maa ossoral dexa

Post on 05-Oct-2015






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  • 200 & 800

    Memenuhi Kebutuhan Kalsium untuk

    Mempertahankan Kekuatan Tulang


    Tulang Kuat dan Sehat selama

    Kehamilan, Menyusui dan Usia Senja

    Muhammad Ambar Abidin, Apt Medical Affairs Dept.

  • National Osteoporosis Foundation1 : a disease characterized by low bone

    mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to bone fragility and an increased susceptibility to fractures.

    World Health Organization (1994)2 :

    bone mineral density T-score lower than -2,5 standard deviations from the mean peak adult bone mass (i.e. A woman in her 30's).

    1. National Osteoporosis Foundation (US). Clinicians Guide to Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis: NOF; 2008

    2. WHO. Report of a WHO Study Group. WHO Technical Report Series 843; 1994

  • - Jakarta 34,4 - 38%

    - Surabaya 26%

    - 2 dari 5 org Indonesia terancam osteoporosis

    - Peningkatan usia lanjut 414 % (Indonesia)

    - Masalah : menopause, andropause, osteopenia, osteoporosis dan penyakit tua yang menyertai.

    Prof Ichramsyah. Symposium 2006

  • Pregnancy?

    When you're pregnant, your developing baby

    needs calcium to build strong bones and teeth;

    to grow a healthy heart, nerves, and muscles;

    and to develop a normal heart rhythm and

    blood-clotting abilities.

    If you don't get enough calcium in your diet

    when you're pregnant, your baby will draw it

    from your bones, which may impair your own

    health later on.

    Calcium needs in Pregnancy: 1000 mg 1300 mg per day

  • 1% : Calcium vascular contraction vasodilation

    muscle function

    nerve transmission

    intracellular signaling

    hormonal secretion

    And other critical metabolic functions

    99% : Calcium stored in the bones and teeth where it

    supports their structure and function

  • Supplemental calcium is available in a variety of different forms. Salts : Calcium Carbonate, Calcium

    citrate, Calcium Gluconate, Calcium Phosphate

    Complex/matrix: Ossein-Hydroxyapatite (OHC)

    Ca Supplement contains variety Elemental Calcium ammounts

    Most of Salts Ca supplement has low bioavailability

    This is due to the complex, highly regulated system that the human uses to absorb calcium

  • The rates of ionization and absorption of different calcium salts are similar

    when averaged over several studies, calcium absorption is limited to about one quarter to one third of ingested dose. carbonate, from 26.4% to 29%,

    citrate/malate from 32% to 37%,

    citrate 23.5%,

    lactate/gluconate 24.5%,


  • Calcium Salts ionized, soluble Active Transport

    Passive Diffusion

    Ossein Hydroxyapatite complex

    Active Transport Passive Diffusion

    Active transport mechanism accounts for most

    of the absorption of calcium at low and moderate

    intake levels

  • Ossoral mengandung Ossein-hydroxyapatite


    Ossein-hydroxyapatite ( OHC ) terdiri dari:

    - Hydroxyapatite/Hydroxyl-apatite

    (kalsium dan fosfor)

    - Kolagen

    - Protein/peptida

    200 & 800


  • Hydroxyapatite/Hydroxyl-apatite


    Terdiri dari kalsium dan fosfor

    Terdapat pada tulang dan gigi, membuat

    matriks tulang sehingga tulang menjadi kuat

    Lebih dari 50% berat tulang, merupakan bentuk

    modifikasi dari Hydroxyapatite (mineral tulang)

    Bone Builder


    Kebutuhan akan suplemen kalsium

    tinggi, tapi banyak ditemukan

    kandungan logam berat pada

    suplemen kalsium

    Second-generation of calcium

    supplement (was derived from Bovine)

    Bone implant, dental implant, etc

  • Kolagen

    Suatu material yang diperlukan untuk

    membantu kekuatan peregangan dari

    tulang rawan

  • Protein/Peptida

    Insulinlike Growth Factor I dan II ( IGF )

    mediator bagi growth hormon yang sangat berguna untuk diferensiasi osteoblast dan kondrosit

    Transforming Growth factor Beta (TGF- )

    Protein yang juga mengatur diferensiasi dari sel-sel di tubuh termasuk sel tulang

  • Osteocalcin

    Protein yang diproduksi oleh osteoblast. Protein ini khusus memproduksi sel tulang yang baru

    Tinggi kadar dalam darah menunjukan adanya proses aktif pembentukan tulang


  • Ossoral 200

    Tiap tablet salut gula mengandung:

    Ossein hidroxyapatite 200 mg

    Ossoral 800

    Tiap kaplet salut selaput mengandung:

    Ossein hidroxyapatite 800 mg

    200 & 800


  • Ossoral 200

    3 x 1 2 tablet sehari (600-1200mg)

    Ossoral 800

    2 x 2 4 kaplet sehari untuk osteoporosis (3200-


    1 x 1 2 kaplet sehari untuk yang lain (800-1600mg)


    Indikasi Sebagai suplemen kekurangan kalsium dan fosfor pada

    keadaan :

    Osteoporosis primer dan sekunder

    patah tulang termasuk pembentukan callus yang


    Mengatur keseimbangan Ca/P pada masa kehamilan

    dan menyusui

  • Kontra indikasi

    Hipersensitif terhadap OHC

    Penderita hiperkalsemia atau hiperkalsiuria

    Efek samping Belum ditemukan efek yang spesifik

  • Comparison of the Effects of Ossein-Hydroxyapatite Complex and Calcium Carbonate on Bone Metabolism in Women with Senile Osteoporosis: A

    Randomized, Open-Label, Parallel-Group, Controlled, Prospective Study


    Abstract Background and Objective: Calcium and vitamin D supplementation is recommended in patients with osteopenia and osteoporosis. One group that could benefit from this treatment is women with senile osteoporosis. Two sources of supplementary calcium are ossein-hydroxyapatite complex (OHC) and calcium carbonate, but, to date, their comparative effects on bone metabolism have not been studied in women with senile osteoporosis. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of OHC and calcium carbonate on bone metabolism in women with senile osteoporosis. Methods: This was a randomized, open-label, parallel-group, controlled, prospective study to compare the effects of OHC (treatment group) and calcium carbonate (control group) on bone metabolism. Patients were included between 2000 and 2004 and followed up for a maximum of 3 years. The study was carried out at the bone metabolism unit of two university hospitals in

    Barcelona, Spain. Subjects were women aged >65 years with densitometric osteoporosis of the lumbar spine or femoral neck. The treatment group received open-label OHC at a dose of two 830mg tablets every 12 hours (712mg elemental calcium per day). The control group received open-label calcium carbonate at a dose of 500mg of elemental calcium every 12 hours (1000mg elemental calcium per day). Both groups also received a vitamin D supplement (calcifediol 266g) at a dose of one vial orally every 15 days. Biochemical markers of bone remodelling (osteocalcin by electrochemiluminescence, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase using colorimetry) were measured at baseline and annually for 3 years. Bone mineral density (BMD) at the lumbar spine and femoral neck was also measured. Results: One hundred and twenty women were included (55 in the OHC group and 65 in the calcium carbonate group), of

    whom 54 completed 3 years of follow-up. Levels of serum osteocalcin increased to a greater extent in the OHC group compared with the calcium carbonate group (by a mean

    SD of 0.84

    3.13ng/mL at year 2 and 1.86

    2.22ng/mL at year 3 in the OHC group compared with a mean

    SD decrease of 0.39

    1.39ng/mL at year 2 and an increase of 0.31

    2.51ng/mL at year 3 in the calcium carbonate group); the differences between treatment groups were statistically significant (p

  • Absorption of calcium as the carbonate and citrate salts, with some

    observations on method. Heaney RP, Dowell MS, Barger-Lux MJ.

    Author information

    Abstract Calcium supplement use has increased and there is confusion about the relative absorbability

    of various sources. Absorbability of calcium from the carbonate and citrate salts was

    compared at 300 mg and 1000 mg calcium loads, ingested as part of a light breakfast meal.

    Absorption was measured at the high load both by tracer appearance in serum and by the

    absorptive increment in urinary calcium, and at the low load by the tracer method only.

    Subjects were 37 healthy adult men and women, studied as outpatients, and each tested on

    both salts at the same load. Mean tracer absorption (+/- SD) for both salts combined was

    36.0% at the 300 mg load and 28.4% at the 1000 mg load. In both experiments the observed

    mean difference in absorption between salts was very small. By the tracer method the within-

    subject difference (carbonate less citrate) was +3.3% +/- 1.2% of the ingested dose (mean +/-

    SEM; P < 0.05) at the high load, and at the low load, 3.6% +/- 2.7% (NS). Combining the

    two experiments yielded zero difference between sources. By the urinary calcium increment

    method, the mean difference between salts at the 1000 mg load was 1.8 +/- 4.1 mg (NS).

    Side-by-side comparisons of the two methods revealed that the tracer method was 3 times

    more sensitive than the urinary increment method. We conclude that, when taken with

    food, calcium from the carbonate salt is fully as absorbable as from the citrate, and that

    the urinary increment method is not sufficiently sensitive to be useful in comparing sources

    in free-living subjects.

    Osteoporos Int. 1999;9(1):19-23

  • Terima kasih

  • 47

  • Komposisi lengkap

    Asam folat 1 mg

    Betakaroten 10.000 IU

    Vitamin B1 3 mg

    Vitamin B2 3,4 mg

    Nikotinamid 20 mg

    Vitamin B6 2 mg

    Kalsium-D-pantotenat 7,5 mg

    Kalsium karbonat 100 mg

    Vitamin B12 4 mcg

    Vitamin D3 400 mg

    Vitamin K1 50 mcg

    Biotin 30 mcg

    Copper gluconate 0,1 mg

    Iron Polymaltose Complex (IPC) 30 mg

    DHA (docahexaenoic acid) dari algae 40mg

    ARA (arachidonic acid) 8 mg

    Tiap kapsul lunak mengandung:

  • Penggunaan: Multivitamin dan mineral selama masa kehamilan

    dan menyusui yang mengandung DHA dan ARA

    untuk nutrisi otak

    Dosis dan cara pemberian: Ibu hamil dan menyusui:

    1 kapsul lunak per hari setelah makan

    Kontraindikasi: Pada pasien yang hipersensitif terhadap salah

    satu komponen produk.

  • Terima kasih

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