maddison get’s gold! gold award....

Post on 29-Jul-2020






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Dear Parents/Carers,

I thought that my piece in this newsletter should be brief, as the glory should go to our first Gold Award winner, Maddison Britchford! What a girl! She was made a fuss of in assembly today and quite rightly so. When girls come, I do say “do everything you can, take every opportunity, make the most of your school life”, and Maddison has taken that to heart. Everyone in our community is delighted for her; there are several others waiting in the wings to take their Gold’s too, so come on, you can do it!

The rest of the newsletter front page is given over to Mr Williams, who sent a lovely letter that I thought you might like to see. We miss him very much and are so glad that he is having a wonderful time in his new life!

Enjoy these weeks of Eastertide

Penny Johnson Headteacher

To all the hard working staff, pupils, parents and friends of Grays Convent School…

It’s now six months since I retired and I’m really enjoying the extra time I can now spend with my family and working for the church in Canning Town.

A massive congratulations to Maddison Britchford 7E who this week has reached 600 achievement points to obtain the Headteacher’s Gold Award. Maddison is the first student at Grays Convent this academic year to receive this award and it is a fantastic achievement.

Since Maddison started at Grays Convent in September 2017, she has consistently worked hard, taken part in many school activities and been a credit to her Year Group. Maddison now has the highest number of achievement points in the school!

As many of you know, I love football. I’m now a qualified FA coach (but not quite ready to manage Arsenal just yet!) and have set up a walking football session in a local park in West Ham. It’s funded by West Ham United Foundation and the aim is to provide reasonably gentle exercise for older people (like myself), those struggling with weight problems, addictions and loneliness. Anchor House in Canning Town are involved. Please pray for the clients we work with. I’m the fellow on the end with the black tracksuit and whistle (you can imagine how much I enjoy enforcing rules!)

I’ve also been to a few Birmingham City matches, one of which was a leaving present from the staff. It included a tour of the stadium, a meal and a ticket in the director’s box. I went with my son and we had a great time particularly given that Birmingham won 2-1. A win is rare for them this season.

My life hasn’t been all about football. Our church in Canning Town is thriving and we’re meeting some great people. I even made a tomb as part of our Easter Celebrations. I miss being in school at Christmas and Easter with you all and hope you had a lovely break.

My wife Gill and I keep in touch with the LSU Sisters and have had a lovely dinner with them at their Convent in Highgate, North London. Some of you may remember Sr Marie Casey who taught RE and English at Grays Convent. They all remain very active and work tirelessly bringing God’s love to their local community. The Sisters encouraged us to book an audience with Pope Francis during our trip to Rome last week (again the trip was a retirement present from the school). It was a wonderful experience. Pope Francis drove past very slowly and waved. We were about 3 metres away from him. St Peter’s Square was completely full of worshippers and tourists from all around the world and listened to Pope Francis give a homily (fortunately translated into several languages).

So, I’m enjoying retirement but it’s exhausting. We wish you all the best for the forthcoming exams and it’s a privilege maintaining links with such a wonderful school. God bless you, Gareth Williams


Inspiring Ambition,

Achieving Excellence Week ending Friday 27


April 2018

At Grays Convent our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Collis, and our Safeguarding Officers are Mrs Wells and Mrs Bishop. Students can contact any of our Safeguarding Team during the school day. We would like to draw your attention to the NSPCC website (, and in particular the following link:

This link will take you to the ‘Video chat, sharing and streaming apps’ advice page and there you will find lots of information that you can discuss with your daughters to help to keep them safe online, particularly when using Apps.

Mrs Collis

If you have been following Mary’s fundraising efforts, I am delighted to advise you all that Mary McLoughlin completed the London Marathon on Sunday in a fabulous time of 5 hours and 9 minutes! And doesn’t she look marvellous after 26 miles in that heat?! She said “the marathon was very hard, the weather was very hot but I am pleased I finished healthy and able to run again.” Mary, whose daughters have all attended Grays Convent, and who was chair of our PTA ran the London Marathon in aid of Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society (BCCS). She has

asked me to pass on her thanks to all concerned in helping her raise her target of £1600, and in fact to-date she has raised £3766 for the charity! You can continue to support Mary by visiting her online fundraising page:

All donations very welcome!

Well done Mary!

You may have seen in the news recently that WhatsApp's license agreement requires users to be age 16 or older. (Click

on the link to take you to the relevant section of the key legal updates to the WhatsApp license agreement: In the next few weeks the app, which is owned by Facebook, will ask users to confirm their age when prompted to agree new terms of service. It has not yet said how the age limit will be enforced but in the meantime, if you daughter has WhatsApp messenger on her phone and is not yet 16 then we recommend that parents delete this service from their phone.

Mrs Burrow



Worried about a child? You can phone or write to The MASH about your concerns. Phone immediately if you believe it is urgent.

Thurrock MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding hub), Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 6SL, Tel: 01375 652802.

Emergency Duty Team (for out of hours) 01375 372468.

Police Child Abuse Investigation Team 01277 266822 or call 999 if you are concerned a child needs immediate protection.

Childline 0800 11 11

NSPCC 0808 800 5000;

Congratulations to the following students who have obtained the Silver Deputy Headteacher’s Award for reaching 300 achievement points:-

Ruth Adegboye - 7L Aliyahh Edward - 7L Stephanie Wren - 7D

Annabelle Akanni - 7D Halle Mundy-Castle - 7D Shaylei McLennon - 7E Caitlin MacCabe - 7M

Molly Lucas - 7M

Stephanie Kirk - 8E

Rebecca Ngoka - 9E Well done to all the girls!

Mrs Bishop

On Saturday 21st April some of our Year 10 students attended an open day at Writtle College in Chelmsford. Whilst there they got an insight into college life and visited various parts of the campus including the Equine Centre and saw some foals that were only a couple of days old. The animal studies centre was really interesting to them and they saw lots of different animals. The students got to talk to many of the tutors on the campus and, who knows, this could inspire a few career choices including becoming a vet/animal assistant/ florist/agriculture! The students thoroughly enjoyed the day and were impeccably behaved. Thanks to Mrs Goddard for organising the day and thanks to Mr Woodburn for also giving up his Saturday to assist with this trip.

Mrs Goddard

We would be interested to find out what you think about the opportunities we provide in school for the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of our pupils. Please can you spend about 5 minutes answering the 10 questions in our survey of parent/carer views? Please click on the link below, type away and click ‘Done’. (This link was previously sent out to parents/carers via our Parentmail).

Many thanks for your help and comments.

Mr O’Hanlon

Please, follow us on Twitter: @GraysConvent, and re-tweet

all our good news! See our Twitter feed: If you would like real time up-dates and photos on our sporting fixtures follow @graysconventPE or look for the #GCHSsport tag!

Are you, or do you know, an ex-Grays Convent High School student? Do you remember collecting your GCSE certificate(s)? If you are unsure, please contact Mrs J Smith, Examinations Officer via email (smithj@graysconvent.thurrock.sch) who will be happy to check for you.

Deadline for queries: Wednesday

23rd May 2018 Mrs J Smith






Last weekend saw our latest Bronze Group taking part in their first experience of walking for their Bronze Expedition. Over two days 48 students and staff walked nearly half a marathon on the road and in the countryside as they learned about navigation and key features needed for safe navigation. In the blazing heat they sweated and yomped along the Mardyke, past the back of Grangewaters and on to the Royal Oak at South Ockendon which was the end point of the footpath. Along the way participants learned what a linear feature could look like and learned to recognise key navigation features to use when walking in the countryside. The walk covered in excess of 12 kilometres on each day and participants were excited to reach the final destination and to be greeted by their parents. This is leading to the Bronze Practice Expedition which is taking place on 19th and 20th May in Chelmsford with the Qualifying Expedition taking place in Belchamps on 16th and 17th June.

On Monday after school camp craft training took place with participants setting up their tents and learning how to take it back down and replace it in the tent bag. Next we continue with camp craft by looking at cooking and food.

Priya Dhillon DofE Prefect


Saturday’s Group Sunday’s Group

Picturesque views over the 2 days…

The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day was ‘Press for Progress’. In many ways there has never been a better time to be a young woman; in my assembly I charted the progress of the suffragettes fighting for votes for women and the freedoms we enjoy because of their actions, but we know there is still progress to be made for true gender equality. I urged our young women at Grays Convent to think about what they can do to Press for the Progress they would like to see in society. I was also delighted to be able to give away little bags of toiletries or other essentials to our girls in assembly. These items were

gratefully received by our school from the Beauty Bank which was the brainchild of two women who work in the beauty industry and who feel strongly, as we do, that personal hygiene is crucial to a person’s self-esteem and dignity. It is an alarming fact that across the country there are girls missing school because they do

not have sanitary products. I have reminded our girls today that in addition to the items given out in assembly there are always sanitary products available in school should they need them, just see me, Mrs Bishop or Mrs Wells. I would like to thank Mrs Blackburn, Mrs Bishop and some very helpful students for helping me to put the giveaway bags together. It was a labour of love and I am most grateful!

Mrs Collis

On Wednesday 25th April some of our Year 10 students visited the Thames Oil Port in Stanford. The aim of the workshop was to increase their knowledge of the range of careers in the fuel industry. They were also encouraged to develop their communication and teamwork as they had to get into teams and complete a challenge.

Whilst there, the students got to speak to different employees about what their job involves and the route/pathway that they took to get where they are today. Our students were very enthusiastic and threw themselves into the challenge, and teamed up with students from another school.

The day finished with a tour of the site. Thanks to Mrs Goddard for organising the day and Mrs Collier for assisting.

Mrs Goddard

A plea from our Finance Department…

Can you please send any trip money for students in an envelope, CLEARLY MARKED as follows:

Daughter’s name

Trip name Our Finance Department are receiving trip monies that they are unable to allocate to a student or relevant trip.

Finance Department



9 to 1: a brief guide for parents

Ofqual have published a blog post specifically for parents of students taking their GCSE exams this summer. It covers why the grades are changing, how they compare with the A* to G scale and how the combined science grade will look.

You can access the blog via the following link:

Thurrock Library is advertising for teenage volunteers for the Summer

Holidays 2018. Click the link below for more details:



Each day in Form Prayers we have been reflecting on the Easter stories. Jesus revealed himself to the disciples many times and in different ways after the Resurrection. They were able to see and touch him; to eat with him, talk to him and listen as he explained again the mystery of our redemption; how it was necessary for him to die and rise again to free us from our sins and to give us eternal life. Jesus even allowed Thomas to put his finger in the holes made by the nails in Jesus’ hands and feet. God bless you.

Miss Carson


School Open Evening Dates

Writtle College Wednesday 20th June 2018 (5.30pm - 7.30pm)




BRONZE AWARD Date Session Venue Time

April 30th Campcraft and cooking School 3.10-4.30

May 14th Kit Check and Route Card Check School 3.10-4.30

May 18th & 19th Practice Expedition School Two Days

May 21st Kit Return and Route Card Check School 3.10-4.30

June 4th Review of Practice Expedition School 3.10-4.30

June 11th Kit check by assessor School 3.10-4.30

June 16th -17th Qualifying Expedition Ballards Gore to Belchamps and return

Belchamps Scout Camp Two days

June 18th Kit Return Outside 3.10-4.00

July 2nd Expedition Exposition Hall 7.00-8.30



Thursday 3rd May Year 11 Trip to Thorpe Park Year 11

Monday 7th May Bank Holiday Monday Whole School

Tuesday 8th May Students return for 8:25am Whole School 14th May to 22nd June Year 11 Exams Year 11

Tuesday 22nd May Year 8 to National Maritime Museum Year 8

28th May to 1st June Half Term Whole School

Monday 4th June Students return for 8:25am Whole School 4th June to 15th June Year 9 Exams Year 9


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