mad as hell technology or “good bye st. peter”. caveat emptor technology has obvious advantages ...

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Mad as HellTechnology or

“Good Bye St. Peter”

Caveat Emptor

Technology has obvious advantages Access to information Ease of use Social Equity

Can’t afford Harvard but can use a computer Access to world of information

Communication Ease of editing Irony of this presentation… Others?

Did you Know?

Education In New Brunswick

What is the thesis of the videos?

Technology is driving change Really?

1.China and India1. They have more apples and belt buckles as well, does

that mean we should change education

2.Student Centered Learning1. Student engagement

3.Train for Jobs1. What are the jobs they are talking about?

4.Avoid “old school” skills1. Interpersonal communication skills

I HATE those videos!!!

Stupid factsNo researchI am mad as hell about blindly chasing

technology as a solution to all problemsTechnology creates as many problems as it

solvesLetting kids and students use technology

without careful thought is the same as putting your child on an untamed horse-it might be exciting but also very dangerous

Would you put your child on this?

What about this?

If you knew this was behind the screen

Make a Choice

Thought experiment:Imagine I told you I had an idea for a social change that would: make life easier for child pornographers, limit student engagement, help racists collaborate and organize, provide a forum for terrorists, limit culture, isolate individuals from society, and reduce respect for others. But it would also help you communicate and spell-check. What would you say?

What is the Internet?

Signpost in History?

Consequences of Technology

1. Limiting Affect on Student Engagement2. Pornography3. Racism/Hate4. Terrorism5. Isolation from Others/Society

1. Buying Online2. Garage Door Openers

6. Effect on Culture7. Lack of Respect for Others

1. Intellectual Property2. Privacy

Student Engagement

What is a 21st Century Learner?

How do you learn best?I am convinced that

kids are engaged by things that are different Ask your parents how they

were taught If their teacher used group

work or Multimedia they would be enthralled

Now it is the opposite


Think to yourself: when have you been most engaged in a classroom?

Great lecture Interesting discussion Movie? Youtube video?

What percentage of students have a greater technology in their pocket then the school does?

Extra Homework?

BlogFacebook GroupWikisReading Articles onlineImpact on reading for its own sake?

Technical Difficulties


Webcams and digital cameras make it easier to capture family moments

Also makes it easier for child pornographers or pornographers in general

750,000 sexual predators are prowling the internet as we speak

Who is watching?

The Internet is for Porn

1. 12% of websites are for Porn-that is 24,644,172 websites

2. Every second $2075.64 is being spent on porn3. 1 in 3 of these users are women. 70% of men

18-24 regularly view porn on the internet4. Pornography is a 4.9 billion dollar industry5. 8% of all emails are pornographic in nature6. 25% of all search engine requests are

pornographic-68 Million every day

The Internet is for Porn

7. 35% of all downloads are pornography8. 34% of internet users have experienced

unwanted access to porn through pop-ups, misdirected links or email

9. There are 116,000 searches for “child pornography” every day

10. The average age a child first views porn online is 11

11. 20% of people admit to watching porn at work

The Internet is for Porn

…yet we make our schools wireless…. all bad…How does “regular” porn affect us?

sex lives became porn-like, male-focused, extreme and lacking in intimacy.

Affects self-esteem With increased access to porn, it makes sex less personal and

intimate Sites get more extreme, so does sex with partner

God Watches you Google

If the devil wanted to find a way of destroying young men, of impacting the ability for men to relate properly to women, of disrupting families and hardening hearts, he could hardly do better than this.

Catholic Perspective: Dignity of the Person


In 1995, when this book was released there was only one web site devoted to racial hatred.

Currently there are over 3000, including 2 in Toronto.

The unregulated Internet gives these previously marginal organizations access to countless people giving them a global voice.

Groups like the Ku Klux Klan and the Heritage Front are reaching out to students and children on the Net.


Racism was a social problem long before the emergence of the digital age.

BUT digital communication technologies have added a new dimension to this problem by using modern means to propagate racism and xenophobia.

How does the internet fuel terrorism?

The Internet is currently both the oxygen of a truly open society, and of spectacular transnational terrorism.

1. Facilitates terrorist communications2.New command and control structure3.Information on Targets4.Information on weapons

construction Pipe Bombs

5.Cyber-Warfare or terrorist attacks on the Internet, and capabilities connected to the net is a new avenue for terrorist attack.


Mal-Adjusted Kids?

Jihad GenerationLonely kids go online

and are recruited by people looking to exploit them

Same intent as pedophiles online, but recruiting terrorists

Technology is Isolating

Technology is Isolating

Technology is Isolating

Technology is Isolating

We sign fewer petitions, belong to fewer organizations that meet, know our neighbors less, meet with friends less frequently, and even socialize with our families less often. We even bowl alone.

Technology is Isolating

Why leave my house? Shop online Buy Books Watch Movies Groceries Date online See Friends online Text when with others Lower social etiquette Garage door openers

Windows 7


Season of the Witch

Technology Kills Culture

New Technology create an elite group out of those who can use it.

Technology has created an “Information glut”. New technology used to be in response to a societal problem-now it is random. Who needs an IPOD shuffle?

Technology causes a lack of respect for things that cannot be proven. Historical, theology, sociology Google-World

Too much information leads to the inevitable refutation of any theory, causing information to become "essentially meaningless".

Abdication of leadership to polls

Technology trivializes cultural and religious symbols through endless reproduction. The symbol gets lost through seriality

Face to Face not Facebook

“Virtual contact cannot and should not be a substitute with people”

“The truth which we long to share does not derive its worth from the amount of attention it receives”

Pope Benedict

Technology Kills Respect for Others

Mark Zuckerberg is a Criminal

Glorified and became rich for essentially stealing the idea for Facebook from Harvard students Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss and Divya Narendra

On June 25, 2008, the case settled and Facebook agreed to transfer over 1.2 million common shares and pay $20 million in cash.

You are a Criminal

You Are A Criminal

Intellectual Property Songs Movies TV Books

Privacy Facebook

Identity Theft

Hey Moron!


The internet is like a hammer, good for some things but you wouldn’t want to open a window with it

Will you let your child get on the horse?

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