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Post on 23-May-2020






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Lighthouse MinistryLighthouse Ministry

May NewsletterMay Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Spring is one of my favorite �mes

of year! I love watching the dormant

trees bud new life, brown yards ex-

plode with color, and on the farm a

rush of new babies born in all shapes

and sizes. It is an exci�ng �me of year

which fills us with awe, wonder, and

hope, as we witness firsthand the

changing of seasons. It is this �me of

year that our academy students cele-

brate Earth Day by cleaning up trash

along local roads (Pictured above), recognizing our responsi-

bility to take care of what God has given us. God sure didn’t

spare any crea�vity when designing the change of seasons,

and the cycles of life. I am honored and humbled to have the

ability to witness it firsthand. The older I get, I feel I get a

be+er grasp on how fragile life is, and how miraculous God


A scien�fic study into any species of plant, animal, or

other living organism will amaze you as you discover the

handiwork of our God in ac�on. A similar study goes a step

further when studying the human body. Not only has God

created us with all the complexi�es of the animals around us,

but He went a step further and made us in His likeness… with

a soul and a spirit. He made us with the inten�on of inter-

ac�ng with us, and with the goal of a las�ng rela�onship. He

gave us personali�es and individuality, kni0ng each one of

us together with a purpose, a calling, and a plan (Psalm 139:

13-14). When we come to this understanding, it makes the

sins of our culture all the more appalling. I am blessed to

have seen the eyes of many in our society to be opened by

this recent movie, “Unplanned.” In spite of the efforts of

many media outlets to limit it’s publicity, this film has ex-

posed some of the many decep�ons and lies which have ena-

bled people to somehow jus�fy their sin in their own eyes.

There have been several laws as a result, limi�ng the murder

of our precious unborn babies. I hope to see a day where all

abor�ons are completely outlawed! This, however is not the

end of the story, but only the beginning. While the impact of

this film is great, the ba+le line is just being drawn. There are

s�ll thousands of babies being slaughtered. This sin has con-

sequences, both to the parents, to our na�on, and especially

to these precious babies. As I reflect on this, Colossians 2:20-

23 comes to mind: 20

Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the

world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves

to regula�ons— 21

“Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,” 22

which all concern things which perish with the using—according

to the commandments and doctrines of men? 23

These things in-

deed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false

humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the

indulgence of the flesh.

We can all be appalled by the sin of abor�on, and righAully

so, but what we need to realize is that our society, even our

churches, need a heart change. Regardless of the sin, we

cannot legislate sin away. Whether the issue is the abor�on

of our children, addic�on to pornography, or pride, the

ba+le is not won in the courts, but in the hearts of people.

Establishing a boundary is a good prac�ce, but we need to go

deeper than that to cure the cause of the sin. Our school stu-

dents have been memorizing 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 this

month, and coming to grips with the fact that all sins we

commit are choices we make. We are not forced into sin, and

are in no way obligated to sin. I pray we are filled with a

righteous anger toward the sins in our lives, and that we are

willing to deal with them honestly and rapidly. Only once we

fight this ba+le firsthand can we expect to impact those

around us with the same victorious freedom from sin!

-Pastor Jacob Masemore

“To Know Jesus Christ, and to make Him Known”“To Know Jesus Christ, and to make Him Known”“To Know Jesus Christ, and to make Him Known”“To Know Jesus Christ, and to make Him Known”“To Know Jesus Christ, and to make Him Known”“To Know Jesus Christ, and to make Him Known”“To Know Jesus Christ, and to make Him Known”“To Know Jesus Christ, and to make Him Known”

Lighthouse Community Church

Lighthouse Chris�an Academy & Bible Ins�tute Phone #(610) 682-2109 Fax# 610-682-0089

5 Penn St, P.O. Box 287 Lyon Sta�on, PA 19536

1888-202-4409 Toll Free

Pastor Al Zentner

Home (610) 944-0946 Cell (610) 334-3337

Assistant Pastor Jacob Masemore

(610) 334-9341

School Announcements

There is an overwhelming need for young

men serious about their rela�onship with

Jesus in the church. This group is for teen

guys to be challenged in their faith, and to

grow as Christ intended. Please join us!

May 14 & 28 @4pm

Monthly Scripture

Psalm 23

The LNOP is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the s�ll waters.

3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff

they comfort me. 5

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth

over. 6

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LNOP for ever.

Gradua�on & Awards Program

Our last day of School is May 31.

This is a jean day & noon dismissal.

The gradua�on & Awards program

is that evening, 7pm, at the

Leesport Farmer’s Market Banquet

hall. This is a dress-up event and

a7endance is required. There is a

dessert buffet following the pro-

gram. Please bring a dessert. We

look forward to celebra�ng the

conclusion of our school year to-


The Academy is Closed May

27th for Memorial Day

Yearbook Adver�sing

Our last fundraiser of the year conquers

the enormous task of funding our year-

book! This is a costly project, even

though we design, print, and bind it en-

�rely here in our office to save costs!

Please consider asking some of our local

businesses, or wri�ng a note of encour-

agement to your student! Ads are due

May 1st


Philadelphia Homeless Ministry

Thank you to all those who par�cipated in our sock distribu-

�on. We are planning a future date to join in another inner

city experience, but in the mean �me, we can bless the local

church from here! They include Scripture verses in each bag

they hand out. These are verses to encourage, bless, and

minister to the needs of this community. If you are able to

write some scriptures on cards, we will collect them and mail

them down to the locals to include in their weekly distribu-

�ons. See Pastor Masemore if you are able to help with this.

It is �me that we be seriously consider-

ing and planning Vaca�on Bible School

for this summer. Vaca�on Bible School

runs the week of July 22-25. Please

join us in praying for a theme for this

year, and contact Pastor Masemore

with any ideas, sugges�ons, or if you

are able to help in planning.

We are in need of a church work day

in the near future. There are some

projects both outside and inside the

church that need some a7en�on. We

are hoping this to take place some-

�me in June. If there is a Saturday

that is par�cularly good or bad for

you, please see Pastor Masemore so

we can solidify a date.


There is no Sunday Evening

Intercessory Prayer Mee�ng at

this �me. If there is a �me which

suites you for a prayer mee�ng,

please see Pastor Zentner. We

would like to start it up again!

There is an overwhelming need for young

men serious about their rela�onship with

Jesus in the church. This group is for teen

guys to be challenged in their faith, and to

grow as Christ intended. Please join us!

May 14 & 28 @4pm

As a church family, let’s strive to

memorize a verse every week.


WELL! Students who can say the

weekly verse to their Sunday

school teacher or one of our pas-

tors get a reward. Adults are also

welcome to recite them!

Due May5— 2 Peter 1:3-4

Due May12—2 Peter 1:5-7

Due May 19 —-2 Peter 1: 8-9

Due May 26——2 Peter 1:10-11

There is no Bible Study

during the month of

May. It will resume in

June Looking to the Summer!

VBS Planning Mee�ngs: Sunday

Nights, 7pm in June & July

Annual Church Picnic: July 21

Vaca�on Bible School: July 22-25

Annual Bap�sm: July 28

Prayer & Praise Center

Praise God for His answered prayer

• New families a+ending Lighthouse

• Exci�ng tes�monies being shared!

• Discipleship Class– great group

• Mary Reinert as our new Sunshine Lady

• Julie Conte as our new Event Planner

• Angie Steltz– Job going well

• Successful brain tes�ng for Joel Ziegler

• Successful surgery for Nancy Delp

• Russel Seidel kidney transplant

Prayer Needs

• Glen Moatz – Skin Cancer

• Ralph GiV– Recovery

• Joel Ziegler– Brain surgery May 28

• Our country/ direc�on

• Angie Steltz– Back

• Billy Greiss Healing

• Debbie Zentner– Diabetes

• The Long Family– Healing

• Baby Kenneth– Menckes Disease

• God’s outpouring /Move of Spirit

• Michael Brash– Healing from Surgery

• Johann Wildermuth– personal

• Niki Nolte– cancer treatment recovery

• Nancy Delp– Recovery from Surgery

• Mary Jane Seidel– Wrist healing

• Joyce Deitrich– Recovery from Surgery

• Russel Seidel– Recovery from Surgery

Scripture tells us that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effec�ve– James 5:16. We have a prayer

chain available to aid in brothers and sisters liVing your needs in prayer. To put a request on the prayer chain,

call Mary Reinert,(610-641-0401), or Russ Seidel (610-682-6673) and they will get the word around.

Here are a few recent prayer needs and praises:

Birthdays & Anniversaries for May

Ian Zepp ** 10 BD 22 Deysher Rd, Fleetwood, Pa. 19522

Shawn Mull 13 BD PO Box 112, Lyon Sta�on, Pa 19536

Joyce Dietrich 15 BD 153 Do+erer Rd., Lenhartsville, Pa 19534

Emma Sacks ** 15 BD 317 Kennedy Ave., Mertztown, Pa 19539

Alton Zentner 18 BD. 195 Forgedale Rd., Fleetwood, Pa. 19522

Kenneth Dockery 20 BD. 8400 Hun�ng Saddle Dr., Hudson, Fl 34667

Joyce & Clifford Dietrich 28 Anv. 153 Do+erer Rd., Lenhartsville. Pa 19534

Sydney Zepp ** 29 BD 22 Deysher R%d, Fleetwood, Pa 19522

If you know of anyone missing from this list or wrong addresses, please let us know so we can correct our records.

Student ConventionStudent Convention

We had another successful trip to the Mid

-Atlan�c Student Conven�on! This year, 9 stu-

dents and three sponsors represented our

school compe�ng in many different events. In

addi�on to the many individual medals listed

below, we are honored to have been present-

ed with two special awards. We achieved the

honor of 1st place in overall academic perfor-

mance, and third place in overall athle�c performance. This is a huge honor, as

there are many schools which a7end this conven�on from the Mid-Atlan�c 5

states! Check out some of our individual placings below!

Aicha Fitzgerald– 3rd Linear PowerPoint, 5th Tradi�onal Ins�nc�ve Archery

Wya7 Kline– 1st Science Exhibit-Research, 2nd Scripture Video, 3rd Pen & Ink, 3rd Bare Com-

pound Archery, 4th Linear PowerPoint, 4th Instrumental Duet, 5th Checkers, and was on our 6th

place Basketball team.

Jonathan McCarthy-2nd Scripture Video, 4th Bare Compound Archery, 5th Linear PowerPoint, 6th

Science Exhibit-Research, and was on our 6th place Basketball team.

Jane’e Rohrbach-2nd Tradi�onal Ins�nc�ve Archery, 6th Table Tennis

Steven Sutliff– 2nd Scripture Video, 4th Discus, 5th Pen & Ink, 6th 100 Meter Dash, and was on

our 6th place Basketball team.

Devon Swartzentruber– 1st Science Exhibit-Engineering, 1st PowerPoint Linear, 1st PowerPoint

Nonlinear, 1st Wood Construc�on, 2nd Woodcarving, 2nd Tradi�onal Ins�nc�ve Archery, 2nd

Scripture Video, 3rd Bare Compound Archery, 4th Website Design, 5th Discus, 6th Science Exhibit

– Research, and was on our 6th place Basketball team.

Jonathan Swartzentruber-1st Limited Freestyle Archery, was on our 6th place Basketball team.

Kenneth Swartzentruber-1st Bare Compound Archery, 4th Instrumental Duet, 5th PowerPoint

Linear, 5th Table Tennis, and was on our 6th place Basketball team.

Aaden Zentner– 2nd Scripture Video, 6th Pen & Ink, 6th Bare Compound Archery, and was on our

6th place Basketball team.

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