love each · spiritualism...

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  • Love each other

    Spiritualism: The Teaching of the Holy Spirit The Science of the perfection of the soul

    Poetry to the Divine Teachings in the Book of True Life an own ones by Anna Maria Hosta

  • Introduction The poems in this volume was taken from the Source: The Book of True Life, the teachings of the Divine Master, which is the basis for: The Third Testament. The poems were created from verses of the teachings in the Book of True Life, the Word of God. It is a universal science that has no limits: It is about Spiritualism – The teaching of the Holy Spirit or the science of the perfection of the soul. Spiritualism is the teaching of the preparation of the human heart for the spiritual encounter and the eternal companionship with God, which in the image equates to a marriage. Spiritualism and the return of Christ in this Third Age is spiritual and it has no form, no image, no object of worship; it is purely spiritual and so is the teaching of the Holy Spirit - purely spiritual. When God says he will come on the clouds, it means that he will come spiritually – Invisible to the material eyes and inaudible to the material ears of man. He can only be heard in the silence and in the core, in the innermost being, in the heart of man, where he knocks, until man opens to him and is then heard and felt forever. Heaven is not a place out there, it is the soul's perfection of the heart. The heaven (the love), but also the hell (the evil) are within the human being, in his heart, in his spirit, in his nature, in his character. Man must himself seek for perfection on the way of the divine law, which is love and mercy, prayer and meritorious works. The teachings have been given by God to men for the Third Age in Mexico from 1884 to 1950, as the teachings that guide them in this direction. This new Word of God purifies and cleans the spirit and the soul, nourishes the feeling heart of man and accompanies him on the path of ascension to the mountain of perfection, which is the seat of God, so that the humans can be there, wherever God is and God wants to live in their hearts, to be forever and ever their everlasting master. Spiritualism renounces any external forms of worship, such as public buildings, pictures, figures. The viewer's attention is focused solely on the Spirit. The human spirit is an atom of the Spirit of God, which He has created in man and on which his universal law of love is written, which shows the soul the way of ascension to God.

  • Sources: Basis for the Poetry in this volume: The Book of True Life (12 volumes) as well The Third Testament (684 pages) - a compendium of the 12 volumes of the book of True Life These books can be downloaded for free as PDF files at the following link - klicking on the English Flag symbol there….

  • POETRY 1: The white door

    I go and come to you, knock tentatively, wait patiently at your door, white she shines in front of me. But it is closed, sealed by you, the red roses on the bush above her, appear dry and lifeless in me. Oh, I should enter the garden behind her, just take a look around to watch all the wonders and beauties created by you. How long, O Lord, I have to wait, when may I return in and out of your garden, to enjoy all the scents and fruits, be removed from all the wrong addictions. When again do you want to open the door and may all your children come back to you? Anna Maria Hosta Ruler of Heaven, hear my fooling, let the call of the hearts please you, we children we love and hope for you! Vision A.M. was allowed to actually take a look behind the door and was in the garden. There were little paths, lined with little bockswood, and there was a lot of light in the garden, so that it shone. In another vision, A.M. saw Jeshua; He stood sideways, has his head turned over his right shoulder, looking majestically at her. She stood at a distance and wanted to stretch her arms out to him. She was not sure what his majestic gaze wanted to tell her, but she felt it had to be something very meaningful. His whole appearance was that of a majesty in a white summer robe.

  • 08/31/2019 Jesus: "There comes a time when the last figures will remember their origin, the Heavenly Family, and they will serve God!"

    POETRY 2: The Grand Children of the Third Age Jesus: "The grandsons of the Third Age are ready to serve, to pay homage. They light the lamps with their oil. " ... .. "problem. You can not …. Write poetry. " Oh, right. I should continue? Anna Maria: The essence of the Divine Love Light spreads on the earth, There is fraternity, peace and love forever it will be like this. Jesus: "I'm glad you can do that." You taught me. Annotation: In the Third Age we are no longer children of God, sons and daughters of Heavenly Father, rather Grandsons of God, children of the Son of God, sons and daughters of Jesus Christ. Jesus: "I want half a book full of it!" Poems - from me - then I know.

    POETRY 3: An image of the new Earth

    "I paint .." in bright colors my eye-catchers catch, the image of your new earth absorbed is in me. It's a singing and a sounding, a hopping and jumping, the little children of Jesus in the merry run rocked on the knees of Jesus, all are satisfied, all are well. "In heaven" .. on earth, the sky of time, They do their work in the heavenly garment, to truly honor Jesus, the Father, to increase His and the joys of the siblings.

  • They share life, they share time, they know the bread, the essence consecrate, they share peace, they share joy, they love each other, evil is scattered. The evil, the bad, the wind has blown, He has denied it the entry forever. The Lord has spoken and look, it happened, cleaned the soil, good fertilizer was there, renewed the seeds, in all states, good fruits harvested from year to year. It praises the father, the little ones, the big ones down there on earth, in heaven up there, they are pleased at his hand in loving harmony with each other, one helps the other and everyone equal the grandchildren of the Father of the heavenly kingdom. Anna Maria Hosta

    POETRY 4: New, united Humanity

    We see a new humanity and yet it is still the same but now united in brotherly love, ready for the divine law, she enjoys health, happiness, liveliness, is willing to serve the Lord despite its work. Into infertile hearts falls the new seed, God will pour the fountain of His mercy, until flowers sprout from rocks. It's not Jordan's water, the love light touches the soul ', healed then she hears the voice, follows the conscience in prayer. The new era is peace, Past are traditions, Symbols, images, idols wiped out, liberated the mind from prejudice

  • Veneration is for their god in sincere worship. Life's river wets the dead fields, how new they awaken to eternal life. The new humanity is now here, although it was the same old one. (Source: The Book of true Live - Volume VII - Teaching188: 61...)

    POETRY 5: Prepare the Hearts

    Your divine seed was scattered to the farthest corners of the earth. You want to prepare the hearts, because you want to live in them yourself. When all nations speak of brotherhood, reconciliation, peace and the travelers slowly find peace, then the union has already begun. Only praying in thought purify the heart, lets one become one with the spirit, and wake up at any distance. So united with the spiritual world, shall we form a rampart, to prevent new wars, new suffering. Far be the selfishness in the hearts, Doing good for love and without looking for advantage, then we fulfill the law and rise higher. Once the heart is ready, it will find the truth does not need a single material word, as only a seed of love and mercy. Then will be visible the heart's temple, his eternal light and his altar, without the use of rites or outer forms even. Let's learn to feel Him now In our good works as well, as lying in the mud hole inside. Why look so far for

  • the simple truth, although each one of us carries Him, all of us are created as an image, also gifted with his characteristics, with spirit, intelligence and will. The creator lived with humanity and shared with her bread and home, the humility he shows us, that teaches us to love the brothers. The spiritual world united hearts in prayer helps humanity to have peace on earth! Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 189: 63ff

    POETRY 6: Raise the Spirit to the kingdom of Heaven

    Let your conscience guide you make yourself free, do not become slaves again of imperfect cults and dogmas. Come, become a worker, become an ambassador, You have nothing to fear on his lap. Where poverty and wretchedness you see, you do not suppose the innermost, spiritual splendor? What comes to the Father is not outer glory and splendor, but to Him comes the purity of your heart, a heartbeat tells him your good works. He comes to us without scepter, throne or palace in the dress of simplicity, gentleness and humility, barefoot, panting and bleeding on the cross, so the disciples feel one with their Lord. The rich can never understand this poverty. His truth creates love light and peace in the people. Our truth rises to Him in prayer, faith and hope, the light of the soul without lies, without darkness. When the evil confesses or speaks with God, he can not deceive things, he will show him his stains. Let us close our eyes, let the soul be free for intense moments of spiritual connection,

  • so as not to miss one of His inspirations, to bring our souls closer to His kingdom, so that it is not the pain that takes over this teaching. Come to Him, the work is not difficult, do not stop, every step of our way He goes with us full tenderness and leads you home in the end 'to His Father's spiritual kingdom. Unfold faith, zeal and your spirituality, love and truth should rule you. Source: Book of True Life - Volume VII - Instruction 190 - verses 14-35

    POETRY 7: Come closer

    Bread and wine from Master's table, that is the seed of eternal life. Do not cry with hunger and thirst come and eat and drink. You should never complain and sob, He wants to see you in joy and peace. Come closer, disciple, receive my intuition, like back in the second time. Your soul will be listening to my word put into the kingdom of heaven, peace flows through it and the sick become healthy. You on earth are all a spiritual family and that is your responsibility. Do no longer be the selfish ISRA-EL, do not lose your responsibility, do not get undressed, do not keep the gifts for yourself. Your destiny is to warn your fellow men to bless and save them and to feed the herd daily. Call to the hearts, they are a petrified land, weeds, nettles, thistles, everywhere trees of poisonous fruits, the waters pollute, the springs dry up, the wells are cloudy, the rivers are no longer flowing. No flowers in the gardens, or they have withered. No nests nor birds in the trees, the plagues and the worm, they eat everything, these are the people of today. He brings you fresh seeds, water and farm equipment, look for the fields to cultivate them. He makes the disciples masters and awakens in them love, through the divine spark of nobleness. He shakes the deepest roots of your heart and set up the temple in which He lives. Renounce the power, the riches, fame and fortune, they change lives, customs, l

  • aws and principles, because He comes back to wake you up from your deepest century sleep, to show the way, the way back to the Father's house. We have been falling from life to life, many times. He picked us up, from time to time with infinite patience, gave us His bread and the essence again and again at the table, until we are strengthened by his love and ready, to become a worker in his fields and to help him with the harvest. Source: Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 191 - Verses 1 – 12

    POETRY 8: Prepare – unfold the virtues in you

    His work is louder, perfect and limitless, recognizes this with a sharpened look, able to recognize His truth and to approach his wisdom treasury. It does not reform His law, but human cultic actions. The time of the spirit-to-spirit dialogue is now for those who prepare seriously. Tirelessly He speaks to them in spirit, because everything that saves us and bears us to His right, are our works: love, humility and mercy. It's not just testimony to His word, but to seal this with the deeds in your own life. Leave the doors of your heart to open up compassion for your neighbor, so that the siblings thank the Father for His new work as a continuation of the path, mapped out since the dawn of time, proclaimed by the prophets, lived and fulfilled by Jesus, who now speaks to us in spirit again. When the world prepares, to empty the gag of suffering of the war, He gives us honey to be a taste on earth. Where the light shines in the mind of man, he will accomplish great works. Human life is changing and evolving. The light of divine wisdom transforms the customs, prepare us for the spiritual life on earth. The divine light, the wisdom, radiates down from his spirit, limited according

  • to our capacity, gives us inner enlightenment that dispels every darkness. Think, realize that without this truth in our lifeworld everything seemed uncertain and dubious, as our mind yet to understand all these secrets. He removes that darkness from the human mind, that he no longer doubts the truth that he carries in himself. Faith is a drive, it is felt an idea to fail without fear. Doubt and weakness that seeks to defeat you, suffocate the true faith in your mind. Faith is the spiritual eye, the truth and end goal of the way to look. Let the faith take root in you, to fight with the opposition of the burdensome temptations. Learn to reject it with the meaning of the word and to find weapons against them. Those who are not sure of His presence and objection judge what he sees and hears without raising his soul to Him, needs the liturgical show, that flatters the senses in the opinion then to feel what he considers to be inspiration, the elevation of the soul. For the soul, it is no longer necessary to move the heart with the sound of musical notes. Let us rise inwardly until we feel the spiritual peace of the hereafter, above our head only the canopy. We are raised because we are inside, feel the sounding voice of the master. Through his teachings we obtain elevation, because everything is designed to develop ourselves on the one principle: the power of the good. Let us unfold the virtues in the circle of life in which we live to lay the foundation with His light, to build the world of tomorrow. Evil will never prevail, it will be the virtue which is a higher power that drives us. Whoever practices charity can not be selfish who feels love, can not hate, the light does not allow darkness. Take a safe step on the way He shows us instruct your children to go on it. Let your advice always be sincere, they will get to the heart of those that they need. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Instruction 191 - verses 14-28

  • POETRY 9: The inner way to the mountain of the Lord

    When simple minds are removed from the din of life the spiritual speaks in them of eternal love. Then they realize how they can help others on the path of love. Some say that heaven is so far away and high up there, yet many do not know that it is for the soul the state of perfection. The sky is not a place in the outer space. The more the soul rises She extends the place where she lives. Does she reach perfection, she will dominate infinity, can go anywhere, everything in her is light, is harmony with the Father and with everything. This will be her kingdom of heaven. What can the soul desire more? as eternal peace, wisdom, bliss, to love and to be loved. God always lives in the heart of man, reveals himself to him from time to time, as in the spirit of today. Man hears him as the voice of conscience, that only speaks truth to him. Without truth, the blind man will not find the way. He is deaf and does not hear the inner voice of God. God reveals the truth to the world, which they have kept secret. His light lifts us from our sad, miserable, spiritual situation in the light.

  • He awakens in us the noble pursuit of the good. He reveals to us the new, promised land, proves that he is not far from man, who would not exist without him. He himself is the source and nurses all desire for compassion and love. Many at the abyss's edge heard his voice, turned around and now climb up to the mountains height '. Divisions and differences come from different interpretation of the Scripture. The constant study of the divine teachings remove the harmful plants from the mind. Only united in one will we can get to God. The greater responsibility lies with the first who came. You do not have to unite materially, You do not have to take long ways, because the way is inside the heart. Everyone will receive in his place the inspiration of the father and the thoughts of the siblings, to feel comforted and loved, to teach sincerely the doctrine of spiritualization. Source: Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 191 - Verses 31-50

  • POETRY 10: The spirit of God and of man have no form

    Ignorance of spiritual truths the power of the Holy Spirit again has made audible and palpable in us, in the third time. This truth makes us free from the faith to eternal damnation or everlasting bliss. You have awakened and guessed the way of the soul, about reincarnations until she reaches perfection then to live in the spiritual and no longer in the earthly. The reason is reparation and examination, because there is no eternal damnation for sin. That is why you are full of hope and faith on the way and work for the welfare of the soul. Who was dead in faith, recognizes what spiritual life is, spiritually reborn, through divine 'instruction, which dissolves rites, rituals and forms, pictures of what needs to be understood spiritually. Boundless is the fulfillment, which is determined by the law. Both in one form and another, we must always look for good things for our neighbor. Hear and feel the inspiration of the spirit before acting. He is a messenger of misconceptions corrected by a word of light. Rooted customs fight with reluctance against this call. This makes the messengers mock, cruelty and ingratitude, when they speak of the existence of the Creator of the universe. He makes it clear from the beginning: love and mercy are the foundation for a life in peace on earth. The idea of the existence of the soul also let you discover not only is there an earthly life, but at first it is spiritual and God's eternal teaching; she points the way that we must follow, in the Third Age, through the Holy Spirit in the mind of man. He frees the spirit of idols, his word as the seed of love is life, that is born, grows and reaches perfection. He always returns to the people; the master came even in the Third Age, to remind them of the forgotten, of the duties of the spiritsoul as an image of the Creator The blind and the deaf twist his word and are divided. How could they love each other separately in the sense of God? Are they not sham and destroy their own civilization? Only when they follow the law of justice and love and nourish the peace and light of the Spirit,

  • virtue will create and shape an upward evolving world. Following the orders of conscience and seeking God, will lead you the way to salvation. Since you did not, it is he who seeks you because he loves you. He brings no new law, no new teaching, but many new revelations that you have now learned to conceive, above all, it's the highest bid that says: Love each other. Conscience will show you your faults unforgivingly until you rectify them, you yourself will be your judge. God does not judge, and does not assign a place in the spiritual world, we have to work out the light and the peace of the hereafter of our own. He shows us the intimate relationship between him and us and says: Love me even if you do not see me. God is formless, is love, power, is wisdom, everything that exists and so shall we be. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 192 - verses 2 - 19

    POETRY 11: Let go of Give everything that meets you on the way back to Him, let go, for He is the one who teaches you, tests you and see your decision and your works reward according to their kind. Always be careful to please him, not to fall in the temptation it's not worth it, you go to court and have to go the way again. A.M. Hosta

  • POETRY 12: Who knows the son, he knows the father

    If you love, practice charity, forgive, then introduce Jesus to you. Feel him, allow him to live in your heart. So you are the "next" to the Father in love and spiritual, where you have no form, because you are light. He sees you tired and exhausted because of the failures and in search of the healing balm for the body and the soul. But you have to start a fight with yourself, explore your inner self and get to know you in the light of your conscience. This is how you experience the cause of your suffering. Break the germ of evil in your heart and you will be healthy. The divine word enlightens your soul and will stop the advance of evil and transform your heart into fertile land. In these fields, the Lord will sow the seed, until it bears abundant fruit. He is the doctor who visit the sick, come to him. Connect with him, he will give you comfort, will not judge your past, but guide you step by step to goodwill. Praise to yourself to improve, do not swear before Him, the flesh is weak and can fall in your back. In adverse times do not despair and blaspheme. Hold the storm, take the exam and your soul will purify and perfect itself. He will end people's desire for power, set a limit to the destruction and after the day where he prostrates the human pride, He will grant peace to every one according to his merit.

  • Who will dare to destroy what He has created in you? Inviolable is the soul whose essence is immortal. Although they can kill your body, the soul remains. The Spirit will continue to direct her steps until she returns to the Father. Bow to His judgment, then you will find the direction to perfection. The destiny of each soul was recorded by Him, their beginning and their end are in Him. On your way, great blessings await you, battle after battle you will beat you will always find Him and His love will make you strong. The father will not part with the child, until it returns to His lap. Then there will be a feast in heaven and joy on earth, Masters and disciples can meet each other. Even in the hereafter, the souls receive His teachings, hear the same word that you hear. Even masters of exaltation and knowledge come near, to hear the word of the Divine Master. As there are different degrees of maturity on earth, so in the spiritual world are many levels on the ladder of perfection. Just as people ask him how they should fulfill their mission, so do the light beings, to serve their father always better. You are united by the divine bond of love. In the spiritual valley one does not distance oneself, no one is excluded. Great attraction and great compassion exists between all. This is to do the spiritualistic community of nations, until she reaches brotherhood among all people. Beings who live on other worlds, Serve Him and receive His commands, come as helpers and companions and reveal us their power, their light through the gift of prophecy. Your future generations will be in the mind to receive the light of great spirits. Realize, not everything that happens on your world is the work of the people. Understand the influence of the spiritual world to discover your life. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Instruction 192 - verses 20-32

  • POETRY 13: Let your soul fly

    Leave your soul free in infinite spaces, do not force it to believe only according to your idea let it be inspired by the divine light, allow her to discover and see to gain wisdom. Her unfolding gives you soul size, do not block it in fanaticism. In your soul there are struggles, weaknesses of the heart, not always in you is the power to win. So you plead and ask the Master to help you and tell him that you are not worthy of his grace. He will always approach you and tell you: drink the essence of my word, it's my blood, that cleanses you and saves you. Delight of the soul when it hears Him, your heart beats faster when it receives His light and already your lips stammer words of spiritualization, you are born to real life here. Stressed out of your misery and yet with humility and resignation in the soul, you now receive your inheritance. The healing balm makes your orphaned heart come to life again. The Word makes you search for the soul in your being, For her abilities, characteristics and tasks. You start to know yourself and learn to trust life, true faith and a peace you never knew. The soul knows the way, Jesus is the way, if you go on it, you will not fall, you will become wise. The healing balm healed you: Now do heal the others. Share the word with them and the peace in your heart and you will witness the love of the Father. Do you feel no sympathy for the strange need, do you not feel the strange pain in your heart, verily, then you are not His disciple. Hardened, indifferent, selfish hearts receive His

  • Benefits that make the heart loving and compassionate. You learn to forget yourself and to turn to others. Disciples should spread his word, announce it all over the world, but only when they are prepared to fight. What you receive here are the spiritual gifts, which every soul and every human being possesses. We will see the spiritual seeds spread over the earth like an unstoppable stream of crystal clear water, cleansing, purifying, tearing down all evil, that makes the fields fertile and brings life and truth to all lands. The soul is originally pure, yet infected in the world she first has to purify herself of impurities, otherwise she can not win. The word should not be imposed, it should convert, convince, to make one's own truth and love tangible. Faith accomplishes the miracle of transformation. There are skills in your soul who let you know and recognize the Father. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 162 - Verses 34 – 66

    POETRY 14: Spiritualism – the science of the perfection of the soul

    Your soul is welcome to receive the divine teachings, because you have to be awake when people explore this work in the opinion that it is an earthly science and you have to say that it is a spiritual doctrine. The instruction is not an enemy of earthly science, because it is understanding, knowledge and light. The instruction stands above every human understanding. The instruction explains spiritualism, the knowledge in the spiritual,

  • of the divine and it is about a higher life, beyond matter. There will be much talk of soul and science now. Science is not a privilege of those who prepare physically, it is light that comes from the spirit of God. Divine instruction is a higher science that teaches you to perfect your soul. This science has no limits, is all-embracing, limitless, contains the true knowledge of spiritual and material life. Material science knows the laws that govern all creation. With that, you are standing in front of the thresholds of the hereafter, where the heart of the Father awaits you, every moment trying to connect with you. His simple instruction gives you the higher insight that prevents that your heart grows small in the face of the scholars of this world. You do not have to question the volumes of science to understand the meaning of events in nature, just train your mind and cleanse your heart, then the divine inspiration flows from your lips. As long as you seek help in prayer, no one will call you stupid. God did not choose scholars or philosophers, he prepares messengers and their brain gives his inspiration, that is light in the soul, and light is wisdom. You have to fight, because as long as your soul being on the developmental path, she will be tempted. Therefore let instruct you, that gives you strength, to defeat your bad inclinations. If your soul is strong, it will give strength to your mind and your heart a firm will, to overcome the desires of the flesh. If you lack light, your soul does not develop. Then your heart is like a boat in the vicissitudes of life which capsizes in the midst of a storm. If you are spiritually prepared, you wear an indestructible armor against the challenges of the temptations, if you stumble or crash on the way, you recognize your misconduct and seek the road to recovery. If you remain humble, then your spiritual wealth will multiply and you live in peace, in the most beautiful feeling of your existence. Then the desire will arise in your soul to serve the father as a faithful guardian of what he has created to the comfort of the sufferer and to peace for those who know no peace of spirit and you will feel the Father deeply. The essence of his word nourishes your heart and feelings to be in harmony with your soul. Without knowing the sciences or philosophies,you do attain wisdom. You become a seer, with gifts of intuition and the prophecy and you receive the divine inspiration. Humanity will be cleaned and then will come the kingdom of the Holy Spirit. You put out the word the Master gave us, but do it make no doctrines, that separates you from instruction, it is a universal teaching, that will unite all people. You are able to bend the stubbornness of your body, to do good, to sow love and mercy and thus you will give light and progress to your soul. Always follow the path of the divine l aw, which is love and the divine counsel: Love each other. Agree with the tests that cleanse you and enjoy the divine benefits. Source: Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 193 -Verse 1-23

  • POETRY 15: Love each other as I love you

    Well the soul, who looks the face of the Father. Well you, who found freedom of thought and turned away Cult forms to look for the father. Mary, the loving mother, also fills you with joyful courage. Works, feelings and the purity of the heart as well as the fulfillment of the law are the best way to worship the Father. So you get to perfect dialogue with your Creator and to spiritual fellowship with him. This togetherness will be like a balm for your soul as she purifies herself through matter to gain wisdom and get to know her creator. What you learn in this world will be of service to you on the way that leads your soul to eternal life. Complete your earthly tasks and use the lessons, then when you leave your body you will be like the scent of flowers, because you will enter the good in the hearts. Feel your Lord in your soul, feel the highest bliss, to live in Himself, for the Creator is in everything. This joy should increase in you, since he came again, to continue giving you his teachings. Unite your joy with that of the spiritual world whose essence tells you that their world, infinitely greater than yours, but only one atom of the world of perfection. Your hours with him are not wasted but light for your soul, for they are enlightened by the wisdom of the Master. The Master also gives you strength and hope, to endure the suffering of this life. During this time, you learn to talk to him and to saturate you in the spiritual sense of his teachings. This time is the last time of grace and through this love heritage all should unite with each other and with their Lord. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII – Teaching 193 - verses 24-30

  • POETRY 16: The Spirit blows as he wants

    The oil nourishes the living flame, she ignites your light of life; she consumes the glowing wood, there the light stays hot. The water of life quenches the burning thirst of the sons and daughters and grandchildren. The fiery chariot, guided by the spirit's hand carries you up to the heights of the mountain. Whispered by the wind's blowing ringlets play the leaves on the tree. In him seek refuge and hide in it the smart little birds like happy musicians. The grasses, the stalks on meadows and corridors, everything is moved in harmony with the word of the Lord. It praise the gentlemen and are happy tides and streams, silence and peace. The guards swiftly blow the trumpets, to awaken the dead from their graves. They fly over the rainbow, to die of sin, to live of the spirit. The dew of the young morning moistened and refreshed them; He loosens her tongues, he warms her mind. They start singing the happy song of the redeemed crowd. They defend bondage and banish the darkness, drive away the dark power of sin They pull on the armor and stand ready for the fight, to heal with balm the wounds of the sick. They bring the nectar like industrious bees and give it to all who thirst for it. Come and rejoice, receive the blessing and share it with your siblings from the heart. The brothers and sisters, they like to praise it the glorious, holy name of the Lord. The mind blows as he wants, he sows young green for the New Garden. A.M. Hosta

  • POETRY 17: The Magic Bells

    The Magic Bells swing touching ripe wheat ears in the fields, gently stroke her eyelashes, surround them with their delicate scent, softly they whisper and wonder. The Magic Bells swing quietly awaken the nature. Streamlets tell it to the meadows, Winds kiss forests and fields, light day is streaming. The Magic Bells swing speak in mild tones in every place, always look for where they find an echo Faith opens to faith Ears open the word. A.M. Hosta

    POETRY 18: Marry

    Nightingale Lark

  • "Do you want to marry me too?" So you passionately asked me. Without thinking I said yes right away. Yes, without realizing this, without pursuing the question of meaning and without a glimmer of knowledge, as you might mean, since you are spirit. I could just go forward now, miss any sense behind it, I could also be humble, modest, step by step wait for the truth answer. Wise is it, your leadership to entrust me with everything, until me gently and tenderly conductive you took the veil away. Open she lies before me and reveal it to my spirit, what I did not dare to ask you who the answer it is himself. Do you have me in the state of grace, worthy to come before you, do you raise me, that I live immortal, just here on earth or there in the hereafter. As a sign of your everlasting faithfulness,you’ll give me a bouquet of white flowers, in recognition of the angelic flogs who are experiencing that I'm now one of them again. Accepted and considered worthy to be confirmed and loved by the Father, united with him and with the angels, to return to the father's lap. Marry, that means forever may I look your fair face, may live with you in your tent, serve you, exactly how you like it. You will be my shepherd and I will be your sheep, you will feed me on the green meadows; you will be the nightingale and me the lark and together we will sing your song. A.M. Hosta

  • POETRY 19: The spiritualist

    The spiritualist will be recognized by his words, that are simple in expression but deep in their sense. The spiritualist does not seek his own well-being, but understands giving himself completely to others. The spiritualist will fill an emptiness in others' hearts. He will help them to perfect their idea of God. It is easy to serve and live in harmony with others. Places, churches full of luxury, forms or rites need not be offered to God, to make him merciful because of the insults one has committed. If man understands that he is more spirit than matter, he will offer the Father the flowers of his eternal spiritual soul. Counter-spiritual forces will limit the development of spirituality but the divine instruction penetrates through truth and justice in the souls. Spiritualist is the one who mentally prays and mentally from any place swings up. Spiritualist is the one who struggles for the perfection of his soul, and also the one who lives to relieve strange pain. The spiritualist can be everywhere; he becomes more to be recognized at his deeds but by his words: by love, humility and mercy. Realize that not everyone who calls himself a spiritualist is. Guided by the light of conscience, you can not be cheated. The acts of the spiritualist must, in order to be pure, made tangible and be dictated by conscience. Anyone who mentally worships God in his way of life is a spiritualist. He should eliminate everything from himself, which is a step backwards for him. The spiritualist should acknowledge and follow the apostles, because they were the masters of the divine seed.

  • The spiritualist of tomorrow is not a bigot or monk, but knows how to fight the temptation and, in the midst of a hurricane, is able to recognize the way of the truth. He is able to face a well-prepared world, to announce as a prophet and seer what will happen. He will understand how to save the one who is in danger of falling to ruin. The spiritualist says, "How beautiful is life!" Of the uninitiated, the materialist says: "How bitter, how sad and how gloomy is life! " The person without inner elevation stumbles over everything, everything injures him. The inwardly raised one does not even notice the adversities of the way. When the high-minded people deal with others, they praise their virtues or excuse their mistakes. Never condemn or damn them. On the other hand, condemn the low-minded, slander, make the mistakes of others known and enjoy it. Spiritualist may not call himself, who out of ignorance or the pain of people doing business. The spiritualist will have to fight, and the place for his fight will be everywhere - in his home, in his physical work or on the way. He does not need to relive the drama because he has learned to vibrate soulfully until he feels and looks the glories,that there are in the spirit. The spiritual world, too, strives for the salvation and progress of men; the spiritualistic seed will bear fruit in all religious communities. In the "spiritual valley" you do not distance yourself from each other, nobody is marginalized. There is a great attraction and great compassion among all. This is what the spiritualistic community in the nations should do, until she reaches the fraternity among the people. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII – different chapters

    POETRY 20: The Rose

    There is something written in my heart, something fine, delicate, woven by master hand, something that feels when touched from a breath of aliveness, opens up and makes the search after what it is. Whoes master hand is the one who wove it who can paint and draw so finely, who created

  • this being and why and what did he think? The Creator was it out of himself, who was looking for his peers. To the joy of himself and of his own ones, he cherishes and cares for it forever. What it is wants to give away, it is searched and goes on the search and its nature is in its own kind. The rose is it, that's the point why he created it. A.M. Hosta

    POETRY 21: Why Reincarnation

    Reincarnation does not happen to suffer on earth. Those who suffer and cry today do so, because they used to have a lot of fun. But today's pain will purify and make them worthy, to ascend and in the homes of the Lord to enjoy in a purer form. At that time the Master taught people to learn living with integrity and love in the world. Today he teaches them to learn to prepare for to live tomorrow in the "spiritual valley" under beings of light. Only the body is destined to dissolve, after serving the soul as a tool or a shell. But the soul, which is its light, its intelligence, its reason, its will, its feeling can not die, for it is the part that animates the life of the body on earth. The souls of the different denominations should be made to think in order to draw the right conclusions. Rituals, forms, traditions, all the external can no longer satisfy the soul of the present-day human. Light, meaning and truth make him feel safe on the way so as not to be left alone during the exam.

  • For many, though they believe, faith is so weak the knowledge s o confused that they are like life-ships, sailing without compass, wander without directional guiding star or like sheep without shepherd. Indifference will turn back tomorrow and those who despise this work will demand testimonies according to records and evidence, that help them to strengthen their faith. This word will be felt around the world, because everything is prepared for God's spiritual dialogue with all people which will bear witness to this. Your soul has always sought God, and he has never left you alone. He directed all your steps, was always with you and watched over your steps with his love. The soul now has the task of facing the weaknesses of the meat and the right way and recognize the task in this time of grace. Your mind is trained to grasp the word of God and your soul to receive the divine inspiration. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII – Teaching 194 – Verses 37 ff

    POETRY 22: Divine Dance

    Everything is swinging, in the heaven of time, everything is dancing, in the heaven of eternity, when the Creator's hand begins to pluck on the tenderest strings of the heart harps. Melody around melody puts together to the infinite concert of His creation. The symphonies dissolve each other day and night In the heaven of infinity.

  • The little streams sing, the little fish dance the tops are swinging in the woods, the grasses are dancing, the crickets are chirping, the stalks tremble in the whispering wind. The nightingale rejoices, it chirps the lark, the deer roars, the dormouse whistles, the lion roars, the rattlesnake clatters, the frog quails and the butterfly flutters. The light dances, its rays vibrate, the stars circle on their nightly path, it's whirling frequencies that move hearts, the winds sweep the energies through the room. Atoms attract each other, Molecules combine to form systems Systems connect and condense, dissolve again and change their face. A. M. Hosta

    POETRY 23: Thank for the harvest

    It's almost over, this garden year, It has given us rich with a good harvest. You, Lord, gave us strength to work and always rain in the drought. Your light has guided us intuition for intuition. You let sprout the grass in the meadows, we cut it to mash the fields; that prevented a lot of weeds and keeps the plantlets from drying up. The flowers attracted the insects for pollination.

  • Wind blows caress all kinds, told them the laws of growth and prosperity. They did not resist that, so they are grown well. To maturity came berries, fruits, tubers, roots, herbs, flowers, leaves, seeds. The table is now covered and offers a colorful picture of all the delicacies. So the trouble found its reward. Even if the garden is covered by white snow we still will enjoy his noble gifts. We can sing a song of praise to the Father of these gifts, who created them all, to the joy and well-being of the people. He wants us to strive to maintain that harmony, which he deposited for us out of love, so that later on it would be well for all people. A.M. Hosta

    POETRY 24 - Spiritual Paths and Dwellings

    The Master says to all: come to Me !! Once again, He came to us to prepare us. People cherish the tradition of commemorating those who no longer belong to this world. They imagine a place where those beings are

  • and the life that surrounds them. They believe that they enjoy eternal peace and at the right hand of the Father enjoy his mercy. But they are far from reality. However, without knowing it, all already feel the new, spiritual vibration. There comes a time when everyone is opening this book and its essence will pass from heart to heart together. Every soul iwill be purified, perfected until it enters divinity. God outshines the path with light and gives strength to the soul so that she rises step by step. Depending on the level of development she has achieved on earth will be her spiritual home in the hereafter, when she leaves her earthly body. If she has finished her task here and does not have to come back, will she inhabit another world and from there she will watch and work for the peace and progress of humanity. Step by step she will enter the secret treasury. The more she becomes aware of herself, the more she becomes to feel the inclination to goodness and thus come closer to the divinity. Those who have overcome the world and death, are transforming every experience that they have made on their life journey, into light and will inspire others with it. They are advocates, guardian angels who work for the good of all. Remember them and love them. Many beings in space struggle to reach the light of a higher world. It is those who preserve the misfortunes and impressions who left their earthly bodies in them. They are torn between the two forces that attract them, the spiritual and the material, because they still have the inclinations and feel the love for the gratifications of the world. Their light and power are not enough to pull the shackles off rip up what they left behind. PRAY for them. In the spiritual there are also huge flocks of beings, who do not know where to go, what to think or what to do. They have recently left this world and do not feel yet the awakening of their dormant skills and powers. Your prayer will resonate in their soul and awaken it, so that they can find the way, that Jesus with his word and his blood on the cross outlined. These days are filled with mourning for the world because they complain the loss of their relatives. For the one who knows the life of the soul, there can be no mourning, but joy, because he knows that those who left the world, when leaving the body, have achieved liberation and have done another step to the peace, that perfection gives. They should not be in a hurry to enter the spiritual world, to achieve perfection there. They should seek perfection already on earth in their bodies.

  • Despite all the bitterness and fate, this offers opportunities without end, to earn merit, to perfect oneself and to fulfill atonement tasks. They have understood the law of divine justice. Source: Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 195 - Verses 34 – 46

    POETRY 25 Who are the living – who the dead

    It is good that you remember the "dead man", it is not good that you are crying for her sake and also that you consider her dead. If your eyes could see them, you would be astonishedof the light that enlightens them and the life that animates them. You would truly shout, 'They are the living and we are the dead.' Is not it madness to shed tears for a lifeless body, while you forget that the soul lives, vibrates and pulsates? Would you, instead of commemorating tradition on a day's notice, be united with them through the bond of prayer would be their beneficent influence be felt on your life of you and you would give them the opportunity to increase their light through these noble works. Dying as a child, you remember them as a child. Who left this life only in the old age of his earthly dress, to which you remember as an old man. It is the same with one who gets rid of a body consumed by pain. But when the body dies, the soul is born into a new life. Where the physical eyes close open up the spiritual for the divine light. Through his cult of the dead man gives a tangible proof of his idolatry. But divine teaching dispels the shadows of a long night of ignorance, in which people have always lived baseless.

  • Jesus once told you, 'Let the dead bury their dead!' But consider the difference between the body and the soul. It radiates its most beautiful spark of light on your soul in a training, which will bring you with a sure step to the participation of that life. You will no longer cry for those who have passed away, nor will you, as spirits, weep for those who you have left behind or because you left your body. Some beings suffer and are frightened by the decay of their left behind body, but you, instead, should make a song of thanksgiving to the Creator. God forgives all wrongdoing and enlightens your spirit, that you may do works worthy of him who has taught you. You are the people who must speak to the world of spiritualization and the perfect way to communicate from spirit to spirit. This blessed seed is the bread that you should share with your fellow human beings and the spiritual inheritance left to your children. "Love each other!" - that's not just respect meant to your neighbor, but also of one world over the other. When you think of those who have left, they do not feel remote or unfeeling. Remember them only as living, they live in eternity and are around you. You, the people of Israel, have gone through various stages and have come into this time. You can not claim that you have fulfilled the mission that weighs on you since the first time. You have not spiritualized yourself because you are confused under lamentations with 'dead'. Therefore, the light goes to you because you are the dead while they are living in eternity. Those light spirits are granted to approach you at the moment of your devotion. While you can waste your time here, they continue to advance in the hereafter. Master the body and take this opportunity for spiritual liberation and exaltation. If you do not want to reach the thresholds of eternity from confusion, so fight for your progress, earn merits in the world, by bringing the distanced people closer to my work, pray for the peace of the nations, and engage you, Mercy and love spread among your fellow human beings. The divine makes itself felt in the soul, which is what must come to Him, and who can recognize its essence. Your body is matter to which He forgives his weaknesses. Purify and bring your soul into harmony with your body and rise to Him by your own merit. When you feel the presence of those spiritual beings in prayer, who you remember in love and gratitude, they approach you like a scent, or like a temptation that invites you, to follow the path they outline. Those beings approach man without the desire for to feel the vanities of this world, and only to be in the Souls desire to awaken, to attain that life that you expected. Souls desire to awaken, to attain that life that you expected. Those who weep for the loss of their loved ones and mourn their dead, are the 'dead' because they are materialized in their ignorance. They do not understand the meaning of life, and, though they claim to believe in the immortality of the soul, they prove with their weeping and with their sorrow, that they have no trace of faith. They cry because they do not see them and because their body is gone.

  • Remain in peace, according to the commandment of Christ, who to you at another time says: "Love one another children!” Come to Me and strengthen yourself, resurrect to the life of grace. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII – Teaching 196 – Verses 20-44

    POETRY 26 - The meaning of poverty and wealth

    The call of God is a call to spiritual work, in his work there is work for all. Do not be afraid to rob these moments of material life,your soul will thank you. Do not say, "Lord, I've seen poverty among thosewhich follow you. But those who do not even care to remember you, not speak your name, I see abundance, pleasures and enjoyment. " These cases are no proof that the disciple must necessarily be poor. The peace of the disciple those can not reach in spite of their wealth. Some people know how to possess the goods of the world and those of the spirit at the same time. Others are not given those of the world because they forget those of the spirit and others are only interested in those of the world, because they think that the divine laws are an enemy of earthly riches. Goods are and remain goods, but not all know how to use them properly. Not everything has been given by God to those who have much. Some have what they have received from Him as compensation, just as there are others who have stolen everything they own. The best evidence that people can get for fulfilling their duty in life, is the peace of the soul, not the jingling of the coins. To everyone who follows God he speaks and expands his knowledge, so they can answer the questions of their fellow men with clarity. The witnesses of his proclamation are destined to receive the crowds from tomorrow, as they themselves were received by God. Defeated and downcast, they came to Him. They turned to those who possessed more than they did, but they did not

  • give them anything. They came to those who have knowledge, but they did not teach them. They showed their exhausted, sick body and did not get back their health. They found no mercy in the brothers and were considered strangers. That's why they lost faith and hope; some have blasphemed others cursed and others longed for death. So they came to God and learned that his source of mercy is the only one that never stops and you just have to go to feel the refreshment of the soul. Soon you will see all mankind disappointed by themselves, convinced that all their human power, their wealth or their science are not enough powers to answer their questions, to give peace to their soul or to relieve their pain. Then you will see them seeking the source of truth beyond their world, beyond the people and their wrong power. Many will seek Him and ask immediately from Spirit to Spirit! He will answer them, but many will also cross your path and ask you for light. You should receive this in Gods name and give them of what He has entrusted to you. If you really give them love, light, and spiritualization, will not you just ignite faith in the Father in them, but also give them back the trust in the people that is to exist among you as children of God. There is not a moment when God is not with you to inspire you. Your works and merits are known to him. Still the vices, the passions, the idolatry try you. But you pray in those moments, and your faith helps you to be saved from it. Your soul, after many lifetimes, is prepared to take off your bad inclinations and to hear and understand your Lord. Those who have not prepared will not recognize this Teaching as truth. That's why you see divisions in the bosom of your families: Parents who for this reason misjudge their own children; Children who become judges of their parents; Siblings who understood each other sooner, and who look at each other today as if they were strangers; and spouses who argue and even reject each other because one believes and the other denies. God did not intend this work to eliminate material poverty or to stand tall in front of others. He brought us spiritual goods: Mercy, consolation, balm, which we should pass on with utmost disinterestedness. Whoever demands a price for his services did not do it for God, but for himself. Teaching is as loving as the means by which God corrects us. It will not be the reward of the world that gives us peace and satisfaction. These will come as a reward for a fulfillment full of charity, we practice on our fellow human beings. Be people of good will - if you love peace, he will stay with you. There is no treasure comparable to the peace of the soul. Today He has returned to us and has once again taught us His Teaching of Humility. The darkness in which mankind is shrouded in this time is blacker than that night Jesus was born. The hardness of hearts that have received the news of His return is like the rocks of that grotto where the child god opened his eyes to the

  • ight of this world. The indifference of man to the eternal, the spiritual and their lack of love for one another are like the cold of that blessed night. And the brittleness of the organs of understanding, through which He announces Himself in this time, the roughness of their hearts is like the hard straw of the crib. So He began again His teaching among us. Will He end it on a cross, as he did then? Look at His trail and follow Him. If you're on Suffering, sacrifice, renunciation, humiliation, so turn your eyes on Jesus and He will give you His power, send and give you His arm as a cross carrier to you help carry your cross. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 197 - Verse 23 – 61

    POETRY 27 - The Role of the Spiritual Israel

    The "people of Israel" should show an example of courage, because "Israel" is "the strong" of humanity and it is prepared and received new commandments for the people. It should have the example of the Father in mind, if it practices in submission and obedience. When the time comes, it will receive an 'order'. It will go to foreign countries and make no racial differences. For the Father will make himself felt in all hearts. He does not look at their human vanities, only that the heart and the spirit seek Him and He will send them to the provinces as messengers of the Master, which will teach like Jesus in the second time through her example. 'Israel' brings His Word, which is the juice of eternal life. They are owners of the light and grace of the Third Age. Their job is to give the world what it deserves. For the Father wants to raise everyone to the life of grace and to take the right way.

  • He is with them now in spirit and gives them His Word again. His divine word is characterized by love, and they shall bring it to men and they and the world shall follow his perfect instruction. His word is a very fine chisel, which works on the human heart and awakenes from sleep. It is the merciful dawn, which comes down on all his children. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 198 - Verses 24-34

    POETRY 28 - The communication off the third time

    This word came from Christ for the Third Time, the time of the Holy Spirit. He says: Fathom my word and make you aware how big my love and how big the light is, that I put in your soul. Realize that you have to come purely to me. "My kingdom is not of this world," understand Me therefore, when I say to you, what you work out on earth I will preserve for you in the hereafter. Here at this table, I await you all. In my presence races, castes and descent disappear. ' You all belong to Me alike, you all have a soul as precious Jewel, and it is this soul to which I turn. If you want to know: This was the predetermined place for my new Revelation to the world, (Mexico 1884 - 1950) where you would see Me in the face of all the peoples of the earth coming "on the cloud" Understand these words correctly. I want to tell you that I come down to everyone in the spirit, but not by all of this world my Word will be heard.

  • The same happened in that time: a people was the witness of my instruction, my works, and the other peoples of the earth believed on the testimonies. Today I am gathering the souls of that people so that they can perfect their mission under the word of their Master. I promise them no earthly realms, but one realm of eternal light for the soul. Their souls, who are still full of selfishness now in view of the needs of their neighbors will be "generous tomorrow" to them. They will let their fellow human beingsparticipate in the inheritance that I have given them. Those who considered the coming of the Messiah as a king of the earth and have seen Him in His Divine humility were discouraged and confused. Why should you imitate them today and be confused if you see that I reveal myself in this way, although you already have previous examples, that the kingdom of your Lord is not of this world? I am instructing a people so that tomorrow they teach all those who did not have the opportunity to hear Me in this form. Those who hear me today, hear a father, who announces them with great Love a speedy farewell, (the voting authorities in Mexico) and for that reason, gives to all who surround him, his fatherly love in excess. It is the voice of a father who wants them to remember Him, who does not want to leave any of his children sobbing, who has the desire that all enjoy his heritage and this is that of his love. Everything that this people need for the upcoming fight, for its great spiritual struggle, it will have, because it will effect with its fertile rain, that mz seed will sprout again. Yes, folks, my name will be on everyone's lips again, my attitude in all hearts, and my law will turn in reveal to all consciences. How happy will be those who worked on this divine work because this spiritual bliss will be for all to compensate for their tribulations and sufferings. They will remember that they were the disciples of Christ here on earth, that they were the ones who cultivated the seed and guarded it lovingly, that the Divine Master taught them to plant. Achieve this peace for your soul, o people, gain this place in eternity. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII – Teaching 198 – Verses 59-71

  • Content

    Content Love each other ....................................................................................................................................... 2

    Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3

    Sources: ................................................................................................................................................... 4

    POETRY 1: The white door ....................................................................................................................... 5

    POETRY 2: The Grand Children of the Third Age ..................................................................................... 6

    POETRY 3: An image of the new Earth .................................................................................................... 6

    POETRY 4: New, united Humanity ........................................................................................................... 7

    POETRY 5: Prepare the Hearts ................................................................................................................. 8

    POETRY 6: Raise the Spirit to the kingdom of Heaven ............................................................................ 9

    POETRY 7: Come closer ......................................................................................................................... 10

    POETRY 8: Prepare – unfold the virtues in you ..................................................................................... 11

    POETRY 9: The inner way to the mountain of the Lord ........................................................................ 13

    POETRY 10: The spirit of God and of man have no form ...................................................................... 15

    POETRY 11: Let go of ............................................................................................................................. 16

    POETRY 12: Who knows the son, he knows the father ......................................................................... 17

    POETRY 13: Let your soul fly .................................................................................................................. 19

    POETRY 14: Spiritualism – the science of the perfection of the soul .................................................... 20

    POETRY 15: Love each other as I love you ............................................................................................ 22

    POETRY 16: The Spirit blows as he wants ............................................................................................. 23

    POETRY 17: The Magic Bells .................................................................................................................. 24

    POETRY 18: Marry ................................................................................................................................. 24

    POETRY 19: The spiritualist ................................................................................................................... 26

    POETRY 20: The Rose............................................................................................................................. 27

    POETRY 21: Why Reincarnation ............................................................................................................ 28

    POETRY 22: Divine Dance ...................................................................................................................... 29

    POETRY 23: Thank for the harvest......................................................................................................... 30

    POETRY 24 - Spiritual Paths and Dwellings ........................................................................................... 31

    POETRY 25 Who are the living – who the dead ..................................................................................... 33

    POETRY 26 - The meaning of poverty and wealth ................................................................................. 35

    POETRY 27 - The Role of the Spiritual Israel .......................................................................................... 37

    POETRY 28 - The communication off the third time ............................................................................. 38

    Content .................................................................................................................................................. 40

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