love actually

Post on 15-Apr-2017



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Romance:Love Actually opening scene:

Buscombe theory

By Oscar

Buscombe theory and semiotics• Buscombe’s theory states that one genre is differentiated to

another through the use of these:LocationAppearanceToolsMiscellaneous

Semiotics is how certain messages are portrayed throughout the film using both the signified and signifier. These are Important in the construction of the genre.


• The location of Love Actually opening scene is Heathrow airport, England. This could foreshadow the later scenes of film whilst representing people coming and going. The opening scene pans around Heathrow airport in order to set the scene and emphasis the people inside the airport. Heathrow is in London which sets the location for the rest film; London represents being “English and proper” because it connotes royalty and the queen. Lastly, because its set in an airport it could also represent how the characters in the film move from place to place (or because of the genre from relationship to relationship.)


• The appearance (mise en scene) surrounding the characters in the opening scene is a lot of smiles. This is important and is done by the director to denote the emotions of the rest of the film. As well as this their clothes also linked with mise en scene (such as big suitcases, sunglasses and t shirts) show they have been away in holiday for a long time. This is also supported by the emotions shown in the first scene when reunited with their loved ones. This could also foreshadow and set the scene for the rest of film connoting that the main characters go away or leave their loved ones for a long period of time (this could through choice or even heartbreak.) The repetition of the scene emphasizes the return of loved ones and not the moving away. The opening scene could be seen as fake due to everyone being shown as part of a couple; this sets the scene and therefore the genre of the movie.

• The mise on scene of the opening scene are such things associated with holidays for example the ; bags; suitcases; souvenirs: and sunglasses. These things can also signify returning home after being away for a long time. Things like souvenirs can connote love through the giving off gifts. This is important and very stereotypical of romantic films due to tem wanting to be enjoyable to watch. Also, things like sunglasses suggest they have chosen to move away and that it wasn’t a sudden adjustment in their lives; this can foreshadow how people in the later scenes of the film have chosen to move away from loved ones, however also returning suggests a return to relationships by the main characters.



• From the beginning of the scene the first thing you notice is both the lighting and the number of people. The high key lighting signifies the genre because of it because bright and warms; this also supports the feeling of the characters in the scene because they would be feeling warm due to being reunited with their loved ones. The warm setting of the scene could come from, sepia edit added on after the scene had been filmed. As well the number of people in the scene can show how common people leaving and the returning; portrayed physically in the sense of a holiday or it could portrayed in relationship how people leave and return.

Miscellaneous continued

• During the opening scene there is a couple kissing, this straight from the beginning sets no doubt in the viewers mind that the following is a romance. Also, this connotes love and affection which could signify how the film shows lots of love and relationships. Also the non diegetic soundtrack over the scene is very soft, calming and instrumental. This is stereotypical of romantic films because romantic films want to be an “easy” watch so this compliments the calm soundtrack also. This sets the scene for the film because it creates a portrayal in the viewers that the film will also be soft and calming. The use of it only being instrumental is that it makes the viewers focus on what is happening in the scene.

The ending

• The ending of the film takes place in the same place where it begun with two people leaving their certain loved ones. This supports what we have stated through the PowerPoint that the beginning signifies a start, and an ending but also a return that usually occurs in relationships. This is important in the film because of how many people come and go in relationships throughout the duration of the film. Also, the film ends with the same man who does voice over as the beginning which Implies how one person can be the centered of certain relationships but also how one person can see how people come and go.

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