listening assignments

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Listening Assignments


    Matthew Rauco

    Listening 19

    Mozarts Symphony No.40 was a very interesting piece. It seemed to switch pace and themes a lot

    throughout. But the majority of the time this piece reminded of a chase scene from an old Looney Toon

    cartoon. This piece is written in rapid sonata-form. The persistence and intensity used in the opening

    creates a sense of urgency from the very start of the piece. Throughout the piece it slows down to just

    violins or flutes lightly playing and then they pick up pace until the whole orchestra joins in. however as

    the piece continues it ends with a sad and touching feeling.

    Listening 20

    Haydnspiece symphony No. 94 is a funny piece. I completely understand why they use the word

    surprising in this piece because those random blasts from the brass always make me jump. The first one

    always gets me because the music starts off so pianissimo and I can barely hear it until it blares a

    fortissimo note from the brass section. This piece is written in the style of themes and variations. Haydnalso used a countermelody to get the full affect from this composition. The times that the violins are

    playing by themselves are always very peaceful.

    Listening 21

    Mozarts Eine kleine nachtmusik was a very soothing piece. This music made me think of in the older

    times when they had the huge extravagant balls and the women would wear huge dresses and it made

    me see all of them floating across the dance floor. This piece was only for the string instruments and

    used every instrument in the family. This hit various pitch levels but for the most part was very

    consistent. It started off with a stately melody and then switched to a gracious legato phrase and then

    back to a stately.

    Listening 22

    Beethovens String Quartet in C minor wasa solid piece and very interesting. This piece like how its

    name mentions uses only four instruments. Those four are the 1st

    violin, 2nd

    violin, viola, and the cello.

    The c minor that is used creates a playful theme with quick upward rushes. The speed at the end of the

    composition is mainly fortissimo. Also towards the end of the piece he uses several crescendos. The

    song basically picks up speed as the composition goes on. I have become a really big fan of all of the

    string instruments.

  • 8/13/2019 Listening Assignments


    Listening 23

    Mozarts Don Giovanni was a kind of chilling and eerie piece for me. The orchestra with the voices just

    made it all to real. I could visualize everything that was going on in this composition. It was written

    perfectly for like I said it really painted the picture. The molto allegro and the crescendo in the beginning

    kind of gave me a feeling on where this piece was going. Seeing the Don attempt to rape the girl and getdragged to hell was what really made it that much creepier and the orchestra did amazing with using

    music to emphasize certain parts.

    Listening 24

    Mozarts piano concerto No. 23 was not my favorite piece at all. I just dont like the piano concertos for

    some reason they just dont impress me enough. My favorite part of the movement was whenever the

    strings and the brass were used. Even though the only brass was the French horns I would have liked to

    hear way more from them. This piece was written in sonata form. It was also in quadruple meter. There

    was a part in this piece that sounded like it was from Don Giovanni the clarinet part which I though was

    very strange.

    Listening 25

    The first movement of Beethovens Symphony No. 5 was very enjoyable for me. This movement is

    written in Sonata form. Beethoven also wrote this song in duple meter and in C minor. I like it a lot more

    when all of the families are used together in one composition without one family overpowering the

    other and this composition does that very well. It has single rhythmic motive. My favorite part is always

    when the strings can showcase the huge variations that they can do with their instrument in terms of

    pitch and tone.

    Listening 26

    The fourth movement is fairly similar to the first movement. The fourth movement of the Beethovens

    Symphony No.5 was also very enjoyable to me. Just like the first movement this was written in sonata

    form and also written in C minor. This is the climax of this symphony. It provides the feeling of being

    triumphant. The two powerful cords at the very end were very memorable and very dramatically done.

    The trumpets were the instrument that impressed me the most in this movement they seemed very


    Listening 27

    Schuberts erlkonig was a very disturbing and dark piece. I really have never heard anything that is as

    dark and scary as this piece. Listening to the boy beg for his life and screaming for his Dad but yet he

    does nothing was very eerie. With the piano solo that begins it sets the pace of being very dark. This is

    one of the earliest examples of romanticism. The pianos opening rhythm is used to try and create a

    sound similar to that of horses trotting.

  • 8/13/2019 Listening Assignments


    Listening 28

    Schumanns Carnival Estrella is an awesome composition. I was very disappointed how short I was

    actually able to listen to it. This has a very upbeat and fun tone to it. The theme for it does seem like it is

    a carnival or a ball rather. This piece is written in A B A form. The two A sections are more forceful and

    the middle one is more soft and soothing. It seems like it would have a waltz-like accompaniment andwritten for a dance theme.

    Listening 29

    Schumans Reconnaissance is even better then the carnival Estrella. From these pasttwo pieces I have

    created fond bond with listening to other Schuman pieces. This one, like the last, is written in the A B A

    form. He uses the piano in a very unique way. I dont think I have ever heard the piano used in this sort

    of way. This piece is described as to be set up to resemble something of a reunion. I was surprised by

    how short the last section seemed to be.

    Listening 30

    Clara Schumanns piece Romance was another very well written composition. This piece was written in

    A B A coda form. Although I am not a very big fan of the piano, the flow of this piece is very impressive.

    The changes in melody through the different sections really help the piece standout. This piece is

    written in E minor for the piano. The ending that has the slowing of the tempo and the two questioning

    minor chords were my favorite part. The ending I think was the best part. This pitch is very constant and

    it sounds very consonance.

    Listening 31

    Chopins Etude was a very inspirational piece. During the time that this com position was being writtenthe Russian takeover of Warsaw was full in effect. This was written in A A coda form. It begins with a

    dramatic outburst using high and dissonant chords along with rushing of the passages. The only

    instrument in this piece is the piano once again. The tempo and pace of the song increases as time goes

    on. This piece ends with a very fortissimo with very powerful closing cords. This piece was also written in

    duple meter of 2/2 and supposed to resemble the revolution.

    Listening 32

    Mendelssohns concerto for violin and orchestra is another one of my favorites. This piece is written in E

    minor. It is also written in sonata form and in duple meter. I really like this one because of the emphasis

    of the strings that is on display in this composition. This piece was a very impassioned allegro.

    Mendelssohn did something very unique in the sense that he opened this song with a soloist rather than

    a whole group. He opened with a violin solo and then would end with the full orchestra. The crescendo

    at the end was really amazing.

  • 8/13/2019 Listening Assignments


    Listening 33

    Berilozs symphonie fantastique was a very interesting piece. The opening used a lot of percussion and

    the tempo and the beat of the song made me think it was a march of some sort. Then later in the song it

    seemed to switch to what seemed like the sound of a battle and a dance put together. I thought it was

    interesting choice to mute the French horn that was a unique sound for me. I thought it was funny howat the end a solo clarinet is playing a work when it dramatically interrupted. It had a very constant fast

    tempo throughout. I enjoyed the timpani roll at the end of the piece to make it sound like the battle was


    Listening 34

    Smetanas The Moldau is such a one of a kind composition. Each one of the parts is named and the

    music that he has written for it makes it sound like the title. Somehow he makes the instruments sound

    like the different types of water; he brings a very pleasant atmosphere to the wedding part and a

    dramatic piece to the hunting part. The brass that is used in the hunt makes it sound like a dramatic

    chase through the woods. He uses many crescendos throughout the work normal at the end of each


    Listening 35

    Dvoraks symphony No 9 was a piece that I like a lot! This piece is written in E minor and in sonata form.

    I thought that this piece would have maybe been a little bit better if it had percussion in it too. But I

    loved that each instrument got to show off their own skills. The first part of the song was very slow and

    used several downward phases. But then in the second part of the composition it seemed to pick up a

    little bit into a more playful rhythm mixing in crescendos and decrescendos. I love how in the end of the

    piece all of the instruments come together for a powerful ending.

    Listening 36

    Brahms symphony No. 3 was a piece that was just average to me. I personally didnt think it was the best

    one I have heard but all symphonies are still really impressive. This composition is written in A B A coda

    form. It is also written in c minor with triple meter (3/8). This piece is moderate in tempo and intensely

    lyrical in character. Like the last song this one was missing percussion. I feel as though when it is missing

    one the families the song is incomplete. It is lacking a key component in the music. The music is limited

    and is less versatile then if all instruments are present. The song changes tone colors throughout as well

    which is original.

  • 8/13/2019 Listening Assignments


    Listening 37

    Puccinis piece La Bohemeis a very touching piece. This is a play that focuses on two characters. Those

    two characters are Rodolfo and Mimi. They are two people who as the act goes on and the more they

    interact with one another the deeper the fall in love. It is very touching to see how the characters just

    simply fall in love with one another. The few instruments that are used in this play add a huge elementto the play and make it easier to feel the love. They are played in the background to help add the tune to

    the play.

    Listening 38

    Wagners Die Walkure was a very dramatic music drama.I really did enjoy this piece because it is

    written in such an interesting dynamic. The way the music is written is amazing that both the characters

    and the music work off each other and create such a strong theme. I would have liked this piece a little

    bit better if it was written in English because I think that it takes an aspect away because I dont

    understand them. The tempo of both the singer and the instrument are on an equal pace. When the

    singer raises his volume the instruments play louder. They exists hand and hand and make you feel the

    love they have for one another.

    Listening 39

    I was glad that it got back to a somewhat more traditional orchestra. Thats what made Debussys

    Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun so relieving to hear. It was written in a very moderate tempo and it is

    also written in E major. The form of the song is A B A. It uses all of the orchestras families but the

    woodwinds were defiantly used the most. I really like the crescendo that takes place in the middle of the

    piece while the woodwinds are playing. I also like the end of the first part where the violins crescendos

    and is accelerando to the climax. It was also very unique to hear antique cymbals used in a composition.

    Listening 40

    Stravinskys Le Sacre de Printemps was such an important symphony. The size of his orchestra was

    incredible. He included over 30 chairs for the different instruments. He also included 8 french horns

    which is very impressing because I have not heard another orchestra that used that. At the end of the

    piece there is a trill of violins and a trill in flutes.

    Listening 41

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