manava bharati international school session 2019 -20 ... · summer vacation assignment 2019 class-...

Post on 16-Oct-2020






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    Session 2019 -20



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    Dear Parents,

    Not all classrooms have four walls, and learning is not confined to the school environment alone. Indeed, ever since we are born, we learn. Children, apart

    from learning at school, learn at home and at all places. Holidays give the children an opportunity to learn at their own and comfortable pace, with

    their first and most beloved teachers, their parents. In a bid to assist you in making this informal learning more organised, useful and enjoyable, we have planned a vacation homework that will engage your ward in some concrete

    learning. The intent is to promote not only academic learning but also activities which can gradually become hobbies. Interesting assignments are given as holiday homework, to help them learn without stress. Time

    management skills and life skills are the indirect benefits that children gain from the holiday homework. Here are some tips to make these assignments

    more meaningful:-

    Spend more time with your children during vacation.

    Your child’s holidays should include listening to real life stories from


    Go for daily walks with your children.

    They have to look around them and realize that they are not the only owners of this planet and discover the uniqueness in them.

    Travel to places or visit your relatives or invite them to your home. This will help them understand the significance of relationships and

    the beauty of being together.

    Let us make our children experience such moments.

    Set aside a time in the morning hours for the homework, so that they work in an organised and disciplined manner.

    Holiday is a time to relax and rejuvenate, so just be there participating, guiding and helping them to enjoy their vacation to the

    fullest. Parents are requested to just guide the children to complete the task on their own.



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    Dear Children,

    The theme of your Holiday Assignment is: Clean India, Green India

    Clean India green India,

    it is our motherland

    We should keep it clean,

    let us not be mean

    We should not pollute,

    the air nor water

    Let us not cut forest and,

    keep the animals safe.

    Let us all grow plants,

    on all of our birthday

    To keep our family safe,

    and to lend a healthy life

    It is our responsibility,

    to keep our country safe

    To live in a very happy,

    and beautiful way ……..

    Cleanliness is a good habit which is very neccesary to all of us. Cleanliness is a habit of keeping ourselves physically and mentally clean including our

    home, pet animals, surroundings, environment, pond, river, schools etc. We should maintain the environment and natural resources (water, food, land etc.) Cleanliness together with the body in order to make the possibility of life

    existence forever on Earth .

    “The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to

    sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard”

    Gaylord Nelson (Founder of Earth Day)

    Relax, enjoy, have loads of fun and come back refreshed. Love

    Team MBIIS

    Note: Make a scrap book, cover it nicely and paste all your homework in

    it and submit on 28.06.2019, Friday.

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    Saving environment is an important step towards making a sustainable and safe


    Observe the picture and write a short paragraph on it. Write only in cursive

    writing to express your views. Also underline the common names and the proper

    names which come in the paragraph.

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    Every sentence ends with a punctuation mark.

    A period/full stop (.) is used at the end of a statement.

    A question mark (?) is used when you ask something.

    Read the following sentences and insert the proper punctuation mark for

    each sentence. Then, in the box given below, draw and colour any one

    picture showing the habit of cleanliness at school.

    1. When is Earth Day ____

    2. My granndmother tells us the importance of saving trees ____

    3. I keep my school clean ____

    4. Do you water the plants ____

    5. My father uses bucket for cleaning his car____

    6. Do you like to litter around ____

    7. I use tumbler while brushing my teeth____

    8. Do you waste paper____

    9. My favourite work is to help my parents in keeping our home clean____

    10. Where are you going with this broom____

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    सदा याद रखें

    वाक्य पढ़कर सही या गऱत का निशाि ऱगाइए व िीच ेददए गए बॉक्स में पािी बचािे के लऱए एक कायय को चचत्र द्वारा दशायएँ I

    ब्रश कयते सभम नर फॊद यखें I पर / सब्ज़ी धोने के फाद वह ऩानी ऩौधों भें डारें I ऩाइऩ रगाकय काय धोएॉ I फारयश का ऩानी टफ / फाल्टी भें इकट्ठा कयें I जितना ऩानी ऩीना है गगरास भें उतना ही रें I फाल्टी बय िाने ऩय नर खरुा ही यखें I नहाने के लरए शावय की िगह फाल्टी भग का प्रमोग कयें I

    िर अभूल्म है I हभें इसे व्मथथ न कयत ेहुए इसका प्रमोग उगित प्रकाय से कयना िाहहए I

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    वृऺ हभाये सच्ि ेलभत्र हैं I आऩ अऩने आस-ऩास के वातावयण को साफ़ सुधया व हया-बया यखने के लरए क्मा-क्मा कयते है ? नीि ेहदए गए वृऺ भें ऐसे ककन्ही छह कामों का गित्र फनाएॉ/गिऩकाएॉ व वृऺ भें यॊग बयकय उसे सिाएॉ I अगरे ऩेि ऩय इन कामों को स्ऩष्ट रूऩ से अऩने शब्दों भें सभझाएॉ I

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    “Lets go green and make our India clean”. Consider the below given picture and complete the questions that follow.

    1. No. of people (in ordinal) cleaning the area is ______________________________.

    2. No. of letters (number name) used on the big banner is ____________________.

    3. Sum of number of birds flying in the sky, number of windows on the house

    and number of brooms is ___________+____________+____________= ____________.

    4. No. of person wearing glasses is __________________________________________.

    5. No. of pairs of shoes worn by men is ______________________________________.

    6. No. of woman (no. and no. name both) wearing sari is _____________________.

    7. No. of trees in the picture is _______________________________________________.

    8. No. of house in the picture is ______________________________________________.

    9. Sum of men and women (no. name) is ___________+____________=____________.

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    Help Raj find the number of trees planted in his locality in the year 2018 by

    expanding the given numbers and by writing the short form of numbers

    given in expanded form.

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    1. Read the passage below given and answer the questions.

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    2. Draw the picture of a tree and write 5 sentences on

    “Why trees are important for us”. 3. Collect 5 fallen leaves of various types of plants from

    your garden. Paste them in your scrapbook and write the name of the plants to which these leaves belong.

    4. Under the guidance of your parents or elders cut and

    paste pictures of cleaning equipments like broom,

    mop, vacuum cleaner, gloves your scrapbook and label them.

    5. Read the below given passage and answer the question that follows.

    1. Which type of soil has ice in it all year?

    2. Which type of soil is good for farming?

    3. True or False: Nothing can grow in desert soil. _________________

    4. Write the names of two plants that grow in your garden.

    _________________, _________________

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    “Litter makes the world bitter, let’s make it better”. Using your creativity,

    make a small dustbin for storing pencil shavings on classroom table with

    the help of old bottles and waste paper and bring it to the class after summer


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    Read at least one article/news every week from English newspaper, on current

    environmental issues and copy it down in beautiful cursive writing in the pages given below. (At-least 8-10 lines from every article or news).

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    NOTE: Revise and learn the topics taught in class in all subjects

    Some Every Day Tasks:

    Clean your room and keep it neat and tidy.

    Help mom in the kitchen.

    Lay the table

    Go out with mom and dad. Walk, jog and exercise and keep fit.

    Be creative do some drawing and painting.


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