lprd board agenda november 18, 2014 6pm la pine community...

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LPRD Board Agenda

November 18, 2014 6PM

La Pine Community Center Admin Offices

Work Session:

1. Take a few minutes to go over the packet

2. Discussion of the evening’s business:

a. Updates

b. Levy plans

General Session:

1. Call to Order

2. Establish Quorum: Roll Call

a. Arlo Fertig

b. John Wurst

c. Joel Brader

d. Robert Ray

e. Sharon Walling

f. Staff: Karen Miller, General Manager of Parks and Recreation Mary Thorson, Bookkeeper Teri Myers, Recorder

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Acknowledgement of the agenda/Public comments

5. Approval of the minutes from October 14, 21, 28

6. Financial Report, Mary Thorson

7. Executive Director’s Report: Karen Miller- see handout

8. Committee liaison reports:

a. Chamber breakfast

b. John Wurst BLM grounds update for the board

9. Old Business:

a. Raffle tickets and prizes

b. Updates on programs

c. Other?

10. New Business:

a. Levy update

11. Adjournment. Next Board meeting scheduled for December 9, 2014.

!District Mission Statement: To promote healthy and active lifestyles by providing educational and recreational activities in safe and inviting facilities for people of all ages. (*Approved by the LPRD Board of Directors June 10, 2014)

ED Report for November 18, 2014 !Karen Miller !!

1. Budget Review- SDAO !2. Chamber Breakfast- November 21st !3. After School for Elementary Program- Starting January !4. Raffle !5. Levy Information !

http://sos.oregon.gov/elections/Pages/manuals-tutorials.aspx ~ Referral Manual !!!!!!

La Pine Park and Recreation Board Meetings

October 14, 2014

Admin Offices

Work Session:

1. Call to order at 6:04 by Robert Ray.

2. Quorum was established with Robert, John, Sharon and Arlo present. Karen. Mary and Teri were staff present. Guests: Pat Stone and Lauren Olander from La Pine Sunriver Relay for Life, Darrell Bennett from La Pine Lions, Kitty Shields and Rick Allen were present.

3. Went over the packet

4. Completed board training? John took a second DVD for Board training and Arlo was assigned his DVD to complete. All of the training must be in and reported by mid-October.

5. Pat Stone and Lauren Olander asked about the rental of the LPRD Frontier Heritage Park and were told to contact Bo DeForest for answers to their questions about power sources. They announced their success with fundraising (126% of their goal for this past year) and they are excited about the potential for doing better once they are located in the center of Town again.

6. Darrell Bennett from the Lions was there to inquire about the Leadership classes that the Lions sponsored. He had heard that Tara was gone and he came to be sure that whoever teaches the class is a Lion. (He tossed an application to Karen and insisted that she join) Karen responded by telling Darrell that she would gladly come to the Lion’s Meeting and explain the program and help them find a Lion to take over the teaching of the class. Darrell went on to address the Finley Butte Building and the needed repairs. He would like to propose funds for a grant but needs to know exactly what it will cost for each thing that needs to be repaired. He asked if we could have it inspected. Karen told him if we can get a no cost inspection, otherwise we have to wait. There was discussion about what we know is needed and in the future we will do a renovation budget for the building.

7. Discuss possible Parks Pule Change: We will have to call two hearings to take public input and we know we have only one thing that is not in line on the current policy and we need to amend the current policy in section three to say fines of up to $100 instead of $250 because that lines up with State statutes. We will set meetings for these hearings.

8. This led to a discussion about vandalism in the parks (fountain, Skate Park, Finley Butte, etc.) There has been an arrest in the theft of the pop cans and Karen is asking the community to be more vigilant.

9. We discussed the salary contract for Karen to be considered in new Business.

10. We discussed a change in how we pay the staff that will be discussed in new business.

11. We discussed Budget changes: Karen took the board through the changes in the revised budget. Robert Ray explained that the park district shortfall had to do with lost grants and

he stated ‘that the LPRF did not tell Bob Schulz that we would not be getting the grants this year’. (History: the grant reports were not made and the result was the loss of 2 substantial grants- the first was not renewed and it resulted in the loss of a matching grant as well.) After the changes were outlined, Karen talked about how a levy to increase the park District’s income is timely. Karen has talked with Deschutes County Clerk Nancy Blankenship and it is what we need to do with a 30 cent increase and we would be able to cover the current shortfalls. The Consensus is to have Karen check into the process for the May election.

12. There was a general discussion about whether the board supports having the Frontier Heritage Park, the Park Fountain and the new bathroom put in the parks, since the Board never gave actual permission before the projects began. The discussion was to clarify that no land encumbrances are made on any Park property without prior LPRD Board of Director approval. The LPRD board agreed that they were glad to have the Ford projects, but in the future all grants and projects must be approved in advance of the go ahead for any projects.

13. The work session was closed at 7:22 PM

!General Session:

1. Call to Order at 7:23 PM by Robert Ray

2. Establish Quorum: with silent Roll Call

a. Arlo Fertig, present

b. John Wurst, present

c. Joel Brader, absent

d. Robert Ray, present

e. Sharon Walling, present

f. Staff: Karen Miller, General Manager of Parks and Recreation Mary Thorson, Bookkeeper Teri Myers, Recorder all present

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Acknowledgement of the agenda/Public comments- Sharon wanted to add a report on the skate board fundraising results

5. Approval of the minutes from September 16th- Arlo moved and Sharon seconded that the minutes be approved. No discussion. Motion Passed

6. Financial Report, Mary Thorson. We borrowed $20K against the credit card and should receive monies from the county and pay off the balance before we have to pay any charges for interest. The checking account balance was $3,931 after having paid the quarterly employment taxes. There is a note that we will receive the additional funds from Cascade Lakes Relay because Molly Ray had organized more volunteers for a secondary part of the

run. The 10/21 Audit meeting has been postponed until November. The new square credit card machine is really helpful in taking payments at the counter. There is also a Pay Pals account now for the LPRD for fees and registrations.

7. Executive Director’s Report: Karen Miller- see handout

a. There was discussion about the staff collecting raffle prizes. Ralph will cut a cord of wood, Sharon Walling if offering her apartment rental for a night and staff is gathering other items

b. We discussed Karen’s work load and so she is asking for board members to make a standing appointment with her to have time to give each member attention to any questions they have. Several members are signing up and John said he will stop by when he has something to talk about.

c. The board discussed the employee policy for wages. Karen is to go to SDIS for proper terminology to use when creating a policy for how we pay our staff re: personal time and vacation time.

8. Committee liaison reports:

a. Chamber? none

b. Sharon reported that the Skate Park has raised $8154 net with another $2k to be paid to the paving company when she receives the bill.

9. Old Business:

a. Completion of Board training for Insurance reduction? Resolution 14-03? Arlo still has to go through the training. It is time sensitive and needs to be completed now

10. New Business:

a. * Approval of Employment contract for Karen Miller:

a. Arlo Moved and Sharon seconded that the LPRD Board approve the employment contract with a six month evaluation due six months from September first. There was discussion about who would do the evaluation. The board handbook says it must be the chair and vice chair that must perform the evaluations. The motion passed.

b. *Approval of the revised LPRD Budget- There was discussion about the revised budget. Arlo moved and Sharon moved the acceptance of the revised LPRD FY 2014-2015 budget. John Wurst wanted to be recorded as being against the motion. The motion passed. There will be an official resolution passed at a future meeting.


11. Adjournment at 8:50. Robert reminded Karen to check with SDAO on the wording for the employee issue of wages paid versus personal time or vacation time. Karen is also to get info on having a levy for an increase in park tax base of 30 cents per thousand in value. Teri is to talk to the county about a free inspection on the Finley Butte property and get ahold of John about helping with Trunk or Treat.

Next Board meeting scheduled for November 18, 2014 because November 11th is Veteran’s Day.

!District Mission Statement: To promote healthy and active lifestyles by providing educational and recreational activities in safe and inviting facilities for people of all ages. (*Approved by the LPRD Board of Directors June 10, 2014)

LPRD Special Board Meeting October 28th, 2014

1st and Morson in Admin Offices

6 PM for hearing followed by a General Session for Special Board Meeting.

!5:35- Board members met for a general discussion before the public hearing as a work session to the evening. Karen passed out the Line item changes to the original FY 2014-2015 LPRD Budget and went over the changes with the board members. There was discussion about the fact that we receive tax based funds in November and for four months, we need to realize that there is a shortage. We have a carryover target of $80K for the months of July, August, September and October and we need to make provisions for the shortfall. Luckily we are coming in at $224 as the new tax base this year. There was a discussion about needing volunteers for the after school program. We briefly discussed the Pre-Marketing for the levy for next spring. Wurst wanted to know how we are making up the shortfall. Karen explained that she is running raffles; the sports programs will have fees. The after school program will have fees and Teri is working on grant monies. Wurst asked Karen what her Plan B is. She said she will look to review the budget again in January to be sure we are on target.

6:00 PM Hearing on second Reading of Park Rules Change:

1. Call to Order by Robert Ray: 6 PM

2. Roll Call: Robert Ray, John Wurst, Arlo Fertig, Joel Brader and Sharon Walling all present. Staff Karen Miller, Mary Thorson and recorder, Teri Myers all present.

3. Public Testimony about the Park Rules: No one made a comment.

4. Adjournment of Public Hearing at 6:08PM

General Session:

1. Call to Order by Robert Ray at 6:10 PM

2. Roll Call: Quorum, established. Robert Ray, Arlo Fertig, Joel Brader, John Wurst and Sharon Walling were all present. Karen Miller, Mary Thorson and Teri Myers were all present.

3. New Business:

a. *Joel Moved and John Seconded that we approve the revised Budget for FY2014-2015 with the provision that the Board reexamines the status of the budget in January of 2015. Motion Carried. We will revisit the current budget no later than January 2015.

b. *John moved and Joel seconded that the change in the park rules policy be approved at this, the second reading and public hearing on October 28, 2014. Motion Carried. Teri will take the new language and change to be visited by Sam Ramirez, attorney,

and then send it to the Sheriff ’s attorney pending an MOU with the Park District to enforce the ordinances that have been passed.

4. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:16 and the next Board meeting will be on November 18th. We will set an agenda and packets will be mailed out on Thursday November 13th.

La Pine Park and Recreation Board Meetings

November 18, 2014 6 PM

Admin Offices on First and Morson St

Work Session:

1. Call to order at 6:04 by Robert Ray.

2. Quorum was established with Robert, John, Sharon and Joel were present. Karen, Mary and Teri were staff present. Guests: Tom Brader and Jeremy Giffin the Watermaster Office were present.

3. Went over the packet

4. Jeremy Giffen (541-306-6885) talked about Water on the new lands.

a. He explained the four most prqctical ways to get water to the events grounds:

i. Hooking up to the City water and sewer would be the best way

ii. Groundwater rights need mitigation, starting with the application ($2K) and then the price for rights would be $10k per acre. (Mitgation for life)

1. This led to a conversation about how much water would we actually need to have.

iii. The Walker basin has not got enough water left because speculators have purchased the water rights

iv. In 1997 the reclaimed water use was filed through the DEQ. Things like sewer water pivots with level four or above reclaimed water can be used (Prineville and Sunriver’s golf Courses) for irrigating the land. He mentioned that the City of La Pine water district can apply for more reclaimed water to use here in the area.

v. The formula is ½ acre of lawn or non commercial use is allowed per well. (15K gal per day)

vi. You can water stock up to 5K gallons per day

vii.Temporary water permits for rights are available at $200.per year for up to five years and Gordy Wanek owns 400 acres of water rights. The crescent creek developers own 800 acres of water rights (Jenn Huber works with temporary water rights 382-4077 ext 16)

viii.To determine the money you multiply 1 acre X 1.8 so an 8 acre site would be 8X 1.8=14.4 x $10K to determine the cost of water rights for the new green area. (cost of mitigation if the rights are available)

ix. Water is for grass- not for dust abatement (i.e. Rodeo arena)

x. Puttying in an intital well would require a report from the well driller and have a flow meter attached to control the water usage.

xi. Grants may be available for piping, lining or conservation

5. *****Teri will check into possible water usage grants with state and federal parks and check into conservation grants for the fire holding ponds for Wildfire.

6. *****John will go to Midstate to find out what electric we need. He will find out whether we need a master plan and what it costs to hire a consultant to do a plan/

7. *****Robert gave John an email from Sarah Kelly and John has a list of things to prepare and return to her so she can proceed with her project to rename some of the wetlands as dry lands.

8. *****Karen discussed the SDIS packet about what we need to do for the levy. We will go for a $.30 increase for a five or ten year period (To be determined) There was a brief discussion about how the staff can be involved until the point that the District files the petition and then there is no more discussion.

9. Adjournment of Work Session at 6:50 PM

!General Session:

1. Call to Order at 6:52 PM by Robert Ray

2. Establish Quorum: with silent Roll Call

a. John Wurst, present

b. Joel Brader, absent

c. Robert Ray, present

d. Sharon Walling, present

e. Arlo Fertig was absent

f. Staff: Karen Miller, General Manager of Parks and Recreation Mary Thorson, Bookkeeper Teri Myers, Recorder all present

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Acknowledgement of the agenda/Public comments-

5. Approval of the minutes from October 14th 21st and 28th: Sharon moved and John seconded that the minutes from Oct 14th be approved with the two changes that explain about the LPRF Comment to include that Bob Schulz based his budget on the former budget and did not realize that one grant was retired./typo about Park Rules to be corrected. No discussion. Motion Passed. Sharon moved and John seconded that the minutes from

October 21st be accepted. Motion Passed. John moved and Sharon seconded that the minutes from October 28 be accepted with a change to add thousand after the $224 dollar figure in the finance section be changed to show thousand dollars. Motion passed. (as of today the changes have been made to reflect the corrections on the three sets of minutes 11/25/14 teri)

6. Financial Report, Mary Thorson. We have started to receive the tax monies and…have a balance of $132, 912.97 in the bank. The credit card was paid off with no interest due. *****Karen will go to the bank to see about a refinance for the Building loan. If nothing else, maybe a change in the payment schedule.

7. Executive Director’s Report: Karen Miller- see handout

a. raffle prizes. We have sold about $300 plus in tickets and are hoping to sell 1000 of the tickets by drawing time.

b. The LPRD is hosting the Chamber breakfast on Friday if the board would like to help Joel in the morning serve through the window. We are meeting at 6:30 Am

c. Trunk or treat update- it was successful and there are more ideas for next year in formation now.

d. Karen reported the volunteer hours 1662 hours since July with 314 for this month alone!

e. *****Karen will email for the levy packet from the County.

f. !8. Committee liaison reports:

a. Sharon reported that the Skate Park has paid the paving company. The company that paved will add five feet to widen the skate area and put up side rails this summer.

b. There was a discussion about the bathroom

c. Sharon gave a flier about a portable ice rink to Karen to check out for the future

9. Old Business:

a. Raffle was covered in the ED report.

10. New Business:

a. Carol O’Casey reported on the new Winter schedule and set up a date to get an article for the Adult Ed with Teri

!11. Adjournment Next Board meeting scheduled for December 9, 2014.

Next agenda:

Carol will go into regular committee reports slot

There will be a new business section for the change in Employment policy

Robert wants changes to the minutes to be filed by board members before the meeting with Teri, so please check through the minutes before the meeting and let Teri know so we can move through the meeting more efficiently.

Portable Ice rink

LPRF Meeting is Monday December the 8th at 3 PM at the admin offices.

District Mission Statement: To promote healthy and active lifestyles by providing educational and recreational activities in safe and inviting facilities for people of all ages. (*Approved by the LPRD Board of Directors June 10, 2014)

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