llantwit major & cowbridge

Post on 25-Feb-2022






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Useful Telephone Numbers: Parish Secretary: Elizabeth Hughes (All enquires) 01446 774212 Parish Safeguarding Officer: Ann Miskin 01446 794461 Parish H&S Rep: David Harris 01446 792694 Parish SVP: Judy Browning 01446 773389 Baptism Catechesis & Children’s Catechesis 01446 774212 Hospital admittance please contact the Chaplains: Princess of Wales Hospital: Fr. Tim McGrath VF 01656 652034 Llandough Hospital, Penarth: Canon J.Boardman 029 2070 8247 Deanery Clergy: Fr. Tim McGrath VF. (Bridgend) 01656 652034 Fr. Edmund Neizer (Maesteg) 01656 733282

EWTN (Eternal Word Catholic Television): 588 on your Sky remote

COLLECTIONS 30thJune/1st July


Gift Aid £340.50

Loose £183.71

Total Peter’s Pence



Attendance: St Cadoc Our Lady & St Illtyd


46 75


Full details on the following items can be found the Parish Web Site “AROUND & ABOUT”

FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE THE WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES, 2018 IN DUBLIN Are you going? Would you like to make contact with others from the archdiocese who are going? Perhaps you’d be willing to feedback on your plans, experiences and lasting memories… The Archdiocesan Marriage & Family Life team would like you to contact them and potentially arrange to meet up with them whilst you are in Dublin this August; please contact Joanne White by email parenting@rcadc.org INVITATION TO ALL PARISHES: “There can be no promotion of Vocations or Christian Mission apart from contemplative Prayer”. Pope Francis Holy Hour & Vespers for the Sanctification of Priests and Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life, Wednesday 18th July at 6 pm, Cardiff Cathedral, Charles Street, Cardiff, WALES AND THE MARCHES CATHOLIC HISTORY SOCIETY The Society are trying to put together a full set of copies of the "Illtydian", the magazine of St. Illtyd's College, the Catholic grammar school which served pupils from Cardiff, Newport and many other areas during the years 1923 to 1964 (the last year of the 11 plus examination). The magazine was first produced in 1929 and we are particularly looking for copies from the years before 1939. If you can help it would be much appreciated. Please contact the Secretary - Tricia Coulthard either by Phone - 02920 595899 or email triciacoulthard@outlook.com

FOODBANK The July shopping list is displayed in both Our Lady & St. Illtyd and St. Cadoc for your convenience. Please consider purchasing one or two items from the list and leaving it in the collection boxes. Thank you.

A Parish in the Archdiocese of Cardiff Diocese Registered Charity No:242380 Please remember your Parish in your Will

LOTTO bonus ball winner 30/06/18: No. 50 Deirdre Davis

Newsletter Items: please email the Parish Office or hand to Fr. Mark by Wednesday evening

Llantwit Major & Cowbridge

Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Mark J.Rowles The Presbytery, Ham Lane East, Llantwit Major. CF61 1TQ.

Tel No. 01446 792381

Email: ppwvale@btinternet.com Website: www.westvalecatholics.org.uk

Our Lady & St. Illtyd with St. Cadoc Parish

Fourteenth Week In Ordinary Time (B) 8th July 2018

Saturday 7th July

Vigil 4.30pm Cowbridge 5.00pm

Holy Rosary Mass: Peter Francis Birthday Remembrance (Ann)

Sunday 8th July 14th In Ordinary Time

8.30am Llantwit Major 9.00am

Holy Rosary Mass: Olive Collins RIP (Tony & Sheila)

Tuesday 10th July

7.00pm Cowbridge Mass: Missa Pro Populo

Wednesday 11th July St Benedict, Religious

10.00am Llantwit Major Mass: Patricia Barry RIP (Anne & Terry)

Thursday 12th July St John Jones, Martyr

10.00am Cowbridge Mass: Muriel Moore RIP (Jeff)

Friday 13th July

7.00pm Llantwit Major Mass: Special Intention (MS)

Saturday 14th July Our Lady’s Saturday


10.00am Llantwit Major 4.30pm Cowbridge 5.00pm

Service of the Word & Holy Communion Holy Rosary Mass: Pauline Sivyer RIP (GS)

Sunday 15th July 15th In Ordinary Time

8.30am Llantwit Major 9.00am

Holy Rosary Mass: Missa Pro Populo

Response to the Psalm: Our eyes are on the Lord till he show us his mercy Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! The Word was made flesh and lived among us; to all who did accept him he gave power to become children of God Alleluia!

THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) Our Lady & St. Illtyd: SATURDAY 12 Noon to 1.00pm St. Cadoc: SATURDAY 4.15pm to 4.45pm




MEDITATE On his return to his home town of Nazareth Jesus is faced by the jealousy of the local people. Despite his readiness to preach and to heal they are determined to find reasons to reject him. Above all, they use his humble origins as an excuse to disregard his message. As Jesus says, no prophet is accepted in his own country.


Lord, make me honest and help me to live by the truth. Open my eyes, even when prejudice blinds me.

Open my heart, even when my judgement is clouded. Amen, ACT Sincerely decide to put aside a grievance which has led you to judge someone unkindly or dishonestly. Determine to live by the truth. Begin again whenever possible.

THE VIGIL LAMPS WILL BURN THIS WEEK FOR:- Our Lady & St Illtyd Our Lady: Maria & Huw Morgan 30th Wedding Anniversary

Sacred Heart: Bridget and Bernard Cloke RIP St. Cadoc Our Lady: Sacred Heart: TODAY IS SEA SUNDAY, when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. Should individuals wish to donate to the Apostleship of the Sea please take an envelope from the Welcome Table and return it next weekend OR visit the website and make a private contribution www.apostleshipofthesea.org.uk

Please pray for the following who request your prayers: Tom McNally, Francis Harris, Tim O’Sullivan, Yvonne Harris, Maria Morgan, Elizabeth,

Rosina Bruen, Mick & Marianne Davey, Ray Cullinane, Pat Beverley, Joan Whitton,

Gretta Cooper, Thea Boyd, Maisie Moyes, Dick Barnicott, Nick McKenna, Pat Umney. MAY THEY BE TOUCHED BY GOD’S HEALING HAND.


SECOND COLLECTION for Levy will take place TODAY. The PRAYER GROUP meets weekly on THURSDAY at 2.30pm in Our Lady & St. Illtyd for Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Scripture Reading, Prayer and Intercessions. The FINANCE COUNCIL will meet on FRIDAY at 2.30pm in the Parish Centre.


Chris will leave us on Tuesday to begin his studies and intense Monastic life in the community at Belmont. He is assured of our prayer support as he begins this new journey with the Lord. It was good for him to experience the day-to-day life of a Parish Priest and the various people he ministers to. Chris is welcome to visit again and we hope he will take up the invitation soon. Fr. Mark’s homily, this weekend, will be replaced by Chris who will speak a little about his life journey so far.

SOCIAL & FUNDRAISING LOTTO bonus ball: please can all those who opted to pay quarterly hand their final payment of £13 for the year 2017/18 at The Piety Stall by 7th July. Thank you. FILM NIGHT: “HATARI!” will be shown on Wednesday 1st August at 6pm in the Parish Centre. Hatari!" means "danger!" in Swahili, but also means a spectacular adventure film. Director Howard Hawks re-teams with John Wayne, who heads a group of highly skilled professional game hunters in Africa. It is an exciting, death-defying business that pits man against beast. Musical score includes the bouncy hit tune, "Baby Elephant Walk"...

ANNOUNCEMENTS SURVIVE-MIVA APPEAL: 15th JULY 2018. A volunteer will be at both Masses next weekend to make an appeal on behalf of SURVIVE-MIVA (Missionary Vehicle Association) which is a Roman Catholic lay Association and UK Registered Charity, founded in Liverpool, UK in 1974. They exist to provide one vital element for successful healthcare and pastoral work that is being carried out by the Church in areas of great need in Africa, Asia and Latin America. There will be a SECOND COLLECTION to help fund their work. PIETY: The door is open on a Sunday morning should you wish to purchase something. Please leave a note with your money. Marion Cullinane will oversee it in Pat and Margaret’s absence. CTS BOOKS: there is a selection of new books available to assist you in your faith journey and spiritual life. Please browse the book stall and consider purchasing one. MASS REQUESTS: over the next few months, there are spaces for Mass Intentions. The custom of requesting a Priest to celebrate Mass for a specific intention, even when one cannot be present at Mass, is a long-standing tradition in the Catholic Church, and in Scripture. The faithful will usually make an offering to the Priest in order to apply the Mass for a specific need or intention, i.e. journey mercies, recovery from illness (wellbeing), birthdays & anniversaries, success in any project or studies etc. By making this offering and parting with something that is yours, the offeror associates him/herself to the sacrifice of Christ that is offered on the altar.

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