manage energy not time

Post on 15-Oct-2015






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HBR - The Hidden Driver of Great Performance


  • Manage Your Energy Not Your Time

    Presented By: Linda Howard Loca3on: Glow Wellness Spa, Bal3more, MD 2011 Alturna3ve Fitness LLC


    turn it on.TM

  • Time is Limited: Energy is Renewable There are 23,760 Time Manage

    books on Amazon! List it

    Prioritize it Schedule it

    Do it

  • Time is Limited: Energy is Renewable

    Tony Schwartz Be Excellent at Anything: The Four

    Keys To Transforming the Way We Work and Live

    The Energy Project

  • Time is Limited: Energy is Renewable

    The Alturnative Fitness Approach to More Energy

  • Manage Energy and Boost

    Motivation Performance Creativity Emotional Balance Patience and tolerance Memory and learning Feel in control Do more and have a more fulfilling time doing it

  • Where Energy Comes From

    Emotional positivity and internal dialogue Environment the busyness and calmness Body/Physical Energy- natural physical rhythm

    and and overall health and wellbeing Mind and Intellect consciousness of thought Spirit aligning your activities to your spiritual

    needs, your values and your purpose.

  • Body Energy q I dont regularly get at least seven to eight hours of

    sleep, and I often wake up feeling tired.

    q I frequently skip breakfast, or I settle for something that isnt nutritious.

    q I dont work out enough (meaning cardiovascular training at least three times a week and strength training at least once a week).

    q I dont take regular breaks during the day to truly renew and recharge, or I often eat lunch at my desk, if I eat at all.

    How many of these are true for you? Source: Harvard Business Review, The Energy Project

  • Mind Energy q I have difficulty focusing on one thing at a time, and I

    am easily distracted during the day, especially by e-mail.

    q I spend much of my day reacting to immediate crises and demands rather than focusing on activities with longer-term value and high leverage.

    q I dont take enough time to reflect, strategizing, and creative thinking

    q I work in the evenings or in weekends, and I almost never take an email-free vacation

    How many of these are true for you? Source: Harvard Business Review, The Energy Project

  • Emotional Energy q I frequently find myself feeling irritable, impatient, or

    anxious at work, especially when work is demanding.

    q I dont have enough time with my family and loved ones, and when Im with them, Im not always really with them.

    q I have too little time for the activities that I most deeply enjoy.

    q I dont stop frequently enough to express my appreciation to others or to savor my accomplishments and blessings.

    How many of these are true for you? Source: Harvard Business Review, The Energy Project

  • Spiritual Energy q I dont spend enough time at work doing what I do

    best and enjoy most.

    q There are significant gaps between what I say is most important to me in my life and how I actually allocate my time and energy.

    q My decisions at work are more often influenced by external demands than by a strong, clear sense of my own purpose.

    q I dont invest enough time and energy in making a positive difference to others or to the world.

    How many of these are true for you? Source: Harvard Business Review, The Energy Project

  • Environment Energy

    q I find it hard to concentrate because of constant interruptions and noise

    q I feel physically uncomfortable at work q I have no place to unwind or take a break q I find it hard to concentrate because work

    environment is physically restrictive

    How many of these are true for you?

  • How is Your Energy? How is Your Overall Energy? Add up the total number of statements checked 0-5 Excellent energy management skills 6-10 Reasonable energy management skills 10-15 Signicant energy management crisis 16-20 A full-edged energy management crisis

    What area do you need to work on? Add up number of statements checked in each category 0 Excellent energy management skills 1-2 Reasonable energy management skills 3 Signicant energy management crisis 4 A full-edged energy management crisis

  • Herbs

    Gynostemma (Leaf) Ginseng (Root) Ginkgo (Leaf)

    Tibetan Rhodiola (Root) Eleuthero (Root) Lavender (Leaf)

    Schizandra (berry) Valerian (Root)

    Reishi (Mushroom)

  • Energy Foods

    Water Nuts Dried Fruits Fresh Fruits

    Garlic Leafy Greens Whole Grains Fiber

  • Quick Snacks

    Oatmeal Almonds

    Fruit Popcorn

    Hummus and Veggies

  • TIP 1 Go With The Flow


    Best 3me for planning, organizing, crea3ve

    thinking and wri3ng


    Op3mal short term memory, great for mee3ngs


    Best 3me for lunch


    Natural low, go with the ow or go for

    a walk


    Best for repe33ve



    Fastest physical reac3on 3mes

    Circadian Rhythm

    26 minute nap can boost performance by 34% and alertness by 54%

  • When you feel the 2pm low get physical

    Tip 2 Get Physical

  • Tip 3 Feed Your Mind

    Brain is 60% fat Feed it Good Fats Feed it Good Carbs

  • Tips 4 Learn To Sprint

    Ultradian rhythm 90 to 120 minutes sprint 20 rest

  • Tip 5 Practice Positivity

    Journal 5 things for which you are grateful every night

    Show appreciation to someone

  • Tip 6 Take a Breath

    Abdominal breathing

  • Tip 7 Know Your Values and Purpose

    Tap into the energy of the human spirit when your work and activities match your

    values and give you a sense of meaning and purpose

  • Tip 8 Play to Your Strengths

    To excel you must focus on our strengths

  • Tip 9 Stay Cool

    Better to work at 68 77 degrees Studies show that for every

    degree above there is a 2% drop in productivity

  • Tip 10 Keep Things Level

    Changes in noise or light sends a distress signal to the brain

  • Life With Energy There is an Alturnative

    Alturna3ve Fitness Santa Monica Beach Party

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