local culture, popular_culture,_and_cultural_revised

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Alex. Andre, Megan VanWinkle, Gaby Shelton, and Rachel Rumary

What are local and popular cultures?

Local culture- Group of people in a particular place who see themselves as a collective or a community, who share experiences, customs, and traits, and who work to preserve those traits and customs in order to claim uniqueness and to distinguish themselves from others.

Local Restaurants, shops, and downtown activites

Popular Culture- cultural traits such as fashion, diet, and music that identify and are part of today’s changeable, urban-based, media-influenced society.

What is a culture?

A culture is a group of belief systems, norms, and values practiced by a people.

Local cultures are constantly redefining or refining themselves based on interactions with other cultures and diffusion of cultural traits.

Popular culture is practiced by a heterogeneous group of people: people across identities and across the world.


Fashion styles(popular culture) find themselves on runways seen on supermodels; days later it will be seen in the High Fashion magazines and found in up scale stores with knockoffs in local malls weeks after

Local and popular are seen as both operating on the same plane.

Hierarchical Diffusion- an idea or innovation spreads by passing first among the most connected places or people.

Key Question

Employing the concept of hierarchical diffusion, describe how you became a “knower” of your favorite kind of music- where is its hearth, and how did it reach you?

How are Local cultures sustained


How local cultures are sustained

Local cultures are sustained through customs.

Customs is a practice that a group of people routinely follows. People have customs regarding all parts of their lives, from eating and drinking to dancing and sports.

A local culture can create a boundary around itself and try to keep other cultures out- in order to avoid “ contamination and extinction.”

Key Question

What is the last place you went to or the last product you purchased that claimed to be “authentic?” What are the challenges of defending the authencity of this place or product while refuting the authencity of other similar places or products?

How is Popular culture diffused?


popular culture diffuses hierarchically in the context of time-space compression, with diffusion happening most rapidly across the most compressed spaces.

Communication, transportation, and marketing networks account for the diffusion of popular culture

Key Question

Think about your local community (your college campus, your neighborhood, or your town). Determine how your local community takes one aspect of popular culture and makes it your own.

How can local and popular culture be seen in the cultural landscape?

The pull between globalized popular culture and local culture can be seen in the cultural landscape- the visible imprint of human activity on the landscape.

Cultural landscapes reflect the values, norms, and aesthetics of a culture.

Geographic Concepts

Focus on the cultural landscape of our school. Think about the concept of placelessness. Determine whether your campus is a“ placeless place” or if the cultural landscape of our school reflects the unique identity of the place. Imagine you are hired to build a new student union on your campus. How could you design the building to reflect the uniqueness of your college?

Extra Credit Websites

Bing.com To collect images and display data. Cannot find Author.

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