livability gilette wyoming

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    2013 | SponSored By The CampBell CounTy ChamBer o CommerCe


    Gillettewright and Campbell County, wy

    Mai Eetdt s t

    t ct

    rave reviewSArts and culturescene earns praise

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    600 4-J Court Gillette, WY 82716 (307) 686-9200

    Always There For You

    Celebrating 30 Years of Service to Campbell County

    Sherry McGrath Rod Addison Shirley Pettigrew Josh McGrath Sherry Okray

    Ralph Palmer Stephanie Peralta Steve Laakso Carol Percival Jim Hastings

    Ashley McGrath Erica Long Jamie Pedersen Camarae Gaulke
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 1
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 3


    Thigs t D12 Dwtw

    Ma eD rk ga aa recg

    16 Msic

    Sos l FGee mc cee

    hrg ad ared

    20 Lcal Flar

    Yo Go Goo tas

    22 Arts & Cltre

    Ra RwsAr ad cre

    cee ear rae

    24 Sprts & Recreati

    Room o Roam

    O th CorArtist Blache Gersey paits i herhme stdi i Gillette. Photo by Michael Conti


    8 Welcme t Campbell Ctya tct t t ct

    Gillettewright and Campbell County, wy

    2013 editiOn vOluMe 12

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    4 C am pBe ll C ounTy

    t o w n h o m e s

    Cllg Park t i Gill ad lyluxury cplx. our paciu - ad

    r-bdr ui faur -ad-a-alf ba,

    laia ardd flrig, black appliac, hurDugla d blid, ad furid ar ad dryr.

    hig cilig ad larg id cra a brig adp plac fr yu call . our uiqu

    ar ri ad av a igl car aacd garag

    i dirc acc i .

    Faurig lu ladcapig ad l diy, CllgPark ffr privacy a ll a all aii f

    apar livig. A alf-acr fcd dg park, gazb

    i picic abl ad BBQ grill, playgrud, adbui cr cribu rlaxig ad

    aiac-fr lifyl jyd by ur rid.

    Aacd Garag


    Bui Cr


    Cuiy Grill Ara

    P Fridly

    maiac Fr

    Flxibl La trad Crpra

    Pricig Availabl

    Stop by and view one of our

    exceptional townhomes today.

    224 College Park Cir. Gillette, WY 82718 (307) 685-8344 (307) 685-9202 FaxEmail:

    A unique rental community
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 5


    Liig30 Health

    A Pcr of HahCame CyMemra Haeg meecmmy eed

    35 Health

    Hahy lg

    36 Edcati

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    44 Eergy

    Pcr PrfcArea ca cmaeake eardh hear

    48 Bsiess Climate

    Bg GrowhMay Gee ee

    exad r ach 2012

    52 Chamber Letter

    Bac Bac

    53 ecoomc Prof




    a t ts z s t t s cc

    ct 10% st-cs st.PlEaSE rECyClE ThiS magaziNE

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 7

    Get tHediGitAlMAGAZineIt's laded with lis t mregreat if abt CampbellCty! Tellig yrcmmitys iqe stryhas eer bee s easy.

    2013|SponSored ByT








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    TakE iT wiTh yOuEs se n nteestn

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    SPrEad ThE NEwS

    Bocst o cont's

    poste e b pcn te

    ne on o ebste,

    bo o nesette.

    Visit the website for more great photos and

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    2013 | SponSored By The CampBell CounTy ChamBer o CommerCe


    Gillettewright and Campbell County, wy

    Mai Eetdt s t

    t ct

    rave reviewSArts and culturescene earns praise


    Get info on top

    employers, jobs

    and success storiesin Campbell County.
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming




    Devils Tower

    National Monument
























    Welcome to the Energy Capitalof the nation. The coal produced in

    Campbell County and the PowderRiver Basin supplies 40 percent ofall coal used to produce electricityin the U.S. Youll discover theenergy that drives this thrivingcommunity as you flip through thefollowing pages. Its in the eclecticshops and restaurants in downtownGillette. Its in the parks, playingfields and recreation centers andin the people who call CampbellCounty home.


    Located in the northeast cornerof Wyoming, not far from DevilsTower, Americas first nationalmonument, Campbell Countyoffers wide-open living. Residentsget to experience the adventureand excitement of the West.Hunters flock here to track downmule deer, antelope and trophyAmerican bison. Many residentsenjoy horseback riding, hiking

    and blazing trails on ATVs andsnowmobiles. Lakes in andaround Campbell County offeropportunities for fishing,swimming and boating. CAM-PLEX, the largest events facilityin the West, hosts rodeos, concertsand rallies. Sports leagues arerun by the Campbell County Parksand Recreation Department, whichoversees a large recreation centerwith workout facilities and an

    indoor climbing wall.

    STrONg ECONOmy

    The construction of new homesis a sign that Campbell Countyseconomy is growing. Newbusinesses open their doors hereeach year, and the countys hospitalis completing a major expansion.Work is never hard to find here.Five of the areas top employersare connected to the coal mining

    industry, which is developing cleanand efficient ways of extracting,transporting and using coal.

    aT a glaNCE

    Gillette, Wright ad Campbell Ctya quiCk, ComprehenSive overview o whaTS greaT aBouT The CommuniTy

    FOr mOrE iNFOrmaTiON

    Campb CoyChambr ofCommrc314 S. Gillette Ae.

    Gillette, WY 82716

    Pone: (307) 682-3673

    F: (307) 682-0538


    Campbell Conty is in northeastern

    Wyoming, between the Big HornMontains and the Black Hills.

    COuNTy POPulaTiON


    aNNual raiNFall


    diSTaNCES TO ThrEEmajOr CiTiES NEarBy

    Sheridan, WY: 104 miles

    Billings, MT: 231 milesDener, CO: 346 miles



    National Aerage: 30

    Named a

    top 10 May Cy




    8 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    See the Sightsa ac b sct, ct bd mss, s ct Gs lasglgacy Par t Cb Ctrct Ct. T bz sct

    ss s t ctc .

    livaBiliTy.COm/gillETTE 9

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming



    lEarN aBOuTThE laNd

    Experience Wyoming

    history at the rocpe

    mse in Gillette.

    The msem displayscollections o weaponry

    and Natie Americanartiacts, and there is

    a dress-p area and

    interactie exhibits or kids.


    Play gOlF

    Tee o at one o threechallenging gol corses

    in the area. The 18-hole

    Be Nob gof Cose

    and the nine-hole

    gette gof Cb are

    both located in Gillette.

    hcee gof Cb,

    located in Wright, also

    oers nine holes.


    TakE a walk

    Get exercise and a historylesson on a sefen to throghhistoric downtown

    Gillette. Grab a booklet ora map rom the Campbell

    Conty Chamber oCommerce oice to

    gide yo p and down

    Gillette Aene.


    raiSE yOurhEarT raTE

    Ride yor bike on

    one o the bike pathsin and arond Campbell

    Conty inclding inthe won Bchs. The area has openhighway and montain

    trails or bikers and other

    recreation options.

    tHinGS tO dOCampbell Ctys mst-d attractis,actiities ad diig

    Hit the Riwtc ts t t c t t w Ct t CAM-PleX, t t t c t s. T177,000-s-t ct sts ts sc s c s, st, s, bts ccts.

    10 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming



    rElax OuTSidE

    Take a stroll throgh

    lstn lec P,

    which is home to the

    Cpbe Cont w

    meo. The walkingtrail measres 1,750 eet,

    and other acilitiesinclde a soccer ield,

    playgrond, amphitheater

    and open-play areas.


    ENjOy ThE waTEr

    Cast a line rom theshore into the getteFsn le, whichmeasres 19 acres and

    is located at done

    Cee in db P.

    Preiosly caght ishinclde rainbow trot,

    black bllhead, carp,

    largemoth bass andyellow perch.


    lOvE SCiENCE

    Explore exhibits andliing creatres at the

    Cpbe Cont Scoo

    dstct Scence Cente.

    This 10,000-sqare-ootcenter eatres more than

    60 interactie exhibitsand animal displays,

    the center also seres

    as an extension to areascience classrooms.

    ThiNgS TO dO


    SEE a BallgamE

    Catch a legion baseballgame at roeSt invontee

    P, which is the home

    ield o the Riders, aarsity team or the Post

    42 Baseball Program and2008 state champions.

    A collection o teams with

    players ranging rom 8to 18 also play at the park.

    Hae a AdetreCb t t t t c t t t

    Campb Coy Rcrao Cr. Tstct, c ss 74 t

    42 t t, s c ds T, t t ct b.

    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 11

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    ThiNgS TO dO

    Creatie CmmitySct ptc l s ct t st nt B

    t dowow GAr Wa.

    12 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming




    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 13

    gillETTE maiN STrEET

    The citys center has always beena strong business hub, but now severalefforts are in progress that are, literally,putting it on the map. Chief among those

    is Gillette Main Street, the citys affiliationwith the states Main Street program, itselfa part of the National Trust for HistoricPreservations countrywide effort torecognize and support thriving historicurban centers.

    We have absolutely loved being inthe program, because its allowed us toplan some events for downtown, and workon storefronts and facades and do thethings that will continue to bring visitorsand residents back into the area, says

    Tara Lindblom, manager of CountryElegance and a second-generation Gillettebusiness operator.

    dOwNTOwN arT walk/5k

    Gillettes Downtown Main Streetteam has been busy with a roster of specialevents. Those include the DowntownArt Walk, which was held on the second

    Thursday of each month from Octoberthrough December, and connected 25different artists with 23 businesses, andwill likely return in spring 2013, alongwith a summer festival. Another big hitwas the Paint The Town 5K, which wasGillette Main Streets first event. It washeld the first weekend in June and isalso set for a return appearance.

    With all this success, its hoped thatwithin two years the program will haveits own executive director and be a fully

    certified Main Street program, saysJohn Cosner, who serves as presidentof Gillette Main Street.

    Whether its runners, groups of art lovers or justshoppers looking for the best deals, folks know thatdowntown Gillette is the place to be these days.

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    14 C am pBe ll C ounTy

    Weve had tremendous turnoutfor our events, and we have a lot tobuild on, Cosner says. The more

    business our merchants have, themore they can reinvest in theirbusinesses and see those prosper.The pace is picking up, so weremaking sure that we have good-quality programs so that we cankeep building our momentum.

    livEly dOwNTOwNrESTauraNT SCENE

    Downtown Gillette benefitsfrom a strong group of restaurants,

    including the 311 Lounge, whichserves up everything from finewines to burgers and beer, BrothersCoffee Co. and Coffee Friends, andthe Chophouse Restaurant, a steak-and-seafood mainstay since 1999.

    rETail mix CONTiNuESTO grOw

    And as far as shoppingsconcerned, downtown merchantshave got you covered with clothing,

    toys, cookware and more.On the clothing front, CountryElegance and Crazy Woman

    Mercantile offer womens attireand accessories, as does the BlueButterfly Boutique and Sole Mates,

    which sells shoes and clothing.And for special events, pick upthat designer dress, tuxedo or evenbridal gown at Lasting MemoriesBridal & Formal Wear.

    Parents of growing children arefrequent shoppers at EverythingKids, a consignment store thatcarries everything from clothing tofurniture, toys, books and bedding.Childrens needs also are front andcenter at the Teachers Corner/

    Kids Mart, which has toys, puzzles,art kits and classroom supplies.

    If any of your purchases are agift, swing by Pats Hallmark forthe perfect card or maybe a littlesomething extra to slip into a giftbag. If that gift bags for a do-it-yourselfer, chances are youll findmore treats at Mikes Hardware,which offers a catalog of more than7,000 items, not to mention freepickup and delivery.

    And if the restaurant sceneisnt enough, foodies also keep theGillette Cheese Houses aisles full.

    mes hen Pnt



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    Soe mtes

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    Scbs & moe

    BotesCoffee Co.

    311 lone

    Coffee Fens

    Cpbe ContCbe of Coece

    Be BttefBotqe

    getteCeese hose


    Coos Noo

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    Special EetCsts j t cct t

    Cash Mob t t Jos P dpo t gtt. T t s

    st b t Cb Ct

    Cb Cc 2012.

    gsts t 311 log gtt.

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Cc t ts

    t Cb Ctt

    Everything from Wisconsincheeses to meats, jams and jelliescan be found here, as well as gift

    baskets. After a stop there, thosein the know head on over toCooks Nook for gourmet kitchenaccessories and cookware.

    by Joe Morrisby staff photographer

    Michael Conti


  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    ThiNgS TO dO

    16 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    FunSounds Like

    We have lots of great opportunities to enjoy the musical

    scene here and its wonderful to watch, says Tracy Mathews,a resident of Gillette in Campbell County. There is lotsof talent in Gillette, and it absolutely inspires me to see somany talented people who go out and perform for no moneyin the community. It definitely makes the community abetter place to live.

    Most famous is the Donkey Creek Festival, which isaptly named: Those who attend get a kick out of it. Begunby Gillette College in 2006 with the Big Horn Big Bandand an audience of 50 people, the event has now become asummertime tradition in Campbell County. It is a three-dayfestival packed with music (everything from jazz to blues to

    gospel and more), food vendors, artist booths and thousandsof guests who cant wait to enjoy it all.And thats just the start.

    In Gillette, theyre playing your song witha variety of fun musical groups and events.And theres something for everyone.


    mbs t ergy Cyvocs, c s t

    ss cs, t t gtt CTc Ct.

    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 17

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    muSiC TO yOur EarS

    The Energy City Voices, a Gillette

    College musical theater troupe ofsinger/dancers, made its debut thisyear and is already causing a buzz,according to the groups director,Cheryl Ringer.

    We have had an overwhelmingresponse from the community.They have seen just a portion of theshow and they are so very excited,she says. I get calls and questionsdaily on when their performancesare. They will be a big hit! Thecommunity has been waiting for

    something like this and now thatit is here, they are thrilled.

    The Powder River SymphonyOrchestra, much like symphonymusic itself, brings an extra touchof beauty and regal quality toCampbell County. More than 60members lend their talents to 17different types of instruments togive guests a memorable musicalexperience. Dont be surprised tofind visiting choirs from nearby

    schools partnering with theorchestra for concerts and events.

    Speaking of beauty and regality,the Gillette Chamber Singers havebrought it to the city as well. Startedin 1986, the mixed adult choirbegan with 16 members and is nowup to 40. They are from differentbackgrounds and occupationsbut are all brought together byone thing a love of singing.

    iN ThE hOuSE

    The CAM-PLEX Heritage Centeris one of the venues that hosts the

    Stts t t CAM-PleX ht Ct.

    Maig Big MsicCs 17 scs

    gtt, wt ds, tBg Hor Bg Ba s gtt. T s ts tst t d C

    st c .

    18 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Gillette Chamber Singers, and forgood reason: The finest singers inCampbell County should have thefinest facilities. The center featuresa 919-seat proscenium theater thathas hosted Broadway productions,live concerts, dancing performancesand more. The building alsofeatures dressing rooms, showerfacilities and a makeup room, andcan be rented out for private events.

    For live, casual music lovers,Brothers Coffee Company featuresan open mic night the first andthird Friday of each month at 7 p.m.For those who are ready to rock, orenjoy watching others do it, JakesTavern, established in 1994, giveslive bands a stage for rock n roll,blues and the occasional bit ofcountry and rockabilly acts.

    by Chris Russellby staff photographer

    Michael Conti


    Weh ave lots ofgreatopportunities toenjoythe musical

    scene here and itswonderfulto watch, says TracyMathews,

    aresidentofG illettein Campbell County.Thereis lots of

    talentin Gillette, andi ta bsolutelyinspires metos ee so

    manytalentedpeople whogoo utandp erform forno money

    in the community. Itd efinitelymakesthe communitya

    betterp laceto live.Mostfamous is the DonkeyCreekFestival, whichis aptly

    named: Thosewho attendg etakickoutofit.B egun by

    GilletteCollege in 2006 with the BigHornB igBand anda n

    audience of5 0p eople,the eventhasn owbecome asummertimetraditioni n Campbell County. Itisa three-day

    festivalp ackedwith music (everythingfromjazzto blues to

    gospel andm ore), food vendors, artistbooths and thousands

    ofg uests whoc antwaittoenjoyitall.And thatsj ustthe start.

    InGillette,theyre playingyoursongwith a varietyoffunmusicalgroups andevents.And theres somethingforeveryone.



    Memers f theEerg CtVces, whchs trefsgersd dcers,erfrm tthe GetteCegeTechgCeter.

    liVabi liTy.CoM/GillETTE 17

    16 Ca MpbEl l CounTy

    Read e r yr ae ad

    qcky hare arce h red.

    digiTal magaziNE

    High-paying mineral industry jobs

    Quality education for your children

    Located in the heart of Powder River Basin

    Wright Town Hall201 Wright Blvd. Wright, WY 82732

    (307) 464-1666

    HaycreekGolf Course

    Wright Boulevard

    Panther Pond
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    20 C am pBe ll C ounTy

    Pizza ad Italia Fd

    graB a SliCE Or TwO

    P Ceo lies p to its name. In Italian,

    carrello means trolley, and this mobile wood-iredpizza-oen catering serice operates jst as that,

    proiding Italian ood at estials, airs and eents.Need more? Check ot anos itn restnt

    or white-sace pizza, lambrsco and steaks.

    Fie Diig

    ENjOy aN uPSCalE ExPEriENCE

    Patrons o the Pe rb restnt n wneCe will see why the eatery has won mltipleawards or its world-class wine selection. With

    8,000 sqare eet o dining space and a rich, sotatmosphere, a memorable experience awaits.

    The 311 lone eatres niqe men items indowntown Gillette. Dishes sch as salmon mosse

    raioli and smoked dck breast are aailable, as wellas more than 85 beers and drinks.

    By Chris Russell

    Farmers Maret

    TakE hOmE Farm FrESh FOOd

    The gette Fes met gies CampbellConty residents a tre taste o local laor. Held each

    Satrday morning between Jly and September in theGillette College Technology Center parking lot, the

    market is rn by local master gardeners and eatresresh meat, prodce, prepared oods and crats.

    Casal Diig

    rElax, ChOw dOwN

    At Bootees g & Spees, gests canenjoy a n throwback theme to the days o gangsters

    and lappers as well as a men stacked with brgers,seaood, pastas, sandwiches and egetarian dishes.

    There is also a ll bar with an extended wine list.

    Te Cop hose seres hand-ct, aged Angs

    bee steaks and has ish lown in directly rom bothcoasts. Desserts are made in-hose, and all meals

    get prepared when ordered. Poes BBQe &

    Soeose eatres an extensie salad bar.

    The new microbrewery at Sne ge giesgests a chance to choose the best brews with

    sample trays, 64-once growlers or on tap. Themen incldes sshi, resh seaood, steaks and pasta.

    Ye Gt Gd Tastepeople will ind SomeThing To pleaSe Their TaSTe BudS in gilleTTe

    Across Campbell County those with a taste for good cuisine are in for a real treat. Several of them,in fact. The variety of dining opportunities in and around Gillette is as wide open as the Wyoming sky.


    The Main Bagel is my favorite breakfast

    spot in Gillette, hands down, and it is also

    an excellent option for a light lunch. Their

    lunch sandwiches are fresh and delicious,

    and their breakfast options are real

    homemade treats.STEPhEN m., YElp REviEwER

    Try a Bitei wt, s t t Op Rag Sahosc st t tst bs t ss,

    sts sct ts. ts t c Ct as B bs,

    s BlTs bs b st bs.

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Wright hotel

    Hours of Operation


    All You Can Eat BufetMon.-Fri. 11 a.m.-2 p.m.


    Mon.-Sat. 4-10 p.m.

    Located in the center o the Powder River Coal Basin in the town o Wright, Wyoming.

    All 71-rooms are designed to meet your business and lodging needs. With its distinctiveWestern decor, vaulted ceilings on the entire third foor and panoramic views o the

    65,000-acre Durham Ranch, your stay will be comortable and enjoyable.

    300 Reata Dr. Wright, WY 82732 (307) 464-6060

    andopen range SteakhouSe

    WHAtS COOkinGgrilled laT iron STeak wiTh SpiCy ruB

    Cattle ranching became a way of life in Campbell County during the late 1800s. Beef continuesto be a favorite entree in the wide-open West and finding fresh cuts of meat here is easy. A varietyof beef is offered at the local farmers market and butcher shops, allowing chefs to make a hearty

    entree that satisfies Western cravings.

    Prp tm: 15 msRecipe courtesy of

    Eatig I


    1 d kr eak

    SpiCy ruB

    ea cayee

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    1. Mx geher r grede.

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    a -ch hck.Reme rm rag

    ad ca h r.

    3. Gr dered emerare

    ad ce h ere.
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming



    ChildrENS mEmOrial walkway

    Childrens Memorial Walkway at McManamen Park is a placeo art and trees dedicated to the memory o all local children

    who hae passed away. Ater the ntimely death o a yong girlas the reslt o an accident, the walkway has become a place o

    peace and tranqility or those in Campbell Conty who hae

    lost a child ar too early in lie. On the irst Satrday o eeryMay, a remembrance ceremony is held or amilies and riendsto remember, morn and celebrate the lies o their children.

    Rae ReiewsarTS and CulTure SCene earnS praiSe

    The arts and culture scene in Gillette deserves a standing ovation, for good reason. Gillette

    and Campbell County have a number of entertainment options along with special attractions and even poignant memorials.

    ThiNgS TO dO: ARTS & CuLTuRE

    Ejy the ArtsT AvA(Aocacy for vsaArs) s t zttt sts s xbts s ct t t

    gtt. ec s, t s t t Ct at

    S c tsts ct t s. y

    s t t cssst ava, tt

    t t bs sct.

    The Cpbe Cont rocpe

    mse has collections o

    history, art, archaeology and

    natral history, and is next to

    a natral rockpile ormation.

    FASt FACt

    22 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    F fr kids

    gazE aT ThE STarS

    The Cpbe Cont Scoodstct Pnet at Sage

    valley Jnior High School hasbeen an entertainment staple

    since 1981. The acility has oneo only three Goto Chronos II

    projectors installed in the world,and can show more than 8,000

    stars on its 30-oot-diameterceiling dome. Night shows are ree

    to the pblic, and laser shows areoten accompanied by rock msic.

    The planetarim is maintained

    by nds rom Campbell ContySchool District No. 1 and donations.

    gET CrEaTivE

    hns On Potte allowschildren and adlts to design and

    paint among the stdios hndredso ceramic pieces aailable. Clay,

    paint, glaze, greenware and otherart spplies are proided, and the

    crat room is especially colorl.Hands On Pottery opened in May

    2012 in downtown Gillette.

    By Kevin Litwin

    Our community is so

    fortunate to enjoy the

    high caliber of performing

    arts that the Powder River

    Symphony and GilletteChamber Singers provide.

    Their seasonal programs

    and performances have

    become traditions for

    our community. I cant

    imagine a Gillette

    without these wonderful

    musical opportunities.ida SNEad,

    CAMpbEll CountY REsiDEntHrig, Rememberig Lcal veterasT Bcs vts Ctt s sts t tt t

    ts t sc. Brcs for vs s t lst lc m p tt sts c ts

    t t cct. T s t s ag S S g a ts bc

    . t, st

    Ct xCb Ctsct sc

    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 23
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    24 C am pBe ll C ounTy

    Yth Leages

    kidS gET aCTivE

    Seeral athletic options are open or local children inclding leagesin loor hockey, ice hockey, basketball, baseball and swimming. The

    most poplar oering is the gette Socce Cb, which has two oicialseasons: rom Agst throgh March and then March throgh Jly, as

    well as an indoor season. Teams play in regional tornaments in Wyoming,Soth Dakota, Montana and Colorado, and Gillette has hosted national

    tornaments. Gillette also hosts little leage baseball district tornaments.


    FuN iN ThE SuN

    The Cpbe Cont Ps& receton deptentmaintains more than 30 parks

    and beatiication areas, plsoperates the year-rond

    Cpbe Cont Poo. All parksare open rom 5 a.m.-11 p.m.,

    with many oering picnic areas,playgronds, olleyball corts,

    horseshoes, barbece grills,basketball corts and ishing.

    The most isited site is db

    P, which has seen baseball/sotball ields and 65 picnic tables.


    TEE iT uP, TakE a SwiNg

    Campbell Conty has threegol corses. Be Nob gofCose is an 18-hole, par 72

    championship ene, pls thereis a separate nine-hole par three

    corse. Meanwhile, gette gof

    Cbis a nine-hole corse that

    opened in 1969 and plays to apar 36 oer its 3,500 total yards.

    Rm t RamSporTS, reCreaTion opTionS are aBundanT

    A lot of busy bodies can be found in Gillette and CampbellCounty, thanks to a generous amount of sports and recreationalopportunities that are available to residents and visitors.


    Play BallT Campb CoyRcrao Cr gtt

    ts bstb cts,ctb cts, t

    , c , txcs s, t t

    s s s.


    CaST a liNE, rEEl ONE iN

    Bnton le is ormed by Gillette Dam on Stonepile Creek, atribtary o Donkey Creek in Campbell Conty. Anglers will ind a ariety

    o ish in the 145-acre lake inclding largemoth bass, blegill and rainbowtrot. Spinning, bait-casting and ly ishing are all encoraged.

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Recreati Ceter

    Family-FriENdlyaCTiviTiES, amENiTiES

    Cpbe Cont receton

    Cente had its grand opening inApril 2010 and has amenities that

    inclde a 42-oot climbing walldesigned to resemble aspects o

    Deils Tower Monment. Otheroerings inclde a six-lane lap

    pool, three-meter diing platorm,leisre pool with two water slides,

    basketball corts, racqetballcorts, eleated walking track, anda kids zone sed or babysitting.

    There are also ie tennis corts,two tanning beds, a weight room

    and three exercise rooms.

    By Kevin Litwin

    Play a Rdlct wt, Haycr Gof Cb s s ss 3,527 s. T cs cst zs, s ts t c t


    ttst t ct CbCt t
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Gillettemade the list.Tp 10 Wtr CtSee more Top 10 lists at




















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  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    S ts tt scs CbCts ttcts

    G Fr a RideTe Razor Cy BMX par os ces ap toNoebe n s open to bos n s.


    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 27

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Cc t ts tt stCb Cts t

    Head f the Classpt t nt w Ct Cdstct, G Cog s t sscts ctcts s sc s cjstc, tc, t ct,s . T sc s s t t sts sc t bstb, css ct.

    28 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    livinGSchls, health care, adeighbrhds i Campbell Cty

    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 29

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    We are fortunate to providethe facilities and types of physiciansthat youd normally see in a muchlarger community, says CCMHinterim CEO Andy Fitzgerald,

    FHFMA. Access to health careis one of the things that contributeto a great quality of life.

    grOwTh aT CCmh

    A three-year, $68 millionexpansion of the hospital wascompleted in December 2012 toaccommodate the growth within

    the community and at CCMH. Theaddition includes extensive interiorremodeling, a parking structure, a

    helipad, and a new surgical unitfeaturing larger operating suitesand enhanced pre- and post-surgical rooms.

    The expansion also pavedthe way for new technology to beimplemented. Family and friendsof patients undergoing surgery at


    Gillettes regional health-care hub is growing. CampbellCounty Memorial Hospital is adding new services,spaces and specialists to meet the health-care needs

    of northeast Wyoming.



    30 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    CCMH can now track the progressof their loved ones as they movefrom pre-operation into surgeryand out into recovery, thanks to alarge TV monitor in the surgerywaiting area next to the coffeeshop. And, surgery patients can optto receive a video via email thatoutlines pre-operation instructionsas well as personalized instructionsfrom their physician after theirprocedurethe first hospital inWyoming to test such technology.

    In 2013, CCMH will break

    ground on a $30 million, 144-bednursing home to provide long-termand transitional care as well asshort-term rehabilitation. Thecontinuum of care also includepalliative, or comfort, care and endof life care at Close to Home, thenew hospice house located acrossthe street from the hospital.

    We have a fast-growingsegment of retirees who shouldhave confidence about the level ofcare available here, Fitzgeraldsays. Another valuable tool for


    Thecoffee shopatCapbellCountymeorialhospital


    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 31

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    We are fortunatetoprovidethefacil ities and typesofphysiciansthatyoudnormallysee in a muchlargercommunity,says CCMHinterim CEO AndyFitzgerald,FHFMA. Accesstohealth care isone ofthe things thatcontribute toa greatqualityofl ife.

    GROWTH ATCCMHA three-year,$68millionexpansion oftheh ospitalwascompleted in December2012 toaccommodate the growth withinthe communityandatCCMH. Theaddition includes extensive interiorremodeling,a parkingstructure,a

    helipad,a nd an ewsurgical unitfeaturinglargeroperatingsuitesand enhanced pre- andpost-surgicalrooms.Thee xpansion alsopaved thewayforn ewtechnologytobeimplemented.Familyand friendsofpatientsundergoingsurgeryat


    Gillettes regionalhealth-care hubis growing. CampbellCountyMemorial Hospital is addingnewservices,spaces andspecialists to meetthe health-care needs





    CCMHcan nowtrackthe progressoftheirloved ones astheymovefrom pre-operation into surgeryandoutintorecovery,thankstoalargeTVmonitorin the surgerywaitingarea nexttothecoffeeshop.A nd,surgerypatients can opttoreceive a videovia email thatoutlinespre-operation instructionsas wella spersonalized instructionsfrom theirphysicianaftertheirprocedurethe firsthospitalinWyomingtotests uchtechnology.In 2013,C CMHwill breakgroundon a $30million, 144-bed

    nursinghome to providelong-termandtransitionalc are as wella sshort-term rehabilitation.Thecontinuum ofcare also includepalliative, orcomfort,carea nd endoflife care atClose toHome,thenewhospice house located acrossthe streetfrom the hospital.We have a fast-growingsegmentofretireeswhoshouldhave confidence aboutthe level ofcare available here,Fitzgeraldsays. Anothervaluable tool forseniors isthe addition ofgeriatricspecialistBernadetteMeade,D.O.,


    ThecoffeeshopatCampbellCountyMemorialHospitalservesdeliciousbeveragesandsnacks. 31

    30 campbellcounty

    Read e r yr ae ad

    qcky hare arce h red.

    digiTal magaziNE

    seniors is the addition of geriatricspecialist Bernadette Meade, D.O.,who joined CCMH in 2011.

    CCMH is very proactive andsupportive of doctors, Meadesays. They are willing to getthe best technology, facilities andstaff to provide great medical careto the community. Im very happy

    to be here.Additional services at CCMH

    include 14 specialty clinics,dialysis, medical and radiationoncology, an intensive care unit,behavioral health services, andrehabilitation services. Plans forfuture growth include expandedradiology services, cardiologyprogram and cardiac cath lab.

    PrOvidiNg EduCaTiON,ExPEriENCE

    The hospital also provides real-world experience to nursing

    students at Gillette College. In2008, CCMH, the city and thecollege partnered to build theHerbert A. and Dorothy P. CarterHealth Science Education Center,home to the Gillette CollegeNursing Program and CCMHsclinical education services. Thehospital supplies two full-time

    faculty members for the nursingprogram, and employs manynursing graduates.

    Were heavily involved ininvesting in the future of healthcare practitioners, says Fitzgerald.CCMH is one of the communityslargest employers, with some 1,200people throughout CCMHs healthcare system.

    SETTiNg STaNdardSFOr PaTiENT CarE

    As health care evolves, CCMHis learning how to adapt their

    West 3rdStreet

    West 4th Street



    Ws 6h Sr

    Cpbe Contmeo hospt

    Campb Coy Mmora Hospa

    processes and capabilities tobetter engage and inform patients,according to Fitzgerald. Weput our patients and residentsat the center of everything wedo by listening to their concerns,understanding their needs,honoring their choices andkeeping them informed.

    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 33

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    34 C am pBe ll C ounTy

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    We accept Medicare, Medic aid,VSP and BCBS.

    R.L. Jordan, O.D., F.A.A.O.

    A.E. Mills-Fischer, O.D.

    J.L. Fischer, O.D.

    J.C. Maycock, O.D.

    R.L. Mills, O.D.

    David R. Fall, M.D., F.A.A.P.

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    Mindy Gilbert, PA-C

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    1308 W. 4th St.Gillette, WY 82716
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 35

    Medical Imagig

    In 2012, Bc roc ancemec in llC openedtheir otpatient diagnostic

    imaging center in Gillette toproide digital x-ray and MRI

    serices. The center, which hasstate-o-the-art eqipment and

    is staed by radiologists, proidessame-day serices and a 24-hor

    rotine trnarond time or allradiology reports.

    By Melanie Kilgore-Hill

    Physical Therapy

    Not Ptte Psc

    Teps Gillette clinic oerspatients a comprehensie

    otpatient acility, in-home careand early childhood deelopment

    programs. North Platte also isa reqent partner o Campbell

    Conty pblic schools and

    proides athletic training assistanceto high school athletes.

    Chirpractic Care

    At Petesen Copctc,

    Dr. Clinton Petersen proidesexperienced care to patients

    in Gillette, Wright, and thesrronding commnities.

    hetSoce of getteis part o the national chain

    o HealthSorce chiropractic

    and progressie rehab acilities.Locally, their chiropractors treatpatients with neck stiness,

    sports injries, arthritis,migraines, back or leg pain,

    disc degeneration and otherchronic medical conditions.

    Also in Gillette, ats

    Copctc is a wellness center

    that is committed to improinglies throgh chiropractic care

    and wellness serices designed

    to help patients optimize theirhealth and their lies. And

    lfeste Copctc pts an

    emphasis on patient edcationand determining the case

    o sblxations.

    Wmes Health Serices

    Womens health serices in

    Campbell Conty are as closeas Dr. Donald Parker, eteran

    obstetrician and gynecologist,and his team at assoctes nwoens het. Also in Gillette,Dr. Daid A. Beck o gettewoens hetce PC proides

    obstetrical care and cosmeticprocedres. Obstetrics, inertility

    assistance, gynecologic srgery,rinary treatment, hormone

    replacement therapy andliposction all are oered at the

    practice. Cosmetic procedresinclde laser hair remoal, photo

    rejenation, microdermabrasionand more.

    Another womens healthpartner in the Campbell Conty

    area is gette repoctehet, which proides arios

    medical serices sch as breastexams and blood pressre

    screenings, as well as conselingand edcational programs.

    Healthy LiigCampBell CounTy oerS mediCal ServiCeS or all STageS o lie

    Campbell County may be rural in population, but the regions quality health-care services rival

    those of many larger cities.

    liviNg: HEALTH

    Stay Well at WrRhab Soos s s tc sct t tts t

    bc t t s.rb Sts s s

    c ttt st t ist

    Sts . T s t t t

    st c tt, t

    ct js. ws t

    scs ctc c , b

    cs t c cbt s b.

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Higher Edcati

    uNivErSiTy OF wyOmiNgNOrThEaST rEgiONal CENTEr

    The uw Notest reonCente is in Gillette on West Sinclair

    Street, with a mission to extend theuniersity o Wyomings edcational

    programs to stdents beyond themain Laramie camps. Stdents in

    Gillette can stdy toward degreesand certiicates at the Center by

    tilizing distance edcationtechnology, adio teleconerencing,

    ideo conerencing, correspondencestdy, on-site edcation and online

    instrction. A ll-serice oicehandles admission, registration,

    inancial aid and adising.

    Priate Schls, Prgrams


    Campbell Conty stdents hae

    access to a ariety o edcationoptions beyond pblic schools.

    jon P ii Ctoc Scoo

    at St. Matthews Catholic Chrch

    in Gillette oers aith-basededcation or children rompreschool p to ith grade.

    Also in Gillette, the Pescooace oers a cstomized,

    aith-based crriclm designedto meet the indiidal needs o

    each child. The school oerspreschool and pre-kindergarten

    classes, which are open tostdents ages 3, 4 and 5.

    The Bos & gs Cb of

    Cpbe Cont oers seeral

    programs or school-aged childreninclding ttoring, edcational

    actiities, ciic lessons and ine artsclasses. The grop seres stdents

    beore and ater school, and all daydring the smmer months.

    Gradig SpacesSChoolS in CampBell CounTy are ClaSS aCTS

    Students and parents: You receive extra credit for knowing there are plenty of good academic

    options in Gillette and Campbell County, from pre-kindergarten through college. In addition,the area is home to top-notch programs and activities for students to enjoy.

    liviNg: EDuCATION

    Ear Assciate Degrees, CertificatesT t- G Cog s ssct s tts, ts, scc scc s s ctct

    s. Stts s c t, sst css / ct/tcc s, ssts ct s b t stc

    ts t - cs sts.

    36 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    new Schl

    BuFFalO ridgE ElEmENTary

    Bffo re is the newestschool in Campbell Conty, haing

    opened in Gillette in October 2012.Kein Sinclair is principal at the

    two-story bilding, which is paintedin browns, beiges, tans and other

    earth-tone colors . Balo Ridgeis the third elementary school to

    open in Gillette in recent years.

    By Kevin Litwin

    Pblic Schls

    CamPBEll COuNTy SChOOldiSTriCT NO. 1

    CCSd No. 1 is the third-largestdistrict in Wyoming, sering abot

    8,400 stdents in 20 schools andcoering 5,000 sqare miles o

    northeast Wyoming. The districtkeeps a 19:1 stdent-to-teacher

    ratio, and all acilities are eqippedor technology. Campbell Conty

    No. 1 was recently recognizedin Wyoming or the districts

    excellence in planning seo nds achieement, and

    relationships with stdents andparents. The CCSD plans to open

    a new elementary school and ahigh school in the all o 2014.

    Egaged i Edcatiat Coowoo emary Schoo wt, c s t Cb CtSc dstct n. 1, t stts tct t ss tt b

    ms. Js. S xt 275 stts t t sxt ,t sc s 15 t scs t stct.

    l btCb Ctsscs t

    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 37
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


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    38 C am pBe ll C ounTy
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


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    COMMunitY PROFile COST OF liviNg$78,975Median Hosehold Income

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    Janary Aerage Low Jly Aerage High

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    19 and under


    55 and Oer





    12 ms

    Closest Airport:getteCpbeCont apot

    5 msJanary Low National Low Jly High National High




  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    BuSineSSIf Campbell Ctys tp

    emplyers, jbs ad sccess stries

    40 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    dsc s Cb Cts s t

    Cal is kigBnSF Raway Compay, t st t tstt ts t u.S., s c

    t gtt ts t tcs.Cb Cts sst ctbts t

    t s st t bsss ct.

    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 41

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Pwered upenergy produCing Coal CompanieS drivegilleTTe, CampBell CounTy eConomieS

    When Gillette is referred to as the energy capital of thenation, its not just big talk. More than 40 percent of all coalused to produce electricity in the U.S. comes from here,thanks to many major players and the areas rich coalreserves. Traditional mining is still going strong, and withnew coal extraction technology and use, the future remainsbright for this booming bedrock industry. Many businesses

    in this industry are among Gillettes top employers.


    Abot 65 pecent o

    the state o Wyomings

    tax reenes come

    rom energy-rich

    Campbell Conty.

    Oil exploration began

    in Gillette in the 1940s,

    and the irst commercial

    oil ield discoery was

    made in 1968.

    FASt FACtS


    42 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming



    The Campbell Conty

    area beneits rom a strong

    transportation grid. State andnational highways complementa strong rail system, and the

    getteCpbe Cont apottakes care o the airways.

    The airport, located jst iemiles northwest o Gillette, is

    sered by both passenger and cargoairlines that inclde Great Lakes

    Airlines, which connects to unitedAirlines and Frontier Airlines hbs.

    The acilitys meeting room canhold 40 people, and its rentable

    T-hangars will accommodate mostsingle-engine aircrat.

    Cal Prdcti

    One-ith o all u.S. coal

    prodction originates in the Powder

    Rier Basin, largely de to schmajor players sch as Pebo

    Ene and Co Pe Ene.

    Peabody has three mines inthe area. The biggest is North

    Antelope Rochelle, which hasprodced more than 1 billion

    tons o coal. The company alsooperates the Caballo Mine and

    the Rawhide Mine.Clod Peak Energy has three

    mines in the basin, and controls1.3 billion tons o recoerable coal,

    soght by energy prodcers.

    By Joe Morris

    Each year the CampbellConty Chamber o Commerce

    recognizes and celebrates thework, leadership and progress

    o all its members with awardsnominated and chosen by

    member bsiness leaders.The ollowing awards were

    presented on No. 2, 2012.

    The winners are:

    ChamBEr awardOF ExCEllENCE

    (Small BuSiNESS):Basin Radio Network

    ChamBEr award OFExCEllENCE (largEBuSiNESS):

    Clod Peak Energy

    NEw ChamBEr mEmBErOF ThE yEar:

    ForFront Design Inc.


    ENTrEPrENEurOF ThE yEar:

    Pizza Carrello LLC

    FriENd OF ThEChamBEr award:

    First National Bank


    Sam Sanders president

    o First National Bank

    SPiriT OF gillETTE award:

    Erik Bergqist, owner oMaster o Ceremonies


    t btCb Ct

    cs t .

    Clea Eergy Effrtsp b t Bs ectc pCt t w

    mc p ac, t dry

    For Sao t s ss t gtt. T c-,stt--t-t t s

    $334 tcts st, s tt

    ts s t ssts t s tcc c.

    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 43

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming





    Theres a very simple reason why environmentalresponsibility is of the utmost importance tothe coal industry in Campbell County.


    44 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Just ask Gary Rivenes, chief operating officer forCloud Peak Energy.

    I live in Gillette, he says. I participate personallywith a lot of community and youth activities. It givesyou a really proud feeling to walk around the communityand know that youve helped to make it better.

    From energy conservation and safe handling ofhazardous materials to land reclamation and protection

    of birds of prey, the coal mines operated by Cloud Peakand Peabody Energy have for years been recognized fortheir protection of the environment and their efforts tohelp maintain the beauty of Gillette.

    Reclamation is of great value to us, Rivenes says.Were a Western people and we enjoy the outdoors. Puttingthe land back to the way it was given to us is important.


    Cloud Peak Energy, which operates the Cordero Rojomine just south of Gillette as well as the Antelope minefarther south and the Spring Creek mine in Montana,

    has been honored numerous times with environmentalawards from the Wyoming Department ofEnvironmental Quality and the Federal Office of SurfaceMining (OSM). In addition, it received OSMs GoodNeighbor Award in 2011 for its education outreachprograms in reclamation, biodiversity and mining skills.

    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 45

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


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    46 C am pBe ll C ounTy
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    We conserve energy whereverwe can, reduce greenhouse gasemissions and make sure we putthe land back as good as we foundit if not better, Rivenes says. Ithink weve reclaimed somethinggreater than 8,500 acres and

    reseeded them.Peabody Energy has earned a

    similar reputation for a multitudeof efforts in environmentalresponsibilities. The worlds largestprivate-sector coal company,Peabody was honored with a U.S.Department of the Interior 2012Excellence in Surface CoalMining Reclamation Award for itsprotection of raptor populationsat its flagship North AntelopeRochelle Mine in Campbell County.

    The honor came after nearlythree decades of monitoringshowed that populations of raptors including eagles, hawks, owlsand other birds of prey havebeen successfully sustained evenas mining activities increased.

    North Antelope Rochellehas a history of excellence instewardship including recognitionfor a quarter-century of successfulland restoration and wildlife

    protection from the WyomingGame and Fish Department.

    ENriChEd livElihOOdS

    The efforts of Cloud Peak Energyand Peabody are not lost on thecommunity. Dr. Dustin Martinson,CEO of Rehab Solutions, a physicaltherapy center in Gillette, saysthe areas coal industry does anexcellent job of countering anynegative perceptions of coal power.

    His enthusiasm for the companiesenvironmental responsibilities ledhim to start an advocacy groupknown as Friends of Coal Wyoming.

    This is our economy, ourlivelihoods, not just the coalminers but mine as well, saysMartinson, a lifelong residentof Gillette who treats miners forinjuries and helps with preventiveprograms. My livelihood dependson the coal miners having jobs.

    by John McBrydeby staff photographerJeff Otto

    m ctt ts c t C p es C rj .

    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 47

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming



    Smart MeJssc lC s

    Ma ems Appar.T st, s s

    t xt , b sz t t ct.

    48 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    While parts of the country have felt the impactsof a slow economy, Campbell Countys economycontinues to remain steady, and many sectors

    continue to see growth. Several businesses in Gillette haveexpanded, and new companies have launched. Other companiesheadquartered outside the county have opened offices inGillette to reap the benefits of its stable economy.



    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 49

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Our business environmenthere in Campbell County hasalways been very strong, saysFrank Latta, a former mayor ofGillette and founder of the newice manufacturing company, BlueSky Ice. Its been said around herea lot that if you need work and cantfind it in Gillette, its cause yourenot looking!

    One reason that CampbellCountys economy held its ownover the downturn of the last fewyears is its strong position in theenergy industry. Known as theenergy capital of the United States,Campbell County is one of theleading producers of coal in thecountry, and oil and gas productionalso contribute heavily to the localeconomy. According to the CampbellCounty Chamber of Commerce,

    the population has grown to 46,618residents, and the average medianincome is more than $78,975 per

    year. All of these factors have ledto growth and expansion or newbusinesses in the area.

    ExPaNdiNg OrgrOwiNg iNduSTriES

    Here are some highlightsdetailing some of themanufacturing or industrial firmsthat have expanded or increased

    their presence in Campbell Countyover the last few years. Yates Petroleum added new

    rigs to expand its operationsin Campbell County.

    Devon Energy also added morerigs in Campbell County.

    Interstate Power Systemsrecently built a new20,000-square-foot facility.

    Liebherr Mining Equipmentdoubled the space of its facility.

    Major Metal Service hasdoubled its capacity for flameand plasma cutting.

    NEw iNduSTry

    In January 2012, Blue Sky Ice,a new ice manufacturer, openedits facility located just off Interstate90 on the east side of Gillette.It currently has five full-timeemployees, and one of its founders,Frank Latta, says the companyanticipates adding 10 to 20 morepart-time employees in the next year.

    NEw Or ExPaNdEd rETailSTOrES/SErviCES

    In addition to new or expandedindustries, companies have alsoexpanded or opened new locationsin Gillette. These include: A Prairie Dawn relocated to

    a 5,000-square-foot facility onE. Boxelder Rd.

    Main Elements Apparel doubledthe size of the store after moving

    to a new location. Universal Athletic is expandingfrom 4,000 square feet to 7,000

    Ble Sy Ice ExpadsCs c s c st t B Sy ic gtt. it ct s -t s, t c tcts 10 t 20 t-t

    s t xt .

    50 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming



    While parts ofthe countryhave feltthe impactsofa sloweconomy,C ampbell Countys economycontinues to remain steady,a nd manysectors

    continue to see growth.S everal businesses in Gillette have

    expanded,a nd newcompanies have launched. Othercompanies

    headquartered outside the countyhave opened offices in

    Gillette toreap the benefitsofits stable economy.



    SmartMoveJssc LCr wsMainElements Apparel .Thstr, lsshwthxt, dld szftr t wlct.

    Liva biLiTy.Com/g iLLeTTe 49

    48 Cam pb eLL CounTy

    Read e r yr ae ad

    qcky hare arce h red.

    digiTal magaziNE

    There is still a very steady

    base of employment that

    doesnt change, which gives

    the area a lot of stability.dawN PFEiFlE,

    ownER o A pRAiRiE DAwn

    square feet when it movedfrom its existing location tothe Energizer Fitness Complex.

    Avenue Mall, located at 217Gillette Ave., was opened inApril of 2012 by the nonprofitgroup All About Women.

    FourFront Design, anarchitecture firm, opened

    an office in Gillette in 2012. Martin Engineering openedan office in Gillette in Augustof 2012.Despite the continued uncertainty

    of the economy, businesses areoptimistic about the environmentin Campbell County.

    We continue to broaden servicecapabilities in niche markets andremain confident that we will addfive to 10 additional employeesthrough 2013, says RussGroombridge, branch managerof Interstate Power Systems.

    There is still a very steadybase of employment that doesntchange, which gives the area a lotof stability, says Dawn Pfeifle,owner of A Prairie Dawn.

    by Kelly Kagamas Tomkiesby staff photographer

    Michael Conti

    livaBiliTy .C om /g ille TTe 51

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    52 C am pBe ll C ounTy

    There are many misconceptionsabout the coal industry, with somepeople only hearing about miningcave-ins and black lung disease inthe eastern United States.

    That might be the perception,but the truth is that coal inthe eastern U.S. is mined a lotdifferently than it is in Wyoming,says Julie Simon, president/CEO

    of the Campbell County Chamberof Commerce. In Wyoming, thereis open-pit mining done mostlyby machinery, and Wyoming hasa low-sulfur coal.

    Simon adds that CampbellCounty and Wyoming residentslive where coal is mined and donthave any higher rates of relateddiseases than anywhere else.

    SPEakiNg uP

    The chamber is vocallyaddressing energy especiallycoal because so many regulationshave been placed on the industry.

    It has gotten to the point wherein order for our local companiesto survive, they are looking intoother types of revenue includingexporting coal to China, Simonsays. To do that, they can transportthe coal to Canada or Texas toultimately export, although it wouldbe much more cost efficient andconvenient to ship from the portof Seattle and other states. ButSeattle is putting up resistance,so we at the chamber are hopingto set up informative presentationsin Seattle to address all themisconceptions of this industry.

    Small towns between Gilletteand Seattle are resisting the ideabecause open rail cars will needto pass through their towns totransport the coal to Seattle.

    Even though the coal is treatedand barely loses any dust upontransport, resistance continues,she says. Exporting the coalfrom Seattle would create manyjobs for that city because untilregulations are lifted and the allowed to become more energyindependent, tons of coal areexported to foreign countries.

    ParT OF ThE FighT

    Simon is working with theU.S. Chamber of Commerce; theInstitute for 21st Century Energy;and the Energy, Clean Air, andNatural Resources Committeeto push advocacy for the energyindustry in Wyoming.

    The voice of reason for energyadvocacy must come fromWyoming, she says. If we dont winthis battle, the federal governmentwill eventually close us completely

    down. That would be devastating andunfair for such a natural Kevin Litwin

    Bac i BlacChamBer ighTS or Coal induSTry

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming

    55/62319 S. Gillette Ave. 686-3300 520 Running W Dr. 685-7070

    ATM LocATions

    Corner of 4th & Kendrick (Drive-Up)

    106 N. Hwy. 14-16

    10800 S. Hwy. 59 (Shell Food Marts)

    Wyoming Center at CAM-PLEX

    Additiona l ATM locations available

    at the three branches pictured below

    Main Phone 686-3300

    24-Hour Banking 682-9184

    Bookkeeping 686-3340

    Loan Departments:

    Business 686-3325

    Personal 686-3315

    Home Loans 686-3330

    All First Nationa l Bank ATM,

    Debit & Credit Cards SurchargeFree Earn ScoreCard Rewards

    Campbell Countys Only Hometown Bankwww.fnbgil

    2400 S. Douglas Hwy. 685-7000


    eCOnOMiC PROFile

    hOuSEhOld iNCOmE

    TOP EmPlOyErS



    $29,999 and nder

    Campbell Conty SchoolDistrict No.1, Peabody Energy,Arch Coal

    Campbell Conty Memorial

    Hospital, Clod Peak Energy,Alpha Coal West

    Campbell Conty, Walmart,Bckskin Mining, City o Gillette

    EduCaTiON lEvEl

    High School Gradate

    Associate Degree

    Bachelors Degree

    Masters Degree


    72%White-Collar Jobs

    28%Ble-Collar Jobs


    6%City Sales and use Tax


    $693MAnnal Retail Sales

    $83MAnnal Hoteland Food Sales

    3,273Total Bsinesses

    TraNSPOrTaTiON& ShiPPiNg









    BNSF rCopn(307) 685-7460


    Coc uSa/Poe
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Business: see the county

    54 C am pb e ll C o unt y

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    S r hs h sr whC C s gr c

    d wrk

    Air-Cooled Plants Provides PowerCrg 36 crs r G s h Wyodak EnergyComplex whch cds r-cd wr s hrd r, s wr rh d rhsWg. th ps r wd Rck merg/pcfCr, whch cs wrk rdcs r c h srrdg r.

    livability.Com/Gillette 55

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Visit Our adVertisers

    Arbuckle Lodge

    Big Horn Pediatrics

    BW Insurance Agency


    Campbell CountyChamber of

    Campbell CountyMemorial

    Campbell CountySchool

    Cloud Peak



    Contractors Supply

    ERA BoardwalkReal Estate

    Farmers Insurance

    First Interstate

    First National Bank



    Gillette OptometricClinic



    L&J Operating Inc.

    Longs Plumbing& Heating


    Powder RiverDental Associates

    Premier Home


    South Fork

    Susan McKay, CPA LLC

    Toms Hot ShotService

    Wright Hotel &Open Range Steak


    2013 editiOn vOluMe 12

    et| Mch KeCtbt wts| Meae Kgre-H,Jh Mcbryde, Je Mrr, Chr Re,Key Kagama tmke

    Ctt Ct| Jeca waker behmSt wt| Ke lp m| Rae pey

    l ds| Erca lameyS gc dss| sacey A,lara Gaagher, Kr sex, Jake shre,vkk wam

    gc dss| Kara ley, Kacey pamreCt Tc ast| becca Ary

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    wb pjct m| Dad Daydt pjct m| J Rderwb dt l| Yame Hawb di| ne nerhywb ds ii| Rchard seewb pct m| Jh Hd

    C| Greg thrmapst/pbs| b scharzmaexct vc pst| Ray lageS v.p./Ss| tdd perS v.p./Ct dt| Jef HeeerS v.p./ots| Caey Heer

    v.p./Ss| Jarek sekkyv.p./Ctt ots| naaha lreac dt dct| Deaa neCt Scs dct| Chra Cardedstbt dct| Gary smhpt dct| Jefrey s. owb Scs dct| A Da

    Ct| Chr DdeyS acctt| la oeaccts pb Ct| Mara Mcaradaccts rcb Ct| Daa Gzma

    iT dct| Dae Care

    exct Sct| Kry Dcah rscs m| peggy bakerctst| lda bh

    Livability Gillette, Wright and Campbell County, WY hed aay y Jra Cmmcaic. ad dred hrgh he Came CyChamer Cmmercead memer ee.

    r aderg rma r drec qe

    r cmme a he magaze, cacJra Cmmca ic. a (615) 771-0080r y ema a

    r mre rma, cac:

    Cb Ct Cb Cc314 S. gtt a. gtt, wy 82716p: (307) 682-3673 x: (307) 682-0538.ttcb.c

    vs Livability: Gillette, Wright and CampbellCounty, WYo a

    Cyrgh 2013 Jra Cmmca ic.,725 C srg bd., se 400, rak, tn 37067,(615) 771-0080. A rgh reered. n r hmagaze may e rerdced he r arh re ce.

    Memer the Aca Magaze Meda

    Memer Cm Ce Cc

    Memer Came Cy Chamer Cmmerce

    Gillettewright and Campbell County, wy

    56 C am pBe ll C ounTy

  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Campbell County

    Chamber of CommerCe

    314 S. Gillette Ave.Gillette, WY 82716(307)

    Campbell County


    Development Corporation

    2001 W. Lakeway Rd., Suite CGillette, WY 82718(307)

    City of Gillette,


    201 E. 5th St.Gillette, WY 82716(307)

    Campbell County


    & visitors bureau

    1810 S. Douglas Hwy.Gillette, WY 82718(307)

    toWn of WriGht,


    201 Wright Blvd.

    Wright, WY 82732(307)

    for the CommunityWorKinG toGether
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Ad Index

    23 Arbucklelodgegillette

    34 bigHornPediAtrics

    51 bWinsurAnceAgencyinc.

    1 cAm-Plex


    c3 cAmPbellcounty


    32 cAmPbellcounty


    c4 cAmPbellcounty


    52 cloudPeAkenergy

    4 collegePArk

    25 collins


    1 contrActorssuPPlyinc.

    c2 erAboArdWAlk


    46 FArmersinsurAncegrouP

    51 FirstinterstAtebAnk

    53 FirstnAtionAlbAnk


    46 gillettecollege

    34 gilletteoPtometric


    2 JoyglobAl

    37 l&HindustriAl

    46 l&JoPerAtinginc.

    46 longsPlumbing


  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming


    Ad Index

    46 mArsHAllJeWelry

    6 PoWderriver


    39 PremierHomemortgAge

    4 sourcegAs

    15 soutHForkAPArtments

    38 susAnmckAy,cPAllc

    38 tomsHotsHotserviceinc.

    21 WrigHtHotel



    19 WrigHtWyoming
  • 7/29/2019 Livability Gilette Wyoming



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