making of my horror poster

Post on 17-Feb-2017



Art & Photos



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The Making of My Horror PosterThe first thing I did was import the photo I had taken of the knife used in the movie. Then using the shortcut CNTRL +T to re-size the image so it’s small enough to fit on the page.

Using the transformation options in Photoshop I titled the image by dragging the far corner of the image. I had to rotate the image as the photo had taken had the knife slightly titled and I need it to be straight for my poster.

The next step was to rasterize the image So I could edit it and then use the Qucik Slect tool to select the background and then delte it by pressing the delete button on the keyboard.

Some parts of the background were difficult to highlight as some of the edges are the same colour as the knife so the quick selct tool cant diffentiate between the knife and the bakground. To fix this I had to to right click the selection, go to refine edge and increase the feather so the tool fethers the dge of the slection

therby keeping most of the knife and removing as much as the background as possible

Sometimes the quick select tool wouldn’t capture every part of the background so it was up to me to slowly remove any remains of the background with the eraser tool.

Before After

Some part of the knife had been cut off while I was removing the background. To fix this I used the spot healing brush which essentially takes part of the image and places it wherever you have cursor. I used this to get rid of one of the holes in the knife’s side.

Now to create the effect where faces of the protagonists are placed within the knife I had to screenshot their expressions and faces from the move and then use the crop tool in Photoshop so I have their faces.

Before After

Once the faces have been cut and cropped, I put them onto their own layer and then change the layer option to overlay so the image appears to be fused with any image below it (which in this case is the knife).

I used the blur tool on the edges of the portraits so they would blend into one another. The harsh line they had before was very distorting.

For the text I created I wnet into bledning options and then added a gradient overlay from blood red to black and applied it.

To create the fog in the background I wnet into Filter<Render<Clouds and pressed okay. The clouds were then added to a layer below all the other lements of the poster.

Once the locuds were apllied I chnaged the layer option to axreen and then addded a black layer mask. In the mask I could use the brush tool so faint pieces of the cloud effect would appear. I brushed over some parts of the background thus making a fog effect.

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