march 3rd service

Post on 22-Jun-2015






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  • 1. How Is Purple Made

2. The process of making the dye was long, difficult and expensive. Thousands of thetiny snails had to be found, their shells cracked, the snailremoved. Mountains of empty shells have been found at the ancient sites of Sidon andTyre. 3. The snails were left to soak, thena tiny gland was removed and thejuice extracted and put in a basin, which was placed in the sunlight.There a remarkable transformation took place. In thesunlight the juice turned white,then yellow-green, then green,then violet, then a red which turned darker and darker. 4. The process had to be stoppedat exactly the right time to obtain the desired color, which couldrange from a bright crimson to a dark purple, the color of driedblood. Then either wool, linen or silk would be dyed. The exacthue varied between crimson andviolet, but it was always rich,bright and lasting. 5. It was so rare and soexpensive that only kings,nobles, priests and magistratescould wear itAnyone else caught wearing itwould be put to death 6. There was another way ofmaking Purple. Mixing equal amounts of Blue and Red 7. Exodus 25:1-4The Lord said to Moses,Tell the people of Israelto bring me an offering.You must receive the offering for me from all whose hearts move them to give. 8. Exodus 25:1-4 Here are the offerings you must receive, silver and bronze blue, purple and brightred yarn 9. Numbers 4:13They must remove theashes from the bronzealtar for burnt offerings.They must spread apurple cloth over it. 10. The ashes from thesacrifices were so holy that they could only use holy cloth toremove them. 11. Daniel 5:7 The king sent for those who try to figure things out by usingmagic. He also sent for thosewho study the heavens. All ofthem were wise men in Babylon.He ordered that they be brought to him. 12. Daniel 5:7 He said to them, I want one of you to read this writing and tellme what it means. If you do, youwill be dressed in purple clothes. A gold chain will be put aroundyour neck. And you will be made the third highest ruler in the kingdom. 13. Daniel 5:26Then Belshazzar commandedhis servants to dress Daniel inpurple clothes. So they did. They put a gold chain aroundhis neck. And he was made thethird highest ruler in thekingdom. 14. Daniel 5:26Then Belshazzar commandedhis servants to dress Daniel inpurple clothes. So they did. They put a gold chain aroundhis neck. And he was made thethird highest ruler in thekingdom. 15. PurpleRepresents Royalty 16. It can also RepresentTragedy andDeath 17. Luke 16: 19-31Once there was a rich man. Hewas dressed in purple cloth and fine linen. He lived an easy lifeevery day. 18. Luke16:19-31 A man named Lazarus wasplaced at his gate. Lazarus wasa beggar. His body was coveredwith sores. Even dogs came and licked his sores. All he wantedwas to eat what fell from the rich mans table. 19. Luke16:19-31 The time came when thebeggar died. The angels carriedhim to Abrahams side. The richman also died and was buried.In hell, the rich man was suffering terribly. He looked upand saw Abraham far away.Lazarus was by his side. 20. Luke16:19-31So the rich man called out,Father Abraham! Have pity onme! Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water. Then hecan cool my tongue with it. I am in terrible pain in this fire. 21. Luke16:19-31 But Abraham replied, Son,remember what happened inyour lifetime. You received your good things. Lazarus receivedbad things. Now he is comforted here, and you are in terrible pain. 22. Luke16:19-31The rich man answered, Then Ibeg you, father. Send Lazarus to my family. I have five brothers.Let Lazarus warn them. Then they will not come to this place of terrible suffering. 23. Luke16:19-31Abraham replied, They havethe teachings of Moses and the Prophets. Let your brotherslisten to them. No, father Abraham, he said. But if someone from the dead goes to them, they will turnaway from their sins. 24. Luke16:19-31Abraham said to him, They donot listen to Moses and the Prophets. So they will not beconvinced even if someone rises from the dead. 25. Luke16:19-31Abraham said to him, They donot listen to Moses and the Prophets. So they will not beconvinced even if someone rises from the dead. 26. Revelation 17:4 The woman was dressed in purple and bright red. She was gleaming with gold, jewels and pearls. In her hand she held agolden cup filled with things thatGod hates. It was filled with her terrible, dirty sins.. 27. All of us fit inTwo Categories 28. Genesis 7:6 29. Jesus Said Anyonewho is notwith me isagainst meMatthew 12:30

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