major events of the nineteenth century ~ the presidencies ~ from george washington to john quincy...

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Major Events of the Nineteenth Century

~ The Presidencies ~From George Washington

to John Quincy Adams

Timeline of Events

• 1789

– First Presidential Election

– First Congress meets

– Washington Inaugurated on April 30th

– Bill of Rights passed by Congress

– French Revolution begins

Timeline of Events

• 1791

– First Bank of the United States created

– Ratification of the Bill of Rights completed on December 15th

• 1792– Washington reelected unanimously

Timeline of Events

• 1793 – Proclamation of neutrality toward war

in Europe

• 1794– Whiskey Rebellion– Jay’s treaty with Britain

• 1795– Pinckney’s treaty with Spain

Timeline of Events

• 1797

– John Adams becomes second President

– XYZ correspondence published

• 1798

– Alien & Sedition Acts passed

– Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions

Timeline of Events

• 1800

– Thomas Jefferson becomes President

• 1803

– Marbury v. Madison decided

– Louisiana Purchase

Timeline of Events

• 1804

– Burr-Hamilton duel

– Jefferson reelected

• 1807 – Chesapeake-Leopard incident– Robert Fulton power the steam boat,

Clermont, up the Hudson River from New York City to Albany in 32 hours

Timeline of Events

• 1808

– James Madison elected President

• 1811

– Battle of Tippecanoe

• 1812

– War declared on Britain

Timeline of Events• 1814

– Treaty of Ghent ends war

• 1815

– Battle of New Orleans– Napoleon is defeated at


• 1816

– Second Bank of the United States– James Monroe elected President

Timeline of Events• 1817

– Rush Bagot Treaty

• 1818– Boundaries of the Louisiana Purchase set at

the 49th parallel

• 1819– Florida treaty with Spain– Panic of 1819– McCulloch v. Maryland

• 1820– Missouri Compromise

Timeline of Events• 1820

– James Monroe reelected• 1822

– Freed U.S. slaves found Liberia on the west coast of Africa

• 1823– Monroe Doctrine announced

• 1824– Election of John Quincy Adams

Washington Administration

With the election of George

Washington as the first President

of the United States under the

Constitution, Congress was given

the great task of creating and

organizing the new government.

The Federal Courts

• The Constitution authorized Congress to set up a federal court system headed by a Supreme Court but it did not tell them how to organize and create the lower federal courts. The Judiciary Act of 1789 created a judicial structure that has stayed basically intact until today.

The Judiciary Act of 1789

This act established

the number of justices

on the Supreme Court.

There was a Chief

Justice and 5 associate

justices. We now have

8 associate justices.

The Judiciary Act of 1789

• It created 3 federal circuit courts

and 13 federal district courts.

• It made sure that federal laws

would remain the “supreme law of

the land” as directed by Article VI

of the Constitution.

The Executive Branch

• The Constitution only provided for the

President and Vice President

• Washington chose to create a “Cabinet” to

help govern the United States

– Department of State

– Department of Treasury

– Department of War

– Attorney General

– Post Master General

The Executive Branch

• Department of State

– Headed by Thomas Jefferson

– Deals with foreign affairs

• Department of Treasury

– Headed by Alexander Hamilton

– Manages finances

The Executive Branch

• Department of War

– Headed by Henry Knox

– Handles military matters

• Attorney General

– Headed by Edmund Randolph

– Chief lawyer of the federal government

The Executive Branch

• Post Master General

– Headed by Samuel Osgood

– Handles the post offices

– Cabinet position until 1971

when the Post Office Dept.

was reorganized into the U.S. Postal

Service, a separate entity.

Key Players

Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson

Hamilton-Jefferson Debate• Hamilton’s Views

– Concentrate power in federal government– Fears mob rule– Republic led by a well-educated elite– Loose interpretation of the Constitution– National bank constitutional (loose

interpretation)– Economy based on shipping and

manufacturing– Payment of national and state debts (favoring

creditors)– Supporters – merchants, manufacturers,

landowners, investors, lawyers, and clergy

Hamilton-Jefferson Debate• Jefferson’s Views

– Sharing power with state & local governments; limited national government

– Fear of absolute power or ruler– Democracy of virtuous farmers and trades people– Strict interpretation of the Constitution– National bank unconstitutional (strict interpretation)– Economy based on farming– Payment of only the national debt (favoring debtors) – Supporters – the “plain people” farmers and trades


The Whiskey Rebellion - 1794

• In 1789, Congress passes a protective tariff on imports from Europe.

• Hamilton pushes through Congress an excise tax on the manufacture, sales, or distribution of whiskey

• Whiskey is made from corn and is easier to carry across the Appalachian Mountains to the settled areas along the Atlantic.

• Producers of whiskey are the small frontier farmers

The Whiskey Rebellion - 1794

• In western Pennsylvania, farmers refuse to pay the tax, beat up the federal marshals and threaten to secede from the union.

• Hamilton sends in 15,000 militiamen and the rebellion is put down without any loss of life.

• This rebellion helped to consolidate the federal governments power in domestic affairs.

The Whiskey Rebellion - 1794

Washington reviewing the troops

Washington’s Farewell

In his farewell address to the country, George Washington asked the people to “beware of political factions.” Even though he hoped political parties would not form, the opposing views of Hamilton and Jefferson led to the first two political parties in this country ~ the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans.

The Factions

• The Federalists • The Democratic- Republicans

The Federalists

• Headed by Alexander Hamilton and John


• Believed in a strong national government

• Favored the development of an industrial

economy based on manufacturing

• Supporters - bankers and business

interests in the Northeast

The Democratic-Republicans

• Headed by Thomas Jefferson and James


• Believed in a weak national government

• Favored the development of an

agricultural economy based on farming

• Supporters – farmers, artisans, and

frontier settlers in the South

John Adams’ Presidency

• 1797 - John Adams became

the second President of the

United States with Thomas

Jefferson as his Vice President.

• 1798 – Adams signs into law a bill creating the United States Navy after the XYZ Affair occurs

XYZ Affair• To steer clear of war with France,

President Adams sent a delegation to France (Charles Pinckney, John Marshall and Elbridge Gerry) to negotiate a peaceful solution to the Jay Treaty

• The delegation wanted to meet with the French foreign minister, Talleyrand

• The Directory sent 3 low-level officials to meet with the delegation

XYZ Affair

John Marshall

Charles Pinckney

Elbridge Gerry

XYZ Affair

• These official demanded a $250,000 bribe as payment to see Talleyrand

• Upon learning about this insult, a wave of anti-French sentiment swept the country

• People refuse to use anything French as well as listen to French music

• “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute” became the slogan of the time

Alien and Sedition Acts• Were passed because of the growing anti-

French feeling that continued to flourish• Alien Acts

– American citizenship from 5 to 14 years

– President could deport or jail any alien considered undesirable

• Sedition Act– Set fines and jail terms for anyone trying to

impede how the government was run or who made “false, scandalous, and malicious statements” against the government

Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions

• Written in opposition to the Alien & Sedition Acts

• Madison wrote the resolutions for Virginia

• Jefferson wrote them for Kentucky

• They stated that the states had the right to nullify (consider void) any act of Congress that they deemed unconstitutional

• They believed the Alien & Sedition Acts violated the First Amendment rights of citizens

Election of 1800

Thomas Jefferson John Adams

Election of 1800

• Thomas Jefferson became the 3rd president of the United States after the House of Representatives decided the election. – Jefferson – 73– Aaron Burr – 73– John Adams – 65– C. C. Pinckney – 64– John Jay – 1

Election of 1800

After realizing there was a flaw in the Electoral College, Congress fixed the flaw by passing the Twelfth

Amendment which calls for

having the electors cast

separate ballots for

President and Vice President

Jefferson’s Administration

• Was the first person to take office in Washington, D.C.

• Believed in free trade with Europe• Shrank the size of the federal

government• Cut costs wherever and

whenever possible

John Marshall

• Was appointed as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by John Adams

• Served on the court for over 30 years

• Strengthened the power of the Supreme Court and thefederal government

Marbury v. Madison

• John Adams signed the appointments of 16 new federal judges late on the last day of his administration. Some of the appointments were never delivered and Jefferson believed that since they were not, that they were invalid. The result is the case of Marbury v. Madison.

Marbury v. Madison

• 1803• Marbury was one of the midnight judges

who did not receive his appointment.• The Judiciary Act of 1789 required that

the appointments be delivered and Marbury sued to enforce this provision.

• John Marshall delivered the Court’s decision.

Marbury v. Madison

Marbury v. Madison

• Marshall did believe that Marbury deserved his commission but not under the provision of the Judiciary Act of 1789 because it was unconstitutional and there the act was void and so was Marbury’s claim.

• By doing this, John Marshall and the Supreme Court were able to use the power of judicial review.

Judicial Review

• Is the power of the Supreme Court to decide whether or not specific laws are valid.

• This made the Court a co-equal branch because it sent the executive and legislative branches a message that the judicial branch had the power to affect legislation.

Louisiana Purchase

• 1803• Napoleon Bonaparte decides to sell the

Louisiana Territory to the United States• James Monroe and Robert Livingston

purchased the territory for $15 million while in France

• The size of the United States doubled after the Senate ratified the treaty

Louisiana Purchase

The Explorers & Their Guide

Lewis and Clark Sacajawea

Exploring the Territory

• Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore

• Lewis lead what he called the Corps of Discovery from St. Louis Missouri to the Pacific coast

• Discoveries included unknown plants and animals and new Native American tribes

• Sacajawea was a guide and interpreter• The expedition took 2 years and 4 months

to complete

Madison Presidency

• James Madison became president in 1808

• Jefferson, like Washington, chose to serve only two terms

• Two territories become states – Illinois– Louisiana

Chesapeake-Leopard Incident

• June 1807– The commander of the British warship,

the Leopard, demanded the right to board and search the Chesapeake, a U.S. naval frigate for British deserters

– The captain of the Chesapeake refused and the British opened fire

– When the smoke cleared, 3 Americans were dead and 18 were wounded

Chesapeake-Leopard Results

• As a result of this incident, Jefferson was able to convince Congress to pass the Embargo Act of 1807

• Jefferson hoped it would hurt Britain and other European countries, but it only hurt American business and was eventually lifted in 1809

Battle of Tippecanoe

• November 1811– William Henry Harrison leads

troops to view lands in the Wabash area (Indiana)

– Harrison and his troops were attacked by Tecumseh’s brother, the Prophet, and the Shawnee tribe

– Harrison is victorious and burns “Prophetstown” to the ground

Battle of Tippecanoe

• Harrison becomes a national hero.• Significance

– Native Americans were put down and their resistance in the Northwest is weakened

– They lose out to the expansionists– War Hawks call for war with Great

Britain when they find out Canada helped to arm the Native Americans

Battle of Tippecanoe

Causes of the War of 1812

• Causes– British seizure of more than 1,000

American ships and their cargoes– French seized about 500 ships and

cargoes– Impressment – seizing of

Americans as sea and drafting them into the British navy

– Chesapeake-Leopard incident

The War of 1812

• Madison sends to Congress a declaration of war against Great Britain

• Congress approves the declaration in June of 1812

• America is unprepared for war and the British seize Detroit and have numerous setbacks

The War of 1812

• William Henry Harrison defeats the Native Americans at the Battle of Tippecanoe and westward expansion goes on

• Perry defeats the British at Put-in-Bay in 1813 and Americans gain control of Lake Erie

• British decided to blockade the Atlantic coast bottling up American ships in port

The War of 1812• The British march into

Washington, D.C. and burn the Capitol, the White House and other important buildings.

• Dolly Madison barely escapes with the unfinished portrait of George Washington.

War of 1812

• Andrew Jackson an upcoming general from Tennessee won a series of battles that gave him national fame

• Defeated the Creeks at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in March of 1814

• Victory destroyed the military power of the Native Americans in the South

Treaty of Ghent

• December 24, 1814– An armistice was declared to end the

fighting– Did not address the issue of

impressment or neutral shipping rights

– Americans welcomed the treaty because they were eager for peace

Treaty of Ghent

Battle of New Orleans

• January 8, 1815– Occurred after the signing of the

Treaty of Ghent– Andrew Jackson’s greatest victory– Jackson’s troops defeated a superior

British force– Hundreds of British troops died– Only a handful of Americans died

Battle of New Orleans

Other Treaties• 1815

– A commercial treaty reopened trade between the United States and Great Britain

• 1817– Rush-Bagot Treaty limited the

number of warships on the Great Lakes

Other Treaties• 1818

– Convention of 1818 - British-American commission sets the boundary of the Louisiana Purchase at the 49th parallel and agrees to a 10 year joint occupation of the Oregon Territory

Industrial Revolution• Great Britain starts the Industrial

Revolution during the 18th century Inventions include:– John Kay’s flying shuttle (1733)– James Hargreave’s spinning jenny (1764)– Richard Arkwright’s water frame (1769)– James Watt’s steam engine (1769)– Samuel Crompton’s spinning mule (1779)– Edmund Cartwright’s power loom (1785)

Industrial Revolution

John Kay’s flying shuttle


James Hargreave’s

spinning jenny (1764)

Richard Arkwright’s water frame


Industrial Revolution

James Watt’s steam engine


Samuel Crompton’s

spinning mule (1779)

Edmund Cartwright’s power loom


America Industrializes

• America becomes an industrialized nation for many reasons but the first and foremost was because of war.

• America’s primary source of income after the War for Independence was international trade

• Because of the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812, America will become an industrial nation.

New England Industrializes

New England Industrializes

• New England had the greatest push toward industrialization

• Samuel Slater established the first successful mechanized textile factory in Pawtucket, Rhode Island

• Slater’s factories only mass produced one part of the textile (finished cloth) ~ thread

Textile Revolution

• 1813– Three Bostonians revolutionize the

textile industry by mechanizing all stages of textile production

– Francis Cabot Lowell, Nathan Appleton, and Patrick Tracy Jackson built a weaving factory in Waltham, Massachusetts

Textile Revolution

• 1822– Jackson and Appleton build a larger

operation in Lowell, Massachusetts

– Lowell (named for their deceased partner) becomes a booming manufacturing center

– Young women come their to find jobs because their family farms are in decline

Sectionalism Develops• Two economic systems develop

and with this, sectionalism becomes even more prevalent

• North– Northeast

•Subsistence farming– Northwest

•Livestock (cattle)•Crops (corn)

Sectionalism Develops

• North – Slavery is dying out by the late 1700s– By 1804 almost all northern states had

voluntarily abolished slavery

• South– Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin

(1793)– Sets the South on a different course of


Sectionalism Develops

• South– Short-staple cotton easier to grow than

long-staple cotton– Cotton in great demand in Great Britain– Plantations grew out of Europe’s need for

cotton– Slave labor force need to work the fields– Cotton Kingdom includes Alabama,

Mississippi, and Louisiana

Sectionalism Develops

• Cotton gin accelerated the need for slaves

• 1790- 1810– Number of bales of cotton produced

went from 3,000 to 178,000– Number of slaves increased from

700,000 to 1,200,000

Clay’s American System

• Developed by James Madison in 1815

• Was a plan created to unify the nation and create a strong, stable economy that would make the nation self-sufficient

Clay’s American System

• Three major points– Develop transportation systems

and other internal improvements– Establish a protective tariff– Resurrect the national bank

• Henry Clay like the plan and promoted as the American System which would unite the nation’s economic interests

Internal Improvements

• First steam locomotive in the U.S. was built in 1825

• Railroads important because they were faster and more economical

• Many states built turnpikes– National Road began in 1811 in

Cumberland, Maryland– By 1838 it reaches Vandalia, Illinois

Internal Improvements

• Erie Canal– “The Big Ditch” was 363 miles long– Took 8 years to build– By 1825 it linked the Hudson River

with the Erie Canal

• Other states begin building and by 1837 over 3,000 miles of canals have been built

Protective Tariffs

• British goods were cheaper to buy than American made goods

• By placing a tariff on the British goods, the price advantage would be eliminated

• Madison proposed the Tariff of 1816– Northeast liked protective tariffs– South and West disliked them

National Bank

• Most felt that a national bank would benefit all

• 1816– Congress charters the Second

National Bank of the United States (BUS) for a 20 year period

– Made a national currency available for people in different regions to do business with one another

Monroe Presidency

• 1816– James Monroe of Virginia is elected

president – America enters into the

“Era of Good Feelings”

Supreme Court Boosts Power

• 1808– Robert Fulton and Robert Livingston

receive a charter from the New York legislature

– Charter gives them exclusive right to run steamboats on rivers in that state

– Aaron Ogden receives a license from Fulton and Livingston to run his steamship line between New York and New Jersey

Gibbons v. Ogden• Thomas Gibbons opens his own steam

line in the same area• Ogden takes Gibbons to court and in an

1824 ruling the Supreme Court stated that– Interstate commerce could be regulated

only by the federal government– Therefore, Ogden’s exclusive right granted

by the state of New York was not legal because in crossed state lines

– Congress is given the authority over interstate commerce

McCulloch v. Maryland• 1819

– John Marshall and the Supreme Court strengthen the federal government’s control over the economy

– Ruling also supports the national government over state government

McCulloch v. Maryland• Maryland levied a heavy tax on

the local branch of the Bank of the United States (BUS)

• They wanted to make it fall• Maryland law was overturned

stating that states were not allowed to tax the federal government

McCulloch v. Maryland• Maryland law was overturned • John Marshall stated that “the

power to tax is the power to destroy”

• Marshall declared that the BUS was constitutional

Other Court Cases

• Fletcher v. Peck (1810)– Court nullified a George law that had

violated individual’s constitutional rights to enter into contracts

• Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819)– Court declared that the state of New

Hampshire could not revise the original charter it had granted to the college’s trustees in colonial times


• The belief that national interests should be placed ahead of regions concerns or the interests of other countries

• John Quincy Adams – Secretary of State – Guides foreign policy towards nationalism

Adams-Onis Treaty

• Most Americans believed Spanish Florida would become part of the United States

• In 1819, John Quincy Adams negotiated a treaty with Spain to cede Florida to the United States

• Spain would also give up its claims to the Oregon Territory

Monroe Doctrine

• Spain and Portugal defeat Napoleon

• They want to reclaim their former colonies in Central and South America

• Russia is pushing into the Northwest and interfering in trade with China

• America interested in getting Cuba and northern Mexico

Monroe Doctrine

• December 1823– James Monroe delivers a speech to

Congress– He warns all outside powers not to

interfere with affairs in the Western Hemisphere

– Do not attempt to create new colonies– Do not try to overthrow the republics

that have become independent

Monroe Doctrine

Western Hemisphere

North America

South America

Central America

Monroe Doctrine

• Any aggression on the part of European nations would be considered an action “dangerous to our peace and safety”

• Monroe also promised that America would stay out of European affairs and not involve itself with existing colonies in the Western Hemisphere

Westward Expansion

• People who wanted to escape debts or the law often went west

• It was easy to get lost and not be found

• Land was abundant and fertile• People could make their own way

more easily changing jobs if needed

Missouri Compromise

Events Leading to Compromise

• 1818– United States consists of 10 slave

states and 10 free states– Illinois admitted as a free state on

December 3rd• 1819

– Missouri applies for admission to become a state

– Alabama admitted as a slave state on December 14th

Events Leading to Compromise

• How Missouri would be admitted became the crucial decision– Northerners wanted it to become a free


– Southerners wanted it to become a slave state

• Henry Clay came up with a solution to the problem

The Compromise• Maine would be admitted as a free state• Missouri would be admitted as a slave

state– This kept the sectional balance in the Senate

• Louisiana Territory was split – Above 36o 30’ north latitude would be for

free with the exception of Missouri – Below 36o 30’ north latitude would be for

slavery• Monroe signed the compromise and the

issue of slavery seemed to be settled

Election of 1824

• Opponents– John Quincy Adams 84– Andrew Jackson 99– William C. Crawford 41– Henry Clay 37

• No one won the majority of electoral votes and the decision of who would be president was thrown into the House of Representatives

Election of 1824

• Henry Clay was able to swing the election to John Quincy Adams because of his influence in the House of Representatives

• John Quincy Adams waselected President of the United States

John Q. Adams Presidency

• John Quincy Adams was the son of John Adams, the second president of the United States

• A father and son as presidents has occurred only twice in the history of the United States– John Adams and John Quincy Adams

– George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush

John Q. Adams Presidency

• Andrew Jackson accuses Adams of stealing the presidency from him

• When Adams elects Henry Clay as his Secretary of State, Jackson and his supporters cry foul saying that they created a “corrupt bargain”

• The feuding between Adams and Jackson effectively ruined any good Adams may have been able to do during his presidency

Portent of What is to Come

• With the presidencies of George Washington through John Quincy Adams, the choice of president was left up to the upper class.

• With the advent of easing voting restrictions, more people were able to vote and a new era would commence with the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828

• This Age of Jackson would soon become known as the Age of Democracy

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