lume 14 #4 - ngv journal...6 october 2015 gas vehicles report the italian ngv industry in these...

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In France and Italy

HAM expands natural

gas infraestructure

with two new facilities


Mariarosa Baroni: NGV

Italy keeps commitment

to the industry

Volume 14 #4

Number 166

November 2015

By 2020

Gazprom plans 500 CNG

refueling stations in Russia

Supported by a market development agreement with Westport

3November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report

A voice from Europe to the world, in the service of ecology and economy

The Gas Vehicles Report is a publication of NGV Communica-tions Group, publishing house and fairs-conferences organizer, which website is Five magazines that reach the whole world: The Gas Vehicles Report, NGV Journal.US, Asian NGV Communications, Prensa Vehicular Argentina and Prensa Vehicular Peru. We speak about Alternative Fuels in 16 languages and to over 100 countries. Signed articles are exclusive responsibility of the authors, as well as advertising companies and agencies are responsible for the published ads.

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The GVR: 2015 Journalistic Timetable

Edition Month Deadline Special report

156 January 14 December LNG vehicles. Potential and applications

157 February 14 January A new challenge to face: biomethane widespread use in transportation.

158 March 14 February Cylinder outlook: market needs and new technologies

159 April 14 March Non-traditional European markets. Business Opportunities.NGVAfrica (Refueling Africa)

160 May 14 April L-NGV 2015 San Diego. Complete coverage.

161 June 14 May Special Distribution at World Gas Conference

162 July 13 June Italy: NGV evolution from its cradle. Other clean fuels in the country.

163 August 14 July Valves. What’s new on this segment.NGVAfrica (LDVs & HDVs in the region)

164 September 14 August Vehicles running on clean fuels. Sales and new models.

165 October 14 September Clean fleets. Successful experiences.

166 November 14 October LNG adption in marine applications. Special distribution at Ecomondo.

167 December 21 November Balance of the year. Projections for 2016.

NGV European News

The Italian NGV Industry

Two new refueling stations in France and Italy

Russian deal boosts distribution of CNG products

H2 transportation









Worldwide NGV statistics 23

Next generation of CNG valves for trucks

New opportunities for natural gas use in Balearic Islands

14United Kingdom: 82 biomethane buses in Nottingham

LNG Section

November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report4


Westport and Gazprom of Russia’s subsidiary Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo (Gazprom) have signed a market development agreement focused on expanding the use ofnatural gas vehicles in Russia and the localization of manufacturing of Westport’s Emer brand natural gas products. At the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum,the two parties signed a roadmap outlining their plannedmarket development activities.

Gazprom has 200 existing natural gas stations, with plansto invest in existing station upgrades and new station construction to meet a target of about 500 fueling stationsby 2020. According to Gazprom, CNG consumption is projected to grow from 0.4 billion cubic meters in 2013 to10.4 billion cubic meters by 2020, and LNG consumptionto grow from zero to 3.8 million tons per year. Thirty-oneregions in Russia have been selected for investment projects promoting the use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel.

“Gazprom is investing in initiatives to accelerate growth ofthe natural gas vehicle market in Russia due to strong demand for emissions compliance,” said Mikhail Likhachev,General Director of Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo. “Weare working with Emer, a Westport company, for its expertise in natural gas vehicle components and market development.”

“In addition to assessing localized manufacturing and buil-ding relationships with Russian OEMs for vehicle development opportunities, Westport will advise on regulatory requirements to enable effective use of naturalgas in transportation,” added Maurizio Grando, ExecutiveVice President, Applied Technologies Group at Westport.


The General Director of the Guardia Civil Arsenio Fernándezde Mesa and the Managing Director of Gas Natural Distribución José María Gil Aizpuru signed a partnershipagreement under which the energy company will conductstudies aimed at improving energy savings and efficiency atbuildings and centers managed by the General Directorateof the Guardia Civil. The agreement includes an analysis ofenvironmental and efficiency improvements for the fleet ofland and water vehicles by using natural gas.

Gas Natural Fenosa will conduct studies to assess the current situation at Guardia Civil installations in terms ofenergy management and optimization. Based on the resultsfrom these reports, the General Directorate will decide, inaccordance with the Law on Public Sector Procurement,whether or not to equip its centers with power generationfacilities that use natural gas.The partnership agreement will consist of three stages. Initially, Gas Natural will conduct its studies on the chosenbuildings and installations to identify potential energy efficiency improvements based on the use of natural gas.With the results from these studies and based on

NGV European newseconomic profitability and environmental criteria, a series ofpossible projects will be identified, aimed at increasing botheconomic and environmental savings. Finally, Guardia Civilwill issue contracts for each of the chosen projects.

The energy company will also work with the Guardia Civil ondrafting publications and audio-visual material to raise awareness among executives and managers on the efficient management of energy and the use of clean fuels.Furthermore, Gas Natural will support the organization ofconferences, courses and seminars aimed at providing information on the rational use of energy resources to staffat the General Directorate and will train the necessary individuals on the use and maintenance of the new installations.

United Kingdom

XPO Logistics, global provider of transportation solutions,has signed a contract with BOC Group plc, a subsidiary ofLinde Group, to use its liquefied natural gas truck refuelingstation in Teesport, Middlesbrough. As part of its commitment to develop sustainable logistics solutions inthe United Kingdom, XPO Logistics is trialing dual-fuel technology on Mercedes-Benz trucks to reduce its overallCO2 emissions.

The refueling station was opened recently by BOC primarilyto serve its 11 dual-fuel HGV vehicles, which transportgases from its Middlesbrough plant to local customers inthe surrounding region, but it is available for use to thirdparties by arrangement, such as XPO.

The company is one of the first to sign up to access the Teesport LNG refueling station, which implements cryogenic cooling prior to dispensing to prevent the release of fugitive gas. Therefore, the XPO´s 10 dual-fueltrucks will benefit from this “zero loss” refueling technology.

Mark Lowe, BOC’s LNG Business Manager, said: “BOC is extremely pleased to offer XPO Logistics access to this important, environmentally friendly alternative to diesel atour new LNG refueling station in Middlesbrough. BOC hasa long-term commitment to play an active part in the transition to low-carbon transport and we look forward tocontinuing to work with XPO Logistics in the future.

In turn, Ian Marguet, General Manager, Bulk UK and Irelandfor XPO Logistics, said: “We are delighted with the supportthat BOC has provided as we explore the potential of LNGas a clean alternative fuel to diesel within our heavy truckand tanker fleet. XPO Logistics shares BOC’s commitmentto environmentally friendly transport practices.”


Gazprom Germania is expanding its network of natural gasfilling stations as it signed an agreement with Hesse-basedutility Entega AG. Under this contract, Gazprom Germaniaretroactively has acquired four CNG stations in the

5November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report

Darmstadt area, effective 1 August 2015.

“The current discourse around diesel shows that we needa broader mix of alternative fuels. That’s why we’ve acquired natural gas filling stations in the Rhine-Main areafor the first time. We see great potential in natural gas foreco-friendly mobility”, said Timo Vehrs, Director of BusinessDevelopment at Gazprom Germania.

The four natural gas filling stations are located at Frankfurter Str. 121 in Darmstadt, Mehlsee 5 in Büttelborn, Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 1 in Pfungstadt, andRobert-Koch-Str. 1 in Weiterstadt. The acquisition bringsthe number of stations Gazprom Germania operates in Germany to 34.

Natural gas vehicles are among Germany’s most popularalternative fuel vehicles, with around 100,000 registered.Gazprom Germania is continuing to invest in the country’snetwork of CNG stations and plans to be operating at least44 facilities by the end of 2016. The company is also collaborating with its subsidiary VEMEX on additional fillingstations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.


Westport Innovations Inc., together with Volvo Car Sverigeand Upplands Motor, announced that Sweden-based Fågelviksgruppen (FVG) has signed an agreement coveringthe purchase of 400 Volvo V70 Bi-Fuel taxis with Westporttechnology and fuel systems including options to purchase

up to 240 more. Orders for the first 200 vehicles havebeen received for delivery beginning this year and completion planned for the end of February 2016. Westport expects the balance to be delivered by the third quarter 2016.

FVG operates 6,000 taxis in fleets such as TaxiKurir, Taxi020, Taxi Skåne, and TaxisNorge. Currently, older bi-fuelcars are used by fleets in the Stockholm area, but the newtaxis will be deployed throughout the country. “We are committed to reduce our environmental footprint. We haveevaluated several different environmentally friendly cars andfound that Volvo Bi-Fuel is a very attractive and a rightchoice as a taxi vehicle,” said Ole Oftedal, CEO of FVG.

“The Volvo V70 is already recognized as one of the top-selling taxi vehicles in Sweden. The new 2016 VolvoV70 Bi-Fuel offers fleets like FVG’s the reliability and fueleconomy of the latest Volvo powertrain technology with theemissions benefits they seek,” commented Per-Inge Kruse,Customer Director of Westport.

The 2016 Volvo V70 Bi-Fuel, capable of operating on CNGor petrol/gasoline, is based on Volvo’s new two-liter, directinjection, four-cylinder Drive-E powertrain family. FeaturingWestport technology integrated with the powertrain including Westport components and engine managementsystem, the engine offers 245 horsepower and 350NM intorque with emissions in the V70 model as low as 41gCO2/km (according to the Swedish Transport Administration’s calculation method for biomethane).

October 2015 Gas Vehicles Report6

The Italian NGV Industry

In these three years, NGV Italy has been committed todefending and promoting natural gas and offering newservices and support to the industry. Marketing activitieshave been developed on a national and international basisand at the same time continuous effort has been dedicated to the further development of the natural gasnetwork in those regions where the infrastructure is stillmissing. Here below a summary of the main activitiescarried out by NGV Italy.

Institutional Relations and Communication: with thesupport and contribution of the Board of Directors, relations with national and international institutions havebeen maintained and developed on the basis of theAssociates’ needs.

• NGV Global & NGVA Europe – relations with these twoassociations have intensified. NGV Italy is a Board member of NGV Global and NGVA Europe, in the latterwithout voting rights. A technical committee has beenformed between the three associations with five experts,including our Technical Director Flavio Merigo, in order tobe able to participate in all relevant regulatory tables.NGV Italy has become a major stakeholder in the NGVmarket.

• DAFI Directive – the Italian Ministry of EconomicDevelopment entrusted NGV Italy with the technicalsecretariat for the development of a national strategicplan on LNG for heavy duty vehicles, trains and smallboats. NGV Italy was also requested by the ItalianMinistry of Transport to coordinate with ANFIA the national strategic plan for CNG.

• International Fair May 2016 in Bologna – NGV Italy,NGVA Europe and NGV Global are sponsors of the natural gas convention. NGV Italy and Assogasliquidi willshare organize together an institutional moment to delveinto those shared topics with interested stakeholders.


• Self-service - NGV Italy was among the first players inthe promulgation of the decree for CNG self-service stations. Unfortunately, obstacles still exist that impedethe availability on the market of CNG self-service stations.

• Biomethane – NGV Italy strongly believes in biomethane and collaborates on a continuous basis withits associate CIB, Italian Consortium for Biogas, in orderto make biomethane a reality in Italy and in Europe.

• CNG Taxation – there have been various attempts toincrease taxation on CNG but NGV Italy has alwaysstrongly resisted and fought back with the interested stakeholders at a national and European level.• Vehicle Emissions – The EU is evaluating various

Letter from the PresidentDear Associates,

regulations on vehicle emissions for which NGVA Europe(NGV Italy fully supports) has expressed reservations andasked for a new approach.

- Real Driving Emissions – new procedure will be intro-duced to evaluate emissions in real driving conditions on the road. At the moment, only NOx willbe verified- Proposal known as “potpourri” – various measures,including the possibility of including CNG in CO2 emission calculations.

• Well to Tank Study Actual GHG data for diesel, petrol,kerosene and natural gas – NGVA Europe has put together a task fork to prepare and present a positionbased on a Well-to-Wheel analysis as CNG associationsdisagree with the study.

• Mid-term evaluation of White Paper for Transport –reduction of CO2 emissions in heavy transport post-2020 and promotion of electric vehicles. The draft doesnot mention CNG and biomethane.

New Associates:

• Consorzio Biogas, CNH Industrial, Promgas, Ham ItaliaSRL, BRC, GI&E, Ecomotive Solutions, HVM SRL, SIAD,SOL, Gazprom, SAPIO SRL

• ANIGAS – NGV Italy has become an associate of ANIGAS, Italian National Association for Industrial Gas,which represents the major companies operating in thenatural gas sector.

• Assogasliquidi – promotion of synergies betweenAssogasliquidi and NGV Italy and confirmation of the roleof both associations in LNG.

We believe that all our activities are widely sharedacross the industry thanks to a continuous exchange ofinformation between the Associations and its associates.For the future, I hope that the associates will continue todevelop a greater sense of belonging to the Associationresulting in greater collaboration and cooperation on thevarious themes of interest with the objective of developing and safeguarding the sector.I would like to thank everyone for the support given tomyself and to the Board of Directors in these threeyears. We surely could have done better and done morebecause everything is perfectible but I want to assureeach and every single one of you that we have done ourbest to respect our commitments.

Thank youMariarosa Baroni

President NGV System Italy

November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report 7

L’industria italiana NGV

In questo triennio, il consorzio si è impegnato a tutelarne gli interessi presso le istituzioni e presso glienti normativi, e offrire nuovi servizi a supporto a tuttal'industria. L’attività ha compreso lo sviluppo el'espansione delle politiche e delle attività di marketingfinalizzate al mercato locale ed internazionale e a divulgare, promuovere e sostenere l'estensione della retecorrente del carburante NGV a tutte le regioni in cui leinfrastrutture di rifornimento mancano. Di seguito unsommario delle attività di NGV Italy.

Relazioni Istituzionali e Comunicazione: grazie al prezioso sostegno e contributo dei membri del CDA sisono potuti sviluppare e gestire i rapporti con le istituzioni nazionali ed internazionali e comunitarie in relazione alle necessità degli associati, anche attraverso la promozione e la valorizzazione dei network delle nostre imprese.

Lobbying/business: in accordo e con il supporto degliassociati, a secondo della tipologia dell’azienda, sonostate sviluppate nuove strategie di lobbying/business esinergie in Italia e a livello internazionale che hanno riscosso l'approvazione ed il consenso soprattutto diquelle imprese che, a causa della loro dimensione, nonprevedono queste attività nella gestione corrented'impresa. Altre missioni sono previste per venire incontro alle esigenze degli associati.

Rapporti con NGV Global e NGVA Europe:si sonointensificati i rapporti di NGV System Italia con le duegrandi associazioni europee e globali. NGV Systemsiede ora nel Board di NGV Global e, per la primavolta, come rappresentante non votante, nel Boarddi NGV Europe.

Accordo di collaborazione tecnica con NGV Global eNGVA Europe: si sono raggiunti accordi per un comitato tecnico formato da cinque esperti, fra cui ilnostro direttore tecnico Ing. Flavio Merigo, per poterricoprire tutti gli incarichi inerenti alle moltissime attività di normazione sia di tipo volontario che cogente.

NGV System è diventato lo stakeholder principale cherappresenta tutte le parti interessate per la futuracrescita del segmento di mercato NGV

Direttiva DAFI:

Il MISE ci ha affidato la segreteria tecnica per lo studio di fattibilità per il piano strategico nazionale sull’utilizzo del GNL nel trasporto pesante, treni e barchepiccolo cabotaggio. Questo studio sarà la base della pianificazione della rete GNL.

MISE e MIT:, i due Ministeri ci hanno recentementedato incarico di coordinare un’attività di supporto

Lettera del PresidentCari Associati,

tecnico condivisa con ANFIA per la preparazione di undocumento di pianificazione della rete e delle infrastrutture di erogazione del CNG in Italia, agli orizzonti2020 e 2015.

Nuovo associati – Consorzio Biogas, CNH Industrial,Promgas, Ham Italia SRL, BRC, GI&E, EcomotiveSolutions, HVM SRL, SIAD, SOL, Gazprom, SAPIO SRL

ANIGAS: siamo ora soci aggregati di ANIGAS.,Associazione Nazionale Industriali Gas che rappresenta le maggiori imprese operanti nel settoredel gas naturale e tutela ed esprime gli interessi delleAziende associate e le rappresenta a livello istituzionale.

Assogasliquidi: Incontro con Il Presidente Ing.Francesco Franchi ed il Direttore Ing. Rita Caroselli, acui ha partecipato anche Lennart Pilkog, GeneralSecretary di NGVA Europe. Scopo dell’incontro promuovere sinergie tra Assogasliquidi e NGV Italy econfermare in piena sintonia i rispettivi ruoli delle dueassociazioni per il GNL.

Fiera Internazionale di Bologna maggio 2016 : NGVSystem è patrocinante con NGVA Europe e NGV Globaldel convegno sul NG durante la Fiera Internazionale diBologna. NGV System ha concordato con Assogaliquidi lacondivisione di un momento istituzionale congiunto perapprofondire le tematiche del settore coinvolgendo leAmministrazioni competenti.

Self-service: NGV System si è mossa in primo pianoper ottenere il decreto di self service per le stazionecng, tanto atteso. Sebbene tutto sia pronto per sviluppare definitivamente questa modalità operativa,purtroppo ci sono ancora ostacoli da superare per l'effettiva applicazione della direttiva certamente nonimputabili a carenze di NGV Italy.

Biometano: NGV System è stata ed è promotricedel biometano, e collabora con il Consorzio ItalianoBiogas, nostro associato, per i decreti necessariall’immissione in extra rete ed in rete del bio carburante.FCA e CNH Ind. sono stati e sono primari

promotori del biogas, intervenendo presso la UE ed inItalia con importanti convegni presenti le istituzioni.

CNG Taxation: sono ben note le vicende che riguarda-no la richiesta di aumento delle accise per il metano.In questa battaglia NGV System si è fatta promotricedi istanze presentate al MIF a firma di decine di sta-keholders con costante attenzione sia in Italia che aBrussels,

EU sta valutando diverse proposte di regolamento inerenti le emissioni dei veicoli. In particolare:- una nuova procedure di prova (Real Driving

November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report8

L’industria italiana NGV

- una nuova procedure di prova (Real DrivingEmissions) sarà introdotta per valutare le emissionidei veicoli durante la marcia su strada: la proposta per ora prevede la verifica delle sole emissioni di NOx.

- la proposta conosciuta come “potpourri” prevede diverse misure, inclusa la possibilità di considerare ilmetano nel calcolo delle emissioni di CO2.

NGVA Europe, a cui NGV System dà il massimo supporto, ha espresso le sue riserve e chiede unnuovo approccio da condividersi con le nostre industrie.

Le associazioni del metano contro lo studio WTT:Actual GHG data for diesel, petrol, kerosene and natural gas", NGVA Europe ha attivato una task forceper presentare uno studio approfondito e dedicato aquesto argomento.

Mid-term evaluation of White Paper for Transport:Bozza per ridurre le emissioni di CO2 tra cui il trasporto pesante dopo il 2010, promuovendol’elettrico. La bozza fa menzione di diversi carburantialternativi, ma non fa menzione del metano e del biometano.

NGVA E. sta preparando uno studio che tenga realmente conto delle emissioni GHG basate suun’intera analisi di ciclo di vita. NGV System collabora.

Abbiamo ritenuto che i nostri programmi potesserogodere di ampia condivisione rendendo il più dinamicipossibile i rapporti “base-vertice”, puntando su un maggior coinvolgimento di tutti gli Associati e sull’offerta di servizi adeguati alle necessità attuali.

Per il futuro l’augurio che faccio a NGV System è quelloche gli associati sviluppino sempre di più un forte sensodi appartenenza al Consorzio e che questo si traduca inun maggiore contributo di idee e nell’assunzione di un fattivo ruolo degli associati per lo sviluppo e la tutela delsettore.

Ringrazio tutti voi per avermi sostenuto e per avere sostenuto il CDA in questi tre anni, anche se certamente avremmo potuto fare di più e meglio perchétutto è perfettibile. Ma vi assicuro che ce l’abbiamomessa tutta per non venir meno agli impegni presi convoi.Grazie


NGVSystem Italia

9November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report

Eugen Seitz AG in Switzerland is proud to announce thenext generation of 1” CNG valves for Truck filling! EugenSeitz AG is permanently working on new, better andmore economical solutions for the high pressure valvesof CNG stations worldwide.

In 2014 the new valve generation ProValve single hasbeen introduced with orifices of 8 (type 3051) and 12mm (type 3052). Now in 2015 the new generation fororifice 18 (type 3054) is following.

Eugen Seitz AG is active on the US-market, where thereis a demand for the high flow rates and fast filling timesneeded for truck filling. Therefore in 2014/2015 EugenSeitz AG has designed a new 1” – valve to get the highest flow rate possible. This valve has been releasedsuccessfully to the market in the meantime.

In comparison to the older generation of valves – andalso in comparison with products of competitors –Eugen Seitz AG has been able to increase the flow rateof the 1 “-valve (DN 18) by 20 %, which leads to a flowrate of Kv value 7.5 m3/h or Cv 8.7 usgal/min.

Kv / Cv values are not precise in case of compressedreal gases. In comparison to the water-based Kv-valuesEugen Seitz AG is working with a mass flow model withthe parameters C and b according to ISO 6358 whichshows a good match to the physical behaviour of compressed gases at different pressures. They are ableto calculate these values by simulation as well as measuring these parameters in a new test bench withdifferent pressures.

The mass flow model of ISO 6358 provides the mathematical relationship between mass flow flowingthrough the valve and the valve inlet-, outlet pressureand the media temperature. For this purpose the valvedependent parameters C and b must be known, forexample, Eugen Seitz AG is able to measure these parameters up to DN32mm. With C and b every useris able to determine for each pressure and temperaturesituation the mass flow through the valve or respectivelyvolume filling times. The parameters C and b are especially helpful to establish precise transient system-simulations including complex pneumatic s ubsystems.

Thanks to a simplified design, Eugen Seitz AG is able toachieve higher quality at economical costs with new type3054.

Eugen Seitz AG is one of the world's leading independentproviders of solenoid valves and system solutions in thefield of CNG filling stations with pressure ranges up to350 bar.

With its head office in Switzerland and subsidiary inChina Eugen Seitz AG stands for high-tech, competitive

Always under pressure: Next generation of CNGdispenser-valves for filling trucks

products and high system expertise.

For more information of the complete product rangeplease visit web-page / section IndustrySectors/AFS.

November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report10

HAM expands natural gas refueling network with new openings in France and Italy

The Group has two brand-new fueling sites offering CNG and LNG for all kind of vehicles.These facilities will help develop the company’s ambitious plan to implement a robust infrastructure in the short-term, along with the most innovative technology.

Piedmont region, Italy

On 27 October, the Group’s subsidiary HAM Italy openedin collaboration with Iveco an LNG station atCombustibles Ratti facilities in the city of Novi Ligure, inthe Italian region of Piedmont. Among other advantages,the new site offers the latest technology developed byHAM, which allows an efficient refueling of natural gas inheavy duty vehicles (over 100 liters per minute) withoutusing any pump and therefore without electric powerconsumption.

The development plan in Italy is very ambitious and aimsto implement in the short-term a network of natural gas refueling sites at existing third-party stations in northernand central Italy. This will ensure proper distribution network throughout this area allowing carriers to refueland accelerating the development of LNG value chain.

In particular, besides Novi Ligure facility, paperwork to authorize the construction of more LNG refueling stations is underway. The new centers will be located inModena, Brescia, Bologna and Ferrara, and the agreements have already been signed with the servicestations’ owners. Moreover, the next ENI-owned LNG station will be built soon near Livorno.

These agreements are the result of the strong expansionof HAM in Italy, which will allow the development of amajor LNG supply network in the north and center of thecountry.

Rungis, France

This facility is framed under the European project “BlueCorridor” and is the first fixed public station that offersLNG and CNG in the country and the second that hasbeen launched in France. In both cases, HAM has been responsible for its design and construction. The new station is located at the entrance of the central marketof Paris, in the city of Rungis, near the French capital.

It is a pioneer facility, with a deposit of 60 m3, a CNGfilling line for light vehicles, a double LNG filling line, withpump and direct, for heavy vehicles and a recovery “boiloff” team for recovering the natural gas of vehicles andof the tank itself.

The supply of LNG can be accomplished by pump orpressure differential with only preselect the mode of

operation and without modifying the installation. It is thefirst LNG refueling station that can operate with thisfunctionality, allowing refueling all types of vehicles and reducing operating costs as it enables optionally not use the cryogenic pump.

The station has a technology that allows LNG trucks filledwithout using the pump installed, saving on operatingcosts and making more robust the station. LNG pipesare insulated vacuum to minimize the “boil off” and reduce commissioning times with cold, allowing a facility withmore features and lower emissions.

In addition, the dispenser has a metrological certificationso the customer has the absolute trust in the amount refueled. The station is fully automated, enabling autonomous operation and is connected online.

The implementation of LNG stations in France will be increased in the coming months, having HAM assignedthe construction of three more facilities in 2016.

The Italian facility is located in Novi Ligure.

11November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report

Russian Machines (RM) and Fornovo Gas S.r.I., Italian manufacturer of equipment for compressed natural gas fillingstations, have signed a cooperation agreement, under whichRM-CNG, part of RM, will be a distributor of Fornovo Gas,selling its equipment in Russia and other CIS countries.

The parties also plan that RM-CNG will purchase and use theequipment from Fornovo Gas in its own filling stations. Plusthey will consider possible localization of CNG equipment production in Russia. The parties are ready to discuss extension of the cooperation in the future.

GAZ Group, part of RM, is a leading Russian OEM producingCNG vehicles including LCV’s, trucks and buses. RM-CNGcommissioned first CNG filling module, located at GAZ Groupplant, in N. Novgorod in 2015.

M. Eibeck, RM CEO, commented: “Development of the RF CNG market is one of the top priorities of our strategy.Methane is now one most efficient and environment-friendly type of fuel but the lack of well-developed filling network pre-vents it from spreading in Russia. I am sure that our cooperation with Fornovo Gas will allow us to offer efficient CNG fillingsolutions to the market”.

Russian Machines will distribute and use Fornovo Gas’ CNG equipment

The Italian company’s products will be now available through RM-CNG, which not only willsell them but will also purchase and use the equipment from Fornovo Gas in its own fillingstations in Russia

November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report12

Spain: opportunities to be gained from natural gas adoption in Balearic IslandsGas Natural Fenosa plans to invest approximately 30 million euros in Menorca to offer agas supply to a total of 20 towns on the island. At a seminar organized in Maó by theGroup’s Foundation and the Regional Government of the Balearic Islands, various expertsdiscussed the economic, environmental, technological and social advantages of bringingnatural gas to the islands

Gas Natural Fenosa recently led a seminar entitled NaturalGas in Minorca: a new energy, at which the process to bring and develop natural gas in Minorca wasexplained and the economic, environmental, technologicaland social advantages of bringing this energy to theBalearic Islands were presented. The speakers explainedthe opportunities provided by natural gas, including domes-tic and industrial uses, as well as its importance for thetransport sector, and highlighted its potential as a way ofsupporting renewable energies.

The Director of New Towns and Infrastructure Projects ofGas Natural Distribución, Juan Manuel Belda, explained that the distribution subsidiary of Gas NaturalFenosa will invest close to 30 million euros to bring the gasnetwork to various towns in the eight municipalities on theisland (Alaior, Ciutadella, Es Castell, Es Migjorn, Ferreries,Maó, Es Mercadal and Sant Lluís), as well as the industrialestates and main tourism hubs (Son Bou, Cala en Porter,Cala’n Bosch, Sa Caleta-Santandria-Cala Blanca, Cala’nBlanes, Sant Tomas, Cala Galdana, Sant Climent, Fornells,Coves Noves, S’Algar and Binibeca).The project provides for three distribution zones taking gasfrom storage centers located in Maó, Ciutadella and EsMercadal. The design of the gas infrastructure plan thusprioritizes speed in the rollout of the network via thesemodern, efficient and flexible plants that will enable serviceto be provided to a total of 55,876 homes on the island.

Menorca’s gas network

Development of the island’s gas network will improve energyinfrastructure in the various municipalities, providing a more competitive source of energy to homes,businesses and industries. Implementation of the gasinfrastructure project will provide an economic boost tocompanies already operating on the island and will enablethe creation of new jobs – both directly and indirectly – inpipe laying, installation and sales activities, among others.

Gas distribution activity continues to play a key role in indus-trial competitiveness and economic revitalization. The gassector, which accounts for 0.5% of GDP in Spain, genera-tes around 150,000 jobs across the value chain, fromtransport and distribution to the provision of services toend customers.

The investment

The commitment from Gas Natural Distribución includes aninvestment of up to 42 million euros between now and2020 to supply natural gas to more than 25

municipalities in other parts of the Balearic Islands, enabling it to initially serve more than 120,000 potentialcustomers. Besides the eight municipalities in Minorca, thecompany has submitted gas supply licensing projects inother towns, including Alcúdia – Port d’Alcúdia – Platjad’Alcúdia, Capdepera-Cala Rajada, Pollença-Port dePollença, Muro, Sóller i Port de Sóller on the Island ofMajorca.

Through its distribution companies, Gas Natural Fenosa isthe leading natural gas distribution group in Spain. Itcurrently has over 5.2 million supply points and 48,900kilometres of distribution network in the 1,157 municipalities of the 11 autonomous regions where it operates. At the end of 2017, the regional distributioncompanies of Gas Natural Fenosa will be providing theirservices to over six million supply points in Spain.

The Director-General for Energy and Climate Change of theRegional Government of the Balearic Islands, JoanGroizard, explained that the arrival of natural gas inMinorca, which will be a reality in less than one year, willprovide immediate benefits in terms of the environment,economy and the fight against climate change. He alsohighlighted the role of natural gas as a “transitional energy”and said that the public authorities and the sector should work together to speed up emissions reduction and total energy consumption, as well as increase energy efficiency.

Gas Natural Fenosa remarked the importance of NGV deployment

13November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report

November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report14

Nottingham plans to introduce 82 biomethane double-decker buses

The city’s award-winning principal bus operator, Nottingham City Transport, is working inpartnership with Nottingham City Council to launch a project which could see Nottinghambecome the UK’s ‘greenest’ city for public transport.

Nottingham City Transport (NTC) has applied for a£6.5m grant from the OLEV Low Emission Bus Schemeto complement a £19m investment being made by NCTin order to introduce 82 biogas double deckers to thefleet over 3 years from October 2016.

“Gas buses have much less of an impact on the environment compared to the diesel buses we would normally buy,” explained NTC Marketing Manager,Anthony Carver-Smith. “Nitrogen Oxides are lower, as arethe sooty particulates emitted, and as we will be usingbio-gas, the carbon footprint is incredibly low. This reallyis a fantastic project that will support the wider effortsand investment made by Nottingham City Council to introduce low emission vehicles to the city.”

DEFRA – The Department for Environment, Food andRural Affairs – recommended the Nottingham UrbanArea needed to consider low emission zones and vehiclesto reduce emissions and improve air quality. The intro-duction of the bio-gas buses will support these aims,building on the electric buses, the tram and the CityCouncil’s ambitions to introduce electric taxis and newcharging points for electric cars.

Councillor Nick McDonald, Nottingham City Council’sPortfolio Holder for Jobs, Growth and Transport said:“The City Council and Nottingham City Transport are veryexcited about this low carbon bus service proposal. Itshows our combined ambition to deliver greener andcleaner transport for Nottingham. It will complement ourother bids for funding to deliver electric vehicle charginginfrastructure and electric taxis, which will improveNottingham’s air quality, reduce carbon emissions andmake the city environment more attractive for residents,businesses and visitors.”

Office for Low Emission Vehicles

OLEV, or The Office for Low Emission Vehicles, is a teamworking across Government to support the early marketfor ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEV). It is providing over£900million to position the UK at the global forefront ofULEV development, manufacture and use.

This will contribute to economic growth and will helpreduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution onUK roads. If approved, the £6.5m NCT has applied forwill contribute towards the cost of each bus and theinfrastructure cost of installing gas fuelling facilities atNCT’s Parliament Street Garage.

ADL Scania buses

“The new gas buses are likely to be the very first gasdouble deckers in the UK, which is hugely exciting,”added Anthony Carver-Smith. “They’ll be ADL Scaniabuses, so they’ll be of the highest quality and using gasbuses will enable our customers to reach the heart ofthe City on one of the cleanest modes of transport available”.

The Scania chassis for each bus will be assembled inLeyland in Lancashire ahead of the bodying by AlexanderDennis in Scotland. Nottingham based company,Roadgas in Colwick, will supply the infrastructure.

Clean fleet

This £25.5m project, rolled out over 3 years, willreplace a quarter of NCT’s current fleet, and it’s estimated that there will be 75 million kilograms lessCO2 emitted over the lifetime of the vehicles comparedto conventional diesel buses. By 2020 Nottingham’scurrent UK Bus Operator of the Year will aim for everybus to have either a Euro 5 environmentally-friendlyengine or be gas-powered, creating one of the lowest-emission fleets in the UK.

A kilogram of biomethane gas will be injected into thenational gas grid for every kilogram of gas used by eachnew bus in the fleet. As such, the entire operation willalso qualify for carbon-neutral status.

“Our gas double deckers will be quieter, smoother, and ofcourse cleaner,” said Anthony Carver-Smith. “Every busi-ness has a responsibility to do what it can to protect theenvironment for future generations, so we’ll also be supporting other local businesses to use gas by allowingthird parties to use the gas filling station at our depot.”

Councillor Nick McDonald added, “Providing an integrated, efficient, cost-effective public transport system that has a minimum impact on the environmentis vital for the city’s future prosperity and growth.

This is a project that will see Nottingham leading the wayin the UK and we’re confident other cities will soon followour example.”

The funding decision will be made by OLEV in January2016, with the first gas buses on the road by Octoberthe same year.

15November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report

Gasnam joins Klaipedos Nafta to enhance LNG bunker operationsThe Iberian Association of Natural Gasfor Mobility (GASNAM) and Lithuanianoil & gas company Klaipedos Naftahave signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for improving itsoperations and objectives, many ofthem coincident.

Gasnam and Klaipedos Nafta agreedto exchange experiences and join acti-vities in terms of developing a stan-dard, still non-existent in Europe, forregulating the activities of LNG supplyfor ships in its various forms such astruck-to-ship, port-to-ship or ship-to-ship, in which Spain has already accumulated significant experience. Klaipedos Nafta is a large-scale LNG terminal – first in theBaltics – operator and is planning LNG reload activities from 2017, therefore joining forces is beneficial for each organization.

Both entities also collaborate in the UNECE Working Group of Experts on Gas, Task Force D, coordinated by Gasnam.

The association was originally founded in Spain in 2013, but has since expanded to Portugal, thereby representing thecommon Iberian interests related to terminals for LNG. These terminals located on the Iberian Peninsula account for 50%of Europe’s total capacities. Gasnam currently counts 79 members, with activities divided into two sections, each of themaccounting for half of its members: terrestrial and maritime use of natural gas as a fuel.

LNG Section

Rolande LNG opened its third fueling station in the Netherlands

The Utrecht new facility is part of the dutch com-pany’s LNG4Haul project partly funded by the Euro-pean Commission. This achievement is an importantstep towards a broader international network of LNGrefueling stations in North–West Europe, which is cru-cial for the roll out of LNG as an alternative fuel inheavy haulage.

Dutch company opened two LNG filling stations incountry’s key locations: one in Tilburg and a second inVeghel that was opened last month. The new facility,which also supplies compressed natural gas, is located on Heldinnenlaan, Utrecht, near the A2 exit to Maarssen. This means the clean fuel is now available to fleets in the central Netherlands.

Rolande LNG BV is one of the liquefied natural gas and liquefied biogas suppliers for trucks in the Netherlandsand Europe. LNG stations scheduled in 2015 in Utrecht, Nieuwegein, Geldermalsen, Veghel and Heteren arepart of the European subsidy program TEN-T, in which Rolande is participating.

The project’s overall objective is to advance LNG road infrastructure and contribute to European renewableenergy targets. Besides the five facilities to be built across the Netherlands, the company also rolled out 75LNG-powered trucks deployed at various companies.

November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report16

LNG Section

New partnership will develop LNG-powered bulk carrier designDeltamarin, Arista Shipping, ABS and GTT announced Project Forward, a joint development project to equip thedry bulk carriers of the future with LNG propulsion. Theproject, led by Athens-based bulk carrier owner AristaShipping, began officially in May this year. The aim is to develop a commercially feasible LNG-powered dry bulk carrier design capable of complying with International Maritime Organization’s Energy Efficiency Design Index2025 standards, NOx Tier III and Marpol Annex VI SOxemission levels.

The concept design will be based on the highly-optimizedDeltamarin B.Delta design suitable for ships between82,000 and 210,000dwt. It will employ GTT’s membrane-type LNG tanks for fuel containment. “Compliance with stricter environmental regulations hasled owners to consider the potential of using LNG as fuel for cargo vessel newbuildings,” stated Deltamarin Managing Director Mika Laurilehto.

Equally important, the project will also address the existing dry bulk fleet by developing a modularized LNG fuel retrofit solution for bulk carriers of various sizes. ABS will conduct concept and detail design approvals according to its rules forbulk carriers and gas-powered ships.

Project Forward will include a number of stages, with a first time horizon of two years’ applied research and developmentwork. Initial research indicates that the expected emission reductions from Project Forward could be 40% for CO2, 80%for NOx and 98% for SOx.

17November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report

Shell serves Dutch supermarket chain’s LNG-powered truck fleet

Shell announced the opening of its fourth LNG truckrefueling station in the Netherlands, located in Pijnacker, on the premises of Albert Heijn, one ofthe largest Dutch supermarket chains. This facilityis being used by delivery trucks that supply productsto Albert Heijn, and is a result of the close collaboration between Shell and the supermarket toincrease the use of LNG by heavy-duty road customers operating in residential areas.

“LNG can be a good choice for truck owners andmore are making the switch to LNG,” said LauranWetemans, Shell’s General Manager DownstreamLNG. “It is great to see Albert Heijn’s drive for cleaner fuel options and work with transport companies to encourage the use of LNG. We areexpanding the network of LNG refueling sites thatoffer a single card solution to customers.”

Cees van Vliet, Albert Heijn’s Director Shops & Distribution, noted: “We are excited to be workingwith Shell on establishing LNG as a fuel for heavyduty road transport in the Netherlands. Our strategy is to reduce the hindrance of our operations to people living next to our

supermarkets, where noise level is a very importantfactor. With LNG trucks, we can also deliver ourgoods at night when there is less traffic, improvingroad safety around our shops.”

The new station in Pijnacker has a capacity of70,000 liters of LNG, enough to fuel 200 trucks perday. The station has already refueled over 650 AlbertHeijn delivery trucks to date. Customers that supplyproducts to Albert Heijn can use the euroShell cardfor their fuel transactions, which offers a secure andefficient way to buy fuels.

LNG Section

First container ship to be converted to an LNG system in GermanyWessels Reederei, in partnership with the engine manufacturer MAN Diesel & Turbo and gas specialistTGW Marine Gas Engineering, announced that theconversion to liquefied natural gas of the Wes Amelie vessel is the first of its kind worldwide.

Parliamentary state secretary at the Federal Ministry ofTransport and Digital Infrastructure Enak Ferlemann confirmed a government grant to convert the ship fromheavy fuel oil to low-emission LNG. Funding was providedthrough the federal program Mobility and Fuel Strategywhich promotes the maritime use of liquefied natural gasas an environmentally friendly fuel.

“For many years our company has been committed to‘Green Shipping’ through the development and implementation of more efficient alternative propulsion systems. With the conversion to LNG, our partners and us willshowcase our technical expertise and demonstrate practical environmental solutions for the merchant marine industry”,said Gerd Wessels, managing owner of Wessels Reederei GmbH.

In turn, Enak Ferlemann added: “With this funding measure, the federal government continues its steady contribution tothe development of an efficient LNG infrastructure in Germany. Our goal with this new technology is to significantly reducethe CO2 and pollutant emissions at sea. With the LNG conversion already integrated in ships currently in service, in collaboration with the maritime sector, we provide an important impulse for the development of ‘Made in Germany’ LNGtechnology”.

The Wes Amelie was launched in 2011 and operates in the North and Baltic Seas. The joint venture expects that theLNG converted vessel will be fully operational for early December 2016.

LNG Section

The 5800 m3 LNG bunkering vessel,being built for Sirius Veder Gas AB atRoyal Bodewes, Hoogezand, in theNetherlands, will be powered by aWärtsilä propulsion solution. When delivered, the ship will be operated ona long-term charter by Skangass, player in the Nordic and Finnish LNGmarkets. Sirius Veder Gas AB, the owners of the vessel, is a joint ventureformed between Sirius Rederi of Sweden and the Netherlands basedAnthony Veder Group.

The Wärtsilä propulsion package willcomprise a 6-cylinder Wärtsilä34DF dual-fuel main engine capableof running on either LNG or diesel,a reduction gearbox with powertake-off (PTO), a shaft line suitablefor use with environmentally friendlylubricants and equipped with aWärtsilä Airguard aft seal thatallows zero emissions, and a Wärtsilä controllable pitch propeller. The latest Wärtsilä 34DFengine version features high poweroutput and reduced fuel consumption in both gas and dieselmodes.

“Since Wärtsilä introduced dual-fuelengine technology, more than1,300 Wärtsilä DF engines havebeen ordered. Similarly, bunkering& feeder vessels such as this oneare also increasingly taking advantage of our proven technology.This extensive experience adds tre-mendous value as it allows us toprovide expert engineering and project support to the yard, whichimportantly saves time and reducesrisk,” said Göran Österdahl, GeneralManager, Wärtsilä Marine Solutions.

“We are committed to developingenergy-efficient solutions for smallto mid-size LNG shipping. The useof LNG as a marine fuel is rapidlyincreasing and there is growing demand for efficient bunker and feeder vessels. Wärtsilä has boththe technology and the experiencenecessary to meet the needs ofthis market,” said Jan Valkier, CEOof Anthony Veder.

The Wärtsilä equipment is scheduled for delivery in 2016 andthe vessel is due to be delivered in February 2017.

November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report18

New LNG bunker and feeder vessel being built for Nordic region

19November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report

H2 transportationOMB Saleri to design hydrogen components for Daimler FCVs

Bosch develops hydrogen fuel cell mobility for off-highway vehicles

A baggage tractor manufactured as a part of the publicly fundedInnovative Regenerative Onboard Energy Converter (InnoROBE)project is now the first of its kind in Europe to feature a fuel cellthat functions as a range extender. The Fuel Cell Control Unit(FCCU) by Bosch Engineering efficiently manages the interactionsof all system components and serves as a key component of thefuel cell system.

“We develop components and systems as well as provide engineering services for a zero-emissions future in off-highwayapplications,” said Bosch Engineering GmbH director BernhardBihr. The project was started in August 2012 by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research in cooperation with project partners Greening GmbH & Co. KG, DLR Institute of Vehicle Concepts, and Fraunhofer NAS, and is slated to be completed by December 31, 2015.

The primary mode of conveyance at airports is not the airplane but rather the ground vehicles that transport passengers, luggage, and freight to their respective destinations. Airport operators are increasingly making use of alternative powertrain systems in order to reduce emissions and noise. In the future, hydrogen fuel cells will be theeco-friendly new technology of choice at airports for mobile machinery as well as ground support and fleet vehicles.The benefits of fuel cell vehicles include their greater range and shorter refueling times of just a few minutes.

Widespread adoption of alternative powertrain systems for off-road applications makes even more sense against abackdrop of stricter emissions legislation for internal-combustion engines over 56 kW. Vehicles with fuel cell powertrain systems operate using hydrogen, which reacts with oxygen inside the cell to form pure water. The energythis process releases is transformed into electrical energy inside the fuel cell, which in turn drives the electric motor.The first hydrogen refueling stations are already in place at German airports in Stuttgart, Munich, and Hamburg, sothese systems have the local infrastructure they need.

OMB Saleri SpA has been chosen by Daimler AG as a development partner for dedicated hydrogen componentsfor their next generation fuel-cell vehicles. It has been contracted by the German automotive corporation with thespecific task to develop a Hydrogen On-tank valve, a Filling Receptacle, a Check-Valve and a TPRD End Plug device.

Hydrogen safety and control components now available on the market are highly dedicated to specific projectsand produced in very small lots and therefore not suitable for the ambitious project of making price competitiveand mass-marketed fuel-cell vehicles.

The scope of the project was not only to design components that would assure full reliability and performance atpressures up to 875 bar and temperatures ranging from -40° C to 85° C, but the engineering and mass production would also need to reach the goal to produce cost-effective components in order to promote theworld’s first affordable, mass-market FCEVs.

The technical challenges of the project presented to OMB Saleri SpA required the creation of a dedicated multifunction Hydrogen team that would utilize the most skilled resources in all the different departments: R&D,engineering and purchasing as well as the prototyping and manufacturing departments to mass-produce the components. In order to reach the project targets, advanced simulation tools were employed together with thedevelopment of new design concepts, design-to-cost processes and co-patented solutions.

New facilities where testing and assembly could be performed in “controlled environments”, state of the art testing equipment and new production machines were part of the efforts that OMB Saleri SpA has undertaken toassure success of the project. Jointly with the Automotive Hydrogen project, OMB Saleri SpA has decided to extend the development of its products to other fields of Hydrogen applications with a range of components forMaterial Handling, Heavy-Duty and Stationary Hydrogen Storage.

November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report20

H2 transportation

London will be UK first customer for hydrogen-powered Toyota Mirai

Shell will build nationwide hydrogen fueling network in Germany

Shell, which opened its first hydrogen fueling station in Germany in 2011, has signed a declaration of intent withits H2 Mobility Germany joint venture partners (Air Liquide,Daimler, Linde, OMV and Total) and Germany’s federaltransport minister, Alexander Dobrindt. The initiative willbegin in 2016 and will lead to hydrogen fueling pumpsbeing available at around 400 retail sites across thecountry by 2023.

“Hydrogen-fueled electric vehicles could play a key part in alow-carbon, low-emission, future,” said Oliver Bishop, General Manager of Hydrogen at Shell. “It will take technicalinnovation and bold policies to transform the global energysystem into a progressively cleaner, less carbon-intensiveone. H2 Mobility Germany shows what we can achieve through private-public close collaboration. The next step is for consumers to embrace this opportunity and consider buying hydrogen vehicles as they become available.”

Shell currently operates three hydrogen stations in Germany, including one in Berlin and two in Hamburg. It anticipates the first four new fueling points will be installed at existing retail sites in Frankfurt, Wuppertal, Geisingen and Wendingen.

The company has another two demonstration hydrogen filling stations in Los Angeles that allow them to evaluatea range of technologies, drive down costs and better understand consumer behavior. Shell is also assessing thepotential for more stations in the USA, UK, Switzerland, Austria, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

Manufacturer Toyota is set to deliver 12 brand new Mirai vehiclesto London, where four will be taken on by Transport for London toassist with essential engineering and maintenance work carriedout between bus stops and Tube stations. By the end of this year,all 12 of the vehicles will be on the road in the capital, to be usedby private hire fleets and green minded businesses including theenergy storage and clean fuel company ITM Power. The Mirai isthe first hydrogen fuel cell sedan to be commercially mass produced.

Toyota has named London as a key city for early adoption of hydrogen vehicles this year and next, given the Mayor of LondonBoris Johnson’s commitment to develop the necessary infrastructure and encourage motorists to move over tocleaner cars. The arrival of the new zero-emission cars is supported by the roll-out of vital new refueling stations for hydrogen vehicles, and the Mayor’s plans to introduce the world’s first Ultra Low Emission Zonefrom 2020.

Mayor Johnson said: “It is fantastic that London will benefit from these new state-of-the-art hydrogen vehicles.By embracing this technology of the future, we aim to consolidate hydrogen’s role as a practical alternative fuelfor the 21st century and beyond. I am sure that Transport for London will provide the ideal environment for usto see everything the Mirai can do and, in doing so, take another great step towards improving air quality inour city and protecting the health of Londoners.”

Paul Van der Burgh, President & Managing Director for Toyota (GB) PLC, stated: “We believe in hydrogen as akey enabler for building a future zero emissions society and we applaud the Mayor’s commitment to embracingnew technology in his mission to make London a leading global city for low-emission, low-carbon transport.”

21Octuber 2015 Gas Vehicles Report

H2 transportation

Hyundai Motor Europe leads roll out of hydrogen-powered vehicles

During October Hyundai Motor has delivered another50 units of its ix35 Fuel Cell for distribution to cus-tomers across Europe. This shipment, Europe’s largestever delivery of hydrogen-powered cars, brings thetotal number of Hyundai fuel cell vehicles in Europe to over250, more than those of every other manufacturer combined. The cars will be supplied to a number of private and corporate customers.

The ix35 Fuel Cell was the first hydrogen-powered carto be mass-produced and offered for sale in Europe.The ix35 Fuel Cell cars already on the road have covered more than 1.2 million kilometers. By the endof 2015, the model will be available to buy or lease in 13European countries, with Spain and Switzerland joiningthe existing 11-country distribution network.

Thomas A. Schmid, Chief Operating Officer at HyundaiMotor Europe, commented: “This latest landmark delivery enhances our leading position in the roll-out offuel cell vehicles in Europe. With our fuel cell distribution network growing to 13 European countries,we are enhancing our sales and customer servicecapabilities, making fuel cell vehicles more accessiblefor customers throughout Europe.”

With the refueling infrastructure in Europe continuingto grow, Hyundai will further expand its Fuel Cell distribution network.

22November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report

H2 transportation

UK’s first hydrogen bus facility reaches 1,000th refueling milestone

The station, based at Aberdeen City Council’s Kittybrewsterdepot, opened in March and provides fuel for Europe’s largest fleet of hydrogen fuel cell buses running on the streets of the city. The facility fuels 10 Van Hool hydrogen fuelcell buses – six of which are operated by Stagecoach on the X17Aberdeen city centre to Westhill route, while First Aberdeen operates four on the X40 Kingswells to Bridge of Don park-and-ride route.

The UK’s first hydrogen production and bus refueling station isowned and operated by BOC, and has been delivered as part ofthe Aberdeen City Council-led £19million green transport demonstration project which is testing the economic and environmental benefits of hydrogen transport technologies andaims to drive the development of hydrogen technologies.

The Aberdeen Hydrogen Bus Project is the most high-profile of a range of projects designed to build a hydrogeneconomy in the city. It is delivering a hydrogen infrastructure in Aberdeen, including the production of hydrogen atthe UK’s first commercial-scale hydrogen production and bus refueling station, as well as a purpose-built hydrogen fuel cell vehicle maintenance facility.

Aberdeen City Council Chairman of European Hydrogen and Electromobility Projects Councilor Barney Crocketsaid: “It is fantastic for the city to be at the forefront of this project and helps to solidify our reputation as Europe’s energy capital. We look forward to many more milestones on this tremendous project.”

November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report 23

Worldwide NGV statistics


Natural Gas Vehicles Refuelling stations Monthly gas consumption (M Nm3)

Total MD/HDBuses


Others% of total NGVs inthe world

% of total fuelling stations

in the world

Total Public Private Planned


consumption(actual report)


in theory


Iran 4,000,000 3,993,948 6,036 16 17.91% 2,220 2,185 35 800 8.34% 7300.00 737.03 990.5% July 2014China 3,994,350 2,587,288 1,025,531 331,531 50,000 17.88% 6,502 6,302 200 2,913 24.42% 9 3810.03 0.0% October 2014Pakistan 3,700,000 3,520,000 180,000 16.57% 2,997 2,997 11.25% 642.60 0.0% August 2014Argentina 2,487,349 2,487,349 11.14% 1,939 1,939 7.28% 32 239.80 447.72 53.6% July 2014India 1,800,000 500,000 300,000 200,000 800,000 8.06% 936 936 3.51% 163.21 1190.00 0.0% December 2013Brazil 1,781,102 1,781,102 7.97% 1,805 1,805 6.78% 7 144.53 320.60 45.1% June 2014Italy 885,300 880,000 2,300 3,000 3.96% 1,060 1,010 50 3.98% 100 80.00 167.70 47.7% December 2015Colombia 500,000 462,871 27,469 9,660 2.24% 800 800 3.00% 3 45.00 173.45 25.9% October 2014Thailand 462,454 393,057 13,367 54,268 1,762 2.07% 497 471 26 1.87% 154.58 0.0% September 2014Uzbekistan 450,000 450,000 2.01% 213 213 50 0.80% 81.00 0.0% June 2013Bolivia 300,000 300,000 1.34% 178 178 0.67% 46 26.28 54.00 48.7% August 2014 2013Armenia 244,000 192,000 17,300 34,700 1.09% 345 9 336 1.30% 26.53 114.22 23.2% December 2011Bangladesh 220,000 145,304 10,000 27,000 37,696 0.98% 585 585 2.20% 13 91.55 79.64 115.0% April 2013Egypt 207,617 205,000 2,270 347 0.93% 181 177 4 0.68% 57.11 43.73 130.6% September 2014Peru 183,786 183,775 11 0.82% 237 237 0.89% 18.56 33.11 56.1% June 2014Ukraine 170,000 8,036 102,216 59,748 0.76% 325 133 192 1.22% 8 52.00 355.89 14.6% March 2014USA 150,000 83,000 44,300 22,700 0.67% 1,615 873 742 239 6.06% 4,747 77.52 166.00 46.7% January 2015Germany 98,172 95,708 1735 176 553 0.44% 921 849 72 1 3.46% 804 18.00 22.60 79.6% May 2014Russia 90,050 65,000 10,000 15,000 50 0.40% 253 211 42 15 0.95% 4 33.75 53.71 62.8% July 2013Venezuela 90,000 90,000 0.40% 166 166 300 0.62% 80 8.15 16.20 50.3% June 2011Georgia 80,600 51,000 6,000 5,000 18,600 0.36% 100 100 25 0.38% 32.11 0.0% November 2013Bulgaria 61,320 61,197 105 11 7 0.27% 110 109 1 7 0.41% 15.00 11.34 132.3% June 2014Malaysia 55,999 55,345 594 60 0.25% 184 182 2 0.69% 10 14.80 11.75 126.0% October 2013Sweden 46,715 43,795 755 2,163 2 0.21% 213 147 66 0.80% 21 12.00 11.88 101.0% September 2014Japan 42,590 16,564 1,560 22,516 1,950 0.19% 314 274 40 1.18% 612 25.77 0.0% March 2013South Korea 40,532 8,203 31,069 1,257 3 0.18% 201 101 100 0.75% 93.00 95.69 97.2% November 2014Myanmar 27,137 23,658 3,475 4 0.12% 45 45 0.17% 14.69 0.0% September 2014Canada 14,205 11,800 199 6 2,200 0.06% 89 86 3 0.33% 500 2.84 0.0% May 2013France 13,550 10,050 2,400 1,100 0 0.06% 311 40 271 11 1.17% 200 6.00 9.89 60.7% September 2014Switzerland 11,640 11,278 173 129 60 0.05% 167 134 33 3 0.63% 117 1.61 2.66 60.6% August 2014Dominican Republic 10,909 10,909 0.05% 15 15 100 0.06% 0.09 1.96 4.7% June 2013Tajikistan 10,600 10,600 0.05% 53 53 0.20% 4.13 1.91 216.5% December 2007Austria 8,332 8,100 176 54 2 0.04% 180 175 5 0.68% 12 13.50 2.03 665.3% June 2013Chile 8,164 8,055 109 0.04% 15 15 70 0.06% 1 3.20 1.78 180.1% December 2011Netherlands 7,573 6,498 686 386 3 0.03% 147 140 7 31 0.55% 558 16.80 3.54 475.0% June 2014Czech Republic 8,817 7,950 527 85 255 0.04% 101 75 26 30 0.38% 130 2.49 3.09 80.6% December 2014Kyrgyzstan 6,000 6,000 0.03% 6 6 0.02% 0.60 1.08 55.6% December 2007Indonesia 5,690 4,850 570 20 250 0.03% 11 11 4 0.04% 2.61 0.0% November 2013Hungary 5,118 5,000 86 32 0 0.02% 19 4 15 10 0.07% 1,500 0.30 1.18 25.3% June 2014Singapore 4,638 4,618 20 0.02% 3 2 1 0.01% 1.03 0.89124 1.155693192 October 2013Belarus 4,600 4,600 0.02% 42 42 0.16% 1.03 0.83 124.4% September 2011United Arab Emirates 4,179 4,129 50 0.02% 18 17 1 54 0.07% 1 1.05 0.89 117.6% December 2014Spain 3,990 905 1,609 1,322 154 0.02% 86 38 48 12 0.32% 21 7.84 6.06 129.5% December 2013Turkey 3,850 1,850 2,000 0.02% 14 8 6 0.05% 35 4.20 6.33 66.3% December 2011Nigeria 3,798 3,452 25 287 34 0.02% 8 8 10 0.03% 0.93 0.0% March 2014Poland 3,590 3,050 400 40 100 0.02% 88 26 62 52 0.33% 40 1.60 1.79 89.6% September 2014Trinidad & Tobago 3,535 3,500 35 0.02% 11 11 22 0.04% 1.80 0.74 244.9% January 2015Australia 3,110 25 2,060 275 750 0.01% 52 5 47 10 0.20% 130 5.99 0.0% June 2013Mexico 2,620 2,569 51 0.01% 8 8 0.03% 22 1.37 0.62 222.6% May 2012Moldova 2,200 2,200 0.01% 24 24 0.09% 0.40 0.40 101.0% Septemebr 2011Iceland 2,016 2,000 2 14 0.01% 6 5 1 0.02% 1 0.17 0.38 44.5% September 2014Finland 1,800 1,675 75 26 24 0.01% 26 25 1 1 0.10% 10 0.42 0.55 75.8% August 2014Afghanistan 1,701 300 1 1,400 0.01% 2 2 0.01% August 2013Mozambique 1,380 1,216 153 11 0.01% 5 5 2 0.02% 0.24 0.68 35.4% November 2014Belgium 1,053 1,000 3 37 13 0.00% 20 16 4 21 0.08% 17 0.22 0.0% July 2014Greece 1,000 280 618 102 0 0.00% 7 7 7 0.03% 1.33 1.99 67.0% September 2014South Africa 937 800 136 1 0.00% 3 3 5 0.01% 0.55 0.0% September 2014Serbia 878 792 58 28 0 0.00% 10 8 2 2 0.04% 3 0.93 0.34 274.4% June 2014Norway 667 124 538 4 1 0.00% 22 14 8 4 0.08% 2.15 1.64 131.1% June 2014United Kingdom 663 20 3 600 40 0.00% 22 5 17 5 0.08% 10 3.00 0.49 606.6% July 2014Portugal 586 46 354 86 100 0.00% 5 1 4 1 0.02% 1.16 1.14 101.4% December 2011Vietnam 462 400 50 12 0.00% 7 7 0.03% July 2012Slovakia 426 100 261 65 0 0.00% 14 10 4 4 0.05% 20 0.80 0.85 93.8% September 2014

Estonia 340 300 30 10 0 0.00% 5 5 1 0.02% 1 0.15 0.15 98.7% September 2014Croatia 329 219 78 18 14 0.00% 3 2 1 1 0.01% 0.16 0.29 55.5% September 2014

Algeria 215 115 100 0.00% 4 4 0.02% 0.32 0.0% September 2014New Zealand 201 19 61 84 37 0.00% 14 14 0.05% 0.26 0.0% December 2010

Denmark 104 61 26 17 0 0.00% 7 7 3 0.03% July 2014Qatar 76 1 75 0.00% 1 1 0.00% 0.23 0.0% September 2013Slovenia 58 29 24 5 0.00% 7 2 5 1 0.03% 5 0.090 0.08 110.8% June 2014Tanzania 55 55 0.00% 1 1 2 0.00% 0.01 0.0% August 2013Macedonia 54 7 47 0.00% 1 1 3 0.00% 0.02 0.14 14.8% January 2011Ecuador 40 40 0.00% 1 1 0.00% 0.01 0.0% May 2009Bosnia & Herzegovina 35 34 1 0.00% 3 2 1 0.01% 2 0.01 0.0% September 2014Tunesia 34 32 2 0.00% 1 1 0.00% 0.01 0.0% December 2007

Philippines 20 20 0.00% 1 1 0.00% 0.06 0.0% November 2013Kazakhstan 20 20 0.00% 1 1 90 0.00% November 2013Panama 15 15 0.00% 0.00% November 2008Ireland 3 3 0.00% 9 0.00% 3 0.00 0.0% June 2013Romania 2 2 0.00% 2 2 0.01% February 2014Turkmenistan 0.00% 1 1 0.00% November 2009Montenegro 0.00% 1 1 0.00% 0.00 March 2006

Total 22,335,773 18,825,274 1,620,405 793,615 1,096,479 100% 26,629 24,111 2,518 4,938 100% 9,841 8,597 8,939 96.2% February 2015

Notes: The column ‘theoretical monthly consumption’ is calculating total monthly consumption if cars consume 180, buses 3000, trucks 800, and other vehicles 50 Nm3 per month.There is, of course, a huge difference between different truck types. A 44 ton truck may consume up to 8000 (not 800) Nm3 per month.

24 October 2015 Gas Vehicles Report

Cities with CNG refuelling stations

Last update

Europe Worlwide

2.580 3.656

Country Number of cities

Country's share of the world's total NGVs and fuelling stations

CountryNatural Gas Vehicles Refuelling stations

Last updateTotal

% of total NGVsin the world

Total% of total fuelling

stations in the world

Iran ChinaPakistanArgentinaIndiaBrazilItalyColombiaThailandUzbekistanBoliviaArmeniaBangladeshEgyptPeruUkraineUSAGermanyRussiaVenezuelaGeorgiaBulgariaMalaysiaSwedenJapanSouth KoreaMyanmarCanadaFranceSwitzerlandDominican RepublicTajikistanAustriaChileNetherlandsCzech RepublicKyrgyzstanIndonesiaHungarySingaporeBelarusUnited Arab EmiratesSpainTurkeyNigeriaPolandTrinidad & TobagoAustraliaMexicoMoldovaIcelandFinlandAfghanistanMozambiqueBelgiumGreeceSouth AfricaSerbiaNorwayUnited KingdomPortugalVietnamSlovakiaLithuaniaEstoniaCroatiaLuxembourgAlgeriaNew ZealandLichtensteinDenmarkQatarSloveniaTanzaniaMacedoniaEcuadorBosnia & HerzegovinaTunesiaLatviaPhilippinesKazakhstanPanamaIrelandRomaniaTurkmenistanMontenegroTotal





























JuneAugust 2014
































November March



Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Chile China Colombia Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Republic Egypt Estonia Finland France Germany Greeece Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malaysia Mexico Moldavia Mozambique Myanmar Netherlands Nigeria Norway Pakistan Peru Philippines Portugal Russia Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Tanzania Taiwan Thailand Trinidad & Tobago Tunisia Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom USA Venezuela Total

Aug.'14Mar. '08Nov. '09Jun. '12Nov. '05Sep. '11Jun. '12Jul.'13

Aug.'14Jul. '12

Dec. '07May.'12Jul '14

Dec. '10Dec. '14Jul. '13

Mar. '13Apr.06May 13Dec. '2Jun.13

Dec. '10Nov. 10Jun.13

Jan. '11Nov. '10

Sept. '08Nov. '11Jun.13

Dec. '06Sep. '11Jun. 11Sep. '11Jul. 13

Jan. '05Mar. '13Mar.'12Sep. '11Aug. '11Oct. '11Jun. 13Jun. '13Jan. '10Apr. '08Jul '13Oct.'05

Dec. '09May '12Dec. '10Jul. '05Jun. 13Jun. '13Mar. '14Nov. '13Jun. '10Dec. '12Jun. '11Oct. '10Apr'. 05May '14Dec. '07Oct. '07Aug. '04Jul. '11

Nov. '04May. 14Jun. '11






















November 2015 Gas Vehicles Report 25

NGV’s statistics balance

Notes: * Figures accumulated in different months. Please refer to the Worldwide NGV statistics to see the respective month in which the data was reported/accumulated.

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Jan-15

Iran 1 15 64 148 612 846 1638 2033 2859 3300 3300 4000 4000

China 36 55 80 82 97 127 201 336 500 500 600 1500 3000 3328 3994

Pakistan 200 410 475 700 1000 1650 1900 2250 2500 2851 3100 2790 2790 3700

Argentina 735 824 1089 1288 1457 1416 1685 1741 1821 1927 2032 2173 2288 2487 2487

India 25 101 159 222 222 335 822 822 700 700 1100 1500 1800 1781 1800

Brazil 272 372 615 804 1011 1253 1512 1573 1614 1662 1694 1730 1754 1800 1781

Italy 370 370 401 381 382 413 433 580 588 677 761 746 823 883 885

Colombia 9 9 19 48 72 114 252 270 300 313 349 387 457 493 500

Thailand 4 9 22 56 162 219 268 321 413 450 457

Uzbekistan 310 450 448 450

26 October 2015 Gas Vehicles Report

European NGV statistics

Fuel prices in Europe


Natural Gas Vehicles Refuelling stations

VRA Reportedconsumption

The consumption

in theory

Averageconsumption(Actual report)

Monthly gas consumption (M Nm3)

Last updateTotal Cars/LDVs MD/HD

BusesMD/HDTrucks Others Total Public Private Planned







CNG price equivalent perlitre gasoline

CNG priceequivalent per

litre dieselDate

The Gas Vehicles Report, a voice from Europe to the

world in the service of ecology and economy, is the

unique NGV global magazine.

In English as main language, the editorial article is

also published in seven other European languages

and each article is presented in its original version

and in English.

GVR statistics are the referential data point for the

whole industry and institutions.

More than 8,000 GVR copies are mailed monthly to

80 countries in the five continents addressed to

Governmental related offices, OEMs & Oil companies,

Associations, NGV industries, refuelling stations,

workshops and suppliers; besides, the magazine can

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NGV2010 Roma

The e vent o f t he

year is c oming u p

Clean Power Project

Consortium for

LNG u se in tru cks

The Fiat Panda Panda great success,

London doubled congestion charge zone

and more…


Volu me 9 #3

Number 100

May 2 010

Anniversary edition

100From Europe to the world,

continuos work promoting NGV

ItalyArmeniaUkraineGermanyRussiaGeorgiaBulgariaSwedenFranceSwitzerlandCzech RepublicAustriaNetherlandsHungaryBelarusSpainTurkeyPolandMoldovaIcelandFinlandBelgiumGreeceSerbiaNorwayUnited KingdomPortugalSlovakiaLithuaniaEstoniaCroatiaLuxembourgLichtensteinDenmarkSloveniaMacedoniaBosnia & HerzegovinaLatviaIrelandRomaniaMontenegroTotal

Armenia Austria* Belarus Belgium* Bosnia & Herzegovina* Bulgaria* Croatia* Czech Republic Denmark Estonia* Finland* France* Georgia Germany* Greece* Hungary* Iceland Italy* Latvia Lichtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg* Macedonia Moldavia Netherlands * Norway Poland Portugal Russia Serbia* Slovakia* Slovenia* Spain* Sweden Switzerland* Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom*

*In these countries sales are measured in kg. The conversion factor depends on the normal density of gaseous natural gas in each country. The default value used is 0.73 kg/Nm3.






















































































































































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