcr*: ’Aolk aud children. L. iud

Mr. and Mr.s. Car! .Yucht- and

children, Rciierrvm*, L..';l,-..\verrf‘ the, ftic&U yucsii: •<.«( M i.

Mrs. Bernard Ytiv'lu. ' • • .

w as . jv uuy <;a i • nxs

Mr.-i M.-ay Cruichc*, 7

Dt., h>f, j?ns weii. ..‘,t

niim 'vnvn ir C'sr^uU^iU '.V? ,i\ Bv'.* ;

ter itij) .. ii-/;.., MaL»wa»i 'Fra> 4

y. . ., .A^ of tli* Meriduui

T n m ‘1 id roo l in N^w YurU, 'N1i:5,

G iU :^> i' lu.s u iv y k d . fjXt^O.sive-

ly-jM lit;1- I . N a n d 5.'-.;ir '

opa. A hnn-.'r VtAVF, two years , m Huv;ait .du ring '

WrviUJ Wm' I i and ^ U ^ ci'Uk s :

!'.j fiV ,l u>aoiuiu;

Thai's' vdv-v my 'VaMii*.?rlust be-’•

sa-d Lhe.. vivticiou^'■ red--

Cub Pack 2,i7

Opens-SeasonCub ^ack 237, • Matnwan, op'.T,*

ed Um first pacK mm in;* wnn »

flag cercmony purformftd by

Den I. Hill Thies introduced ihs? .new.cub members and their par-

9iito. slating that Cub Scouting Is a family program. . .

Heading the pack this year Is

Mr, Thies as cubmaster; Bob

Wish. assistant cubmasttir;

Frank Brlff, Webelf) leader. War*

ren Insult, Hward>i; Rhoda insull, Edith Robinson, Jenny C/tppola,

Roslyn Rirmbaum and Mdtt{aret Sullivan, den muthers and Leon

Z,tmmerman, publicly.

A special }d;uju« representing?

their award* m»d acldevements

In Cub Scouting wa.s presented to

Rrlan Michuols and Richard

Rvibenstain. , .

Plans for lhe cubs includa a

hike In Hnlmdel Park and a trip

to Edisun Mu/veum this fall.


TuesdayAt the* September meeting of

the Matawan jayce* - e.tte$ h^d

- a . U'nt Ih;;, Route 31.

Maia'.van. pJaii; wore fltuiilwd (or

th.*1.'s^Wrid,-annual Fashion Show

«»n/J Cftrd rA^V, ^UvlnlTra . wi

luc.vday a t Doa Quixote. Fash­

ions I'ill ba prii'ient^l hy Frank-

Uu Sinvjtt, Kaumcown. DoOr prizrs

will Ik* uwardcd and rcureshcnenrs

served. . . -Mis- WiUia.n\• Greenough.

nuin t‘f Ibti- show, 'may bt‘ wv,v.

tact^d nf 5fii>57^3. Tiriwts'. may

be obtained by^.r^llihg Mrs,-Te<-

xy PtiiUud, 5f.6-3i.3i/--

Tlw iu.yct:ft - oltes started

iuna fur their iciivities and pro*

ta“h?' bp/d thrQ!j>(h;»u,’ ; tf»o .-yfc»u'. A cookbook sale will be Hold

during N' vf>.vb<?f Hid. -

-Thcstt' b-wks <>fu*r ryctjviK kou’-

Ji*.ytee wives eill ovar ,ihc_ coas;

try. Order blanks will -bis avail­

able* $.* stores in tht* Matjwjr. area. '

In Oc.iobet', several membetb. of

the Jaycee - attes are planning

a Hallo*,wun game, party (of tN patients at iMarlboro State

piial. U is amiripatod members

wiU be able to entertain the |»-

tloiiLH iu this way each mouth

throughout the year.The meeting was concluded

wilh tha auction of vacation g5ft».

Members wcrt* u.sked io s-,*nd a

Rift from their vacation spot, and

these were auctioned. Th'*re wt*re

ioveral ^ifts from Puerto Rico

and different Slav**'-. Tb;*

farthest came fiom Germany.

The next meeting will be held

Wednesday. Oct. Tl, at lhe Don

Quixote. All Jaycee wives art*-in­

vited to attend.

Matawan Youth Semi-Finalis!

Kim ball D. Reemaii. M Jlaw^n.

has lv » ’< imnu‘d a -‘ uv. • fhu list

In the Naiion;il Moril .Srl:f>!ar.>hii»

competirion. A s^nnr At t/:e

lh>tf.‘hkis:y l ik. vi'!.\

Conn.. Hi:* rvc^is•• 1 On'

A w ard fro m H«v •'*-

iJlj* LJjt* >! s r iu l j . tK uvi*i-

aK*‘ in juf*h*i <'! is>,. hV als-'A

reCL’i'/^ d .a n j'-’.'.t::* i l

s d io ia ^ t it i v r . i j ' * i<; l-ii.'i

K im lv .dl s*i. ;'U u- ‘i -.4 i.ho

( h(‘ iM • I ’j" ,s a w Ci;.--'. and

Cojnp iHer ( 'luhs , {>ij-I ni--« imv

taken a;; a c t iw j>:»! • ' • the

sr.bnol’s mo.^ie prtv*riiiri. C^na r»f

the school c<m-.<’ !•(> t.v.-tuJ:-.! Kuu*

b a ll's oriy iiud (nnifMsintM i

lled ' ‘ l.VnniJiiifi .\!u-»i>'.‘ lin*' waj»

S w ork fm ' fini-.? <md r l.n in e t

com)»-*»‘d i>y K nri'vd ' v.,*h the

I .U .M 3<ii)-»;<unpu!> i ,

Kimball presently ;s ',»ji.*r an I.B.M, HHO i'»fi)|):it<*r a» the

.school, and w.r; ?'v ihti

school In tivuh \ -«i‘i ie> uf rli^-

es in cumputri' theory n ) op­

erating tei lumji -H.

Country Fciir Sfllnrday

bt'jd h~K-oy ,'k;.'-,

r . i i ; ^ j.t ,t', >• | UilU

Rin.^ 11i;v.i. «V.

•rh- .Cuu-.c,*. -3'"i

Oki.-ihotna-A t>. M,' ■

Mrs. GaU'hes and her. bus*

C!\*r,t,. a pr.oui j t : »'-ri

Wt'.b. /Jut SL±' i.vlri'v,U'.w .ji-, rec.Kd<;lr . Uf|j to-.EurniKi,

in “ movies, .-.slide? a n d . Upe- re-

':v evf'rythin,^- ’ “ from

the s^re-ict** of our b^s to the

( ’ri.mL»in%- of t.hd Guard."

“ ive./^-er« abl^ fo brirt# the

trlji borne Lo otu daughters. Cin­

dy a;xd Pam , this way,” she i^id.

At the travel;;ey, Mrs,

Gatcbes w iii cusioni plat; ho-^y*

moons,-“whetficr a couple has

^i!X! io ypond ot $5'JUIi * a, weeK­

end (it. a month.” She'U con'iiv’

er (Kits-inal tasteH ftte.l interests

in planning what sh* callK <lKv*

fttyotn*,#5 ;ic.*3! /oij;«j.*tj.ic vuea-

KrIu iVlcclijig .

At Cherry Hill' v

Mra. Victor Fredda, chairman*

conjucted tlie meeting of the?

Kveidng Meniber^hip Deparfmcmt:

of the Woman's Club of Matav/'Ari

at tho borne oi Mrs.-John U. Kin* o.oy. F.'j^ciuete Dr,, Mauwr.\i\. -

Ao^ounceiueo!. wasaytade of the

K.M.tX RouitJ lablo confer^nco

to fr;!d. Oct. IS at awry Hdl

■ ftm. Deadline tot reservaLions U

0*:':. IT" .Final pLuu wf^ro made for th^

fiisr rOyutar reeetiii^ Morally at

8:15 pm . io ths? clubhouse \viien

Mis* PatV'da ArtA Brannick, Cit-

i/.ei\ahip JusiiuO.?*' Deie^ao^ will

speatc on ber stay ai Diniitlas'i


Hostes;»ei at the meeting Mon*

day will be Mrs. Harry Pitcher,

chairman; Mri. Geoi^e Kinkada

aud Mrs. W. Mn^hao.

Cubs Vie In Pie

Seating ContestCub Scour Pack S7, sjwnsoied

by the Cliffwood Patent-Te;<c*v or /Association, re'iun'u'd its reg­

ular mur.thl) nwv;ut*'> on Sep».

25, al the Cliffsvood cafelorium.

Tlie opening ceremon.y wan by

Den 4.

Robert Peakman, Cubma»ier,

presided at the meeiis.g. He !;»•

tmduced h ii committeemen, and

welcomed the new Cubs. Then,

to the Cubs' surprisa, pies were

rolled out for a pie-eating con­

test. Winner was lody Woodard.

Den I. who received a small

trophy for hh time.

AM the den.4 joined to^efher In

tl living circle for lhe closing


i r i

A cornu I \ \ io i i’ ’> • l',-f I in Mai.iw:m ,n. s i'ni 11\' i! the 1*1 rst l;tiit»*d Mel li > hi- i 'i:111 ’ :.l i in Sl, ‘I her** v. <■' 'j ■ jt:i«*. .i.i \ en- tet tainmeul fin- e-nhlc'.‘u I loot hi (delude a f;mry ( iM-- ei:'1 ( hi i st - nun; e.ilt idea.:.

Speak TuesdayThe October meiMu^ of iho

Matitw:u. Tt'wu^l i;> Auxiliary to

tin* li.tysh'Oi' ( <.i'nniti!uiy Hospit­

al w iil he heid at th- Iron Butter­

fly Art G alle iy . Cobs Nrv.k , a!

3:30 p.m. Ine->diy, Gne-it >[>eaK*

ei will li- M ri, Patncia Kult‘. :ir.

J im G-ujei e iil lir.e a d.'mon-

s*aati'--n ut rnei.t) u l|»t1-*-*.Gi.usts and m.*m^er^ v/iil zv.

joy this nnt.rari I pro^iam at-

tanged hy AJ**le Mivl-’w

proj'.r.ini i lu irm a n . 'iiie jsual

business meetniLi wdS be ind \ a rJ

rrl’reshnients udl !»■•* serve:!

A noin iiid t<ie will he

both n iem beit rind iv.iesH f-i <le-

tiay expenses.

Will Meet Monday

Tha Wumen\> S-.u-h’ty uf I hu-.-

ti;tn Servu'/’ uf th * ! n ,i I'nio*,:

M'*lhoili i? ( ’Inn - U, M o ea in, w ii1

hold .i r-'^ul o in-''.‘[ni,j M >.. !.i\

at i \y.\\\ In ihe churrh. M.>n: St.

Mr.i. W.W. \\-i|.ind u ill (ite-*t*i'(

“ What 1.*; A M . . - i i '% - “

,.m P fSS&l&i&lC MOs J

FROSTING SPECIAL |srrriNa in c i udeo

OCTOBER 1st TO 31st @*

'® - I © 0 0 A J


,i r< o ic (»i j" ,f 5 6 6 7fM (• 11;



A e w ) 'ea r f Form$ . Pia n s

$ I e d . 0> a k . X <! r s e r y

O r i e . H t a t i o n M e e t

He-J Oik -,1 NyiiiviVS< 1>\m I ?ud.i if:i io/'te; meec-

:m [>e;iu'0':;"re Fvr pareiilii.

stV'JVJ'IO ‘i'i; \V:.'.h ti'-* WOrVVi'iJ-,.

..j .*•'.,« ,\*-opei.itit>e' nur*.^ry ^';hooJ„

the- teaching j»«aiX and tbe gen­

eral j>! !i>.>o’,ihy.

' Parejns oi; rb?- exectJUve, board

UeH. coruui;! vea^’ ave. i - . v

AI>1 «.i l\■irootaa.' president; /-•-'•o.i

w iio io i;, ftvKi: vice .

Diu'othy James, s-v^ond vice j'r-s- •

ident. 1.;arol LViei rvcoid'-in; ^ec-

retury; Lye.e. VM'-'-r, corre.;pnrid-

big sue rely */, a.-.d Hr IS. ;’i'> 'w-MT' t.',.

treasurer, - ' . ' '

The n.u vM v i<:. lu^.-oed .

in Middlstowo cou> has bus iranir-

portiitio;' tVvf il-.ivi'-asid year-

old. children front the Matawan

area. People de^rinr? UirViiiv formation are a s i^ .l to c.ail Mrs.

. Jr.rrv. l>oi».. oyG-r^ll.

. B v s t l ’ * To Sbou

■ F a s l i i o u s Oct. 9The AH«r and Rosary SoeL»ty

.o f-S i. C ie ineoi^ Church, Mnia-

wan. w*il hold us annual card

party wtd fasajou .diow -Thurv

day. Oct. y ui i> p.o,\ Ut M ^n o U ^


BvitCa of Frei'.hoM wHl-present

tha fall add wiotor fashions and

member* of tha . Society . will

mode!. A mink siofo , wilt b?

iiwardsdv • ■ ■ .. . .

Mrs. JOnn, PoC'saii 15 gttiwtul

.chairman and Mri- Edward

Scurdi.’i, cd . ‘ 1

Sarvlca Annivarsary

A S0 yi:n' aerytco aw»rii will be

presented by L ,l. duPon.t de

Nemouis and Co.. pholo prodoct-i

department, Parlin. do ring thu

month of October to Paul R. Ar­

nold Jr.; M3 Wilson Ave., Mat* awao.

a.»e v/A' to jft'V'-'i

Ai'ii- L.’.-'JiS;':'"' a'«.r.s<0y!!.;:ed

i::;: rnv.i tu.'.O p rv rc i of

irn1 w ayi ar.d inea;\«i d«,»:»»tmeor.

f>n I/. *#•-.*{- -. .-.i'i

irip rj !h-.- ,>Ar,*.-.‘e

C’eM'ir5;, Wa:>h::'.u‘ ‘-'0^i’ !^. Sr Y.

nck*.-^. rti*<i •."'•- *"'!! ,■

a brsL-coraC' b,»>;s ^nd may be

obtained by ca’.!i;;g Mrs. Bruno

„ nr Mr-? : ■W,b:-

hao: liLzicie. The bu?

A’tU ivjv-'1 L.ct'r?..St,, p-itkui^

io.t at .^.'W ■ / '

Tne firsi busm en meeting

v,Ui '‘Sis'.xjel«i,.i\iond:iy. A; rouoty-

?>aii:r' .xhst .y, ;•! >peak atitj present

' s lid e s 'in ' lirdef to ac^uycd o.v-w

-aw ') ■)],]' re-sidejii >, .vv.’di iVe.mmoutn. .

Councy .Park: FacUiitea..............

On Oct. 2il, Oean £UIr„> M„ NV^-:

by As.sistapr- Dean of l>ougr.air.

Colie^e. w iil !h; o:'e .^pea!*'

er. M h3 New-bywi!) d iscus her

,sf!(-we-:‘k. . tooc of Ceofcai a^d

South Ar.u*ric&, She win <bow-

>tidos und >peiic op Lht. Paij-Ani-

. orican Scholarship T*uud. M-nn-

Uers are n i^ed to brin^ - Vvu*r,i

t») see.’ and ,he.H tiiij

s c a l ie r . '.

M e a d i u g T o p i c

O f P - T O M e e t i n g

The next regularly icheduted

rn».H.»fii»2» ijt «he Straihmora Par*-

Bnt - Teacher Orpard/atiot* wlb

Ih* held Monday at diie (.ioyd ltd.

Siuvwi at 6:&i.p.?n. ;

- •The theme of th*? meliVftii Ij

l^ o ir a f ite ad ing .^ Teach*.

ers.- representiagr a ll the elemen- 7

tary ^raJes in- S'tr.ithn'.ore, wiil

axptaiti thvdr programs for the

i\yu .tpctaal teidtOfl;

t(*ach«rs, Mrs, Janette Graft -iivd

Mr?]. Uu< WUiiiujj als> wilt .sf>eiK

at tbe

Tb? book la ir 13 being held At

lhe Strathmore School, ft will

continue through tomorrow.

Theie are lx>f»ks t‘ >r enddteo ol

prp-sc)ii«>l fifjo a* well aa oldar


kt:v. u. sna.w*-.The- l ^ v . Edv/aid 0 , Strabo,'.' ft/'

form er asKistarit' pastor---aV'/.^v;

Chutch, Keyport; .wdi-.':

bo s guest oi the itnlim t

can A^ioci.acioii oI-; .M jinwaii ac .

tiv.dr aiuviiaV Cti’on'j'iU'i 1>ay

nor^Jancii to be held in ib> M ob ‘

ly Pitcher iu ;v H^ci * San.k,’ oii

Oci. i l , . • •- •



Isn 't h a lf ao

H e c t i c !..

W h e n ft is

fo llo w e d b y a

Welcome Wagoncall!

54B-5434 . .






A .

%• X



C C O l]JSrf $

O ooii —



E a r n -



i kaa i ;i j; irsCHI*OI;i:8

II i> i:h c u \ i ; ( ; i ;



F a r m e r s & M e r c h a n t s



M&ndi.u Itnjfi' i ■» Cnrj» Vli'W

.............. ....................

Am urFim em i Serviem . O Hht u - i i i r u ^ v ' ■


'Q'jlrj^ -'U.-jv ' - js . uflf

- "[./■•■. ■ fcHiism iaeetffie ’ , ' , . ■ - ’

,/. &-‘£ .'jC£2.. vY*r?<j-. htjtJ - v Hr .“j

• a * ;& & *. FWwsJ-.jfea-,;,- i i m : . : • ^ ^ y . - Trl„ , K,

?f. « * . Themes (;h-ji:<:ht O ld ^ n ' fi.r

.-r- : .fch.i fa? €mrY c* V y !i

;:»*«,, 23,r IW,■ (fir-■ «jh t« w ^ W «W *% ^ ''

/Ityr; .Rp%,horta.iijr iw arm en t‘-was Ij* .St. P-trr'a

fc?r c f’ fh.H KXai&yra;i .-. ■ ■ t,V tJjf edNm nf

, Church, , offk*fr&Nj. '.t:.;r- fh t Fs^t 'Brijnsv^fck F*j-

C m ^trry ,' livm”, Mr.. L*.v5;[r;: .»«■••'CHiawM . v, e i (,v „ r , ,rF yt s } r )#

\ l& i^v'ji} .w as.the.. / i-3 nr«jF>, •. ■■•• ■ . ■•'•.’■ •

Jitis- witf O il’* ‘ ■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■

. . Vistex. Kxe\

»<<-•.»* v :s i

‘Vc-'if Sf m

a Barents ■■rt'GiCOftld jS!@W’‘S i- i S : jteeent: Bride

■'■ A ey ?yj3iavvar) V'-'i Vfiui'S,

: ■ Mr, Bttdse i.iih;e- tu. £ris;Ui:iteu

s&itfcfc tm . " " "

-, ..9Jr», Mary I L Lasso •••••.

J-Xweral w rvict’a. were held sf

the Ttnfmos J. CtwteJhi F t a m l

for Mrs.' M;?’.v y,

.'^ re t ire d k i ^ f c C W "

« A iw j-w ’ *i6s ' *1- ” - w'*\! •* ? * .«,.;

; ■ -.MrViV'iaf.s;;1 !s vjrvivc-d *iv ,v.

: S(S>,; Kjttn^wl 'iwrt-thrro. da^yv

teVs. Airs. Wermcy’ Tn l w .'i-i :

;; -IvlrH. Vi;:iV;t. S"ic7cr'iir..i' 'A-;' ’ • • }jou’ ;v;;, ' ""’ ’’ • ’•

,. :Tnltfpi<ior. . ' ' ;if, ■■'•.-Ai-fjiji'.ioii 'V'Cf.'K'^Lory. K‘>i>j:f':v'.: "•

'^v..ui.!iihn.!:ivi';<,'f th^kLii*. iVJ

. . ; .. « h; tv/ij trs,- Mii*;*

^ .ScciU iiki"' ’' •

k\ O^AoA

V: ^';';'vv:'; “4C!a^ .'6ieid^ - . - -- . .■ ■T ^ jftdav u) tivf Sro i jf ir# ra j Mr.< G.'r^vui■•*ievlri • • '

v ) i , " \ ■„.,,, r . ;

..;. "Li.'fb^r^n . Cr?;irc.r‘,: "'V'lj.'itfii-. : i. ' -i r '

*„•>!,;, i>. ;• ,x::-■■■:■ ;. iSic!h'5W l3ioD fi^ch , D;. c ,.it; v ’: * v t , , ; V

... . . . ,— Ws«i..^>utD 1i3 S(Aitj« UuJ»*r.^jrection o j the Wyltt

ijerai- limine, \ioroaiiville •• .V-" •' -

■■f-: ^.^s-^ai^iyears,^ :;:'!yrs.apw tearher ami

; Z ' 'i 'sS\\'-;.a'';-Ji6#rBingi' disahiHsks ■'■•jspe-'itiH'-it■n|s yes#, Jfte husband of the (ate In 'he n!: "

Ads (>V06<rt Dor aii. he wa5 a re- ^hooi. SyM—i. SH' u!

- a r e i *lSCU!dttu^ w e copsttlliiit to th« PnnniR

i>e«h (J., Harold I . t iid D au ltf p ., ’

Pert Moran WI*| l e R iv T Mm I

.... ybvrQ, J , (Jt/'li.’t-. Hazltl, ui:-J ijtr-

«ild J , Beifora, th'fto dn jghti-n

Mrs I ip 'c N fiiutt!, Staff t £•

f in d M .t M.ldrra m n

,.;. Miicy - Lewis. , Beifortf, and IS

-■.■ grandchildren. ' .

, . ; ; . frKerin.esic vwa» ; ta • Fair V iW (<- I’ n ViWieiown

t _ _ .. ;'....'.1 ■•>.,. Cu-i! MS-w.-'.:.-,y. ji..1- (r, tn

if.' 'Br; Co..' 'i.rjj.-l r.

' /.Aci'i- •>;i,.f /•. s. .. '

V’-rmi,,,y u.> ra .„ ;v ,c Ci..Mi'

: (iy. in SKS V sJ frSBM ;3rU)k;

imd r.'SHUrO • ai Kai!*!-

■ ;v .‘t.dd

V'->pZT\\:,i}i WUX f I;.-

U w iK C ^ Qxp.,

P*3it ^uui v^yfSi, ►>**«« «i.

■ in fi,v: U, S. -•()Or.*!<i; !.'■) ' ■ * , . SilL?

r:i.*-nc<rr ';j

: aii Cr»ardi. ict^po^c. , . .

'*•>'» M-

R'>Vi0f.'i5ti H ,' .;.,■)(j .

Sar^or4'L.*, •'' iif. bo;ne;-. }ii*£ L'rwin3f;-J lic'iy. -;r> G?*v

Many,, m l s.. br:;ihfcr,. . :f , ^ -

■; ; /

. .fr',.-‘ I'.iJ.-?-. r> ( . •«. ir> , tT Iiik^ i>-uji|j.,bcii' •

' ai\; v t n :i>.v Hev. ,w Kiirm:r; -.. puswr; \; :. •

■,■„> In

Hi'ii.*}! F',';: -.-;. * y.

nr-eJtr '■'!!’ i?f 'ihii" Jom\'

W. Mvhfenfc.^k Fuiit-risJ: M*W». 'HzH-k. ■’ ': • - V ' : •

■'■'■ ' . . m u ,- *

- Jl M-rl ;(, • ...

-5'^ 1-‘‘- O'i/rvri;.. )\ ./>

■ "R !'„/•> vn- ' ,• • ■ /

• ' : Ml 'Ufay,. Si.'j;?,' /'I . .'.

. -'. ' ■ ' K;>« ' •• " '■•■:y^is'bocn. t(i ,v.y, ,.r.,T ylvi

,.R{--:hanl' Kvrk, ,H4 &?..?»•? -k' <-;r,vi-r* Kcrp:;..{ vm

Tj'ric,.y;- Scpr;:. WT '

... . . . . . • • . . ..

. . u-n/4 **tt .; . . . tuTT s.X. ij (’Li' ij * ~i~'i V'

S frnyt! t>L. : are ... .• tl/. i,T>f< I J? ■*?-*■! J- ' <\ f*' r1/ ,J; -j 'vh.-.v

■ lvx’o

Remal Engage men ts.■tAmrfiin-liiWiiiiM

y»iott : Coixnty Psyclwiogicul

Cltnic. m .J ■h’.- S .J. A ^ J . u i wl

- for..Brain Jiljureci CiiildiBii.

. Mp>.. I.t-wis wus.- bctu in Biith- lu. N. Y., m u lived-jn W w w k*.

v r t . ' -HUM r.a.^s Bltin.sVirk

rowii.siiip btfore juovma to Colli Neck. • ■■ ■ . .

Besides her hlKbaryJ. she Im

survived by a son. Trevor, at

home; her muthtr, Mrn Marlon

Ckirdim, W ntm ck, arid u tiroth.......... f and a UOl'tttiuii Vvas rjffci td a l ' -A W illiam Pfofget, We»((leld,

f ’u r I w v o f c iw Ob,

Ford? lot '.Vi Kirn 4. De mu-Xy

: 55 Sixth St., SCMiiion, wlic 'd ied !-'rk'ay. Surt . . 26 , • 1S€9, a;

John F K-'rr.edv Coim un ty

’ Hospital. Eoiron. B'avlal ',v_s u,i

Waiter M . Afuteahy

. •Funerat servitw were held Sat­urday f.xwi th« Van a C.-iI-

lagan-Fuiicrai Home, Point Pleas­

ant. '.c 'tho Church c{ the Vi.sita--.y IJn. ..u uic iviiurcn ux trio Vi-Si'a-

r iiiiim t H'imc: t 'o m . ! .- in : 'd,.: "(tneraa » r ''Walter' W ;M«lc'.d.yriiu-K i it nSH ( o tk m s t p t

tfr ’a Cem eitiy. Staten Isliind ‘

-M r. Dev';,iK«,ky wai, borr. ,r. l-v,-

ln.nA then moved to Stalen Js-

. land,.-and he lived in -Edison . 19 i; l '3 ^ i S r.S« 'waS'-^ar-rellred'.eKebn^

*«ve fcr?moi> s t L.A. Dtevfus Co ,

•j Edison, . and a n l U.S. Arroy yet-

..e ran .o /'.V iu ta W m n . .

He was a m un lie r of Krtd-

t r ld i SV’iits. JVat •'Sir, Atnericua L ^g io ii,. Staten a com­

o/. Oy.r. Lfltiv c»f Poftc-

- Churuh, end a member nt its Holy■ ■-N»mif 'Society.'...... '

.Mr. 'Dtvamsky is sur.-lvrd by

-.. , , -.v--. ..if-*.* ,

. . . » , . o l . W ip ru c e /D r .. Un<-k

:-Towns(np, who died.Sept. 2-1. i m

in iiia iorne-.Hc -,vas the brother

<lt 'Y ^ cf ni M u lrahy .'o f Miitawan.

■ Mrs. John G. Neihel

•■■". Funeral''. MrvicC'S' wsro held

>Tti«day at lhe-Paul. A. .McLHik- OU^h F;in>:i,i! Honu-, Ni/.vo rk,

fur .Mra. Aiimt'K. iW eilandj Nei-

bel,-74,'widow ot John 0 . Ntibci.

•»ho dic-d J'riday, Sept. 2K, 198S*

at her home in -W«st Haven,Ccnn, ■ ' ' . : : . /

Mrs. Nflbcl waa » lister of. jj, BUrflVTu DV - *’•*».

his ivlff, Mrs. Supine (Zatkowski) ^ ‘IS- ' The'tlprc Luscz, Kear.s-I5^VanOSkv. With wlmm lw. bUTE. InM'rrnf.I^vanosky, w ith , whom he cele

brnted his 50th wedding aniuver-

*ary in January. . . - '• '■ -

. Survivors from, the . ba.vshore

, area, *re, a daushter, M rs . ' Hrftn

Hoof, Hazlet, am i a son, William O.ld Bridge, 1 ^ '

burg. Interment was in East

Ridgelaw.i Cemetery.

Bocn in Rahway, Mrs. Nelhel

had lived many years l;i Con­


' .fohn j . Eu^<uid

. immoral a«rvices were held

Monday trom the ;Day Funeral

Homo,. Keyport, to st, Benedict's

Church,,Hazlet, where a requiem

wasa was olfered- for John J .

' Q tionil. 44. of 8 ' Tndifio lane ,

Malawan, who died Friday, Sent.

26, 1969, at his home. Burial ivas

. In St, Joseph's Cemetery, Key- port. '

M r . Eraond was born In Brook­lyn and Uv,,,! -.......- .,,. i.j.i.j j:|LV1Mg

jrear», Formerly he lived In Bay- ctlce Harbor 24 years a^o.

side, L.I, Ho wa^ an atcoiinlaut retired eit'ht venrs «

!or f f r th Anihny General J!os-

f ita l nnd a communicant of St

Benedict's Church.

Surviving uro his wife, Mrs.

OrflCfi (Mdrcttu) Hmoadt •

daughter, Valerie, at home; his

mother, Mrs, Rose Anna Emond,

South Nonvalk, Conn.; three «is-

l«r», Mra. Dorothy D'Orso, South

Norwulk; M ,s. Florence Hohan,

Queens, and Mrs, Patricia Glacs Detroit.

John Rutledge

. A hi£h requiem mass was of.

.feied Monday In-St/-Lawrence

. Church, [.aurcme Harbor, for

John Rutlcdfip, 73, of. 48 Sunset

Ave., Laurence Harbor, who died

Sept. 24, 1$65 in South Am hoy

Memorial Hospital. ., ■

Burial, under th© direction cf

(ho firdlo Funeral Home, Key-

port, was in St. Joseph's Cerat-


Mr. Huticdga was born In

Scranton, l Ja„ and had lived fhere

nil his lif.. until sieving to t o -

Mr», W illiam II, Letts,

Ho retired eight years ago n(t

er 21 years of serviw with the

Westlnfihouso Corp.. Hillside. Ha

was a memlwr ol tho Wrsting-

house Electrical Cnlon Ixwal 10.15.

He was a comniunicant ot St.

Lawrence Church.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs.

Sadi* (Barrett) Rutledge; three

daughters, Mrs. Ann Mosenteen,

Somerville) Mrs. Sadia Zawait-

fcay, Laurenco Harbor, and Mrs.

Lenoro Scan, Parlin; two sons,

Francis, Cranford, and l. oo. Laur­

ence Hnrbori two sinters, Mrs,■ -I , , , 1 ,WJ BIfi[Lrs, .Mrs, r a in mo m t h Aml)oy-Keasbes requiein mass was offered ,W en Mc-Partland and Miss Mar- nraa (or CO years and was a

\iesday at St. Mnrv’p Chureh. Harcl Wutledge, both ol Snr.m. risliloner of Si n _____Ttiesday at St. M „ry. , Chl|rchi

Sayreville, for Mrs. Elizabeth M.

U tls , !Ml Lower Main 3t., Savre-

vlllf, who died Friday, Sept.' 28,

19C9, in Perth Amboy General

Hospital. Hurifil, umli'r’ tlie direc­

tion of tliu Cj'inniiiiin Service

Home for I-uiKMals, Souib Ambov,

'Vos in St. Mary's Cemetery,

Mrs. I,ells, ihe sistor of Mrs-

Mnrunret Dc'ij;ert, Keypuit,

bom m South Amboy, .Sho was

tho widow ot William II. LeltK,

nnd vwi.s a of Sf

Mary's Church rniil a member of its Ros'ili y St n il. I y,

Itarct Hutledge, both ol Scran-

ton| two brothers, Frank, Arllng.

Ion, Va.; Hnd hdward, Sctantou:

2 1 grnndchlldrcn and five great-


W ] . L i i r . i X ) N

I ftlEMOKIALSS H lg fiw ay 36| ( Monr Ktflln II.)

I Koyport, N. J.

| S o luo t Y our M e m o r ia l

I P rom O u r D isp lay


[_ C a ll 264-1124

Patrick |{. Walsh

A hi^h iniih.s fif it'ijiiiem was

offered Saturday inorniim in St.

LXirotliea's (.'lam'll, l-i.iI<i;i!tnv 11. for i ’ .u ih k Walsh, fi], „ i

i,-A Siom'v 11 r ’ :<(!., F.itonuiwn.

who died .'I./iid .iy , Sept. 25,

!W'I, In Miiiiiiiimth Medical Ci i i

ler. Mr. Wolsli wns the ',ith..'i- nf

Mrs. Martin W. lleyt r. ||i/l.'i Towiisl-ip.

Interment midor tl„> ,i;r), . i ln„

of the Uobun A. Hr,mn lliiino (or

l'lmorals, Kiitnnti.wii,' w,is in ;,n.

Olivet Conietery, Middletown. '

Mr, Walsh retired Inst venr as

» wacliln* lel-up man for t[ll:

Ci'eneral Electiie Co., Newark,

where ho hnd htvn eiiijiloy, d i:i

years, lie «■«« u mi-mt>rr i f ihe

company's (JuarhT C'eiitmy Clul,.

He was a n i n i ni in ij,-,m t 0f Si

Porelhen's Chnicli.

Mr. Mulsh u i:. hum iii Newuik

ano fiunn ilv liveil hi Kranshnr^

hi'fn,-,. iiHivmn |„ I-:,iton|owii n yenr aeo.

: ' ttayitumd M . JDuBey

•;. v Bayr,s«4 M ^ . p o i k y , u j j i js : : Cillf.or \ '

. Suivi.1 -,-, jjs j;' Jrj R iv .ir- :

vieiy. Hospital, a fte r * shoH, Ui-

.. /...’-j' /.... .'■

TcKPShfp r --Mr. RuBey. “/.n h).-;x in i>,u-

alsii.1 'netv'td' <^}!/Mass.,. itiB syri' i;-f ibe‘. lite Georgft a lid Hahi-IK py!;,-y.'

had beer, onp'oyed us, a carpe.n-

ter uiiu in construction. . ’-

:••' .«*.: ^/S iirv iv ;t(l byM iis .w ile,,

Mrs. harhieen t.Wiedfcrnieyer)

DuCey; tw<i dJugiKrm, Mrs.

■ Kathieee. Johust.,;. •«„ !< « Beach, ,

«iwj.-.; Mws .Linda'.- [iuBoy, at

fcoine; two siiiiiv '■ Raymond Jr., -

•Wiving With ih t U.'S.' N'jivy, and

Walter, at h.orae. . . "

I Wieral services wili be heJd

;**. -**•« John' Jv Eyan HiimR for. .: . Funerals. Keaii.sbiirK. this ,'X>iore-

day * t . io a in., w an . tha ,'Kev .

. ... Marlon : Gwyrin ,\>f Si/''-;Mark's

......Ht>tscc'pa\ . , Church, K'oai&burg,

.;= officiating;^B.irijH-: willv ba ; ' :,in

j R oseda la . C em e te ry ,.;.: U ndQ ii,

:. . W illiam II. Krtlitta .

W illiam Tt. Xslieto: i-'e .;i -i

/ ; fTathei irii-: S t , , Suv.tH ■ ■ Air-.lKiy,

died Monday; Sfut. ipso.- a[

.-' the Veterans Ad^iriisUatiOK.^Hos- : . p ita l, Ka*-t Or-ihfie. . ' -

.lie was horn in jc-r'icy T it-

aml H'-'sti '.Sc,tail'. Ai-i.ey

.iw past 10 years/ ]fo formerly -

lived, fri :Kevficn. ,. .

^ui-viviiiK • are hhi. dan-jhter, '

.Mra. Thomas Larkin, Mn'h-t:

. four cons. Walter, New Bruns.

• wfck,. .rolm f.ntl 1 e'.m, V.vh of

M d‘.vr.v:l:i, and Ste()in.:n, Cilft-

MWnJ; four sistws, AJr*..' Antli<K

ny Cahel, Keypori; Mrs. Amho-

ny Bocky aoii r.i, <?, H a irv fiat-

cliffe, both ot Uuyvillc, anil Mrs.

Jolm Garguilo, Matawan, and four

A requiem mass will be otter­

ed at 9 a.m . rhis Thursday in St,

Joseph’s Church, Keyport] Inter­ment will be in st. Joseph's Ce­

metery under lho direction of

tho Day l-'ioeral Home, Kevport.

Mrs. John J . Rees

Mrs. Grace M. Rets, >i of 4S>5

Broail St., Shrewsbury, died sud­

denly at her home on Friday

rrwining, Sepr. ’JU. jfifis. siH. V,.1S:

the sister of Alvin Iherkelsen. Hoimuel. '

Mrs. Rees was born hi Perth

Amboy, daughter of the hue as.

ftc-d and Arlio (Qmicl-.eobush)

Thoi'kelseii. Siie had Jiv'd inOt'ircvs ,i)j|y j.) Vt1 .-«{*»,

Funeral services wero held

Monday iiiorntny :;t ,h„ Werdrn

Funeral Homo, Red Dank, wiih

tho Rev. Ronald G. Albury, rez-

tor of t.lirlst Fpiscopal Clunch,

t.hrewsbury, o lli/iaui.i;. Inier-

nient was in Old Tennent Ceme­tery,

Mm. Joseph Zavoriky Sr.

Mrs. Beatrice, 451 Mechanic St., Perth Amboy, died

Sunday, Sept. 2ti. JEHJ&, at Perth

Amboy General Hospital,

Born in Poland, sho had resid­

ed In tho Perth Amboy-Keasbey

nrna (or CO years and was a pa­

rishioner of SI. Stephen’s Church.

She was the widow of ,!n.eph

^avorsky 6r, nnd the n ic i‘it-r

Ihe I,lie Joscp.h ^avmsk}’ jr. She

was a member of the Kr.-:a Poe-

miertna Sim i* tv.

1 A iiiohr (l,o sun Ivors !i «

tlaniihier, M is, Sojjhiu Ncnii'lli, iMerpanvliln, '

l-'lineriil M'rvii.-s '.'.,1,1 ; i, - I,!

yesli'rday fmpi tbe Mi|.,i,n In-

'1''1 ''1 Chapel, I'l'itli An'il i ■,. inl-

Imvecl by a rctjnit-ni Iiipi- ' m;i.«H at Si, s'r*• j1111• 111 Ci,,,-,!,

,|f [!,c « Inin h»y.

j /l,‘) 4 \! ('

Wth.iJ.-v>><I!;i '

KI5!> Cl /A- i J/\ i , ti.n vlh(l\

r k:>i) . '.i.i.-har.'cs'.'R , iw vt.

. son, 2!f ParYia «<!.; Brid'.‘.*irjn '

■ en^ageinent (if iheir linii-.n-

, ter Chatieiie (('andi; Oavistin >0Cuptaia Willls/o G. i,.or:£on t il,

. ti1.e son Mx...and Mrs. w';iija „|

G. Londoii. jr., Dtl Ri„, 'JuX„s . : .Miss .Davison is a j’ raduatc rd

Keypjrt High Seho.jl and (j!a.-s-

boro, SUte .CoJieRe, tilassboro

She taught in the ' Township 0f

: Ocean. Sclii^I ,System nnd u

noiv .employed by 'Capiia i deter-

iM-LiOfirti Airwavs

;.C'ypL XondOn is & p,rudr:,:n? o j - Scl'i.otii.- ilc* a.u.eii,:!,' ;;«d ,-Sii/i ;. Marquis Co!Jt?ce jtlid

1 : '^ V - U ii iv e V .s H y ,;• .Ue‘ . ' Jiits: eomjiicterf,,-a"•tour:b f *f*j»y Vy •

•ViettMRi '.where ho• f;.cw; h.tlicuD-. .. . . . . _ — v n e

•Brt:n2Q*5»iar fof- 'nv, ri^-ricui .-v:- '

J i it i . dti is jHtaunuy■.■■ diutiimed

in Kaiscp'JiiiiJ.erfi, : V/««t: Ovr'&-

'■: ■ ■ ” ' A 'w ijifor Ub’tvji)!*}'/ p>.'tin**i5

v' W iafam ySu^onjoiA



r. : fi; : :i: i-L


- -

I.v;’. »- 1- }.•* I!-- r.

‘ . \mri-i-is.

.soj>i', ,?5,

*. 'niUO


M li** \JNt b E l\ CANI'SO

.. Mr;/a«d-Mrs.;' Vince,-«'jr. r„ru- so, BruiisWic’s lif*vo 3M-liouhceci the of fheic

d;iu/<htcr, Viri-CLMi ti> P 'u iio P- Uatti; m y t f

■ K iiypor(, : ■ '

;■ Mj^s: .C^r‘j .50 WAii: c ra ^ iis ;^

fron.j ^ . n n i r i ^ v r o k Ur^i

an«|;.ix .t r n p l ^ y ^ d i i ' ‘••xi^ftry

£'j PiiCJp,-; ">uiwR t ’

• Mr. CiA'.ii. a gnd'jnte-^f

into!,- j j ctif f.rn()j0 / .

25: fi kw.tx w hc^f.

‘hi1 - tiriii Re;;-.;;v’ I?i;• K!o- s"

^ 1‘ -AV'cdcl;; is;; fvr



K r ia iit ,

I'Hr -vas, ;u Kiver- View iK'spit;.-! un Thfirsirty, >eiit. A ISSS.'io Mr, and M-s Arfrr. iirvaot, l; i- V it ApitV

, 'Ur.uwr»n. - ' • •.,..

- ' KcvjfoUtw •

Mr. and M rs Hubert R .y ,,,)!.is .

?»■ Knglcwootf I.aae. Matawanm v p ir ^ iiis : r.f ?. j

burn Tjtursaay, Sept. I1?, ISG9. in

-•’.iVvrview Ua.spii.ij. .

A u jugh i^r ua> horn to Mr

and M rs. R obe rt S a iU .n an , Oog-

. wood C ircle , M ataw an , iin Thitrs-

day . Sept. M . JS€u, In .'M onnw iiih

M cfiica . Cwu«r;-.”:. , ...'. -: --

tUfHJZ l\ und Albert Capuoij'

0 ,.!!l>1(11 /.ir.-

paicyiii ot. a w.n honi/-Fntifiy,

.Vepl. lt>, JaM . i.j Jv;r.s?y Siv./rt'

' ; . >• .. •-. _• Uavion . . :

■A o.ioKdtei wns:.fcoru io'Kiver- H'-’spihil a,; ,.:id M rs.

lliureas tiaytnn, 47fhestnat Di-.,011 'ri&w. bi'pl. ib.

& vh,:7 ;n',r,b?" ,Mk

i r % r:£*irof ” ■ i“,,f y

Couple Wed In FreeholdnditawJ,.Jisf l.cIs Aim Me;

daughter of-Mi:, and M ts. Rob­

ert J . Muiholland, tv i: i Seiulf.

S t.,. I reehotd, beramc

Of Thomas A. M^iil.y j (., Satu.- dny, tiepi. vrvisjs;

Liinn Cbard i;. jirethfli.i; :. .... '

The t-i idegi-uom : is_ihe son, of

Mr. and .Mr;. ■|i1;-i;:;aS: A. A-aiiiy

'f.sidc Ave., Keiii,-;-

MISS SAN’D IiA M ct.n.M fJl.t:

^Mr. and Mrs. James .McGoai-

R>*'. Kill Floronce Avo.. L'aion

I!e»ch, announred the c . i^ e -

ment of tht-ir daujjhl.r, Sandra

to Kona Id Hd?ar Williams, sun

of Mr. and Mrs. Vidgar Wil­

liams, Houston. Tex. on June G.

lho tnide-ehet is a firaduate

1.. Ili^i: uLiioo;, Kearny,

anil is serving (n the t). S, Vavy

IS a dtn lalm an, staiioned in

F’ensaeohi, Fla. at the pi +',4-'rif time

Her fiance Is an A .JI.S 3 in

the I.'. S. >.'avv and is mlarhed

to V. T. 4, Sherman Field, Pen-

sacotn. He j , a graduate of Huus-

ton HiRh School, Houston.

The couple p!,m t0 bt,

rie<l In Graro ,\!p(i|i>!ist f'iiurch,

St. James Ave., Union Beach, on Saturday.



XV i l I F i l e d

i\lis, Iva narllnp

Mm, Iva T. Pniliiij!, Keypori,

■i le.u-hei- In tin K,,yji, it Mi,,,,,|

svsti'm for 111 y iv i.; who died

K'l"- l" lt Ilie b iiil. „f her

I'sl.itu lo hei' liusb.uid, IMward

f' 1 *‘lI lull;, in !|, i v. Ill .lie, Il n:|.|prob;.! ci I 1 i 'i , i , l ............,. n(

M» iiiiiniiiIi ( 'oinil v s,i 1 j , ,|' i'i 11. .ii. “'Ill 1. * 'sum uii’li.i 111. Shi • niiil

' ’iii'h to !n r nieces, t',nlii'i nie 'Id ­

iot) 11111I (Y ille Tilloo, In h. r v,ill

dnlcd Mar, ,1, l'j;i(l.

MISS \i\i\CV f . I t lN i j . i

Mr. mill Mrs, Aur.u-.l P.

lMU-IDIh SI., R,,ek Island, III,,'

oave ............... Hie eii|;;i;„, mc,,|

■ I II.I'll (liill,;l,t,‘i . y ('ntliei'.

no . U1 II. Hi,I,i | | Wnolli-y. 'm'/

I'.,l^l I oi O',I S'l , I ';i vi'iipin t, jn'.v.i,

"• Ml M.".. Ih ..... id I''Wmillev. '1 1 1 i A

■>'•■ I 'l'id l i .i . I.le.,1,Mi' it!,iii fiii'li i , ,) p,

l.iinl. I l.i'.s nt 1'ii.h vl,,

111,0 iilinuk fiilli jn, .mil

In/t l!es> Aendriliy of Ili.m tv In

Jhivenpim . Miss illnrll |s eni-

S ltss PLC.l.V W IIJjON

Mrs. Katljl.i o Wilson, 371 At-

lantie St., K'tyjirifi, annoieiees

the engaj-emini ;.f |,,.r djuKiiter.

Pefipy, M Lurry Lirrcn,' 110

Stoae Rd.. Ha/let.

Mi.-. Wi|f..|, is jjmduate of

Key; "r* l !;;;b ,,i|t; i, em­

ployed by Ketr G'a-s, Keyprrt,

•Mr. l.arv.'i:. a .■l.uiii.u'i ef

Keyj'^irt 111.■ 11 Scraiol, fic.r./i-d

four y n ,,s ... 11,.. ii s. .\„.

F o i'i', lie !«, i mp.h.ved by wc.:,t.

ilipli.ilM. in .M^iilvi;ef,,

itli -Milh:mt-Wi ighi

Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Wright, H

West ,la ik Si., H n /h i, nimuunco

lhe moafjement of :heir (taiifih-

ter, .lean, iIaKer M,-Mil.'end

son of .Mr. mid .m ;b. Cw irfe Mc-

Milh-nd, IW) Central Ave., I'niun Bern h.

Miss M'rl^hl, a )tKi9 graduate

of Raritiin S( hool, it n je-

cepti.HUM for Dr, Leonard Geo­

ova, MiclilM-.v.n.

1 ler baili e 1.1 .ui'i.ii. d f im ;>

Keyp.'it I I'i/! S>hool in .luiic. ]je

is a I’jiseiini' allcndniii. ,mp|.,,,.

ed at tl-,, I-\>o S iatiin , 'o,-,;ii',i

Oil tie. rrss lead io the r/i,.!,...

State r.nhiM iy end (1,-iiK S i, Keypi’i I

No date has ln-ii m | .|it.Wl iliiii,;..




. Bur/ey ■ . .

>. k jy n m d BukHv,-m Fi.iM-'.St., .Ki»-,»,r|, are [,a‘r .

ent:? »r a >on to m Friday, V pt.

in K('.ri''.hnv fK'/p}- i- Uelu .

,.f i. and Mrs t^i'eiiepiek llelir [ ic:iow£.y. t,:,!i,,i Jieaefi, are

juiH'ii's iii 11 ,/ai.^itei huiii Sat-

•a .h y , Sep-. i? , ]xn, In' )?iVer-

vfew llt.;p!!al.

. ‘ on*

-li. and Mrs. lo d d Fon^, 8

'.'.yekoff Kd.. Matawan, are pur-

eot, .if ;i .‘ii,>-r f>: .|',, ,Si.ndaV)

Sep'.. JK, ) m , in R iverv iew l lo v p ita l.


A daughter a as horn tu Mr.

and Mrs. Alan Holland. School

e d , M aiibo iu Jtiwn^hip, en Sui/

day. Sept. 21. 1M9, In Je ,s,.’v Aledienl Ccuiei. ‘

O ’Sullivan

Mr. ami AMs. Patrick (rSu'ii-

van, l-tft Twilight A',. ,, Keans

bai■({, are narints of ,

born rdoadiy. Sepi. 2?, )« # . m

Riverview liospi!?!.

Henderson .

Mr. and Mrs. Kohert Hender­

son, !W n.iiideniar Dr.. Meiie.-ar, an, pt.reim n| a s„„ |<)ni Frj.’

iiiy , Sept. jb, t m , in Rivervic.v Hospital.


M i. H'Mi Miy. I'.m-lrU .\hnlty,

Virginia Hvm h, Va.. r;ro »hc -Mr-

t l:*N hit-:' Ujiii St pt. M,ot i ’nn.>mmith Naval lit'S-

Va. Mis. M. !l*y thu for-

mvr Misa 1X>pm« Wuth-n. Mr.

M-fllty is su ia ii tp in Uu* If S', Wi-

\y lonerf iit O n .iiia , Va.


Mr. and Mis. J<*eph Otlei- bi;u‘. 211 Vi^vvkKv R (!„ Key

IX'i't, arti lho parfnfa <.f a f,<in l*orn Sept. 1 , j„ ]>er[Jl ,n. boy Genurol Hojpitiii.


A ion was hf-rn (,n ]P.

!!>(.!* in Perth .Amboy f T<. *u- r;»l ilf spjinl to Mr. um! M ,c

ii.un hiru'iio, :\ii, ( u:’lf r Avv.,

K< ansburq.


Mr MHl M:* . >:triv;, y ICl.toM.

h.')i!ltj Avu.. \! ! f ,1 V. ,11', (i'c [ M 1 ■

< I a <!.tiis■ 1511 r i i- !• M. •-v. Sff'i, :-'«i ’ •«)i ,, • ,,

■' I ■! »!.

«r., £}byr.i?'.-'/. V .'.

-The ftev 1m ,:i . |(;„j

(Ihapiaiii of the New

Stole I’ re-"!! 1 -i-0‘ r::i, .

.r/.i'ly al St. K*.,se ot Luna

Chore!!, qelebraird ihe [

nopnal x,iss ..nd oriioiaiai 'n o . aeiiiilc i .'.i. : . , r- ^,.-

The hriiie wus er.- li ' uv jjt*)•




” t!!i i;i:u4i'>,is

w;;i, ;-oA

'••'‘•i vl i ! I >>,.V/i.ith




; <m n,’ '.'ro

’<1 P'vols,*<;t'.•Vv.S Hull u

Hv: ;.lue‘ii.|tr-


tin: V>est, Usheriiig w^re

F'tarik Pyalog, Freehold: and

Jolm . i.a,oi;. K taosbuqs.R 'ishard-i

■ ‘'(UihttliaKd, Krttiiyl'd; brother of- t l* -.i,s ,';L. ,,,1;.

. A .... .re.'cpuon: was ,;,,hfild'. to'v.

■ Smith's KesLaora'i!: : ' '

. . ^hc-n .ibey return frdrri a ino-

tor Uip 'o Miami, they will, re-'

.SK !e .iicFreriio id .//

' fao biaic was 'siaiduarCTi from .

-Freelioid Kcyionai ili^U . Sefwafv.

and. -'s employed us a (jtm a! as-

siaiant by Lir. s't.-iniey P. Komia-

ski and Ur. IjiB fs S ./U an es r . frerhe ld . /

A r‘1 .''/ai'Ir- of \I|dd!eto\vii /

i'OMislnp Hij-h School, the Nide- *

i-c • bv K u^r 1

F lee inr.i.;, r-rj;.. K.ih'.;.i.y. - i.fa

!<l - r.wrkvv ot the Njhv Jersey

Nuiiunu! Ci.ianS, Kud Bi)rk. ’

«'? potal.'ttiJiit-U h


. srli

id hv a clustft

•Mr) pvjns -id .silt Uii

cainot:;*- bituqnrt nt \v;:ifc

;;ci nai^t

Shur iro»or

Miw Nancy M u JW ^ k I , fruo- J:ukJ; sister ot the bride, wyj (he

muid ji< irj;;. )- Slu.- v.^re a yW-

iow c})ifi(?n iuuvn with short

p itjU 'd ::li*c\f‘i'. A rirc.jlsr \ti'

ft*!! l.'VPf hw f'OMfJj.icct* cl’ -;\u Irrc-d pt’t<»!.s ?',mJ p^.irtv

1 *c J .‘ i b .> u - j uf

tfre'.-n chry?:a*;»hr:vnjnist

_ 'Mu- hrit*cs:naids wcu- M{vS>—■■1:.. a

MNlLr uf {'i-' r>ri,_,0> r.ri i \|; c

M .itl ).muld. Ki’<! ii'.;,

a<tJMn it' 1J10 bruit. Miss Cindy

Mu!J)stiUir;(J, }• i(chtni. n{thr', junior

‘OfltlvM'Mi j. i li**v W'K* niir

fir-. ri; ;tncl (■-.([ rit'd aisc.tu^s of

yHlow ( ! ntI»»*n»n»ns.

!'ol>in MnlN'lh.nd, Freehold.

SlStl l . if ||;»> hi ult*. M‘! Vt.'ti

ii'AMT Mill. S!u W-.U- Mill- t',7'fl!

^*'f! ■.-ui'.t’d a iu*ii!<,' f'dsKt-t «>f

y^lS'w. rlir,-*cani.‘n-'n;m;s.

> '''‘-’dl.U M41 -Hy, Mrr ri. oVMl, hinthur ul tht* hi rtlf^n'om. was

n m m ™

t m e ’ p it c w f .


I TMA r f'UE I. O IL , F f itE D ' -

Ard VOU'LL be rialit "on the bull," fee, II you order your

Wintei's supply of our fine, 1

economical I-uel Oil NOW! |

Call us lodnv !

• o/Qp m 4 ■ ■' .' -- S •'

TU LT lJr.r

M,' ■fl I 'M 1

M-llil \\ rill,

,H I , . |

■ nd

l i w y

M o r iC . ' ,

Most long

d is ta n ce rates

are c h e ap e r

after 7 P .M .

on w eekdays

and ail day

on Sa tu rdays

nnd S undays .

Call when

it's cheaper.

Nsw Jmiy Bell


IV- - V ■

Si' / 1ii 't: . - , •


il'- '.ii I. j('< < ; {, ‘.V H l liftfi

■lOJP. C.Af! ,V([)| OUR n .IC .


LINO Ail. iMCI.j'iA!;'!'


FOI? 1 MONT! 15 OR

M I 1 t 1 W* 'if"i 'ivnt < I.

566 5300FUMrilAI. CHAITIS A V/\ 11 A F) IB N.Y. O.

(ELLA'S Americann w r . 34 5 6 6 - 9 /7 ]

‘ •tR V ICE


m a t a w a n

!v?‘ 'H

fHfc MAiAW aN m $ m & i

- F 3 T "ui4-< U -Afl ~ U _ -„ v „ r --- - - - - 1 -

3 ___ _ tp*** c w r w ' ^ !t<i ' u ’ f ■* *» BSJ&c-’V c ?

- ^ ‘ J <r ^ *, 1

L, {A

.v-:i- ■ M is* Paului .A. .CuUaBiaEiiS;--nu*-..

Came tw bridi- of Su-ven, C i-Cat-

Oi•) Ji,tti)i<(!\i', S '1'!- Jl', I M •

«L Iv liry i. OiUrt'fo

' ICri'poitThe Rev V im i' i i ; X , Pcttir

•■ ■ wtlor;.- oJr'.: jU i'j (i ' Im’ iiaub!^

fiti# C! -9TO >•>> "Ths paie'it* jA tho s.oup!e ste-

* Married In

S t Ann’s: 1 Miss Jud ith -Rita Lonan and

Second (-Iasi Prtiy Officcr. Doug­

;. : 1»» Lae Ki.vr, l.'.S. Navy, ux-

. -: changed ■ marna'ie- vuws Saluc-

- , ’ day/ iep t, i!7,. 1969, ill S u Aon ,1 Church, tCff.-istiLrtj

t t !8 bc’tl-* tv the* dsunhter uf

Mr. fcnd, Mr*. John Logun» $■ Ro

land St r Keanr»bm ji, ami th*-

bridegroom, as- the aon. of M r .a n d

M rs M crl Kisj-." &2* I J m i t ,

Adrian >t.* h -

Th© Rev Frederick Va!entw>

ofltciate<i at th* -double' ring cere-

/....■ mony. ■:- • *■-■'•'■■•' .■.■ . • ...■

, L aw Weddi»a tic.wu : >v.

. - Tho ‘brido wds j»vi*n lirmnr-

rlage by her father. She-wore an.

A-lute laco gowvu'w;t^ p?urt en».

broidery' ami •',styled :withi \tong

sleeves and o.* chapel train, Her

; •lbpw-)cngth.'-vfil.-:*jt' French ' Il­

lusion was held'by a mnviv or

roses and p«urb> and she carried

a cascade bouquet of whito pom­

pons. ;• ; ; • ’ - ’ ' •

Miss Paula* Dusi?k; Ha?.lct, was

tha'maid of honor, She wore an

apricot cie:»-* louy - sleeved "tnv.n

, -with nite'• green--and apiicut hc

. xents at-die .empire hodirc, and

long full rtjnichmg chiton slocvcs.

A circular veil fell over her

nmtrhinv' clustored j^ a l lifi'i-

piece uud uhc* carried d cascade Ijouquer. o( jnatcHin” pomjwns.

The bridal anendauts were

. Mii;s Jcann; Kominckj Irvington,

: cousin of lhe -brido, mid Mis.

O^K)rge \Vissel, Polul PleJsunt . Bench, Ttu:y ;v.'ore iiiie gre-^n.

Ami Dm vnCarkon> Belford. cousin of th^ briiic, was the fknv-

cr girl. Sb? wore nn apricut crepu

flu-jr - length fvook \vith match-

lug vibhon headpl-!cc. She carried

a miniaturft cascade bouquet jf


Harold Patten, SUto-of Was)t- Ington. was t\w best man. Usher*

big were Willlum Clayton, Brick*

, town, and Terras:rc Klein, Ocean

OafL'n McDanicl, was tho ring bearer,

A receptiotj was held in the

Union Gardens Fire House,

When they return from Canada,

they will reside it* Pine Bcaoh.The .brido Is employed hy Lan-

VII Apjncy, Toms River.

The bridcgrwm is stationed at

the l.ukehurst Naval Air Station

and Is completing four years ser*

vlce-in inid-OcfobtT.

^"WDodJiWiJ Ave., Matiwijn. hww M a un,} Mr* Vm ct.i Oar^i-t. 1

Mtfjile I ’! ► Kc^porr,-;-Tht? bndy.; w?is. given ,in mar* -

lwipe bv h'*r father. Her f i n e lnt-siyiy.i goivu.r-yr sjlk-f^t*ea- j>*au.

de v,us **th bfl«»d

ml Atemrcm lace :--rut(ied f on . ih« . high siaud-up colbr. ; and . donji

wu»ui wcw milted

• with pleated ‘Aleiicon. Ia«;»>. li^r

■''■-•th£?e*tiercd::flour*length vcd..of.■"'I'iciich- Sliuaiuu vtai Dy t

Aiatcning- Aiencoi*. Uc« pill^ux ce-

embrvmcred ptarls und

. . ciystiila. She .earned ft cascade

nouquet of ..whit* cljrysanthfl-

muni1;, jxsnipons and stcphan'jus.Was Matron Of Honor

Mrs. teonard i.uo/zo, Keyport,

: wax thfr matron of honor (or her

■ i sjfiter; She* woreva deep orange*.

1 pestit'de «*.»!« \v.-tonan styled empue- gown wub wirt‘ s1eftv?.s

of ‘ matching chiffon. ;• Matching-

ribJ>'ii> was entwined in her c<jris-

. atid. sh^-carnea.a. cascade bou-

- qu^t'o^ melon and --rust- chry;wn-'


'lhe.:- brulal . attendants ■ were.. Mrs.: hdward Marcliefti, Mata­

wan: sisit'r of tho ’ bride; Mrs-:

Gary - Pluttiii- Malawan; Mrs. Jo*-

scph Allocctj. Hutmdel: Mrs. Rob­

ert C'alicari,- fkey|vjrt.; an<l Mrs.

Wiljiam Hell, Union Beach, They

wore melon with Identical hait* arrangement and bouquets, -.

Donna Shannon, Keansburtf,

was the flower gir), Sho wore

•: melon and carried a fireside bas­

ket of melon pumpon:*..Albert Pollard* Keypou, was

the best man, Ushering were’

l«eonard Cuozzo, Keyport, broth*

epiivbw of the bride; Robert Cal-

icari, John Panj*l>orn 'und Paul Paiiu|>*rn, Keyjv.rt. and .fostph

Altocco, Holmdel, Anthony Cal!a-

mj\ra5, Mutawan, brother of Mv.-

brde, was lhe ring bearer,

• For her daughter's marriage,

Mrs. CttlUmar.w ’ selected a

strawberry .shantung floor leni’ th

sleeveless gown, studded with

-beads around the neckline and

on. the bodice. She a'uvj hutch-

in|» areessories. a bow headpiece

atid a white orchid corsage.

. The bridegroom’s mother chose

a iViint gre^h Alumton^ fl»gr-

length jjown wuh sequined turtle-

neck collar and matchmi; floor*

length coat. She wore a beaded

petal headpiece, green accessor­

ies nnd a white orchid corsage,

A reception wan held in But­tonwood \?>IIOt'

Tho coaple flew tu Miami (or

& wedding trip,

The bride was graduated from

Keyport High School and is em­

ployed by ber father at The Mat- awan Diner.

Also a graduate of Keyport

High School, the bridegroom ser­

ved two years in the U.S. Army

and is employed by Melville

Dairv, Perth Ambov.

OU iity Beftit » r «fc*t Alina ■•uthful Look I

u N K X C E tu c o c o m T 5 h t



OLD UATI Tour Doct*r Pf#«eflb«i

Rib Supportt

T r u i i t s H u r i io f S rMSAciu-ll]ft» B*U» MoUroJt/B U j U« I I o i», 0 «rm «Q i«AiiAJft*. K b*« ArtUtolfcl Drtcr*Burclr nl »n^ CervUk) OoUai«

Tr&rUoa StU


Mid DKV<I oo.

Bus Ride WednesdayTlia Ironside Uulie.-i Club of

Union Beach will sponsor a bus

ride to Anhcuser Busch, Newark, on Wednesday at 6 p.m. Then

will be a tour o! tha brewery.

Tickets are available from club

members or nt th.j Ironsido T;iv-

i*rn, Union Beach. RiTreshineins

will bo served on the bin.

8t.| Keyport ‘ iwk)

lUJAU&ua UUBII 4**«


U F*odU» NftN J



C lO T H lN a

M*;i «nd Boyi' Fuinlililnqi

SIiomi '

W, Front It. Hiyport

StudiosP H O T O G R A P H Y


10 MAIN ST., K E V rO a t 261 6309

W w M m ,

S t t ( t t / ' i k n

M , * j.f 'iv i t /(,■ 1

il) 1 1,1 i A C„ 11 , V f (>lv

5, !‘»!r «c if. t lt ii I ' i iVtJU‘2;

9 bu-Ic »* d *■! — 14-t V'-'* > hr t H c * >111

•ill *>' , O v K ?

1 < irl*- t l J <Z 111* V U A.

M P'k < > a, *' <\\* , t* i<,r »* • * i % ff "'iy V* (f,Mi

Fhi K Jo i* 12 ,i I rvf , rj i * r<owrfi ei m

i u 11 [ > , r r* i r

■•-»Unv Ht * I Ia i l ' » 1 A \ rt«. P tV d phti ll fO'1»ll rt d v> tu ^ -V ! { u ’ I > Iffcsi.tfpp/jqacs.:, 'tnd stv.'cu ’'/ j '-m

b U ajli 1 ^ idPW-'

chapel tram, ’U'ifnmed-" xwtch*.


’ nppbque4?; Her threo^ierf-d el- .

bv/, h Ltj» ' m ' i? I^'ld b\ \■ crov/i> of -da *>oie aMd- iacu

-.'turn--- sine, cari'.:ed Na cHfieadC;- bt>u>

/ quel:;w?: ^hitts cariuUiona. ' . ■.. Matron Oi Homvr Fot hliitsr

Mrs. Raiph VVdrtOn, Kennsbttra,

• w iu the ho^or Jo r iHj.r;

T.lm brida‘-. att^ud-mt’s

:vMre; Mrs.- ■Pa.ui!*~'r'TnirlJi:. Hed

..-.Bank, ana .V ta Adruiw P leci,->,

Muldlt'i.o‘.vj-> • . • ■

,- Tnfy w o « mo>5A - greijn-.c'hjfjon,

flpor b* goww wit^ J l^ j

tttegves. ur.d apphqu?ss ef;jpatehr

' lace on th«:, bodice. / Uoubier ,

•Uered ve*«.i tel: from their bow -

■. headytecw and they carraftd. fir«--

-0<d.o .baskets o f matcmnn- flowH.-,,■ :■■■., .••■■■> ■ , . ■ ;■. : ■ ■; -V

• • Ajitnooy ' mcoiJH, lv»i-a ■

: burg> wah tn^ Usher*

ing v/ore Rocco Callo jr., Ea it

■ Keansburg. ororntr o r m<5 brue-

gvixttri .and Churte.i MiUno,

Yock Cl;v. •. ;

A- rec^ptloit. wru held Or

Bachstadt.'it R^stanrtvnL v.^cn

they rKu.m fn.«m a jet flight to

Rr»in» they will r « id « In Keuas*

. I»urg. - '

. l lie brl<le. and tha bridegroom.,

ara graduates of Middletov/n

• Township ilifjh ScHool Iho bride

is employed at a stenographer

; tn- the--Commercial Deprtrtnv'n?,

of- the New Jersev Bell Telephone

Oo- New • Shrew.sburv. - •. • -

: The bridegroom attended- Mor!-:.-

.mouth.- College • and, served m.

:Gerniai;y i with thfr: Xh -S Army,

he is employed as «■»ad.u-levu--

ii!oian at / I U* Hercules 'Nike.

Base, South. FMauifield. •



jf^ i &rt’S&>* ' -^K ^1. >- Jr- , "

A j j g r 'Jam ^

MKS itW N F. H O G W J « .

: Tb.6 Wttdua^ cf« Barbara

Ann Metau&hUri. daughter ot Mr s;

■ an.* AU'«. Jso l^rl Xvlvl,&dghtm, :85o

•West Concourso, Cliffwood. Ueaeh,

lo John F. Ilogau jr. took p loe«.

autordisy tfiiernoon. i«pt. 27;. in St. Joseph**. Church, Keyport.

Tm Kav. Jo!>r» Dxenis of Si. Jo-

wph’s, officiated. . .

The hndefltoorr. ih thi? so» of

fttr, and Mrn, John F Ho^an, H

Vali* Ud.( ^rtrtii).

-Mrs,.. Fanny Durant#^ played

tiaditmnai or^an ioumc and «c--

companied tho soloist Miss. Agne*.

Matomi, aunt or.the bride. . ;

Given In marrUyft by her fath­

er. •. th»- bude v/ori* a .wed<!mg .gown, of .p,ilk orjjanca. with (Ihan-

tllly lace steeves, the lac« trfnv

'ining the -bodice, and forming y ir

■front pith*)-. Her fingertip veil wanvu a OijuLmc uN.AtwLJt-*vt»---

ed crown a.nd she carried ft cm*-’ cade bouquet of white gtamelhaK,

qt« with nr. orchid c«n*

ter, and Ivy.. .. . ; ;

■ Mrs. Lynn-Buys,'Cll!!wodd»'wa*' tha matron of honor; Sha wort »

ch.^riieiiae. cmffon -gown, trim-:

mod with sabn and carried *

cre»v«rtt bouquet of ■ nilw -grwi glamalhaa and« roses.

M*s? Me* 5Ugu,{”,

Cliffwood Beach, sjsttir of t i»

bride, was ih« bridesmaid and

Misa Patricia Mel.augbUn. *Wo

slater ot the bride,^--was the Jun­

ior bridesmaid. Their ensemblei,

mmilar to ch« honor tnfeirona

went hi one. green and th«y car­ried crescent-bouquet* of. char«

. troupe gl;unei!i&j and whlta roies.- ... ..

Jill Carrano,- Parim, cousin cf

the bridegro<nn. was the Uower

girl. She wor« t long: dress of

oMrtre'.JS** rhiffo” and eor^iM *

basket of dawiea and rose*.

- Joseph T. McCulhon, Oid

Bridge, was the best nnn and

...ushertng werft Samufil Sintih.

l.aurenc^ Harbor and Robert Ho;

gan, Parlin, brother of the bride­groom. Robert McLaughlin, Cliff*

wood B^ach, brother of the bride,

was ring bearer. .

For the wedding tho bride’s

jnother chose a lime gteei*. crepe floor-length ^owa with stiver ac­cessories and wore a corsage or

green glamellla? with silver


The bridegroom's mother was attired in a lavender satin Uie^

with .silver trim, & n'.at'ihnig ix»ai

and silver accessones. Her cor-

su^e was lavender ylarnellty::

with silver spray.

After a reception »»r Buck

Smith1.' Restaurant, Fast Keans­

burg. the c.ouote left for a wed­

ding trip to.California.*\Vhen thev

return, th<-y will- roKiv at Lou­

don Terrace Apartments, Savre-


The bilde was graduated ftom

Madison Township Hiph School,

Cius.s ol I5K»,‘»( and h employed as a service assistant by thf> N. f.

Bell Telephone Co., Perth Amboy.

Thr* bridegroom was al'w #ra<l*

uated from Madison Township High Schor*! and Is self employed, sr^nc-ah-d w i t h r.!wCu!!r —

Trucking, liliiabeth,


' Miss Colleou Bu iI jw und Den­

nis Pederson were united in

marriage a t •! p.m. al a candle­

light ceremony on Sept. 19, 19S!*

in the First Presbyterian Church

of Poini P!«Msnnr.

'Ilie b r id f is the dau^rii*'!' of

Mr, and Mrs, K id iard Burlew,

Point Pleasant, t‘ »imerlv ut M at­

awan. Tbe bride>;ri''Oin is tin* son

of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kcbehn,

Ortonvlllo, Minn.

The R'-v Kenneth Chntick t»fii

ciated at the dooblu r«n^ corf-

mony, with Ihe K 'v I ’-ml

rr, friend of th*j bud '1, rtssi^lini'.

f.oivn IVmely^ “ I I o v

You, “ One Uaiul, th\<-

,md "Tht1 I.n rifi l'l.iy ' t.”

M r, HuiU*w fsi;<nti‘(l h is cl.ui^li-

U*r I" the n It<1 r. Shi' WvM " ;> ’> .uI*

fiint ticri'd ChimMlly l.r-o

w ith 11.4p • I ti .mi 1 |t*i ttniV‘i : i|»-

length veil w ,h held by fl crown

uf ( i Is and sl.*• t ,»i r ifn n

cascade of ‘jla n ic llb n ,

Mr.s. Kavnvnul Sch .M-tt/ei .k

itialrou of homn ami \\oiv? * pun-

cess style );o\vn of itvorulu crt-p^

with mnli'lnin.* tniilmv S:i* i ir-

lied a casc-tde ol jjohl pompin')

The ttUomhint.4 war® M ri. F;d-

ward Autin, New Hrnn»v\ lek,

M ls i Dorothy Brower, Baylmud,

Mrs, Willitnn Hurley, Moledo-

conl<, and Mrs. Arthur Morris,

Porkland, ’I'hey w ^ o sim ­

ilarly attired In ('old crcpo with

matching pillbo\e-: tun) carried

ciiscudcii nf rust pompuin,

Hoftu Anno u iis flu'An-

i;lrl weai'hu' an avocado crepn

i i iu lt v.iti,< 11j > »\ ,m1

carrylnij n noie ay of j*«dd p<v*n- pon«?,

Arthur M ortis served as belt

man. Ushering were Dudley Bur-

low. blather of the brick, Donald

White, Ft. Monmouth; Konaid

Pederson and Gary Rebehn,

brothers or the bridegroom.

Uavid Scott was rma bearer.

For her daughter’* wedding,

Mrs, P.tirlew wore a ba/nt or­

ange peau d* soie dress and

ho.idpiccc with a fluu-.-oM chif­

fon coat. Sho wort* a cop.u^e of

g ietti cymbidium * * i c: i i 11 s.

The bi idi'Ktootn'tf nifiiher was

a itiicd in y lluw hro« ad** and

wwro * cor.sane >>; yellow cym

bidmm orchids

Afler a ii* iv ,<■ n , nt tin- Bar*

clay, B t'lmai, the c»uplo left for

a wcddi i'.; tn ji lnorin>* Nev. Fti^-

land and C .uu ii.i, l'p ,l!' t>'--ir re*

lint,, th r>■ '.Mil ic^ide Hi I “ 1)g

lha tu h.

Dr. (laptaniaii

Married Saturday

Mrs. M artlu Antn>oth,

Rtvor Forest, III , atid Dr. A ram

A. Captaniar. Matawan, wer«

married on Sunday, Sept. !f8. 1%9,

The terernony was [terfonraul by

the Honorable Ralph Houser jr.,

Map,is* rate of Matawan, at Dr.

Captauiun'.t home.

Tho brido was given aw ay by

F rank 0 . G lh v m , 1 'rechold. The

mat rot; <'f honor w as Mrs. Pu-

trl> rv le , S\»*sr P a lm Deach,

F la ., and the n;:m w m U r.

Zaven S Ayanian, Matavsriu.

Also pieiecd ’.M-re M ih . Gibson,

Mrs. lleuser Jr., Mrs. Ayanian,

Andrew 1 apple. Dr. and Mrs. A l­

fred .1. ( as.inrando Jr., Matawan,

and M i. and M is. J (,lm Beck,

Deeifm ld lU'.u ii. 1 'a.

mmgHfgfgsgi& Adding Machiiicti







S E R P I C O S101 MonmoulK St., Rod Bank

Phono 747-0485


. . Iv(>r\ . Or#aj;7;s \>-oau- 7 •> ! * » I! m } I i *n-tf-*" ‘ / i » J itt m titl s t, 0V rj n , 1 J

■ c* « , 11 11 a\ 1

»i Af1 j} d i ) *; t io <*tint V ile n a ” -empire K>0;i:e.

iovifc- tapered w eve ’* «;?d cnupr:}

tram.. wtk lt’niiion lurne*-It nr* n ii » t *Ji I \With m«te1un£ lacd and snf» car­

ried a ■ n.iOvher-oJ'-f't.arl pravth.*

. -bt*ck ' acorn ed-. with- white evnv-

..bidmrns. stpphar.otLv and iw,;-

M Pdv j * A Li n k dt

:-.-hi,,rt, v? ler ' * 1 “ k d“ o.'/

: iJje maid o? honor- She .wore. a.

goid Kinp.U ■ ^ iv t i wun Vem,S(!«

1b<:« H'sertlon aiid bny velvet bows on Iho ynioiro bodies - Gn>-

sort puffed sleeves - and ; nh^

slaod-up colUtrr, Fuigertip-lpog^h

streajQi?r* tyU from ths iimu:V

big velvet bow. headpiece ; aud

$1)4 carried ft aoss^av --of fall-

chrvaantheaiuma-. cenlered . wda

burnt orange.Jaclc.Frost rosw. :

- T he ImiuuL inlendanc* 1 w erf

MU* Maureen Feol*y. •-Orange,

cousin of the br’-'er. and Mrs.

OuirjerTcs:, Highusr.di,

niece of- tht - bridegroom. Mts^

CeUean Fetiey, Orenae, cousin

of tha bride, waa tha junior

- bride?nttid. They >/eru. . stlired- Uke the honor atwndam and car-

rlwl iiosaga.y.t.p/ tali chryiantha-

mums, . . . ■ , .Thomaa Maffia,' Ailantlo-.High­

land*, waa tha beat man. Uaher*

ing were John Simek, »t homo,

brother o f ; the brld^i And j£d<

ward Bj^nvirth, Sparta; brother

of the bridegroom, Franc.*. Rea*

. iy, Cherry - Hill, coustr. of . the bride^ served m Junior ush^c. • •;

• A.'reception waa held In Tha

Regency Room of Rod* Sha*.

dowbrook. . ."Alter a few day* , at Tha Pla-

Eat New York • Ctiy, the coupla will mohir thixMigh the New

England Staiea; When they ra*.

turn, they wiii resido in The

Brooksldo Terraco Apartmenta,


Th® bride was. graduated from

Middletown Township High

School end Paterson Stata Col*

iejjfc where sho received n Bach­

elor o/. Aria Degree in Educa­

tion. She is a lirsr jtrude teach­

er in the Keyport Cential School.A graduate of Dickinson High

School. Jersey City, the brida-

nroom received u Rachtnor of

Science Degree tn Business Ad­

ministration at Pp'^-U College.

F.usl Orange. 'He Is a member of ’ihctn L'psilon Fraternity atid

served in iho U. S. Army Secur­

ity Agfmty. He h employed ns f> marketing policy manager by

U. S. Gypsum Co., New York



Check With Us i

Ackerson, Van Busklrk & Elliott, Int.CHEE15R AALiSIl

I I. Profit St. —• Koyport

T»l. 264.) I lb



Misa Barbara -^can Sadtnvskt

became the bride of Thomas tral*...

'^■lajjlier on.Saturday. Sept. 0. lliof*. - In i ‘f.-j«-epha ‘vhuich, tveypo/t. ,.

1 h6 'Kev. . doyeph KucinsKt, pa/i- ;

tor of St. Clemant’a Church, .Mat­

awan,' officiated at th* doub«a .

ring ceremony

-Tha pa/trntv of-lb* coupm -ar*

Mr. and-M?a. Stanley, Sadovvsk!.1-t .New .Brunawick Ave. Vtnta-

win, and Mr; a M Mrav Jam*a

Gallagher, l l M a n . Dr., Mat- .awon.-’- :-.■ ■ ■ -’■ - ■ • ■

Tha ■ brlda. glvan-ln Jtiarrlaga

hy her father, wore a floor-lengih

wedding gown of aatm deigned,

with a high necklh.'et • ttimmed

with Franch psua d‘*ng« l*e«

with p*dil *»d crysul bead em­

broidery and a'bow at th# am*

prfre bodice. Pearled lac« appli­

que* trimmed th# long »le«vM.

and modified A-lina akirt. A flat

1h»w Accented tha deta«:hab)a

chapel • train; appliqiietl -with ma- .

t lh o/;miitc-hing laca',.Iter finger­

tip • length veil. of silk , illusion

wa* held. by..a .atllf. 'organ/a petal

of lace and seed pcarta Nindded

- with * crystals., Sha .; earned her

sister’s mother-of-pearl : wedding

piu^ci dccoiatcd wi«h «»»orchid, miriinturo carnations and

streamers. ’ .. .

Miss Margaret Donaghue.

Malawjn. was m»id of honor.

She wore a floor-length A line

aqua chiffon gown, designed

with a sabrina neckline and em­broidered flower-uimroed long

sleeves. 'Hie empire bodice v/os

accented with embroidered flow­

er.? and long velvet ribbon

streamers. Tho back had match­

ing trim and a short velvet rib­

bon streamer. Her headpiece was un aqna chiffon bow with a

short veil. She carried a Kheath

bouquet of pink Hi-d white car-

nations,'centered with pink rose

,u:d a.; a^iio. b;>w.

The bridal at'.eruhmts were

.Miss. Wendy Born, «Mutawa.n, and

Mls*i Patricia G'i^olettl, Somer-

■ vulak ft cottalnvof fcn*-, brlda, Thefr .

ensombleH, to ths honof

B 8id.'.i.''v,'ej-fl In pcacocK caiirort

aiid-dhcir .sheath DOW<tueta ->vert

, pmk caritatton*: wh;h-peacycte -

bow■ Deborah. Ann . Kopcho. Mata-

wan, meos'of the bride,-and Lciv-

n» Jean. Kupchcv. Mftta,wa^' god­

child i>nd also a nlace of th* :

bnde, w c r# flower mcls,. ;Th«V'

wore "peacock, chHfoo frocka and

carried firoaid* ■ ba*n#M of p\nk- carnations,, riaisiea, whlta pom*

pinta vvjih mreamet*. ., .

Kobe a Gallaghar, BAyonna,

wai best man . for hU broth«r.

Usiiaring wer# -Allan - McTagu#

ttitd .’A'itrlaio,' bwii. «

Matawsn. - - ■

A reception was h«td at Bel AU

Ma»or, Perth Amboy. :

A graduate of Mutav.’an Regtou*:

nl High School. Claaa of 1M7. »h* bildo ts employed by Naticiuil

Lead, New York. . ' ;

Tha bridegroom 'wot gradualed

from' Matawan ;.F.egloimi High

:Schbol.'CliiM of TSfl-i. H e terved

in th* U.S. Atmy &nd:U »rnpIoy* ,

ed by Goldiitan; and ' Sachs,

Vork. ■ - . - .A,Ufir n »vt»dd«*ig trip *o ihe Pt>* •

wr.os, they ara residing tn thalc

own hortm at 36 Jlardlng Ava.4=

Keansburg. ‘ .. " . .

' C h a p t e r To Mark 5 i h A n n i v e r s a r y

'Tomorrow night, th® Matawan

Chapter ot Hadassah will sponsor

the Oneg Shaboc, tn cclebi’atloK

of thu chapter's fifth anniversary*

at Temple Beth Ahm. 350 Lloyd

P.d., MiUawan. :Services' will l>e at 8:30 p.m.

Rabbi M.L. Rubiustoin will s\im«

maiize t!ie program of HadausuK

in Israel and tho United States, David Dayan, Atiaira '

Chairman, Tomple Ytoth Ahm,

will .speak on "Arab - Jewish Ke-

latlons Through <h& Aj;es.'‘

lo r th e v a c a l lo n o f Y o u r D ream s

befor# yoii go . . .

rtonitdt wltS, ut

da th« planning and

ar;ariginfj. WhaK*! more

You hava th* f;n

no *r^ra «ott (or

our lorvlcflt,

l?R7 Cr.iiv v»?i".v a t* 11 7 ii Mt., rcrtfs A m tc r

J B r9a ttw »y , K eypor l — N ljih t O aU i04*.M))l

Brown Travel Bureau

'69 P L Y M O U T H j

Fury 111 Coi'vyftd-U 'Po*yr SKwiri. R.*j V, :

M»■>t»r, P.t»d. $33/5

'68 P L Y M O U T H ’

*»-1; J ». 2 Poor H j ;d Iop, V-8, St^nd icJ Tf^nin'hitol, Hu.iUr b'-J,

.................................... $ 2 1 5 0

'67 C H R Y S L E R !

M*«* Yofi'»r. *t Djor Mtrd*op, fo;l ; Pow«r IncKidi'i-j A‘r Condition, Sil­ver with [tUc , j

Vinyl Rosl........ $2896 :

'6 6 C H R Y S L E R I

Nawoorl. 4 D>.»or I • rl * n 0*fl d I ti h r>, Ailto; :i!U IooiktvH'o'., Pov«r


'66 FORD ‘64 P O N T IA C

G iU .I, '509'', 4 Door ».<)*<•. V.*, C«l<ii»». ? 0»»r Jed.n, V I It.nJ-

Aiik'-r^Mn Trflrnnti'ijlon, P # w *r ! 4f,j fram-f't.

j ; : r ; .............. $ 13 9 5 1 " - .................... $7!5°

'6 6 C H E V R O L E T ’64 C H E V R O L E T

hi.pill, 2 Oc/jf 6 -C r’'T. , lmp«la, 9 PiU*ng»r StiUon Way&ft,

d'>t, r?s'iif;\lh!oft. P'-^er • Y 8, Tranimi»»ton, Piclory

Su^riny, i Air Cond'H'?n»J and I’ewir

........................ $ 1495 , St««dng.

Turquob*........ .......... $ I 295

'63 C H R Y S L E R '

Yoftar, 4 Oaor 5«d^r, "ft-Wln. '61 IMPERIAL

. . . . $ 1 9 9 5 '


| 4 H-rdtep, ^ u l t

$ 1750 ! wMti: ................ $B98

R E N T A LS - L O N ® T E RM L B A S IN ®

P tU b liU io r l I97R


H W Y . 35, H A Z L E T — 264- 0198

jtfeliewm Services In The Bayshore Area■ - . ■ i .'JTT.'u.

S a-Kttjcrigjfe C<i>i?*r?j 11 n ?«y Oturcfc .

i ^ ‘6-«sai5e*m iJnfta (teata? School - -..’ JSr.ItrowuyjiSf; . ’

St**. frrs.iK-«: CstfrJW*

St-b-vi -ir*— kiwi v»-i5 XQ. 45 ^ * i. j» -di i ’jif urc»> n r ­

. .vh-s'is-.fro-ivi. .

is cordia'hy.

,:Izmte<! to s:fi«fid;. ..•■•. . -.. ,. ..■

; • •:•-••••.• ; T$&crBffcete .■:.. ^ .-.;f -tii

tl*gbfie(d A VS.,

.SCfiSiv ®£ w«re-x Pasts# ■

v f j c h r » f n b£- ’m'ei"+* ' &t£z\ .i&iWipp; U . ais/rnnwa *«rv*«;.-3,53 fl?vd r^rn ,r^ serv>*;C* ?. 1$ p m

•■’ Ywr'i.M'l ''bfr''•;*, T ^ '^ ' .wrvivg' ■; .;■'. ftt^e^ay ;-aV ?1 p^u. ,'

. ;■, Ge*hse?waj** fcuifeeifjBi Church-'•'•'■•..:i-v;- -‘fSapfc: PS?- Kpjpari .'-• * ,j

JRv:*.. Henry W« Kjird«r* F.isipi

.■'•'■; On ikmday- * ^ rvltr3' are held' at IV- » ;>j j. l.fetivch

Is h';*|rj tr. {y. ASiv-m,

, Lutheran Miurch pr ti*> ...

1 Goad Shcjjwff.a-•■'•' ...Routes 9 and 51« ....

: < M&dl&en Towashtp

■ Kev* ftariey E. .Meyer, Pafttor .

- ' Family Bible- hour Is held at

;.Sunday;aitd family •

OftdL'p, 10 3f a.m . *

» ( ’nh'vry Baptfct Cburch :.

■ ■410k WEkjote SUL<- rtaaln- * le v , i . Elliott* Pa*f£er

' Oji Sunday Ufrle School for aTi f

:;vftge*.wiHI be held t t fc;4S sum.tiiug fctrvic# will be at II

: t .m . a n d e v « im K g03pel se n r ic *

l tT p .m . Tbe Pastor will pm cit•• !)oiH s^rvic**.■ ......... ” " • "•

Payer meeting Is >wJ<5 on Wed- BeHtay evening at 8 p .m .:

*>i~ sJK In jp Luiiwrm Cfcetcfc X'jtmy Tree Vum Kd,

' ;■.:. , Middletown . . . ■.. - JBev. W iUImn A . H anuw , P a«ip r

... SiiinSav. School; t :U t m to 16:JO n.m . Church • Service* t

t.rti. and 10:45 a.m. . ;

Mcmtrtisl EvanjelK-M Luditfttn Church

. '. -, .(Mixsonri l iy ta i)* <U TbHbb Av*., Sfcre«bury

' Kev. D o u ld L. Bigx*, P«Mor

. : SfuiHlay Schwl and Biblu Cl«w-

: e* ere helii at I i n , ; morning

»ervice, am .

Chureh Ot Our Uvieot - t r »c«t)i>l Church

■ la Mmtiwii Towmihlp

• : M«v. Hat 1. M eym , Vic«r

Sundoy Servlets, K u«d. ii) a.m.

Holy Eucharist eerview ore being

JsJjI in the Ctnieawiuake School

’ Cu l^uUtC J l , 'il*id)£On ICniuiiip .

U . neoedlvfa ctnireh ■ 1

Beifcauy Bd., llolm<kl .

Masses are held Sunday i t »:3B/7:3#, 8:30, S:43, U and 12:15 p.m.

S t JesepVi Cburch Maple PI., Keyport

I n ; C in d i i i i J. Kane, Pastor

Masses,, wiil be held Sunday

morning at 0:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:15,11 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.

ru ll Gospel Tabernacla

. 75 Main St., Keyport Rev, Daiuiy Gentile, Pastor

Scryict's will be held Suiuby,

moriiinjt vtotsiiip. 10:30 s.m. and evening aervice. 7 p.m. ,

f Prayee, meellng wit! be held

Wedne»day a t ; p.m. ’

j L C^BW.VJi’s ilhJJlH ■ Bwiia.sraa ft&Hsu}

■ AiJa/ii.k: iVI lawav*

. • Vir** S t •Vd'«. I

;S^ 7,, $:3ic **;53, V x i' U:4l)m m. •''' .■•■.' i . •; '

MC PiltaJr*

• ' •.- SpUitetd Chu.H'JK' ■- M i Mwrc 55jJ„ Uyien Jieiicts Sftv, -MUiert '

l . ' nre h:e3<J -on ,

sr;$ Thurs«jay

■'Kid . o r Fvfc;«y • aftcnibisn-L- s t ' V

M i l l f i i i tMVVlNIl WvOfil

■ S9190S tooss

c # s t ) f f l | i n w 8 f M -

|»,(H>0 ! no.ooorA trcn«i^9ii« )*m. Bot H u n if t m ar*intund by a John Hancockr«n*M l Mniih MMibli In t ia i PUn. ItwlQ pm\4« rtm v itli « r«t«Uar HMntKJjr I im m wh#kK«r jw 't* nsabJc to work lor »*MN* *t t*r . U—n I f |r«i d*R'| alroady hovo twli writ4or M l m U4»7*


w i , w o n t n .

t. O . BOX 870



p ' ^ ; :.:.V. •

. . Ojvjfji R*5V£ '• "

' . , 5it., •

' . -Surviceff, are h»;}J .Sur^bv 'und

;L:l^ s f ta y .ev; :u}g.s at'S p,w; • -•• .

" Rc^rme<J <*h«rc^ < K«.VpwJ. . -

. a*5/J (K1.*«riJ SH.Ktyiport '- ,

R?v, T* Sthi»i(iei), Pa.'fWr

; ■ ivoi'fchip Siind-.ry' wM!' b*.-' iv:*kj i i i J ft.

- Wide Cflnimwnion y-i)! '’b*

.Vunday r»civx)i 9:30, . - Hip cnnfin^n ii^n

c)a.w wfiii -w^et ''al 8 p.m. in the

Church Iwiisr* Youth; Fellowship;

syiR m tf t at 7 p.m ' : •.; '

" " S t JoUk's -.mforiist Churcb ; 2M9 blurt ac* Avetwe, Ha/k»t

Rov, Norma« R. liilry , Fasi»r

: : Ad^nticaj jycrniiig . worship s r-

vicoo Sunday «r« at 9;3Q and U

a.m. ■ Wfiddv»'id« Cwtrauoion-.

»» thto Swiday. At 3:4tf p-rii-.

th«r« wiU be « nmuical program featuring the Rev. Clair Gj'einer

?«aUy; Ht fi:M ]putru ■ fellowship

8«jjp«r; T p.m**-. evening roll

wtrvice wkh Dr. Ral{*h W, Sock-

nuui iu gue$V speaker.

Sftcosd Bspthi CUarch .■ M Atlfijilie S t, Keypcrt Rev, Rriand Hun?cr, P«siof

: The " re v iv a l: : se ry ire*1' . »'»l|

/•'iiii»}»u!n - ‘if 7?^^'

p .a i. The Rev. J , W . \Vyun, piis-

tor of M t, plsgah; Temple, Asbu-

iy Park, will, .conduct' the se.rv*

ices on Ihu isday and F riday ,

due lo dfc<it»L,t, ir. thiv fairuJy o l t.bc .

Rev. A ta u u i& r B ranch . .

Sunday - School c-unvw^s? at

9;.10 t.m . With 'classes', for all,

ages through sduUs. Morning

ww ship ib at U iuspi-

;rational music * by ; the-, SerJpr

Choir, under the direction; of

M rs . V io la banka;.-'orgauisi.-TheYoung Adult Choir from... th*

•Sharon•• Mnprist Church, New

, Brunswick, will present the "gos­

pel in trmsic” ,,lh a program bt?-

ing sponsored. , by the Sunday

Sciioui tuiu B.T.l',, Dupamnents

at 3:30 p.m. The choir Is-unde*.

: ihe direction-and leadci^hip of

Ernest Scott, organist. Tho pro­

gram Is for Ihe bcucfjt ol ihe

projector fund.

Church business meeting will

bo held Tuesday-fit 9 p.m.

. Prayer and praise . meetings

ar& held each Friday at R p.m.

.and-Tuesday at 10 a.m.

Trinity Church ^Episcopal)

West Cutirt and Rycrs Lane


Rev. Cuvroll B. Hall, Pasior

. .The Sacraniciiit of pennnce will

be administered in the church on

Saturday between . 5:30 uiid 6 p. m.

Mattirj and Holy Communion

Sunday will be at 8 n.m. Fami­

ly Eucharist and church school,

9:30 a.m ; Holy Eucharist, 11:15

am . .

lloly Communion will be cele­

brated on Friday at 7:30 a.m.,

and Wednesday at 9 a.m.

Boy Scout Troop 232, sponsor­

ed l>y the parish, will hold a

public vCourt of Honor on Thurs­

day evening, Oct. 9 at 7:30 p.m.

Grace United M^thodirt Church

S t J*met Ave,, Ub Im Beach

Rov. franklin H SSrd jr., pn*! *’

Worship servicc will bt' held

Sunday at 10 a.m. and World*

Wide Communion will be ob­

served. Sunday School la at 10

a.m. with classes for all a^es.

Junior M YF will meet Friday at 7 p.m. for grudea two through

*1* and Saturday at 7 p.m, for

glides teveo through 12.

Official Board will meel

Thursday at S p.m.

Moomouth Reform Temple 352 Sycamore Ave., Shrewsbury

Rabbi Edward Ellenbogen, D.D.

The service Friday will he for

Sabbath Eve and Simchat Torah

nt 8 p.m. l.nwrenro J . Levy w ill

assist Rabbi Kllvnhnj'i'n in the

special Tor.»h r»\ulini;. ( liiltiu n

newly enrolled in the fdiyiouN S( h(»*l will be ct.nsi I 'u lt ’ii.

.jrti'St B&pi&i . VV.. 'J'KirJl Si-a-

l£ry-pjti -Ecv. £ur;«?i«. t9i\r.Uit

.. iV-M'4 )•.-*- _ n?i .•wt'fi

' £lu<}««h is a*.;'?i .i:;.iil tj2 ' ip;-

swrvK*, Iti--45 Ct.r>!: r !U>I « y 1‘ iEj? ri*, sOnbljr’ J'* i'-riV: ti ■: vi'd'

U*kiiv;:s. V-'-vU’ . .

sijip V

M’«1--;.vcck • Pu''\ <y-‘ -

.'.is' V;li: V.V/j.ij:'v!;jy j[ p v.\ .

iiro«0 5i., KeyjHirt' . S; <

Hf.'iy (My -a5: ,» jU,-

:?f \i\s‘ I r t . ';j

«>'PiluKvV;' *Vs';• ' N

' jvvjdf-' i'>. dhi Mx ■? j»*.*' T,‘ie tbv’W- r.t vvtsw:.:*; n*r-

'.'.jii -br " u’ J»r-,vr.y.” -Ait ;.'t.

. d?vidiiaf .country \>m! ■ '>' h< <1..

^ \ 'v. a >y .-u-riia! i<f ■ \ku.\

C'.vwv. '

tt{—-■. a f•>v, :• v . r...

i rt.I'V. 4 r rrt;

i h !'


jvv iH’ta

W^-Examtm :Art Ameimu Painiitid




SUNDAY OCTOBER 5 th• M ORN IN G W ORSHIP - 0:M and 11:00 A.M.

( '»>lr*}n .1 litm of \Vt*r l«Ki.k)m rom nm ninn

V 3:30 P .M . - M U M CAI. PROGRAM Fenhirinj'

The R»*v, Clnlr (JreimT Fam ily of Ptilludelp'n.i

• 5:30 P.M . ■ FRKI-; 1 i .L l .O W il l l l ’ SUPPF.K

i\ll A n1 Inv ilid

• 7:00 P .M W ORSHIP SI.RVlft-: with

Dr. Ralph Sjnkmnn, World lU now m d C k 'im ’nj'nn


■ 'l-lrsii Baotist Cihwrdi- . 1 ttt Main M., Matawcn

Htv, Paul L. \1wcVw>n, l^istor

. '. ^ > 1 S(v>'jHvr c.l.i-iixb •sciioc'i. v.;H

hr- hcu* ui .9 -i%. a .h i' and Wojlfj-

;..,W.:qc -.rVjhij .upjoj}. -.will '/Y*z 'oh-*

>ervtJd at the ;»vGi'sl»ip^ervictis

;tt t9:4r». a iu l'll ^..nv.Thi? pr-uroi.’s •

seifiKjM '.opic Vijli. be ‘'Iridtrr

' (.!oi;U(.«IK,‘ A . iupcrvi:-.t>d . r'UVMyy .

.is .provided, duiin^ both $*.wc*?«

ttiid childrens church i;> at )1.

a.m. At B; 30 jp.m. the Junior,

Junior ; Hfgh 'an.d■•'Senfor MifiK .

U W Croups wdj meet.-'.

; f&U church husijiew. meet*

-}«4( will he hejd .-W^Jtlnesday at ■ 7:iiu p.m.

Mid-week te n ic« ?a held1 MKrs.!.^y at , X ), rr._ ■ ■ '

Temple IM h A lim

Lloyd Rd., Mntawan

'-.Conservative lcnip!«" i i s : MsrrtsCutttor i'Kiolt por(3V?f

Siibhatli E vb r-eivt'u-N wit* tje

teM toni'irryw at 8:43 , p.m.

Then; will be an On*;; Sh:*.bb^t

foiiowing: tltis servico hosted by

the Matawttii Chapter ot Hate-, sah. ' -. ' '

Sabbmh siirvices will be.■■Held

bn Saluiday at !):3U o.m. -

Sunday, services will be fit 1

9:30. u.rn. ; . V..'. . ■’. , "

f I . Mary’* Kplscopai Cburch East ti'wal St., Keyport

Hev. ViooMit K. Pettit, Pastor

. Sunday ihera will te mornbigprayer nnd Holy Eucl.-ii isl hi

7M3 a.iu.’, Holy iiucharist am!

church school, S. 15 h .mi.; Choral

Etirhanst and sermon, 11 A.m,

Weekdiiy services include Holy

Eucharist on Wednesday al 9

a.m. nnd Friday at 6:30 a.m.

Saturday nt 10 un i. children'*

omfirmutiun claps will bo held.

A JHJi.tety is ptnvided in the

parish'house during the a.m.

service on Su;«day fr;r r‘j;ichen

two-yea rs-o!'-ai»e arul undti.

First Church of Christ, Scientist

84 ifroad St., Keyport

“ Yo judge after Ihe flesh; I

judije j’.u mail/* Tins Bible verse

from John is* included-hi (lu* H’S*

s»n • ijCiinou Ui bt? ruid iu all

Christian Sdence' churches Sun­

day. A pasrj^e frnni **!3c{.euce

and Health with Key to the Scrip’

tures" by Mary LiuKi r Hddy used

In supporting commentary reads; "Im morial inen and women are

models of spiritual sense, drawn

by perfect Mind and rc-fie<ti-)g thos« higher conceptions nf love­

liness which transcend all ma*

terinl sense.” T»'e subject of (he

sermon is "Unreality." Services

will be held at 10 a.m.

Second OuptWt Church

Orchard St., MalawanRev. Ho'.i’*? S. Perry, ?»«►*>»►

Sunday School wilt convene at0 a.m. The Rev. Adam Kdmond

la superintendent. At 11 a.m., the

guest preacher will be tho Rev.

Bernard Oates. FarrniiiRdale.

Th« Lord's Supper will f >Uow

the morning service.

Prayer meeting is held Wed­

nesday evening at 8 p.m.

Tha First Unllarlan Church Of MunmuutU Coumy


Rev. Harord R. Dean, Pastor

Tha ministers t hiss wdl he

held at 9:30 a.m. Sunday. ndi.U

service, II a.m. Chnrih u.h. >1

is held dining tx th senite.s. I ho

inimstei \ cl.i-s til hi*,

“ I.ivmj’ Rrhf ai:i «..f rhr We: M:

Till1 IhllSl.iii’^ I ,ili!)s i>! \■.. II ;11

("llinn.” 'I hl* I I . ;■ vy ;i|

the i'.diih v ■ li !•- r o

Rev. John V - . .Im, . !.‘t of ’■ I h«> lit l ' ■; r i ; -I

’1 |l'h!l It .U’« I ! !':»• I’> . v‘- ..' K

I-. I 1 |t‘ lUiM-.!' C i I ,'M . ll

.Mhiiiiy ( mj'li*y' *1 I')’ !hi1 1 i 't'!'• i.i 'i i ''m i t fit i i I Nv.v Jt • * i \.

1 irsl U nit.'d Mt-ihndisl Clmrrli] 17 Minn St., M.ti.uvnn

Rov. l>«nnid 1'. I'hilliji', sr.

Mt-..un><f -1h|* Su .<I t y i-, .,1

!);.10 tiiid 11 <i,ni. wlirn the |».is- tor ’.\'ill n illiiii.i- .lrr I--'!' S.mi.i- nu 'iil cf llu lv ( o in u n in i 'i . mi

W orld-W ide C om m un itm S t <1 iv.

T h i- iwill Ih* '[ ic ..... .if

a nnix r, i* hua idcd ioi mi Mis

iind loddh i'i >n Hit < Imu h Jx-u*

at huh nervins. chnnli Si h.-ol

inert*. ;it !):.!(> .i tn. wilh 11.ism-s

for nil niii'M im Imltnj? ,iiIh!k. At

7 p.m., H lh mul Si lli U.M.V h.



B ap tize d

, . \ i;urth - , .'

• ' M rdiw •

Cambridpn l>r,, ** S. -Lv. •- 1,

Itev, Arthur W. l-.hi^

■ . ' • ■' ‘-P-Mfttor . • .

..fVo: k|AV"afc' '.'<"Ciri.T;i--.:iif:j Sori-

Jc.y ‘.viH fa »;'4v

"v' .J-h Uvo .Scrvicfts »,.f -Moiy Co:»=-'

sr-jnion lit S .n n , «nd ;>.

The serrjQD«t .littv i.v", /V..Matter tif ..

> JHe.rspedive/" Muud^y S<:hu,l

tu i'. r£c» for &il yf,i.'x> 1 ‘n-

foliowijjj!.: • .;*-:

• fnro'ij'h ^dult v*.t, - M •. ^v;

1 nursery, a^v ihrt^ fhr.'U^n iitv.df-: VM>. ut ti .in.''•’■ • ,

; ' Thw )Wtt>r -‘epri-si'j..} ' {

- .conjifejiiiuon at the Mniyiit meet­

. fci'g oi Luihti/an -Veirar.e Associa-

; xiun o f New Jersey Suturiitty,

O ct. i l at Asbury Park. .

Akrttnafba Comervadve Baptist.

ChurchK.eyporl Ho!m drI Rd.

lla ile t .

Rev4 Iflwre.nce Heed, Pastor

B ibi« .School. vi.Tij be beid at

8.-?i a .m . Thi* p:i.>l';.--,y. sv. n

ut the .IS a m . wm.vhi;.; :>“ r-

.vtee .wiil oe- iu « I'unr. oi -ne

V'me.'’ At ihe femtiiv hour 7

p.m . «hf. th«:»ae wil! ba ">';ndies

m ._Kevel«ti'm*.u

. . Tne praise ynd prayer hour ‘.vilf

b e .h e ld Wednesday at T:;iU,

CAhrary linked Metiwdlsl! Church

T im d m id IK bo/n .Sis.

’ Keypari

Rev, Charles A, Beinler, jr .,

. Pastor ,

On Sunday,/lj*^hsh ^trvircs'

wiU be held at h:30 a .m . in Uia

chape! and at 10:45 a.m . in tha-

wmctuary, ilo fy Communinn iviil

be cvfeorairu u i o .; vices.

Spanish fieivice wd! }>rld di

11 w,m. in tin; ciuipcl. Church

school m ee ts 'it 9:J'J a .m . Jun ior

l/.M.V’ F. n iV. m rci ut. 6 'iOp .m .f

Senior U .M .Y .F .. 7;30 p.m.

The fV ah Kerurmed Church

M iddle Rd . and Poole Ave.

lU d e t

Rev. ilu-odore C. jvlulter, l»astor

Svhid.iy held D: 30

d ’Hl i I. o n> : ine*-niti<; v orship is

at 5); it' and M ;* m. 'ITrre *v:l) h«.'

5!>!y f"otiiin:u:l(ai ,;>!•.! new mem-

bi i's* will tic r> c iv : d iiito i?-;-

( h i 'c K T?se pastor 'vjJl pvraeit

cn i i Invu lvu l in

Chi iv!.;*

Jehovah’s Witnesses-

KcyjH»rf Cofl{;n.gafion

Kifiudunt lla ll, U Division SI.


A Bible talk entitled ' ‘M ake L;p

Yonr M ind as <o Wtiom You Will

Serv»:M w i l l ' l l r,’Vt’n by P. Ziia-

m enna ii at S;.'0 a.m . Sunday. At

IP’30 a.m . the W alchtouer BibJe

x'.udy will he held. The subject

lh<me unvier discussion will be a

continuation of last v»cek*s Icison,

"Conquering the Hvil with the

Good tn Modern I’imps.”

Honored For 1.79**7 it 'V I* o •l rars < >t ,Nt i > i«m'

On Sunday, fj>ur members of

the l Baptist Sunday Sc1hk»1,

Keyport, were honored for & tot­

al of 179 years of service »nd

perfect attendance. P ied Dean,

•S8 lleflumy Rd., lla ih 't , cdiu-

pleted lil years; his son, Fr/x!

I>ean Jr., 41 yenrs, Mrs. Harry

F . Crawford, 34 years, and M ia .

Lola Hyei, 3^ vents.

The Rev. Foment* Gre^oyy,

paMc>r, piesented an interesnng

talk to the eh ild m i hy ir.tmduc-

tii;' "The Pm ! -ntii'v.” Ih* ;Mus-

*ra '(d w ilh the ilnthes pin,

'•'ht pm, fin , i-"hhv pin

sdfeiy j*M', nil dress*.,! to

1 < pt"( ' liii - :il“ IS *>l till nuli-

iM ; liinnlv.

},.»■!. s v.t-M f i .m to

'•.l| At’j ll piM lll.'U 'll.


( ]nil<\'j,t‘ ( !o im 'I; i \<'

I n K r i l

A n i l . . .

■.on* nr.-d I'V T h* -

11Iimi « otnnntii >

lit . J111

lift 1-



li- l.i

U- -I

r i j 11; i


:t I ’i ''*--1 t\ii i inn ■

'I hi't ‘ Iihh'lf IH I

(ii|, ‘ii, t ’ mn '' 'ii!’ .1 I . 111ii■;i’ \M'I I ••pt-.d.' r .11.(1 l * [ ! f '

n'l.ilL'd coif* i’i-

ift hri'ij:

< Mri'-t'nn l-'dn-

t-f ’ hi' F m t


Jl Ml -■ t ht inl,

1 fl.ttril

v.iii lo

|> 'll, i:I

. l-.ry■! HlV's

. Mi. W'-nt Sr.^vi 7:':<rvii>j"; . :.o,j j .-1,;'.-;! -.; j /' >•; 'i f -'.. >n C.-vM,'j.vii v, '

ov<} !>>

vvhft • s.v.briVitv':d them'M !v<?5 S'nr

.^iip-usrii: vrii'ivi? u>u. recog/d/.ed'.

. your.**i: b tfcre Jukcv.ih as-i-.+in*

..ov;r->vhti i.'t'.'v.'ds-salv t.inr* diVJ -have -

yon ;H:ki?o\v!eiI(:t'‘d. ro Iv.iva jhafir.V j.

:?.Aiv;j{ion pr<?»'veilsTr-nr; Vhrn., '

JFa'iher, iiii'ourji liis .!r,;r.n

: . .-V ■ • 'v ■ :- ' ' •

,. -A.Uo "0;-| tne liiisi.s o l 'hi.1* fti-iih '

in (iod to»d ili.s pn*v»s)on (nr sai*'

via 1km, have you dedicat'd yt?ur-

si?lf ;u;rcseivedly iu God lo do

Hi.v Wrill henoefotth/n.s He reveals

j? ;o ihnuijjh jr.-sus Chrtsi

through tht* 13thU:. uoder ihe en-

li;;hien!M£ power nf- hrdy spirlfr'”'

Vo both o ' the.SR quijsti«.»ns «|1

fr«ndtdr.tus an-jtVtr<ru '*' n-s r‘

Mr.'Jakob stm sed to hi.s aa-

dif--ni.e t'liit h«|>tism svinixnt/.v.M a

pe»6‘nJcii le ’-i.tUut liip bfj'.vcWt «n

iixliviJual «nd h‘.v Creaiir. i<: u hectsydry st(;p tv rea>i\«- God's

ap|‘: :>v;i« u.inf i.->'t.j! •*..• </ii

Vv'lso would pin«:v Ms l*-'vt upon fhe

pa/divvay io salvnVinn, ■ Ml., Jukob

staled that iljof-e \vhn \v«\yld

he n.-ost fhjmoiisiiraie'm

jJiiders^.'taUsiiR of the hmd.iiv.eaUi) •

diM'tnres ' set .-fo rth , in G f*d's

W utd. n si'H'vra dr>n« t*-* do His

will ttiul tDosi havo h'Oii^i)* Jho r

lives . imo conformity ■ with ihe

T.Mv.dart'k and - admonii'on set

ft,'ri,h in Mie Bible. . . -

Among lociii icsidentu baptized

Were Juy Ouerslay, 31 Carden

PJ„ ClifJV<KM|# ^vnd C r« i« Powell,

2 tl Matawan ’Ave.,

Baptism whs -eonducttid Jti ihe

P^Hji uf the. F.r^dley fic .u li con-

grv^flhon ol Jt*f-.ov:th,'i Witp.i ssi.-s,

mo«n»; c h u h in ’i/i, lo »k r.ver y jjn o

A uc tio n Sarur/i.iy , ,, ,

-. \ty.i<.»:*:.ii , -iji.'ii .H'sifJt.'/dM vt»'t

■ iki; X--- > < -r.-, yt.ljlo 7'f‘ir‘pi?-

f-'/Uf ’Vn.'i.s-,! A ijrfiou . it.'

l.u'Jci S a il: ,<!ay h'„T/U j'.»i'». -;! -

Te:r»j.‘lc, Ci.-.iieh S I. und A y rm o n t

Lfo>«>.r- • ■ '• • . ’ •

Ih e y iire : M r, and M r s . T nfv-

d'-uo - A uerbach, . M r, a n d Tvlr.s.'

Cieue Di>tiw|ir., ; .Mr. ond ?-lrs.

Julc*? Horde, M l n<5 Mvs. A rn*

oJv,l KairnsKy, aIj, a':d Mts*. M i*'

cb ae l l.e lirhano l, -Mr and M rs ,

Pn.dip t.oilierf’td:;!. M r , und A irs.

• A rthur- . Mul.ter,- Mr, »ind ?1r,s.

Vidton >-.f, V.lvsr, M ;, Mrs,

'I'V.-.Ti, Mr, ' -M*"1-.-K?il.«vr:.:t " v’ i .' . >:u ) • vv /

t'.'«?';jvl ft'oth;and %Tr. 'aad Mrs.

' •- •...•' .

• A7^o Mr. andv Mvi.-• Kt-kbeU .AiWt.., Mr. -and . Mrs,- :*<’.chai-v{

,1 jps-kvr ;u.-d . Ji’rjy '

. "Hw-vcl, :nd Mr. ■ ftnd ■■ Mrs. ’ Bern;an. '.I\’ ' .ond"

'Mrs. Mam ivc Siibtrman,' Old Hridp.n. .

Thi* po^iuns wil J suem! a 'si'e-

daf 7 e l m p t r t y . *e-

vi^-v of - iiu; ;/*rt--'svMfh, hi be pre-

*■ V--U’v? -:-r -hy t (di,

K < • ■ :s ;nvl v‘rc\phiy'S hy " tn.i'ft-

f.-e ■ hy Hnvvard' /

Li1: iHvrrvilh'. '

. , Tk'Uc!^. for ihe';. patrons!1,, ro- .'

■ vn-"1, y.'I.-.iv- ■;', •.v.’l.- c-ut'kic -

ho ld tis to free adniissian'/'to :hs- ‘

■ ii.i-.-r.o", *i.S i'i*/! •' ni :: •' Kt--ntana &tvy.bii, are ..uVaiiabt®

:by 'r-?Unu '-Ck^Yui - ^ '

i)n:-;s:ir*n thheis to. the. auction ;

•*i'l r>c aN;iiIjl;do id. the ‘<Wr/\

D r W\ Soekman

Is Roll (kill SpeakerIV Ksdph W. S..U- kliWU:, i.;;e ‘A

the he>r hnown c ’tr^yi.nen jm the

I'o itcd iilateft, \v:U he tho j/K-fdv'-

*.r Si:hd:.ty rhe K'.-I! CaM se'r-

vh.-e .-I Sf. ,lnhn':- M< ’.he-

divt Chureh/ Ib i ic i . io bo hi*ki

at y; Lit* jv.u:, h; addition to hei.n«

Maranatlm Most

C o u fe i’csKoT«.‘' 1-1 l kt i il


HonoredSt. h.-tM-pu's l-vreivt - T e e n e r

As:'.;-: •- e V.r v ::! n. ’Ja vii'-,-f ;in:r;Y0?'-^iry ( rlf'-r ;i T »•>**.

OO . 1 at

Keyf.x'ii. r i '-n’l'i-r S^ter M::ty

Hrsim, |''f!ii*. 1 Mrs. V.’a)ter sa- iiiv.vd-. d.

Mas.* ' ' ;e* t.Ili-ied hv the Rev.

.T*;[,n D/«;:n.j, atl:r.i';;s !ia lur, f\:l-

lowed hy d m o t io n wilh r

sandwicbeH, rake and cohfcr, m

the school cafeteria,

(itn“]tf> included Si.»ic-i B iian 's

lainily, priests find sisters oi the

parish, ^a ien is n m i/fe n d ? , ulonj*

with students from the sixth, sev­

enth mid eighth grades.

l/|»on ^i-nhiati.’ig from St.

Mary's, Perth Amboy. SiMcr

5ti5 tioimdej Kd., >jazi«t, wh'l hold

its first MKk'onar\ Coiui .ence fm

CJ* !. 10, )J and !!:. The Ftidny

scrvice U'd h*n;a:«. the

Rev. limM t>h;ea of the Miss,ion

{o ihe J (a s . New York, the


S.suudav Vjiftii vorvico wdl ten-

tun- Misx Oon.'Sliy l ’.<try, nii^n'ti-

i»ry i*.} ’ An:-'.':;-.,. .:*.•*• v ’ih:

on jnr;0'ij.j h. r»s thv speaker, PoHi

1‘ridny .i_nd S:iiurv!jy ^ ':*vie!^ '.v»!*

Su'-fuiy '-s v, J! U1 L;’i'ih mi., i ! k o;. and V p.m . Tn*

spi-.iRfis i.--r f!ii'«■ .-.irvuvs w:!t bv the i ( h ' o y \V.l!tO:l.

a d e . i ^ / n n n , I h , S o rk rm i)

Ir. a .wo;'d ir:«v«-.hVr, a'--- j-r ;■•,.!■

^heO(/ij;inu v-ho hn^ he*..*n liiiili’d ns ‘ !;e "D???. r* t'>^ <k?’V.riro.r,

i ’roteKl.i-V. .

. "3f* a p.ij{ etouiucic'd hy . the

C hriu .tin i Cvnl.t-iy,- he ^va.s'i«an)ed

one oi' tiie ,m'v i<Memo>t clergy­

men of Christendom. Ur, Sock*

n«frrt itii.s pashj red Christ Cheixh

M ednw lst. P a ih - A v e . ,n.d OUth

St., Nt-«v S 'ork, th’r*;iij4h<'ut Ids

piiv'i-c 4^ v e a is in the n iirds lrv .

|)r. .St,»:k‘n.ii'. /i.ii heid «,uiti:nM-;.:i

r,»dio p io j!ra .,'|b s ince JW&. i.Vv

Iv tte r r .ok:-: ir v lu d '1 “Toe

U 'jihe r 1 IcppiijL-*:-;,'* “ Ho-.v To'-'P.e-

Iieve ,'* ‘ ‘ Ih e sVlioht A re im n of

Cv-d,” “ M.i.n's love'* and many

others. {->•(“ o[ *::■* hoolo-', "'Ihe

J.vnd's I'juy i'i,’' A'id ht* ihe b«-

si:> ‘A <i O'ir >l.'>k ■> vim ‘*»'il;£; ))!*.’-'.d foIr-:-;:; t!;:s \cai'.

St. Jr.,V ‘« '!l rctrhr?jic its

lVr-tii vc-.-fr *-f (.lirislM?! ‘ f'lV.'ef-

•..-.•'••i -,>• t.u.l <--..t>vnh• illuMy.

■ i V:V- {vr

err vpr drSt-i',a>!'-e IWipt'.jt i\.W:i,yn '.I'1- ■ •i Society , iOiU C hut It liuta-ly, ;vnv*

sL r;ary Ap|X*i:!?'-f- to th t Iv*/.ry

Const u nd i'r ihe Cetn-ei\at:ve

R a p h s i tV:rfi)»n Mis-siori S oc itfy .

Tho ft* w ill be f-pf.col m uvio.

jn isM onary slides, rni.ssk>aaiy d is ­

p lays at y.\ s e n ic f t . .

The pnhiic is cordially Invited

to attend the.^'

'.vi:'! S t. 1

;!! , > e . ! - t hl-h. ’ !(»•!• tl.

mnnil'v' t i i f h 'v-‘ lv5 H' irn

■n !M':!

r** \tefi

* Advertise I'cr Results

ClassiluHl Bdverdsemcnts in

this newspaper briny re.suii.s.

Call i t ’4 jf^iO by lue.sday at 4

p m to Items for .sale.

Used ear ads are especially



V:U‘if,t P c ;*n c r b e m 'np-

j-,;•.!«>! c^n ti.r ftir Templr. Both

A h ;n , ’.h .o.uv^n, ih*; t'o-is. :*a«

i»\e Coiu;unation •: Ihe hr*y-

M r P< >: TM*-r V.iV'

n n ; ly :.*i siadyin jr u t the*

;> i1* 'r.-.e a n> I'r.i.s-

M --S v-.i'ti ;J‘j ill*, canhiii.d «.cr-

tthe .ne . . • .

Mr. J\-M-ici'.s Jn.’ i’.'s for Ti-nv

pli* Heth A-i;:l .siil i:k hide smil*

jf.ji at all Sabbath services, High

Holiday and K ts tu a l services'.‘

.dunvij; the ci'UiM of the year

from September thte;n*h June

u.ssistiuj> where possible in Bat '

and Har Mitzvah stiuhes imd

supervi.sinj* tlio hiy choir.

S I.V lhR M A RY 11 HI AN

M ary Hrian enteret! the Sihteis

of Merrv Htnl made ht t vows in

1IM4. Mie reeeived a Mai l-elor’s D e i'h '" 'i'>!M (,.<i/ t i,in <'«>nrt ( Hl-

h|it‘, liil.fuiH'il, hirl n Mastfi'*

nei;ri-i: ?:fnn Si ton iiall } ''nvei-







ttn.k las.

Hi ■: tii

‘••'ph '1 . *

Of p .: ,

p,t‘ f t i . ’

Sn '- i

I 111' iovc

her | mi 1

io Inr a

live : in r

a . •>. ’



'•d a

ft ■ r


v ''-‘i

. .•••. ■ .'v

"i on' I'M'

11. I.r.s ':«-r V(" a*i.»n to

,i;.tl ' 11 .'in h'i i i 'i ’ui ' I

n. jiM.l ft.o n ly . Ih r nv-t*

: lift i ■ il life is “To ■hilly, .Omply nnd**


Compounded Quarterly





j hnse iid 'T eslod Iii all) mlinp.

ar«* it’.krd to l.’iin jt a h"K miji-

|iev, lJe v eu 4;o w ill bo mm ved.

•Tnlav''t «h iv I'll', I • P‘M oi llV on

iiij-iifj i n‘r»l expre* ?.'.\ a\ I n-

»JIM I l1 *■ ,1 rt.-f*, ( f 'd jii(h’ 111' 111,

•;kiiI. ’in' , lei 'ness liJ'h.»w*Vi :• a few v< .n •» iij i'. at cm (Imi: t» 1! e

l i is l i lm f tm Salej I.iv n i!’ . I.»jatth Iy im p f iM n t a* your e v i ( I i*v-

ln j; u liility )?• the !t'ht!iln-n id

yonr tar, (Sn«id iiii'.'inj* ih iii.nitiH

top mi•eh.tme;i| am i phy ‘ it ,|l p ’ l •

fo inunn .e ,

NATIONAL B LJiwutJi County



bmm ^fceard & » * »

?>i‘ *»nisr R .w llM f h « n ,« ‘ 1 I ' ^

5 i* V c l-a. *■ W -

fc'fl , 'V i : ■;* , >■ . ' , " ^W-’ w- ,1 ‘s i I ' i in

r ' fl 'M < . ■') 1 t r

'iwm:.u li-.!:ri;.:y

V ^ % , . /u . i « —'c i - r m

SMO'lUJ > IK !• I'a tl'lt-

Tf«> * ( i t it. i , ,p -p-i t rr>“ t vl

#o •I'cjsluee i i w i t o t cl.f

•;:U>e«-cwsi o t Y ietnaw . it servsd

: ti'trfe >.? ■$ iin.'l of lbs U /i. Sfc".'-

;■ -*b4!s lJ le e fa o » r r ir r ■iSrifcng force.

£>ur;!'£ -—.ii '-"C i^n.caS o:-

: t-taUon: <;<r i ,'.v iiyr'0 .*nl

Ss-nilirt'o i sir in (.,>< r' >

JSlfJid. ( I '\ n ft N . iy * 1 \.«fi in '

. As the end ot !:ie 'he ! ;■

:_ to ’)«teroks foeM-inf -J;'.* first c.r-

tie r v 1 <,<,ni«p,u» ( iv < 1 1 *»-

.)5kiymt;n.ts M VU-:i',:n: . ,; ■ :

g S S ^ j jp j j



centerTRV|N& -

to tk#-tMlcuIty- your

car «4f> w&sta & M ef Hffi*

«r<4 L«l th« pfo*oet’art«U

Dlafnone C«ni«r f>m-

poinl your- pr«bl«sn >pdft} for you.

Utin5 hijlii/- «ar*i>{l»* fk*vltv*'HQ

Iviflng •quipm«n>, Br»59i *xp*rt

m*cbitilu<*n put $k*)f iin9 «i> on your dlftayJly, A written ch -cfc-

■ ‘i « * ano rvcommtn* dsHor.s 9«vw. In ■rfnte^g run

you'll fintj If co<>i you' ?csi and

wv«» ■••■ ■




B r ig g sM AIN ST. SO. AJW80Y

7 2 1 - 1 4 0 0

'nif>v<’ s r <• t1 ,i

A irm an Tho-v >. > C, i o r c .n

ot M r. 4 j::I Mrs. "jijhi-, j . .

11 Franciscan \Yav; 5!;«K 't, h»K‘

■ eoropteiea t'asic training af. -baik*-.

land AFO . Tex, Ht1 mis been as*-

• tinned to MwppaHl .A! L>. le t..■ for•■■trwufag I n : a ir c ra f t ‘imeoirt- •

nance. A irman Gough 1 s i IVrJ. graauflo ot Karitan H igh Scrwftl,

1 i-»twfvr red rJi>

g ,iff/S ,jt. Jam es F, R-Mrtv'.-J

Ir VS A jr Turct!. sou of M is.

A Millie, iU Maple H , Keypor*,

it being trttnsforred 'o Mudrirt,

SpB lll......... , :..

-Hi* wife, tho ((.(Bier-Angdiwra

G a iy d , . Zarng;«a, Spain, *nu

: t.heir son, .Jemes 111. prftSfiiUly

are vismhig at Mr*. Recl}lsld>

homii ia du« to the loss otuiCii' huliia lii Bliuxi, uu(.

ing hurrivime'Cam illa oil Aug. IT.

•..-.Sgt. RtUfieW formerly was «c-

Rigncd io Ktesler A ir Force llsse

in Biloxi. Mis«. ,

A rr lvw l« Alaska

U.S. Air Fnrqi; Serj;w nl Ron­

ald B. W a y * . k « i of Mr. snd

Mrs.:.: A lbert W»y<!e. l ark

■ Ave.. Union Beach, has arrived ■

for duty n l Shcmya A ir Fores

Station, Alasiia. ..... . . ■. ,

. Syt. WaycJc,' a mason, -!* ■'*«•.

signed w u m .hi uf me Aeroapaco

Deftiuse Coininiiiid. He -previous- :

ly served at March AFB, Calif.Thn sergeant is a 1S6B graduate

of Keyport ] li.'K Scl’.nol.

3 E A T - T H E - R U S H S A L E

“Town & Country"« 0 » IJ •- Vvutc . . W M j F70«I4 - W 1 H ....................

/’00.I3 - Wliilft ................ *21.70 j S55.I4 - ....................

775x14 - Wliito ................ JJ2.64 VtlOil 5 - Whila .............; •.White \ .. v.C.T. kli pc

Enport Wheel Alfgnmunl And Bralte Service; .


V\h Are*’* Fflitutf GrowUg , Tiffl Sale*


R o u t e 5 1 6 & M a i n S t . 5 6 6 - 9 5 8 0 M a t a w a n

sghesf rates allowed by federal regulation

on sayings

interest "day of deposit today of withdrawal1

Provldorl n inlnFmum bcifrinco Is

m nln la lnnd to Ilio end of llie qiKirlor

IH li/|


H E L P YOU ?A N D 'Z’l « J H 'r C O M I >/\N\’AHinhUf»» » A'lnr town • MfMilny n\nntf aiir rinird.l iw • Pt, IImuhoiilh » • Pfovfw.i.t »v.*.i»Loi'B nfi»i.r*W5> . MmihofO • M«mwnn * N«(<ltii,«t (’.ilv

... . b /g g &s t a s s e j * /

$& ;& V fC £ t s O U R

. -Set***. S.0 .

»-Miii. r^iv ''f'-pf 0.

. x.i Ciib:un;.ia A'-"’- lU i^cL u w v-

v.'^ r,i;r.,?ii fv>/;*?>fIf-

xh-n '-'-I in V ic t im , - .

\n uJi i-J yryyt! L5i:fe; fc i ' VU‘?.-

r-.n\ \}w b t ; -vi;'!;

res-c^e i'tx'-vi wp

m vuav-i 'cisies■ ha . by hui.n-

VM)*' • ’

.. iff -xMi*}

' V-y'i.-jv'udc t?f Cp<

ri5 i^ ^ ^cilvUc;; (oj- U.S. '

Ou^tjp Tri ' •

’ The bfjUiilioii ' w

c: at \VviO; '.jiiij .'ii-'Uiii Vit'tiiuiiii'aC- pr- iilt--. . .

At ) y.M<biS A I R

./Vv ti.* 1 F^r^et d/Oi'.r;

t f r i nf . f a o u )

lutfe-r^pt «- onriri! tr.e w h k-

.f if *. .v.r:j Kir.-

rfa.'*/-tne jspecnina fr •

i tt t» ‘ » 1irilcicepL and kn l «'-t

-• ••. .. ••■-■ ■ •■>,■..•• -•'■.'I ' v •••. ■ •••■ ••?;•. A.-J \ i * V -1; . .st:", .

■ ol. M rs. OorotBV.-W.- K.vkihi) u{ J .

i j y n ,1 R(‘„ M tirjv- , iw , ,> n

wsw.-J »t ih » p p a rd - A fB . lex .,

■from th? iraiuiiij.* cour'-fi. inr US .

Au' I v-i -t.- vviic.ruU ii-.- ■ ■

•.,. A irm m i iH 'awn. -a IfiW str?*.!.

«a le of Mutaiean Regional )li(:h

School, n 1 hvmj, assmant) to Irnv-

1 in A M i Ca.of., for tiutv wstn «

unit o f the M ilitary Airlift com-

Serve* In HfiWilf

' IJ. S.'.Air.'.Force Ca|itahVHarry, H Curotiicrs <011 of Mr.: anti

Mr*.. Harry Carofliem ,- 6 Union

St,, Mutawan, has ''a rrived f(Vr

: dsity at H lckajn AFB. Hawaii.

:- C a in . \;ai others, a >ier-.

, cutes pilot, is assigned tc a uAit

-,0 < the Air Force. CVjUimunii-a-

tions St-rvice. He , previously

se rved ' nt Chi:’g Churn' Kang

AB, T a iw an .: ; ..............

.; Thif' captain has ’ completed « :

(our of d u ty 'in . Vietnam.

; A I95il r graduate; of - f.latavvan

High . ; S choo l,': h e . re a 'iw d his .

B . A. decree from I.ehigh .Uni-

VBtsity, Bethlehem, Ta., and .

wait commissioned ihero in 1904

■■through the Reserve Officer*

'.Training Corps program.

Hia wife is lha former I.l»a

Cher, iron) Taiwan.

Stationed fn Virginia

U.S. A ir Force Captain Thoma*

T, Starnes jr., srni of Mr. and

Mrs. Thomas T. Staines, 30-1 M ain

St., Matawan, has arrived for du­

ty at Springfield, Va.

Oapt. Staines, an ftdmlnlstra-

tlv« manage-nent officer, in as­

signed tn thc U.S. Armed Forces

Postal Courier Service. He pra-

vfousiy served at Tun Son N lm t

AB, Vietnam.

. Tlio, Ciip'.ulii, a i:)ri5 jii'ad>i»te

of. M a u w a n High School, was

commissioned in 10G2 upon coin-

plsiion cf Officer Caiididuta


His wife, Violet, is tho daugK-

ler of Mrs. M aijjarct Schlussor

of 830 Countryside Trailer Court,

Fargo, N.D.

1 i J ' ’ - -

1 1 • \\’LV> ,y - m u at t j r i i i j ! i :A.*-3.

a i t i ’ iC ' I t W ')» I »7Si-fe’UMH" L. I tl It B'l’j *I|-(I« & i :yi:s. hrm-.w J . th) J IU U LJU i- t.

' ,A> thic-rf

woclis of DainD'H .■ w ith .- ctkvr :

memacrs pt-his unit,,

: A irm an ■ Or. tffclla, « ■ Rr»'*iai e .of ivist Bm nnw irx H igh School, ’

i;l»'.-iidc(i ;ci- iii-'-.iirs/ty Cj i ' : :

■ iw tnd , "Jaco.nin, Wash. ■ :

liis wife, Karen, is the dauj;!i-

i«r of Josoph I . De Della, .299

Morgan Avc-.,:Otrt ^ t i d ^

■ Airman'J.W BeiLl i» an a!r 11: 01-

w;;i--:ii :..... ;h< Ay i i- l-.m.!'

I'.'rirt^.in^'ii iATy.’) ':'■i — - ", 71

•li'.!.-] ■■;.{ '''.. i ‘I 1 ’ K.. VVflNr'l.

i u i1. a*.;’..-.';! t!'.-?.

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SliV.-i Us\ lJ.SS

. ^r;vr:ylit. ^ iiva, .

U'Sf., ,;."r- *.‘» Mi'. r.-iU ;VJ.

t* " 1. ruiv.i jr., firj Dr.,

• Ji W‘f. Bi.’.k'h, is s^ivu'f. :

rhv uuvjv.U viirfi^r

!?'i V-rrn;j!-.-;...... •;•"V v b - - /) =

<I*i.ri ‘'vmrsiU >. ru-s.c Vw v .

. Cfu / ’.'{.Sl •<-, SIC

■ <vi - i ; U v i s ’ i v •. r'-v.'p Wyis;

;|V.'’.a-d{:d '?.s O/LVU'.'d .t'b.VP. t JV-.

of r!;»: 'Vii-'i'v.uii ' -■

• ji i>«: -a'tViicd lo?'

*'<>4in - *:-v; .wws*- i\y, ihit r

8 e i I k i i l I n T h e f t

luMly lo - bt’U, -w:ly “o rise- h'i!pj>-malu* h srfi: t\cW<i\Pari[.ruQ i.s a ir.ji' hri.hw.3y kill.-.v

,«c :ryrO'u:K iu ■ th\\’ -m:-Snf^r U V tf - rta-

.son why moru p^opJp.-art* .<nj;uct|

or du tin^ late a fifiiigon or

ev#-«i g h‘*wr!>- t.hstt:«t-«ny' other time ijf -dav,- -

h,.1i.ii -si i>. l i£S‘.r5. - ,

•>i-« .:;i' iOi ^vi-iiv .T i'a .

, V 'Sr-

~<\.va • «fi<; ?>'»•

<,■! ths: t\,i;

il ’v..]?'. (;.f * \rr-tP.T-k1 '*:V.ns.>-\pita-*-- iif Cl'fi'v.' * I =Vi S;>;

R-' f: , i . v : (i

:.iy--'u waVivlitr j-.-i r.‘- '-:at<sv.» ihe i-fTr-ir • him.. «

. y-’iiU;.:/;.;-, !!>• .Gi.:» i't .

i.'H ]'•:(y i ;?rr Ai'ii II

l y j .;j rk f kt».

>hr.f.\ Uir r<.ssps:r:.C'ii o5 a hvp.j- Uc.i jr< 1 <* . ■ ' '

■ N.D.''A'-r:f >.7i i:.u!frt'rv.r7-h.r'*r

r,-.\ ih f .Si.iit*. i;\. !:..

puio .v- a!;!i nis-:.

it-.v.jisi. ‘Nt.rharv; D. A.:-..■- -.- v'r; r-il R '

ihe n a j^ .v jy -\ia :l w f*. :h&; - ?:*»;•■ ;M:d S' p r i s <*!? *!uy-'; - ImV

■oiv.t. 'Vi.oT.' jr .., \\xiys ■ pr.ifr* ;,iul Ifrc'-sr.s "

Vs *btv rnr-i? 'ji] .A 'an

Vh.’jn-'S, rJ5 Or'.V L a.lon "

Bvioij,, w a i

fur igu I'st>c Ofi Kr-i;!i- u/ni

hv wi:-> oft thf? roruJ -30 -{fays, •

paW iY<-.i V,yt'r; ot 525. ?')> conienjpt

ot cum;t ci>d on** ’-)t V-5. O a r*-g-

vilur eOun!f», He paid .$5 .snrf $5

c(i«fs -f(if an u rre^ is ttrcd ’ vfhiclw

"»:d i'*W: W i'.v S\jt ' 'M\t, I 4; iJ.i’vr'.- ^ I...

v tJ;.. v :a s , r J > J

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V.T. " T » " j ; - I T .v S, '.til '

Ootv.4 irlcoruiiiiUi

less W . :l|aefei rS|siswM u t u a l


Life, Auto and Homeowner Poikie»" sAfeco•. ...- -s,...; - ■ . .in s u b a n c ^

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TRAY TABLE SETifylrir \ ;i * 1* 1 fc. / )

^ . “Assrf 'sssr ACME S TABLE.A.WEEK PLAN


H E IN Z K E T C H U P ............................... 3 .« '1- K S R W E L C O B W l.......................................8 i 1: * |

* 1 S l k K O B E E T S ..................................... 8 - * 1

.AODtflAliXLHAY1 WITH UttOlOO punCHAlt rK/o vritH (lO.oo put-


o ra n c e juice..... .............6lo 'm i ISIANO

■ K r o r r LAnm


”- 5 1 *


ROUTES 35 .md 36

fcftetm* fRiR«........... ,.,.131 *1

........ .

M c i N I O S i i A P 8 » l i ' ^ ........

............................. .. 1 9 '1 a- f.E riy ................ ^ 9 r

• w c a r s u 1 9 * „31'.=.29*.


MA7j V-MIR t s . 3 4 nnd C a m b r i d g e D r .

raaj*W A N J O O S N A L N , ,L '

Cedar Midge Lmer 184$

h i Fir®I Varsity Game

Kelly’s First O f;M r&& Minis .Thai Mimm

1 fr , 'Iz-J,Is •»«:» J.liJ w TiJ.

.• k o» i I 3.

t '{* tJi

. C&h? ft'd:-;* UiU:;< .Sc ne<d';- >;cv1'

Ven^fpi ' il'to .Vi>*'5-V>.V fowbilU bdt.-

,p »V )* !' M '

**- Ir^'MTn firTrn* t**

j i v ?' V» XxMwif III'- Mi Kp u £flwC<J h i*„l v ’**

f'®wAartM<:h <?L s chan te :'tm ft rhvii-.-

‘Control. /i b ag time f/.vp-'

ranked ©,'iJ •.i'fit«bh{vnod" ptnver :r.

.■•intpf«ehot95£lcr'•• footb^T* & the

• itwtc,. !>.{f; OtdCOftM? WUtt n.u:yv'f-

■ 'ftns^ 'T h j ,Cl3l2 2!rii..WC?'J>.Si'»ri«(>>*j-

9!: Uw-ntcfrAHilHJs 01 R im h ih fjg in

4 t i« . Central;: Group- -XV,

■ •.'•>' ■ ■■'.■ •■■ •■ ■ ■

. A% tbatr Lhe r>ew. school’* team

. £C<j<.*»tiCs* 1 i"*srj ir>*r/W.a UiVOrUOly

. ors .i.Htt defensive side 'Th th a t

Trebb;/! could not'rol} up: «

:MQt% o ft ' ih e m ,: ‘O n .: the- offense,

- C*vlg.tfr$; were’•bad :o f f ^ They

pcnetrat*?;. inside. tho

/Tt-n;adt>«3 4 iy a rd line/-...;-- ; v ; ;-.'

- - :Cedar, RXdtfe: \ya& in the, bail $aimv ali':,.’t»>.f*: - vm#;. tn the J;\H

\ quarter. ’ Th-y («m v , * ! of-'.l«. rum .",* ‘y»»i»iw

<*!\lyy~0, «o a lucfvy - ? ! ■: \ ' Pa.«in* .'••<r--.f j /:> •

- pu t ^ b e c i’ fthrad.; f ; v h s i h a l f , :- - f-W* - •••*• Pn?>t«

fo'tr- -;-'h••-'••• ;-iVa*Ui? ,>JS 'iS?U '.

»S•s ty *> r>}\T v '1 (<i .1

e wit / - Q x >'t,

Ki'-'i.'--’ H't T’.l

.&. faf-.ij. u'*i '.c. i'jj;

■&rv • ••. ■. ■ ■:- •. :•■•■•■• ••'. ■ . 1 • •

•v.''Trtrniim i<;T'1 *, .,y(.V/iii:l:,t«v

jD t/'.'Si.iiji.'tt.ifj.' ’.J.'rv 1 'ty nrl'.lii: ?.YhCKt vi lib- T)iJiI flairvirv; mr-

C^lar Ridtiv... .six nn-iv*

im o l ihe / i vatoVs th»: Uyuii-ir* -■■: ■ • -■ ■

-T»w miR3s.t hav*i bi.tu h*ss' of- ft :erttin;tv for foe T

hadn«!. (.'iiw f P-;#<? u »-

fj'ir-ji ■'fi »V '1 ( ' } J t * 1 ^ iVm-

»icj lij pv'.'L. »fi 71 •?. -d CjtHlii »

v«iv ft.- f*»urtK and .U w jio

tfiri; -iVo.nj. their ' V.^-yur0 i;ne,

’wt2r«. bcrjlud cnty^ b ^ ar 1 ,

jun'.lv.r^, so that she.-rewHu'jj*',

toucndt>’ATi fur .Trenton tuok ;t\v<>y

Ihel?,cham':t‘; Kpuuy surpxiH^.

play '<t!id bolt i;uo the ka&. .

M s s i a w a i i A i a v v t ? ^ K

2 ■ i-t i i . J ¥ iM' Ji A£ I i » t > I i

n ^ v s d d y . O c t o b ^ f ' 2 , ?

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- V? --L " -■-■= ■ = -■■ ■ ■ - — “-_rV--=" ." - * -r=: l :


4 iy 5 45

l3 ::Ti- #*:


f M

. KU



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(Opp, Sayrowoodt Shopping Contpr)

72 -0500

MlArib^roS dei^ipalwn n? s. p w Mcid waa mudi> a s ..'..- it. *.:.»»?« » vo »*• *i» u. , ? >o,»h«?.!.ui • J.» «ls \r.uis: ^n®

N*«y <r«i» Keyport rjyfcnd«rs fur rvji* of 7S /.»»d 53 vsr ds lor toucJulywns. Hv h yriuwn »ln«ve jXK*(lirig pa« Ktiypt>ri defenders

-IlSfii CWrjtflwiio,. fio. .H7, • und Mlks lobuv-No. 85, on hi* »vcy in ■ th » first -scars.vJuha. Vaarg, No. (s prepared to block out tho two

K«yjxvrt players'it they try io puli Kcliy dowu.-frwit behind.

Koypprf plavcr* »a Iheir M>n<»h >t»d Keypori fails* in ih* sn»nd.s c*« bs seea vrUaeiiitiAg. this uufornjnutft d«>volopi«oftl for fbe-Rod'RuUlerv

First Marlboro Grid; Victory,

Triumph By 30-8 Over KeyportKutgsrs Stadium wus wot thff fruc ynrdi. A acteen paw, To«i-

"octly piac4 vhere football history ,j bL‘rlin*ti>Mark: Erdtnufm. mu<i« vyus made Soturday. Up. *1 the -..only thm* yord«. Tomberim was

DifrW Viariboro.’H ^H School Stad-',•. 'tipppftd cold, on n fako p»)« play lam. ih® Mustanga of JVl«f!bcu:o ' OO' fourth down and Keyfu.^^ r,*f-

High -iucked vp tha first win of covwad tha ball at Iheitv owii 3V

. vV.rnity.'carccr,' i 30 5 »ii«V ft# Uiy vjucirn*r endert. ’ ,

laclfing of Keyport to: saja !•« w«a thrown for a los«''

•**"?* iw M»* blaivke.i by th» 0„ ^ , 1 , fan„;,ls play of !h.Ked Raiders !ust yedi.

In th® first quarter, tho Mas-

• Ungft :mad<i two peuetr&tioiu ot Keyport tcrntbiy but wer* atop*

pad/. The Kflrt Ruidsra took th« Oldening kickoff, Bill Calvert,run-

ning it out from the 10 lo his ov*n

31. KHS hope* ro.>e quickly whon

.. Mark. Kulimfenski mndft sweeps

lor eight yajds la two dowi^s. But,

whefr'he in«<l« x Hist down/ th* first bad break hit ihi Red and

White. They were penalized fiv*

yards .fur - offside." Calvert oniy

Could; get two-yards vm a draw pl«y, «n they had to kick on

fourth down. Bruce Catey sent ,a

good boot f.o the Marlboro 2/i, b\U '• Jhn Alexander brought it bnck to

th,u MusUugs' 4-1.

Thfl Keys scorned to have their

’.rivals ehet:kt.’( i piling up iwu

. rushes. But Alex.'imb'v shovel- passed lo Tnmberfin for eij'ht

ya^ds. On fourth down with four

to ho from the KHS W Tomber-

Tin sliced up conter for four

yards on u new first down ut tiie

Hod Raiders’ 32. Paul Fsposllo

Biivvid thw Red Kuidvvs l\evf» hy

recovering * fumble on thn nf>;t


Ti\e Keys were lu tvouWa fU-.Ut

awuy UM^in. Rushes by Hsposito and Kabiszit»nski netted them a

fourth down and twa-to-uo siu>*\*

tion. They eU'Ctcd to kitJ^ bat n

bad pass from Cfntcr tenuU^d hi

Carey being thrown on his own

.37,"where the b^H ^vent over to Marlboro. Kelly go! his first ball-

carrying in on an end-a round

'play, hut he was thrown for a

six*yaid losa, H« then tiied a

straight rush bat wan held to

-second quarter,, Kalusziciukl

broke loose,across the field for

live yard*. : ‘but, it wns fourth down. Carey booted out on the

M uslan^a JVyHrd Hn«, Then U , .happened, for a first time, Kelly .. w ie ly . ahatteied. They k»ek-od

" o f f : short , .and Marlboro had

» d ’ it around end thtv dstrA

potnfjt nnd Keyport was bock m the ball game, ltf-8f .

These fireworks o r play did not Mrtrlboro down a/Vtrr

.: the n**xf kirkof?’. ilv.r.

Keypori .could do nothing, but

punt back The Miunnnga got over into KHS .tewUory, but

stalled ^galn und the Red R a id ­

ers were locked in down on their

. own 16 u i . ihe first half ended.

- Whatever hopes' KcypftrL built up. dy.r!njt tbe: inlermls^on wer«.





r_ por U* annum

A v a i la b le f r o m $1 0 0 0 in

m u lt ip le s o f > 1 0 0 t h e r e ­

a f te r . E a rn s fro m d a te

o f purchase.

got out around right, on a tackle slant and ue ’s 'away 65 yards for

'.ihe fir#* touchdown .o' Ih* gaine.;

TomberlW bargetV up center- for

the extra point and the'Mustangs

led, SO. ;

, Keyport's sagging spirus - were Kalus/.ienski, wlu im>k the ensuing kickoff ai his own 20

and jaced across field to where

he finally" wits 'forced out of

bounds al the Marlboro 40. This

gavo lhe Keys goo J field position,

but thoy iusi ii rjghc wway. On «

first attempt to forwuid p:o;.st

C'aK-ert pHS’ied tleep but >;eyri}»d

U\i texieivers.

Ou a svtond attempt to imss,

it wns worse. li*i was Jiojoiht.’rctl

undvr for a utne-yaid los< (»tv ttie

third ntiernpt, there was it reul disa&tiM'. tHH'ing tlw. pus> "i't

wh«n hurried by M^sUru hiie*

inyn. (‘nlvort *»»sr;fil fo tht* Marl­

boro 2-, but waiting Uitut) Wcus

not a KHS receiver, instead, ihe

Most'-inss' A!e.\:inder, wb.o cwvi up with u nice interception,

On tlio next play fiom .scrim- hki^c, lv:i!v wa.? ittinit the

lint'- with hlockcrs alw’nd of bin;

and ho ieotraced ^ yards tor tho second Mustany touchdown. Then Tomberlin passed to M;;* Ken/ie for the extra point. But the lfl-0 score stood only u tht ensuing kickoff which F^posilo took al hi«t own 22, raced back to the -14, then laterallod off to Dennis Pavone who bolted awiiy from nil Blue and Gold tackiers to go the distance fnr the t^uch*

down. Kalwutenski then hotfoot-

possession, on :, their pwn r. j j Erdmann bucked . to the M ua- langw 44, S- then ;. McKenzie wai

piled up. I\*sHy next shot straight up cetiier, raced .:Uuough the KHS d*f?itsive backfi^id and oha&ed downfittld fov his AliUd loucbdown of the cftiy. Erdmann smashed;." through the stunned Keyponer* for the extra point lo make it 24-8 -

Misfortune was not to end for Keyport. Esposito got th« kick- off hack to hts 21 An-offside penalty .set tiie Red fiuidurs back fivo ynrds. r<ilveu trit-d !«.»

off .a de-spHratlor. pa.^, but tha Wuslangst’ John Koilar ftfabbed It off at liu1 20 and ran down to

the KHS 9. A vAinu play v.'iU Tomherim avouwl end and into the end zont* for the score to

bury Key?.»*»rt, 3t'*S.

KvWjmviI *,*»Ph-: .v i. •c; i it

— MacKoy. C.wcy, ti'.i1-*

S t r a t h m o r e S o f t b a S !

;. Bill’s UcjMors will fnce -Mul3ev

Chevrolet Sunday ac 0:30 at

Beers St. Field. Ac >'Uke.U t»t

Amedcati Division championship

of lhe Strathmore, ■ Softball.:

. ’ " ' -.v'. . •'. ■' - -■

Muller's has known 'since July,

.4 , ii will -be. occupied iti a .divl*

siosv playoff, hue Bill’s didn't

rnalvG It Siiudsy v-Kcu it Ivoh u R.S itt

Indian Hill 'ScIkkiI, Hulnridel. TH*

g»tn9 moved front Oak

Shades, th« schedtjfed site, be*

cause overr.lght. rains had made

the field unplayable. . ’ .

Bill's had its problems with

Pmncone’s before breuklnj*; a 2-2

Uu with three runs iu the

idng. Brendan Duwson'w Iwo-tun

homer lo! lefv temer was the big :

blow in the rally,

tt i’a scored one more, (n ..the j

sixth, and that proved lo bo lhe .:

difference as Piancoue’s counter*

. ed with one In the sixth and tw o ,

ia the seventh, ’lom Siuioow's

fine catch of a foul pop broke

the back o( iht* flevciuh-innir.g .


tprt.- • • soi*. T"bi.t.

Tufklns l<*v.

c;pntoi- -• t— I'.u'ouiv’v’J.

KiliiuJiiii >ol, !’' Ihorii tnj>

Kii-i. - C:'n i , Bi jv ii, S-u\»u,


Karilau vSccouds

Kip l-’i< obold JVHaritna javvresi m^de niinre-

mcat of their Freeho'd rival*

Monday, romping to a 34-0 win.

Hiro Schru^jjs pot off a 4*»-yard

rur; In the first period.Iu tht* Secorui o;:aiier, t it «

ROCket*- sMeon.-br^s S'.^red threa

lintcs. Jeff liormiM\ mude two

of ihe scot-**-* I io j/ot ;i',v:iy f.n*

71 v:irds or: punt n;'ut!J. then

el',fna>:»‘d k Gro!.*n a n d G nv

);ia»ch downfidd by ^otr.jj i;t

•from the ,V

,lolin Iacouz/jl was lho third

Rocket back \o scon*, taking it

in from lhe J jus! boiore the hai.r-

timo whistle Hounded.

is a

lleatinc .s\'.sleinO

that tjuils

on the

c o ld e s t n j^ h t s . ;

vs'jr rp trovW#-1-** ?>»oi !»'i ..

th tn -.sS*r> yoc f**ii h 1 1 ; p'v* ye j * j‘irr:*3)« of »h». co»> • •

• I «!*ctri; fe' yov/ hyRit, Ana 1* y<>u d«ct'W« ^o.

. 11- 0iv* vOU fl »k?«#-y«a'gyji& oJ*# fhii; :

•t ip X* a. .v-‘.l./of,«itL tht iycji. iLiwcidf ’•

htai !i my i|r««lalty, : -Xc'---

Let me hring

iunendmjJ.lin pmes* ,

; into yovir home. ..






Elm er Ericson51 Ohio Ave.

8»ni K.dtfiubcfg. N*. J.


Z ie g le r Bros., Inc.

i9l C).'ff~ooJ Av#. CHffwoud. N; J,


V ena E lec tr ic C o ,

JA Mdt/iwan Av«.C.'lffwooti. N. J.

566-2497 .

Rosado E lec tr ic C o ,

Diibrow .Cli?©lwquflic, N. J,


AJitiscil. OaiH'

Rovl^fr^, V»nOU. ^ t‘ii.

C(i:ir;ls • Uus'.ls, lV (A

Centfj -- Ci Uikc-vir!’,.Ou:iu!n Mv-Kon/.-'. V.i

Kelly. PjdnU.i. KuJl.ti. Alv/irfnitei', flu- O- T -K«wv»:l ............... - 0 a (l «- 3Mi.rlooro ............... f! tfi N (»

Tnui’i-ilov.ivi - K^;iy 'i'ombtjflln,

PAT ~ Yun.rerlin M*p-Kuluiteusw; (r;:ni,

KeIK ,MiI •.Of:l«> - Mt-C -von, S, h;io/iVi.

nrajdii l.liiil.'itoni.

Calling Alt Boys . . . Ages 8 thru 13

Bears Overcome

Spartan Lead, Win 30-13



Interest Paid Quartet ly

from Day of Deposit to

tha end of the interest


•■,,4 V"*-

, ' R O U T E 9 A T T IC E T Q y V ’N R O A D M A D IVS Q N T '0 W N S H (P ,

' • M BW . J E R S E Y 0 8 8 5 7 • 7 2 7 ,9 2 0 0 , ' ■

. . . .... )&<% > p . . J. ,

M ad ison T ow nsh ip 's Spartans

Went dow n lo W-13 dftVfit a t lh< B runsw ick F-'ield Saiisrdriy

in a si:nso»i'.s opener nt ih<» Hij»

B ad Bvars' F ie ld . T h^re had

tu 'fu rvpovt th^ Bvnrs wovdd \W. bo b i« and h:*d thi** v m i , .vi ihf*y

bad losi a ll th “ npor.'itiVLis who

h .id n idde tlie in j d i r j d t<» all

h io lh a ll npposilion |h» p;t^i lew

y ea is . T h is was au Uh* u u e o r .

The S parK im s{;iri.-d out

#tr<nu;lv nnd It hmk-'d foi- n

will).- IS •».. ! : • J ’ ; ......

wick b.trii'I of lid kilrnf nt |,ist h.’.d ruu v’Uiply. 'I tu*. Siiavt.-us su • luiilly srnn*d thn*u tiiii»*i in tlmfirs ’ ij 'M ( h 'i ;h I rir- < • ' • »••••;t

‘ t ■ * i! 11«. . . < * * • r 11111* hi«

Ih ' i’I V’l'S JM '.t h ' * I I .1 H i ! 11 i • i \ i r k

M ‘(i ii n l 11 i*‘ •> ii'!'*\it' iliv ( ' lipping

( a lU (>' <miv;!u tin* l» ill b<M 1, o it

thn f its i 1’ao sov’ inih^'. ‘ .iiidtM’n

Town-diip ttiiH'hdu'.Mis and M w;is

im! u n iil 20 sei'onds u e i f frit in

(hn q iM ih '! Ih .it lhe .Sp;ut;<iiH

j;ot on lh»» sn.M 'ht»,ii d. M !i*‘U

in u v i’d ;>* V iu l '. d u ’M iiivh l wul\

.IoIhi O ’ MiM'-y rii'd.ii'.j; fnr .1-.". cn

y ; i id i f u r a I n >' ( lu v . r i i t 1 t l " i

IhMj-i* 4, bi;f. Him Sp.iM .it:! vri'O

;oss.‘d h a rk by Up' ii in i i 'u d I p.t

|ti uii'iv, U K liiu* i u» ih " !p'\t pi«iy.

f o i " Ih f ii f;u l"it b.tri; i.i c

nnd I:;1 D - u i h . i. . i.^i *.!i,

Willt .i li. M" ''i d ....... Ill'll tip' pull:’ Jll w.i . / n M ,nh- ‘>M.

A senior, I'ddu» .....J p i' i b ’ i n t» ..*(■.in ld n . M ' i l I'lM'-it;

I/Kl years by Un* bin n ine np "iu *

t lv p i nf I . ,tst Hi'uns'.vnli food),HI,

ra ll ie d the I'e a rs . 11

57-ynfd d rive ;n tiu-

lor (:• a scoi1* f’.*r fir

in g tht* 'f-' y ard ;

openr.r o p c-T.b'r. A

nsov. ; ■ I s. i ■*. t * j- ro:,v i'i

tem p ! wa-: j*«m>-I

led *i-7.

It^-uri W iden 1 cud

Thn .Spai:ans iiu d d jr>? i*.iin

a f te r ’ Up,* ki*l.o{f b in h

good p.!Mt !\ u-k

U r a v u •. U " .

h e r o n n d

w a y » - i i i

1v 1 !!i

I ’ ,

tin i” S - id

Jim i-


u il. i

l i e , i n '.,i i

ow n 1 r 11 J

p ln y in s *

itouri* ‘V


'■nd,I n n






Sat., October 11th!Sign Up lOda y ! Register a I

ri’«in’s Ford, Early As Possible!/ * ‘

It ’sK R Iili! I l ’s V m i

NOTE: No Special Equipment Needed!

This A ’NO-KODY (,O.NTACT“ Competition 1

You'll bo conipoting wltlt boys your own ags

in punting, passing And placfi-VicVing. And, to help you gpt in shape, wo'll givo you a FREE tipi booklet

writlen by NFL whnn you rogistor, it booldot thflt givos you suggestions on punting, passing and

plaeo-kicking and all the rules of tho PP&K competi­tion, You'll also rocaive an official PP&K pin,

fi | ' i ■ ' • * •nun y on gow n ana n q n up I i uu must be

flr.nimprtniprl b/ your mom or dad or legrtl guard'rtn

+o rogisior.


C O - S P O N S O R S — M A T A W A N JA Y C E E S

l i i f i . ' l i* n o d i f l - T i ' i P i

«*v .tun ll,\nti t*i «!. ti>“

lu . I ." !' "it Ip ; n,vn l f> ,i

.**;* v a i d ’< l " i ' a H n a l I . r , i H i t in s ■

W irk tuin Ik111v. n ’I his hm I'*.! H it

SpmltiH'.- by .i .10 I I o it in l,

Ism’s FordH W Y . -SB


-site' ... ..OsfoNr 2, i?ft9

1 ■ ■ J i K ? . H > w i t n ,',r 1 .- ' ■ ■ —? ' i , .

• . -Sv^m hw tt:t»vrd .• • plat* *'m v/nn M.r.r,

-,: h* Al/V-or*' t>*:/v:u t'.'o:".- '' t*:t rc.kii .' H:s:d<-.i-; B« .

••.. 5L*:4.'>;s h;.;-•.•:<•;' b>3 ' ref’ordn . r n ?.he•.•>•;. ij;. t?;n Uvi ue/• ' , • -

Cvitst lnn dropped fru:r* ;■>, ffrstl'r. ibro tt t.TiijJ*

' Airport ?hr ;«hd,•''&jq|sbrs.

..ilnnvc,records/nr I?- ! '' "V •' ••'■

....."* j' •]? j<>i'p.k • vi ■ To;!! , Vr)lsJC p-tumi iiiUjvKiuai hjiih sjiiit r-w.'ijs ov. ftealienr.i.; me? -.veo-i ior • n **i utu r lt\ u h J i i t b i * r M f r |m 4 Ml

t* ).•-{ i I 7** fi ■» (

H u s k i e s , R ® .c k e i$

A i i . M Lmm Branch

■ &£ f U l

’j hir\i AVr.AxT'i SHAi4‘ Mt iJ,

? rpakH >.;l

« } J' 1 «)


I In U re ! C

1 1 cf J -** *

1 r r i nrj v i

r f* )K

t Jit 1 ,, {A t \L 1io htu'n'jtv'hH, Ir*tf S'iOiit’nf.envl iV:fth 1‘-<!’'"•«>s> ' 1 I I I 1- > ta ly 1 «-t iv «. td0 { V il A <

fit Vf } 5 T ftn f J

* I i), tt t li

'• ’IO P ^ t la

/Mater. Del aiui Lettar ttvl!>e 3 >?t\) t J- > 1( ;*• scj. < i i

• ■ ( W m . i t l J J l ai- iU : lu T. n r. -

n t Ma 1 *■ i 1 1 1*t »x> - , \ I ^


i-i I'i i»-*TC (-it' r j-'sr*; U* Kf 1

2 ) / 1

4 •'M 0 « f

b i4- nrr> t Tt *r * 1 «

i MHWvdr, a vu oran - uu an

« .8U!<itC Wilrfisl■Cov’»}-r+;W«. ... v: . .r. .• r - 41 Q*7£

i&CAtv^ivr fJtv,ny) t p

*•&<. SAMULcR - - .

6 Cyl. $ * o

M BU.C< 22V7 ': .V 4 •; pfiOf^; • ; Z?.?

'hi QADlLt .O .

«? CAD|I.L’*-C : . . - . .

r* 0ocr-hUv «'.4 > • ' * J ■ .49.5.. '4r'CADiUACj,:;;:'.- 4: Doijf,HT. .,. ,»::r. .t 37H

’4l . ttAMBLCfi. A*r«r!c^» " - - •' . 6. CyL ' . : . . . % |75

c I Y< irf i iti i r r

f?g n » i [I ' tfi, M i Mm i tfjk} d f ii* t i M 'u n a *•> *ihurv > «jl l w tt i t v j

'■)< in i»s j u i » !n t « p h i i

fj k ( i fl ) i « WJii-f* j>.u-?ttuuW -the a ar n ifjf ) i r ?

km tho Orni^!e;iron. wore « U} \*rt r! oy V' r j fl i rv ac

,.-v.o tn«t^-.wno / reason for : . ye.rcobrHl ce .iu ,‘ihe. f appr<.tfich; tv the 'j-ami: : i i( ' Nc*w

;Shrv*A-sf)ury ...Soiordny.. hat- '

£»* I l ? 1»• i ( i

s.ooe .'i O V

L t:;v ::-.f » iSChlUl-:tWs*f iviayl si

bddk-’.MV.'n V 5o;.','.hlom a K I'vikire. . „■ .

Kut f if i i

tb? u t f

ly«;kv 1:0 b*; a i r i*

’ s <: IhU i.SIffHlJi 1 1 1-

t r 1 i 47-2J. . by . t MV S' • • • ■ • v r- ;

r.‘> di.i*'

* * X ot r I d - O* r (rtr^J » t ‘'O <- 4. I’.M

•itjUiidv.* ed il A-l'irCit. • 1 mP Ko.f.

i( X.* I ' > Ir V h 1 ^■r-.OJer


. -'.-.•j. ■ y > » ^n p l i.uc- bfV lU t,

e r I ri* { Jf > I j

'■ifafU dC > £ >1 ' 11.' H»c Coven a j M l nsn.,11 ! 1 1 ■ 'Wei? dpf\ ' i ^ .i whei'e :i <1 I

irt fv.’YDOU. i \ r,<J /

nfcti r. e" g e l u 1 (

X. h;trH:??:s At Ktcs< i k IL 1 Iu ^ v« :/?

r r p ( I* :t: meIj ImO Devus. • tvon -ii »rjo j.eain

I o r W - J/ t Pi t \ ibreakaway rujuier to com psri?.

with M.'jriboi'o'.s .N.ato ■. Kelly.F n u ik K<ipov)iy ynd k-rry Jones

• t oyc, b fv ff r tClew

"liamst i e t e n s

* ' '3? V '< I £.

(»«■; Ruvso»l,'N». a.-bo»il« iti* wi.' Vo nfvar J;K'|rr>«m

, I-.:/ M;Uav.aj| ™- ; rtCi>f;,?-'u.vt( i ivr f lu .ik it'a Vt 1 Li JjJ. :n iti.

T’ l”ll (he 1 *>)J »! I> St! «! )( ,rr. 111 1 I*V .t Ao. S3, out in tlli; .>?.r,M-.-f: uvat s

.>u< r, (1 Die p ro um i t'l'viMiii Sifl.'fh F ro m !b:»- i ‘ t-uu lie

»Mi» g<i«it Anvaheld WqckiPR for bis msfhttiien 'cw

V ' . i\ v ’‘- if - .J, .‘‘ .Unrti- ■ 1.;,:. .

iV v :<■, \ Vr- '

d ;»> • I--. ( - ’■fvu; <>:» : ? o !a r ■

i- r^ o r s . ■ - T h i ; :>v,v.::\k . ». •

C iin S , \Tl l l

e d U p K>:r. :• s\

M7 si*.

Kr-'t; H a n V IS 0.

eai/.::v.. T r . r ; ;-K ...

Iv. A '.ii-jr.ii-si-v E" w P v , ? W;;-r- .

: :c . i t 1 1 'V* ,1-

V ’ -j-.’i; i U.n;-: s } o v r t h

p h ic e b y j. :.iv . i tl '• -..--I C; l ’ .■> l ;e

v . ' i t h ' ? .ro ;r 'C

!- h ;,u h ...i'; ■ jV I-.,;-:,; .u m ::

t v r * . “ v - I b t -

ru* k e p i •-? V' n je r . d i- i\ pv

b y c v ;: : i"p . o u t i w i i r , . l ' l ) \ . ’ ' - ' ' J i- .

-1' "i'i l i . r



if i:

W u v J s .

T V - r : v > ’.v im •:

i i ^'■•y fT ‘ :;i

.'3. i s* ;•. • j.'O/t ’ • M 'O ib ’.

b iU i* r*ilr>-et to •lW ;7 W i u i ) io i ! §

pL ii:'.":•> ij n . c v ; :- V--i... -, ' »

.•r-e'.e . j

V vu .v ib t ! St; i u i i ) / i i i t i §

H .'rriJ.:;:. . 1- -:• /.!>• : - . if T O jy , i'i.iv

k h i l* r K h je . . p.'.1 h*-:

b-Tr-;. »

M .»ry . . ic e C ; if

K l p

s ib ? .

in . i h ■ -p

FORV,U -'f*-.f ;radss '■■ cr'MiNt; ;m 'ow the

*ii. MEW K70 fiUUt-ii'S

1969 M U S T A N G S p o r t .

C o u p e , re d w ifli bfacfc

V inyl in fe r io r , i . a d i o , :

au fo rh^H t;, p o w e r ile e r-

.is'"3‘, .:;. ; V

v -.. ttacT

Huskies Moil ii\ Jackson 56-0—-,r—mniiiTi

th-p;0Wi U> >e-; 0!U*. Ot :


■4( Oi.DS. I Dr..Sedan .»|25'

'60 CHEV. Wrtgoii , . , %»$'


AUTO SALESKeansburg 787-1113\ . ; t -Gl-jr.nlwqy) .

Port Monmouth

737-0926 :

• /mttc’j.. u f . individual, . b!uiia;if;^.s

ixtwecii. NU'nmouth'i’ t « w Wi.l- Uams rtnO Matawnn's T j.-y Kus- ser), the two top breakaway pa) j-

.Carrfcvs ‘

. RocKti(s Overlooked

T h e Rcc!t?b remain, ihe for*

.gotten men of the “A” [;iv(Kion, despittv what thfey <,1k1 fo Frftc-

IiqIiI. V»rhcu MiUdleiown defeated

lonj* . Branch, 37’22, Saiuroay

flp.d r Joins; Ki.yer-South' walloped;. 26-6, t/ie^.shore sporfs-writers put

(k>wi> lhe- Uooft-lndiHUs' pnme ns .division’ Shottf Confer­

ence decide. ; . ,

. lt ' m&.y':iiqt be. The,' Wocl<ets:

hce-'t£ori£ ,Kj;;tM.oh’,samg. John.

Fen li ttjid running Gleiuv Covin .

rniiv hrwiik into ih?' Keyport

hu.^kru;i;? oa the def?m«iv<*,.

• ".The ,Marlbqro*MiiH?r '-£>ei grc-Viie Is a urt-rlciiij] bci'-vorji iwo .m-

^ a te iu . Maltjr- ).V*i people .>iLvjrn-

ed-rMarlt'ofo -as jacking tha v/etftfii. anrt-hcii to h;uuii^ i i»v»r

ciurycs. I h 1) tif j<jhr!

Cht’ck(o»t arid the bruising run­

ning of P au l Ait*:, are Kotiig tc

maktf IL a one;.sfd*'d ‘affair. I>y

the . ptedicUyoii coming ; out of

the ^teiy' ,:A fonm oyth ,. SchoolV '

camp. -.Marlboro,- outweighed and

sccaiijigiy . lacking u .pd-ssing ot-

Jensive, is ruled nn undordog

• but Mustehg followers see Mater

Dei-aa having n o - broken fi^ld

; n?ni?er to cotnpure ; with their

' Nate -Kelly’,'-'- ; 7 ' :, ;

■! ■ Dickinson Big* Bad

.-•.^Keattiburg looks to bo ., up

aivimst pretty much of a ptnhib- .

t*»vc fnsk npMiisf: O iddnsoi*.'The

Jersey City Sc Irh:I .uu u icd ’ ik'*

boken, Hu'J.sou Couruv ch.inipa

iust v ^ ^ r , .33-8, in fh».* <>))t*ning

i»artie. ..Linemen under 210 pounds

?n<r backs undvr- l?w ore c*>n-

VvriiHi. to wak-rfcoy? hjkI score-

]:t*«pors <U >ho school up on the

t’vcrlookln^ Uio er.txatic*

to the Holland Tunnel.

Cedar Ridge looks good to get

Into the victory column tor the

first tlmo against Sayi ovilJo.

Tiif; Bombers 'Aero Imt *j shndow

of their former .selves as New

D ru ’i&wick ea.sttd [hem, 3*)-

8. Saturday, 'lhe Sayreville tcptn

is liiden with n ^ ’.vconiers I tiu iv

inj* Iho ropes, ho actually Cedar

Ridge is mnro vi u voferan com­

bination. The pushing of Nick

Cegerenko, qumt^cback, ia the

m a in Sayveviile :brust.

Cedar Ridge held Trenton Cen­

tra! reasonably at bay in the op­

ener. Trenton is far more of ti

team than Sayreville can hope

to be at Lhis e&riy stage. It Jo^ks

n il right fnr Coach R ich Boggs'


As for that Union - Madison

thin*:,' don’t nn.-uion it. The Fnr-

jnors wero tho No, 5 team m Hid

5<atd last ytvdi' and tht.y !c«;!i to

he UDwradint this Ih e v h»»vi* n

passing combiualiun of Ra lph

H ighto.vtr and Duvo D an ie ls

but the cppnsilir.r r.f-ver ran tell

which one !s tn bft passing and

which ono receiving.

Effective Monday, Oct, J3, post

timo for tho remainder of the

Freehold Raceway meeting will

be advanced to 12:30 p.m. The

early post will continue through’

the Nov. 29 finale of ihe 98-duy


, iK’tf) rd & ritti-iv/tiv ;'5ji)-vict.*;fy jr; rh# opi-!)i/.i£ “B 'r LK-

vision .Shore -Conference' gorue insf u-oi k-i-i. Tuwruhio -h? th*!

Ati:u:rjc Av«-\. 'F ie ld i>aturday:

morning. The score 'vas. S5-0 jn

year'.'i' t o i le r , ih«---J&^uar.<

i,-*£vn placed-by n Confr-i-

euce iu iin^ in a ciassi/itat*o» oj*

awpetuic-p. -/or .whiclt they »;b-

vlously are not e<{uipj>ed. • •.

RentTjited " peW ldcs ‘ against

Matawan for* being offside or )u»v«

i«g a back in motion in-the twrly

sUj '.es of Ihe game spared tho jaquani sozne' eutfering. t f tV

were - owrating under i r cocch

who had had oniy four v>i‘eks in

‘ ‘ which to work with his players,

all new in hfrn. so their iacic of

organization compared w ith Mai-

■ awnn's enioothness Vwa.s -under-:

. ttandable.. - .. ... ". - - ;.'; .-. ;

The ofon l.i^ '' kickoff was taken

by Matawan. out lo thoir- own 28..

John Geran. probed-the. Jk-ksutv'

Jine on-the^• first scrimmage play

and ft;:in<sd loyr yards, ‘ly^y I^ussol) then zipped through fer

a first down at ’ he MJ1S •]'>. ini'

the hall \vas called bfick and the

lln^kiop lost five ya.rda..iL';- r?.irj;* .

o/fcK^, It d.d not nvatUH' Um i.* 'b

Conuelly ch?n lossed a 'deep pans

tO iv hi) it C:0V. *t ” to

where he was pushed cut

bounds at the Jack,sen 20. w>r-

an Fpeared the line for live yur;b

a»d RusmtjI made it a ni;,v

diiv/n j t !}ji* Jaguar x. i/he ji.-n

thi'n appeared to give U>e

Jyuuars a hreathinp spell l-y

a^iiin putu'iiR the Huskies back

five yards for offside.

First MHS Touchdown

The Jn^uars seemtd in u way

to pain fru/n this respite that

wiped out a Matawan touchdown

for they slopped Russell at tiie

18 on an attempt to get around

end, a five-yaid loss for the Ma­

roon and Steel, hut tlicir defenso

could not k f tp it up. They wero

spared when a Om ioM y pass to

Russell was beyond the end zone.

But a £‘>com! one wa*» not. If wdv

ri|*ht In the comer of the eml zone

whore Russell p’U it ior ia Mat*

av,‘fiii louchdown. A pood screen

did the trick. ’fYui; t’asa^r.iodi!

rt.'sumed as & place kicker uhem

h t left off !a i:t «ea«on, nicely

booting ine pmnt for a 7-0


If Jackson had any hope ct nil,

it waa to do something >vnh thn

football na .<oon ha they hed rt

ehancc fnr s<-rimrn^^ro p l 'v aher

Ibu ensuinp kitkoff. Ru* ihey nev­

er gained it. Tlu-y furnKcd on the

kick In leceivinfi the hull and

Fred Forman fell on it for Mat-

itwan. Four plays find the Hu5k»

Jea were on the scoreboard ugain,

A Connolly-to-Jlm Rankl pass wa*

contained by the Jaguars, but


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2 Dr., H.T . Atilt .

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no. 4 tv.-.,, 3

A.ifo., !/S, Fi>

'6-1 F A L C O N

V.-.V|. ... I, {/ t.l,

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’6-1 R A M D I.fR1 5 0 ' ■! l>,, t. t, (*,l„

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' C w an cvosibucked for '« f irs t '

dev/;? at c'u' IS. This diverted

Jackson’s aitenrion fro m Russell.

. tvhij '.hen shot ac'.of.s fie ld <n»’ rhe

. nc-.\h pf<jj f.,ir a, new f irs t dow n

a l the ti. B ack to G e ran u»;><! it

w a s a s tu a i^h i; tip front for

auo ihe r Hu^k.'th’ t->uchdown; <U\a- MMrnndo ut’a in hr.ow;<J »h«

Jackwm Offend -Void

"l' Hiili was '-Rom* oufsid« hope lor Jackson. j.o do yon»e-

. Ihin^ if-.tney could :get. beyond

the kickoff. They did. They £ot

• it to their own- 31 without ,fum-

b)ing. Another five-yard penalty

on Malowan helped. Th.v‘y .- only

had live yards- to go for a first :

down with four downs'in widch to

vnake it. .Afier. ihree. ro^heK' they

only li*id picked up one. yard.

. I lieythr-ri went in to punl 7unna*

lion. The M atawan line swarmed

In to hhjclt the kick ar.d il was

the Huskies’ bail oh lhe Jaguar ^ . . ‘ ; ■■ ■ _

The Huskies sr-emed lo have- a

touchdown cn the i'.com l scrim ­

mage play as ConnnlJy pa.Siul to

RnSiS^ii in iho end zone. But it

was jitiod the ' eccive; Hepped

' ou-‘ ide. S jr'Cv-'.ive K’ r*1 pen-

tiliiis .iu ihe .fh-'ik/tft tiieni

sa/ely back from the shadow cf

iiv* iai.x-'.oo I'oa'jK-v.-v tv- 'iiiaiie/d.

Tr.e slusku-i (i ; p u r t ' . d 'p.>v die

c; I , !;!ul ..?JCu.j!':i v-ir.i 1 ;:r !^

possession at th--j- own 2\).

J J1. -' hutled liio M u!h-’

:?' !;::c io no avail Jhrer firm’s,

tiu-n ihey had hettci lock >n get- !iiu; olf a punt, ft roikd !o the

Mntaw.i!* -1’ . A j'u^kie pass was

\oid as ihe .Vst qunrMT ended.

Jaftim is One Chance

For iho first few minutes cf the

second quarter It looked as

though Jackson truly might get

back into the ball game. The

Huskies not only did not gain In

this succession of downs but they

were penalized 15 yards for

hold’ll)! buck to their own 25.

Then Jackson rooters had ft

chance to exult when Connolly

fumbled on fouith down ar.d tho

ball went csver (o Jackson at thc

Mafawao. ‘Jl.

Ji.ha Lv*:»;;ford butted tor !’.vn

yj-ids into ihe MRUS line. John

Ihirlley, ('’:ce a .incr, tru'd

v. l::i hc r.r.-.vhcie.

A shut? pass liuied. aud. on frmrlh

tit,;.!-, heave lo joo

]lisctn-j!'», an «nil, missed *he ie*

reiver’s out.stretched hand^, so

the J a ^ i’iirs* bip thance wns

£on»\Tiie If-:skies* went to work to

nKd.e m im ) there would be no

moru <!r.aj:ei from niiscueR on

liieir p.irt a.s su(»n as -hey got the

k d ! h;u‘k. Russell and Goran »!«

ternated in b.d! carrying thruuph

nine ploys nod four ii:i>t downs

that brought die hidl to the Jack­

son 8-yard lino. Thu .Inj’uarK pain*

ed another lespitu when Geran

fumbled nnd lost li;« ball at t

2. Uui il did them no i;ood. A

]Ji»i th y to-Run Solis p.iss was

< l p i i ; i d ; i ^ i n ) ( ! o ; i t ‘ h

O f K I I S C a o c r s

The -N«vpn}«»;«• S[.n.jti. ivfj much

■ phshbir* up iV * t

:d(.-y,nv . ij^ ir : jav/v . terrhory. They ?;£-v’j riOih*hy/-;Htv'*vj)rvW i.hev'

reached . :h« Rariryri-'.wcte- oi ibe '

-Vaiawan Fyh;oi->s-swevj In ev-

e»y tuwifi u± th^y' di.iipijayed a

powerful offejisc:'find a stingy. d?feo£.e,.'... : ' ' . -• ,'- .

; Bi;! PiNk’h'.'riS. Mike Cantor und

Ted Ledford »!1 scored two

r«;*ur!)dbwr>s f«r the vvinrrer*.

DiNirhoH' pair cam^ oa run*?

Of ‘>0 and hi yards. Ctitler went51: v.ipic; f.-n n fjirt vinrfj^r^t

A Hlvard • pas? and Ledford

. scored on a 30-yard y>a« score.

fruu) Cuyagrar;dc scored ino

last touchdown on a short run.

The winners hlso won tb,< Fee

Wee game. . . :.

' Poulson Scwes T«ic« ,

Matt Pouison scored two

touchdowns for. Marlboro on

‘runs ot 58 and 37 yards end

Gene-Tomasso. uf lseliu raced S3' -Niatawan at ‘ ht* )7. Rl^ssell t h e n : . v y a r d s ^ : ; J. ; -.

raced around end away froin all Kdisori scored in.the firpllper- .

Jackson tackier#'to yo ov^r. 'fhe iod on a'50-yard, pass play, Nick -

Jhguarj' tRckling was. getting Valer^nJ, to Mike AlwvdiA and

more ragged as they obvjctisly " Savre '.Woods South tied th#

were, tinni; under Matawan-s hit- .score in the final period on Mike

com p lie d >a: J.b.e .9. iae^v .in j bc*t,-

ie<l for a yard, then Phil Senecks.

sbtnei-ed thir.o.v.h .C,.'‘r a. JucV-S.i;;;

litf*i tk'W;i but he lost the ball

fum bling ;a t the bi, Matawan ro*

covering. HusstJl slipped off

t‘ickie on next play, for a

third Matuwan icuchd-nvn. But

. . Two Russetl Scores

A m n'u le fater Russell, was go­

ing for his third touchdown and

Matawitn’s - f n u s i b, -iackwn brought the ba ll back.on th i kick1*

off to-.their own 'J2. They, tr ied '

more desperation f/assing in the .

shadow : of iheir own goal posts

but this t im a . it caught up w ith

'then;. • .-. , ,

Twillie. C u r ry ' Intercepted - for

ting. .

. In ihe third quarter Jackison did halt two Matawan drives, coca with tht- help of a 15-yard pen­alty, but'Russell would not be de- nich (!•■• \eored on a wTy idcr wilh seven min’.uc;? fione. Th

end Su-cl vesetves then uv ‘k over end :w-y scored on ti bomi'.'.-r ;{j Tim Adnns* pass bo- Zero the quarter was out.

Curt l*dw:irds vcon-d for ihe

Huskies on u 6 yard run end Rich

bavis jfte r ini'Teepjitu1 a Juek-

m.'Ji pass <n the fined quarter. Tho

Jaguars picked up two more first

downs m the last quarter, one on

a penalty and the other on a d ffp

pass play. But two plays alter the

deep puss completion, they suf­

fered another interception that

removed any possibility they

might score.


t tiy d a id i's three-yard run.

Keilv Moromen nnd Bruce Ab*

bot acoied two touchdowns each*

as R iver i ’h u a lipjH'd Keans*

.b-O’.;,. -. . . . . ‘tilth Vehz -scored Kea.»tsi>urt: ti

to';c!:d«--v/;v on n tr.reo-yard run hi

lhe !'; lArpoJ.

I»j t ’ee ’iVve Pop W an ci', Nop-

tm !*.? r.w-ked iS'i; M;ila-

v;an »<u'ph»yf.*d R fd ' Hank i'f-U;

Rivec 1 ‘I j/u a;rd Kcd H:»nk were

iu a scuieh^a tie, Matawan

To'.v.-'ivp vdj^ed em i.H iire're

our V-0: Metuchen outscored

Union F.each !!10 nrd, Iselin

drubbed .Marlboro I'l-O.

Mutavi’An .Tark«nt))5 K irit iK:.vr.fe [111*5 yavdat{0 UiHfi yaifla^o *H! 1-2J-0 PflSitS 4*:«-473 v.utK*r« Hi* ‘i'i 1-221 F‘;imbli>h lost 2m A 'iiid i i>ni*i!otd 21

JACKSON 'rt>n'NSIIM* (0)KrxU - .1.

Flynn. M;i v 1 IT, V. i‘\.u 1 >,'J'.ifkJes — i

K in. u>.Cluaf 'ir — Ui;.v-, IM CrKth»a. Mil-

1<‘<. O O ' c;-v iu r .

OaiKs •'• ily , K'.«!-iiaiiOi. l.te'tf-f«>, d, r . i •». OU^r*. j :.-, r.-'^'Ua,V'.'li’IMJMl/ St V tai t,th lf . 1) Jv ?-; £,« ii. .Soj , Mf'.'i.iivv i! 11*. Di ( 'i !■., ?-• e

MATAWAN* l.Nh>Yv.\< - O f re. hallu, Ki i , Ua.'.kl,

Mi Df.'.ftid, S. (itktii/i*jT;u--J« s' -- 1'l‘VliU-.. r^T,}!'.!!i. D hvIi ,

K*ivu\<>. V.i i i i ** 1 i j , 1 K‘ i r.voji. Ko*|- -. ! i t i.t

C I '.1 il t ll.-i—- f ' l f ix , }If»rr-j.

Bowling StandingsL'ukm Mcach Mixfd Lcat(u«

Ailpuit PUza LsjteW

Devf'J-erv* TAfnlUig ......... . 9Hoy f -.e.Uy ............................... 8Kd Konnty ..... ..Alat-^c C'*«'k D<-;t Wir.tor ..............*:«i (Jin .

Tom CJnntly .............Jny ...............CJftHi tlrjvea ..............Chtf Wif'J .Js'liM Btaek ............. .Judy Mtifcman ..........

= l

CiH|>;*ro. M iK l.ney .Cui-tu-s, *• Ht'iij. Huhe.n. Mun*

IiiiV.1mi,r.M.ii;, i\ iC.tjinf.i,\! alnW M M .J.iok-.IT- 'I

‘I'-.MifntUiA*U>ins J I'Yi 1'

.S! < I'1. -tiaM IV 'h i;iK

Stl.'lv ,(i«.

l<n! Connolly,i*. f';t.s‘;f!l. J. Gcr-

'..'■'■iii,'. I". I . . M , T . i.’.iMij;: a-i.if, -•. „(l! T., \Vlikes.

.4 h ’j-?e 0 e 0 0— V

us — Uus.“U 4, .fc"»i .‘."fiids,C ii v i i’ t i'i i I iiv [2 kicks), - p.iiJivv. Cu:iy < AiiJ.Kirlh, H’ii f. ’.V. larl.

Display Trophies

^ 4 - ; ,

K.iiph *'.e-(.i-t! ,.!!

tl'KIj’'!'!. ... ll .:l


I I r.i> ,if

-.It re ! ! , jw l I,

!O' . '•!-

tn, n o w u n

Mil roilliiaie

. i)11 s <!.' i i i ii- J (!.»••( tn ; 'I -!•

li.'-'tl f;i:il -

if sj%!,.-I j tl :r i i ] ■

|o, ( n t n ' m »- V:


h o M ou i.y f jo w r j up ro i yp*,. 1 0 cay. m<j cmi urr km u s id

»]i ..piHi tfi»* fa i t lue u i o ic (

cc;" ti ?p i ,i; tf'i'.nv). ‘ll'e ni-i'i..1.*'

»n* nt of (.iim dnpnn ?o fd l »ii*« .i*;-

! t l ; . l .m l p t M u ip . i i v l i l p l . i t l i t !.D !.m

ie ihe ••unonor fhai liifhi.fhi i.i|<j f;v,nd It too Into tr» »l>- t.' t n '”>\ i '•.!« In

Md.t* I'hitch ;o i! h n ti I K.o tik•' 11 i , 'm !v h r jj'-.'-.l'- f i , ; i , j -,.

! ! i iip|)i'tiilm< ill «'{'un

'«■ KK't’fi'd w ilii t !:lhiiM ,]'‘iii 1 y

i'-‘ M O 1111 * ** pill- |i*'( Ih *' i .‘ I ‘ ! i ! ' , i

*.< |!l l- l t M ' i i l h r I '{ h t 1 e i l I e j' f t|,<|

I ti' li!. i\'r j'} Jof the lO c k r t i « |l|M|

/♦■.no und bavin).: n h \\hw in

t \|um u nt i-{J w ilh tin tn <ivp« < t* <d ni cith.tiicM their f.h iin id i uf

liij'Ji nm iiiuj' in thr “ A ” dlviMon

(d the Shore Confeienco.

H k 1» .i ;.iu \jiin ;« ,iii O i ui. - ai >. n S(,ii li.iil i * iin u (*o the

p io ifr liip io i I iu A b i i 'u iin I b t o u i j i K ic re iu in u i\len'f# .V 'flh iiil

1 e,.m ie P o - .!, li M In l i jih l, ei-' U.ot V ^m le iin il, (.(Hh'i.d nuuili^i-r

of ll * (. in i'. Indd!it«» di\i i(in l i i n h . ; .’i l I ) ‘ |pf'iti(», p ie 'tldeo l o?

(he Itnli.iM A im rlr;iii (>i j’ .ini/iiOt.i}, nn<{ I ’ ntsy Iliirrosso , tenm

c i’iu 'h, h '.h ih i,' h .'.:u ii irnpliV , ;\,'i. P ip u n n t'i'ii;;r jm il!iled lhe play-

e t s tin- n*i,ri.i[■ • r nnd c-.i. h. M r \'.:n,h i Ml( pr.osed (lie ph iu-rn (or

ou is i.hkm :^' jm t h/r iu .iiu ii ,md U'11' . i i ..lion,

lie* M id la rd Ch'^-, h . 't n \u,n lh«* fiilo in I ) i \ I s I» h l I and ilia

11.11 j .* n- \ nn--lii'an M i)',in i/ o ien In D n l '.n ie Mm pi Mill fm J r n t i .

p ion til I f U;is \ij\ „M'. I hi- L .n .i', u . : r; Insl-Jun ). Alidltir.fS

M » » * Ui iu ii .it. I i r o »nl; h im m c ii » f in * I *> j . . i f , .M .ilh r

ClHWf <ik >, Am* i i« au Li p inn nnd Jl.ili.iU■Ann rIt an Mt j;au l/.ilinn .

'Iho I la lin n A nu ii.- in lf*:int »M.n fi I iivi r Dlvh-lnn 1 rliam j- l,

A lid la iid (,la*i»;, nod won ln>|i|ilrs lo r chaoijdon.Khlp In the ir divl-don

and ehiioipler .'i of ihe «n iire h . i j ’ iu .

w ilh b lack • vinyl\roof\5.

fully sqtHpptnjl,■ inc; mCfttry air co ciiflon'ingi.

:l 967 F O R D LTD 4 .cioor.

'hdrcl io p , ' w h ite w ith

.black; ymyl. rvO.i- ,radiat. au to rn ^ iiq ,, p.cwGtf 5Jeer-

ing, brakes, factory *ir corcdiHoning.

1967 P O N T IA C , B onne- ‘

vijlft. 4 <4oor hfird cp; dark turquoise,:-, radio,

aufbmaKc, power jfeer- ?ngt brakes:

*0 / ^ O ' r r v jl <V< v/iv.Ubimli, VQrfa, 4 door hard top,

blo'clc, radio, automatic,

power steering,, brakes,

factory air conditioning.

19^7 BUICK Electra

Custom 225, 4 door

Hard top, white, black

vinyl rcof, fully . equip­

ped, Including factory

air. c^ndjtionmg..

1967 BUICK Skylark

Sport Coupe,-turquoise’,

with black vinyl roof,

radio, Y-8, wtih auto­

matic. power steering,

brakes, factory air eon-

1766 BUICK . Electra

Custom 22S, convert­

ible, dark green with

beigfl roof, fully equip­


1966 BUICK Electra

Custom 225, 4 door

hard top, green w i t h

white vinyl roof, fully

equipped, including fac­

tory air conditioning.

1966 CADILLAC Sedan

De Ville, white with black

interior, fully equipped,

including factory a IV


1966 BUICK LeSabre

Sport C o u p e , cham­

pagne with black vinyl

interior, r a d i o , auto­

matic, power *teer!ng,

brakes, factory air con­



4 door, maroon w i t h

custom taddle interior,

radio, automatio.

1963 FORD Thunder-

bird, gray with red vinyl

interior, r a d i o , auto­

matic, power iteerlng,

brakes, windows,





S h h x iu lrMOTORS, INC


|!U,!IWi\Y 3iJ U Sfl/u c.MtuwAV ix ir jir



Exhibit:Opem. 'At Maia 'wan' "Galleryr'fir.ieg j-cii-\vVs'sa'Eipiiiy,'’'•>•'■■. Vi>tk,' awiyuivces : ! w - ' :'-

■.-hihi( JMk wii.As;?-rMite- 31.-3M BrOii*} ’St,, Mji?.-

Uiprtlgi; Orl. r* 'Opi'iV.U'j : V .Viii bi:

'- : -ill’ft ',vi!i ;(n!.;!1 -

;t<VU: graphic^ >iy tha

C&M&SKXSrs&a. 3* Aii ot.'' (lW:: I'Hj-

ie s a te s ! 'a if is t.i, m any , of whom.

~ ' ' " iWHSaiSS jfWW*

Trig MATAWAH X >U RH A L N\ J- '

I hesenis.. Awards Tn- Wmnehf-* * t 1 vfe-\Hvfv

TW«J9i. •’ 7 '■

i T r a c r &vw#*ohJ'X-

f V f c V ? . - :-‘d .-;4 ;r<r'-'-

.'I---' >*'.: •:,• ? j vt? \cu> /«■.■. N,f>r^ ;;■•. Wtny Vh[ !>'-* s*?i.v.v,';.

■Vv:;rin tb*v wH. Ijj.''-.. sji ai-: ' iri vl' 1 •;* , ■■■■'-')'

■»«iU ,;v* • : . ’ '•


Gro-ip i; h-.i .■•vV«7K''fr!


‘ 264-0452

sasaram r.w* .^redgme, '

;;Pf0^rtlfri8KCirti0nWlth v


Vatmta Rtdqrav*WJNKFH ■■:: ■


Cannes film rK srivA t


I Sat, • Sijn, Mattn»«

M m r lewis *» 1 :'--;




hinz?.. I_ j n t - m h v ' ’:- -.s'' ( in ,v:\ipAs-\ri\

■in.i’ yrgi?nix;t!.N>jn, ArM~U‘ -

-of New York,.' G roup 5 has k .v

.'•piciicd-- giuitrie;;.''

instijniion? ’a.'td

• Givup 'y livi'i to faslej -criNin'.^

effort* I t brings the work*, of iu

, womber*? to tiu;.attention :ot' uni- .-..scum/!, galleries^ universities,

•' b iw ines*HwU.tutioa.v- collector;. - tti^d tho gettera!: public with ^k*

' hibftiong-tfcat hsve'ihf- h^!-;

- » rd/i of the best. N*vv Y< rk 0:u-

•‘■l»!rieH.--Kach’-iTsembftr:o;'On)Up •'?,■ in ftHfiitifJ*' -»4> «hr»wirta' -Ct.uijp,. cofitiiuiex h\>. m vif career.

;; wtK /oniv':*-.Tnan •; »mOws.' 'nwdajsi ; purchase •

: BiogtnphJc’S ut the <<j’f isv-rr. nt-

.Jwr.v. and further iiJfoi'in^tforv

..>bouf- <3xoup 3' ax'Tvlattiv^fi Art G ilkry . 1

' A rtis t/ pxhihiting at ^h'f Gri'-

Ut>; rndude ihfc following: David

Atk.ins - Studlrfd in Now York.

Cfty;. hiis won. nnny -f>r(z<»>;. 'is.

jji; 'Who’s.' VV'hy in A,nui*ric<iu

A it. ■.

Bua .Begmaa - Painter," t .ach-

> r and leciur r, has a on* - maiv . vStKiw currently traveling fo . air

, SiJt>rAn«s w id museums through­

out’ tho Uiilted. St«te.H, sponsor

by tha Old R ^ r ^ u Ati. GuiU .

* HUdit Carme) ■•* Hhs beer, act*

.ilve id lho New. York City »rf

for many vmsf.

Ray Faust - Born fn-. Poland/

•.. txmtiy. wU-tftught;- paints in *u .yrmKcsloti caateu. and-pastel. •...-. Mav»oa I r e i iu r e H fid 'har’ «rif sight years oi ort nam ing fa Vi-

..ewia. then Lwu yearn.o,n.scholar-

ship l with Rftuban.. Tam At thi

arooklyn Musf?uav. ' ,

. Lily Oeltrnaa * Wa« born in

York/Spfmfc se/evul year.s in

Pan# to, sludy art at La Acad-

emie de GramSo fha-rmitfre,




S A D b A R & L IQ U O R S

P a c k o g a {G oods - C o ld B e a rDISeOONT PKICtJ ON CAS8 LOTS 6 *

■.'■ ■ "■ ■ tipuoRS it w in es ■' -



A u t h e n t i c C a n t o n e s e C h in e s e F o o d

Kojoy Our Sumptuoui Luncheon Buifef . .. . Private Dining (toora Feclfitlee - '




. Call



l i e C o i f a o e = =

. — ^ t t t t

149 W. FRONT ST. — KEYPORT You and your family will en[oy ths charming Capa Cod atmosphore . . . and tho finest, strictly frsili

sea p o o dand a vartod menu of Flnw Food To Suit Your Mood and Fancy 1


. To!. 26*f ! 265 Amplo Froo Parlcing

U o o o r ^

. vi J. ♦ \ t<.uU., '.v i* r J ».

j;;;;-; J t " * ] r

r l» f **l £■ !.J: > » y ' . :.»? A*.--;.

..«• Jm>« '*» thyAiI-.jvj IX*/•'U 6) Nr; -

Vi’rk; ' . . ...

.'i'V.-lt P ;.v\l i - prtar r.-.i .mi-iking rh« nn -a-in-* h;

Now Yurk (,’ii.y, Ih ijM i- s t si;kmiL

fiHiJiy 'ytfA'r* t.i

; Kurop« ‘o' study, ari anvl er.hibi';

hi?? Jratvjf'L's, oih wnf>rr>>- -

'.’j i , . . . - . ;

VT(»r<»o ’ •*. grudi.uu^. r,i Vvr r/L1 ?r?r::r. z.■ y r; r. .. scholarship," h:\i ■ »uHjr-’ qumt ■ ar>.

f.\/r m :,• •• Schyfk[j-k - 3on? in .'N;*vy

. York City;. 'sJvid^a' '-.(V S:u-

d««s.S Lc-4;:'U'.\ - Sarr.h !. .

. ’.CoUoi*,^;; Pl'jl!: . 0 ri>pJ3It: A11. Ccil.- V;

'. ter.! AmQiicau. Art School aad fi*.' ' n-'iily Th?

a wide rins'e in her

sf.yk* and .n’u*du>t:is 1 ,

. DoirU.r* :- ,•,

lodrhir.g Wrt iiV Yr^k.

.ycrsity-,. lix c^ ls Jn - : p a in tin g ,,

scolptuj-rt,' y/rnid cm's 'rtmi. -V

Uthotjr^phy .. , : .­

I'--' Hif-iii Womg'jirten • Be^p. hy?' '

art-'cduca'tiori.'iiv.'Beriih' before ar­. riving ih thi.i count ry, Continual

Ji ;n. Ne’.v York at vtirinus ichools’iV;'

inotudhjg Coopor Uulou,' . . • r

B U H I . F A V ’S I

C lif two od in n ;;[m d K A T H S I^ E L L L K

* j f i d j i s s s A s u e r s c a i j ■,

( A ih iw 1 ' . , '

* Fixzas Otir-vS l S«‘s'M 'I? ! >

Luncheons and P'wmj A il Day Thun, & F r i

Hwy. 35 £ Cliffwood Ay®. C Q 'J 1 .-< ''J / ' C liffw ood , N . J, ■ J O J " 1 I j L O

K ivha id C Wvnn?rt iJUi.vti>r af Ihtj!>ur6 Sei'vico Tenter, AHA(;, !■“ K'-vi.'.'-t, \va» irt3sw j

'•if CMem«olM.'.«t.;lb.#-1‘alent. .Show, Sfjuiisofcd by tiie Maiawan-Keypofi VrvU'A-MCAP T«*rt Clubs, hi'W

!n M:itswan Kcglonai High Si'huui. on. S»!ui';iay: evc.osnn. live raw era iS »ct* ‘from U»e''hays(ior« ar'ti 4U<1 tliu**) iruii! Uio tti’tf (i-Mtk* ........ . . . . , .

. r. "flcturod ’at the |)re$«nU(ion v( k tm tb tit Ihe .winner* ara, left to right, • Mr. Weniwrt Emwv

-'fields, (t« t Bank of ‘ 'Sonl ,.$t>aMU<u>s“ ;; 'Richard B 'ntra, Ciiffivijod. -vW.alis's';. iti Ana 'Liming, Shrriivs-

bury. .'acrobat.;. Dswn Brailiey, it« l Bank, balioi Jaiaso arwl Xasdlit Biddte, WMtawaii, ot '‘Shandete."

:T*teviewOf Neiv: Center T .WAina RPAOg THEAT a

S tra n d A r t W ii i

R e s u m e .Maii n e e ? 'Siartiaji- Saturd«y. -and Sunday

th* St*ft»d; Art ‘1’he't'i‘ti; Key­port, wili opon with Jerry Lewi* in Ruiiirj The Bud^o,'

Lower- Tha Rivor0 ?ar tyw'.'fust, childtfja's raatin?«? ufter / the summer vacation seawn.

Matineos. will continue . unUl J im -1 ay^ry;.Saturday and Sai^v;dny ai. I p.m. . ; -

. . • A prpvwvy tour o? i.hy nnV Sec^*

■ylc« and-7iah\ing’ C«nt?r lu i!^

firi^L . f>i cw.strur-iion aiFarmlogdaio highllghbd tho »lrst ftei^J. Ht^eting nf the seu-s m

t«ndfid by 3-i ,NoighU>rh<x>d iep«. wsentrtttv^ or' th4j inQiMJ\. Couucil of O ld Scouts. Mrs. Coin-

erd Kadeubach, Rumson, tliiiM vice president, pnj3\'J<M at tlw

field, treeiing whicK was held at Couiicir(Headq!Jarten, Camp Sit*

/Cajuwea,- . -..• - Mrav L.K.\ Jacobus, program

'j.serVictSft . cooKri^'Vi» citairruan,

••sppk^'about special pro^rain/pt' •

foringj icJveiiiit'Jcl durm^ 'thiMirst : haif of ihe reason, includ­

ing: Career Days foi1 Cadetts and

Senior Girt. Scouti at tho Steirv bach Stores in November;, a Her*

Wiiliamsbur^ Trip Jn No­

vember for ninth grudur Crt\U*{te.-»;

an early December conc!;iv«» f.iv ninth grade Cadettes on Compur"

attve Keligionv and thv ProinrK*

and I.avvs of Girl Scoutirtg to b#

held at Monmouth Colley. , ami d

heritage hike program aad heri­tage patcii rootvst goaml k» all

Scout levels.

Mrs; AIck Curley, exccntiva di*

recror, reported o» tha suocesa-

ful Initial meefm** of the nswiy

formed Pu lhe^ 'i CommitUka. giv­

ing a summation cf thu Ideas ,1^-

cussed and formulated during

t!d< meeting. She announced the

> * » u » w » M iiiM w m w w w ^ w w w m % t w H w v > u n M j

2nd Anniversary

Domich’sPIZZA 4 SUBS, inc.

HIGHWAY 34 — CHEESEQUAKE(Gofiurd. Shoppina W*taJ



ne.x» meeting of this new .vorki-i^

committed Wiis ‘ schedulifd for

Monday evening at 8 pm , at-ih>i Lodge, Camp -Sacajaw^i.

Mrs. RJ'tjhatd Moi,*ihoad. pub;to

relnUotct t^^irdinator, addrtf^^t’d

the gm jp on ru^hhorhood

Jicily, r ia.UojJShipH tiu.d'lln* Nw. s-

let!er (icuts of pub'i.i relations.

Sh*s urged that all Neighborhood

Publicity Chairmen post» bs iill*

3d aa Jiooa as possibldv

Among thn3.o h\ atundaucd. a t ' lht» initial* field meeting of ths

.•ieasori, together with ,th« NVI^h-

horhond thby r<*pr«iH r:K?c{, vvcMi*.

M rs,R ichard TJourno, Holntdel;

Mrs. M. Story-, ;Mur!boro > . M'jiv

• gatv/illa; Mrs. .Robert Baxter/

• Mata wan,-.aud 'Mv*.. AUrod Hazlet. : . ■

Mrs. William Tilf, Keansbur't;,.

a.board membor of tha Mon­

mouth, Council of Girt Scvutt*. al­

so atUadvHl.

SS. '

p a w w '



Okx V^n

I Thi Mirisch Producti


. ' S o m e

k im d o f a I


OCT. 4th■ ■ ■ ' . A i i'Hc


..,. 10 POST OfflCEl





• PONY RIDES l-6 pm • WESTERN BAMO1-3 pm




Tuai., Wud., Thu.t.. Sv»-v [J A.M, . 11 P.M.

Fri H II A.M. - fl ?.Kl


I “We'ro Fsmoiis For OUR Pizia!'1 |/ m i H W t l M ^ W H l H I W W W H W W W m i W W V U H v y

The Shanghai Inn.

At Strathmore Lanet

Route 34 — Matawan


Under New Chinese Management

T A K L o u r O IU ) i: i tS A T a l l t i m e s

C O M IX U VOO.V . . ■

Businessmen'# Luncheon and

Delicious Smorgasbord

O u r C o tk i.iil L im ned Flm iuii")


A t T liu ()i|>.ni iivoiv S .iim tlii) ' N ig lu

Learn To Bowl at Beautiful

Strathmora Lanej

Froo Bowling Lossoni For Pour Woelis

Boginniiig Oct. 6 at 12:30 P.M.

i iM tu n io n Hi r in 1 V cn I .iimimh


Foi Mtttht’i i 11 "<f / / h i t i'c i'i1

/S’ni n ifijifih In Om A 'liiw iy



NOONTIME -BUFFET $ t $ g12 Noon - 2 P.M.




NEW I In Our Cocktail Loungs , .

HAPPY HOUR'4:30 - 6-S3



PHONEt 264-2400• Your Hntf, -

R ICHARD 6B6, U U e p o r

"An Evening Out Is Always Some­thing Special When If Includoi Dining With Us . , ."

— s u m u r S P r C IA I . -

C h ' . I . • . c i» ,,d t ■- a F u ,n T* fim .

V I.H . 1 .r [” *. -i i n> J |« . . .

Ei S i . „ l* t, ' W m o nnd C - n flnil

i i i k'»M t j 1 .i f <- ti :>n V»'(h p» I'.ipA 'b "><

lo ,1 V m .

\\ (5 ( la ltT l ’o Twosom esY ‘» ! il * f j 'y '■ Iiv k*" I >( lw->' n< >r3 l.iin

y o u h - iv i * if ' ! i n q r ' v J . j u > s u n ' . n i i ' ' l i : \ q i

wltfji* wa Rorv-o on'/ I!-,'} i > s , l i n I.kkI.

O l

DL, . . W l

ii Hwv. 14 566-6220 Malawan

i<i| M


.aii Yrt?£ ^V M1 *w ■ <ru «« h v |<|

HWY. 34 (North of Main Si.


fJcinquot Room F-or Up To 300

^,ui;sd*yv 2 t W/i THE- M A T A W A N ''JOU RN ALS .K &

:H c e m e s - 'S u s p e n d ^

■ MittS JUHR dit'WOt i.'V

• ' ryr.Y..

, iok VeNctes, '... siftn.5* imrter tfc« ' bL2tc,'f>'.'

■-■. . i>{ 'Gftr y 5

.. . Vi/.. Cannon, K,u,4 .

J'Jritfgfr; Euw i;d ( C. Kaltr.tfck,

. p ine free Ap?->.,' OU}

' '&»&»' R, Di^tovanrii, 338 /k C<('V.1 ‘ ‘ sld.. -..'tocph,'•.,T; Mc-

‘ Cai-v*;jfi r -'540' ':Tv;tornin^;ijtJo ■ Ave:..

: S ® ' ' ^ 51 ftttxch^<t.eofgs<~ourv,■ ••"w'-'Mairi Sfc; Qld Bri<i&t*> - ttjorow

F. McCauitrv.’ 38 Anoletrte l,a«e,

de l tiriUgc; James J .H u g h f^ 338 ' Park Av<>., Union B^ach: Jo ^ph

' . . • .Dt>ypto;/74 • Irpogajtfi I ane> Mat­

. awon; David I?uins, • Box' WO UD.;; iylaiaWaiL-. :. ■/ '■ . .

Suspensions under, : ihe 60/70

' Fxc sivo program *•**•rea.s foitews: L Fiur’ jvv-..

' sks jy.,-: i l) Vioufi^in' Ave., Hit?.-

M ;.. Ralph. .*&. OHvef •

..JLauier-c* Haibcrf: Thon-iv

i >:fe?}Hfra,. ftux 232 A; Kome th,•• Dtsvi<{ t^pgiine.-, 5

.Mar^od Dr., Old J J r i fe ; ' Ken­

: *!fih jr., ^irucy

VSt:/ Kf-vin Kef- ' Jy, 26 .M aeuam ' al-,:..OW, Bruise;

;• ;V/£iy^^ T . SchnucK , lid.-. -'

M ^ta ’.van; John C, GieMer; •'&

-Jrrmhf;is I k l ’aran, 32’5 MorganviJlc K d ;

M.iia’.vao/ rsm! Edward J. Jjrne-

ttm» KD i Bus lMt Marlboro.. ..

The d/rcctor a)s<j aswour-ixTl

cutlper»s>on *hc ddvs/tg r/rivii* f^w nl 3_*oiparrJ A< Reotla, KoiUe 9, MorgariviJJt, .



weather-naster snow tires

, , * 3 5M . W $ 3 .tO ,F .E ,

« Deep 16/32" Power-Dmy tre a d - g r ip and go in the de«M**t rnud or snow

«Self•cloanlng, qui«t tread ~ traction rnsntu dosigntid to kick out mud or snow. Quiet running,, tool

'Oftxffned lot Metaf Safnty Slues — studs boost winter starting traction 200% and stopping traction 50% compurod to conven­tional tupa

Safety Studs olftred for t»!« only «h«re uso is not prohibited by law)

! Site

? Tir»


i 2 Tirt# j

' f,E.T.|

2 Tir.i

Intl. F.E.T.

715*14 WMU 43.24 ! 4-14 1 47.38

775x14 Whit* 44.72i 1 « . I 2 -

I2 5 iU W hit*' 48.16 ! < •« 1 62.88

•55.»4 Whit* 51.39 1 «-"•.( S6.S2

w s iiT W h i* . . 44.72 4.42 | 4V.I4





Rte. 516 & Maia Matawasa


< J iM iM r e / I lm $ m : O f R a r i l m i H o s e : W ifst Worn N /J/

M i ■ssion (/a ncer Soe ieiy

t'oriZ mil K‘65

S jt> c ak e 'r

l.i'ir'C’ lit'


1* i r, i-: Iot.r, ■

ta ^ ^

■ J n jun<f ot lfai*i year the nutnh'TS pi M aritaa uo^* t.n. i, (itA-por; Miirt'.T! to i'.fi

• .jprottio i«t -(hey i>urchas«l «n Aiaple 1’ !. &o&: Churck-.Sl:' l|» .b u fii a «vw llr«bouseu Actual. canstnieiicn

’« a started '(w o m oaths '#89,' on Jut> Z5 anii So da le !.i approxlmstd.v S3 p u . .cent tmnjiMi;-. All

m em h«rii.a (« viilunieering thtir tiro* and talents 'Sa this effort which is entirely a company linanc«<l

projcct, Manv jvhasts of conslruclton have heeri &<.»p:irately coJitract^J b;> Raritan Hose Co. 'Sht com­

pany aims fur orcupancy »u'c»r «!wui Oet. !5. ■ •'; 'V

Awarded' Prize' Mrs. Ai Shfcenl.'iri, visuul aids

chairniaji, Malayan (^h&ptcr yf

Vladassah, i'tci‘ntSy :,was uwartV.'cI.

fiist p n « tor hultein arr. .uiik .

Jii> the Southern New Jersey Re-

gioii,' of Hadassah. •MrcJ-RH’tiiiriJ kirs i’.hneri editor,: Htut Mi's. Law-

tence P*r):riai), typist, &1ao . rtv'

ctfivcH ' honorable .mention . for

their, woik test1'ye-i»r ort "’" ’The

Voice.'Of' Matawwv;Hadiixsah." Tht* hu llflin covers the chapter's

activities, mul ■.■: disejjivses the

American and Israeli Scene;''.

TRAVEL NEWS■.'... . ny, : ; ;'; -' ■

E rnesfino Y o u n g



A Better Trip !»<.My bo?.';. Richard tl. UlcK-

. s lo in , Hiiiiu’ t s topped r ^ v i r i about U s Vetai tince nis. tr ip tot'fO la s t w in te r No\v' .you cu n inc iudc tha t ouk c ity »vith . a tr ip > U> Paiia ?)jiritn;5, I.oi*I«.s, San, franciyi-f* H a w a ii!All for — hold jour bte«th — only JUy!Jlow, low price, which i.v* rluri**s, transp^rtatJon, Rives ynu tnrcc days ii: t-oa VistJai*, (fircc* ;n S:*n Francisco «<u! eljjht in Hruwui.

In n vne-tnile »rca. youcan see Uivcns <>}’ t!\*« /inwil eiUt?it;iincr;; in the world. a!I giving three tv <°wr shows a day aiour.d Uie uluck. For a .'smalt m in im um charge, you m ight see Edy< Gorrne. go oo to Barbra Htrvisand and catch Don Rtfkl**s and Shceky C.rcene, vlndlnjf up wll'n Hewan and Martin — yet visit only t*o hotels. ,

Mr. and Mra. Dlcksteln cn* joyed playing KK-NO »t breakfnst, where a 91.00 card la played on the bi* electronic board at ih* rest­aurant. They iind “ the fla* ert meal of their lives" at th# BachaUurJan R o n m, where thi* 113.50 per person Ub inrluded a auperb din* ner ami a different wine with each course.

For a low-cosi family va* cation on],v three ttvun from home, consider Henhey. Pa. TUI*. V vcly saru;r. city boast* one of trio finest golf courscfl In ihf East, lovtly niURcums. park* and swim* mlng pc .l.s. You'll enjoy & fre« tour cf the famous chocolate plant with free sample* for all.

A Better Trip Im.740 LLOYD RD.


583-2200O PEN LATE

Mas. - Wrd. • Fri. - ‘TU IS«<. 'TU 1







Asbury Park - Now York Transit Co,

!& ROUND TRIPS DAILY* 0 DIRECT lo Pori Authority Terminal

S S S f*K* aS-

n1 0

2Phone 264-2222

FO Il I M ’O in iA 'I'lO N



Cowvert Pianist Will JoinCbnslantMie /Strohghi!os.':;'-Rfd

.Bank, a ccnccrt p ian is t wiU join

; rho staff ’.of- th e Lvwevt . Musics

School 6I-.MaUwan t)n Oct. .15.

. Mr. iitro ng h ilo s ; has pcrfotmcd .

ol Strinway,'nail, Otvn<'gte Hall,

B,n4 fi ‘ovvn HaiL He siud/td ai tho

NVsy York College o[ 'Mi»sic.: • ",

A fte r :m w lt n d o d period on the

.concert sta^t, Air. Si/unyhiie.s ‘a

j:> 5^-ni u'liieuient {j»d 'A-i!|

work Ht the IcncvH ScKwjI . y.Ioi’g .

with. >,radua!.e ,'tcachecs .oi Jul-

Jiard; Nt*w York College of Mus*'

r ic; Conservatory andFairieigh Dickiiwon. ' :.

tht* v ;<•? Nsr^,

.r.r;v.y;)jj,c jr., .Vrrup|;;inv.

vvu1-:. ;;s 1.%*;f;r-r m-.I n.w.v*.H-v. ro prf/Jwiau 10 ^vf;;al f‘f • >ir- ifr ft• c /-!.,'n!.,’,'u!ih';

c^nifMl-hnj^n*:;. - ' .

i-’j tvi ;M.7si:';v Pi'.-'a-

d-rot r t {’ic ;<{-,v r>;v;s::r:j.

Mi';!. Ik 'nys/'/:

c.T-.-'.ary ri iiu* Nt’v«' J'-i ny S!«iU*'.>t ‘..iu1'..*:,

a n d is a piis> P r * ' f ' / :.c

Alunuia.t'. Associ:.itnvi u ‘

th i; prinripa* ;;1'a k c •• v .js l.iilH*

>V. Avlain^, -.vl;u >uis hvon i^.ecu-.

l iv e v ice p « jiid e r ,t o f !ho A n e rK ..

. r.iiL*.Cancer SufJvty hin.MJ M ir

Kpoke ci ilu j tni^rt-i-ncy th a t'K as .

afis tn . in caiK'tT nraca tch bf.-'cjo'iu.

of r<;< #-i-t ra t iiiicks ir. (.:tJVt*'ni

7und».l ie no ted tlm i a tren itrv jous

jR im b e r .o f . sd ^n t is ta m>' ace

fouk inp to '.be Society fur

auce an d the New . Im v y Pivl-

siou has Ix'f'n a '*?aih.*r in pn tnd-

j; ig atUl.itja n u l funds j to, a id th t

N-utionai .S iw ie iy 's iftscacch e l f u i t :

!o ;fi;i4 a cure for c jm cerv

■ A dan x i,;s ^ t; f'7n|)h>isi7:c*«i tht* hu-

ffian ism o f the ACS prtfgru.iu ’■

w h ic h •'fights cijficer by a throe-

*hc C;i:\ci-r■ O.v-> tic. • .jnjOUVlt fvtr.f

■'.'.■•I.; I Vxsvv ;»J-■ 'vii S. j j - :V1.;-'-

t ' r ‘J ' a ’ i'-rv.v-- ..iijrMig ihtt yr-.i;.' ' ■ ■ . •

Two-Day Sales

Thv Sucif.'fy wf Chric-

11iit> S*.-rv"'v oi Oilv.srv vr'iyrd,r ('huCv.h. Ki.-y^>rt, '-vit*

'l;.M d njiruiui'if.c in ii:*:- yj-

’ vrii ;;«'■«itms o f ih*1 <:har^h (X 1. 7

ftt d fiur.\ & until 4 p .m . ivlcuUii Rvl,.'j.rd«tiun Fiom ;U*t?0 to

lUiC;* \,!.4Y................. • " ■ / •• jytM,


iir.?;0i4-t tvinncr ol the .Mij-’invjuih"'

Cxwtl\ A>.*:pv iai.^ni ;nr :

ChddM’rr, The iUn;;f-'r '.ViH. b<» h'rJd

-•n S,*;ur'.ij.y :n iho •, iJiiz)*-'., w ill b^. 'c^ck*..

v.nh 3i. ;7 ;u;d liir.;-:;;'. «i* ? t,;r;2* •.

.Chf' topic ol J.)r. K ^ js ’ taifc;

a IT! he :‘Currt'-ir tih^hcrjy.e? jjj '

.Meniyl Ur. KooSte . . ;ni

the i'.Vw York .Slau.* i^partnivi'.t •A Mr!tr.'i 1 Wy!.?:w-C-, Divj.skvi of .

MVnt.-ii; '.RvKiruaiirru fia jn 1*Hj7 ift

h%* tv;j‘V >:u|K-nT:Tiiid^i'ii ' o? •

iho Ai.*>un Slate School, AM^in,

'R*.k;-s ' Crom' IS6.1 tu W I . and

served hs d.vt-dor of psychology ■

t;d sci\ic».'.s -.viir: the

p:ti.li2>6iki .id .Menial HeuUh . and

TEN EYCK 'R0NS0N, Inc,■ tSnf.:'J930-.. . . '■ ■■ ' _ . V:-:V: >V

" a u t h o r i z e d ’



566-1600 .

283 UPPER MAIN {Near Hwy. 34} M ATAW AN

rKttaoettwaiae -.

— - n i*- i n i i i — i # THE BC£H GHAtW UKtOK BUYS W r A?lS KOTJi c c a u _ t u l- u c e r




re,Ui* «*•««" W M H SMIX OH M A tC Ii



iot»T an u w * «»vj&H8CK 8TSAH BIRUMMSTBSK



3 ‘i MimioKi , - '

GO SOUNDSn» ! M i l l ua • «ATUUI

SPAGHETTIa a H iu o a -


3 ^ 5r

3 ^ * 1 003 ,i „ $J00


tu n hn« ttgmNOODLES s .


4 ^ U M4 f- *i»4 a »lw |

LA ROSA —MO. tt OR 9 ' *


5 ^ 1 ° °Krtsm S"8Wam muCJtWBEUi BtAKSsiua cun

Noun Corn

K h3SlilL-ALl

i n 9 93m i

rnunu (vtCHUCK STEAK .59'

iroKuwmPLATE BEEF . 39c




Ey e R o u n d R o a st J l 19wnimCKUCK ROAST 89c


Top Row® R o a s t J l 1*i u a u u


FRANKFURT8NtW INGl%*D • V»M43l( 1 - |A«i< MOW< .


69 33v My m u i iu ir u f


Snoub Him ££ J >m.||09n im m u i i

FRANKS-"™ i8S‘^J9*M W I t i l


BOLOGNA J l " LIVERWURST m * »59*M in vnotiixia <

>AV» Uf IO »QS LAICI 11 t u

nm wnatrunmtt Fau? .89'

f-atK-ijSii. 0,1%. T'ankbUN MuMl

'{JfUj.uittAMiA. iZVOiii■UK W

PORK CHOPS ..79 'mn icum m m u «

UVERWUKST^ .79*inw nnCmcKiK Mines

RLItr (MUl A i u a i n Cacrcn ,79'

t !- *

:a !i fuKiareiKga-iiw i m a g ia V 1

29*'h OAl. OtAND imtOH


IliCMM 04 111* 01 a


•»st !0 H(HH FhO$(.U. hatuAJTA



cam vmn


CRlESE pizzaniBM ™m..


S pinach Sourrix

6™95civc. DQct-ie.

2 ►*» 89'

ir 39'

satir ruvciim


Bostoh L ittuciCMtfB KIM





■tnno^L A IU iHM

SCOTTOWELS 3 r i”UU>T KS1T A '.. , , I M A


W ax Sandwich Bacs 1 2 3 c.can . -

T ow n. H olders ~ 4 D c

IvvAAMeat-Mjaiuiau-rui'AO, -----------------■£«



Twrn/un itMaruu


WiIk IKk CatJWM •

j P & M B





M acaroni i Cm istDHIOItPl’rdtAM DIIUI

S tuii'ld Potatoes


BtlltBCRRK ToASTttSrl», ll l

Icc Cream bars


^ 85c3'.'>" 5100

2 ‘: 69° 2,. .79'"mc

^ r»r>- H 33


It a l D ress.rsnco

SHORTENINGwnuieti imsind

Salad D r l jSINg

HI I .'i *ur > n h>r 1


mu p;e

;• 69c " 79r 37'

COLGATE>tu>i n»t-n N<i



»tu>i HAt-u Mrnrictr SUI*U 1TIU

fcSS '

1 6 5 '


t 9 9 c


3 - 95 CREAM CHEESEM ta„S, V » I ! ,1 ,| 1 I , l,,\ i I /. L.


1 M i

ILLUSTRATED WORLD H W i Ut EMSVCL0PE1IIA .iSsp S:''W IIO hK H ii I | •• n iu u i l j, i t,


a IB'‘■■47'

i V A L U A B L E C O U P O

“ .........."................................ ........... loijaiiiiffii’v»mi rn<v ! Aho

p;rtrn*vi <if i.r»f, ->r J4



Wlfll 1HH Cl>t/H-»H AW> fUKCMASI fit tJHI I'tlHNl'

|>ACkAf,t < >» « * , ’•)! A


u |-;LUIJ’,»'U . "U I'.tOMl i u fc.vf.l. J li lUS,

HViiY. 36. KEANSBURGM(»kL a UM |jj' (oHOUHF. l '•»! x/ m J m J m x i f « sl v.

■ o i' n

-«nwiM»»imoiv»f>wini« ■■«»-*«• i»i«w»—««»— WWMImB


. :r- C l a s s i f i e d A d v e i i i & m g R a t e s - ' . •

l l C e f p o r t ' ^ e e l i . I y » M a i a w i n i J o » . r n a I

I ' i ” ' . T o 'P fe o e Y o u r Ac!' ■■ ■ ■

Doaeilm* Por C o p y 4:30 P.ivi, iu e id a y .

Minimum Charts) (1 Linas) . $2.00

Additions! lines . ^ 4 0 c Per Line

BoM F«c<* C a p t .............................. .,. 80c Pef Lin»

•••-'• $ » rv fc « Charge For Box N u m b e rs ' .,

4l/j.'Av*r«g® Word? Per Una

i f-jP M 'A T A V Y A is J O U R N A l N , J,

C o n t r a c t Rat»» U p o n R e q u e s t

r e a l e s t a t e ^ 6 r s a l e r e a l e s t a t e f o r s a l e

%mm yourH O M E ?


i l 'ptr'lWay'^cf.; V e l f « » r d ‘ jfMn'jq io pVffcl'flS'S f

;; iKwigh'.' o:Vr m«Iu «iv • >• ftaf 4rcil ‘1 .. .• > ■ ■■■ ■ ■...


A s iM ia tes- ftaa ftcr*

, - ' 4 ' \ '* t» homes / ' / .

• •. • •__

" Motnb^t M'jitlpti Lli*tng ;


k. '?:

K i-vwjRir >;.■

.2 Bedropmtiome, condition

"sootl, - yard ,.,? cellar .. and': ,gara;:e. i" .


3 bedroom, 2 story home, near schools and1 trans­portation. ' .

, JI7.S**

3 Bedroom. IK baths, Col­onial, comer property.

8» .S » .

■ . HAZLET ■■■' ■" ; i Bedroom, H i Bath, Col' onlal, excellent condition.

IM.SW ■ '

S Bedroom, 1W Baths,Split, Patio, above groundpool. ' .. ■ ■ :



Lot - Close to 1 Acre

Ranch, I Bedrooms, 2 Baths, excellent condition.

' ; ■ ' $«r,S0».......' '

Colonial, 4 Bedrooms, 214. Baths, Picturesque Setting.

■■ 1 : $47,900 ;. :

Carlton H. Poling. Realtor

Member Multiple Listing

t m «*> , 3!. • Hazlet

»M81B ;

« m * w w w i



' This IwaoHwl tfire# bed-

twu and ..(ui* .batlw,. with -16x20 screened porch is truly the buy of thi? week. Faiitdy .-.kitcht-ri,: l.u.rge. ;‘.iyln{!

" forma! : liicinij ' room, inany, -hiany- .extras included

iiir-- i f e ; 'ilite /■ Askings . CALL NOW s't-smi

■ ' Wa ho vo th* key. : 1

1 HAMLET.1 '' .v'--’

. ■ Tour

l a r g e ‘bedrooms, tVvo wt!

b a th s ,' emmtry kitchcn.'' dniinu

ar<*a%. .Firepiaco in-’ -..fariiiiy. room.; Call -'67.1-331 IVWc* bav*r

thi* key, Pricod aV $23tSG0,

Wajfer "& Walker’ P .? M T O D.S

Hwy. 53, Middletown, i\. J, .

0(K)!i 7 Days A Wwtc

j!:;.:.Q;:-;-S7i;3J!.i'-' -

Send fer Illustrated Catalog


RAMBLING CAPELargd living room, formal dining room, many extra bunt­in' c^biiieU, modern kltchon, 2\U baths, full basement, over­size hvo car garage, located ou a double lot, fully air conditioned, plus many other extras. _


' ■ - 1^,500 ‘ ’

Befsy Ross Agency

Realtors .

117 Hwv- »5 Keyport

' WJ-34M


2 Bedroom Ranch, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Bath, Enclosed porch, 100x300 lot. rmnw^Uate occupancy to

qualified buyer.(15,500

EDWIN S. S im- Realtor

1155 Hv»y. 36 Hazlet

(Across from Airport Pla/a)

: DIAL 264-0333

BUILDING LOTS for sale, Union Beach, T5X100, Sixth St., »3,000

«ud 100*1:0 Park Ave. <3,500. Pleaso reply to P.O. Box 727, l/ulou Beach, N, J , U


Karris G a S e c t i y i i

125k I25 Lot. For quick sale

- 12,304



S e r v i c e D i r e c t o r y


CERAMIC TILB Bathroom u i l kitchen, [tal HI*.

P n t n;tlni6tc3, V/ork guaran­




" Ca r p e n t e r

Room addition!, roofing, general

.ftpuirs, reasonable rates.



ELECTROLUX, ALL MODELS locnl »al«u and uervici). Cull

B68-?52<. _____________ Wjtf

Iw iK l iR BOARDING IIOMlTfor aijed men nml women. StuU

llconacd. Ca 11 5Wi-(l81t, Matnwan, N.J. wjtf


niCYCI.IiS domestic and fnrelKn repairs our speclnlty. Bsyalioro

Hardware Ch ., lim it St„ opposite I ’osl Office, Kcyiwrt. Cull 204-1 MS. tl

fil^WlNlj lvl.u:liini’ liepdii:*, 1 ;rn

ratliiKili's, Kullred iMan-

. Ofior. Ken W’m wlck riG8"i273.

* - If

BICYCLE need flxln'? Bring tt In

to Western Auto, 112 Main St., Malawan. We repair all makes, tt

VOU bust 'om wo'll fix ’em. Glass and screen repairs. Bayshor*

Hardwura Co., Front St., opposite

Post Office, Keyport. Call 204­1143. ____________tf


L A R R Y 'S




13 M a in S t., M a la w a n

S 66-30 I6

................... .. wftf

u i ,iini,.';vi-:uY

!l|)linhli'iy rind l-’uriinn11- rep.ilr-

Ini!. All f.ili les, N.itijiali.vd'.' Vinyl. A. Sir,-ui)!, Hill Washlmili'M Kt..

Kovporl. l-dll ;'<M .’Hlfi.t ll

R f-AL ESTAT E F O R S A L E '• 2 U 5 . .O PPO RTU N ST 1ES . B U S , O i ’ P O R T U N 'iT 'E S

i D O C T O R ? L A W Y E R ?

i 'iI'.;-';: I ic-:r;.'.vd i?.t

: r.i ;->Vi ;<! ;vt\yv-.'r«. T'j/JJWJr'V’.A i'i ' U«.r _

p a ^ p i r V i y - f ’>i- arty, ' i.yi»:-y va pr-!i-;:.s;'U;

K*.iM.'.rC;‘ , iMC'-M'-le. rV lll^i. h e AT, i.'i f ;<-i i.iM

ar'.u*:-’ • ^ntriuv r:-; for’ i-i. an.-j'•(4'i f)iV;rS ’0 - W H i > r - . ' " .

V '.,:" ‘•'ASKING. 3 - t 5 . ■ .

, H O L M D E L .' :

3 Bt?drc,\>m .Ranch.' Living room, di'Aint* k'uriien, 2fu:l bitch/?.■’Hiss' h*»r:t« rejnurf* HVj»hftrv dryer, refrigoratcjr, ba -rmi-nf;, ?. car gafa.^. low

a tu li i 20x*1i> iiW’i'ourul #sv<nuuing pool, Ju!>{. reduced

to W 5 M


.. Assodales-Reahors .

‘ Multipio LU^r.g

/■ 20 HVrY. 3*?,. MATa.v.YAN. ,

. S6&>m 'AV-' , .L ;

l-A-'H KtMN’SUl.RO ; s.

n k'oo.'hs :t»J u . lu-’':].' hot

water' 'tea t,>’aisume irip^rox' inutid..balances S7.650 «t

F U l i PK1CE S13,!W0 ;.

UNION b i.A H t

S , RfKjnts R.^d a Bulb . Hot

■water ’ hout, T5a 1*.>0 ;i>l.

1. . HA2LKT- -(WfeiwoLMll) :

3 'Jf.-ufc-o 'Rah?b;.- fiili ba«-. meal. Asiuhk- [Vuppi-'.ixi’i'/iie

moi-tgaiie balarice ot JiO.COO. :


Bittner & Carton...... , . . Agency .

: Realtors



WE BUY HOUSESFor cash in any condition!

Cali 291-0-M



MATAWAN - TRENl-AU SECTION - 3 bedroom, larxo liv­ing room, eflt-in kitchen, endos* ed porch, nUachod enrage, full basement, hmdscaped, fenced grounds. Wo brokers. Call .VJfl-

?5Tt9 ______ ___________ _______10/2


LOT OWNI'.KS stop lookiiiK, .start building Hank financing

arnmgi'd. StorlInj: McCann Koal r.statti Broker, f>0(f-MfiG lo/:!


liKTIU I :i) ( O i Ii l,|\ liiuliill*' loi

smnll aparlmcnt In Mutuwan

Uroa. Cali f / l p. * lo/.*

MATURI-: unm:ni

liiOkin,; foi 3 kjiuu .i|mi l iik'iiI n-‘ar Mul R.R. si a I um. 7S/



l'l)l(NISItl-:i) ROOMS, private eiitrani'e, men only. 'I"I, 2H4-

liMfi. 10/2


;f © i LEA SE

LLyCdU<»na avii2h>f'<k‘ iu SayriiviJk',. CU/j-vmKl and

Twp- Idtfil ’j-ptiis vo Mai'i you? bvsiJK^s? Paid truin&g

anti, V'-’li \l vyi; Vvui'

flurn b o w , y o u r own hours ana v/orkmg

dhott’t pas.1 thtso H«e opptit lunkics, Fer fnfornu.aion pk‘>»!-o

ta il; MR. W JU JA M $, K U 9ER1S at (it eo.J w ^ d a y s )

■ 9r 36M50S nUvr $ P-M,


“ C” Liceiwii, Excellent

Buslitest wiHt high gross kaiea..

■ ■ v ttXOOO,

EDWIN S. STARK1 ■ Keiittbr ;

1353 Hwy. 39 Hmlet'

(Across fm;n Aijport Pi.MiO

DiA.l. 2GIC3S3 ..•■■:

■ ; ^ V v; E P ^ E N T :v ;/ .P '-

' NEW).;V ::i)Ef:O tW Tlib O f l'lC I i '■

: ■ !■ >’ rtiii. (> iitr.r Mvifanwut'.SHt^i-"

plug District, inquire S ir.■ liopkifu

at Saudfiird Drug, 12S M.U« S>., ..... . .. ... ..,- .,.. . .... - , f

UNION' 3KACH • 3 rc iun .i;;r. Nv

children, 600 f r o n t '. St., f:i>r

fioar.. 2fM-5W5 bfciv.wn S aim., a ..

p.m. ' . ' ■ ' tf-

3 pUwiiSHKDTomris find fclh,r'littimi.ri i a /■;lif...j.-..: ■■..:■"

(CHi or 5&ii-3620, 10/ i

S AC.ftES.on state highway V/icka.

tunk. • Write owner, ,AI-Gaskins. 106 1 raven Court, Vallejo, Calif.

94590. - : : 9/18-10/2

LO I ‘ FOR SALE ~ .10x100 ft'.Union Boach, on Morningside

Ave, Best offer. 731-558!).

. . 9/25-10/9

KEYPORT - 2' stoiry.'TbedKmni' full dining room, basement,

gaiagc. FHA approved $13,150.



Hwy. 34 . 566-SWG8

________. J°/"s r i jc c o BUNGALOW, 3 rooms

and bath, newly paneled, qas baseboard hc'at, SlO.ntlO. Stella Briskie, Licensed N. J. Real Es­

tate Broker, Call 2C4-I4J9.__ _______ ]0/M 0/!(i

R E A L E S T A tT w A N T E D

We have n buypr for n Strath­more 3 Udrm. Uauch, in n position to tiNsunto pie.scnt mortgage up to 312,000,


Hwy. 36

West Keansburg


DUPLEX -.HOUSE'';. L as i* itvi.!$ '■■ rw in A: :kitetien. ?. ■ Dedr-;*Oii!:i .-upstairs.. Aviiilvbiij Oct, f; 2:1-

57-13. Call ,? to:.9 p.m. ,'-10/2'

■AIR-.CONOlTIONBt)-, hail .'for all occasions-; r)B(t."U!!8. (0/ ’

rURNISHEDjAPT.: -.-;5f .comfort1-

able rooivis. T .V .,' -it| ' utiliii'.’?

supplied-’ i Suitabio for ’bBsi'iess co'Jplo o r . .widoiv, 3 .10/2

AVARTMENT.- beautiful sound- new garden, apartment,

I bedroom, i>le(i! for teachers nr couplo. Harbor View, Route 30, IiiRiilands, one-half block before

bridge. Call 671-5252. 10/2

I'Hmin j - i'ir.«-. r--rr- ■ \-,r,r'-y


CUTTER, GRINDERSFrpericnced And Trainees

End mill resharpening, lorm tool and milting cutters, Paid

hospitalization, v a c a t i o n , yearly bonus.

CALL 515-573* for appointment


Management Trainee

Two Year Training Program

Up to SI'.['00 Annual

If Qualified


ROCil-R A. N in o , C.L.U.

l;or Appoiiitmenl



Only 5 needed. N'ealnou a

must. Wilt train.


For appolntmont

— --- - - — ---- ...

-- MAIDS -Tram. Provided, Fully in- sural, Paid Vacation ?1.00 Per Hour. CALL



y : W m m

fteat E iiate Salosman

XCx.;>c»'rk‘iiced pr lV'rr^d, I'uli ti:ne ^uiplfjyinfrnt in active office in Mc5Ja\v,x:iV Ait itUt-i-

vknvs hokf. in*'strict confid- frm:e. Jjriivvin^ account tivali­able. Ask for ACt! .UNGER.

■ S ic r l in g Thompson-/ : A.“BCi;lates > Realtors

Itwy. M . . . ■ Matawan

A'lTRAO'nv^?. Cii?l Friday, nu it,

\ dFipontlab'.i t-i-.l ROoi :-■-. dikcr^it'ied a .i. k.

plione 2t>!-llK)3.' v..

U lR E ;:TO|C 'rK y ~ r a r 5 'T c n ;cK

llay thoro arr-i. D ts fr i’ in Ea,r:y

Cfiildiajsd prcferitxS, rl.w- adn-.ii.-

. istrative 'exfte l«ace. - .'Salary •' to •

: J9.5W, Call M is ,, Well*. 2&SSW.■ - ■ ■ . . . - I il/ ; ;

: O K P lc n 'I ib i . r V...!.■.*<•(»»»11*»s • -1ntiii'unro-. ■ i« rt.iti/!iiil'in(Indit’d:.but not r.oicsh-'oy, I’i;t'V cirna:,iKi or 12-5.-30. prr hr. Write' t)u\ A, Ki’vpbrt-\V- k«v.

. _____ 10/3

;; MAXTOR"'HAJ^.^Ai^'""olsi^iT- ‘ ; .erico no-U's^^vy, ?, <i.iys ^

‘ 9: oii. 5- [j nv

vw a i'V p jra .ftW ':w i ;CLSa NING >VOMANv--:

.'/in j’i a W';x:Jv..Ovvu transj/yi'.a-

tiotV.yr)00-?§I2/ _ ' "'- ; '10/2

' MliCilANIC. trucks, j^as7 .and ‘ . diesci, $-1 per hour, plus bcnc*' fits.: Call 9S5C7-H. . 1U/2

M F X S lX N lC ^ '^u ck ^^ l^11 to 7;30, f»ood wages and hrne-fib . Call aSj-6744._______ _ lfl/2

BOYS, pari time. Api>ly in per­

son Clothes Clo^*r, Rt. 'M, M alawan, ’ 10/2

D ^R 'E C T O ^ ''O P ‘ ‘TnLTRSts‘" ^ ^ '

Nursing Home, NAitawan, Kcy-

port area. VITrUd Ilo.x C, KeyportWovkly.__ ^ UV2

YOUNG MAN mtichanically in­clined to operate tractor and

lawn conibinct for proi;rp.ssivo • young company. Unlimited op*

purtunity in sales and manage­ment. Benefits. N. J. drivers li-

r<*q\i!nvi. Contart Mr. R Ma^fla at 5-4'j-fl?0t, tf

. FARM ‘ WOR’kr'I?s7 purt'T»r * full s- time Call alter » p.m.

___________________________ __ _tf


Cll.'l.n CAR Pi. ir;\p iii;at.i-d wwtii- an with aur<!iy .sch'ifjl rcr'.r*

onowi «vii! waltit vour ch‘id in her honv.'. I’ l.-.rin-'d proi^rnni,

snu-.-k.s. Itiu.h provided. O 1 e! Hridyc- ;,:(' i. 7.'1 Z'77. 0/18 - 10/0

I-OKMl-.R Srn:iuiaiy will do typ- inj* oi home fo;- busincs* or

lndK'idn;tls JO/2

MAIiY >1ITING. my'homc*7 CMViu'«-i. Will pick up and d*)*

llvor. :<V.7. _ 10/2


HAND KNITTING YARN, your rln-iu* 'a.m! or orlon, many col­

ors io rho,‘ *.* from 10 rents ot. or $l.ijU II) Knitwear T'actory Out-

Ir.t • Count y To&s In*’. ^'i-9l').t, Hwy 3.5. (Miffwood Heach. tC


Collectors. Call


DENTAL TECHNICIANSMon Wiuuod In plato dop.irtment,

set up, ropalr and finish, top

salmy. Apply U ihan Denial Labn,

198 Joffijrsoii St., Perth Amhov,

tati 3 3 1 > a______ 10/2-10/9

WAITRESSES, ?xporloncod. A p­

ply In person Shore Paint Inn, Route 35, H'azlot, m/2

iTis iu v a si I izus; “ ' 7\pply..."Slto.uPoint Inn, Route 35, Hazlvt.

________ _______________ 10/2

SHORT ORDF.R nr Krill man. Ap­

ply tn person Shoro l ’uim Inn,

ftmita 3r», Hu/h‘i. m/2

U’OM l lN piece-/;n(>d.4 sovvi»T" imd

.(i!uu:!iT fnr L*oilih>iJi‘iy i i i j .

chinu. 1-\pei u nco noi nen vs,\ry.

Apply Srlijflii l;:inhrnid<*ry Cen­

ter, Hwy. Keyp»»u. ':(>•!

’ 10/2

N'OUMvS AIdV.S 117 idiifi; a day vvtM'k p-ild hrtli<>'<iyi’ . .Applv in

person Hi^okdalo N u i m i i ); Home, l\XM\ llwy :t:., \lwWi. |n/;?

1 'AIM'N'l K WAN I I'D to ' help

I>• 111■ 1 • *i , one with l;m>u Irdp.. nt

pnpr i;‘iMr, pi'-i'fi i ed. l-n ill- V'M;iiii"Ht nec. ss.n nui'it h ive

in',hi ni wonian seiin n-lired,

Write Ho\ 11, IvevpnrL WeeUv.


1969 ZIG ZAGSowing Marhinrt, s!l”ht!y usod, blind h *nis dr »nss<‘9, sews

buHotts on, nuii'.-H button holes, m<n.ogi*anis, overran, fancy 3titchos, sowij with ono or two no'-dlds, no attach­ments n<-jodw1.


$ 3 3 .6 0 C ash

xhk inc. or pi\y J ( iif) down an ! nln«? Inloit1;' pu\'iiw*nt.i of

eitch, '



MACHINECrcidll Drp(. until 6 P.M.

5 6 1-2600

5-icLF. W A N T E D H £ L P .W A N T E D

j h i i j i d a 'ft X.- i Vf?V '

. ' W S C S .W » ,U - l l e a t '

■ ' I l o r o i h y I ’o l i e n

|, G L A S S ■ C O N T A IN E R S A RE O 0 R BUSINESS. 1-

I tJV.f. ro S ^ A W !C N ‘ -Wr'HAV« M'i£r>A% .in* V aO - ^C - ^ ?:C? . i-ir-.ivy. i:±;yt’.'ii:.uu--c. im n

r ’- ; ' y V * U , Jii: f J /• ;Vf

/iHii V&UQ i'AXlfQ? OH;?

OFffiAV^O'': ■ Mfrr; t4 I vj 11 ;a l n

' . ■ . Ar'.,'5:.,‘' if>: •‘lirCN^.riii.r . : ' . . ' "

. M i T K O G L A S S D I V I S I O N

; K i A F T C O C O R ^ .

• .jVflMUl: .ST., CAUTL'iC i'I. N. }... . ' ; s;

. Oii ivut J. ’lutuplic . :

: ' - AN K(>UAL>>PM)KTUN?‘t V ; f.'Mr:'U>Y»hR - .

+.:jitc , )} .. l> .r :- fh y O-'/h^r;;.- « i » v , ' -

I :->r; ■ q: - K-'Vpivr- L1 ■'

I , SirrjOi'/. .Kv/nLPi'.' v*n! .ha fha'.

| ;:r >K r^-'M .'ar’ nv>;n'-:£ .

I . th s 'Wo/r.Cj-.1?.- 4?.?-Ch.r?K!ij^;!5

S e rv le t : C a lv a r y ...

C ;r . . ':v ^ ,; !s Y ; k' [: ; !''•. l';v' h u id .

M o n d a y f.'W?urs^.;. O ^ . . hv.-’ih®.'.’ .


’ le-nb*.1: '; n - ,• .ju r ie d w b r i j ig - .

U> if .e i-:h '^ch on • Morf*

d ;»y fr r : ?K*f.’S-W n-v-.v'. v-eek.

' A rr* t:i^s f*t ' (r<; ■

in C n n 'd r 'u ?,re to r i^ . '

■ \\' th e O t ;v fv .v ,. •

Iv;:-r' A iid iTK'o'in-rs. . ' .



.19 69 Singer Z ig lu g


Cubuitft. w.^u'.’i-, y.,

s’ on■^.vmakri buunn

holi.'i. • app,.iqu‘,i>’.;. bVi-ic!: In-iuH,

oveicasl?: : No. : rdfaj.'hinr:nt^

iji^rded. 3 vlvj- •


l-Z TtiRMS

?-■; CALL.;-'259-2242o ’-;

S IN G ER bi-wht" - ' v/jrh ./..'. cabinet crctncif(U'vrj,.;

Calf 'a!U:r - 3 p.m. , !iy ,-■, UV2’

-' .VAt'i > >ALr', ‘-V.i.■'« f.-ynv c ?\»

:'il ■ Winti'J'op. I'1',' ,1 {v<:-:;<£t. '- Kvric Sl?, o ijx jl mirror Sift. vV..

*«r<.,Wiin?5 Mevcts-• SW, fo!dir.g bed

. *2.0.' vrc-nhv bnnrd ,Vj!5d C2r:"f:-

.swoop-r. K?.'?.

Y;\P:D ’SAU-C .- C io ih ^ .' i>ri-;-a- : , ’ bu\r. T-'fidviv ana ’ S.iinrd:«y ■ a.m, fi ?.-1? lit.ViUin A'.’m :

(o*p.M&i."T>J.) Laui'i'iicft I ' ; ......... ... • • _•■ ' • 'iWi.

M A ivl'.L' DKLSSiTR & ‘ milr(jr.

5iy.. W i h t i ' - i t , I i ' i , 2 .1 .V- er.olt, W^'iiut

tablt 55, -eliuvi* 5b Koto broil SC,

white macl»U> Sifv Cnll: 2(H-4G7A,:. - v : ; - : ™ ; ? ' . : ; ' ; to /2

A\VNII‘!Gf> ■'>7} ’Cu^iuJH ■* anmaxinwikdv -..SO’’- 105'-,

- -$?5. 4 - d».mr-?5 _c'r.tirs ,- .^0. .Radio .

cahfnot $4.: Sfan’i? ' T.oath^rc-uo ?4 jvirkct nev;; -K $icp ai.

- most ju\\\ m an ’s • b!uo d ;o ‘_.s caat

J40, Old iron ‘iioye. Sfi«.‘2127, 10/2

SOFA BED, SoUeo and 2 U'tli?»n

Prov. chairs $17j complete. Vcrv ^notl condifinn.

" 10/2

RUM M AGif‘^ L R ~ 7 i E ^ Chapter Oct. 1.-2, ,1 & 4 at

Masonic Temple, 192 Main St . Matawan. 10/2

f..E , 'w'AS'hER,' 5" vrs. old, CkTOd condition $1011. 566-9G.t0. 10/2

DINING ROOM SPT - Very rcasonabk*. 5G6-5C76 aftor 3

pm . 10/2


10 pc. modern walnm dining

room. Danish modern living room, G-l* p'>rtr)ble d:^h'^‘.■\chv . Lioael eloctric trjiiiis, spoas

equipment. 230 Cherry True iJjne, MiddiiMuun, 10/2

c T M U G F S A U r ^ ^

U to (l. Moving, everything must go, Furnitiite, CiUTia'KS, hicv-

clc.«. He. 8 Dundall VI,10/2

LAIU'F. Rep»H*Mtor. biiital‘lc tnr store. Cash register. 5GG-SUJ,

^ 1U/2

5 ~ P C '" iji.bN n F h^dr^0 iu_ 'sot',' queen :,i/e hed, nsan’< dri»s‘.‘:T.

wamaiA dresser. 2 nij’.ht st.inds.

Best offer, 'loi. 2tM-8-Uil affo1- 5 p.m. 1!'/^

c o n s o le :i:r’ iv. vt't-y^ood

cendMion, 5iiV 72S1 ufter 5


5»UP1-;U STCM-, sure nut! /(utCs Uiu<» l.uMnj for cevinini’ ear-

pf’ts Rent ol'vtrir .sh.uTioonrr $1. ilurris H.mbvnre, 13(J Main St , Muiawnn. 10/2






: "WANTEDSilver Cn-nSv Gold Cohii.

Proof Sei1;* ; Ki?y 'Coins,”

.Cp5\»p)ete Coli^c lions . an*i

J*r t'#WU*S. I ’S' :. : 1 before selting" —



26 4- J 001


mm.I sit!<» 11f« ftp.

lueditl-* (lfli\eiy Piit<‘. R.-nsiiti-

(d»ln. IM^.e.l New .hT-i.'y Mmor V*0|irt<i I”-.|* -'-I :mi:.

M jy )>.i U'it\| for pi*ddlvi

rolllnj; ntoi-ft, I I To A Dmo)

^'o! ji'.. I' 11nI ir.pcrt, ( ‘hut ' h

C'., Cl-!; ’ 1 ;i<'! MU. W;r lar t '.([ill 11 .’in* |mi i m : . ' i p j i i u ' . v i ' j ) ,i s' C;unp-. II,iv. !!n:'. Alh'V

Wm--. ‘

IM S ( u M I'W 'Y

S Js I'.i!. i. i‘ , i v.\eu:n -k, I. (I Hl|


V\)\) 482-7r/:! >m . n:!.r2d!r.»||WJ



ECKEL'S TRUCKING Morganville, N. J.

591-9707____ wjtr

IfN CU rr.lK Il" LAY-AWAYIW9 7S/{ 7.nij sowing nmchino rmver used, Ni) ii;i.u‘!im»'n!«i needed to make huu.m h »1 *- .

sew hutinni on, blind hein du-. s­en, imik<‘ fancy .sIit(■ 11<1 *, Oihjinal pwai.imon. Completo ptlr.f only Jll.tii) oi piy Sj.'.M) pet nit) Cal!

Ci edit nunuiior to i) p.m. it Soil •’all Meet

.rj(ii I’OOO tf

LAROF, SL.I.Pt I IO:< An'ii|;i"',,(V-f.llllil . I >.», l ! 11 M *' '• < * 1(1

p1:i'|;;-' ; md n . ;.-d ri>r,t^ || Ch.e it, 11 ,vy .I'I ti- i av.'M I in.11 Ht Ro.-tr I.I , i l l 'I 'I I toil! lu • Mm!i.

till ti Sill. Im k1 i\ '(II Id, :'(i 1 'i in | f r

IS' SI' '.VI ■' Y n f p J|i ijih V •

IJ11! 11111 ,'ip;r ■! ■-, ....................

Ii*mis ■ ii .11 l-.m I' n . I n ' i i i ; 11-.i iiiieil, -*.*• >i<i' .\'i;ii i t - I n . i !

ol l|.; .Illy till ill IIICK li'llllil •<-.H.tVdlOl f 11 M ) I' 1111; j | I Ir^pit ll

Thi»lt Shop, KH Hio .hI St. K'V- poll. 1*1"'

B'-!fLDJN.G LOT'S. Midujerow't,

' ' Mr f.nway.r, . • W’vdrndol. - Ruritah ;;

Mai lb'.«o, Kcyporr. etc. W ill pay .

. top -..d<'i|i«u\'..: C e lt- Jack. Bos^ck,;-

T-fci.C'-'jOO,. •' /r '' tf

U. S. SILVER COINS, £o ld noiai. ;

Romeo, .7A/-rif)TL; ..... '.. -:, :v v - ti ;

JE E P S '^ lW'jpj't' jis .tccir. or: good’'

’• Call ,aff»?r.7 p m, *;#><*-.*]ci: • ■ V ’n ■■ im ­

' - . v M IS G E tL A N E O U S - •-.-v

1**l i l ‘. 1... - Z L.t, C-.i.n Ciibs..

rat! Jl. I. i-'d.vauh', jS-!-:i0f*.

■■ ■ W:i,::iF 'V ’REKS’4 i0 ;r l;u !ta f’'S

: Kcsit.itt :iv:iiiryi", ifcr-M p-as-, ; r.i.ii.u'- -in Kip r;"-!:t. ;,!/-'■ hi/ !n

- -W a n t e d >.' ^ -

. CASH*,.scrap -c-^pp^r, brass, rtli

1 typ»-s'\ nor-' - feirous . .irtoiau./

Pfum pl picM. up servicc. Coif

Sii0. • • ' - ...... .- u-



; - . A G E N C Y - -;MA ■ Mi- tNof.KWCKv

...--lisrvins-. >iou»no(U.'o CVJ»t>r’J' ' , . ‘


« SONOv . ® MARINE '•..eUrOMQBi.LE.v-:

* f-ht.-i, ;i,;c v(.„i.itii'tf 3

JAccipSN.r.-, LjFE. ; bcAltk?


264-2900- i No Ani-.i‘; Cs!l 74t-7440

1 2 iS ?:*CAD KEVFO.-ti" r tHVV-<.5*tV1'«MVW,VVW W r i

m m : : A E s s s t A ' f i E -

i i j tivvr. a -■ CLirF-.-vooD

“ 1All LtMf.S OP- -INStJRAN-


v : , . D I A L : - 5 6 ^ 8 2 C ? d f i

LOST , .








£ Yi*; GTASSHS. Black t'rum o.'

- ' M ainw ;m ' o r :;Fisir.cau Uwviir^vV-

X-kasK call.. PG'tJ^lo. : V 10/i"'*

tTERivlXiS $ H E P H E R p . ansv.;crs.-''

in "A s ia " , vlcftlty'.'ol'- ,L!oylJ y R d . : Si.' G iraril Ave., Matirwan.

Reward. 58frS3?0. : ' J0/2


SEAL POINT Siamese Kittens - Intcliip.ont U:-.d - adorablv. Hina.

wt‘eks, liHor trained, il>l-85S!. .

__■■• - _ )°/3 3 YRS. AKC mate and ftm-ala'

Pekingese, IM-DSM. ■ 10/2



freo estimate. CoSI Cimrlio 26*1* t*jrT2. if

JOHNSON SONS .4 rurKiujti bem te

Clean Out - Moving - Delivering

10 Seventh St., Matawan 5GG-92M

fi/!! - in/^

WINTBIt COATS relv'mnied — DR'Sses altered. ofiO-tlOfiL

_ ___________ _ \m -10/9


tonur, lixtcrjo;, Oardity work- mani,hip1 no job too small, fiOH-3:tq __________ w i

) .AWN & TlU-t: CAR!: Powor rakini*. pnv/er edpln?.

F'roe Kstitnut^. r>S3-lo89 nr fiGS* 7557. ill/2


y->tivbi:it uf crt.-.ii tfuutt.v hi .vour . hotriii J!» l'it ri-!>ull oi pujfcnt d.'iy-- Inireiiiii' tn rc-«i twtnk* Wo ’will ?*-<e Pr-i c<is>i equity b.v jre- c.’ist';'.;! ,--THE KIKWAN CO.. Rotors. Vc

VT-sr-OO. ',Vv.\t Kv;»i’'0' ‘.•'--T ■ 7U?-«Sn;S. HasJc? iC-i-'HW. XUU ‘1.

•• . ' 1 V9


m m : -A NEW



From Friday 5 P.M. io

Mondav 9 A.M. —


10(10 Clli-VKDU-T Sta, Wa.ui.n, air odikI,, r.S., PH ., -I.IOO

miles, dents, will sell for 532.1. SBC-151W. 10/2

1900 TlR'Nni-RHIRn, rouch foody, r.mnni); comiltion, f 1 ',11.

261 lllfn. 10/2

1967 VOLKSWAGEN Sin. W^n., fnctnry ulr cond, rack roof,

R /ll In <;kc, cotiditiiin $1825. Call 20t S822. 10/2

’C7 PfINTIAC Tempest. 4 dr., hnrdtup, V-8. num., P.S. 51-1.10.

566-1-1-17 alter J p.m. 10/2

'5S FORI) Stntlnn Wnnnn. /juod condition, *100 firm. zai-STM.

___ ___________________ 10/2

Irieo fjl.DS "8S’\ f^celleiH run*

niiin cun.l. rn-ently inspected, 5110 Call 7)i7-:iKHI. 10/2

'di W ill ri-: (,nr\’ette, 4 now tir.»!i

513511. 2<ii I’K'.’ti. 10/?

50 Free Miles $25.88

You Puinith Gat.

Hr per mile over SO t»i!p«



t° ur




Shrewsbury Avantio at Sycamors



• i ' i ; ' I"'■! n i'iI.f JPJ.VKS• i* ; i i;;t: b i- i i ' m M i *,' (*

• ' ’ A- '.'.; w < K

• •'>: i i \i «•!■■■»!i‘ s

• M'H.iM.,'. H .I IM i' •,

G e t ) » ia l C o n tr a c to r !

. Alk'intioni . iloiht.ij

A'.- !- | ,

& S lJn j

• S’.'hW’ !M ; »\\ i\'f;» ni:., .h .h ! m iti n iHS'ii• I 'n i j r -It I 'S' I i I .I -|| | -i• A ir . 11'. i .1 ,1111 ;;i,• i'i »t-\ 11 -. i i > i j• in a i.\ i . in o',v:;• At 1 ■ .i ■' :

I mi' i i m . \-j.-i A ‘o H


N o J o b 'Io n Big .— N o J o b Ton Sm .ill

i-i i g i i w a y :m m a i a w a n , m . j .

jOo- ) :> i I

M M K K k


f t T t ti* «* ' t » \ f3

i, d» ^»h*u f 1 i |k :• W > ^ f >l** jp *i t >•^ i r i l '•'■i< /*» e * v& i 4. i •- ••

f * ' t i u .l+i*. r t i j , u -a. +>•+■ *>i

t % t X~ * - IU t *- t If h ** a1 j. ; -ivl t * V I ■!

V S fS*« n I i )* *-»-r | 4 J i tf* *•

Cyyr.tti . of icww.nij;r «j av i i i. j

■ At -Ih* • rc^jii/ir JMfi'I.irij,'- »■>• Tpv'.'mn'.v ty-’u:)-:i n; •:'<:• >

i I t i r rsOj/jmii- .fa n i L'.'.'.vi

« - , VJti i i Uc a \ ! < >«

av jv-.iu.: . . .

• OWt'; or rn* k'lim ut w i w and ■•tiJX. ‘.'jtlf ;fi• (>J + (0 ti'J ti,y IjOI .. -13. in 'Winch O - r)r<'-b>:r<V ■ fc-’.r t t l) , - :W.uf) of Kf'.vi^rl ii».:*:hLs. ■

.T/uts k u r t j ik h • ncytiw. isa*: vjh£ - saH* ‘ wiii' |.v» live''-/•ioJiuwlnt* .vtjoiij’ ifiiis; Hi-*. ?</

ba iit tht* •■TWTiV \>f. .'yu'-k. - Jjul-.:.»U<7C.tu.. ;.»c ■ U'MHin. ’M.) . 'Jsyc.

•;• tipoa- .r)tr1iv«,'f,v.' . •• ■ '1 . - .HOSE. JC.-WKNZ/fL-

1 • v: ,J t»'f? i i * rt.

r u m i? v * * i

HI.*• H> ‘I l * II J

*5* 1 Kttfh ru f > t >* r *< \' U ^ i r l l > - f )

WO H U « M I

I \ « t K V W t e CIfc J 1 . - l a f s F a

| f< Su <f 5»?? '“V lf 'H


■‘ I




us; vs.: Its- V

<.tUt u ij. i I i i 0 t i «■[»<«

i, r>h *.

? 0

M>e ;i:.h «.IdV vs ■ k-ki-mih

MI 1 IS1


X 4 ^L i\ ( M • jc-i'.HV.

►I M:..



iu UM.J/f) J ft 3 (

SU i»'.t <..*. arwl of Wc'i

• H&U1NNIMK -i\ << jx-io .mnifeftriy ■• sifjr iii:c ?■■.' £.

(jl<i»J£- 1}H> fryOj-Ui M'j.Th I'fjJf V,c-.ityh hlfit: >»rjonti .

;-(i ) : fh*r rjiii ihc-fiy ’ ..wrti-Piucv iwfuin.irt nt'^rf«eK o<* m;n- uUis VVcfll 131 t»r€l

■ . inc Centro/. JLoiirv-fiA•■ JwMy'i Vnvni.'t') ■ • ' . ................. '.\V>: hJc-n • tfic • ’c-vwri by 1C.*-- ■'Znviviv}.-. Kiu]>ci;ni ot .-.ifj.ruv

,-/j iit;{jr«es 45 n>tvi»r.i Vj sac

{ f


tht; l ■



’I-he • .r’fT'-'t,

;l»1 < ‘u-r

m li t-JtiVMjt;

uaiicn f.iy ..

•’ J-AL'L i'.f JuV{WW,.-;jfi.

??;«f-rd ,ru!y-y^/:

.Kyviic.v,. Aiwii’ isci?, \ 'N- i(ii(.U'f.' ‘K.stifi'. ‘': ” • ''■■' •. . ' "'.■•.■

•■'•Wj? iJii'.-iO • ' . • . .................... ...................... :

rt 7 <I v,<

I tH I HLUJC! ivtT>r.


- iniBiWi'<iTnv>'r‘ii-ffrriiT--!T-|niTiiriinmir¥Mrir.<r l‘

*JV HOG r o u p 3


ARTISTS EQUITY NEW YORKC o rd ie ily In y ite i You l o A t t e n d on

ART SHOW, ~ al ifit


HiyrtWiy 34 A Broad Sfreei


ij>i n*. M/vrji'R'-


OiS Painting*

From I (o 5 F.M.




I f a lt»e . b iicaks. cut In your

home, get w t : laitt w iih vour

lair.itj'. Jrirr tsc sp ;fa j latter

Ihan you « n run. .-...- -

I f y v u 't im l sm ote lit iu> open

t u i iw a y m o jk h hall, us* «*-

o iW r preplanned way out. Teach

y w r cblMrcn how lo vac (lie .

phoee (« report a lire,

Mate sure children can open doors, windows and gcrctfiw In

« » ’ape: routes.

■ Make ture your family knows • the quickest .and safest ways lo tscape irnm every room In the

house. ■

- DON'T A lire youriclf.

II you are (rapptd in a Kiuoicc- ilUwl rnnm, Klay near the floor,

wh«re the istr is better.

DON'T Maay people have Jumped and died—without realiz­

ing reacue was jua( a few mlD* u*t« awuy, ■

Do You Know What To Do In Case Of






ami Elliott, Inc.IN5URANCS SERVIC*

SINCi 1929

3 E. Front St. 264-1116

V. E. Kiilph & Son, Inc.


Oleson’s Welding



212 Broad St. Keyport

Dickstcin Associates, Inc.QUALITY S SERVICB


Lloyd Rd, (Just West of Parkway) Matawar.


The Kirwan Co., Inc.


Afrport Plaxa - Hwy. 86 Hailet


Union Auto Sales

917 HW Y. 36 — UNION BEACH


Rfllpll Clblon Gmihija J acoIii



3228 H w y . 35 264-3089 Hazlet

S t e r l i n g T i i o n i j t t n n

A '

' A s s o c i a t e s '



20 State Hwy. 34 Malawan


tveiir year by hrei


Rt. 34 (South cf Lloyd Rd.) Matawan

566-8333 566-8334


KjTAi.Ll t'ik.- i v?5

l i i i l i l o i * tKr. l l i l K ’r


HW Y. 38, HAZLET — 264-0198

(!:»liill - Serin*.aii tiMrv oi i' kmiv ii'c ;


"WM- IMF A11 Miir"

C l i f fw o o d Bench — 566-0888

M id d la t o w n — 6V I-1308

iiJ kpv£0jrfHome To 7 our• %%-t ‘•i 'i,

' t t

:v,fim ter of ;J»f ^*ga:U-

s;yH i.'rilfis

i -fivtif •:■{ v>s?.?K>n£-Uu-.-ie ore ’.juo'ff.' i, i*-5i*.UiirtuVrn . .

, Mj-si . -M. Nb .- Kw?h'H. wm.i'Mrs, Kuth K:c}u?h,

KufM^/i.v.otiiCL'. uiiij Maiav.&r; of­

fice sr»ajjaj»er- Are t ‘np;:r. -

VulY Vi anif t iri s $ 1 L w i v / c n ^ s s ?

. . . lr-v }unn(f <w! Til ^urf Mr* i* )l,$r t ir>{ k i < * i jt >

M af», rt.eypi/rf> b i ^ . jidrivd

)s btnng ^pfjnsCHfj J.*y fvlfltawai! j f i i ’cr r'*,ih oik

Vjfi&'iy, • 7 2)1.!, is kk ?)<• {he o!c:(M-i, l>»;u.‘-r.r in Kt

i i; / i t 1 * c y i ' a i « 3 in rt>inni:.i wlUf.i/nsiiiiry Myir. '

N<>f jt>; ■n/});oti Uiat'AUti^aa Tovvfl-

c»i-t)p Ch iiiroiiL Cvthp.'i.’VIT . w ,jp‘ J tc T 1

sit 1I> -LOUfit'il " ‘m/- ■ Tllft •"<*? M;i?i«(v;;.!si for a <\<ub ?<?f-tht Hi ib.’ prcrmxeii Icicr.tcd At Wi.ii'.'-vt .Ma/r, Ht.. ’■<V'W»V ’bht't- v.'i i.< { a ,‘5.. N. J bn<VJ~ . •

•••• •OMIir.fv-frt-' t.hv..1 arf-;.--• .* >t#m;s-.A«r;c/pr.*i6.. ••?.(?■

'Orvh.ird at., Kcjjjisrt. N. J, - . - .• '. .Joseph. . Ruccc.

:<4, Matnv/cm, -N. .1. •:■: Si't-fcNii v v rS'u niaH i'cuvr, CfJiJ.*It ii } ,c V , n J r

- , -.Tiicmi(iv' I Bk'o.’ -w*n:.liforK ic 'I»rair«'-'-‘u.*v .N\ J..- •.

TnjHrtf1 * Hichf.ttJ Uevktr; Clfliii-• Nfj'fi'J. ,-'Kf'.v.-irr. N. . J, . • • . . .•

- J l j i u r o , Gssioft Avc'nue. Mntu'vnn, W. J . .

objcctW'-.vjf,' r«ny, 6 oi0d te ■toiniif )n ft'MUDrt to Boftn K. Wenl*?l, citrtk o! U.c J'*:'.vn.\hlp «l Mhtswiin. ><«‘w - - :j

- .Maui’.VHu Jownfjhir.* IiO£* A • CiJeiuJiiil Co. Nf/, 1. J~C.

• 75 I x-'Vtr Ms in Str«»«tMi»taw;n). New J«rwv

J 9/25 • JCv* J11.40 - •

. Iji 102'

T'.hilU '•! lilt ..i»ntl M rs. •KI!/;iry.''C ‘i;n»,Mouk». nf.v-

i »b nj».. it i.;i! ;.>t.

h i the jtu-.'hc whf-n / fjc \Jui*'i‘.V02!

.iusiio; V onw n 'h C lub spo ns i*^ a '

TOirr. s f hoj;v, s on ijuminy from } H} 4 p.m;. . .. ’

ricrkj;i,s rn.’iy ‘ be purch-^;<.':J

J.r<.■:]} any- rni'ii’! . j ; ;i| 'I i>ij

SI., '

wan; 'I'he- Shop, Sfiiiili-

fjwre OiMcr, .Matawan

o»; on (he day of Un.-r oi; JHe ,

•Jvibhousv (il 160 Jackson ‘it .,

Matavyjifi, Tifc.'iwx ivili, ut

ciiihhr:i.iji<» at. ’.vhirh limv', pro- .

Win -maps of [hr hort- . Will 'JrSU ibtjt« <L . Pfoilfcods

h um ihe Iv u r w ill go to ^n ru

vntlf/j*, c iiarjue f.

The Matdy Hfiit Stoalvvusc;

gray home nt Mr. end Mrs; Cun.*

mms is UtHfvcd io 'be* the stc*

hoiic*-* . Ki'Vpcit-Tm.

h h u s lwf-u vfMfoto: aU‘*J ui

Culoiiiiii Wiiliumsbiirg ytylt: ftud

fi-;.tires' ori.tinij '.voOiNvurk and

\vuMh. . wtOe .^cord pirip floors

ond fvirnishii’g.s. .f.rUeri‘.ir aj>il eA-

tc tio r walla .&rv. l/riek lined

cJay. moiiAr. -

Oit* .(‘.Mtfc-iccuay. hiiy antique

a w n v.cijfJwoi k uRti ..ihe. \vulta

ate i.\‘ jb«Uv‘ £,rcv?n floral dtsijpv. .

: l h o -living room is iioiic in ^Vil~ :

It.iir.sbur^ blue winch conipuv

tmonts Ui*» jv;.ip!(( funKohin>s

chairv \vhu:h arc clOfie in

r-cludt-s <>f i'-tl u)>ti bl'H:. m;;:v

U'i:;c ijiilwiuji?) stipiiriUc* Hie main

living- room from a :.nii'.ll a ica

wliir h cr-.:V,»?ius bxilvoa*-:'. s,

rniit.Jii!!}'. ih«; ci.^iiinns «!iul »•. u i;

t’fl f)‘ r.

i *u v]:nn*j> v«>on), W^iirh is nrt

a p*ut of the oriipiMl b«.'uv«''. is

»Kipvu*<i i'i 'd t:» tfCH ;'!iJ l?'uv

r.l dvsu’ii. j/rji-n

«v>im'»J :'i!ii'ic.ol:s A r iii*- f;\:;!♦•»*i i i’ -.'1!

i f t ' t U ! r i i O ('.I %• I (>f f?K'

rc;nm. AiiJUjf^.s mcitulo a

|V\. hntt.'T't; driO p.lilli-IV.IS.

V'c Kitclic>i v-iil!*, arc

•vit . ii M".l {kv i'. i !iv LiMiKfeluT

'.rt l;Uu:k v.uv.ij’iit w ith r-vi

v'll ..ji. . I :i'V^r

Iht- luv.t-r |V)T‘!rn cf t!u.' windows

:.•(.* . . . .

JJoi! iuv«-ro(i set the

Mmtk ch iiii^ nnd u^bk*.

A rr*d, white blue pirate

ihenu* is te a iw vd ir. lhe- upsta irs

ptavroont which nlsn is an origi*

nal purt l>{ tho hoMtp. (w«»

children’s bfrdrt-om.s nnd tne

niKNtcr bedim)tn tilsu catry


(4«lSIILKIH-"fi S\ l.KSl-TKKtDH ( Ol‘K I o r M-'VV JKMKKV

I'lliNTKIIV 5.1VIMON .MOV MO MU ( Ol STY DtfKi't N»». 1' U6V-C1

Tin* Mi Mn J>j.Ttk P!;<.... . ■' ‘•v i't .w r Men-.V.*!' e!

tty \ it \ti*: .. »'?In ihe .ih'.M' !'* mel l l lH ' f l l j J *. .ill (Ai-.vt1 '<n ** :• li *

AI p t M k' '< ii- .'1 ''■••illMnn>f‘ |:l ',)!<’ h'"! *:'iJ'.N I' rt’CM'.'-k1., C’om ily .,1 Mi. -in. ulh. i'» -­(m MiviKl.k’. tH\- UIU-, da-, -.t UiU.ticr. Ih0!». .H 2 ■fVJi-vk. I 'M'fi;

.rtAH tin- ti.lli*’.' Inc nf Itiiui ‘n-r*I'jiv' ' rlv Uf *•»ii i <1. :' intfAnn bfi'it1 rn t'H* le-r-'iuoi "? Hut Bank. in» t .>.»• <v -A %1-->:n\'vi\ti Olid nf N'<’\ .f«- '♦ •

IlKCU N t.l a r*.*n, n • tie>inrth* i Iv »• iic . f l,t Kit n 1 i'ii#t fornii i !>. 1 .il;i <t li. 1 st 1 Mm t ) iitlho st. ii-., .1 ■ I I I it • 'IV(if .t'.IlM V. I. 1 Vi '.if.. m Ic, ,, > ...-;tm tii't.i ,1 • • !'1\ Sl\ >M it ’ 1 - 5(feel « - !\ ‘li'I.I »H" M >it, , .,*1rtnru'j f vi. «.r .'! Ill l" 1' l',0Svtun!» M-, 11 i.l-l 1• 1-rtyfllontf i !'1 1 !•• j'm I f V.< 11 iyol I..H-MI; 1 ( •11' tl,l ill< (I ' .11\*/our .'«**■ *:X i Hi it * .1 •'•mt,DH'I'i »• 1 . M .-■'V! ••■ :!l>LmiU'ii i '.nr ■ i1.-. f . > X hi,(t : ! ingIf1*.' In I11" 1 « • i < .‘.1 1 ■ 1 •Iv }>., •,«<. • ;*•, '.' . ■ * H'Iiip.ili. (! : ; > ■ ■:. r ' ■ t •: \ 1 » ■ i f-tv tl,.- ' ,'l ( i : <\V 1M.u-r: ! .1 -,■ 1 • 11 1' !' ■ 1 .tin..... Mi ■ i :'.V .'1 Ml. 1tU ! .. 1 11' !■’!' ‘l , ! *, 1 :■<|.(.||il "1 t < i , ! * 1 ,'. .. .*

VWi! v itt 1.1(111.,!( 1.Ht tl 1 >.1:1 • 1. 1

• } -.1 <\

I'i.' ‘ ilc ,i- .,,1,1 f the.111 11 i.i 111 > • 1' h. 1 ■ , . r| V. > - Ml^,llt, ■ ' , . ,,i , M nil i,y t(,.TVith i.i' I'i 1' ■ 1 " 1 ‘ -ic.

T-.f II' 1 , , 1 ‘ ■, , 1 r‘ )tii«rii'M ’i' ■ll'i ,' ! 1 • ..Ir : ' thi'i • -II, V -h . ,,t

IMnit \.’AM 1. Kit If a;-; '•• .1 iff

Itir’i.ii ,i * «•, ; 1' '. 1 u..t

MOSM Ol I II I o l S I \*.t H ltlX . \ I I S ( 0« KT

NO’l'lf '{' rn r u t n . ’t im 1- I II PHK. HKNT i I AIMS AC A IN1- I’ !■ vrATlJ

K r.\*!'|.- (»!•■ r i I KU I " I I O, P I 'C I .A ‘•■11).

rui'ii.M l On- uifVr fit ftVO-M.n J <M• r,r:tr.r, i|a M. SiunMif < till f'i.'inlv r.f Mdi'ii ii'ii* 11 ttilf> i1 ii y Xh.>vU'. tUi' i.t'l-IU nti ' ' '< tt.Oilmli'l‘.!j!i-rr1. Jlllln 'I‘. M. lit., .<'H$ l-'vi" ntf !n nf in- '"l.ili* «'l t S«* nmi I ’ll* I .7. ! I l.l I n ill i i .im 11. iii'li? i in 11 I'V * I' f it 111 II.(I I 'I I I II I . t <'/’• ;Hl| iln I ,, • 1(1 |. • I .| I'V ( III I, ||,(|

I I II111 If*' I' 1 jt I 1.I'll'. li.llii.ii. ii ‘ I- i. "ti', i i• 'i!i

.11 ■ I I I f M . I 1.0 < I' h;i'.,(l M in i M.i’;i i ,it'. N'fn Ji'j#,rv

' ' I*' I V(, ,||IM 1‘ U'M.I.^ \V rilTMl', Kx*l,I «’ l Ml........M <l| ,1 V .1 1 I f n r V

A f M. r t , I • \ '

,f i ;m iii iii v.' ::u

' " i't? I’nur - ,0 •

-; A . lhiul\ ri'Wm! !:irr:'.h :r?o ( !i> ’ i K - I . . Uohiv

de!._ b iii l l ni IV i?. v-T'ifh >!a< IK-*'!?..'

n.’Sti.‘}i'd . <YsH-. rt’drr/vrdn'ii -with:'

• «■;!{•>' I Ilh .’I.;V i,

;;nd is C'.v'«.>i.i by he ?-)o:i;:',oc,T)?*.

.Ci';uiUy ll i ' . iu r •':;»> ’■ S w k 'tv . 'iii.s

. fld».k‘0. A»> ilit-.: j nis .iff-,

lutovvti ms 11-e H i’i'idr'ivKft'i} Hmo’sc.'-

':.-Sm c2 -«U UiC iioinea un i'-iui:'

aii'Cr dr.C^^-Xvo w iih {Ort'isi'i' - ' il w-ji rfv^;i)nstJ:idcd.'tN«t

r.hiklreh ht; (.vki?i <Yn t:~c t< -1*,

. Ri'so .w ou 'd be- appjeei-Uftd if

WdMTI'n |1>..)|* iM.y hf'vl'i.

Tiw Mut^W ivn J ij ',!o rs v.ill

MWiisoi' a flow er nriijny iitg con-

U.' f 3/r!i>;TJ{ the ■ f>S*r,-| ?c?:*? I‘f. indi-

v idnal, v lubs jn ih r

A jraru ie in/jnt.i \vjll b f ph ie id in

J-iOtres on im ir • ^ssO - h jllc fj

W ill h r r;**ii h* ,:?!r • u v the

<<jur.: A repre^r’'vc ,>f i ‘;e

Mttfihv’ft' Ju-iiui.s 'Ail! p ro .cn i

ribbcn*: rh f w inners at »ln»ii

re ip cc tive n iub n tcc i.'i^s . .

’Hie loiloiymg. y!ufcs-,wil( p;».r*

t in p jiie ,. i .akeri.dRC .. GiittkVi

H u b , Mot-ViV-jn, Cuh ili rtsiduncev

K oot-aiid .I'ltMnch' .Gi*rdfj,j ^'luh,

K typorfi . O iinrniv-.s" i^iilirite*-'; '

iov. ti £ r j cii.-ii. C iuo , i,\;rny

/\*»?co . nhd. G arden ’:'Ci.ub-:.

■-iloliuUel., /.ijnm erur if«->

ideoco. The Jin^t-rr. Vr’ll ;p;:*,c.c

ii» n u j/«n n c r is io JIh- Ui;/ujr;'ck

wm U?.5‘<,o. - - - - - •

T O > iS f-.f- 7 'M f

1 r. A \c-v • N iT C L t ^ J A ,D

.- O R I H E '. .O M i ’NG- it- A ’s O N

6® tajiEfet- la■f s ih

L :

- ■ ■•■■■• ;:i .\ U W IV F $ S A L - >CAS USST' CIb wE&


' 5 6 6 * 4 3 4 7 .ipocij Un*.'l H.: ; i.9w J

iiifW V id a tv yt 'mw.'w w h . s *- 'f * w w ; * i s w t -V




' «




«r4 '

Aii+horized CScotts) Dealer • ». . . . . .. . . ; _________________ ____ .. .

I leaciai^ai Ters For Ail <*) cjr. Garden Weeds'

m u ic h e s h o s e s



' * m q 'vvtks

Imported from ' Holland


s'”"1*5 .*> . V

\K.Ar £ ?»* *■"

3C.Iri A ':*?'

99 c

roi>. '-all colod . .


iw;; -i.i

w tf.


w ..


. . . >v

& ■ v-’: ■ 'V:.: — I)PEN 7 DAYS ■ /.'.'A;.


% W W W H* Vt .V W "V w HI W /W & W III V W .- tt- W % w in w-t ’ :



• ' ' •'23 i

TcChocio .Pr«M«r

95 c

THERE'S'm syisiiTuir

( f t e ­rn- CONFIDENCE

m vym m boy /. W I T H C O ^ F m K - C I ■


m m \


'67 C o rv e t te


4-Specd. Reef v« io uiflc* Top.

'68 OLDSMOBli.E V.^u Cruitrr,

Cwtlom 3 3c«*l Sfdf'on W^gon. V-8,

Aulo. Tram., P.S., T’iJv.jr biue,


'MJ CHEVROLET Capr'ico 5So*t

Wagon. V.p4 lr«m., PS..


li*8 PONllAC Tcmpcit l.nUin|,

2 Ooor HtitcJiop V-3, Tf«n .

Vtdfiw *i(h Vf.nyl Top fli.d

I'Hiir ic,r<


'&& PtYMOUTH Fury IU, 4 Dcor

Maintop, '>‘•8. A.:ito, Tfor*. K5.,

A»r Co(»«j. S-lvt-i Cvrcf wi*h Vj(iy*



48 CHR> SI ER Ni«w YVflff *1 Poor

Hardtop, full F'o t-r, Air Cc"d

>»ith Wf-d flnj

Blad Vin^i T.*p.


■)>8 CHRYSLER Nw Y.-U: 2 Docr

f Ifi-dlop. full Po^er, Ai* Oood.,

Yfllow with Black V;’ly| | !(•' "igf f. 1(1

Wliil,. V y ! y(,fi

*67 8U1CK SVitJctit 4 OocrP:wfr, Air CjhO-i '.Vfi';J«

wHK Bl^cl V»«1 yI Inft-ricr ^.nj Tnp.

$2895 .

'67 *T. t'MOU’ H R'lfMcurtd 2 Ortnr Haiiiiop, V-8, A*iio, Vr«*,nt., P.S., Gold,


*67 OLOSMOUILE "W U ^ .y Sedan, fulf Po*er, Air Cond. <?»c!d with Bfacl Vinyl Top.


'67 LINCOLN Cc/Hlnonf*! Co*jpo. Full P-jwer, Aif Cond., (?»Cfn.


'h i filiICK W’.ii-t' lipcrf Cciip«.

Full Fowct, A.r Ccnd., M.*.icofi 'wllnWJ.:i,. V ! ' f , ,;v.. ,,.„i icp.

pmcro TO S«LU ,

'58 Jeep

Station WagonA • Wh(»ol Ori/o

V-&. 269 rord tnq<rc, Snow Plow


•J.8 Mt'STAUGV f l , \ (to. ! r .1 ’

DI.IV r.; *h pi*. Il

7 tv^r ifl’fjlrp, !’ S. / :r C.mJ,

'-V F p.


*ftfl H1ICK R, PS. Pfl. Air HI k ..ii,l Ic


•67 CIUV-<(jUr 'nrA vu * i,

V.’Vi,) t-i,v i, Iri. f!t

*1 Poor


'67 CADILLAC So Jnn D„V,II,. Puwiif, Air Ci-nd. I ifqi.<' !*■• IU cIi Yin l lop.



't7 PLYMOUTH Fury III 4 Dror Hardtop. V-fi, ,Abto, r>aat., P.S. Whit® riHh Intcfioi.


'(.7 rowiiAC n« ,jioP,t Cyl-1 Aulo. Troni. M^toon wiih W*>itn Vifljt I U-m'oi.


67 FOKO 1hund#rbifd, 4 Deoi 'rtnd.n), fi!* fdn-i, A>f Ccnd,, Gfrcn with Kflti Vinyl Top.


’f>7 I'Of ill Pifsfcird H^fdltp. '/■ P, I milt CIucl Tup.


*67 DIDSMODILE *'BS” Cutlsit S.f... H’ p Sf-'i-rt, V 8. Auto. I i . i I1.S., A»r Co»<d., S • or 6 n>y.

$ 23 95

v? ou.'Sf,ter.ite D.’^cnt* S. 4 I ' .m H.vittp. P.S.. Air

t\.nd., lu .- n .v r iih W>n* Vinyllop.

'66 Corvoltntibia

$3 15 0

Mft<j Wh*fl[|, A li'fltd,Gir«n with Mfltk lop,

'66 MEP>CURY Colon/ P^rt Station

Wagon, V*0, Aoio. Trfl«j., P.S.,



*66 RAMBLER Affb<m#dor OPL,

2 Poor H.Kc tcp. V-0, Aulo. Tr«n$„

P.S., Air Ccnd.. Power Windows,

B?a«;V «r.d While.

$ !69E

’66 LINCOLN Continent^ 4 Door

Sedan. F-ui! Po^er. Air Cond., Bl.ici

with Blacl Vinyl Tfp and 6019c Ir-



'66 I’LYMO'JtH Fury III J Dcor

Hitidfpp. V.8, Auto. Tram., P.S.,



'ft PONTIAC 4 Door

Waqon. V.0, Auto. Tram,, P^, A'"

Cond., Roof Rati, Bomj®,


'M MtRCURY C « » , l V,B»9tr

Slaticn Wa«;on, V 8, Aufo. Tian*.,

P.5., RH, G^Ul.

$! 295

VS CADILLAC Ccup.. DrVillo, ^11

Pi»wo*, Air C-c.nil , lilatk wiih Whit^

Vinyl Top.


'M C H fV H O lH Coivjlr Cr.jfj*.

/ u'tu, Lniij., I'-rn .


•(.0 C/DUIAC Strl.n DtVlll*. Full

Air Cnml . III*.I.


®BIUL LANZARO 'S®Aullnii i;od Do.ilcr - Chryslor Motors Corp.

56A 222<1


.THE ;MATAWAN'.'JbURr 'fl-ur av. Octabftr 2, !?6?

[Receives 4&- Year - Service Pin



. ‘ ■ ‘ 0*i S-MONTH :S A V I N G S C E R T I F I C A T E S

m Available in multiples of $1,000. Minimum certificate $10,000-

■ Automatically renewable.

■ May be redeemed at any time — on modified terms if prior tc renewal date,

* Certificates purchased by the 10th of the month earn from the 1st.

■ Accounts transferred promptly and without charge,1 Limited issue.

“ 8 « V B tor G sunny eUy at Sun Saving*"

Paul ■Rivera Named Om5 - 1 S

:.M!r -SfXiinJsh■ Advisory'■CorfoViUR*-

oa. hifii; beu: fo:ri0y .

' i,.y L-r. "Cif.fl L. Aiurbur^

!i[>h a .; Dyiu*

W Pan# ?!»*. CllEfwood. Head*, payroll supervisor ai iho ‘Joseph '-Dixon Cruclhfe

r ° n , r c> u ‘c,,ivM * 45-yw-sisfvlw p‘n fium prrsident Murren A 7mm er ,■> ftm p*n\ ion lroUr^i^isuR*ir V/.iUcr Jiuckbutti .luokit on, Mus Brandt was guem of honor at a surprise .luncheon spon­sored »y the company at JBruuo'i, Jersey City, ' ,■■■■.

Resume Meetings

................. S a v i n g saud Loan A ssoc ia tion

134 M A IN S T R E E T 10 S U N B U IL D IN G 63 C H U R C H S T R E E T

M A T A W A N • A irp o r t S h o p p in g C tr . * K E A N S B U R Q


Su I "'-‘J'-l- of ;i'i‘Cliffwood - Cldfv.Ood Ueaoh firoa

: • •esuinerl-'in“(-;ti!igs ‘ tillsweek.

• . Broivnie Troop 110 at ;

Bhyvlaw Presbyterian Chijrclv

: Cliffwond lo/hiiTt • \1r<?

■’•'Frank Parsiylt and Mrs. N. VV!- ,

, ioK Brownie. Troop 154 meets nt

Cliffwood School, 7 liursd^ya,' 3­4:31) p.m,, leaders, Buy3

:and Mrs.. R. jtughta.. Brownla

.Troop; 241 also meoU. at , Cliff-.'.-:, wood School, Wednesdays; 3 1: l)

.p.m .,, leaders,. Mrs, ,M. Szantol:. and Mrs. R, Gassur. ■

■ ' ‘ .Tu-iiiir Troop M l meets Ht

. :the Bayview, Cb'i.rcli, .Thursday*

^:30-lJ_p;m.i'lca<,iMrs, P: Flet- •■■.:■

■ cher,.Mrs.: P. Gardner and Mrs.

C. ■ Pnvik. .luulor Troop 321 meets at VS.'/i. Hall,' Wednei-

•lays, 4:30-6,'p.m:, -leaders,’ Mrs. : J . Kr,i’ anil M ri, C. Weivtzi"! and :.

..Cudctto Troop 2U moets ft

the Buy view Church, lenders,

Mrs. William■ Smith, Mri. M.

Shaw and Mrs. P. Whirt. . .

-Junior Troop 119 does not hnv*

any leaders at this time., Slnu»

tin ;M!W . Junior (|irlj cJii !>» ac­

cepted until lead^i'ihip is fua■

vided, ,volunteers are ur|><id io. .contiiet;:aiiy of the. present. W i-

ere, I'his troop rneets at the Cliff-

; w« k5’.. icliool; .T'-iSsdays,' 7.S:3»

P rui ’’ - :\ . " ■

,.:The"Chrisim»s,.projects include

gfwdtvill baskets -tor a ti.eedy.fiiM-

ily as: well as an overseas pack­

age Jor a 'Vietnamese orphanage;

It was : ajinouiiuofl . that. :i„;

names of the. e«ke “baktj -- o ff1

winners should he ■.■sub«ltt<*d .So

C iil Scout, headquarters by .D»jc,

1, . ,

214 i Students Enroil

V . Fr*rd';rick Fow,.\-deur) ot studepU . of Middlesex .. County.

College,; - Edison, has . annonnced. that tho college • 0|>ened lta d(iors to % total of 2111 full-tfinev «tu-.

dents this year. OX this fi">i‘"«,:

13B1 are frcshmnn nnd 780 are

(enlors. ; Mr. Foos1) , Indicated-,

that 1181 of the fresiimaii class

ara ; county residents. Eighty

ltina ■ pf the duUtf.county resi­

dents aiu from Union County

«nd 47 from Somerset County,

l l io college i;ivcs lirst pr‘,!,.*r-

enca In all curricultiina to Mid­

dlesex County residents.

F u ll rants

A l S la le JVluseutn

AuLumii }9(i9 Is byre/ aw l t>it;

Jsfew Jersey Stafp, Museum at

.Tronton vyill begm an active

so« or fruRkvud auditoriuiu. pm>

i'a! Ii,aii6 - .' ijitiiJll

Andnnon lairy tiile,“ Ths Era.

l>:,r,'i ’s N;;;hti!!galj.v," lvan5l».le.d

.to film hy JJri ‘TVliikft. tht* piijy-;

pet attLst. The Filin .will be.:

shown Saturday: jit -10:;1D a.m.

and 1 p.m,; nnd.. Suriday: at. ’(, ■ , v. -," . .■■ . ■:

, On Safurilay, Oct. 11 at .1.0; 30:.

"a.m . and 1 p.m., the 'Valt: pis-. n,'y True; J.lfp Advt'n'.of.-! r;)r>;: •'

''Secrtti of Lift?/1.' will’ explora

the- st rang i1 world ‘of ::s rhi I I.r:crea'v

: turos. and. plariw on , the. .cktth -and under. tho sea. :.

On Sunday, Oct, 12 at. 3 p.m.,

Mr s.- Leah Phyfer. Si05iiiAvr^,' tlvi.

musKum’B assistant rtiri'ttor, .

will apealc about Roosevelt art­

ist, Ben Shahn, and the Shalin

Reirospectiw, whirh v.’ill ba on ;

exhibit until Nav. 13. .. . .. i :

Atl museum programs ore frta

to tins puhllu. Museum hours .

are Monday to Saturday, 9 u.m,

to 3 p.m.; Sunday. J to 8 p.m.

t;'rys5al’;K a l!

B e I k ' * I t ! O s ’ I., f l - : -

' i-<trivm i«:v ' Umvt-s, ■tiirui. i:ards und a l l . the v*.:y, M.*ry

-. i ex< : t ' - ; v , ' of ;>yj»',y (fwv .

w)\) p rov ide tbt-' f.'-r \ho.

•' £.;ux fryxiX'/'rt.t'!. W:?he County' Mf'nfit*

Hbi'.Vi k-i- T),-: J1 - ?• i*;:;v^s;r«£ C r .u iii\y \ CU:b, •■Isii’s...:

ViVKli V/. D.Vii,.dj^i.rnrafi, n^.ues gu?sr:'^» -.’Mn •

, j :y p ^ v ,j j 'iir o an;) Ar. tho fosr,iye tTiCfO ■ o f the

:/ '.Proccc-^s .oi tl’.fy r-?:Vi!r w t!i,;IliV .

•ther tiie in'any prugran;^,-of- /{5»i

: M on mm: th Cxwi ty j'vientui i i ea ith 1

A^o(-:ut:-v5 .7. ::t: " .p tvvx liin :

nwr<-4 •. <*f' t/iiv " iM b>\:< -

: e/iiotujnaUy .diAlar’^ J ’ 'und: • iftv

. prom’ on <;(•;:7r V:t;i! hi-,((:.V 'iii ■'’Mohnivw lh- 'Coum y;. ' : ' -': :

• Annihy the n tcinbcrs ol the .

; baiA; .corrLrni«cc. O!’-; M rs ’';,C . A, - :

fl/Ki :M r s / lty.'lh' S. Spc il- .

• h ia«r- bo th . of lloln;<dcri: " J.

. Offer Oceanography ;

• - -Occj.nuii! ;i * ihy j.'f one rjf 5S cel-;1

' :l^«*cteU[t; courses be;r.^ on‘ero"cl,

on u pert, tiiri'j basis t!;is fall by Riookdulo . Commuiiity; Colleiic.

: 'Vhe ^ 6 i.irscs V-’ilL b'r c-mvSi 'C'-A iiii

foil!' L*VCfH’«Ei:‘i.|jTul JWO ■

WtcSi at." p jin ’muniry ■ Lckiifiing

C^iU^ru throughuut MoiimuuUi

.County'*-''-‘‘in troducii^n id Occau-

ography" is bejiH! offered as . «

,c<M>i)crafivo ; un'JetniKrnp be-'

lwet*U ' tho coitege, '-and :.Sandy .

Hook State.. P ark ,: Tn)? coarse • will > bB/htOd. Thursday; evenings

trom -7 .tn^ i(^ 'l).^ l;;a tthe■ Park ,h•'

Naiurfi Center; : :o;.;

chati<r.Si»>r '■'/‘Vi:

" .; Amoves thi-*. mGwten- ^pr^’ntea' •,. v: i ’-\'Js.Ri'^ra,-.n.

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