lorena's history

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Hi, here is my project.


Lorena’s history.

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y.The 4 of November of 1996.

The 3 of November I was supposed to be born, but my mom decided to wait a few minutes until it comes the next day, just because she wanted me to be born the same day as my aunt.

When I was 3 years old, my parents decided to make me a party, so one day before the party we went to the garden

where the party was going to be. My godmother told me she could play with me while my parents were decorating the garden, so she started to throw me to the air and when it was time to catch me she just didn’t did it. So the day of

my party, I was very sad because I had a big scar in my face.

I entered at the age

of 3, to the Kinder Garden, at the

“Colegio del Alba”.

I passed the bes t moments of my childhood in that school also in the house

of my grandmother. 

When I was very little one of my goals was to pass to the primary. My parents decided that I had to continue in the same school for the 6 years. I found my best friends in that lapse time. I really loved that school, I enjoyed all the activities but specially the pastorelas, since that time I have a specially love for the Christmas parties.

By that ti me I had al ready fi ni shed the pri mary and once more I was

goi ng to conti nue my studi es i n the

same school . In the secondary I found my love for the sports, I really like to play volleyball, so I began to play in competitions. But then the school decided to open an athletics competence, I entered just for curiosity but then I love to participate each year, I won 4 medals and I feel very proud of myself because of that.

At the secondary I began to appear in

the musicals of the school. I like to do that a lot.

High SchoolWhen I finished the Secondary school, I decided to study at the Tec CEM. I have never considered to go to another school,

I was so scared of being rejected by that school because I was very stupid.

Now I am studying in the same school I started, I have many good friends, I have a short term goal which is to graduate with a good accumulated grade.I have recently made plans to study medicine at the Anahuac University.

At highschool I met my actual boyfriend, we have been dating since October 13th 2011. His name is Daniel and I love him very much.

I still haven’t made up my mind about what I would do after finishing the university.

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