live互動英語雜誌2010年1月號目錄 (no. 105)

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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字彙 Vocabulary

1. adaptable [4`d1pt4by] adj. 能適應的

2. inspiration [%6nsp4`re]4n] n. 激勵;鼓舞

3. disability [%d6s4`b6l4t6] n. 殘障

4. compensate [`k3mp4n%set] v. 補償;彌補

5. reroute [ri`rut] v. 重定路線;改變路線

字彙 Vocabulary

1. cuddly [`k9dl6] adj. 令人想擁抱的;令人喜愛的

2. extinct [6k`st6;kt] adj. 絕種的;滅絕的

3. bushfire [`b8]%fa6r] n. 矮林野火

4. toll [tol] n. 損失;傷害(片語 take its/their toll on . . . 以事物為主詞,表示某事物「對……造成傷害」)

5. accurate [`1kj4r6t] adj. 準確的

字彙 Vocabulary 1. dominate [`d3m4%net] v. 處於主導地位;佔優勢

2. participant [p3r`t6s4p4nt] n. 參加者

3. prestigious [pr5s`t6d.4s] adj. 有名望的

4. championship [`t]1mp64n%]6p] n. 冠軍地位

5. multifunctional [%m9lt6`f9;k]4ny] adj. 多功能的


澳洲的可愛無尾熊可能將在三十年內絕種。地球暖化、森林火災和伐木都對無尾熊族群造成傷害。現在有些研究者害怕澳洲野外可能只剩下 43000 頭無尾熊。如果這個數字正確,表示無尾熊數量在過去二十一年中已經減少九成。

台灣在 2009 年柏林紐倫堡發明展中獨占鰲頭。台灣參選者帶回了 26 面金牌、26 面銀牌和一些銅牌。台灣隊由來自 22 所大學和高中的學生所組成,並贏得頗具信譽的團隊冠軍。發明的項目從多功能雨傘到綠能發電系統都有,台灣向世人展現了其充滿創意的年輕人正展望未來。

顛覆醫學思維 半腦女閱讀說話如常人Michelle Mack is an inspiration2 to many with brain

disabilities.3 This amazing woman was born with only one side of her brain working. To compensate,4 her brain rerouted5 functions. She can speak normally, graduated from high school, and has a gift for numbers and dates. Her performance has caused medical experts to reconsider what they thought they knew about brain function and healing.

Brain More adaptaBle1 than experts thought

taiwan doMinates1 invention show台灣奪得紐倫堡發明展團體總冠軍

Bad news for Cuddly1 Koalas專家警告無尾熊恐絕種


Taiwan was top dog at the 2009 Nuremberg Invention Exhibition in Berlin. Taiwanese participants2 took home twenty-six gold medals, twenty-six silver medals, and a handful of bronzes. The team was made up of students from twenty-two universities and high schools in Taiwan and won the prestigious3 team championship.4 With inventions ranging from a multifunctional5 umbrella to green power generation systems, Taiwan showed the world that its creative young minds are looking toward the future.



Australia’s lovable koalas may be extinct2 within the next thirty years. Global warming, bushfires,3 and logging have taken their toll4 on the koalas. Now, some researchers fear that there may be as few as 43,000 koalas left in the Australian wild. If that number is accurate,5 it means the koala population has been reduced by ninety percent in the last twenty-one years.

醫療健康 MEDICINE Live生活部落收錄 CNN相關報導


January 2010No.105

字彙 Vocabulary 1. ban [b1n] n. 禁令;禁止

2. demonstration [%d5m4n`stre]4n] n. 示威抗議(demonstrator [`d5m4n%stret0]指「示威者」)

3. inspect [6n`sp5kt] v. 仔細檢查;檢驗

4. distribution [%d6str4`bju]4n] n. (商品)配送

5. individual [%6nd4`v6d.84l] adj. 個人的;個別的

6. consumer [k4n`sum0] n. 消費者

Taiwan lifted the ban on US beef imports, but this news wasn’t welcome by all. New regulations allow American beef with and without bones from cattle less than thirty months old to be brought into Taiwan. The news was met by demonstrators shouting warnings about the possibility of BSE.

The new trade agreement states that both the US and Taiwan will inspect3 the meat before shipping and distribution.4 However, this isn’t enough for some. Groups in Taiwan are demanding more research into BSE and public education on the topic. For now, the decision to accept American beef will continue to be made by individual5 consumers6 in the supermarkets.

lift of Beef Ban1 Causes deMonstrations2 台灣解除美牛進口禁令引發抗議遊行




牛體各部位出現致病性蛋白 (prion)的比率

brain 腦(含三叉神經)


eyeball 眼球

0.04%tonsil 扁桃腺

0.56%the end of the ileum 迴腸末段


spinal marrow 脊髓


spinal ganglion 背脊神經節



狂牛病(bovine spongiform encephalopathy, 簡稱 BSE,俗稱mad cow disease)

庫賈氏症(Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease,簡稱CJD)

新型庫賈氏症(new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease,簡稱 vCJD)

原因 攝取含致病蛋白的肉或骨粉製的飼料 突變、遺傳、醫療行為感染 可能與接觸或食用狂牛病病牛有關

發生年齡 30個月以上牛隻 平均 65歲的年長人士 平均 29歲的年輕人

首例 1986年診斷確定 1920年代紀錄 1996年英國承認

潛伏期 3-6年 15個月 -30年 5-20年(尚不確定)




死亡時間 發病後數星期 發病後約四個月 發病後約十四個月

國內焦點 FOCUS


課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 7-8 /慢速 MP3 - 31-32課程講解》MP3 - 52-53


Hollywood Car Chase Secrets Revealed!好萊塢科學︰飛車追逐We’ll show you the tricks and techniques that filmmakers use to make car chases more thrilling and bigger than life! 動作片裡驚險刺激的飆車和大爆炸情景




課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 9-10 /慢速 MP3 - 33-34課程講解》MP3 - 54-55


At the Doctor’s定期檢查,長保健康 互動光碟收錄真人影片

An annual checkup is anything but regular when Joseph Fryer visits the doctor’s office. His experience will teach you some important English phrases to use at the doctor’s.在國外要看醫生,或上醫院做健康檢查怎麼辦?實用健檢英語讓你在



課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 11 /慢速 MP3 - 35課程講解》MP3 - 56


Cloze Test: The Dish on Gossip人類為何愛八卦? You may need to rethink your negative views on gossip. Learn what new studies say about this supposedly bad habit while you also test your skills with a Cloze Test.雖然八卦常被視為壞習慣,但是你知道嗎?原來八卦在人類社會中是



課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 12-13 /慢速 MP3 - 36-37課程講解》MP3 - 57-58


Exam Time 考試時刻 互動光碟收錄真人影片

Leon and his sister, Rachel, have very different approaches to studying for exams. Who will fly high, and who will fall flat?考試前夕,里昂和瑞秋這對姊弟讀書準備的方式大不同,而最後顯示


09 焦點話題

• professional baseball 職業棒球• operating system 作業系統 • Michelin Guide 米其林指南


課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 1 /慢速 MP3 - 25課程講解》MP3 - 46


Are You Smarter Than an Elementary School Student?東西方英語小學堂Do you have what it takes to answer these elementary school questions? It might be more challenging than you think! 精選數學、英文、科學等題目,測試你的常識有沒有比東西方小學生



課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 2-3 /慢速 MP3 - 26-27課程講解》MP3 - 47-48

網路世界 生活部落

Farming Fans Flood Facebook你農我農――網上種田趣

Facebook has taken the Web by storm, and it’s been helped along by surprisingly fun games that

can turn anyone into a farmer. 最近廣大的「臉書」使用者掀起了一股網路





課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 4-6 /慢速 MP3 - 28-30課程講解》MP3 - 49-51


The Black Tulip大仲馬之《黑色鬱金香》When Cornelius is thrown in prison for a crime he did not commit, only the faith of an innocent woman and a flower worth a fortune can save him. Join us for this exciting tale from Alexandre Dumas.擁有一顆黑色鬱金香球莖的荷蘭醫生,因遭陷害而被捕入獄,他能夠


2010 ContentsLive Interactive English

January No.105


每天課程都有約 25分鐘的中外籍老師講解喔!你可以利用三種方式收聽:

使用互動光碟 網路下載教學 MP3 Live生活部落有更多補充資訊喔!


課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 14-16 /慢速 MP3 - 38-40課程講解》MP3 - 59-61


Finding the Real Vietnam尋找真越南

Join Michelle Adams on her adventure-filled journey through a beautiful, dynamic Vietnam that is sure to surprise you.越南可能比你想像的還要令人驚豔喔!跟隨蜜雪兒的腳步,來到融合



課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 17-18 /慢速 MP3 - 41-42課程講解》MP3 - 62-63


Walking with Yeats on Innisfree與葉慈同遊〈茵湖島〉Brian Foden walks you through his favorite poem by William Butler Yeats. We dare you not to fall in love with Innisfree!葉慈的詩〈茵湖島〉是英詩中膾炙人口的名作,葉慈為什麼鍾情這座小


46歌曲 唱歌學英語

Studying English with Songs:

Bon Jovi—We Weren’t Born to Follow邦喬飛:〈天生領袖〉 互動光碟收錄精彩MV


課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 19 /慢速 MP3 - 43課程講解》MP3 - 64


Translation Practice


課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 20-21 /慢速 MP3 - 44-45課程講解》MP3 - 65-66


The Long Road to Marathon馬拉松跑過2500年Do you have the endurance of the ancient Greeks? This year celebrates a very special event for long-distance runners around the world.2010年,歷史悠久的馬拉松比賽要慶祝開跑以來 2500週年的紀念囉!來看看馬拉松的故事,向馬拉松的毅力看齊!

79電影 熱門新片

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant 互動光碟收錄精彩預告

《向達倫大冒險︰鬼不理的助手》Young Darren Shan wants a more exciting life, and the Cirque du Freak offers him a dark and dangerous escape. However, Darren soon learns that you should be careful what you wish for. 男孩向達倫看完怪奇馬戲團表演後,平凡無趣的人生從此轉向,來看



Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel 《鼠來寶 2》

60 General English Proficiency Test 全民英檢中級模擬試題

67 Chinese Translation 中文翻譯

73 GEPT Answer Key 全民英檢模擬試題解答

4 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 2 /慢速 MP3 - 26課程講解》MP3 - 47

ARE you on Facebook yet? In 2009, Facebook took the lead among the major social Web

sites in the US. According to market research, the number of Facebook users in Taiwan

quickly grew to 4,600,000 by October 2009. Facebook is popular because it lets you

connect1 with your friends and offers you a ton of fun games.

Some of the most popular games on Facebook are the farm games. The game Happy

Harvest† has made “Have you watered your vegetables today?” a common online greeting.u In

the game, you grow crops, tend cattle,2 and sell your produce.3 Apparently,4 there is nothing

like seeing your own farm grow.

The best part of the game is the interactionu between friends. If you’re feeling naughty,

you can steal crops from friends or release bugs into their fields. You can also be helpful by

weeding5 their garden or giving them seeds. People are so into the game that it led to a new

online business. Some players pay “tenant farmers”† NT$20 per day to take care of their

farm when they’re too busy to do it themselves.*中文翻譯請參閱第 67頁




Farming Fans Flood Facebook你農我農——網上種田趣

—Asha Thibedeau



網路世界 ■ 生活部落

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. connect [k4`n5kt] v. 聯繫;連結

If you feel sad, you should connect with friends and family more often.

* 2. cattle [`k1ty] n. 家畜;牛隻

Every morning, the farmer lets the cattle out of the barn.

* 3. produce [`prod(j)us] n. 農產品(也可唸成 [`pr3d(j)us])

During summer, some farmers sell their produce on the side of the road.

* 4. apparently [4`p1r4ntl6] adv. 顯然地;似乎

The cup apparently had a hole in it because there is water all over the table now.

* 5. weed [wid] v. 除草

To take care of the garden, you will need to water and weed it every day.

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考 † 為補充說明

u greeting [`grit6;] n. 問候(語)

* u interaction [%6nt0`1k]4n] n. 互動

† Happy Harvest 是 Facebook 遊戲「開心農場」英文版的名


† tenant farmer [`t5n4nt] 指「佃農」。

關鍵解析 Language Notes

1. the number of vs. a number of 「數量」不一樣這兩個片語都跟數量有關,但意思用法不一樣喔,請看以下比較:

the number of + 複數名詞

a number of + 複數名詞


• 表示「……的數量」

• 視為單數,故須使用單數動詞

• 表示「一些……」,等於 some + 複數名詞

• 視為複數,故須使用複數動詞

• The number of students in the class has grown smaller over the year. 一年來班上學生數變少了。

• A number of my friends were at the concert as well. 我有一些朋友也去了演唱會。

+ 還可在 a number of 的 number 前加入 large/small 等形容詞,表示「大量」或「少量」。

• We will need a large number of flowers for the wedding. 我們婚禮上會需要大量的花。

2. tend 的用法a 動詞 tend [t5nd]在文中表「看顧;管理」。要表示「看顧某人事物」,用法為 tend (to) + N.。

• Someone will need to tend (to) the fire so it doesn’t go out.


b 還可表示「傾向;易於」,要表示「某人有……的傾 向;某人易於……」,用法為:

S. + tend to + V.

• Cameron tends to sleep late on weekends. 卡麥蓉週末時容易晚睡。

Give It a Try 請依據中文填入正確答案。

q 傑克森昨天留了一些訊息給你。

Jackson left you _________ _________ _________ messages yesterday.

w 加入社團是與和你喜歡同樣事物的人聯繫的一個方法。

Joining a club is a way to _________ with people

who like the same things that you like.

e 蘇西照顧小孩,而寶妮洗衣服。

Suzie _________ the children while Bonnie washed the clothes.

*答案請參閱第 67頁




Farming Fans Flood Facebook • The Web

5 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 3 /慢速 MP3 - 27課程講解》MP3 - 48

If you want something bigger, sign up for FarmVille and become one of its

50,000,000 players. FarmVille offers huge farms and a greater selection1 of crops,

cattle, and farm structures. There are also personalizedu features available,2 like

tractorsh to help plowh your field.

Of course, playing FarmVille and Happy Harvest is not the same as living in the country.

However, even online farming can help people relax and clear their heads. In addition, helping

other players with their farms and sharing produce brings people together.

These farm applicationsu aren’t all fun and

games.† Some people get so addicted that they are

too distractedu to work. Employers3 have reminded

employees to exercise self-control, and some

companies have banned them altogether.4 Allowing

players to steal crops also raises some concerns5

about encouraging bad behavior.u

If you’re an online farming fan, maybe it’s time to

try your hand at the real thing. After all, there’s nothing

like enjoying the fruits of your own labor.h Then you

can share all of your wonderful experiences with your

farmer friends on Facebook!

*中文翻譯請參閱第 67頁




▲ FarmVille是 Facebook上最熱門的農場遊戲


網路世界 ■UNIT 2


字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

1. selection [s4`l5k]4n] n. 選擇

This grocery store has a good selection of fresh fruits and vegetables.

* 2. available [4`vel4by] adj. 可用的;有空的

Simone’s doctor was not available this afternoon, but he can see her tomorrow morning.

* 3. employer [6m`pl760] n. 雇主

Many employers are looking for people who are both creative and intelligent.

* 4. altogether [%7lt4`g5\0] adv. 完全;全部

The meal was altogether terrible, so I told the waiter that I wouldn’t pay for it.

* 5. concern [k4n`s-n] n. 擔心;疑慮

I have concerns about the changes to the computer program.

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考 † 為補充說明

u personalize [`p-sxy%a6z] v. 個人化(personalized 指「個人化的」)

u application [%1pl4`ke]4n] n. (此指)應用程式

u distracted [d6`str1kt6d] adj. 分心的

* u behavior [b6`hevj0] n. 行為;舉止

† fun and games 此指「輕鬆、娛樂的活動」。

關鍵解析 Language Notes

1. clear their heads 整理他們的思緒動詞 clear [kl6r]可表示「使乾淨;清理」,clear one’s head表示「整理思緒;放空心思」。

• Gloria was upset, so she walked around the block to clear her head. 葛洛麗亞很生氣,所以她到街上走走以整理思緒。

clear one’s mind意思也相似喔。

• If you want to relax, you should first clear your mind. 如果你想放鬆,你應該先放空心思。


clear one’s throat [qrot]表示「清喉嚨」。 • Rufus cleared his throat to get the attention of

the people at the table. 羅夫斯清了清喉嚨,想引起桌旁人們的注意。

2. addict 的用法a addict 當動詞表示「使成癮」,唸法為 [4`d6kt]。要


S. + be/get addicted to + N.

• Sarah says that she is addicted to chocolate and has to have some every day. 莎拉說她對巧克力上癮,每天都要吃一些。

• It is very easy to get addicted to cigarettes. 對香煙成癮是很容易的。

b addict當名詞表示「上癮者」,唸法為 [`1d6kt]。

• This hospital helps addicts learn ways to deal with their addictions. 這家醫院幫助上癮者學習處理他們成癮問題的方法。

+ 「成癮」的名詞是 addiction [4`d6k]4n] 喔。



h tractor [`tr1kt0] n. 拖拉機;牽引機

h plow [pla8] v. 犁地

h labor [`leb0] n. 勞動

Give It a Try 請選出可與劃線處替換的字詞。

a. concerns b. her employers

c. cleared his mind

___ q Amy works hard for the people who pay her, and they thank her for it.

___ w After the argument, Derek stopped thinking about everything to calm himself.

___ e Edgar told his daughter his worries about her traveling through Europe by herself.

*答案請參閱第 67頁

Farming Fans Flood Facebook • The Web


q barn [b3rn] 穀倉

wdairy farm [`d5r6] 乳牛場

e livestock [`la6v%st3k] 家畜

r seeder [`sid0] 播種機

t tractor [`tr1kt0] 拖拉機;牽引機

y harvester [`h3rv6st0] 收割機

u fence [f5ns] 柵欄

i fruit tree 果樹

o fully grown plant [pl1nt] 成熟作物

a seeded land [`sid6d] 已播種耕地

s plowed land [pla8d] 可耕地

d fallow land [`f1lo] 休耕地













A FarmVille Page Overview FarmVille 農場圖解

網路世界 ■


資料參考:《Facebook歡樂遊戲全攻略》 統計資料來源截至2009.11.15) 圖片來源:Zynga、CrowdStar、playfish

• action/adventure game [4d`v5nt]0] 動作 / 冒險遊戲

• fighting game [`fa6t6;] 格鬥遊戲

• strategy game [`str1t4d.6] 策略遊戲

• role-playing game [`rol%ple6;] 角色扮演遊戲

• construction and management simulation game [k4n`str9k]4n] [`m1n6d.m4nt] [%s6mj4`le]4n] 經營管理模擬遊戲

• puzzle game [`p9zy] 益智遊戲

y planting/harvesting [`h3rv6st6;] 種植/收割

u plowing 耕地 i deleting [d6`lit6;] 消除

o ribbon 勳章 a market 市場 sgift 禮物

qyour neighbors [`neb0z] 你的鄰居

w zoom in [zum] 放大

e zoom out 縮小

r full screen [skrin] 全螢幕

t screenshot [`skrin%]3t] 螢幕快照

FarmVille Tools FarmVille 工具列









e r t

Facebook Applications 臉書熱門遊戲

Game Genres 遊戲類型



玩家人數:約 1980 萬人


遊戲名稱:Café World


玩家人數:約 2850 萬人


遊戲名稱:Mafia Wars


玩家人數:約 2700 萬人


遊戲名稱:Happy Aquarium


玩家人數:約 2550 萬人


遊戲名稱:Pet Society


玩家人數:約 2160 萬人


Farming Fans Flood Facebook • The Web



1. 看診實用句:上醫院求診的實用英語問答句一定要學起來!

2. 情境練習:配合模擬情況圖片,馬上練習絕對加深印象。

3. 健檢項目:定期檢查才是健康之道,來看看常見健檢項目有哪些。

4. 真人對話:藉由兩段對話讓你知道健康檢查的流程和注意事項。

病人 Patient

q I’ve had a stomachache for three days. 我已經肚子痛三天了。

w My throat is really sore, and I have body aches. 我的喉嚨很痛,身體也很痠痛。

e I think I’m coming down with a cold. 我想我感染感冒了。

r I hurt my ankle when I was running last weekend. 我上週末跑步的時候弄傷了腳踝。

醫生 Doctor

q How are your bowel movements? 你的排便情況怎麼樣?

w We should check you for a fever. 我們應該幫你量量有沒有發燒。

e I’ll write you a prescription for some medicine. 我會寫個處方開些藥給你。

r It probably is sprained, but let’s X-ray it to make sure it isn’t broken. 可能是扭到了,但我們還是照個X光確認它沒有斷掉。

At the Doctor’s 定期檢查,長保健康



A. It probably is sprained. B. I’ll write you a prescription for some medicine.

C. How are your bowel movements? D. We should check you for a fever.

D Doctor T Mr. Teal

D: How are you feeling, Mr. Teal?

T: Not so great. I have a headache, a sore throat, and a stuffy nose.

D: You feel a little hot. __________

T: What do you think I’ve got?

D: You’ve just come down with a cold. __________

T: Thanks. I hope it works. *答案請參閱第 69頁


主題式會話 ■ 聽力訓練


Register at the front desk. [`r5d.6st0]到櫃台報到

Measure height and weight and take blood pressure. 量身高、體重、血壓

Check body fat. 檢查體脂肪

Give a blood sample.抽血檢查

Give a urine sample. [`j8r6n]採集尿液樣本

Get a physical examination.身體檢查

Have an ultrasound.[`9ltr4%sa8nd]照超音波

Get an eye exam.做視力檢查

Get a hearing test.做聽力檢查

Receive your health report.聽取健康檢查報告

Have an electrocardiogram.[6%l5ktro`k3rd64%gr1m]照心電圖

At the Doctor’s • Daily Conversation


13 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 9 /慢速 MP3 - 33課程講解》MP3 - 54

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. approach [4`prot]] v. 接近

As the woman approached the dog, it started to move its tail from side to side.

* 2. medical [`m5d6ky] adj. 醫學的(medical chart 指「病歷表」)

Gavin brought his medical history in a folder when he visited his new doctor.

* 3. rate [ret] n. 速率;比例

The production rate at the factory is 10,000 bottles each day.

4. skip [sk6p] v. 省略;跳過

I had to skip breakfast this morning because I didn’t have time to eat.

* 5. needle [`nidy] n. 針

Donnie is scared of needles, so he always closes his eyes when he gets a shot.

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考

* u annual [`1nj84l] adj. 年度的;一年的

* u insurance [6n`]8r4ns] n. 保險(insurance card 此指「健保卡」)

1. Checking In for a CheckupJoseph Fryer enters a doctor’s office and approaches1 the nurse’s desk.

F Joseph Fryer N Nurse Beal

F: Hi. I’m here to get my annualu checkup. My name is Joseph Fryer.

N: May I see your insuranceu card, please?

F: Here you go.

N: Thank you. (She finds his medical 2 chart.) Let’s get your weight and height. Step on this scale, please.

F: Um, maybe I should take off my shoes first. They’re pretty heavy. Perhaps this coat should go, too.

N: Really, Mr. Fryer, it’s not necessary. Your weight is—

F: (Looking around the office) Shhhh. Not so loud!

N: How about I just write it on your chart, and you can look?

F: Great. Thanks.

N: All right. Let’s put this cuff h on, and I’ll check your blood pressure and heart rate.3 (She uses the blood pressure cuff and checks his pulse.h) After this, we’ll send you to get some blood drawn.

F: Blood? Can’t we skip4 that part this year?

N: That’s what you say every year. Well, ninety-five beats per minute! It looks like someone is a little nervous.

F: Do you think we could use a smaller needle5

this time?

N: It’s the same needle size for everyone. (She hands him a cup.) Now, first the urine sample, and then we’ll go take some blood.

*中文翻譯請參閱第 69頁

關鍵解析 Language Notes

take off vs. put on 「穿」、「脫」比一比片語 take off表示「脫掉」,而 put on表示「穿上、戴上」。

• Sheila took off her coat before she sat down at the table. 席拉坐在桌子旁之前把外套脫掉。

• It’s cold outside, so you should put on a scarf before we go out. 外頭很冷,所以我們出門前你應該戴上圍巾。

醫療小辭典 h cuff [k9f] n. 臂環;手銬(blood pressure cuff 指「臂式血壓計」)

h pulse [p9ls] n. 脈搏

We’ll send you to get some blood drawn.

Blood? Can’t we skip that part this year?

特別感謝:國泰醫院 提供拍攝場地



主題式會話 ■

14 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 10 /慢速 MP3 - 34課程講解》MP3 - 55

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

1. faint [fent] v. 暈倒;昏厥

Some people faint when they see blood.

* 2. lung [l9;] n. 肺My lungs felt like they were on fire after I ran in the race.

3. X-ray [`5ks%re] n. X 光

The X-rays show that you broke your leg in three places.

* 4. breathe [bri\] v. 呼吸

Heath was breathing hard, so I knew he had taken the stairs and not the elevator.

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考 † 為補充說明

u embarrassed [6m`b1r4st] adj. 尷尬的

u leotard [`li4t3rd] n. (舞蹈、體操穿的)緊身韻律服

† aerobic exercise [%5r`ob6k] 指「有氧運動」,泛指所有使心跳

速率增加的運動。aerobics [%5r`ob6ks] 則指「有氧舞蹈」。

關鍵解析 Language Notes

you could stand to . . . 你經得起⋯⋯動詞 stand此指「忍受」。要表示「某人經得起……;某人可以忍受……」,句型如下:

S. + can/could + stand + to + V.


• I could stand to work a few more hours this week if you need me. 如果你需要我的話,我這禮拜還經得起多工作幾個小時。

• Amelia can’t stand cold, wet weather, so she moved to Egypt. 愛美莉亞無法忍受寒冷潮濕的天氣,所以她搬到埃及。

2. What the Doctor OrdersJoseph Fryer is in an exam room with the doctor and the nurse. He has a bandage on his head.

D Dr. Cutter F Joseph Fryer N Nurse Beal

D: Well, Nurse Beal says that you had a little accident down at the lab.h

F: (Embarrassed)u Yeah, well, I . . .

N: He fainted1 when he saw the needle. The techh couldn’t catch him before he hit the floor.

D: Well, let’s talk about your test results. Your blood pressure is a little high, Mr. Fryer. Also, you could stand to lose a few pounds.

F: What? I may be getting a little soft around the middle, but—

D: I recommend aerobic exercise† at least four times a week, and you should think about cutting down on red meat and salt.

F: You want me to do aerobics? My wife does that. I am not dressing up in a leotardu and dancing around!

D: I said aerobic exercise, something to get your heart rate up for at least twenty-five minutes each time. I also have some bad news.

F: What? Is it my lungs?2 Did the X-rays3 find something? I’ve been breathing4 a little oddly. It sounds like . . . (Makes strange noises)

D: No, Mr. Fryer. Your lungs are fine. It’s your blood work. The tech dropped the vial,h so we need to draw some more blood.

F: More needles? Oh, no!*中文翻譯請參閱第 69頁

健檢小辭典 h lab [l1b] n. 研究室(為 laboratory [`l1br4%tor6] 的簡稱)

h tech [t5k] n. 檢測人員(為 technician [t5k`n6]4n] 的簡稱)

h vial [`va64l] n. 試管;玻璃瓶

I also have some bad news.

What?Is it my lungs?

At the Doctor’s • Daily Conversation



20 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 14 / 慢速 MP3 - 38課程講解》MP3 - 59

WHEN I tell people that I spent twenty days traveling around Vietnam by myself, they

are often surprised. They think of war and poverty. However, my trip through Vietnam

showed me the beauty and wonders1 this country offers.

I began my Vietnam adventure in Hanoi.h This northern city celebrates its 1,000th

anniversaryu this year, but it’s as vibrant as ever. Having had both Chinese and French rulers,2

Hanoi is a mix of Asian and French cultures. One morning, I stopped inside a brightly colored

building for a delicious breakfast of French pastries.u My waiter explained3 that the bakery

takes in homeless children and gives them job training and a future.

Hanoi’s Asian roots show themselves clearly in one of the city’s most visited attractionsu—

the One Pillar Pagoda.h The small wooden4 temple sits on top of a pillar that rises from the

middle of a pond. Equally stunning is the large complex5 of the Temple of Literature,h which

was Vietnam’s first university.u Giant stone turtles sit in one area, carrying the names of

successful students on their backs.

* 中文翻譯請參閱第 70 頁



Finding the Real


尋找真越南—Michelle Adams

▲ Vietnam Military History Museum ▲ 圖說

UNIT 8 旅遊好趣處 ■


Give It a Try 請依提示改寫句子。

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. wonder [`w9nd0] n. 奇觀;奇景

My hotel offered me a guide to show me the wonders of Egypt while I was there.

2. ruler [`rul0] n. 統治者

The king was a kind ruler, and the people of his country loved him.

* 3. explain [6k`splen] v. 解釋;說明

Judy asked her teacher to explain the problem for her again.

* 4. wooden [`w8dx] adj. 木製的

My mother keeps her jewelry in a wooden box that her father made for her.

* 5. complex [`k3m%pl5ks] n. 綜合建築群

The buildings of the apartment complex surrounded a beautiful garden.

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考

* u anniversary [%1n4`v-s4r6] n. 週年紀念

u pastry [`pestr6] n. 糕點

* u attraction [4`tr1k]4n] n. 景點;吸引人的事物

* u university [%jun4`v-s4t6] n. 大學

q Quiet were the children as they walked up to the rabbit.(請將此倒裝句還原為直述句)

= ______________________________________ ______________________________________

w The history test was hard. The science test was even more difficult. (請將第二句直述句改為倒裝句)

= The history test was hard. ______________


* 答案請參閱第 70 頁


h Vietnam [vi5t`n3m] n. 越南(Vietnamese [vi%5tn4`miz] 指


h Hanoi [h1`n76] n. 河內(越南首都)

h One Pillar Pagoda [`p6l0] [p4`god4] n. 獨柱寺

h Temple of Literature [`l6t4r4t]0] n. 文廟(祭祀孔子的廟宇)

關鍵解析 Language Notes

1. as vibrant as ever 跟往常一樣充滿活力形容詞 vibrant [`va6br4nt] 指「充滿活力的;活躍的」。ever指「在任何時候;從來」,可形成句型如下:

as + Adj./Adv. + as ever 跟往常一樣……;仍舊……

• Derek was as funny as ever when I was on the phone with him. 當我跟德瑞克通電話時,他跟往常一樣風趣。

• Mona was chatting as happily as ever, so I think she is feeling better. 莫娜和往常一樣快樂地聊天,所以我想她已經好多了。

2. Equally stunning is . . . 倒裝句當主詞太長、不易分辨,或是想要強調形容詞等補語時,可將補語移到句首,形成倒裝句,句型為:

直述 主詞 + be動詞 /連綴動詞 + 補語

倒裝 補語 + be動詞 /連綴動詞 + 主詞


直述 The large complex of the Temple of Literature, [which was Vietnam’s first university,] is equally stunning.

倒裝 Equally stunning is the large complex of the Temple of Literature, [which was Vietnam’s first university.]

關係子句,修飾主詞 the large . . . Literature主詞




Finding the Real Vietnam • World Attractions

21 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 15 / 慢速 MP3 - 39課程講解》MP3 - 60

From Hanoi, I took a day trip to Perfume Pagoda.h This

involvedu taking a bus and a long canoe ride. The

Vietnamese woman who paddledu us there used her feet to

move the oars.u Out of the boat, we still had a long hike1

through the steamy jungle.2 Finally, we reached the cool

natural caves that house the Perfume Pagoda. People go

there to clean their souls or to pray for children.

My next adventure was a sea kayakingu trip on beautiful

Halong Bay.h We escaped3 the tourists4 and kayaked out to

caves and tiny islands in remote5 parts of the bay. When I

got tired, I let my kayak float slowly past the karsts† that

make this bay so famous.

To learn a little about Vietnam’s history, I went to Hoi

An,h a small city 1,100 km south of Hanoi. The buildings

there were not affected by the American-Vietnam war, so

the city is like a history museum. I felt like I was stepping

back into the early 1800s when I walked among the old

wooden buildings.

*中文翻譯請參閱第 70 頁




圖片提供:Michelle Adams、Wikipedia、flickr

▲ Vietnam Military History Museum

▲ Vietnam Military History Museum

▲ Vietnam Military History Museum

▲ Vietnam Military History Museum

旅遊好趣處 ■UNIT 8


字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. hike [ha6k] n. 健行;徒步旅行

The hike was very long, and Theresa had trouble finishing it.

2. jungle [`d.9;gy] n. 熱帶叢林

Amy is a scientist who looks for useful plants in the jungles of South America.

* 3. escape [4`skep] v. 逃走;逃離

The goats escaped their pen and ate all of the flowers in Nat’s garden.

* 4. tourist [`t8r6st] n. 觀光客

Many tourists take bus tours of London to get to know the city.

* 5. remote [r6`mot] adj. 遙遠的

Denise’s cousins live in a remote part of the mountains, so she doesn’t see them very often.

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考 † 為補充說明

* u involve [6n`v3lv] v. 包含;涉及

u paddle [`p1dy] v. 用槳划

u oar [7r] n. 槳;櫓

u kayaking [`ka61k6;] n. 獨木舟運動(kayak [`ka61k] 當動詞


† karst [k3rst] 指「水蝕石灰岩地形」。下龍灣中的石灰岩小島


關鍵解析 Language Notes

feel like的用法feel 在文中做感官動詞,指「感覺起來;摸起來」,常用句型如下:

feel + like + S. + V. 感覺好像……

N. 感覺、摸起來像某人事物

• Sometimes I feel like you don’t trust me very much.


• This dress feels like silk. 這件洋裝摸起來像是絲做的。

+接子句 S. + V.時,like可改成 as if喔!p. 47有關於 as if的更多用法說明。

• I feel like I’ve got a fever. 我覺得我好像發燒了。

= I feel as if I’ve got a fever.


片語 feel like還可指「想要」,後面接名詞或 V-ing。

• Do you feel like a movie tonight, or would you rather read? 你今晚想要看電影嗎?還是你寧可看書?

= Do you feel like watching a movie tonight, or would you rather read?

Give It a Try 請依據中文提示,將正確英文填入空格內。

q 五點時打電話給我,告訴我你晚餐想吃什麼。

Call me at 5:00 and let me know what you __________ __________ __________ for dinner.

w 不是很多人知道這個海灘,所以你不會在這裡看到任何


Not many people know about this beach, so you won’t see any __________ here.

e 當我渡假時,我喜歡去健行並花很多時間在戶外玩。

When I am on vacation, I like to go on _________ and spend a lot of time outdoors.

r 如果你晚一點想要散步,打電話給我,我陪你去。

If you feel like a __________ later on, give

me a call and I will go with you.

* 答案請參閱第 70 頁


h Perfume Pagoda [`p-fjum] n. 香廟

h Halong Bay [`h3l7;] [be] n. 下龍灣

h Hoi An [h76] [1n] n. 會安(位於越南中部的古城)


Finding the Real Vietnam • World Attractions



22 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 16 / 慢速 MP3 - 40課程講解》MP3 - 61

Aside from history, Hoi An is also known for its clothing industry and food. I went wild1

at the fabricu shops. After a little bargaining,u I got ten pieces of clothing made for US$100,

and they all fit perfectly. The food in Hoi An was also wonderful. After trying one restaurant’s

steamed fish in banana leaf and cau lau,† I took a cooking class there. The best part was

getting to eat my attempts2 for lunch.

Before leaving Hoi An, I paid a visit to My Son, the ruinsu of an ancient Cham† city.

Thousands of years ago, the red buildings were frequently3 visited by Cham kings and

queens. It was easy to imagine people from the past entering the buildings to worshipu and


My Vietnam adventure came to an end. I had seen and done so much. However, I missed

out on vibrant Ho Chi Minh Cityh and the Mekong Delta’sh floating markets. Someday,4 I will

go back. Until then, my memories of Vietnam’s beauty, delicious food, and rich history will

keep me company.5

* 中文翻譯請參閱第 71 頁

q 會安的裁縫店可以量身訂做衣物喔!w 到會安一定要嘗試特色小吃高樓麵e 美山古蹟中刻有古代占族文字的石碑




旅遊好趣處 ■UNIT 8


關鍵解析 Language Notes

1. aside from 的用法

a 指「除了……之外(還有)」,等於 in addition to,如本文用法。

• Aside from this blanket, I have a warmer one in the closet over there. 除了這條毯子之外,我在那邊的櫃子裡還有一條更暖的。

b 指「……除外」,等於 except for。

• Aside from a piece of chocolate, I have eaten nothing today. 除了一塊巧克力之外,我今天什麼都沒吃。

2. ago vs. before 在什麼「之前」?

ago before

使用 情境

• 以現在為基準回推特

定時間 • 單指以前,不特定時間

• 以過去時間為基準回推


• I saw Beatrice at the store a few days ago. She looked good. 我幾天前在店裡看到貝翠絲。她看起來很好。(從講話的現


• I don’t think I’ve met you before. I’m Sam. 我想我之前沒見過你。我是山姆。(單指之前)

• My grandfather died seven years ago. 我爺爺七年前死了。(從現在起往回推七年)

• My grandfather died two years before my little brother was born. 我爺爺在我弟出生兩年前就死了。(從過去弟弟出生的時間


字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. wild [wa6ld] adj. 激動的;狂野的

Tyler’s wild hair made his friends laugh and point at him.

* 2. attempt [4`t5mpt] n. 嘗試;企圖

Justine got the paper into the garbage can on her first attempt at throwing it.

* 3. frequently [`frikw4ntl6] adv. 經常地;頻繁地

My father frequently talks to the TV when he is watching the news.

* 4. someday [`s4m%de] adv. 有朝一日

Deidre hopes to become a well-known writer someday.

* 5. company [`k9mp4n6] n. 陪伴;同伴(keep + sb +

company 指「和某人作伴」)

I really enjoyed your company at the theater last night.

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考 † 為補充說明

* u fabric [`f1br6k] n. 織物;衣料

* u bargain [`b3rg6n] v. 討價還價

* u ruin [`ru6n] n. 遺跡;廢墟(做此義時常用複數形)

u worship [`w-]4p] v. 敬拜;崇拜

† cau lau [ka8] [la8] 有人譯作「高樓麵」,為會安的特色小吃,



† Cham [t]1m] 指「占族人」,為越南境內的少數民族,西元十五


Give It a Try 請圈選出與本課所學相關的英文字詞。

* 答案請參閱第 71 頁

s c a g t l b oy o t d w h k pe m m r i a j vq p u e l f g cs a s i d e z oe n p g k a m sl y c n i x y pw a t t e m p t


h Ho Chi Minh City [ho] [t]i] [m6n] n. 胡志明市(舊稱「西


h Mekong Delta [`me`k3;] [`d5lt4] n. 湄公河三角洲

Extra Information

位於越南中部的美山(My Son [mi] [s9n])遺跡是




脂(tree resin)來接合,之後再用大火烘烤數天,使

樹脂和磚塊緊密地黏合在一起。1999 年,聯合國教

科文組織將此地列入世界遺產(World Heritage)。

Finding the Real Vietnam • World Attractions


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