machine translation wise 2016/2017 - hasso-plattner · pdf filemachine translation wise...

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Machine TranslationWiSe 2016/2017

Neural Machine Translation

Dr. Mariana Neves January 30th, 2017


● Introduction

● Neural networks

● Neural language models

● Attentional encoder-decoder

● Google NMT



● Introduction

● Neural networks

● Neural language models

● Attentional encoder-decoder

● Google NMT


Neural MT

● „Neural MT went from a fringe research activity in 2014 to the widely-adopted leading way to do MT in 2016.“ (NMT ACL‘16)

● Google Scholar

● Since 2012: 28,600

● Since 2015: 22,500

● Since 2016: 16,100


Neural MT

5[Picture from NMT ACL16 slides]

Neural MT

● „Neural Machine Translation is the approach of modeling the entire MT process via one big artificial neural network“ (NMT ACL‘16)


[Picture from NMT ACL16 slides]]


● Introduction

● Neural networks

● Neural language models

● Attentional encoder-decoder

● Google NMT


Artificial neuron

● Input are the dendrites; Output are the axons

● Activation occurs if the sum of the weighted inputs is higher than a threshold (message is passed)

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Artificial neural networks (ANN)

● Statistical models inspired on biological neural networks

● They model and process nonlinear relationships between input and output

● They are based on adptative weights and a cost function

● Based on optimization techniques, e.g., gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent


Basic architecture of ANNs

● Layers of artificial neurons

● Input layer, hidden layer, output layer

● Overfitting can occur with increasing model complexity

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Deep learning

● Certain types of NN that consume very raw input data

● Data is processed through many layers of nonlinear transformations


Deep learning – feature learning

● Deep learning excels in unspervised feature extraction, i.e., automatic derivation of meaningful features from the input data

● They learn which features are important for a task

● As opposed to feature selection and engineering, usual tasks in machine learning approaches


Deep learning - architectures

● Feed-forward neural networks

● Recurrent neural network

● Multi-layer perceptrons

● Convolutional neural networks

● Recursive neural networks

● Deep belief networks

● Convolutional deep belief networks

● Self-Organizing Maps

● Deep Boltzmann machines

● Stacked de-noising auto-encoders



● Introduction

● Neural networks

● Neural language models

● Attentional encoder-decoder

● Google NMT


Language Models (LM) for MT


LM for MT


N-gram Neural LM with feed-forward NN


Input as one-hot representations of the words in context u (n-1),

where n is the order of the language model

N-gram Neural LM with

feed-forward NN

● Input: context of n-1 previous words

● Output: probability distribution for next word

● Size of input/output: vocabulary size

● One or many hidden layers

● Embedding layer is lower dimensional and dense

– Smaller weight matrices

– Learns to map similar words to similar points in the vector space


One-hot representation

● Corpus: „the man runs.“

● Vocabulary = {man,runs,the,.}

● Input/output for p(runs|the man)









Softmax function

● It normalize the output vectors to probability distribution (sum=1)

● Its computational cost is linear to vocabulary size

● When combined with stochastic gradient descend, it minimizes cross-entropy (perpexity)


p( y= j∣x)=e xT w j



exT wk

xT w is the inner product of x (sample vector) and w (weight vector)

Softmax function

● Example:

– input = [1,2,3,4,1,2,3]

– softmax = [0.024, 0.064, 0.175, 0.475, 0.024, 0.064, 0.175]

● The output has most of its weight where the '4' was in the original input.

● The function highlights the largest values and suppress values which are significantly below the maximum value.


Classical neural language model (Bengio et al. 2003)



Feed-forward neural language model (FFNLM) in SMT

● One more feature in the log-linear phrase-based model


Recurrent neural networks language model (RNNLM)

● Recurrent neural networks (RNN) is a class of NN in which connections between the units form a directed cycle

● It makes use of sequential information

● It does not assume independence between input and output




● Condition on arbitrarly long contexts

● No Markov assumption

● It reads one word at a time, updates network incrementally




● Introduction

● Neural networks

● Neural language models

● Attentional encoder-decoder

● Google NMT


Translation modelling

● Source sentence S of length m: x1, . . . , xm

● Target sentence T of length n: y1, . . . , yn


T *=argmax

tP (T∣S )

P (T∣S)=P ( y1 , ... , yn∣x1 , ... , xm)

P (T∣S)=∏i=1


P( yi∣y0 , ... , yi−1 , x1 , ... , xm)


● Two RNNs (usually LSTM):

– encoder reads input and produces hidden state representations

– decoder produces output, based on last encoder hidden state

28[Picture from NMT ACL16 slides]

Long short-term memory (LSTM)

● It is a special kind of RNN

● It connects previous information to the present task

● It is capable to learn long-term dependencies

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Long short-term memory (LSTM)

● LSTMs have four interating layers

● But there are many variations of the architecture

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● Encoder-decoder are learned jointly

● Supervision signal from parallel corpora is backpropagated

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The Encoder (continuous-space representation)

● The encoder linearly projects the 1-of-K coded vector wi with a matrix E which has as many columns as there are words in the source vocabulary and as many rows as you want (typically, 100 – 500.)



The Encoder (summary vector)

● Last encoder hidden state summarizes source sentence

● But quality decreases for long sentences (fixed-size vector)

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The Encoder (summary vector)

● Projection to 2D using Principal Componnet Analysis (PCA)

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The Decoder

● The inverse of the encoder

● Based on the softmax function



Problem with simple E-D architectures

● Fixed-size vector from which the decoder needs to generate a full translation

● The context vector must contain every signgle detail of the source sentence

● The dimensionality of the contect vector must be large enough that a sentence of any length can be compressed

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Problem with simple E-D architectures

● Large models are necessary to cope with large sentences

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(experiments withsmall models)

Bidirectional recurrent neural network (BRNN)

● Use a memory with as many banks as source words, instead of a fixed-size context vector

● BRNN = forward RNN + backwards RNN



Bidirectional recurrent neural network (BRNN)

● At any point, the forward and backward vectors summarizes a whole input sentece

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Bidirectional recurrent neural network (BRNN)

● This mechanism allows storage of a source sentence as a variable-length representation

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Soft Attention mechanism

● It is a small NN that takes as input the previous decoder‘s hidden state (what has been translated)

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Soft Attention mechanism

● It contains one hidden layer and outputs a scalar

● Normalization (to sum up to 1) is done with softmax function

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Soft Attention mechanism

● The model learn attention (alignment) between two languages

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Soft Attention mechanism

● With this mechanism, the quality of the translation does not drop as the sentence length increases

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● Introduction

● Neural networks

● Neural language models

● Attentional encoder-decoder

● Google NMT


Google Multilingual NMT system (Nov/16)

● Simplicity:

– Single NMT model to translate between multiple languages, instead of many models (1002)

● Low-resource language improvement:

– Improve low-resource language pair by mixing with high-resource languages into a single model

● Zero-shot translation:

– It learns to perform implicit bridging between language pairs never seen explicitly during training

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Google NMT system (Sep-Oct/16)

● Deep LSTM network with 8 encoder and 8 decoder layers



Google NMT system (Sep-Oct/16)

● Normal LSTM (left) vs. stacked LSTM (right) with residual connections

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Google NMT system (Sep-Oct/16)

● Output from LSTMf and LSTMb are first concatenated and then fed to the next LSTM layer LSTM1

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Google NMT system (Sep-Oct/16)

● Wordpiece model (WPM) implementation initially developed to solve a Japanese/Korean segmentation problem

● Data-driven approach to maximize the language-model likelihood of the training data

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(“_” is a special character added to mark the beginning of a word.)

Google Multilingual NMT system (Nov/16)

● ??

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Google Multilingual NMT system (Nov/16)

● Introduction of an artificial token at the beginning of the input sentence to indicate the target language the model should translate to.

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Google Multilingual NMT system (Nov/16)

● Experiments: Many to one

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Google Multilingual NMT system (Nov/16)

● Experiments: One to many

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Google Multilingual NMT system (Nov/16)

● Experiments: Many to many

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Google Multilingual NMT system (Nov/16)

● Experiments: Zero-Shot translation

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● Very brief introduction to neural networks

● Neural language models

– One-hot representations (1-of-K coded vector)

– Softmax function

● Neural machine translation

– Recurrent NN; LSTM

– Encoder and Decoder

– Soft attention mechanism (BRNN)

● Google MT

– Architecture and multilingual experiments


Suggested reading

● Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Neural Networks Explained:

● Introduction to Neural Machine Translation with GPUs:

● Neural Machine Translation slides, ACL‘2016:

● Neural Machine Translation slides (Univ. Edinburgh)


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