mamiya super 23 basic info

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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Some low level info about the camera.


Mamiya Super 23

Search for Press Cameras

I enjoy shooting with a cheap plastic toy camera, but I also wish to explore other medium format camera with better precision within reasonable budget. In this searching process, I came across a comparison on the web covering various press cameras, namely, Graflex XL, Koni / Rapid Omega and Mamiya Press. Then I knew roughly what I needed.

In fact, before acquiring Mamiya Super 23, I also thought about Kiev 60 and Kiev 88. I even purchased a Kiev 88 via ebay, but finally I returned and got refunded. The shutter curtain jammed and broke even in my first few trials, before actually going into the field for shooting. You can search for Kiev 88's shutter jam problem in web for more details.

With a bit little experience with Kiev 88, its design objective is good in making all components modular and integrated with the intelligence in mind. Actually, it is a Hasselblad copy (Finally I got a Hasselblad 500C/M). e.g. you cannot dismount the back before inserting the dark slide, you cannot fire shutter until completing the film advance, you cannot fire shutter until dark slide removed. However, it may be the point that is creating more problem when the actual manufacture standard did not fully cater for that.

Koni Omega seems to be more robust, but supports up to 6x7 frame size, which is still not I preferred.

Mamiya Press System

Common models for this Mamiya Press series you can find are Mamiya Standard, Mamiya Super 23 and Mamiya Universal. Standard and Super 23 can fit Mamiya backs, while Universal is built to fit different back types by using adapter :

Universal + M Adapter + Mamiya Back Universal + G Adapter + Graflex Back Universal + Polaroid Back

The design is modular but integrated with little intellience among components. It is simple, and just works, e.g. Lens built with shutter, body for RF focus mechanism, back for film advance / rewind. Each component just performs its own well-defined function without too much coupling with others. You can expose film for as many time as you want without restriction from film advance mechanism. Dark slide and back can be attached and detached any time in any sequence.

From its name, it is so easy to associate with shooting by press photographers. It need to be easy to operate, robust like a workhorse. Probably, it is due to the loosely coupled and modular design to achieve this. From its appearance, it is huge in size, like a Gozilla. Was it a lovely pet kept by press photographers, to bring around ? I think, yes.

It is a complete system with a full range of accessories supported to suit different shooting requirement, e.g. sport finder for capturing fast moving subject, ground glass focusing for sheet film, extension tube for marco photography, tilting back for perspective control in architectural photography. It started from a press camera, but extended beyond that.

How to Choose ?

Mamiya Universal and Super 23 are very similar but different cameras. Function-wise, they cannot replace each other. Many people always ask, what should I choose ?

If you want to shoot polaroid (instant photo) => Mamiya Universal If you want to shoot by using built-in bellow with tilt function => Mamiya Super 23

About The Camera

The camera shown in this webpage is my Mamiya Super 23 purchased via ebay (image credit - from wideangleman @ ebay). You can see a test sample shot here.

with Bayonet mount, lens available with various focal length quite often come with the standard lens, Mamiya Sekor 100mm / F3.5, supporting 1/500 - 1 sec

shutter speed & Bulb setting, and Flash sync contact of M / X (mine is a DIY modified one to lock the flash sync in X position to facilitate usage of common modern flash, and sych chord adapter is attached, with sync chord passing through the hand grip)

Hand grip attaching to the left side of the camera body, to provide attachment of shutter release cable & pushing button, and cold shoe for external flash attachment

Various roll film backs are available to support 120/220 format for frame size 6x9, 6x7, 6x6, 6x4.5. Some film backs support only 1 frame size (e.g. 6x7, 6x9) but some support multiple frame sizes (e.g. 6x9+6x6+6x4.5, 6x6+6x4.5). Some models are using simple film advance rotating knot with red window displaying count on film backing paper, while some others are using double stroke on the film advance crank for advancing one frame with mechanical film counter built on film back. No couping of shutter release with film advance control allowing multi-exposure.

accessory shoe on the top of camera body, for attaching finder, exposure meter, etc


More Information

Other Resources - Students of journalism will experiment with various types of cameras. The digital age has changed the way photography and journalism blend together. Projects and business use the medium in a variety of ways. Those studying for an AACSB online MBA or with an interest in MBA entrepreneurship will find the photographic medium an exciting way to further their studies. Photographs have a way of impacting a potential consumer or scholar that words alone do not. Finding the right tools and cameras is an important step in the learning process. Expirimentation can be fun and produce many different results that can be applied to various practical applications.

Mamiya Super 23: Love at First Light

Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:27 p.m.

Original 1967 ad for the Mamiya Super 23

Original Ad


Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:28 p.m.

This is a 1967 Mamiya Super 23. I wanted a

6x9cm camera for landscape work so I could make

big prints. I had a 6x9cm roll back for my view

camera but I always felt if I was going to carry a

view camera, I may as well shoot 4”x5”. I was

hoping to get a camera that handled quickly, had

good optics and had a rangefinder that wasn’t

“squinty”. After researching, I settled on the

Mamiya system. The Super 23, and its cousin, the

Universal, were the last of the Mamiya “Press”

camera line. However by 1967, most press

photographers had moved to 35mm camera. The

Press cameras did find a niche in the professional

photography markets for portrait/ wedding,

architectural and studio photography. The Super

23 is a true all-mechanical, classic manual camera

with no batteries, no meter and no automation.


Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:29 p.m.

The camera looks boxy, and it is, but the inclusion

of the detachable grip makes handling the camera

quite easy. It’s a modular system where the

lenses, backs, focusing screens, extension tubes

and optical finders can all be changed to suit the

assignment. One of the features that attracted me

to this camera was the rangefinder. It’s HUGE

and bright. You could drive a bus through that

viewfinder. Even with glasses, seeing everything

and focusing is a breeze. A selector switch on the

rear of the finder provides framing lines for the

100mm, 150mm and 250mm lenses. The wide

lenses have separate optical finders that mount on

top. You can also focus via an accessory ground

glass that attaches to the back when the film

holder is removed.


Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:30 p.m.

The Mamiya-Sekor 100mm f/2.8 is an excellent

multi-coated, planar-type that is one of the

sharpest and fastest lenses available for the 6x9


100mm f/2.8 Lens Fast and Sharp

Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:31 p.m.

There is also a 100mm f/3.5 lens available which

is the standard normal lens for this system. This is

a tessar-type design that has a collapsible feature

so the lens can focus to infinity when the rear

bellows are employed. The lenses are mounted in

Seikosha shutters.

100mm f/3.5 Normal Lens Extended and Retracted

Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:32 p.m.

Here is my system which consists of the body with

grip, type 3 6x9 back, ground glass with

magnifier, 75mm f/5.6 w/finder, 50mm f/6.3

w/finder, extension tube set, 150mm f/5.6, 100mm

f/3.5 collapsible and the sports finder mounted on

top of the body.

My Mamiya Super 23 System

Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:33 p.m.

Just a word about the120 film backs. The Mamiya

S-shaped film backs are renown for their film

flatness. One can obtain backs in various formats,

6x4.5, 6x7, or 6x9. There is a multi-format back,

the K back, as well. Also there are several styles.

The older style is good but have no interlocks and

it is possible to double expose a frame.

Compare Backs

Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:34 p.m.

The newer style (type 3), developed for the

Universal but works fine on the Super 23, has a

unique feature where you can disconnect the

handle grip and use a special cable attached to

the bottom of the back. In this configuration you

can actually hold and fire the camera like a

standard rangefinder and, in addition to providing

interlocks, it removes a lot of the bulk and a fair

amount of weight from the camera.

Back Release

Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:36 p.m.

I would be remiss if I did not mention the rear

bellows. The bellow can be extended in any

direction to help carry focus, assist in perspective

control, and close up photography when fully

extended. When combined with extension tubes,

significant magnifications can be obtained.

Attaching the ground glass with the hooded

magnifier helps with pinpoint focusing. There is a

slot on the ground glass adapter that allows the

insertion of cut film holders that are available as

an accessory. Here are a few shots made on

various films as noted.

Rear Bellow, Ground Glass Adapter with Magnifier

Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:37 p.m.

Farm Scene with Pond

50mm lens, orange filter, Tmax 400

Farm Scene with Pond

Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:38 p.m.

After the Harvest

50mm lens. orange filter, Tmax 400

After the Harvest

Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:39 p.m.

Shawnee Storm Clouds

75mm lens, yellow filter, Tmax 400

Shawnee Storm Clouds

Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:40 p.m.

Leaves in a Log

150mm lens, yellow filter, Tmax 400

Leaves in a Log

Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:41 p.m.

Tall Prairie Grass

100mm f/3.5, no filter, Tri-X

Tall Prairie Grass

Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:41 p.m.


100mm f/2.8, bellows fully extended, Fuji Pro 400H


Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:42 p.m.

Flash Dance

100mm f/2.8, Kodak Ektar

Flash Dance

Louis Meluso , May 31, 2010; 06:44 p.m.

Block Building after a Late Spring Snow

75mm lens, Fuji Pro 400

The Mamiya 23 represents one of the most

versatile cameras I’ve ever used and makes a

great system. On the downside, this is no pocket

camera and not meant for the frail of back or

weak of wrist. While not suitable for every

situation, the camera is fast handling and offers

great lenses, superb film flatness, a giant

viewfinder and a big, juicy 6x9cm negative that’s

sharp corner-to-corner.

Block Building after a Late Spring Snow

Martin Dake , May 31, 2010; 06:48 p.m.

Wow on the kit; double wow on the pictures.

I ended up with a Koni Omega; but now I am

jealous and want a set up like that.

JDM von Weinberg , May 31, 2010; 06:57 p.m.

What a wonderful post.

"It must be a really swell camera since you take

such nice photographs with it." :)

Thank you very much.

Capital Q , May 31, 2010; 07:36 p.m.

Excellent shots (as usual), Louis. Very inspiring.

Rick Drawbridge , May 31, 2010; 07:37 p.m.

Lovely kit, Louis, and photographs that do it

justice. I used to have the Linhof Press 70, a

similiar camera, but always hankered after the

Mamiya. However, I could never really justify

buying one, having cast my vote for the RB/RZ 67

format. That's an immaculate outfit, and I know

you'll love using it.

Minh Nguyen , May 31, 2010; 07:38 p.m.


How can you get a system like this !!! ?

Maciek Stankiewicz , May 31, 2010; 07:43 p.m.

My Mamiya!

Even ABBA had a song about Mamiya :)

,,My Mamiya, here I go again

My my, how can I resist you?

My Mamiya, does it show again?

My my, just how much I've missed you

Yes, I've been brokenhearted

Blue since the day we parted

Why, why did I ever let you go?

My Mamiya, now I really know,

My my, I could never let you go".

And then Swedish Hasselblad asked the band

to change the lyrics... :)

Mike Gammill , May 31, 2010; 08:24 p.m.

Brings back memories. When I was in college I

made extra money photographing weddings. My

dad let me use his Mamiya Super 23 with a side

mount Honeywell Strobonar flash. We only had

one lens, though.

Les Sarile , May 31, 2010; 09:20 p.m.

Outstanding looking system and given your eye,

even these tiny posts from such a large source

shows remarkable quality. Mamiya really turned it

around from its much maligned DTL's.

Now that I have the Coolscan 9000, it is craving

to scan a big piece of film and I believe MF 6X9 is

the largest single frame it can scan at one time so

I've been looking for such a camera . . .

That's great Maciek! Although I would love to own

a Hasselblad system too! So many options . . . ;-)

Les Sarile , May 31, 2010; 09:45 p.m.

If they ever pass a law against owning one

camera, they will have to pry them out of my cold

hands . . . , my camera bags, closets, boxes . . .

they better bring a wheel barrow . . . ;-)

Subbarayan Prasanna , May 31, 2010; 10:35 p.m.

Beautiful shots and equipment; thanks for the

post. sp.

Michael Smith , May 31, 2010; 10:50 p.m.


Why do you post such photos? The complete set is

only making me want to look for one here in

Japan. It is not like I cannot come across one.

Jeez! I have not even complete my Pentax 67 kit

and you got me thinking `Oh, a Mamiya Super 23

looks good too!`

Lovely photos as usual. Farm Scene with a Pond

is stunning to say the least!


Ralf J. , May 31, 2010; 11:52 p.m.

Super system and photos Louis, always look

forward to your posts. Was your system a one shot

deal or did you painstakingly put it together over


I just acquired a Koni Omega 100 and was very

pleased with the results(6x7 Rangefinder). The

accessories for it are hard to come by but worth it

in my book.

Again thanks for a fine post.

Rick van Nooij , Jun 01, 2010; 04:10 a.m.

Absolutely spectacular photos Louis.

I particularly like the look of the block buildings

and Farm scene with pond.

Nice informative view on the Super 23. Looks like

a very versatile camera. a bit too modern for my

tastes, but still.. ;)

Jean Moxhet , Jun 01, 2010; 05:44 a.m.

All I can say is: Waouw!

Ok, that's not a constructive comment ;-)

Steve Salmons , Jun 01, 2010; 07:59 a.m.

I bought one of these on impulse a couple of years

ago just to have the 50mm lens. I must get out

with it again. Too many cameras and too little


Very nice work Louis. You seem to always squeeze

the best out whatever kit you happen to be using.

Sasvata (Shash) Chatterjee , Jun 01, 2010; 08:42 a.m.

Louis, great camera and all, but the proof is in the

pudding, or a picture is worth a thousand words,

or whatever idiom you prefer :-) Great photos!

Stuart Richardson , Jun 01, 2010; 09:02 a.m.

Thanks for the posts and the photos Louis -- it was

really interesting to read about this camera and

see your work with it! I have the

you'll pry it from my cold dead hands" feeling

about my Mamiya 7II, it's cool to see what kind of

systems they were using in the decades previous.

Chuck Foreman , Jun 01, 2010; 09:18 a.m.

Yes Indeed .. Great Photos.. I have sen this model

and lusted after it.. I also felt this was the way to

go..just never came across one! Two similar

models that did cross my path.. are the Koni

Omega 100 and the Graflex XL. It is amazing that

you'Ve managed the whole kit or at least most

every useful item. Your photos are stunning and

your kit too!!

Kayam Rajaram , Jun 01, 2010; 11:11 a.m.

Thanks Louis, for both the photos and the very

detailed post.

Here's a thought - there have been several

excellent posts on this site providing details on

some fantastic and rare cameras. Perhaps we

should start creating an index of such posts?

Rūdolfs Putniņš , Jun 01, 2010; 11:41 a.m.

Oh, the GAS! It's killing me...

Stephen Penland , Jun 01, 2010; 11:53 a.m.

What a beautiful system, and I love the format /

aspect ratio. If I can have one more camera in life,

let it be this one.

John Layton , Jun 01, 2010; 01:25 p.m.

Louis, is the extra "grip" (w/cable release

provision) for the 2X3 back available separately -

or was this an integral part of a "special version"

of this back? I have the chrome version of this

back (just as in your photo), and it would be great

if I could add this grip so I could hold and activate

the shutter with my right hand.

I'm also looking for a lens mount off of a Mamiya

Press camera, and if you or anyone else you know

may have this, or perhaps a non working body

from which I could salvage this, I'd truly

appreciate knowing about this.

Thanks again - and as always, its truly a pleasure

to see your work!

patrick stack , Jun 01, 2010; 02:25 p.m.

Louis -

Zowee, beautiful gear and outstanding photos. I

would love to see the print of "Daisies," I'll bet the

colors and dimension really display well. Thanks

for a great post and photos.


Mihai Costea , Jun 01, 2010; 03:25 p.m.

Louis, senasational results on the farms and

landscapes. The belows that allow perspective

correction is the best you can get on MF. What a

great post, thank you.

Conrad Smith , Jun 01, 2010; 03:58 p.m.

I miss the tilts and swings on the back of the

Press 23 I once owned -- and loved the the 2:3

aspect ratio of the 6x9 rollfilm back. Sure was

easy to get perfect 8x10s with those large

negatives. Traded mine in because it wasn't very

well sealed against the dust I encountered

backpcking with Press 23 & Tiltall tripod (too

heavy a combo for long treks).

Louis Meluso , Jun 01, 2010; 04:16 p.m.

Thank you all, good forum members, for your

kind feedback.

Minh and Ralf - It is very hard to find this

camera and parts here in the US. I don't know

why. I assembled my kit over a four month period

using mostly several reliable eBay vendors based

in Japan. Not a single used camera outlet in the

USA, including KEH, had anything outside an odd

bit or two. You do see some private parties selling

items on ebay from time to time. The basic kit is

not too expensive but the good glass, in good

condition, can be pricey. The Universal is a very

similar camera, sans the bellows, and seems to be

easier to find. It also accepts a Polaroid back

where the super 23 does not. The film backs,

lenses and other accessories are otherwise mostly

interchangeable. Sometimes you'll see a "flat top"

conversion of the Super 23 where a dedicated

landscape shooter will cut the top rangefinder off

to save weight and bulk. Also you may find one

with an adapted Graflex back and a reverse curl

film holder (Horseman, etc) is used. I've not tried

these but the scuttlebutt is, while less bulky, they

don't hold the film as flat as the Mamiya "S" backs

on the Super 23.

John - Yes, the "grip" with the trigger cable

release on the type 3 back is an integral part of

the back. The back fits very securely to the body

and you simply hold the back, with the rt. hand,

and cradle the body and focus with the left hand

from underneath. You'll pay about 30%-50% more

for a type 3 back depending on condition. As you

noted, I have both kinds and keep different films

in each. Also an nice feature is that both styles of

back accept both 120 and 220 film. Just a twist of

the pressure plate is all that is needed.

Andre Noble , Jun 01, 2010; 10:25 p.m.

Very nice photos.

It's amazing a camera that is 40 years old is in

such good shape, too.

Andy Collins , Jun 02, 2010; 12:31 a.m.

Louis, Louis, Louis...your posts always amaze and

inspire me, but this is a really cool camera system

that looks like it would be a lot of fun to use. The

farm with pond shot is beautiful, but I really like

the shot of the daisies and the "Leaves in a log"

equally as much. Thanks for another wonderful

post with great information and outstanding

pictures. Oh, and a pretty cool camera too!

Tony Lockerbie , Jun 02, 2010; 01:35 a.m.

Absolutely first class post as always. That is a

lovely system you have there, makes us all


I used a Super 23 way back in the seventies, it

had the 100mm 3.5 lens and a wide...65mm if my

memory serves me correctly...and I remember the

pictures being critically sharp. Don't recall why I

sold it, don't know why I sell anything!

Ed Birch , Jun 02, 2010; 11:31 a.m.

To quote Martin. "WOW!!!" The camera kit is

outstanding as are the photographs. Where did

you ever fin a kit like that in such pristene

condition. I have always been a fan of the Sekor

lenses, as I have a pretty good RB kit. I also went

with a Koni-Omega rapid mainly for the great deal

I got.

Ed Birch , Jun 02, 2010; 11:31 a.m.

To quote Martin. "WOW!!!" The camera kit is

outstanding as are the photographs. Where did

you ever fin a kit like that in such pristene

condition. I have always been a fan of the Sekor

lenses, as I have a pretty good RB kit. I also went

with a Koni-Omega rapid mainly for the great deal

I got.

Dani Irwan , Jun 05, 2010; 02:53 p.m.

Jeez Louis....why are u doing this to us...i'm

betting the number of ebay searches for this

camers has spiked since u posted this!

Louis Meluso , Jun 06, 2010; 09:36 a.m.

Thanks for all the comments and contributions to

the thread.

Ed - The whole kit came from eBay. I waited till I

found a clean one that fit into my budget. I saw

quite a few nice chrome ones but I wanted a black

one. I brought the entire outfit to Clarence Gass,

in Mission, Kansas for a full CLA of the body,

backs, lenses and shutters. I got back a

completely dialed in system. There is a large

wedding/ school portrait company here in Kansas

that used only Super 23's and Universal's for it's

staff for many years (they've gone digital now).

Clarence was their primary repair person. He has

years of experience working with these cameras

and still has some of parts.

Sebastian Moran , Jul 30, 2010; 10:03 a.m.

Louis, thanks for this great posting and the

inspiring images. Congratulations on the terrific


I'll add a bit for others interested in the Mamiya

Press system.

I second the recommendation for the two

excellent Japan-based sellers of Mamiya Press,

camera.japan (*BiG PiX*), and ginotokojapanusa.

Both are completely reliable. When you are ready

for something exotic, ask them to find it for you

and they can usually do so.

I started with the graflok adapter on a Universal

and I do not recommend the graflok approach. It

will take modern Horseman backs, but they don't

fit quite right. You have to cut some material off

the adapter to make the Horseman fit, the back

gets in the way of the finder eyepiece, and the

Mamiya Press backs are great.

Specifics on the graflok back problem are here:


The "Type-3" back and related grip/release cable

are very hard to find. I did find one, but the

double exposure prevention interlock on mine is

unreliable. I've returned to the standard back/grip

thinking "simpler is better," and this is working

for me.

All the Mamiya lenses are very good, and the top

glass (100mm f/2.8, 75mm, 50mm) are really

great. The large negative is nice for scanning. The

large camera is quite a bit to carry. I'm enjoying


Chris Nielsen , Aug 13, 2010; 03:57 p.m.

I keep going back and looking at 'farm scene with

pond'. What a fantastic image!

Bob Everding , Aug 27, 2010; 11:42 p.m.

Louis, I just got a reasonable Super 23 from

Cameta Camera and the viewfinder is quite cloudy

and I really want to have this baby get a good CLA

before I play with it. I am wondering what's up

with mine because it has a 90mm f3.5 lens on it

(is this not a normal lens?) and I haven't figured

out how to operate the Mamiya back that you

slide a metal button to change from 6 x 4.5 to 6

x6. Where are you supposed to store the darkside

once you take it out? My Mamiya 645 Pro seems

like light years away from this simple basic


If I can find a phone number for Clarence Gass, in

Mission, Kansas, I will call him. If not, since I am

in a suburb of Oklahoma City, a trip is not out of

the question and probably would be best since

that way Clarence can teach me a few things

about this wonderful camera.

Bob E.

Jim Peterson , Sep 19, 2011; 11:48 a.m.

Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I just took

possession of the same camera a few days ago and

I am about to run my first roll of film through it. I

received mine as a gift and it is in very good


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