lucy website

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Lucy Website

Interactive. Straight as the website loads it plays a small snippet of the trailer showing action and important features of the film, it obviously stands out and it plays automatically so the viewer is bombarded with the trailer before they interact with the website.

The website has various option buttons on the side including social media. Socail media is really important to include when promoting a film as most of us use it every day and it is very useful to advertise at once to thousands of people targeting specific people with the works of cookies. Social media Is a very important thing to use and defiantly useful to include on our own film website/campaign.

QuizThe website has an option to take part in a quiz which viewers can interact with, the quiz allows people to quiz their knowledge of the film, this extra content makes the audience feel more involved. Also the quiz allows people to share their scores on social media which spreads the word on social media such as Twitter and Facebook sending them invitations to beat their scores.

The website also has a illustration option to view it as a cartoon novel this synergises on different platforms and promotes its self even further. Gives audiences extra content gets them more involved with the film

The typography stays consistent through the whole of the campaign, the serif white bold ‘LUCY’ is the same on the trailer, poster and the website. Keeping it the same throughout makes it an icon, it is then easily recognisable and people start to know where its from.

The industries are at the bottom to tell people who made it, sometimes when big film industries such as Universal make films people automatically want to see them because of the previously work they have done and they liked it, they have a good reputation.

The website contains extra photos from the film, giving the audience more things to interact with outside of the actual film, these photos are well edited with special effects like the one below, the photos are full screen and are high quality to the viewer almost making them look real life size on the screen.

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