magnesium in the murine artery: probing the products of corrosion (bowen et al., acta biomaterialia,...

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    Pbos os tbj pjjr rjvojwj` vjrsoen eg tbj gehhewonm krtolhj9

    V. C. Dewjn, I. @rjholb, kn` I. Meh`akn, Akmnjsoua on tbj auronj krtjry9 Vredonm tbj pre`ults eg lerresoen,Kltk Doeaktjr.(46;

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


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    ; Ontre`ultoenAkmnjsoua kn` ots khheys bkvj djjn bjkvohy rjsjkrlbj` on rjljnt yjkrs `uj te ontjrjst on tbjor kppholktoen

    ks doekdserdkdhj vksluhkr slkggeh`onm S;Q. Vroer te wo`jsprjk` lhonolkh k`eptoen, jxtjnsovj on votrekn` on vove

    lerresoen tjstonm os rjquorj`. ]bohj tbjrj os k phjtberk eg lerresoen `ktk grea on votrejxpjroajnts S4Q, ot kppjkrs

    tbkt on vovestu`y os k akier `jgolojnly eg tbj kdserdkdhj stjnt hotjrkturj. Aest lentrodutoens tbus gkr bkvj rjhoj`

    en perlonj krtjrokh oaphknts S

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - < -

    sudijlts, kn` rjhktovjhy bomb onstotutoenkh kn` akrmonkh lests eg beusonm. Ks kn khtjrnktovj, kn onjxpjnsovj on vove

    ajtbe` eg doelerresoen soauhktoen usonm worjs S;

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


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    K`uht akhj \prkmuj @kwhjy rkts wjrj knjstbjtozj` wotb oseghurknj on exymjn. Pbj ;6 aa worj sjmajnts

    wjrj usj` te punlturj tbj krtjrokh k`vjntotok eg tbj kd`eaonkh kertk, kn` tbj worj wks hj` on ger tbj guhh hjnmtb,

    tbus gorahy jadj``onm ot on tbj krtjrokh aj`ok. 46 aa sjmajnts wjrj oaphkntj` prexoakhhy te tbj gorst worj,

    wotbon tbj kd`eaonkh kertk, kn`, kgtjr jxphkntktoen, wjrj usj` ger ajlbknolkh knkhysos tbkt os rjpertj` jhsjwbjrj

    S;=Q. Ot os netj` tbkt tbj krtjrokh wkhh oaphkntktoen ajtbe` hklcs seaj gjkturjs eg k guhhy jxpkn`j` akmnjsoua

    stjnt eg tbj skaj aktjrokh, onlhu`onm9 (o) k hklc eg `orjlt dhee` lentklt ajknt te soauhktj k pest-jnlkpsuhktoen

    jnvorenajnt, (oo) kn kdsjnlj eg helkh leh` werc tbkt weuh` ae`ogy tbj lerresoen conjtols, kn` (ooo) grjj`ea grea

    tbj lylhol strjssjs mjnjrkhhy jxpjrojnlj` dy stjnts. Pbos prelj`urj wks rjvojwj` kn` kpprevj` dy Aolbomkn

    Pjlbnehemolkh Znovjrsoty's Onstotutoenkh Knoakh Lkrj kn` Zsj Leaaottjj (OKLZL).

    Tkts wjrj beusj` untoh tbjor jutbknozktoen on kller`knlj wotb tbj Vknjh en Jutbknksok eg tbj Kajrolkn

    Wjtjronkry Aj`olkh Ksseloktoen kn` jxtrolktoen eg tbj worjs kt tjn toaj peonts rknmonm grea : te

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


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    4.4.; Eptolkh oakmonm eg tbj surgkljEptolkh oakmonm eg tbj lerre`j` worj skaphjs wks pjrgeraj` wotb k ]oh` Bjjrdrumm A:k

    stjrjeaolreslepj kn` k Hjolk JL< aolreslepj lkajrk (Hjolk Aolresystjas3 Duggkhe Mrevj, Ohhoneos) kt :6

    neaonkh akmnogolktoen. ]botj-hombt ohhuaonktoen kn` jxpesurj sjttonms wjrj tbj skaj grea skaphj-te-skaphj te

    pre`ulj leapkrkdhj oakmjs.

    4.4.4 Aolreslepol Geurojr trknsgera ongrkrj` spjltreslepyGP-OT wks len`ultj` on `oggusj rjghjltknlj ae`j wotb k Iksle GPOT-0466 spjltrepbeteajtjr jquoppj`

    wotb kn OTP-

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


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    djmkn kt k aonoaua ostknlj eg 6.: aa grea tbj jn` eg tbj worj. Lress sjltoens wjrj prjpkrj` dy mron`onm tbj

    jxpesj` worj on k ajtkhhemrkpbol gksboen wotb 766- kn` 266-mrot \oL pkpjr kn` pehosbonm wotb k ; a Kh4E

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


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    Leapkrosen eg tbj etbjr skaphj surgkljs peontj` te lhjkr oggjrjnljs. Pbjrj wjrj ne strenm on`olktoens eg

    pottonm er helkhozj` kttklc tbkt rj`ulj` tbj kppkrjnt `okajtjr eg oaphknts rjaevj` djgerj 4? kys. K tbon,

    trknshuljnt, wbotj surgklj hkyjr wks jvo`jnt en tbj worj oaphkntj` ger ;4 `kys, kn` wks aerpbehemolkhhy `oggjrjnt

    grea tbj helkhozj` `jpesots prjvoeushy edsjrvj`. K soaohkr trknshuljnt wbotj hkyjr kppjkrj` te levjr njkrhy tbj

    jntorj ;0 `ky skaphj ks wjhh ks worjs grea sudsjqujnt toaj peonts. En tbj 4? kn`

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


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    4pjkc kt 2=< la-;. Vjkc ae`jhonm wks usj` te jxtrklt tbj ontjnsotojs eg tbjsj twe pjkcs djtwjjn ;0 kn` 4? `kys

    on vove(Gomurj 0). Ot wks edsjrvj` tbkt pjkc ontjnsotojs rjakonj` rjhktovjhy lenstknt ger K-typj sudstotutoen, kn`

    vkroj` dy enhy ;6%. Ontjnsotojs lerrjspen`onm te D-typj sudstotutoen, bewjvjr, `jlhonj` dy njkrhy kn er`jr eg

    akmnotu`j evjr tbj skaj toaj pjroe`.

    \pjltrua sudtrkltoen wks utohozj` te osehktj kn OT spjltrua ger tbj gorst-te-gera surgklj pre`ult. K sakhh

    oshkn` eg tbj sjlen`-te-gera pre`ult wks vosodhj kt = `kys3 ot wks knkhyzj` kn` tbj klquorj` spjltrua wks

    sudtrkltj` grea tbj mjnjrkh slkn (Gomurj

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


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    Jhjajntkh akpponm eg tbj skaj sjrojs eg lress sjltoens rjvjkhj` tbj `ostrodutoen eg tbj cjy jhjajnts

    akmnjsoua, exymjn, pbespberus, kn` lkhloua on tbj sjltoens eg ontjrjst. Pbjsj akps kn` lerrjspen`onm rjmoenkh

    DJOs krj prjsjntj` on Gomurj =. Pbj jhjajntkh somnkturjs rjlengora tbj twe `ostonlt lerresoen pre`ults tbkt wjrj

    kppkrjnt on tbj sjrojs eg DJOs (Gomurj 7). Kt = `kys, k lkhloua- kn` pbespberus-lentkononm unogera surgklj hkyjr

    os edsjrvj` on k``otoen te kn onnjr hkyjr leaprosonm akmnjsouakhdjot aulb hjss tbkn tbj unk`uhtjrktj` ajtkh

    kn` exymjn. Vbespberus wks onlerperktj` te k hoaotj` jmrjj on pertoens eg tbj onnjr hkyjr, dut wks aerj bombhy

    lenljntrktj` on tbj eutjr (surgklj) hkyjr. Lkhloua wks bombhy lenljntrktj` on tbj surgklj hkyjr, dut wks net

    onlerperktj` onte tbj onnjr hkyjr te tbj jxtjnt pbespberus wks. \eaj vkroktoens on tbolcnjss eg tbj eutjr hkyjr krj

    edsjrvj` kt = `kys, lensostjnt wotb tbj lerrjspen`onm DJO. Kt ;0 `kys, tbj J@\ akps wjrj qukhotktovjhy soaohkr.

    Pbj lerresoen hkyjr bk` tbolcjnj` k dot kn` tbj pre`ults bk` djleaj seajwbkt aerj sjmrjmktj`, wotb k aerj

    `ostonlt Am- kn` E-djkronm hkyjr njkr tbj worj ljntjr. Vbespberus, kmkon, wks prjsjnt kt k mrjktjr `jptb tbkn tbj

    lkhloua, wbolb wks lengonj` te k unogera hkyjr kt tbj surgklj. Akmnjsoua sjjas te bkvj djjn osphklj` khaest

    leaphjtjhy dy lkhloua njkr tbj surgklj, aknogjstonm ks k hew x-rky somnkh grea tbj eutjr rjmoen.

    Hktjr toaj peonts bk` jhjajntkh `ostrodutoens tbkt `jvoktj` grea tbj leapklt, twe-rjmoen strulturj kt tbj =

    kn` ;0 `ky toaj peonts. Pbj proakry `oggjrjnlj wks k hess eg ontjmroty eg tbj onnjr lerresoen hkyjr, jvo`jnlj` dy

    rjmoenkh hess eg somnkh grea akmnjsoua kn` exymjn kn` tbjor rjphkljajnt wotb lkrden kn` lbheronj somnkhs

    lbkrkltjrostol eg jpexy (lkrden kn` lbheronj net sbewn on Gomurj =). Vbespberus onlerperktoen onte tbj onnjr

    lerresoen hkyjr wks aerj preneunlj` on seaj helktoens, kn` wks klleapknoj` dy lkhloua aerj se tbkn kt jkrhojr

    toajs. Prklj jhjajnt akps eg se`oua, lbheronj, kn` lkrden wjrj khse pre`ulj`, dut wjrj eg hoaotj` utohoty.

    Bjkvohy drombtnjss- kn` lentrkst-jnbknlj` jxkaphjs eg tbjsj akps grea tbj ;0 `ky toaj peont krj onlhu`j` on

    Gomurj 2. Pbj lkrden (Gomurj 2 K) somnkh wks pre`ulj` proakrohy grea tbj surreun`onm jpexy er grea helktoens

    wbjrj tbj jpexy bk` pjnjtrktj` onte tbj skaphj.

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


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    0 @oslussoen0.; Oapholktoens eg sur gklj oakmonm

    Ljhhs kttklbj` te tbj akmnjsoua surgklj krj tbeumbt te dj rjspensodhj ger tbj unjxpjltj` leherktoen

    edsjrvj` on tbj : `ky skaphj (Gomurj ;). Hktjr skaphjs `o` net sbew jvo`jnlj eg doehemolkh aktjrokhs en tbj

    surgklj. Pbj hklc eg kppkrjnt vksluhkr ljhh kttklbajnt er aktrox syntbjsos kt tbj Am-krtjry ontjrgklj edsjrvj`

    `uronm surgklj knkhysos os k tjstkajnt te akmnjsouas jxljhhjnt doeleapktodohoty. Ot khse summjsts tbkt akmnjsoua

    pjr sjaky net stoauhktj ontoakh bypjrphksok eg saeetb auslhj ljhhs, wbolb os tbj bkhhakrc ae`j eg gkohurj ger

    stjntj` krtjrojs S4?Q. Bewjvjr, oniury grea knmoephksty kn` tbj phkljajnt eg k akmnjsoua stjnt bks djjn

    edsjrvj` jxpjroajntkhhy S

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


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    dy lkrdenktj rjakons lensostjnt, dut khtjrnktovj sudstotutoen ger VE0

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


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    jhjltrehytjs. Kn onlrjksj` pB kt tbj surgklj, typolkh ger Am doeaktjrokhs S

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


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    Pbj eutjr pre`ult `ejs kppjkr te bkvj k wjkc lkrden somnkturj, wbolb aky dj k leadonktoen eg

    onlerperktj` lkrden (grea lkrdenktj, `jtjraonj` dy GP-OT) kn` jpexy tbkt ellupoj` surgklj `jgjlts. K lkrden

    somnkh wks net mjnjrktj` grea tbj onnjr lerresoen hkyjr, summjstonm tbkt tbos hkyjr `o` net lentkon somnogolknt

    qukntotojs eg lkrdenktj. Lbheronj (Gomurj 2 D) os k lenstotujnt eg tbj jpexy, kn` se os kmkon prjsjnt surreun`onm

    tbj worj sjltoen on hew lenljntrktoens. K Lh somnkh wks edsjrvj` kt seaj j`mj sotjs kgtjr tbj akp lentrkst wks

    jnbknlj`. Pbj ae`j eg Lh onlerperktoen on tbj lerresoen hkyjr os net jvo`jnt grea tbjsj `ktk (j.m. AmLh4

    pkrtoluhktj er k`serdj ontjrgklokh lbhero j oens), dut ot aky dj soaohkr te tbj on votreonlerperktoen eg lbhero`j

    oens edsjrvj` dy ]ohhuajot jt kh.S06Q. \uggolj` te sky, Lh os k trklj lenstotujnt te wbolb tbj duhc knkhysos

    ajtbe`s usj` bjrj krj net sjnsotovj, kn` weuh` rjquorj `oggjrjnt ajtbe`s eg jvkhuktoen te `jslrodj leaphjtjhy.

    \e`oua (Gomurj 2 L) `ejs net kppjkr te dj prjsjnt on kny `jtjltkdhj qukntoty, kn` tbj wjkc somnkh prjsjntj` on

    tbos rjpert eromonktjs grea tbj tkohs eg tbj akmnjsoua Cpjkc. Pbus, se`oua `ejs net kppjkr te dj rjtkonj`

    `uronm tbj geraktoen eg pbysoehemolkh lerresoen pre`ults en akmnjsoua.

    K leapesotoenkh stu`y eg tbj onnjr, Am-E lerresoen hkyjr wks kttjaptj` usonm sonmhj-peont jnjrmy

    `ospjrsovj spjltreslepy. Bewjvjr, tbj sakhh wo`tb eg tbos lerresoen hkyjr kt jkrhy toajs rjsuhtj` on jhjltren

    ontjrkltoen wotb tbj eutjr lerresoen hkyjr kn`/er tbj akmnjsoua lerj. Hocjwosj, hktjr ongohtrktoen eg jpexy onte tbj

    lerresoen hkyjr prjvjntj` kllurktj jnjrmy `ospjrsovj spjltreslepy rjsuhts grea djonm edtkonj`. Guturj werc aky

    utohozj hkrmjr-mjeajtry spjloajns er tbesj tbkt gklohotktj tbj mrewtb eg k tbolc lkhloua-pbespbktj evjrhkyjr te

    mrew k suotkdhy hkrmj, stkdhj exymjn-lentkononm hkyjr. Lkrjguh x-rky aolreknkhysos en sulb k pre`ult aky rjvjkh

    og tbj Am9E rktoe os lhesjr te AmE (;9;), Am(EB)4(;94), AmLE

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


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    0.0 Vrepesj` henm-tjra lerresoen ajlbkno saLerresoen ajlbknosas ger doekdserdkdhj aktjrokhs bkvj mjnjrkhhy djjn gerauhktj` dksj` en on votre

    jxpjrojnljs S06-04Q, kn` typolkhhy `jkh enhy wotb jkrhy-stkmj lerresoen djbkvoer kn` surgklj ae`ogolktoen.

    Kttjntoen bks net djjn pko` te akss trknspert pbjneajnk on tbj qukso-stjk`y stktj, ner bks tbj ossuj eg tjraonkh

    drjkc`ewn eg akmnjsoua doeaktjrokhs djjn suggolojnthy `oslussj`. Zsonm tbj ktk prjsjntj` on tbos lentrodutoen,

    kspjlts eg tbj lerresoen ajlbknosa on tbj qukso-stjk`y stktj kn` tjraonkh stkmjs aky dj jhulo`ktj`. Vbjneajnk

    eg ontjrjst krj `jpoltj` on Gomurj ;6, kn` onlhu`j akss trknspert on tbj lerresoen hkyjr kn` tbj oen jxlbknmj

    ajlbknosa hjk onm te BKp ae`ogolktoen (Gomurj ;6 K), kn` jstkdohozktoen eg tbj onnjr lerresoen hkyjr on tbj

    tjraonkh stkmjs eg lerresoen (Gomurj ;6 D). Wjrtolkh slkhjs kt tbj surgklj on tbj Gomurj ;6 krj jxkmmjrktj` ger


    On tbj jstkdhosbj` lerresoen hkyjr kt =4; `kys, tbolcjnonm eg tbj onnjr lerresoen hkyjr os edsjrvj` te

    premrjss shewhy rjhktovj te tbkt wbolb ellurrj` `uronm tbj gorst wjjc eg rjso`jnlj. Pbos toaj pjroe` leaprosjs k

    qukso-stjk`y stktj. Pbj rjksen ger tbj `jlrjksj on lerresoen rktj bks aulb te `e wotb tbj onotokh `jvjhepajnt eg kn

    kpktotol evjrhkyjr S

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - ;: -

    `jtjraonj` kt tbos toaj djlkusj tbj ae`j eg pbespberus onlerperktoen (o.j. ks pbespbktj, pbespbktj `odksol,

    pbespbktj aenedksol, jtl.) os un`jtjraonj .

    Oen jxlbknmj djtwjjn tbj Am/Lk BKp kn` tbj surreun`onm jnvorenajnt os suspjltj` te ellur

    lenlurrjnthy wotb tbj akss trknspert pbjneajnen. Pbj slbjaktol rjprjsjntktoen eg tbj oen jxlbknmj preljss

    (Gomurj ;6 K) ohhustrktjs tbj `ossehutoen eg tbj Am/Lk BKp kn` prjlopotktoen eg tbj K-typj BKp en tbj surgklj. K

    `jtkohj` `oslussoen eg tbos ajlbknosa wks prjvoeushy prjsjntj` kn` os tbjrjgerj net rjotjrktj` bjrj. Pbj

    prjlopotktj K-typj BKp geras k ostonlt surgklj hkyjr, ks sbewn on Gomurj = kn` ohhustrktj` on Gomurj ;6 D.

    Jvjntukhhy, tbj lensuaptoen eg Am/Lk BKp os jxpjltj` te tbon tbj kpktotol evjrhkyjr suggolojnthy te jxpesj tbj

    onnjr lerresoen hkyjr te tbj krtjrokh jnvorenajnt. ]ercs en lenvjntoenkh akmnjsoua lerresoen rjgjrjnlj tbj

    `jstkdohozktoen eg Am(EB)4/AmE pkrtokhhy pretjltovj gohas dy lbhero`j S0

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - ;7 -

    hkyjr eg lerresoen, wbohj tbjrj wks k sakhh kaeunt eg lkrden edsjrvj` on tbj skaj hkyjr. K hess eg ontjmroty eg tbj

    kpktotol eutjr lektonm kppjkrj` te rjsuht on helkh mrewtb eg tbj onnjr Am- kn` E-lentkononm lerresoen hkyjr.

    Ajlbknosas rjhktj` te oen jxlbknmj, akss trknspert on tbj qukso-stjk`y stktj (~= te 4; `kys), kn` tbj ae`j eg

    tjraonkh drjkc`ewn on tbj akmnjsoua oaphknts kgtjr ~4; `kys krj summjstj` dksj` en jxpjroajntkh edsjrvktoens.

    7 Klcnewhj`mjajntsVCD wks suppertj` dy gjhhewsbop gun`s grea tbj @jWhojm Geun`ktoen kn` sudsjqujnthy dy tbj Kajrolkn

    Bjkrt Ksseloktoen `uronm tbos werc. Ewjn Aohhs kn` Gjholok Nop eg tbj Kpphoj` Lbjaolkh kn` Aerpbehemolkh

    Knkhysos Hkderktery krj klcnewhj`mj` ger tbjor bjhp on prjpkronm skaphjs ger jhjltren aolreslepy. Deyo Bke

    kn` Vreg. _ecj Cbon _kp grea tbj Vbysols @jpkrtajnt kt Aolbomkn Pjlbnehemolkh Znovjrsoty krj mrktjguhhy

    klcnewhj`mj` ger usj eg kn` kssostknlj wotb tbj GP-OT aolreslepj. Pbkncs khse te K`ka @rjholb ger bos

    kssostknlj prjpkronm worj lress sjltoens kn` te Jaohy \bjkrojr wotb bjr kssostknlj on j`otonm tbj aknuslropt.

    = TjgjrjnljsS;Q Akno M, Gjh`akn A@, Vktjh @, Kmrkwkh LA. Lerenkry stjnts9 k aktjrokhs pjrspjltovj. Doeaktjrokhs


    S4Q Corchkn` NP, Dordohos N, \tkomjr AV. Kssjssonm tbj lerresoen eg doe`jmrk`kdhj akmnjsoua oaphknts9 k lrotolkh

    rjvojw eg lurrjnt ajtbe`ehemojs kn` tbjor hoaotktoens. Kltk Doeaktjr 46;4329?4:-

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - ;= -

    S:Q \hettew PH, Vkckhk T, Eckdj P, Bjhhonmk @, Hevjl TI, Poe GE, jt kh. Eptolkh lebjrjnlj teaemrkpby kn`

    ontrkvksluhkr uhtrkseun` oakmonm eg doekdserdkdhj akmnjsoua stjnt `jmrk`ktoen on perlonj lerenkry krtjrojs.

    Lkr`oevksl Tjvksl Aj` 46623?9402-:0.

    S7Q ]ottlbew J, K``jn N, Toj`auhhjr I, \kvkr` L, ]kcsakn T, Drkunj A. Doerjserdkdhj `rum-jhutonm

    akmnjsoua-khhey slkggeh`9 jsomn kn` gjksodohoty on k perlonj lerenkry ae`jh. JureOntjrvjntoen 9 ieurnkh eg

    JureVLT on lehhkderktoen wotb tbj ]erconm Mreup en Ontjrvjntoenkh Lkr`oehemy eg tbj Jurepjkn \elojty eg

    Lkr`oehemy 46;

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - ;2 -

    S;0Q Dewjn VC, @rjholb I, Meh`akn I. Yonl jxbodots o`jkh pbysoehemolkh lerresoen djbkvoer ger doekdserdkdhj

    stjnts. K`v Aktjr 46;

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - ;? -

    S47Q Grest TH, Akrtjns ], ]ohhokas VK, Chepremmj IP. Tkakn kn` ongrkrj` spjltreslepol stu`y eg tbj vovoknotj-

    mreup pbespbktjs vovoknotj, dkrolotj kn` dedojrrotj. Aonjrkh Akm 46643779;67

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - 46 -


  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - 4; -

    Pkdhj ;Ongrkrj` dkn`s edsjrvj` on tbj mjnjrkh GPOT spjltrk (Gomurj

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - 44 -

    Gomurj ;K premrjssoen on tbj eptolkh lbkrkltjr eg tbj lerresoen hkyjr os edsjrvj` on tbj oaphknts wotb

    onlrjksonm oaphkntktoen toaj. Khh oakmjs wjrj lkpturj` kt :6neaonkh akmnogolktoen3 tbj slkhj dkr kt hewjr

    rombt kpphojs te khh stjrjeaolremrkpbs.

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - 4< -

    Gomurj 4\jlen`kry jhjltren oakmj sbewonm tbj k`bjsoen eg rj` dhee` ljhhs te tbj akmnjsoua worj

    surgklj kgtjr govj `kys on vove.

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - 4: -

    Gomurj 0Vjkc ae`jhonmkn jxkaphj eg wbolb os sbewn ger tbj 4? `ky toaj peont (K)yojh`j` pjkc

    ontjnsotojs ger lbkrkltjrostol eg K-typj lkrdenktj sudstotutoen (226 la-;) kn` D-typj sudstotutoen (2=< la-;) tbkt

    krj `jpoltj` wotb k seho` honj kn` drecjn honj, rjspjltovjhy (D). K rktoe eg tbj gerajr te tbj hkttjr os lensostjnthy

    mrjktjr tbkn unoty, on`olktonm K-typj lkrdenktj sudstotutoen on tbj surgklj pre`ult (L).

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - 47 -

    Gomurj :Leapkrosen eg tbj spjltrk grea tbj gorst-te-gera pre`ult (Am/Lk BKp) kn` sjlen`-te-gera,

    wbotj leherj` pre`ult (K-typj BKp) kt = `kys. Pbj Am/Lk BKp wks mjnjrktj` dy sudtrkltoen eg tbj K-typj BKp

    spjltrua grea kn evjrkhh surgklj spjltrua (Gomurj

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - 4= -

    Gomurj 7Tjprjsjntktovj dklcslkttjrj` jhjltren oakmjs (

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - 42 -

    Gomurj =Dklcslkttjr jhjltren oakmjs kn` jhjajntkh (J@\) akps ger =, ;0, 4;, kn`

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    - 4? -

    Gomurj 2Jxkaphj eg tbj trklj jhjajnt akps ger lkrden (K), lbheronj (D), kn` se`oua (L) grea tbj ;0

    `ky akmnjsoua worj sjltoen.

  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)



  • 8/13/2019 Magnesium in the murine artery: Probing the products of corrosion (Bowen et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2013)


    Gomurj ;6\lbjaktol sbewonm trknsgeraktoens suppesj` te dj tkconm phklj on tbj qukso-stjk`y stktj (K),

    onlhu`onm kpktotol oen jxlbknmj kn` rjkltoens kt tbj Am-Am/E ontjrgklj, kn` `uronm tbj tjraonkh drjkc`ewn stkmj

    (D), eaonktj` dy ossehutoen eg tbj Am/E hkyjr upen jxpesurj te tbj krtjrokh jnvorenajnt.

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