marks journal of urology

Post on 29-Oct-2014






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!Leonard S. Marks, M.D.

Professor of Urology David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Phone: 310-794-3070 Fax:310-794-3060

E-mail: William D. Steers, M.D. EDITOR, JOURNAL OF UROLOGY American Urological Association 1000 Corporate Blvd. Linthicum, MD 21090 April 27, 2012 RE: “Value of Targeted Biopsy in Detection of Prostate Cancer Using an Office-Based MR-US Fusion Device” Dear Bill, Thanks in advance for taking a careful look at this paper we are now submitting for publication in Journal of Urology. I sincerely believe this material to be exceptionally important! Suggested reviewers might include Peter Pinto at NIH; Hashim Ahmed at University College Hospital in London; Jelle Barentsz, a radiologist in Nijmegen, NL; and Samir Taneja at NYU. All are familiar with the concepts, and none would have a conflict. The enclosed manuscript describes our work with the first 170 men undergoing targeted prostate biopsy via MR/US fusion in an office setting. The technology is a dramatic leap forward, really the most important advance in biopsy technique since Hodge and Stamey published in 1989. We began working with the Artemis device in early 2009 and have at this time completed more MR/US fusion biopsies than any other group (worldwide). All have been done in an office setting under local anesthesia, using an approach similar to that used now by all practicing urologists. The technology is described in a 6 minute online video: We are including this link as a footnote to the Methods section.


! "!

Imaging of the prostate is of increasing interest to our specialty, but to date, no one has shown practicing urologists a way to improve prostate imaging and perform targeted biopsies in their own offices. Until now. The message here is particularly important, since competition from other specialties for prostate biopsy is rapidly emerging. Thanks again for your prompt processing of the paper! Sincerely,

Leonard S. Marks, M.D. LSM/cg !!!!!







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The Journal of Urology® Author Submission Requirement Form TITLE: Value of Targeted Biopsy in Detecting Prostate Cancer using an Office-Based MR-US Fusion Device Authors: Geoffrey A. Sonn, Shyam Natarajan, Daniel Margolis, Malu Macairan, Patricia Lieu, Jiaoti Huang, Frederick J. Dorey, Leonard S. Marks

Each author must read and sign (electronic signatures are acceptable) the statements below before manuscripts will be considered for publication in The Journal of Urology®. Manuscripts submitted without all signatures on all statements will be returned immediately to the authors. This form is available online at One author should be designated as the correspondent, and the complete address, telephone number, facsimile number and e-mail address provided. Authorship credit should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND 3) final approval of the version to be published. When a large, multicenter group has conducted the work, the group should identify as authors only those individuals who fulfill the above requirements and accept direct responsibility for the manuscript. The corresponding author must clearly indicate the preferred citation and identify all individual authors as well as the group name. Members of the group who are not designated as authors by the corresponding author will be listed in the Acknowledgments at the end of the manuscript.

I. Authorship Responsibility, Criteria and Contributions A. By checking the appropriate boxes below, each author certifies that

the manuscript represents valid and original work; !! the manuscript or portions thereof are not under consideration by another journal or electronic publication and have not been previously published except as an abstract; ! !the manuscript or portions thereof have been considered previously by The Journal of Urology and/or its

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3. ! Statistical analysis ! !Supervision

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III. Copyright Transfer. In consideration of the Editors of The Journal of Urology® taking action in reviewing and editing my submission, the author(s) undersigned hereby transfers, assigns or otherwise conveys all copyright ownership to the American Urological Association, Inc., Copyright Owner of The Journal of Urology®, in the event that such work is published in The Journal. All authors have read and comply with the requirements set forth herein and in the Information for Authors.

_________________________________________________ ___2-29-12___________________ Author Signature Date Signed The following 2 sections require only the Corresponding Author signature:

IV. Ethical approval of studies.

1.By checking the appropriate boxes the corresponding author certifies that a statement(s) has been included in the manuscript documenting ! ! Institutional review board, ethics committee or ethical review board study approval ! Institutional animal care and use committee approval !In lieu of a formal ethics committee, the principles of the Helsinki Declaration were followed ! All human subjects provided written informed consent with guarantees of confidentiality

2. IRB approved protocol number is _11-001580_______________ 3. Animal approved project number is __N/A___________________

V. Acknowledgment Statement. As corresponding author check the box below that applies:

! ! I certify that all individuals named in an Acknowledgment have given me permission to be named ! ! I certify that no other persons have made substantial contributions to this manuscript to warrant an Acknowledgement section.

______ _______________ ______2/29/12_____________ Corresponding Author Signature Date Signed Please return all copies to: JAMA, 515 N State St, Chicago, IL 60610; (312) 464-5824 (fax)- Copyright ©2011 by American Urological Association

The Journal of Urology® Author Submission Requirement Form TITLE: Value of Targeted Biopsy in Detecting Prostate Cancer using an Office-Based MR-US Fusion Device Authors: Geoffrey A. Sonn, Shyam Natarajan, Daniel Margolis, Malu Macairan, Patricia Lieu, Jiaoti Huang, Frederick J. Dorey, Leonard S. Marks

Each author must read and sign (electronic signatures are acceptable) the statements below before manuscripts will be considered for publication in The Journal of Urology®. Manuscripts submitted without all signatures on all statements will be returned immediately to the authors. This form is available online at One author should be designated as the correspondent, and the complete address, telephone number, facsimile number and e-mail address provided. Authorship credit should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND 3) final approval of the version to be published. When a large, multicenter group has conducted the work, the group should identify as authors only those individuals who fulfill the above requirements and accept direct responsibility for the manuscript. The corresponding author must clearly indicate the preferred citation and identify all individual authors as well as the group name. Members of the group who are not designated as authors by the corresponding author will be listed in the Acknowledgments at the end of the manuscript.

I. Authorship Responsibility, Criteria and Contributions A. By checking the appropriate boxes below, each author certifies that

� the manuscript represents valid and original work; � the manuscript or portions thereof are not under consideration by another journal or electronic publication and have not been previously published except as an abstract; � the manuscript or portions thereof have been considered previously by The Journal of Urology and/or its

supplements (including joint supplements); � if requested I will provide raw data on which the manuscript is based for examination by the editors and reviewers; � if I am the corresponding author I agree to be responsible for indicating the source of

extra-institutional funding, in particular that provided by commercial sources, internal review board approval of study, accuracy of the references and all statements made in the work, including changes made by the copy editor, upon review of the proof; or if I am not the corresponding author I agree to assign the aforementioned responsibilities to the corresponding author;

� I have read and approve the final manuscript; and � I have made a substantive contribution to the information or material submitted for publication to take public responsibility

B. To qualify for authorship each author must indicate his/her substantive contribution to the intellectual

content of the manuscript by checking a minimum of 1 box for each of the following 3 categories of contributions 1. � Conception and design

� Data acquisition � Data analysis and interpretation

2. � Drafting the manuscript � Critical revision of the manuscript for scientific and factual content

3. � Statistical analysis � Supervision

� Other (specify) ______________________________________________________


II. Conflict of Interest/Disclosure Policy. Please check the appropriate box below

� I have no direct or indirect commercial financial incentive associated with publishing the article � No funding agreement limits my ability to complete and publish this research/study � I have full control of the primary data � I have read and signed the AUA Disclosure Form. Authors employed by the U.S. Federal Government are exempt from Copyright Transfer.

III. Copyright Transfer. In consideration of the Editors of The Journal of Urology® taking action in reviewing and editing my submission, the author(s) undersigned hereby transfers, assigns or otherwise conveys all copyright ownership to the American Urological Association, Inc., Copyright Owner of The Journal of Urology®, in the event that such work is published in The Journal. All authors have read and comply with the requirements set forth herein and in the Information for Authors.

_________________________________________________ ______________________ Author Signature Date Signed The following 2 sections require only the Corresponding Author signature:

IV. Ethical approval of studies.

1.By checking the appropriate boxes the corresponding author certifies that a statement(s) has been included in the manuscript documenting � Institutional review board, ethics committee or ethical review board study approval � Institutional animal care and use committee approval �In lieu of a formal ethics committee, the principles of the Helsinki Declaration were followed � All human subjects provided written informed consent with guarantees of confidentiality

2. IRB approved protocol number is _11-001580_______________ 3. Animal approved project number is __N/A___________________

V. Acknowledgment Statement. As corresponding author check the box below that applies:

� I certify that all individuals named in an Acknowledgment have given me permission to be named � I certify that no other persons have made substantial contributions to this manuscript to warrant an Acknowledgement section. _____________________________________ ___________________ Corresponding Author Signature Date Signed Please return all copies to: JAMA, 515 N State St, Chicago, IL 60610; (312) 464-5824 (fax)- Copyright ©2011 by American Urological Association


The Journal of Urology® Author Submission Requirement Form TITLE: Value of Targeted Biopsy in Detecting Prostate Cancer using an Office-Based MR-US Fusion Device Authors: Geoffrey A. Sonn, Shyam Natarajan, Daniel Margolis, Malu Macairan, Patricia Lieu, Jiaoti Huang, Frederick J. Dorey, Leonard S. Marks

Each author must read and sign (electronic signatures are acceptable) the statements below before manuscripts will be considered for publication in The Journal of Urology®. Manuscripts submitted without all signatures on all statements will be returned immediately to the authors. This form is available online at One author should be designated as the correspondent, and the complete address, telephone number, facsimile number and e-mail address provided. Authorship credit should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND 3) final approval of the version to be published. When a large, multicenter group has conducted the work, the group should identify as authors only those individuals who fulfill the above requirements and accept direct responsibility for the manuscript. The corresponding author must clearly indicate the preferred citation and identify all individual authors as well as the group name. Members of the group who are not designated as authors by the corresponding author will be listed in the Acknowledgments at the end of the manuscript.

I. Authorship Responsibility, Criteria and Contributions A. By checking the appropriate boxes below, each author certifies that

x the manuscript represents valid and original work; x the manuscript or portions thereof are not under consideration by another journal or electronic publication and have not been previously published except as an abstract; the manuscript or portions thereof have been considered previously by The Journal of Urology and/or its

supplements (including joint supplements); x if requested I will provide raw data on which the manuscript is based for examination by the editors and reviewers; if I am the corresponding author I agree to be responsible for indicating the source of

extra-institutional funding, in particular that provided by commercial sources, internal review board approval of study, accuracy of the references and all statements made in the work, including changes made by the copy editor, upon review of the proof; or if I am not the corresponding author I agree to assign the aforementioned responsibilities to the corresponding author;

x I have read and approve the final manuscript; and x I have made a substantive contribution to the information or material submitted for publication to take public responsibility

B. To qualify for authorship each author must indicate his/her substantive contribution to the intellectual

content of the manuscript by checking a minimum of 1 box for each of the following 3 categories of contributions 1. x Conception and design

x Data acquisition x Data analysis and interpretation

2. Drafting the manuscript x Critical revision of the manuscript for scientific and factual content

3. Statistical analysis Supervision

Other (specify) ______________________________________________________

II. Conflict of Interest/Disclosure Policy. Please check the appropriate box below

x I have no direct or indirect commercial financial incentive associated with publishing the article x No funding agreement limits my ability to complete and publish this research/study x I have full control of the primary data x I have read and signed the AUA Disclosure Form. Authors employed by the U.S. Federal Government are exempt from Copyright Transfer.

III. Copyright Transfer. In consideration of the Editors of The Journal of Urology® taking action in reviewing and editing my submission, the author(s) undersigned hereby transfers, assigns or otherwise conveys all copyright ownership to the American Urological Association, Inc., Copyright Owner of The Journal of Urology®, in the event that such work is published in The Journal. All authors have read and comply with the requirements set forth herein and in the Information for Authors.

__ ______________________________________ _____02/29/12________________ Author Signature Date Signed The following 2 sections require only the Corresponding Author signature:

IV. Ethical approval of studies.

1.By checking the appropriate boxes the corresponding author certifies that a statement(s) has been included in the manuscript documenting Institutional review board, ethics committee or ethical review board study approval Institutional animal care and use committee approval In lieu of a formal ethics committee, the principles of the Helsinki Declaration were followed All human subjects provided written informed consent with guarantees of confidentiality

2. IRB approved protocol number is _11-001580_______________ 3. Animal approved project number is __N/A___________________

V. Acknowledgment Statement. As corresponding author check the box below that applies:

I certify that all individuals named in an Acknowledgment have given me permission to be named I certify that no other persons have made substantial contributions to this manuscript to warrant an Acknowledgement section. _____________________________________ ___________________ Corresponding Author Signature Date Signed Please return all copies to: JAMA, 515 N State St, Chicago, IL 60610; (312) 464-5824 (fax)- Copyright ©2011 by American Urological Association



See for complete text of the AUA Disclosure/Conflict of Interest Policy.

American Urological Association (AUA) Disclosure Statement (January-December 2012) In order to ensure proper balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all AUA educational and governance activities, individuals participating in such activities are expected to disclose their private financial or institutional interests related to health care or to AUA activities, business transactions, presentations or publications. AUA does not view the existence of these interests or commitments as necessarily implying bias or decreasing the value of participation in organization activities. The intent of disclosure is to allow others to make an informed decision about the existence and impact of potential conflicts -- including the necessity for recusal or disqualification under extraordinary circumstances. Name AUA ID# Please indicate all areas of current AUA participation.

Please consider your AUA activities and provide below disclosure of possibly conflicting material interests or commitments based on the following relationships. Affiliation. Membership on the board of directors, officership, editorial position, or status as a paid employee or paid or non-paid consultant in

any health-related or business concern, including any health publishing, internet or e-commerce entity. Ownership. Significant personal holdings in any commercial entity, including any publishing, internet, e-commerce or other business interest that

provides products or services related to health care or to AUA activities. For purposes of this policy, “significant” means an ownership interest of five percent (5%) or more of stock or assets of the commercial entity; or an equity interest of $25,000 or more in the commercial entity.

Compensation. Support from commercial or other sources, including any publishing, internet or e-commerce organizations, related to health care or to AUA activities. Significant income includes stock options in, royalty arrangements with, or dividends from the commercial entity, anticipated to produce more than $2,500 in annual income, or payment for speaking engagements from that entity (exclusive of reimbursable travel costs) in excess of $2,500 in any twelve-month period.

If these criteria do not apply to you, please leave the following section blank and sign below.

I have read this Disclosure Statement and understand that failure to comply with the disclosure policy shall be considered cause for sanctions, which may include: removal of an AUA member from office or appointment, exclusion from participation in the affected AUA activity, when known or deliberate, disqualification for two years from participation in similar AUA educational or related activities, and where egregious, expulsion from AUA or other sanctions prescribed by Article X of the AUA Bylaws. To the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this form represents all items for Disclosure as of the date provided.

February 29, 2012 Signature Date Please return signed form to: AUA, Publications Department, 1000 Corporate Blvd. Linthicum, MD 21090 (FAX: 410-689-3906)

� Annual Meeting Faculty � Board/Committee Member � Official Representative � Journal/Abstract


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PERSON (Self, Family, Business Partner)

ROLE Board Member, Consultant/Advisor, Employee, Investigator,Owner, Investor, Meeting Participant/ Lecturer, Scientific Study/Trial, Other (specify)

See for complete text of the AUA Disclosure/Conflict of Interest Policy.

American Urological Association (AUA) Disclosure Statement (January-December 2012) In order to ensure proper balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all AUA educational and governance activities, individuals participating in such activities are expected to disclose their private financial or institutional interests related to health care or to AUA activities, business transactions, presentations or publications. AUA does not view the existence of these interests or commitments as necessarily implying bias or decreasing the value of participation in organization activities. The intent of disclosure is to allow others to make an informed decision about the existence and impact of potential conflicts -- including the necessity for recusal or disqualification under extraordinary circumstances. Name Daniel J A Margolis, MD AUA ID# Please indicate all areas of current AUA participation.

Please consider your AUA activities and provide below disclosure of possibly conflicting material interests or commitments based on the following relationships. Affiliation. Membership on the board of directors, officership, editorial position, or status as a paid employee or paid or non-paid consultant in any

health-related or business concern, including any health publishing, internet or e-commerce entity. Ownership. Significant personal holdings in any commercial entity, including any publishing, internet, e-commerce or other business interest that

provides products or services related to health care or to AUA activities. For purposes of this policy, “significant” means an ownership interest of five percent (5%) or more of stock or assets of the commercial entity; or an equity interest of $25,000 or more in the commercial entity.

Compensation. Support from commercial or other sources, including any publishing, internet or e-commerce organizations, related to health care or to AUA activities. Significant income includes stock options in, royalty arrangements with, or dividends from the commercial entity, anticipated to produce more than $2,500 in annual income, or payment for speaking engagements from that entity (exclusive of reimbursable travel costs) in excess of $2,500 in any twelve-month period.

If these criteria do not apply to you, please leave the following section blank and sign below.

I have read this Disclosure Statement and understand that failure to comply with the disclosure policy shall be considered cause for sanctions, which may include: removal of an AUA member from office or appointment, exclusion from participation in the affected AUA activity, when known or deliberate, disqualification for two years from participation in similar AUA educational or related activities, and where egregious, expulsion from AUA or other sanctions prescribed by Article X of the AUA Bylaws. To the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this form represents all items for Disclosure as of the date provided. Signature Date Please return signed form to: AUA, Publications Department, 1000 Corporate Blvd. Linthicum, MD 21090 (FAX: 410-689-3906)

� Annual Meeting Faculty � Board/Committee Member � Official Representative � Journal/Abstract


� OE Course Faculty

� JU Author

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� Section Meeting Faculty


PERSON (Self, Family, Business Partner)

ROLE Board Member, Consultant/Advisor, Employee, Investigator,Owner, Investor, Meeting Participant/ Lecturer, Scientific Study/Trial, Other (specify)

Siemens Medical Systems


Research Grant Recipient

See for complete text of the AUA Disclosure/Conflict of Interest Policy.

American Urological Association (AUA) Disclosure Statement (January-December 2012) In order to ensure proper balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all AUA educational and governance activities, individuals participating in such activities are expected to disclose their private financial or institutional interests related to health care or to AUA activities, business transactions, presentations or publications. AUA does not view the existence of these interests or commitments as necessarily implying bias or decreasing the value of participation in organization activities. The intent of disclosure is to allow others to make an informed decision about the existence and impact of potential conflicts -- including the necessity for recusal or disqualification under extraordinary circumstances. Name Leonard S. Marks, M.D. AUA ID# 305777 Please indicate all areas of current AUA participation. J.U. Author, Reviewer

Please consider your AUA activities and provide below disclosure of possibly conflicting material interests or commitments based on the following relationships. Affiliation. Membership on the board of directors, officership, editorial position, or status as a paid employee or paid or non-paid consultant in any

health-related or business concern, including any health publishing, internet or e-commerce entity. Ownership. Significant personal holdings in any commercial entity, including any publishing, internet, e-commerce or other business interest that

provides products or services related to health care or to AUA activities. For purposes of this policy, “significant” means an ownership interest of five percent (5%) or more of stock or assets of the commercial entity; or an equity interest of $25,000 or more in the commercial entity.

Compensation. Support from commercial or other sources, including any publishing, internet or e-commerce organizations, related to health care or to AUA activities. Significant income includes stock options in, royalty arrangements with, or dividends from the commercial entity, anticipated to produce more than $2,500 in annual income, or payment for speaking engagements from that entity (exclusive of reimbursable travel costs) in excess of $2,500 in any twelve-month period.

If these criteria do not apply to you, please leave the following section blank and sign below.

I have read this Disclosure Statement and understand that failure to comply with the disclosure policy shall be considered cause for sanctions, which may include: removal of an AUA member from office or appointment, exclusion from participation in the affected AUA activity, when known or deliberate, disqualification for two years from participation in similar AUA educational or related activities, and where egregious, expulsion from AUA or other sanctions prescribed by Article X of the AUA Bylaws. To the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this form represents all items for Disclosure as of the date provided.

February 29, 2012 Signature Date

! Annual Meeting Faculty ! Board/Committee Member ! Official Representative ! Journal/Abstract


! OE Course Faculty

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! AUA News Author

! Section Meeting Faculty


PERSON (Self, Family, Business Partner)

ROLE Board Member, Consultant/Advisor, Employee, Investigator,Owner, Investor, Meeting Participant/ Lecturer, Scientific Study/Trial, Other (specify)


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