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Post on 06-Feb-2018






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Ministries, Sacraments and Parish News

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul: Thank you so much for your contributions to the North of 60 program last

weekend. Your generous contributions added more than 2500 kg of food (50% more than last year) to be sent to

poor Artic communities. Your continuing contributions in response to the calls from the less fortunate in our

community are commendable. SSVP, on your behalf, offers food, clothing, household goods, furniture, and in dire

circumstances, in order to prevent evictions and utility cut offs, assistance with payments for rent, gas and

electricity. We do this on behalf of parishioners, in the name of Christ who loved the poor. If you or someone

you know needs help or wishes to donate furniture or household goods, please give us a call at 780 471 5577 or

visit us at - If you want to learn more about SSVP, or get involved with the Divine

Mercy Conference, please come to our meetings held in the Chapter Room on the first Tuesday of the month

following the 7pm Mass.

STM Scripture Study: A Scripture Study will begin with an information night on Tuesday, May 1, 2018 after

7pm Mass at 7:40pm, here at the church, in the Library room. At this time, the study booklets will be distributed.

The cost is $12 for materials. The study is called “The Psalms: Gateway to Prayer". This illuminating Bible study

shows us why these beautiful and timeless songs have such universal appeal. As we learn how to make the words

of the ancient psalmists our own, the psalms become our gateway to deeper prayer. We will meet for the following

6 weeks. Come for fellowship and to learn, pray, and share your faith. The time commitment is 90 minutes each

week. Those who have participated in other scripture studies have noted a positive impact upon faith life. For

registration or information call Deacon Randy Abele at 780 435 5070 or 780 493 1972.

Pancake Breakfast: Sunday, April 29, after the 8:30 and 10am Masses in the Parish Hall. Come and enjoy

pancakes with strawberries & whipped cream, sausages, scrambled eggs, coffee, tea & juice. Cost is $5 per person

or $20 per family.

To all the newly Confirmed (2017) at St. Thomas More Parish,

I know that your Confirmation is not so new anymore, but I have finally had the chance to read all of your

letters. They were truly inspiring. I was so impressed by your hard work and commitment to your preparation,

and all the good things you did to help people and make their lives better. I knew when I confirmed you that all of

you were an extraordinary bunch, and your letters proved me true. Thank you for you.

As your Christian journey unfolds, keep praying and trusting the Holy Spirit. You will do great things and be the

witnesses of God’s love and mercy that the world so dearly needs.

God bless you,

Bishop Gregory Bittman

Sacraments, Ministries & Other

Marriage Preparation:

Programs available are:

Catholic Engaged Encounter:

On-line Marriage Preparation: ishServices/LifeandFamily/


Baptism: Next Registration/Office Visit is Monday, May 28, for both parents, day and evening

appointment times available, 30 to 45 minutes in duration.

Next Baptism Preparation is offered over the two consecutive Monday evenings of June 4 & 11 from 7 to

9pm. This is the last opportunity to take baptism preparation classes at St. Thomas More until September. The

preparation classes are a requirement for parents and godparents. Classes may be taken before registration or

office visit and even before the baby arrives. Please note that there are no classes offered in May, July and

August. Contact Diane at 780 434 6313 ext 233.

Formed: As well, please make good use of a website that STM has provided free access to. Go to and enter the access code TBQYW9 and look for: REBORN: You, Your Child, and the

Heart of Baptism. The Reborn series not only helps parents and godparents prepare for the Baptism of their

child/godchild but also prepares them to be witnessing disciples of Christ in their families and in the ordinary

places of secular culture in which they live, work, and play.

12 Hours of Prayer for Palliative Care:

The Catholic Women's League of Canada calls all people of faith to join nationwide in 12 Hours of Prayer for

Palliative Care on Friday, May 11, dur ing National Hospice Palliative Care Week, as a profound witness to

the sanctity of human life. All parishioners, family and friends are invited to join the St. Thomas More CWL

council in prayer and solidarity from 8am to 8pm at St. Thomas More Church. Those unable to attend at the

church are encouraged to join in prayerful support at home. Signup sheets are located at the entrance of the

church. It is important that you make your commitment to pray known. For more information contact Annette at

780 437 4044.

Congratulations and Blessings on our newest Catholics – our Neophytes or “new sprouts”—who celebrated the

Sacraments of Initiation this Easter season: Cynthia Slobodan with children Reid, Emmy and Abbylynn;

Blessing and Gloria Mhlanga with children Brandon, Malachi and Eva; Yan Li with children Bo Yang, Bo Rui

and Zoe; Christine Luu with daughters Calista and Chloe; Amelia Kish with daughter Jane; Joseph Odiobala;

Chinaku Odiobala; Darnell Mukasa; Brad Schindel; Youping Shi; Mike Stagg; Carson Lai; Tony Campbell;

Rebecka Curtis; Tylor Snider; Joyce Boctor; Martha Boctor; David Dolinski; John Grant, Paola Rosnau; David

and Gloria Thiel.

Ministries, Sacraments and Parish News

Star of the North Retreat Centre, 3a St. Vital Ave, St. Albert AB

Register at: 780 459 5511

Subsidy request forms available.

A Path and a Small Light: with Paula D’Arcy (international speaker and author)

In this retreat, we will explore what we can do, through our choices and by widening our perspective, to not only

nourish our own spirit, but also to be an instrument of change for the world. This is a silent retreat. 7pm on Friday, April 27 to 1pm on Sunday, Apr 29 Live-in: $250.

Commute: $190

Mary - Pilgrim of Faith: A Biblical Journey

You are invited to journey into a renewed relationship with Jesus by following in the footsteps of Mary.

Facilitators: Archbishop Emeritus Sylvain Lavoie, OMI and Christine Foisy-Erickson

7 pm Friday May 4 to 1 pm Sunday May 6 Live-in: $250 Commute: $190

Please donate items for the St. Joseph’s Hospital Auxiliary Garage Sale on April 26th & 27th, 10am to 4pm.

These items can be left in the church’s cloakroom or at the hospital (10707 29 Ave) up to April 25. Contact

Sharon at 780 435 2368 for help with large or heavy items.

Canticle Youth Theatre presents “The Mask of God”: Based on the incredible true story of St. Genesius, “The

Mask of God” is the story of a pagan Roman actor whose life was forever changed when Caesar commanded him

to portray a Christian on stage. Witness one man’s journey from the depths of the catacombs where the early

Church gathered in secret to a fateful choice in the theatre of Imperial Rome. Adapted from The Comedian by

Henri Gheon, this drama is brought to life by a talented young cast aged 12 to 21 who have rehearsed at

St. Thomas More since last fall. Friday, April 27 at 7pm Saturday, April 28 at 7pm Sunday, April 29 at

7:15pm Tickets $10 Family Passes $35 Reserve at A portion of the proceeds will be

donated to the parish.

A Note to Parents: At CYT, we believe in creating uncompromising theatre appropriate for the entire family.

While the show is about the persecuted Church of Ancient Rome, references to violence are discreet.

Ministries, Sacraments and Parish News

Mass Offerings Calendar

Tues. Apr 24 +

Joseph Vazheparamhil Viktoria


Wed. Apr 25 +

Dan Pavelick

Thanksgiving Mass


Thurs. Apr 26 +

Nepomuceno & Selvina Bura Hanatuke family


Fri. Apr 27 +

Maria Tran Kelly Cassandra & Regina Ella



Apr 28 + +

Ely D. Ella Joseph Leung Wing Casey Brassor Robin Charlesworth

9:00am 5:00pm


Apr 29 +

Maria Nguyen

St. Thomas More Cantors

All Parishioners

Patricia & Rick Stephens





Tues Apr 24



Adoration &



Wed Apr 25





Thurs Apr 26





Fri Apr 27





Sat Apr 28


9am & 5pm


8:30am & 4pm

Sun Apr 29






Grocery Card Program: The St. Thomas More Parish

grocery card program welcomes more participation.

Members of the Knights of Columbus sell grocery

cards (Safeway, Superstore, Sobeys & Save-On)

before and after all Sunday morning Masses. They

will also be selling grocery cards on the first and

third Saturday of each month before and after the

5pm Mass. Tim Horton's $25 and now, Boston Pizza

$50 gift cards are also available for purchase. This

is a great way to assist Parish projects and to help the

less fortunate. Please take the time to support the

program regularly.

2018 St. Thomas More’s


July 9 – 13, 2018

Monday to Friday 9 am–12 pm

AGES 4 – 14

$50 per child (4-10 yrs. must be 4 by July 1st)

$25 Captains (11-14 yrs.)


Sign up today! Registration Date is :

Wednesday, May 2 6:30pm – 8:30pm

The Parish of St. Thomas More will be having a Day of

Recollection on Friday, June 8, 2018, the Feast of the

Sacred Heart, from 8:25am (Rosary and Divine Mercy

Chaplet), Mass at 9am, lunch at noon, closing with


at 3pm. (The day will be hosted by the Eucharistic

Study Group). The guest speaker is Fr. Miguel

Irizar. Everyone is welcome!


Parochial Administrator:

Fr. Sagayaraj Devadoss, sdb

Assoc. Pastor: Fr. Samson D. Antony, sdb

Permanent Deacon: Deacon Randy Abele

Pastoral Ministries:

Family Co-ord: Monica Bober ext. 227

Youth Co-ord: Sara Dmitri ext. 223

Sacrament Asst: Kathleen Eistetter ext. 237

Sacrament Asst: Diane Middleton ext. 233

Music Co-ord: Johanna Dietrich

RCIA Co-ord: Darlene Smigelski ext. 226

RCIA Asst: Kathleen Gust ext. 226

Office Staff:

Office Admin: David Matwie ext. 236

Secretary: Olivia Dias ext. 228

Bookkeeper: Dora Jankowska ext. 222

Custodian: Arthur Connick ext.231

Evening Receptionist: Gideon Boyle ext. 228

Weekend Receptionist: Joey Kolinsky ext. 228

April 22, 2018

4th Sunday of Easter

St. Thomas More Parish 210 Haddow Close, Edmonton, AB,T6R 2P3

P : (780) 434 -6313 F : (780) 438 -2088

Office Hours : 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

April 15

Together We Serve


Regular Sunday


Building Fund


World Day of Prayer for Vocations

My Dear People,

On 22nd April, we will be celebrating the 55th World Day of Prayer for Vocations on the theme

"Listening, Discerning, Living the call of the Lord". Pope Francis in his Message says that

listening, discerning and living the Word of God are the aspects that unite every vocation, personal

and ecclesial. He adds that we are not victims of chance or swept up in a series of unconnected

events. On the contrary, our life and our presence in this world are the fruit of a divine vocation! In

the diversity and the uniqueness of each and every vocation, personal and ecclesial, there is a need

to listen, discern and live this Word that calls to us from on high and, while enabling us to develop

our talents, makes us instruments of salvation in the world and guides us to full happiness.

The importance of listening, in a world full of "noise"

God does not impose Himself on our freedom, but comes in a silent & discreet way. This is why

we need "to learn to listen carefully to His Word and the story of His life" and to view the events

with the eyes of faith. Nowadays, listening is becoming more and more difficult, the Pope

observes, immersed as we are in a society full of noise, over-stimulated and bombarded by

information. The outer noise that sometimes prevails in our cities and our neighbourhoods is often

accompanied by our interior dispersion and confusion. But it is necessary to remember that the

Kingdom of God comes quietly and unobtrusively.

To discern, to “read within” life

Each of us, Pope Francis recalls, can discover his or her own vocation only through spiritual

discernment. Moreover, Christian vocation always has a prophetic dimension. This is why every

Christian ought to grow in the ability to “read within” his or her life, and to

understand where and to what he or she is being called by the Lord, in order to carry on His


To live the present, to be witnesses of the Lord "here and now"

Lastly, the Pope reminds us that Jesus announces the newness of the present hour, which will

enthuse many and harden the heart of others. The fullness of time has come, and He is the Messiah

proclaimed by Isaiah and anointed to proclaim the merciful love of God to every creature.

The Gospel cannot abide our slowness and our sloth. We cannot keep postponing with the excuse

of waiting for the right time. Vocation is today, exhorts the Pope. The Christian mission is now!

Each one of us is called - whether to the lay life in marriage, to the priestly life in the ordained

ministry, or to a life of special consecration - in order to become a witness of the Lord, here and


Pope Francis concludes his message saying, today the Lord continues to call us to follow him. We

should not wait to be perfect but instead open our hearts to the voice of the Lord, discern our

personal mission in the Church and the world, and at last, live it in the today that God gives us.

At this juncture, I should say that we are blessed with priestly vocations that are in some way

connected to our parish reality. Jonathan Quist, former youth coordinator of our parish, continues

to pursue theological studies. Deacon Robert Lee, who helps out, especially in the week-end

Masses, is preparing himself to be ordained a priest on 28th June 2018. Frank, son of Sharma &

Fatima, has made his first religious profession last week, as a Carmelite in B.C and Christopher

Ashdown will be ordained as Permanent Deacon in August, 2018. While we wish God's blessings

upon them, let us continue to encourage and accompany them with our prayers. Let us offer special

prayers on 22nd April, so that many young people may generously choose to work in the vineyard

of the Lord.

Fr. Sagayaraj Devadoss, SDB

Parochial Administrator

All bulletin items and after Mass

announcements should be directed to:

Deadline: Tuesday noon

Pancake Breakfast

Sunday, April 29, after the 8:30am and

10am Masses in the Parish Hall.

Ministries, Sacraments and Parish News

Mary Help of Christians Novena: The monthly novena to Mary, Help of Christians begins this coming Friday,

April 27th. The novena star ts on the Fr iday that is 9 days before the First Saturday. Father leads the novena

prayers following daily Mass; or, we are invited to pray the novena on our own as well. On First Saturday, May

7th the petitions placed in the Petition Box during the month of April will be burned in the Mary Garden following

the 9am Mass. Thank you for your dedication to prayer! May you be blessed!

Five First Saturdays Devotion:

Our Lady spoke to Lúcia dos Santos (seer at Fátima) several times about this

devotion. In 1917: “I shall come to ask that on the First Saturday every month,

Communions of reparation be made in atonement for the sins of the world.”

Then in 1925: “I promise to assist at the hour of death, with the graces necessary for

salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of 5 consecutive months, shall confess,

receive Holy Communion, recite 5 decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for 15

minutes while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary, with the

intention of making reparation to me.”

First Saturday at St. Thomas More: May 5, 2018

Confession* 8:30 am

Rosary 8:40 am

Mass** 9:00 am

15 minute guided meditation on Rosary mysteries following Mass

*Confession within 8 days before or after First Saturday suffices

** Saturday Vigil Mass (5:00 pm) suffices for keeping this devotion

E4C's (Edmonton City Centre Church Cooperation): School Lunch Program is helping children to concentrate on

their school work and not on their hunger. Please put your donations in the lunch bags and drop them in the

collection basket. Please make cheques payable to “Edmonton School Lunch Program”. Thank you for your

support. Catholic Women’s League.

Serve the pro-life movement with your unique skills and talents. The Board of Directors for Alberta Life Issues

Educational Society (ALIES) is seeking individuals to serve on the Board, who are committed to protecting the

value of life from conception to natural death, and maintaining and furthering the vision and mission of ALIES &

The Back Porch. Involvement from individuals with pastoral, legal, financial or medical knowledge would be an

asset. To learn more, please visit us at and contact Samantha at

Sacraments, Ministries & Other

Marian Mass: On Monday, May 7, 2018, St. Thomas More Parish will celebrate a special Mass in honour of the

Virgin Mary. The Rosary begins at 6:30pm followed by Mass at 7pm. Refreshments will follow immediately after

Mass. All are welcome!

The Knights of Columbus Father Bonner Council will once again be selling Mother’s Day Roses for Life on the

weekend of Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th of May, after all the Masses. The proceeds from these sales will help

to fund Pro-Life activities that our Council participates in, or supports. Give your wife and your mom a rose, to

thank them for their gift of Life to you, and for your children.

Are you registered with the Parish Office? Being registered with the parish office is important. It allows us to

serve all parishioners by providing a better vision of the active populace so that we may respond to the needs of

this growing and dynamic parish. Please do not assume that you are automatically registered if you or your

children have received sacraments at STM, or if you live within the parish boundaries and attend Mass. The only

way we can register you and your family is upon submission of a registration form. These forms are at the main

entrance of the church. If you attend STM parish and have not registered, or if your

information is not up to date, please fill out a registration form and drop it in the Drop Off box outside the office.

Do you Like Books? The St. Thomas More LIBRARY MINISTRY is in

need of volunteers to assist the library co-ordinator in setting up the library

in preparation for parishioners to borrow items. If you are able to help, or

would like more details, please email or call

Theresa at 587 987 7915.

Pilgrimage and a Heritage Tour to Incredible India! Fr. Jaya Rajan SAC, St. Anthony’s Parish - Drayton Valley

is organizing a 16 days Christian Pilgrimage and Heritage tour to India from October 17 to November 1, 2018. The

Itinerary includes the House of Missionaries of Charity (St. Mother Theresa of Kolkata), Bom Jesus Basilica – Goa

(enshrines - the incorrupt body of St. Francis Xavier), St. Thomas Mount – Chennai (places of martyrdom,

ministry and Tomb of St. Thomas – the Disciple of Jesus), Our Lady of Velankanni Church – the Lourdes of the

East (place of the three apparitions of our Blessed Mother). The itinerary also includes various important Basilicas,

Churches and other places like the Taj Mahal, Victoria Memorial Hall, House Boat Cruise, Ferry Cruise,

Monolithic art and architecture, Historical Forts and Palaces, Spice and Tea plantations - to experience a Cultural

blend of India. If anyone wishes to join this great trip, please contact Fr. Jaya directly at 1 780 902 3839 or for more details. Only limited seats available!

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