linkedin: confused to clever in 10 steps

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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My Top 10 LinkedIn Tips

I have used LinkedIn for over 6 years, I hope you find these tips


Tip 1Get a professional pictureMake sure you are looking at the camera and you are smilingLinkedIn is a professional site so you need to represent yourself well

Tip 2Your headline needs to be catchyAdd keywords to your headline so when people search you’ll come up in the results. Be succinct and get someone that understands your business to help you

Tip 3LinkedIn Personal LinkMake sure your profile page link is short so it is easy for you & others to remember. Click the cog icon next to your current link on your profile, edit it on the right.

Tip 4Get a good summaryYour summary should include some keywords and make sense to the people reading it, think about what you are using LinkedIn for and aim it at that. E.g. If you are job hunting word it so it shouts out to potential employers.

Tip 5Fill up your profileComplete all the sections for your employment, qualifications, experience, education, courses attended, projects you have been part of, voluntary work. Make sure it creates a picture for the audience that you want to get across

Tip 6Get your skills and endorsements completedThis is so important, add the skills you have that are important to the audience and then ask people you know on LinkedIn to “endorse” you. The more people confirm you are expert in your area the better.

Tip 7Add sections to your profileYou can add a variety of sections to your profile, this is available under your profile picture. Make use of this to demonstrate your experience, capability and success.

Tip 8Add connections that will help youHaving the right connections is key, you may know someone that knows the type of person you want to connect with so get them to introduce you. Other people maybe influencers so when you do any updates and posts it can show up in their profile feed.

Tip 9Recommendation, Recommendations!If there is one section you do it is this one, having recommendations on your profile is really important. They apply to each of the job roles you have held so you’ll need to ask people to do them and get them added to your profile.

Tip 10Interact in the groupsThis is my most important tip, join groups that will help you. If you are looking for a job then find recruitment groups. If you are a business then join networking groups or specialist groups to help in your industry. Comment and create posts to raise your profile so people know who you are and what you have to say. Your groups will show on your profile.

Don’t forget, keep your profile up-to-date

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