making your research usable online

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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bringing nonprofit research into focus.

How to Make Your Research Usable Online

Making the most of your publications through smart content creation and use.

Presented as part of IssueLab's Fall 2009 Webinar Series

IssueLab works at the forefront of knowledge mobilization in the nonprofit sector.Besides archiving work and facilitating access to it, we also provide advocacy, education and services to help organizations make their research more usable online.

This webinar will_Give brief overview of shift in information needs_Share thoughts on usability, what it means in online context_Follow evolution of what already happens online_Take a closer look at tools at disposal and tips for using them_Cover case story for smart content creation & use

Shift in how audiences expect to receive information

Push, not pull

Peer information sharing

Free, accessible, easily digestible


shift in how we package information.

Distributed information networks

Social media accessibility

Smart content creation

Why change?



Why do we need to worry about making our social and policy work usable?A shift in how people want info, means shift in how we give it.

On the receiving end, this means:Folks expect research in familiar environments

Audiences share info amongst themselves

Want easy access to info they can understand

For us nonprofits and knowledge creators, it means:Allowing research transfer into different networks

Providing access to findings within social mediaThese two items are associated with relinquishing a bit of control.

Creating content from research that's easily shared

What no longer works:

We post our research on our website.

I wrote a great abstract/summary!

We always have a press release.

We send an email blast about new publications to our listserv of 10,000 addresses.

Traditionally, dissemination has heavily focused on pushing information & Public Relations/press.

Typical action items no longer work...

Some thoughts on usability

In an online context, usable research is:

Short & digestible (facts, conclusions, recommendations)

Easily accessible (broad dissemination with direct path)

Visually attractive (graphs, maps, images, tables)

Shareable (copyrights, social media)

...because in an online environment, usability takes on a new meaning.

Usable research means:_ catering to short attention span and info overload

_ your audience can actually find it

_ getting attention & speaking to viewer

_ shareability, which can be accomplished in different ways

What might already happen online

International Food Policy Research Institute publishes a report

Reuters writes a story about the report

Action Against Hunger re-posts the story

The Food Section picks up and bookmarks the story

The bookmark is seen and recommended by others

An individual reads and condenses the story

By making our research usable, we're actually trying to enable dissemination.

Here is an evolution of what already happens online, by example of a research report released by the IFPRI.

_ all these action points happen because an organization or individual is interested in the research they find a way to share it.

International Food Policy Research Institute publishes a report

Reuters writes a story about the report

Action Against Hunger re-posts the story

The Food Section picks up and bookmarks the story

The bookmark is seen and recommended by others

An individual reads and condenses the story

What might already happen online

But: 1) Everybody reads the Reuters story (which doesn't link to the research report)2) Most nonprofits can't get this kind of press coverage

Good News:You can make your research usable to enable and encourage direct dissemination

This is great coverage, from traditional perspective. This organization was able to get great press and reach a wide audience.

But, the audience really only reads what a journalist has written about your research, not the research itself.

This kind of coverage still important, but as research producers, there is so much more we can do.

The Good news is that nonprofits can start right now to make their research more usable to enable and encourage direct dissemination by audiences, without having to wait for a big break or press coverage.

Give your audience the it needs to talk about your research.

Usable research = enabling dissemination

Nonprofit publishes a report.


An individual reads and condenses, comments on, interprets, downloads, uses, cites, recommends, bookmarks, or shares the report.

Start by giving your audience the tools it needs to talk about the research.

So when nonprofit publishes a report, we do as much as we can to help a person interact with the report.

Usable research = enabling dissemination




Social Platforms


Open Licensing



Nonprofit publishes a report.

An individual reads and condenses, comments on, interprets, downloads, uses, cites, recommends, bookmarks, or shares the report.

These are some of the most common tools we see used in online dissemination today.

Examples & tips:

Ask supporters to discuss findings

Introduce research to online groups

Example: National Policy Institute posts research on facebook (graphics, title, summary)

Social Platforms

Pick quotes and facts to tweet repeatedly

Include suggested tweet in press release

Example: Institute for Policy Studies tweets release of new research report (including hashtag)

Remember: Social platforms also include online networks (ning, LinkedIn, Google Groups, local networks) where people gather around particular topics.

For those of you on Twitter (or interested in engaging):_ people like to RT statistics_ encourage jump from press release to social media_ Ex: look for relevant hashtags (indicator for convo around particular topic)

On facebook:_ it's easy for folks to express support/opinions_ look for groups relevant to your research_ Ex: post research on fan page

Examples & tips:

Create separate listing pages (not just links to pdf reports)

Insert sharing widgets on website and blog

Example: Committee for Economic development library listing page -


powered by IssueLab


Short posts, explore specific niches

Contact bloggers with relevant data

Guest posts

Example: NeighborWorks shares its outcome system through a related Idealware blog post

There are fairly simple widgets that encourage sharing. This works best if your report has a separate web page.

Blogs are great vehicles for information whether you write one yourself or are a source for others_ delve deeper into background or details_ find others who already write about your issue_ as expert on the topic, compose short guest posts to offer others

Examples & tips:

Set up publications RSS feed

Separate feeds for research areas

Allow users to subscribe via email

Central repository, multidisciplinary

Archiving & knowledge mobilization

Example: Research about a chemical spill reaches an affected resident through IssueLab's Environmental Justice CloseUp



Consider using Creative Commons

Open licenses encourage re-use with some rights reserved

Open Licensing

Considering open licensing for your research is a dimension that can really add to mobilizing your knowledge.

Feeds are helpful to audience and an easy, time-saving tool for organizations.

Consider adding your research to IssueLab.

Case Study

Report: Bay Area Burden

Organization: Urban Land InstitutePublication Date: November 2009Collaborating Organizations:Center for Housing PolicyCenter for Neighborhood Technology


Finally, I'm going to share a case study of outreach around a report by ULI which was just released this month.

ULI created a great new website to accompany the report, which is wonderful but not necessaryif you don't have the resources most of following activities can be achieved separately.

Case Study

Provides Context:

Explanations of terms & concepts

Cost Calculator

Further Resources and References

First report is contextualized for user:_ explains efficient housing developments and what this means_cost calculator_ external resource links and other like-minded organizations

Case Study

Encourages Interaction:

Sharing, bookmarking

Connecting on other platforms

Community input and expert opinion

Press, updates

Second, this setup encourages the reader to take part by:_ passing the research along to peers_ finding the ULI in other online environments_ reading quotes from officials and experts, and submitting comments themselves_ staying connected

Case Study

Strong dissemination:

Highly visible on social networks

Promoted by partners and constituents

Easily passed on

ULI and collaborating organizations had a strong online dissemination plan. (This is how I found out about the report)_online push to get the research to interested folks_listening to the conversation and taking part (retweet)

Case Study

Report Page:

Digestible summary

Separate document for key findings

Report access, download

Easy sharing

Finally, the actual report page is set up in a very user-friendly way._ it helps readers to get short abstract or bullets of findings or recommendations_ separate documents for key findings (important for journalists and audiences on deadline)_report access, bookmarking and sharing

Further Resources

ResearchImpact Canada's Knowledge Mobilization Network

Sharing on Facebook Creating content that's easy to share

Transcript How to Share Nonprofit Research With a Wide Audience

Beth's Blog A Social Media Strategy for Scientific Research or Policy Impact

SubDomain IssueLab's platform for effective digital libraries

List of helpful links for some of the topics in this presentation.

Get in touch!


Twitter: @issuelab or @luisemarie (that's me!)Facebook:

Credits: The sweet social media icons are courtesy of www.komodomedia.comThis presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

bringing nonprofit research into focus.

IssueLab How to Make Your Research Usable Online

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