location viewing analysis and photos powerpoint

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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By Josh Lockey

A2 media – music video

Yesterday me and my group (Karl and Carl) went to our location to find scenes we can use, as highlighted on blog, these are the photos in which I took for the group and I will analyse them and talk about what we want to do there, why they are good, why they are bad and talk about the type of shots we could use

These are some photos of a hill we found which we might use to show a scene. The scene is for when they leave him and he has to run up the hill to catch up with the others. We liked this scene because there were good lighting opportunities and also there is lots of vegetation around it. Is the right hand side photo there is also lots of space to film from and it is not so enclosed like the others. We would use long shots in this area because there is space to do it and also we could use establishing shot.

There are some disadvantages to this scene. It is a opening walkway to the reserve itself and we may have problems getting nobody else in the way of the shot as we want no background people in any shots. Also the left and lower photos are limited with the shots we can use as there are trees next to the walkway and may get in the way. Another problem is the steepness on the left scene photo. It was a dampish day and I fell over straight away so this might be a problem

This is another scene but instead of being steep it is a gradual hill. We could use for the same scene as before and we like the area also. It was good because the lighting was very good and no matter what weather we could get clear shots. There is also a bit of room to take good shots and it could work well.

This location could be good for most shot types as it has clear picture from each angle and also lighting is good. We can also if wanted use establishing shots here as there is not too many trees in the way

There are some problems with this location. As you can straight away see, there is much less vegetation in the area . We want to have lots of trees around to go with the song in certain scenes and this is one and this might be enough to not choose the scene.

This is a scene we felt could be good to show them walking through vegetation and having all these trees and plants around them.The camera shots we could use here vary. We could use long and mid shots but may be hard to get establishing shots from here.

A great point to this area is that there is lots of vegetation and varies the further down the path you go ( both photos have different amounts) and this can help get the best shot. There is also a good path to use and have the group follow making it easier to get shots.

The bad points to this may be that the lighting could be hard to get right as it is very deep into forested area and if it was a dark dull day we might not be able to get good film. Another problem is again the area is a pathway and people may get into the frame, something we do not want.

We really like this location as it has great lighting as it is a short distance from vegetation and also has a scenic view. As the panorama above shows, it is a nice view all round and could be a great place to get a pan across with the group in or use it for where the band is playing. There are trees in all shots also which is good and there is lots of green all over.

There is a small problem with this scene but we can try to avoid it. It is that there is a factory in the background, over the lake and behind vegetation, This is not good as we want little as we can area in which there is no industrialisation or people as this goes against the ‘folk’ genre, we want to get the feel of isolation when needed or a country feel also.

We could use all types of shots here, we like the idea of a pan shot and a establishing shots followed with mid shots as there is the space to do these and is a really good location.

We wanted a scene where Carl the main character is upset and walks off away from the others, and this meant we had to think of a place to do this, as I had been there before I

suggested a area in bawsey and we went there and Karl and Carl agreed it was a good place as we could really show the isolation in the scene. These are the photos of the area

we are talking about.

The reasons we liked this place is that it has the isolated feel we want. We can get some great shots overlooking the lake and also behind him if wanted and also found a great vantage point further around the lake to get a zoom out shot if we can borrow a lens off a friend as it is too far for our standard lenses on our cameras. If we can not then we can deal with this and not use this shot instead use others like establishing shots closer to it to show the same isolation. Because the location is outside of the vegetation we also can have great lighting and get some great shots

The are some problems with this location though. Because of the scenic view you get from the location, people like to come to it as you can see in one of the photos. People like to play and train dogs here and this could become a problem which could not work out well but because we are filming in the autumn/winter, we are hoping less people will be around in the area at this time. We think this location would work because we can create the isolation we want but also have the great scenic views also and have a nice setting which we want throughout.

We also found this area on the way round. We liked it because in the bottom left corner, the lighting would work very well for a shot we want to do where the sun glares in his eyes and he cant see properly, and if we can get this kind of weather again, this area would be great.

The camera shots we could use here vary. We have large mounts because of the open area and also it is very scenic so we could use shots showing this with it.

We like this place also because the sand makes it feel beach like when it isn't and it could be a great replacement for one.

The only problem with this location is that if it rains it would be hard to use as it would not give the same feeling we want it to and also it could be very boggy here and hard to get around, and also the sae factory could be in the shot if we use the wrong angle or shot type.

This areas was a place we found where it could be a good alternative to where he is going to try and be isolated as it is very empty but also has wildlife as there is an island in the right picture and on here are lots of birds and ducks/geese. We could show the nature around him and have it connect to him also. In the same place also we have an area behind that shot where the band could maybe play if the lighting was not good in the other area we found. It is a large open area and has good lighting allowing us to be able to use varying angles and camera shots

We liked the area because it was secluded and nobody was here when we looked around. We also like it because it had the good lighting we need and lots of open space

We disliked that it may feel a little out of place as it is very different to the other locations. This has vegetation right up to the shoreline and that might not fit in with the rest of the music video and not show the continuity we want.

This Is a problem we found half way round. People have been fly tipping in the area and we do not want this in any of our camera shots as it does not fit in. This is a large problem as we can not move any of this in case we get hurt and could ruin a good scene on the day and is a large factor. We can not have any sites like this in any of our camera shots!

These are some locations we found which had god characteristics for shots we felt we could use. The locations have good lighting and also, they have lots of space and have really scenic views, something we want throughout as this makes for a nice feel to the video. We had multiple ideas for these places and we felt they could be useful if there is a problem with other places and use these as a back up.

This was a large area of space we really liked. It had lots of areas in which would make a great background and also the grass is flat to an extent and we can use a variety of shots in this scene. The area is also open which we loved. This is a place we would like to use for our scene where they start playing along and singing and maybe walking across this to our next scene as this would all work together.

The only problem we may have here is that the area is wide and open and that might mean people come to play with their dogs or go biking around it, this could be a problem, even filming when we are it is a problem.

This is a main area for our music video. We want to use this area for the end of our music video when they start singing and walk to this area. The area is good because it is different to the rest of the area.

The camera shots we can use vary throughout as we have lots of area and it makes a great place to film them dancing and filming. The area also is quiet which is also good for the video as we don’t want anything intruding. The cliff face seen in the bottom left of the photo will be used for carl’s character to sit while watching them dance and sing. This is a good place as there is a good height to get a low angle on his face.

This is a backup area if anything goes wrong like lots of people around or the lighting is not right. The area is scenic again but the lighting is constant and is better incase things go with the other areas. The beach also could be used to sing on and use this area as a backup just incase.

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