live product demo: unified security management in under 1 hour with alienvault™

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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How to get complete security visibility and threat detection in less than 1 hour. In this session, our SIEM deployment expert will show you how to quickly and easily: *Detect brute force attacks with correlation of both Windows & Linux logs *Detect APTs and zero-day attacks *Expose network scans or worm behavior with firewall log correlation *Identify and prioritize vulnerabilities on affected assets *Customize alerts and reports for PCI, HIPAA and ISO


Live Demo: Get Complete Security Visibility in Under 1 Hour


About AlienVault

AlienVault has unified the security products, intelligence and community essential for mid-sized businesses to defend against

today’s modern threats


• More and more organizations are finding themselves in the crosshairs of various bad actors for a variety of reasons.

• The number of organizations experiencing high profile breaches is unprecedented.

• The “security arms race” cannot continue indefinitely as the economics of securing your organization is stacked so heavily in favor of those launching attacks that incremental security investments are seen as impractical.

Threat landscape: Our new reality

84% of organizations breached

had evidence of the breach in their log files…


“There are two types of companies that use computers. Victims of crime that know they are victims of crime and victims of crime that don’t

have a clue yet.”- James Routh, 2007

CISO Depository Trust Clearing Corporation

Prevention is elusive


“How would you change your strategy if you knew for certain that you were going to be

compromised?”- Martin Roesch, 2013

Founder & CTO Sourcefire, Author SNORT


Prevent Detect & Respond

The basics are in place for most

companies…but this alone is a ‘proven’ failed


New capabilities to develop

Get (Very) good at detection & response


So many security technologies to choose fromGiven the 10 most recommended technologies and the pricing range, an organization could expect to spend anywhere from $225,000 to $1.46m in its first year, including technology and staff.

Source: The Real Cost of Security, 451 Research, April 2013

Factor into this: Initial Licensing Costs Implementation / Optimization Costs Ongoing Management Costs Renewal Costs Integration of all the security technologies Training of personnel/incoming personnel


Many point solutions…integration anyone?

“Security Intelligence through Integration that we do, NOT you”

USM Platform• Bundled Products - 30 Open-Source

Security tools to plug the gaps in your existing controls

• USM Framework - Configure, Manage, & Run Security Tools. Visualize output and run reports

• USM Extension API - Support for inclusion of any other data source into the USM Framework

• Open Threat Exchange –Provides threat intelligence for collaborative defense


Asset Discovery• Active Network Scanning• Passive Network Scanning• Asset Inventory• Host-based Software


Vulnerability Assessment• Network Vulnerability Testing• Remediation Verification Threat Detection• Network IDS• Host IDS• Wireless IDS• File Integrity Monitoring

Behavioral Monitoring• Log Collection• Netflow Analysis• Service Availability Monitoring

Security Intelligence• SIEM Event Correlation• Incident Response

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