ma ed – my journey by catherine sykes

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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MA Ed – My Journey by Catherine Sykes. Stages of the Hero's Journey There are twelve steps to the hero’s journey those steps are as follows:- Ordinary World : This step refers to the hero's normal life at the start of the story, before the adventure begins.  - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


MA Ed – My Journeyby Catherine Sykes

* Stages of the Hero's Journey

* There are twelve steps to the hero’s journey those steps are as follows:-

*Ordinary World: This step refers to the hero's normal life at the start of the story, before the adventure begins. 

* Call to Adventure: The hero is faced with something that makes him begin his adventure. This might be a problem or a challenge he needs to overcome. 

* Refusal of the Call: The hero attempts to refuse the adventure because he is afraid. 

*Meeting with the Mentor: The hero encounters someone who can give him advice and ready him for the journey ahead.  

* Crossing the First Threshold: The hero leaves his ordinary world for the first time and crosses the threshold into adventure.  

* Tests, Allies, Enemies: The hero learns the rules of his new world. During this time, he endures tests of strength of will, meets friends, and comes face to face with foes.

* Approach: Setbacks occur, sometimes causing the hero to try a new approach or adopt new ideas. 

*Ordeal: The hero experiences a major hurdle or obstacle, such as a life or death crisis. 

* Reward: After surviving death, the hero earns his reward or accomplishes his goal. 

* The Road Back: The hero begins his journey back to his ordinary life.

* Resurrection Hero - The hero faces a final test where everything is at stake and he must use everything he has learned.  

* Return with Elixir:  The hero brings his knowledge or the "elixir" back to the ordinary world, where he applies it to help all who remain there.

Ordinary World

Call to adventure

Refusal of the call

Meeting with the Mentor

Crossing the first threshold

Tests, Allies and Enemies




The road back

Resurrection hero

Return with Elixir

*In summary ……….My advice * Do what you WANT(and are interested in) not what you NEED

* Make sure work (if appropriate) and University compliment each other

* Work at your own pace

* Communicate – tutors, family, work colleagues,

* Don’t be afraid to ask for help / advice

* Take advantage of all support offered – Independent studies workshop / networking with like minded students

* Be clear about what you need to do / what is expected for each module / IS etc

* Ensure your Ethics proposal is submitted ( I didn’t realise that needed to be done and a misunderstanding between myself and tutor left me halfway through IS before Ethics proposal was submitted

* Set realistic targets / deadlines

* Keep ‘Masters’ in perspective to life

* Visit the Library – may seem silly but it wasn’t until my 3rd year that I actually spent time in there other than looking for books – Great working atmosphere


* Go to Graduation – there were so many students who didn’t - why wouldn’t you want to celebrate and share your success

* Use your student card to get discounts when shopping!!!!Top Tips

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