linfeng renaissance travel guide

Post on 22-May-2015






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N A M E : L I N F E N G Y E



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Detailed map of Renaissance Italy:

As you can see in the map, italy is divided in many city.

Date : 2009 .09 .25






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Renaissance Travel Guide

1.Detailed map of renaissance Italy


3. Which cities to visit

4. How to get around

5. Local customs and manners

6. What to wear

7. What to do and see

8. Where to stay

9. Where to eat

10.How to stay safe and healthy

11.Famous people

12.The End


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Welcome to Renaissance Italy

This travel guide is for people who want to get new ideas and develop their art and cutlers in Renaissance.

The Renaissance is a French word for “rebirth” .The Renaissance was a period of new inventions, beliefs and ideas that started in 14th century. The Renaissance was started by many rich Italian cities, such as Florence, Venice and Ferrara etc. Because these cities were very wealthy, many merchants started to spend their many on different things, such as painting, learning and new banking techniques.

Which cities to visit?


Florence is one of the big and developed city in the Italy. Nowadays there was a huge development in the arts, architecture, science, literature, government, and many other knowledges. The city of Florence, that's located in Central Italy, it was the main center of the Italian Renaissance. In this city, many famous Italian artists and architects created great works of art.

Venice Just as with Florence, Venice was a Republic during the Renaissance. Venice was built entirely on piles sunk into marshy islands at the head of the Adriatic Sea. Venice like Florence, had many artists who were patronized by wealthy merchants. Venice is one of the foremost cities of the Italian Renaissance.


During the day, the city of Rome was abandoned. The absence of the Pope caused a severe economic crisis that forced the population to abandon the city and Rome became a mass of ruins where herds of sheep and cattle grazed. But, after the year 1418, the year when Pope Martin V re-established the Papal see in Rome, the city began to be born again. But now it was again a great capital.

How to get around?1. By WaterWater transportation was by far the cheapest form of transport, so this was used for most trade between countries. The travellers by water are usually merchants soldiers.

2. By LandLand transportation was for the rich people, such as noblemen or merchants would ride in carriages, on horse, or carried on a litter. For the average person, horses would be very expensive, so they would rarely be used for personal transportation. If the average person rode a beast at all, it would most likely be an ox; the next step up would be a donkey. Or more often, people would just walk between towns.

* No spitting across the table.* No dipping meat directly into the salt dish.* No picking ones teeth with a finger or knife.* You would be introduced fork and plate in Italy.

Table manners

Local customs and manners

! Through the 1400s, food was served in a long trencher. Wealthy households would have some type of metal trencher, perhaps silver or pewter. Middle class homes would have a metal or wooden trencher. The very poor may have substituted a hollowed out loaf of bread in place of wooden trencher. People would eat from these trenchers, scooping out food with their fingers, and using bits of bread to sop up juices and broth.

-Social class

There are five social classes in Italy.

•Nobility, Merchants

•Rich People

•“Normal”People (Middle Class)

•Poor People



Dresses gradually lost their long trains, and flowing skirts became increasingly popular. The robe, which was actually a dress with an attached bodice and skirt, appeared on the fashion scene. Women also began showing their hair again. Instead of covering their heads, they adorned their coiffures with shimmering veils and dazzling jewels. In men's fashions, doublets shortened and low-necked tunics and chemises became common garb. Hose became a common necessity for the well-dressed gentleman. Brocades and velvets were among the favored fabrics for both men and women's clothing.

What to wear?

Florence Cathedral

The cathedral church of Florence, Italy, begun in 1296 in the Gothic style. This architecture took a very long time to complete building it.

ColosseumThe elliptical building is immense, measuring 188m by 156m and reaching a height of more than 48 meter. Emperors used the Colosseum to entertain the public with free games.

What to see and do?

Where to stay?

Inn- Inn was just a place where people can relax, you can have some food in there.

Casa- The familys in Casa was very friendly, you can stay in their house.

Where to eat?If you want to eat some food then you have to go inn. Nobleman and women eat roasted animals.

How to stay safe and healthy?

Black DeathLife in the city was soon to change drastically. During the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance (1350-1450) the bubonic plague, also called the "Black Death," devastated one half of the population of Europe.

Famous People

"Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet. He was the one of the principal exponents of Mannerism. Born at Caprese, the son of the local magistrate, his family returned to Florence soon after his birth. You can visit his family in Florence

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, a small country town. Stratford was famous for its malting. You can visit his house and have convercetion with him

William Shakespeare

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci is a famous painter.

Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452, "at the third hour of the night"in the Tuscan hill town of Vinci, in the lower valley of the Arno River in the territory of Florence.He was the illegitimate son of Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci, a Florentine notary, and Caterina, a peasant. Leonardo had no surname in the modern sense, "da Vinci" simply meaning "of Vinci": his full birth name was "Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci", meaning "Leonardo, (son) of (Mes)ser Piero from Vinci".

The End

My Travel Guide – Final Checklist

Name: __________________ Date: __________

Use this checklist before you hand in your travel guide!

! Does your travel guide have a cover page?

! Does your travel have an introduction with basic information about the renaissance (Who? What?

Where? When? Why?)?

! Have you included detailed information on

a) which cities to visit (Florence, Rome, and Venice)

b) how to get around (by land and by water)

c) local customs and manners

d) what to wear

e) what to see and do

f) what to eat and drink

g) how to stay safe and healthy

h) who’s who in the Renaissance (4 PEOPLE)

! Did you write your information in paragraphs?

! Does each paragraph have a topic sentence?

! Does each paragraph have supporting sentences?

! Are all the supporting sentences relevant (important)?

! Did you use connectors to connect your ideas? (e.g., First, in addition, furthermore, etc)

! Did you include a correct bibliography? See homework diary for help.

! Does each section of your travel guide have a heading?

! Does your travel guide have useful pictures or graphics that help us understand the Renaissance

period better?

! Did you use the same font for similar points?

! Did you revise and edit your travel guide?

! Will other people be interested in reading your travel guide?

Beijing BISS International School

Italian Renaissance – Travel Guide! ! ! ! ! ! ! Grade 9 Assessment Criteria! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! September ‘09

Criterion A: KnowledgeMaximum 10

Achievement"level Level descriptor 0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

1–2The use of terminology is inconsistent or incorrect. Facts and examples are either absent, or those used are irrelevant or do not show understanding.

3–4The use of terminology is mostly accurate and usually appropriate, though some errors remain. Facts and examples used are mostly relevant, and usually show understanding.

5–6Terminology is used accurately and appropriately. Relevant facts and examples are used to show understanding. The student provides accurate descriptions; explanations are adequate but not well developed.

7–8A range of terminology is used accurately and appropriately. A range of relevant facts and examples are used to show understanding.

9–10The student shows an excellent command of a wide range of terminology, and uses it appropriately. An extensive range of relevant facts and examples are used to show understanding.

Criterion C: SkillsMaximum 10

Achievement"level Level descriptor 0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

1–2The student can select and use some relevant information.. The student attempts to carry out investigations, demonstrating few skills.

3–4The student selects and uses mostly relevant information. The student demonstrates basic investigative skills.

5–6The student selects and uses relevant information. The student demonstrates adequate investigative skills.

7–8The student selects and uses a range of relevant information. The student demonstrates effective investigative skills.

9–10The student selects and uses a wide range of relevant information. The student demonstrates sophisticated investigative skills.

Criterion D: Organization and presentationMaximum 8

Achievement"level Level descriptor 0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.


The student communicates information that may not always be relevant. The student attempts to structure the work, but it may be unclear and/or inappropriate to the format required. Presentation is unclear and imprecise. There may be some evidence of documentation.


The student communicates information that is mostly relevant. The student attempts to structure and sequence the work but is not always successful. Presentation is occasionally unclear. Sources of information are documented, though there may be omissions or consistent errors in adhering to conventions.


The student communicates information that is relevant. The student uses a structure appropriate to the task and sequences the content logically. Presentation is clear; attention is paid to the audience and purpose in terms of appropriate language, style and visual representation. Sources of information are documented, with occasional errors in adhering to conventions.


The student communicates information that is always relevant. The student organizes information into a well-developed and logical sequence, appropriate to the format required. Presentation is clear, concise and effective, and the language, style and visual representation used are always appropriate to the audience and purpose. All sources of information are documented according to a recognized convention.


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