live emcee transitions: what to do emcee/tech guide giving ... · • pitch to konnect rules giving...

Post on 28-Jul-2020






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Live Emcee Transitions: What To Do

Intro Konnection

• Introduce self and welcome guests • Practice monthly topic together • Pitch to Konnect Rules

Giving Konnection

• Recap Konnect rules in 1 sentence • Explain Dot stickers • Pitch to Offering

Point Konnection

• Introduce the point • Practice the point together

• Pitch to the Konnect Show

Verse Konnection

• Recap the show in 1 sentence • Practice the Bible verse together

• Pitch to Small Group Activity

Worship Konnection

• Recap Small Group Activity • Practice the point together again

• Pitch to Worship (kids remain seated)

Life Konnection

• Recap ABCs in 1 sentence • Encourage life application

• Pitch to Small Group Discussion

Sample Scripts for Live Emcee Transitions on Back

Small Group Welcome Small groups form & discuss welcome question

Theme Song Promote participation in dancing & singing

Intro Konnection 30 second live emcee transition

Rules Model saying rules and counting them on fingers

Giving Konnection 30 second live emcee transition

Offering Teaching Video Choose kids quietly & pass buckets

Point Konnection 30 second live emcee transition

Teaching, Bible Theater, Verse, & Point Small group leaders focus attention on show

Verse Konnection 30 second live emcee transition

Small Group Activity Small group leaders lead activity individually

Worship Konnection 30 second live emcee transition

Worship Teaching Video Get kid worship leaders on stage quietly

Worship Songs Lead worship motions for 3 songs listed on front

ABCs Sit in small groups and say ABCs with video

Life Konnection 30 second live emcee transition

Small Group Discussion Small group leaders lead discussion individually

Check Out Kids stay in small groups until checked out



Bible Verse

Titus 1:15 NIRV To people who are pure, all things are pure. But to those who have twisted minds and don’t believe, nothing is pure. …


Make a pure choice. Only watch what honors God.

Worship Song List

I Believe KOTM Live 2013 Medley

Lighting Key for Techs

Lights Up

Dim Lights

Lights Down

Stage Lights

Sample Scripts for Emcees

Intro Konnection Point Konnection Worship Konnection

Hi, kids! Welcome to Konnect! I’m so glad you’re here! My name’s ______ and I’m your emcee! Raise your hand up high if love to watch videos, TV, and movies! (Kids raise up their hands.) Wow! That’s a lot of you! It’s a good thing we’re having a very special Konnect today! We’ll actually watch some videos and commercials you may have seen on TV or YouTube before. Before we start that, let’s go over our Konnect rules! Watch with me!

It’s so great to be able to give to God! Let’s learn today’s point. It says, “Make a pure choice. Only watch what honors God.” Repeat it after me loud and proud! Make a pure choice. … (Kids repeat) Make a pure choice. … … Only watch what honors God! (Kids repeat) … Only watch what honors God! Super! Now here’s the moment we’ve been waiting for! Watch in the Konnect show to see which commercials and videos you’ve seen before!

Looks like everyone had a favorite video this week! And it looks like there was someone in your group who helped you figure out what was pure in those videos! They’re here every week, and they’re here for you! They’re your small group leader. Turn to your leader and give them a high five! (Kids high five their leaders.) Great job! Now, get ready to worship God with your loudest praise voice!

Giving Konnection Verse Konnection Life Konnection

Did you notice? We’ve got three rules! When you follow them and make choices that put others first, you’re helping everyone in your small group have fun! It also helps you get picked to help out around here. I’ll choose a couple of friends to pick up the offering while we sit up straight and tall and learn what offering is all about. (Choose helpers.)

Wow! When you watch TV, videos, or movies, you might just be reminded of a truth about God! Now, let’s practice our Bible verse. Say it with me. (Do motions and say in rhythm with kids) Titus 1:15 To people who are pure, all things are pure. But to those who have twisted minds and don’t believe, nothing is pure. … Great job! Now let’s see which videos and commercials our small groups liked the best today!

I’m so glad when I hear the ABCs! They remind me that Jesus makes us right with God! If you want Jesus to be your leader, tell your small group leader today, and they can let your family know. Now, it’s time to talk about what we can do this week to watch out for what’s pure and turn off what’s not. God will help us know the difference! Don’t forget to stay with your small group until you get checked out!

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