mama khandi case summary

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Mama Khandi Case Summary


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Mama Khandi Case Summary Posted by Coasados AfrikanFamily on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mama Khandi Case Summary Posted by Coasados AfrikanFamily on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Image: Mama Khandi and a student, displaying and instructing how

Sekere is played and made.

From: Afrikan Sekere Art by Mama Khandi on Facebook

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Mama Khandi Case Summary Posted by Coasados AfrikanFamily on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My name is Rev. Khandi Konte-Bey (Paasewe). i

(intentional lowercase) am affectionately known as

Mama Khandi. My bio includes but is not limited to

being a multi-talented Afrikan artist of writing

poems, plays, essays, commentaries, articles, books,

sing in 13 languages, make and play sekere,

seamstress, sketch artist and a host of other artistic

talents. i graduated college with honors (while

multiply disabled [including brain injury] and

homeless from a tree that fell on my home during a

tornado storm) and am the recipient of a host of

academic, activist and artistic awards. i am an

original Black Panther Party member from age 13,

Garveyite at age 13, MOVE (Family Afrika Supporter),

community activist; co-founder of DEC (Determination &

Empowerment Collective created to address the rights

of food stamp recipients in the Montgomery Country

area of Ohio), Pan Afrikanist Congress of Azania

member, All Afrikan People's Revolutionary Party

member, conscious citizen of the Provisional

Government Republic of New Afrika, Wachitaw citizen,

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Mama Khandi Case Summary Posted by Coasados AfrikanFamily on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

delivered all my own children at home, immunized my

own children homeopathically, educated my own children

and delivered hundreds of babies for sistas at home

for over 35 years. i am a certified herbalist and

homeopath, mother of 14 children: 6 from my womb

(would have been 7 but filthydelphia kkkops beat one

out of my womb when they kicked my doors in, came in

on horseback and trampled 3 of my daughters while

beating me into miscarriage) and 8 adopted, foster

parent/tutor and mentor to hundreds of children. i’ve

helped build four independent Afrikan schools, was a

member of Save Our Land Community Patrol -

organization developed to protect the community from

police brutality, ideology: Afrikan centered cultural

matrix and Pan-Afrikan Internationalist. i am the

internet website designer for 92% of the chairpersons

for the Million Woman March; Co-chair for the Mid West

Region (17 states plus Canada) for the Million Woman

March. How did i come into all of this activism of

Human Rights? My Ancestors!

Queen Mother Moore, Nana Ansaa, Nana Akosua

Tankyiampon and Nalo Talib are greatly responsible for

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Mama Khandi Case Summary Posted by Coasados AfrikanFamily on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

my being involved in the Human Rights struggle as they

guided me and supported me when i was focused on

issues beyond that of the normal 13-year-old. These

influences were my foundation for the woman

affectionately known now as Mama Khandi. They guided

me with their activism. Queen Mother Moore filed

charges against the u. s. a. of genocide. She worked

tirelessly for POW’s and political prisoners. Because

of her efforts and those of my big sista Nalo, i began

supporting the Black Dragon Unit of the Black

Liberation Army in Tenna. for 22 years until the

release of their Major General Hamisha Halifu Utumwa.

This cadre collective crowned me Queen Mother. Hamisha

was given a life sentence for fighting back when a

white boy attacked and disrespected his mother. It was

a challenge to gain access to, for and from these

brothas through the penal system. Revolutionaries are

treated with much more injustice, harshness and

imperialism than the average brotha or sista who is

incarcerated. i had to use creative ideas and methods

to assist, aid and provide support for these brothas.

Thus, gaining my Reverend status, in pertinent part,

was a tool for being of service to POW’s and political

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Mama Khandi Case Summary Posted by Coasados AfrikanFamily on Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Mumia Abu Jamal and i grew up together as We use to

talk and share ideas, strategies and ideology. He and

I were in the Black Panther Party together, attended

the same broadcast school and were in Move together.

When i would teach my classes in the independent

Afrikan school system, i would assign my students to

choose a POW to write to for academic credit. Many

students chose Mumia. Many chose other brothas and

sistas who are POW’s that i am close to like. The list

is exhaustive as at one time, i corresponded with as

many as 57 POWs at once! The list includes, but is not

limited to: Veronza Bowers, Mumia, Sundiata Acoli,

Meryl Afrika, Jalil Muntaqim, Zolo Azania, Mutulu

Shakur, Ojore Lutalo, Sekou Kambui, Cinque McGee,

Russell Maroon Shoats, Albert Woodfox, Ali Khalid

Abdullah, Sekou Cinque T.M. Kambui, and many others

whose names escape me or are too numerous to mention

here. To say this was a challenging undertaking is an

understatement at best!

Communicating with these brothas and sistas proved to

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Mama Khandi Case Summary Posted by Coasados AfrikanFamily on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

be a hardship as i would write to them and they would

not receive the letters for months at a time. Often

they would move brothas and sistas from prison to

prison without warning to disrupt and strong hold of

elevating the consciousness of the prison population

in any location. Once i heard back from Mumia over 9

months after i had written to him. These are the petty

tactics the prisons use to break the spirit of those

incarcerated. The medical care is laughable if it

weren’t life-threateningly UN-funny.

These brothas and sistas informed me of my

POW/political prisoner status when i was attacked by

the state of ohio and incarcerated in solitary

confinement for almost 6 months with no medical care

(i’m multiply disabled), almost died (losing over half

of my weight). For the first time, i was on the other

side of the coin. Not the one providing care but the

one in need of care. Like these bold and courageous

freedom fighters, i survived without compromise. i

refused to plea-bargain, while my skin hung off of my

bones with deathly weight loss. Upon my arrest, under

fraudulent multiple felonies, i was taken to jail,

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Mama Khandi Case Summary Posted by Coasados AfrikanFamily on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

spat on, hair pulled, head slammed on concrete floor,

yanked out of my wheel chair, stripped, taunted,

cussed, denied my wheel chair for 5 days, laid in my

own urine for 4 days and fed one meal in 24 hours of

baloney on white bread with cow’s milk. i did what any

respectable vegan/vegetarian would do: i peed on it!

In solitary confinement, i was denied a diabetic diet,

food was thrown in the floor and in the trash,

commissary was denied, i never saw population and was

held in solitary the entire 6 months i was

incarcerated, was denied medical care, had my diabetic

gluco-reading performed ONCE! It took 3 months to have

an attorney assigned to me. Much of my mail was

returned to sender, marked, “DOES NOT EXIST”. Most of

my phone calls were blocked. One time, my daughter,

who was 8 months pregnant, on her birthday, waited in

line for 2 hours to see her mother for 15 minutes.

Another time, when my daughters visited me, they could

see the skin hanging off of my bones and knew their

mother was dying in jail. To break the ice, my

daughter who has always thought of herself as too fat,

said, “dang mom, if i knew they had the bomb

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Mama Khandi Case Summary Posted by Coasados AfrikanFamily on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

weigh-loss plan in here, i would have come to jail a

long time ago!” That did it! We laughed and were able

to visit without tears and sadness.

Long story short, it took THREE YEARS, but i was

acquitted of all criminal charges. i lost everything:

my home, good name, income, son, medical coverage,

subsidies, freedom, health, etc. And presently, for

the 4th time since these fraudulent charges were

brought against me, i am losing my home that was

donated to me! The offer has been rescinded. My

diabetic reading, without funds to control it as i had

before the state’s attack against me, is around 449!

Yes! A Walking Diabetic coma! Any assistance that can

be afforded to me would be greatly appreciated. Email to be added to the COASADOS

Mama Khandi UPDATE list about my court case and

fallout from the attack against me. To donate, go to

the COASADOS Legal Defense Committee website listed

below and click on the paypal donation link or send a

postal money order to Rev. Khandi I. N. Konte-Bey

Paasewe, P. O. Box 6965, Columbus, Ohio, 43205.

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Mama Khandi Case Summary Posted by Coasados AfrikanFamily on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thanx everyone for taking the time to read this

article. Remember to stand firm in the face of

cultural imperialism and white supremacy! Do not

compromise! Support our freedom fighters, POWs and

political prisoners!

Rev. Khandi I. N. Konte-Bey

Box 6965, Olentangy/Washitaw (columbus) OHIO, 43205

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Mama Khandi Case Summary Posted by Coasados AfrikanFamily on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Afrikan Sekere Art by Mama Khandi

Item #002

Blue cat's eye Afrikan wax print sekere bag w/front view, vecro opening and strap, padded

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