love and war (ch. 16) music: “find your love” drake “war” edwin starr

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Love and War (Ch. 16)

Music: “Find Your Love”



Edwin Starr

Today’s Agenda

1. Prejudice a) Roots of prejudice b) Roots of Terrorism c) How it can be overcome

2. Altruism Who will help when?

3. Attraction Who do we like?/ Mate selection

4. Love a) Sternberg: Intimacy, passion and commitment b) Love as attachment

5. Physical Attractiveness and Person Perception 6. Info. on Final Exam: Stick around!

1. a) Roots of Prejudice “US” vs “THEM”

Ingroup/outgroup distinction based on a variety of arbitrary factors If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the

same race, creed and color, we would find some other cause for prejudice by noon. George Aiken

Ethnocentrism: Universal tendency to view one’s ingroup as better than outgroups

(see p. 739) Human madness at its most destructive

3 components to prejudicial attitudes (p. 737) 1) Stereotypes (beliefs)

inaccurate perception of outgroup as sharing the same characteristics 2) Emotions: e.g. hostility 3) Predisposition to action: e.g. discrimination

Fig. 16.21, p. 737

1. Prejudice (cont’d) Prejudice: Definition

• Unjustifiable and negative attitude towards a group

Emotional roots of prejudice Scapegoating: Outgroups provide outlet for anger Serves self-esteem needs: Prejudice helps maintain a positive self-image

Cognitive roots of prejudice: Categorization allows us to simplify our world

Distorts the reality that members of other groups are very heterogeneous

The “just-world” phenomenon: We assume we get what we deserve!

How prejudiced are people today? More subtle tests reveal that prejudices persist to this day

Up to 10% of population more extremist

1. Prejudice (cont’d)

The Prejudiced Personality: Authoritarian personality:

Attitudes and values marked by rigidity, and oversimplification i.e. Absolute right vs. absolute wrong Intolerant of differences Thinks in stereotyped ways about minorities

Concerned with power and authority Excessive conformity

Punitive childhood

Observational Learning: Responsible for the transmission of prejudices across generations

i.e. exposure to parental prejudicial attitudes can lead to prejudicial attitudes in children

1. b) Roots of Terrorism Definition:

Politically motivated violence Intended to instil feelings of terror and helplessness in a

population in order to influence decision-making Complex roots

Avoid simplistic explanations (e.g. the attribution error) Political factors:

Absence of democracy and the inability of individual members to influence decision-making

Religion: Need for a death-transcending belief system Will protect that system at all costs

Threat of different belief systems Take your own life for the promise of salvation and a better future for

the group

1. b) Roots of Terrorism (cont’d)

Economic and Social Deprivation: Inherent position of weakness: political, economic, military Subjective perception of injustice and deprivation Politically motivated violence when there are no military


Personal factors: Deep resentment of authority/blaming “outgroup” Engagement with a terrorist organization:

Recruitment Training:

What could help overcome prejudice?

1) Increase cooperative contacts between member of rival groups

Develop friendships with individuals of different backgrounds 2) Heal thyself!

Address feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem Know thyself

Identify your own prejudices and examine critically

3) Societal level: Address poverty & inequity Allow democracies to flourish

2. Altruism Unselfish regard for others’ welfare Bystander Apathy:

Case of Kitty Genovese Failure to help is related to the number of people present and

identification with victim: Illustrated with clip.

Who will help whom? Factors that influence helping: Low cost and “you know what to do” Setting (city vs rural) Victim & current state Good parental models/ or religious and humanitarian convictions

3. Attraction What factors lead to friendship and romance?

Proximity: How close someone lives to you Familiarity breeds fondness

Physical Attractiveness: Important influence on first impressions “Halo effect”: What is beautiful is good

Similarity: Friends and couples more likely to share common attitudes,

beliefs, interests, and to be similar in age, race, education, intelligence, and economic status.

Choice of Mate: Social exchange model: exchange of assets Evolutionary model: sex differences in preferences

4. Love A) Sternberg’s Theory:

3 Ingredients Intimacy:

sharing, communication, support Passion:

chemistry, arousal, intensity Commitment:

long-term plans, dedication to the relationship The presence or absence of these ingredients will

determine the type of love that exists between 2 people, leading to:

7 flavors of love (see next overhead)

4. B) Love as Attachment p. 713

5. Effects of Physical Appearance on Person Perception

Halo Effect: Good-looking people

seen as more sociable, friendly, poised, warm and well adjusted than those who are less attractive (p. 701)

What is beautiful is good Present in young kids (3-6 years)

No evidence for a relationship between personality traits and appearance Instilled by the media?

What is beautiful is competent Good looking individuals also expected to be more successful Some evidence for good-looking people to secure better jobs Self-fulfilling prophecy?

Seems grossly unfair Looks are not “earned” they are inherited! Great example of contradictory evidence

Snippet of “British Idol” show

Reminder: Online Course Evaluation! Psych 1010G: Prof. Mongrain

Tutorials: Susan Sergeant Jessica Schroeder

Questions? Email

or call (416) 736-2100 Ext. 55800.

5. Final Exam Final Exam:

Thursday April 14th 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Tait Mackenzie Student Field Houses

80 multiple choice; 6 short answers Content:

1) Lectures for winter semester 10% of questions are cumulative for lecture material (not book) from

January until 3rd midterm 2) Chapters 14, 15, 16 from text

*** Bring photo ID ***: Current York ID & AND photo-bearing ID

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